Sympathy for the Forsaken: A Warcraft-AU CK2 Quest

Can we? How? I don't see crusaders being rude to them, or anything. Crusaders actually fight Scourge and make it known, unlike we.

Assure them that as the dominant power in the region that they will not be harmed, be forced into conscription, or asked to donate to the fight.

That's my best idea tbh.
Assure them that as the dominant power in the region that they will not be harmed, be forced into conscription, or asked to donate to the fight.

The thing is: with crusaders gone, we are the dominant power, yes. But if they are still present, then it's a questionable thing.
I think its been said that we know where they are operating from no? Once we take the Monastary all we need to do is eat up whats left of the Scarlet Crusades patrols and straglers. No leadership = No problem.

I don't see the town knowing about any other humans nor will they go all out on us if we can get them to trust us to not screw them over.
I want to write about something but I'm not sure what. Can someone give me some ideas? I really need them.
Turn 4
Turn 4
The Royal Quarter of Undercity is a bustle of activity as news of the situation in the East hits the court, and the city at large, like a tidal wave. The Scrourge, long seen as a monolithic, single minded army of evil undead utterly united around the Lich King and his chosen commanders, was in the throes of internecine warfare. While in Tirisfal minor death knights and necromancers fought each other over small patchworks of farm land and tiny hamlets, that was assumed to be due to Tirisfal being a backwater, forgotten front by the Scourge. In the Plaguelands, the heart of Scourge power and control, the idea of massive armies of undead clashing as their leaders formed squabbling cliques was unthinkable. It seemed that the longer Arthas kept his silence the worse the conflicts got. No Death Knight or Lich would dare thing to betray their beloved King, but they had little objections to trying to consolidate power and get rid of rivals.

This state of affairs brought great hope to the people of Undercity. The Scourge divided was a Scourge that could be fought, a Scourge that wouldn't send its uncountable armies against the rebels hiding out in the crypts and tunnels of a ruined city. And in the halls of power the opportunities long thought impossible were now being presented to those canny enough to take them. Commander Belmont especially had the Banshee Queen's ear at this time, along with the continually upbeat Vellcinda. Eventually the campaign against the Crusade in Tirisfal would be concluded, hopefully in the Forsaken's favor. Much of Undercity's information network was pointed towards frustrating the Crusade at every turn, but eventually that would not be the case. Even if the Forsaken decided to turn south into Silver Pine for expansion, the threat of a Scourge Army marching through Darrow Pass would hang over their heads. Fortification could be built to block the Pass, true, but the best keep was one that was never used.

The Empires of Quel'Thals, of the Kaldorei and much latter the Arathi had used a simple concept: Divide et Impera, divide and conquer. Together the many Trollish tribes could've strangled the Empire of Arathor in the cradle; but by playing them off each other the early human emperors and their High Elven advisers had kept a new Guurbashi Empire from emerging. As was then could apply now, as at least one faction of the Scourge seemed open to Forsaken diplomatic overtures. If both could be reached by Vellcinda's burgeoning diplomatic corp, then Belmont could send in the more socially adept infiltrators of the Forsaken.

For if the Scourge could be played off each other, not only could they be kept from attacking. For eventually undead would need to fight undead. The Forsaken and the Scourge could not exist in the same world together for long. If they Scourge could be divided, eventually, they could be be beaten. And if they could be beaten in Lordaeron then, maybe, the dream of true freedom could come true. Maybe Northrend and Icecrown itself would one day quake in fear as they felt the full wrath of the Forsaken.

Martial (Choose 1, 1 Locked In) - Nathanos Blightcaller is Champion of the Banshee Queen and Ranger General of her armies. Under his watchful eyes he seeks to bring up the status of the Forsaken military from a ragtag group of walking corpses in rags and tatters to something resembling a professional army. Blightcaller is a master of using special forces and highly trained individual units to accomplish objectives. This elven approach to war makes him focus less on the mainline units of the Forsaken army.

[]Rag and Bone Men: The Forsaken have a natural skill for warfare built into them, as do all creatures raised by the Lich King as part of his Scourge. Because of this the average Forsaken citizen can prove to be formidable fighter without any training and minor equipment. Forsaken militia, while no match for proper regular infantry, can do better than the armed populace of other races. CoS: 100% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 100 Gold Upkeep: 20 Reward: 4 Units of Forsaken Militia

[]First of the Guard: Lordaeron was once the most powerful human nation in the known world, and thus had one of the most well armed armies. Across the ruins of the city armories, smiths and other caches of arms and armor may be found. While a good deal will be pitted and rusted there is enough usable metal that several units of regular infantry can be raised, the first of many to fight for the Banshee Queen. CoS: 100% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 200 Gold Upkeep: 20 Gold Reward: 2 Units of Forsaken Infantry

[x]Hands of the Banshee Queen: The elite unit raised by Nathanos Blightcaller, known as the Hands of the Banshee Queen, took severe casualties during the assault on Fenris Keep. Reduced to around half strength the special unit desperately needs new blood to be effective again. Thankfully Blightcaller has noticed enough promising recruits that he thinks he can rebuild the unit. The problem is that doing so will cost time and money. CoS: 100% Time: 2 Turns Cost: 200 Gold Upkeep: 20 gold Rewward: Forsaken Elites raised to full strength

[]Scarlet Shore: The last of the centerpieces of the Scarlet Crusade's tower and fort system watches over the northern shore of Tirisfal. This tower protects Northshore Monastery from the sea and makes any concentrated assault against their main head quarters in the region by land a precarious thing indeed. If this tower can be destroyed then Northshore would be completely cut off and a proper siege of the center of fanaticism in Tirisfal can be put to siege. It would also please the Blighted Council greatly and give the citizens of Undercity a sense of security when moving about the region. CoS: 75% Time: 1 Turn Cost: Possible Unit Loss Reward: Scarlet Crusade in Tirisfal Isolated, Assault on the Monastery possible.

