Sword and Spell: A Warhammer fantasy general quest

[X] Plan: Sodexo
-[X] Maak Peerwipe
-[X] Hunter
-[X] Moot

Maak's tribe crossed the world's edge mountains into the empire soon after he was born. Facing the spillover of a greenskin Waaagh that crossed the blackfire pass through Averland into the moot, the tribe suffered cataclysmic casualties as mercenaries in service to the elders of the Moot. Their final stand in the town of Sauerapfel saw Maak's tribe wiped to an ogre who slew the warboss Bighun and ate it raw.

The horrified survivors of Sauerapfel who witnessed this scene swore to never let the saviour of their town eat raw greenskin again and chose to teach Mark's the culinary arts suitable for a hunter, from burial, pickling, fermentation, to curing, etc. In the process, Maak gained an appreciation for a more diverse diet in addition to meat from the town's sour apples, vegetables, dairies to alcohol made from said fruits and a surprisingly strong command over Reikspiel and even the concept of theatricality in thanks to the Sauerapfel's adventuring, mercantile and dramatic traditions. Maak spend this time in employment with the Fieldwardens.

Now, Maak has collected a rag tag band of halfling, ogres, and human hunters, offering their services of the towns and villages of the empire, hunting and cooking monstrosities of all kinds. They still return to Sauerapfel every now and than to stock up on spices, dried vegetables, and most importantly apple meads.
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Adhoc vote count started by Swordswain on Jun 14, 2024 at 9:07 PM, finished with 24 posts and 20 votes.

The Winning result is Bragg Backbreaker.

You are a mighty Bruiser:

An enforcer of the tribe tyrant's will, a warrior capable of standing out even amongst other Ogres, a force of raw might and gluttony, you are as unstoppable as you are unsubtle, but this is not surprising. Subtlety is not the way of Ogres.

Sometime soon, within the next few days at least, I shall put together your Army List, containing all your units, their abilities and statistics, as well as the beginning of IC actions, and some further character customization included to morph Bragg to fit your desires.

Did "unchosen Characters" will exist in-universe as NPC (that "do their own things") that Bragg can encounter?
Did "unchosen Characters" will exist in-universe as NPC (that "do their own things") that Bragg can encounter?

They exist in the world, yes. As for encountering them?

It's technically possible, but unlikely. The other Ogre characters are all the way over in the mountains of Mourn, so short of some sort of massive migration of your tribe back to the homelands, meeting them is not gonna happen.

However, I Did also have potential characters for a number of other factions written down who operate within the old world, and who you are far more likely to meet.

Possibly as allies ... Possibly as opposing leaders on the battlefield.
Army List
& Other relevant information

Note: If a special rule is Unique to a unit, it will be specified under that unit's stats.

Given the chance, an Ogre will barge into combat, using its great lumbering mass as a weapon. When working together, Ogres can harness the tremendous momentum of their formation to deliver an overpowering impact on anything they collide with. It is a living avalanche, an immense tonnage of muscle and fat behind heavy iron gut-plates that slams the enemy before the Ogres begin to lay about themselves with their brutal weaponry.

Each monstrous infantry model on foot with the Ogre Charge special rule that successfully charges an enemy has the Impact Hits (1) special rule. Models with this special rule that are part of a unit with ranks add their current Rank Bonus to the Strength of the Impact Hits they inflict.
The impact of a charge can itself sometimes cause severe casualties amongst the foe.

Impact Hits are only made on the turn the model makes a successful charge into close combat, and only against the unit the model has charged. Impact Hits are resolved at the very beginning of the close combat, before challenges are issued and attacks of any other kind are made. They hit a unit in base contact and are randomised as Automatic Hits. If the model is in base contact with more than one unit, randomise the Impact Hits between them as evenly as possible. If the model with Impact Hits is not in base contact with the enemy, no Impact Hits are inflicted.Impact Hits roll to wound using the Strength of the model making the Impact Hits. Any armour saves taken are done using the close combat value of the armour, and Parry saves may not be taken (see Weapons and Armour chapter). Any Wounds caused by Impact Hits are counted towards combat resolution. Unless specified, any special rules that apply to the model's normal attacks do not apply to its Impact Hits.