[]When Zombies Fly: The ability for the Forsaken military to deploy airbone units has gotten Nathanos worked up into a frenzy. While it would break the bank and likely isn't workable at this moment Blightcaller wishes to eventually be able to field flying units as recon, air support and transport units. For right now though he wishes to simply train a group of militia to fight on the backs of the bats as a proof in concept. Time: 1 Turn Cost: 300 Gold CoS: 75% Reward: 1 unit of Forsaken Flying Militia, Martial Options unlocked

[]Last of the Rot Hide: While the cruel intelligence behind the Maggot Eye Clan fell at Fenris Isle, a group of them had actually made their way all through Tirisfal up to Garren's Haunt before that. A terror to the surrounding farms and the Scourge outposts in Brill and Agmand Mills, they are now on the frontier of the Forsaken advance. Taking Garren's Haunt would provide an outpost for control over many of the northern farmsteads, as well as a base for striks at Agmand Mills. Time: 1 Turn Costs: Potential Unit loss CoS: 75% Reward: Rot Hide wiped out, Garren's Haunt taken

Stewardship (Choose 1) - Varimathras is a Dreadlord, one of the great demon commanders of the Burning Legion. Forced into Sylvanas's service during the Third War he now is the Majordomo of Undercity and in charge of the running of the Forsaken as a whole. While not widely liked or trusted by the undead, Varimathras has managed to gain a measure of grudging respect for making sure that the Forsaken have food, shelter and the semblance of an economy. He is quick to note that you are running quite the deficit and the treasure you looted from the Lordareon Royal Vault will not last for much longer.

[]Mushroom Madness: While it may seem strange, the undead still need a minor amount of food to function. Their nutritional needs are much lower than other races and they can survive for quite a while without eating, but eventually those raised by the Plague of Undeath will wither away without getting sustenance of some kind. Since everything tastes like ash to the Forsaken there is no worries about taste and thus mushrooms have become one of the main backbones of the Forsaken diet. The Dreadlord thinks that with some tunneling and restructuring the rudimentary farms set up during the initial push into Undercity can be expanded upon. CoS: 80% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 50 Gold Reward: +30 Farming Income

[]Center of the City: Undercity is broken up into different Quarters, a relic of when the city was meant to serve as a massive military base for the Scourge. Since they every part of the city but the center has gotten a specific purpose. Varimathras has the idea to turn the currently vacant center isle of Undercity into a trade and commerce hub, a feature the Scourge left out due to having no need for such a thing. While right now it would simply provide space for local crafstmen and farmers to sell their wares, hopefully one day it will provide a space to do business for all friends of the Forsaken. CoS: 80% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 100 Gold Reward: +20 Gold Trading Income, +10% boost to any future trade deals and inter-nation commerce

[]End of Hibernation: Above ground lies one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the world, though sadly currently in ruins. It seems a grand shame to waste the city of Lordaeron so. In this spirit Varimathras has drawn up plans for future Forsaken expansion into the ruined city above, properly claiming it and establishing both a top and bottom side populace. The risks of being discovered and dealing with a siege are great, but the prestige and national pride from completing such a project cannot be measured. Time: 4 Turns Cost: 300 Gold, Vulnerable to Siege During Construction CoS: 60% Reward: Restored Capital City, Diplo Rep Boost, Increased citizen happiness, ???

[]Recreating Brill-iance: Brill, once the jewel of Tirisfal, has suffered greatly at the hands of the Scourge. The intial attacks and riots left a great deal of the city burning, and the subsequent years of disuse and misrule has left the city a shell of its former self. However where there is a will there is a way. Forsaken settlers, tired of living in the cramped conditions of Undercity, are prepared to move out and help rebuild Brill in their own image. It will take time and money, but the results will be worth it. Time: 2 Turns Cost: 200 Gold CoS: 80% Reward: +100 Trade Income, Brill Restored, Stewardship Options unlocked

Diplomacy (Pick 1): Vellcinda Benton, a former scullery maid, was one of the first zombies to regain their minds in Tirisfal. A symbol of hope and freedom she gathered together a mass following and became incredibly popular among the average Forsaken citizen. In another life she might have been the Forsaken's Dark Lady, but instead she serves you a liaison to the people and the other powers of Azeroth. Such that there are.

[]The Shiplords: Kul Tiras. Island stronghold of the Alliance, one of the last of the free human nations to survive the Scourge. A violent blockade and a Shoot On Sight policy towards anything that smacks of the Scourge has kept Kul Tiras safe, but also cut them off from the rest of the world. It would not be...impossible to try and get a diplomatic missive through, but very, very unlikely. The chances of a diplomat not getting blown out of the water, to say nothing of an actual deal being reached, is quite low. Vellcinda is still willing to try, however. Time: 2 Turns Cost: 50 Gold CoS: 10% Reward: Diplomatic Access to Kul Tiras

[]Beyond the Wall: Greymane Wall separates the hermit kingdom of Gilneas from the rest of Azeroth, a massive fortification that dwarfs Thoradin's Wall and comes close to outmatching Thandol Span; and unlike the former two it still stands. There has been no information on the Gilneans since the Scourge came, the most anyone knows is that the Wall still stands and the howling of wolves can be heard across Baradin Bay on moonlit nights. A diplomatic expedition could be sent to learn what because of the isolated kingdom, and perhaps win friends for the Forsaken. Time 1 Turn CoS: 20% Cost: 50 Gold Reward: Information on Gilneas, possible diplomatic ties

[]Daiodachi Liches: The situation in eastern Lordaeron is much, much different than what the Forsaken had assumed. With the continued silence from Arthas his various underlings and advisers have begun warring among themselves. The main factions of these warring Scourge factions the Forsaken know of is the Andorhal faction, led by the usupred Araj the Summoner and the Caer Darrow/Scholomance Clique, led by Darkmaster Gandling and Alexi Barov. Where the feared Ras Frostwhsiper, true master of Scholomance is in all this is unknown, but from what the Forsaken can tell the clash has been dominated by the great clash of undead hordes along the shores of Darrowmere. A more in depth exploratory expedition can be sent into the Plaguelands to better sound out both factions. CoS: 55% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 50 GP Reward: Information on Andhorhal and Caer Darrow Cliques

[]Solace at Solliden: Scouts out of Brill have reported the movement and lights in the distant village of Solliden. While once just one of many tiny farming villages in Tirisfal, it looks like a band of humans have gathered in the village. Vellcinda is bouncing off the wall at the prospect of doing actual diplomacy with someone, but the rest of the Council are less excited. After all, humanity has proven hateful towards the Forsaken before. Why should that change now? CoS: 35% Cost: 20 Gold Time: 1 Turn Reward: Solliden felt out for diplomacy? Hopefully Nothing Goes Wrong

Intrigue (Choose 1) - Commander Belmont was a student of Ravenholdt Manor in life and death has only strengthened his love of all things shadowy and underhanded. A prime example of a Rogue he has quickly risen to the top of the local Thieves Guild, naming it the Undercity Lodge of the Ravenholdt and working to secure a home for his new people. A master of infiltration and information gathering, Belmont hopes to see the Forsaken dominate the information game in Lordaeron.

[]Those in the Shadows: The ancient Lodges of the Ravenholdt were utterly destroyed during the Scourge's invasion; but thankfully for Undercity many former members regained their free will as the Forsaken were rising. Sylvanas has need of a capable group of undead who can reliably take on missions of espionage and intrigue, and Belmont seeks to deliver. CoS: 60% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 100 Gold Upkeep: 50 Gold Reward: Dedicated Forsaken intelligence agency, +1 Intrigue Action

[]Seeing Red: The source of the human attacks have been confirmed to be the Scarlet Crusade, but the Forsaken still know very, very little about these zealots. Belmont is proposing an aggressive reconnaissance mission to survey Tirisfal Glade and try to suss out all the Scarlet Crusade positions within. After all, even once Brill has been taken the real war against the Crusade must begin. CoS: 60% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 40 Gold Reward: Information on Scarlet Crusade

[]End of the Rope: The Scourge command post in the Gallow's End Tavern had a wealth of papers and correspondence buried away in Cromwell's personal chambers. Unfortunately about half of it is useless and the other half is written in code. Belmont is fairly sure he can break the cipher, and hopes that doing so will reveal more information on the hated, ancient enemy. CoS: 55% Time: 2 Turns Cost: 100 Gold Reward: Intel on Undead Scourge activities

[]Scarlet Codes: The capture of Scarlet Crusade notes during the latest taking of a Crusader outpost has given the Forsaken a chance to get a look at the inner workings of the secretive order. The actual command strucutre and size of the Crusade is not known, and while these letters won't give a full picture, they will give Belmont a lot more to work with than he had before. The main worry of the Forsaken is if the Crusade exists outside of Tirisfal, and these letters will hopefully shed light on that mystery. CoS: 70% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 100 Gold Reward: Information on the Crusade

Learning (Choose 1) - No one really trusts Grand Apothecary Putress all too much. A former alchemist in service to the last king of Lordaeron, Putress fell victim to the Scourge during Arthas's butchering of Capital City. Before he died Putress has been part of the royal effort to understand and combat the Plague of Undeath and carries that knowledge with him into death. While most of his attention is focused on the Plague his alchemical genius can be put towards other efforts easily enough

[]Prognosis: Even a year later no one, not even its victims, truly understand how the Plague of Undeath functions. It blights the land, body and soul in the way a normal disease, or even most magical ones, cannot. If the Plague is to reversed, or repurposed for use by the Forsaken, it must be understood at a base level. Doing so will take time and gold, but Putress has a series of tests lined up to look for baseline results CoS: 60% Time: 2 Turns Cost: 400 Gold Reward: Phase 1 of Plague Tests Done

[]Putresstein's Monster: One of the main linebreakers of the Scourge is the Undead Abomination. Massive creatures made of up many dead bodies stitched together and enhanced with alchemical liquids and augments, Abominations can wreak havoc on regular infantry and cavalry. Their creation has been lost to the Forsaken, but it may be possible to regain such knowledge and bolster up the ranks of Undercity's armies with these horrible creatures. CoS: 70% Cost: 200 Gold Time: 2 Turns Reward: Able to Create Undead Abominations