Some troops will fight on in dose combat almost regardless of casualties. This can be because they consider themselves to be elite, have taken severe vows to hold their ground in combat or are simply too slow witted to flee when defeated by superior troops!

If the majority of the models in a unit are Stubborn, the unit is always Steadfast, whether or not they have a higher Unit Strength than their enemy or are disrupted.

Some warriors and creatures in the Warhammer world are almost completely fearless, or are such grizzled veterans that situations that would make lesser troops panic have no effect on them. Others have an immunity to certain elements, either by a natural mutation or by magic.

Models with the Immunity rule ignore the effects of the rule(s) in the brackets. Examples include Killing Blow, Poisoned Attacks, Flaming Attacks, Ice Attacks, Lightning Attacks and so on. Note that the model only ignores the effects of the rule itself unless the attack is also listed as being non-physical. The physical attack still causes damage as normal.

Immunity can also include Panic, Fear and Terror. If the majority of the models in a unit have the Immunity (Panic, Fear or Terror) rule, the unit ignores the effects of Panic, Fear or Terror and any such tests it would otherwise had to take.

Models that are Immune to all three above effects have the Immunity (Psychology) rule. This also includes automatically passing any Psychology tests they might need to take (such as many spell effects or special rules that would otherwise force a unit to take a Psychology test). However, they may never choose Flee! as a charge reaction (though they may still use Feigned Flight or Fire & Flee). Pride, or a sluggish acceptance of the situation, prevents them from doing so

Gnoblars are often bullied into makeshift crow's-nests at the top of Ogre standards. If an enemy is targeting the Ogres below, the Gnoblar can either give advance warning of the threat, or fall to his death.

Any character or champion in a unit with a Look-out Gnoblar benefits from the 'Look Out Sir!' special rule as long as there are three rank and file models of the same troop type remaining in the unit

If a character is hit by a template weapon or spell that uses a template, a comrade will shout a warning or physically push them clear of incoming harm and suffer the hit themself instead. This happens automatically, and no roll is required, nor is this considered as a "save" for rules purposes. "Look Out Sir!" cannot be used if there are less than five rank-and-file models (including command group) left in the unit. This only applies to Characters with the same troop type as the unit.

Some units are practically considered worthless by the rest of the army, either due to their low status or being simple beasts, and no heed is paid to their demise.

Models with this special rule do not cause Panic to friendly units that are not Expendable themselves. Characters may not join a unit with this rule, unless specified.For every Core unit with the Expendable special rule in your army, you are required to include at least one other Core Unit without the Expendable rule. For more information on this, see the Choosing Your Army chapter.

Originating from the traditional Ogre sport of pitfighting, Ogres often cover their off-hand with some kind of shield, spiked gauntlet or heavy glove. This can be used to bat aside even the strongest attacks in a similar way to a giant buckler, or merely to smash an enemy's face into an unrecognisable pulp.

An ironfist can be used as either an additional hand weapon or a buckler in close combat, even when mounted. You must choose which function you want to use at the start of each close combat round.

Ogres that have sold their swords across the Empire often pick up specially modified black powder weapons as recompense for their efforts; these are regarded as symbols of great status due to their ability to emit noise and violence in equal measure. Such is the size and strength of their owners that Ogres use these with the ease a human uses a pistol. The most common of these customised weapons is an Empire handgun with a massively enlarged trigger and guard; most Maneaters have at least one of these devices in their possession and some may sport a brace of these handguns across their puffed-out guts.

Ogre Pistols follow all the rules for normal pistols, but have a range of 24"

Bruiser-Monstrous Infantry (Character)

MovementWeapon skillBallistic SkillStrengthToughnessWoundsInitiativeAttacksLeadership

-Hand Weapon
-Great Weapon
-Medium Armour

Special Rules:
-Ogre Charge

Veterans of your tribe's Mercenary jobs, these fearless campaigners have seen it all, and picked up extra skills along the way. Including a sense of fashion on which they spend a great portion of their loot. A squad of three of them have been seconded to you to give your small force some real backbone.