[]A Royal Decree: Right now Putress is working mostly on his own or with a few scattered acolytes and apprentices to help him out. The apothecary has been asking for an offical royal decree naming a Royal Apothecary Society; an official research and development organ of the Forsaken government. Sylvanas is loathe to give Putress more resources and trust, but he is right in that an organized and dedicated society would be much more efficent at getting research completed. CoS: 60% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 100 Gold Upkeep: 50 Gold Reward: Creation of the Royal Apothecary Society, +1 Learning Action

[]Ancient Graves: Brill is built upon a massive burial site dating back to the first human tribes. The Arathi used to bury their most respected warriors, kings and shamans in great cairns. While these eventually erroded away, their burial chambers mixed in with crypt tunnels and collapsed graves to creatre a somewhat navigable warren under the massive graveyard just outside of Brill. Putress could be convinced to outfit an expedition to see what lies below. CoS: 60% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 200 Gold Reward: Artififacts??? Good Stuff??

Piety (Choose 1) - There is no formal head of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows, but Aelthalyste is the spirtual leader of the faith in all but title. Formerly a High Elf native of Stormwind, Aelthalyste fell into the company of the heretic Natalie Seline and was an eager disciple of the rogue bishop until her murder by the Church. Aelthalyste fled north to Lordaeron and hide some scraps of her works in the sewers of the Undercity. After being killed by Arthas during the sacking of Capital City she reemerged to spread the teachings of Seline and bring about the balance between Light and Dark.

[]Conclave of the Dark: The Cult is a new religion, having no structure and no organized doctrine or orthodoxy. While fine for a underground heretical sect, this is less acceptable for a state religion meant to prop up the image of the Forsaken. A Conclave must be held to determine how the Cult should function and what its beliefs and strictures are. CoS: 55% Time: 2 Turns Cost: 100 Gold Reward: Cult Given Structure, Less Chance of Harmful Heresy emerging, Less Confusion Among Forsaken Populace

[]Spreading the Shadow - Brill: Brill, being the center of commerce in the region, once boasted a fairly sizable church of the Light on its outskirts. While the Scourge smashed all the iconogrpahy and let a host of banshees live in it for a long while, the structure itself is still fairly impressive. A group of Cult members, along with a priest, can be sent out to repair the church and rescantify it to the Cult. Cos: 75% Cost: 100 Gold Time: 1 Turn Reward: Cult of Forgotten Shadows established in Brill.

Personal (Choose 1) - Sylvanas Winderunner, the Dark Lady of Undercity, Banshee Queen of the Forsaken. She fought against Arthas and at his side and was legendary even before her death as Ranger-General of Silvermoon and one of the Windrunner Triplets. It is through her force of personality that the Forsaken are brought together and by her will and desires that they work. She will not let her people be slaves again.

[]A Putrid Personage: Putress is up to some silly buggers and Sylvanas does not especially have time for his bullshit at the moment. The Apothecary respects forwardness, so Sylvanas is going to march up to his door and demand to know what his side projects are. Either hes trying to betray her, fucking around or doing something that might actually help the Forsaken as a whole. Sylvanas would prefer the latter but isn't getting her hopes up. CoS: 45% Time: 1 Turn Reward +Relationship between Sylvanas and Putress, Dreaded Alchemical Mystery Box

[]Belmont Clan: Sylvanas knows very little about her master of shadows and spies. Legends have it that the Belmont family were renowned for their holy warriors and soldiers, mixing the martial arts of the knight with the killing stealth of the rogue to destroy Troll voodoo sorcerers and other magical terrors during the many wars of Lordaeron. It might be worth talking to Belmont about his family. CoS: 55% Time: 1 Turn Reward: +Relationship Sylvanas and Belmont, Knowledge of the Belmont Family

[]Shadows of the Grave: Alethalyste is a former native of Stormwind and one of the first banshees to join the Forsaken, beyond Sylvanas herself of course. It is her faith, however, that makes her stand out. Claiming to have known the founder of her religion before both of them died, the banshee has been adamant in her convictions and happy to have found eager ears among the undead. It may be worth Sylvanas talking to her to get a better grasp on the religion her own nation has set as policy. CoS: 75% Time: 1 Turn Reward +Relationship Sylvanas and Alethalyste, Info on Cult of Forgotten Shadows, Personal Options Unlocked

((Two hour moratorium to bring about discussion))
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I want to write about something but I'm not sure what. Can someone give me some ideas? I really need them. the top of my head...

An Second War vet turn Forsaken reflecting on his duty?

Cult of Forgotten Shadows Priest working out doctrine and the cult around Sylvanas?

One of Arthas soldiers who was Stratholme with guilt over what they did, and even failed to do ir properly?

Human and High Elf Forsaken odd friendship?
Gold: 365
Income: 90
Expenditures: 55

We are running really thin on gold, so we can't take the expensive options which limit us too much.

[]Scarlet Shore:
[]Last of the Rot Hide:

These two are important, I just don't know which would be more important to do first.

[]Recreating Brill-iance:

I don't think this should be taken until both of the Martial options above are finished, since Brill is currently on the edge of our controlled territory and at risk of being attacked. But we can't afford to not increase our income so...

[]Mushroom Madness:

While the reward isn't too big, it's cheap enough that it pays itself off in two turns.

[]Daiodachi Liches:

While I'm uncertain if we should be taking diplomacy actions with our limited budget, if we are taking one, it should be this one.

[]Seeing Red:
[]Scarlet Codes:

Either of these should be taken, as they tell us important strategic info about the crusade.

Once again we can't afford to take any of the learning options.

[]Conclave of the Dark:

Making sure that the all the members of the cult are on the same page, and that the page won't screw us over later is important. This should be done while everyone is generally in the same place, and before any beliefs have become entrenched.

[]Shadows of the Grave:

Speaking of the cult, making sure that Sylvanas understands more about the cult is important not just as the leader of the Forsaken, but also for her personal enrichment.

We have 165 gold to play with this turn (we'll have to pay for our elites). Our profit this turn will be +35. Next turn our income will increase by 20 (bats' industrial scaling), but so will the upkeep (Banshee's hands recruitment). Or, in other words we're fucking broke.


So, with that in mind, I want some easy cash. Luckily, we have a quest we can (proably) complete this turn for 500. Also we have some cheap stewardship options for more income. Sadly, we can't really afford anything else; maybe we can try diplomacy in Solliden - it costs only 20, but its chances don't feel me with hope and "Hopefully Nothing Goes Wrong" scares me. So here's a proposition for a plan:

[] Plan: we're broke, second edition.
-[][Military] Locked
-[]Scarlet Shore
-[]Mushroom Madness
-[][Intrigue] Skipped
-[][Learning] Skipped
-[][Diplomacy] Skipped
-[][Piety] Skipped
-[]A Putrid Personage

This plan costs us 50 gold (leaving us with 115 after all expenses), has a 75% of earning us 500 and 80% of instantly increasing our income by 30. Meaning that if we succeed on both, we have enough money to stop skipping actions and even start tackling some grander projects.

Oh, and I also chose Putrid's personal action because R&D is important and he's the last hero of our faction that we haven't seen yet.

Any thoughts?
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@mcclay btw why does cracking a code cost more than outfitting a diplomatical mission? We don't need super computers to crack it yet xD
We have 165 gold to play with this turn (we'll have to pay for our elites). Our profit this turn will be +35. Next turn our income will increase by 20 (bats' industrial scaling), but so will the upkeep (Banshee's hands recruitment). Or, in other words we're fucking broke.
We already paid the cost for the action last turn, we have 365 gold this turn.
Did we? I thought that actions that take multiple turns are payed for and rolled on their last turn. @mcclay a word on this?
They are paid on that first turn and rolled for on the last turn. IDK if thats been super consistent in the past but that is the standard I'm going with going onwards.

Also diplo missions are cheap because you have flying mounts and are basically sending 3-5 people. Cracking the codes is expensive because its paying for Belmont and a larger team of semi-experts to spend a long time on cracking in the depths of the Royal Quarter.
Huh, so we do have 200 more money. In that case:

[X] Plan: we're not so broke.
-[][Military] Locked
-[]Scarlet Shore
-[]Mushroom Madness
-[]Seeing Red
-[][Learning] Skipped
-[][Diplomacy] Skipped
-[]Conclave of the Dark
-[]A Putrid Personage

I agree that dealing with religious problems is better done now, before it grows too big. I also want some info on the crusaders - I so very much don't want to siege their monastery. But the code option is too expensive at the moment. As it is, this plan costs 140 and leaves a decent chunk of our funds for the next turn to start our bigger projects.
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[X] Plan: we're not so broke.

Going to need to start saving up for Brill rebuilding next turn though, its the only thing with a return on investment high enough to stop being broke mid term
[X] Plan: we're not so broke.

Going to need to start saving up for Brill rebuilding next turn though, its the only thing with a return on investment high enough to stop being broke mid term

Yeah, I agree. I think Brill -> spy agency + crusaders - > apothecary society + Blight p1. With different stewardship projects thrown in. Military and diplomacy will have to wait.
Omake: A Hymn
A Hymn.

In my heart, falden light, the splendor of Lordaeron I remember.

The fabulous walls held by the holy word, and the temples to the faith held strong by her countless inhabitants.

Left we are, alone and lifeless.

The Traitor Prince casted his judgment onto us, deny our rest that he did. Mindless, but what a curse we are left to weep and mourn.

There is no trace of you, doomed Kingdom, crushed and gorged. Abandoned and empty. Her purity stolen from her.

Sorrow and lament! I sigh and moan!

She came, sole ruler of the land.

Sing of your passion, Queen of us Forsaken, I do. In her triumphant, celebrated on all sides, glorified. We embered with you into this great new world.

Reject me not, your most faithful servant. Let your arrows rain onto the wolves. I swear to Thee, I march fourth.

Shadow of death, ours to take.

In bondage we cast off, and seize our arms.

In loyal, I break our chains to strike.

Never to retreat, never to give a inch we shall.

Stand firm!

Black as night, our might is as.
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Going to try for one of the Knightmare brothers falling in love in a seedy tavern with a Dark Ranger.
Turn 4 Results
Turn 4 Results

The Royal Quarter of Undercity is a bustle of activity as news of the situation in the East hits the court, and the city at large, like a tidal wave. The Scrourge, long seen as a monolithic, single minded army of evil undead utterly united around the Lich King and his chosen commanders, was in the throes of internecine warfare. While in Tirisfal minor death knights and necromancers fought each other over small patchworks of farm land and tiny hamlets, that was assumed to be due to Tirisfal being a backwater, forgotten front by the Scourge. In the Plaguelands, the heart of Scourge power and control, the idea of massive armies of undead clashing as their leaders formed squabbling cliques was unthinkable. It seemed that the longer Arthas kept his silence the worse the conflicts got. No Death Knight or Lich would dare thing to betray their beloved King, but they had little objections to trying to consolidate power and get rid of rivals.