Monstrous Infantry

MovementWeapon SkillBallistic SkillStrengthToughnessWoundsInitiativeAttacksLeadership

-Hand Weapons
-Light Armor
-Ogre Pistols

Special Rules:
-Ogre Charge
-Immunity (Psychology)
Each Maneater in the unit may pick one of the following special rules:
-Armour Piercing (1)
-Devastating Charge
-Killing Blow
-Multiple Wounds (D3)
-Parry (6+)
-Poisoned Attacks
-Strength Bonus (1)
The models in a unit of Maneaters are often armed with a variety of different weapons. If they are, your opponent must make it clear which model they want to allocate their attacks to. Any excess wounds are carried over to the rest of the unit as normal in an order chosen by your opponent.

Your basic Ogre tribesmen, any Ogre male is considered a Bull once he has reached sufficient age, and together they form the main mass of the tribes warriors. Relatively straightforward, Bulls charge directly into battle, relying mostly on their natural physical advantages over most creatures to win the day rather than any complex tactics or equipment.

Monstrous Infantry

ProfileMovementWeaponskillBallistic SkillStrengthToughnessWoundsInitiativeAttacksLeadership

-Hand Weapons
-Light Armour

-Bellower (Musician)
-Standard Bearer

Special Rules:
-Ogre Charge
-Look-Out Gnoblar

The common slaves of the tribe, Gnoblars are tiny, weak, cowardly, easily slain, and equipped only with rusty shivs and kitchen knives tied to sticks. They, however, extremely numerous, and are often herded to the front of battle en masse as expendable meat shields.


ProfileMovementWeaponskillBallistic SkillStrengthToughnessWoundsInitiativeAttacksLeadership

-Hand Weapons
-Additional Hand Weapons

Special Rules:
-Beneath Contempt


Early on in your tribe's wandering history, when they first came out of the east from between the world's edge mountains into the old world, they were hired by the then-ruler of Akendorf in the border princes to help secure his realm. First against his rivals, and then against a tide of beasts and monsters that had recently come pouring out of the Düsterwald forest.

At first, the tribe feasted well on the endless hordes of Mutants and Wolf-beasts crushed beneath their steel boots. The tables soon turned, however, when the leader of the beastmen revealed himself.

A great prophet and Shaman of the brayherds, gifted with unholy powers by the dark gods, this fell creature unleashed terrible sorcery upon your tribe's warhost, reducing entire bands of warriors to little more than molten bone-liquid, while the nearby beastmen seemed to only grow in might and ferocity, inspired by it's presence.

The tribe's pride broke when the then-Tyrant was twisted into a deformed, bestial mutant and turned on his own warriors, causing them to flee the field. The Shaman had dealt the tribe one of it's few, and earliest defeats.

Twelve times since then has the Shaman known as Mooneyes met the Ironjaw tribe on the field of battle, claiming the lives of a further three Tyrants. Of all those battles, it was only forced to retreat twice.

Nobody knows why the two encounter each other so often. Perhaps mooneyes has a special vendetta against the tribe, or perhaps the architect of fate simply finds it amusing to put them in eachothers path. Whatever the reason, Mooneyes has become the eternal specter haunting the minds of the Ironjaw tribe.

Thankfully you have never had the displeasure of meeting it in person, but Mooneyes has become something like the collective nightmare of the tribe. The scary story told around campfires to get the young'uns to behave. Every such story ends with a warning:

Do not wander alone at night, do not stray far from the campfire. For out there, in the dark of the night, lurk the balefully glowing eyes of the great terror. Once they see you, it is already too late.
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Are Bragg's stats going to improve over the course of the quest or are they static ?

Over time, you will have opportunities to increase stats, pick up new gear (including magic items eventually), special rules, and Big Names. If you play your cards right, you can eventually take a full upgrade from Bruiser to Tyrant, though that may be some time in the making.

Even a barebones Ogre bruiser is already a wrecking ball though, and you'll get some more customization options soon.
Also,will there be stats for stuff outside of combat ?For example,like the fellowship stat from WFRP ?