This state of affairs brought great hope to the people of Undercity. The Scourge divided was a Scourge that could be fought, a Scourge that wouldn't send its uncountable armies against the rebels hiding out in the crypts and tunnels of a ruined city. And in the halls of power the opportunities long thought impossible were now being presented to those canny enough to take them. Commander Belmont especially had the Banshee Queen's ear at this time, along with the continually upbeat Vellcinda. Eventually the campaign against the Crusade in Tirisfal would be concluded, hopefully in the Forsaken's favor. Much of Undercity's information network was pointed towards frustrating the Crusade at every turn, but eventually that would not be the case. Even if the Forsaken decided to turn south into Silver Pine for expansion, the threat of a Scourge Army marching through Darrow Pass would hang over their heads. Fortification could be built to block the Pass, true, but the best keep was one that was never used.

The Empires of Quel'Thals, of the Kaldorei and much latter the Arathi had used a simple concept: Divide et Impera, divide and conquer. Together the many Trollish tribes could've strangled the Empire of Arathor in the cradle; but by playing them off each other the early human emperors and their High Elven advisers had kept a new Guurbashi Empire from emerging. As was then could apply now, as at least one faction of the Scourge seemed open to Forsaken diplomatic overtures. If both could be reached by Vellcinda's burgeoning diplomatic corp, then Belmont could send in the more socially adept infiltrators of the Forsaken.

For if the Scourge could be played off each other, not only could they be kept from attacking. For eventually undead would need to fight undead. The Forsaken and the Scourge could not exist in the same world together for long. If they Scourge could be divided, eventually, they could be be beaten. And if they could be beaten in Lordaeron then, maybe, the dream of true freedom could come true. Maybe Northrend and Icecrown itself would one day quake in fear as they felt the full wrath of the Forsaken.

Martial (Choose 1, 1 Locked In) - Nathanos Blightcaller is Champion of the Banshee Queen and Ranger General of her armies. Under his watchful eyes he seeks to bring up the status of the Forsaken military from a ragtag group of walking corpses in rags and tatters to something resembling a professional army. Blightcaller is a master of using special forces and highly trained individual units to accomplish objectives. This elven approach to war makes him focus less on the mainline units of the Forsaken army.

[x]Hands of the Banshee Queen: The elite unit raised by Nathanos Blightcaller, known as the Hands of the Banshee Queen, took severe casualties during the assault on Fenris Keep. Reduced to around half strength the special unit desperately needs new blood to be effective again. Thankfully Blightcaller has noticed enough promising recruits that he thinks he can rebuild the unit. The problem is that doing so will cost time and money. CoS: 100% Time: 2 Turns Cost: 200 Gold Upkeep: 20 gold Reward: Forsaken Elites raised to full strength

63 vs 0 = Uncontested Success

In the War Quarter of Undercity a small band, around 50, of warriors saluted the passing of the Champion and their Queen. For today was the day that the first of the newly raised Hands of the Banshee Queen were to go out into the field. The last of the Scarlet Crusader's towers were to be destroyed and they would be the iron fist of the Banshee Queen. Sylvanas looked over these warriors, hand picked Dark Rangers, Banshees, Rogues, Shadow Priests, Mages and battle hardened warriors; with a measure of pride.

"Tonight we cut off Northshore Monastery." She begins to speak. "For too long have these fanatical humans roamed freely in the Tirisfal. How many of our brothers and sisters have been laid low by their steel, or burned at the stake for their 'Holy' Light. No longer shall they have free reign in our lands. For we are the children of Lordaeron, its rightful rulers and true heirs. If this desecrated host, this pale reflection of the Silver Hand, wishes to challenge that; let them. For we have fought and won against the armies of the Lich King, we have shaken free of his malicious control and established ourselves as a free and proud people. Now go. Show these humans the strenght of the Forsaken. Take their last garrison and swing wide the doors to Northshore!"

Reward: Forsaken Elites raised to full strength.

[x]Scarlet Shore: The last of the centerpieces of the Scarlet Crusade's tower and fort system watches over the northern shore of Tirisfal. This tower protects Northshore Monastery from the sea and makes any concentrated assault against their main head quarters in the region by land a precarious thing indeed. If this tower can be destroyed then Northshore would be completely cut off and a proper siege of the center of fanaticism in Tirisfal can be put to siege. It would also please the Blighted Council greatly and give the citizens of Undercity a sense of security when moving about the region. CoS: 75% Time: 1 Turn Cost: Possible Unit Loss Reward: Scarlet Crusade in Tirisfal Isolated, Assault on the Monastery possible.

39 vs 25 = Success

On batback they came, flying over the ruined lands of Tirisfal, silent as the wind. Each and every Forsaken on the assault was the cream of their peers, the goal to which all others aspired. For they were the Hands of the Banshee Queen; Sylvanas's handpicked force to destroy and rend apart all those who thought themselves strong enough to oppose her. So strong was their queen's trust in them that she had come along with them, trusting in their skill at arms to keep any foe off of her during the fighting. Other, smaller groups on the ground had taken out smaller Crusader towers and garrisons leading up to this one. Now it was up to them.

The Crusaders there, fanatical men and women pulled from burned villages and ruined homesteads, given a new purpose in the Light; were not prepared for the attack that came upon them. Shadow magic and arrows cut them down as the attack began, the green recruits unprepared for the brutal assualt they now had to face. But their zeal made them rally and hold the line at the ancient ruined tower, making the heavily armored warriors and swiftly moving rogues of the Forsaken fight tooth and nail for every inch. At least, they did until Sylvanas joined the fray in full.

Crusade initiate and knight alike had throat, heart and eyes pierced as the Banshee Queen unleashed deadly accurate arrow after arrow. While the Dark Rangers were amazing shots, they did sometimes miss or hit a less than vulnerable place. Sylvanas had none of these flaws. The Scarlet line first buckled, then broke entirely as the Dark Lady reaped a terrible, bloody harvest. The soldiers, many barely more than farm boys with heads filled with firey rhetoric and armed with recently made swords, fled into the night; likely to be hunted down by one of the many horrors now lurking in Tirisfal.

Their commander was little more of an issue. An impassioned speech was cut short by an arrow to the chest. As Sylvanas walked towards him, Captain Melrache spit blood at her feet. "Knife eared rotting bitch. Hell take you and all your slaves. I may die, but I know I will be taken up in the Light's embrace!"

"A comfort I'm sure." Sylvanas replied as she looked around the room. While it showed the same spartan conditions as other Scarlet encampments, there was something different about the place. A scarp of rich cloth there, the two beds in the corner. "You were not the only member of import here."

Melrache grins a blood grin up at the Banshee Queen as he slowly expires. "The right good Bishop and his daughter left for the Scarlet Monastery hours before you attacked. You won't have them, Scourge whore."

"Scarlet Monastery? Is that what you've renamed Northshore too? A little presumptuous, I think." Before he can taunt her again Sylvanas finishes off the captain with a thrown dagger to the throat. She looks out across the foothills of the Northern Lordaerons, to where she can see the monastery nestled between the hills. "Going to be bloody business, that is."

Reward: Scarlet Crusade isolated to Scarlet Monastery, Council Request Completed, +500 Gold

Stewardship (Choose 1) - Varimathras is a Dreadlord, one of the great demon commanders of the Burning Legion. Forced into Sylvanas's service during the Third War he now is the Majordomo of Undercity and in charge of the running of the Forsaken as a whole. While not widely liked or trusted by the undead, Varimathras has managed to gain a measure of grudging respect for making sure that the Forsaken have food, shelter and the semblance of an economy. He is quick to note that you are running quite the deficit and the treasure you looted from the Lordareon Royal Vault will not last for much longer.

[x]Mushroom Madness: While it may seem strange, the undead still need a minor amount of food to function. Their nutritional needs are much lower than other races and they can survive for quite a while without eating, but eventually those raised by the Plague of Undeath will wither away without getting sustenance of some kind. Since everything tastes like ash to the Forsaken there is no worries about taste and thus mushrooms have become one of the main backbones of the Forsaken diet. The Dreadlord thinks that with some tunneling and restructuring the rudimentary farms set up during the initial push into Undercity can be expanded upon. CoS: 80% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 50 Gold Reward: +30 Farming Income

47 vs 20 = Success

The diet of the Forsaken, as with all undead, mattered little to them. Just the most basic facets of nutrition, a steady supply of a small amount of calories, sugar and vitamins; were all that was needed to keep them from withering away into unmoving husks. And on the taste front, well, everything tasted of ashes. The Curse of Undeath had robbed them of the simple pleasures of food and drink. Thusly their diet was monotone and the same over all. The meat from vermin like rats or spiders, mushrooms and ooze. Mushrooms were by far the most common type of food in Undercity, though bat meat was slowly but surely becoming more and more popular due to its texture. Varimathras's plan to increase mushroom production thus went over well. The expansion of the farms; long, low caverns in the depths of the city, provided jobs and trade for many undead. The Forsaken economy was, slowly but surely, getting stronger and stronger.

Reward: +30 Farming Income

Intrigue (Choose 1) - Commander Belmont was a student of Ravenholdt Manor in life and death has only strengthened his love of all things shadowy and underhanded. A prime example of a Rogue he has quickly risen to the top of the local Thieves Guild, naming it the Undercity Lodge of the Ravenholdt and working to secure a home for his new people. A master of infiltration and information gathering, Belmont hopes to see the Forsaken dominate the information game in Lordaeron.

[x]Seeing Red: The source of the human attacks have been confirmed to be the Scarlet Crusade, but the Forsaken still know very, very little about these zealots. Belmont is proposing an aggressive reconnaissance mission to survey Tirisfal Glade and try to suss out all the Scarlet Crusade positions within. After all, even once Brill has been taken the real war against the Crusade must begin. CoS: 60% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 40 Gold Reward: Information on Scarlet Crusade

64 vs 40 = Success

With the capture of the Scarlet Watchpost on the northern shore of Tirisfal, Forsaken troops are able to set up a spy network watching the comings and goings of the Crusaders. Even with the complete encirclement of the Monastery, now known to be renamed to the Scarlet Monastery by the zealots; it seems that they keep on attempting to conduct operations in Tirisfal. And too be fair they are able to move semi-effectively. The sheer amount of hostile wildlife and Scourge, combined with the overgrown nature of Tirisfal and the vast amount of territory to cover means that Belmont's men are not able to catch every patrol or expedtion. Still a picture begins to emerge.

The Crusade is clearly leaning on Solliden for food and recruits. While they provide the village some level of material aid, delivered to the Monastery first from, interestingly enough, highly guarded caravans from the Plaguelands; their main bargaining stick towards the village is protection and faith. Crusader soldiers man its walls and use Solliden as a staging point for wide ranging patrols that seek out and destroy dangerous animal dens and Scourge strongholds. And while the Scarlet Crusade follows a twisted version of the Light, in the eyes of many it is the legitimate successor to the Lordaeronian Church of the Holy Light. Many priests and bishops have been found among the captured patrols going to Solliden. Belmont fears they may be trying a complete religious conversion; something that would make the population of Solliden utterly hostile to the Forsaken even if the best attempts were made by Undercity's diplomatic corps

Reward: Knowledge of Scarlet mission in the region, existence of Scarlet forces to the East revealed, Conversion of Solliden: 3 Turns

Piety (Choose 1) - There is no formal head of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows, but Aelthalyste is the spirtual leader of the faith in all but title. Formerly a High Elf native of Stormwind, Aelthalyste fell into the company of the heretic Natalie Seline and was an eager disciple of the rogue bishop until her murder by the Church. Aelthalyste fled north to Lordaeron and hide some scraps of her works in the sewers of the Undercity. After being killed by Arthas during the sacking of Capital City she reemerged to spread the teachings of Seline and bring about the balance between Light and Dark.

[x]Conclave of the Dark: The Cult is a new religion, having no structure and no organized doctrine or orthodoxy. While fine for a underground heretical sect, this is less acceptable for a state religion meant to prop up the image of the Forsaken. A Conclave must be held to determine how the Cult should function and what its beliefs and strictures are. CoS: 55% Time: 2 Turns Cost: 100 Gold Reward: Cult Given Structure, Less Chance of Harmful Heresy emerging, Less Confusion Among Forsaken Populace

Undercity is abuzz with talk as the various priests, scholars and other religious luminaries called to the city for the Conclave of Forgotten Shadows begin to meet within the Royal Quarter. Lady Sylvanas is of course invited to the talks and debates; though so far she has mostly been lost in the religious minutiae. So far it seems like the main point of contention that affects anything is whether the Cult should stay decentralized or if it should have a central hierarchy. The other arugments are over things like how to balance between light and dark, if dark should be favored over light and balance be thrown out the window, what happened to Forsaken souls; theological and cosmological questions that go over Sylvanas's head

1 Turn Remaining

Personal (Choose 1) - Sylvanas Winderunner, the Dark Lady of Undercity, Banshee Queen of the Forsaken. She fought against Arthas and at his side and was legendary even before her death as Ranger-General of Silvermoon and one of the Windrunner Triplets. It is through her force of personality that the Forsaken are brought together and by her will and desires that they work. She will not let her people be slaves again.

[x]A Putrid Personage: Putress is up to some silly buggers and Sylvanas does not especially have time for his bullshit at the moment. The Apothecary respects forwardness, so Sylvanas is going to march up to his door and demand to know what his side projects are. Either hes trying to betray her, fucking around or doing something that might actually help the Forsaken as a whole. Sylvanas would prefer the latter but isn't getting her hopes up. CoS: 45% Time: 1 Turn Reward +Relationship between Sylvanas and Putress, Dreaded Alchemical Mystery Box

The Apothecarium was once the domain of liche's and Scourge mages of a more mechanical mindset than those who took up residence in the Magic Quarter. Now home to many farms, storage rooms and a few labs; the quarter was one of the least visited ones in the Undercity. But visit it Sylvanas did, ignoring the feeling of being watched as she moved into the 'great' Puttress's laboratory in the heart of the Quarter.

The rancid bastard didn't even have the decency to look up from his work as she entered the room. "Ah, Dark Lady, it is good to see you finally come down to my humble abode." Sylvanas could taste the false warmth dripping from his voice. "So kind of you to check on your poor, underworked servant. Have you finally decided to patronize me with a single ounce of funding for my important research?"

"Have you finally decided to spin gold out of fumes and bubbling cauldrons, alchemist?" She snapped back at him. "You know well that we have little money to spare right now; and yet you keep on proposing insanely expensive projects for use to fritter away our coin on."

"Yes, and yet you spend money on things such as making peace with the Scourge and giving your lover," she bristled hard at that, "a new band of fawning sycophants. I'm sorry that I merely wish to understand the disease that put us in this cursed state. I won't bother you with such a menial task again."

"Enough of this. You're planning something. Out with it."

He stared at her for a long time before sighing. "Truly? It is only now, after months of ignoring me, that you ask the important question? Bah, fine. I have been hard at work with what little funds I was able to get. My own busy drones found me something with those funds. Something that may make my projects more pleasing to your money grubbing tastes." He produces a canister and papers from his robes. Inside the canister is a glowing green substance. "A stable sample of the Plauge, along with some of Kel'Thuzud's notes on its creation."

Sylvanas narrows her eyes at him. "How did you come across this? The Scourge would not be prone to leaving such a valuable thing lying about."

She could feel him roll his eyes under his hood. "As I said: my busy drones got it for me. Young Vellcinda provided the excellent opportunity to get near Scholomance. From there my agents found it easy enough to pose as an unthinking servant and steal what I needed. He didn't survive the return trip, but one of my other underlings was able to retrieve it. With this I can almost halve the cost of my research, at least for the time being."

"I know this is not all you're planning," she stops to think for a moment, "but I don't want to miss the chance to use this windfall. I'll see about working it into the budget."

"I'm sure you will. Now toodles." He says as she leaves, still filled with the same mocking smugness as when she first entered the lab.

Reward: +Relationship between Sylvanas and Putress, Prognosis Cost Halved
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