SV does not have an odd problem with bigotry

Nerds haven't been shamed for being nerds since the 80's. This entire conversation is nothing but a certain demographic flaunting their persecution complex, and as an autistic nerd I find it disgusting when said demographic yells "wELL ACTUALLY WERE OPPRESSED TO", using my spectrum as a fig leaf.

You are not mocked for being nerds or for having poor social skills. You are mocked for acting entitled to sex/relationships/respect/success/power, and you are mocked for hijacking every conversation in range to talk about yourself.

This one included.
Nerds haven't been shamed for being nerds since the 80's. This entire conversation is nothing but a certain demographic flaunting their persecution complex, and as an autistic nerd I find it disgusting when said demographic yells "wELL ACTUALLY WERE OPPRESSED TO", using my spectrum as a fig leaf.

Hey remember when this thread was about to be about things like anti-semitism, racism, and so on? I sure do. And then people came in and compared nerds to the Jews and the thread got permanently derailed. Because conversations about bigotry need to focus on the REAL persecuted group: nerds.

I'll happily identify as a nerd and am on the spectrum, so I too find it incredibly offensive when it feels like people are using my disorder as a shield for their behavior. Since we're talking about ableism, that's ableist as fuck. Like we're not convenient props for you to set up.
You're pretty much the first person I have actively despised on the internet in a long time. I'd appreciate it if you'd put me on your ignore list. You bastard.

Well, since the red mist seems to be obscuring my meaning I'll elaborate:

What on earth does your post have to do with bigotry?

(also whatever happened to putting me on ignore)
No, I'm serious, leave me the hell alone, you psycho.


Buddy are you under the impression that I actively pursue interactions with you because I assure you I have better things to occupy my time. We are only engaged because you chose to blunder into a conversation, which I am a visible participant of, and barf something that is either irrelevent or inane (possibly both) on everyone—you don't get to play the victim when I ask what the hell has been spewed over my toes.
At least Jews are turned into boogeymen before being persecuted. Geeks are come down on for other people's sport.

Personally I consider persecution that extends century upon century upon century which lead to the fucking Holocaust to be a far more terrifying instance of persecution and bigotry than a phenomeon that mostly existed a couple of decades ago, and now nerds are "represented" by many famous icons and flavors of the minute, thereby reducing what little stigma being a nerd still has. Jewish people had to go through to the point that they had entire a fucking genocide and somehow still made it through, to getting bullied sometimes and having ancedotally unfair treatment. That is a cruel comparison to the Jewish people and you need to stop it. Is bullying fair? No. But it sure as hell isn't comparable to the shit that the Jews went through so you really need to find a comparison that isn't ridiculously offensive.
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No one on this site is going to exclude you for being a nerd, there might be problematic anit-nerd discourse out in the world but not by and large on SV. People are however going to exclude you for posting bad takes on social justice, so please stop. Your terrible posts are muddying the water for my slightly less terrible posts.
At least Jews are turned into boogeymen before being persecuted. Geeks are come down on for other people's sport.

... I'm honestly sorry to say this, but what. Are you trying to insinuate that us Jews get off easier by being "turned into boogeymen before being persecuted"? There is no suitable comparison whatsoever between being that of Jewish and being that of a geek. Judaism is that of an ethnoreligious group, one that has been historically persecuted for centuries, based off their religious beliefs and simply because they are Jewish. I'm honestly... shocked to see that there is some kind of insinuation that there is some kind of comparison between us Jews and that of geeks, or you trying to say that we get "turned into boogeymen" first. Being turned into boogeymen... that cements the kind of antisemitic canards and beliefs that are used throughout history. The insinuations that Jews killed that of Jesus, the viewpoint of Jews controlling all the world's money, and so on and so on. Those are the kind of 'boogeymens' as you say that us Jews are turned into. Those persist. They do not go away.

I'd really recommend for you just to like... think about what you said there, and how wrong it is for there to be some comparison for the kind of historical persecution, attacks, murder, and so much more that us Jews have suffered from, and then to try and compare it to that of geeks.
I'm somewhat puzzled by this post, could you reformulate and include some extra context?

Not really, I've put myself out there enough.

... I'm honestly sorry to say this, but what. Are you trying to insinuate that us Jews get off easier by being "turned into boogeymen before being persecuted"?

I think it's preferable to just being an easy target. At least when someone makes you into a scapegoat, they're getting something out of it. But with a geek, it's like you're just sport. An animal. If someone has to pretend I'm some kind of greedy vampire before coming after me, at least they see me as some kind of threat.
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I think it's preferable to just being an easy target. At least when someone makes you into a scapegoat, they're getting something out of it. But with a geek, it's like you're just sport. An animal. If someone has to pretend I'm some kind of greedy vampire before coming after me, at least they see me as some kind of threat.

Right now, I am really pissed off and just trying to avoid blowing my top off. You say that "it's like you're just sport"... no it isn't, it really isn't, and then to try and say there is some kind of comparison with an animal because of the 'threat'. I'm... you know what. I'm just going to leave the opening statement from Telford Taylor, the leading prosecutor, at the Nuremberg Doctors Trial in 1946, and honestly suggest to think about what you said there after reading this:

The defendants in this case are charged with murders, tortures, and other atrocities committed in the name of medical science. The victims of these crimes are numbered in the hundreds of thousands. A handful only are still alive; a few of the survivors will appear in this courtroom. But most of these miserable victims were slaughtered outright or died in the course of the tortures to which they were subjected.

For the most part they are nameless dead. To their murderers, these wretched people were not individuals at all. They came in wholesale lots and were treated worse than animals. They were 200 Jews in good physical condition, 50 gypsies, 500 tubercular Poles, or 1,000 Russians. The victims of these crimes are numbered among the anonymous millions who met death at the hands of the Nazis and whose fate is a hideous blot on the page of modern history.
This crap stops now.
i am not happy Of course, I'm sure all of you know this by now. It didn't even take one page before this thread turned from a thread meant to discuss bigotry to a screaming match about the prosecution of nerds and geeks. And the Jew comparisons are always great to see; since we have definitive proof that nerds and geeks are being ostracized and thrown into camps and all.

Again. I am not happy. So this conversation is done. This derail is done. If I see it pop up again in this thread, I will show just how unhappy I am.

Also, @Southshore. In the future I would advise you to use the tools provided to you instead of making a scene in a thread.

Thread reopened. Once again, get back on topic and don't come back to this one.
Staff Notice: I find it really weird when you ignore the previous post literally telling you to drop the topic. Don't do it again.
I always find it really weird when 'nerds' becomes the topic on this forum. People always seem to forget the forum they're arguing on.

Yes, strange visitor, come to this land of roleplayers and sci-fi fans and enlighten us to the plight that faces those known by that horrible label, 'nerd'.:V

I'm pretty sure almost everyone involved in this discussion is a nerd.
Back to the original, we seem relatively able to talk about bigotry without things blowing up... provided someone doesn't derail it into something else.
Bigotry seems to remove itself with tech advancements, HIV isnt that big of a deal w current medications. More groups are meeting and connecting with access to each other.
Bigotry seems to remove itself with tech advancements, HIV isnt that big of a deal w current medications. More groups are meeting and connecting with access to each other.

If this were true antisemitism wouldn't be on the rise.

People really need to stop ascribing passive solutions to bigotry like "wait for X generation to die" or "wait for technology/society to advance". It's a placebo solution that only allows bystanders to feel better for doing nothing.
If this were true antisemitism wouldn't be on the rise.

People really need to stop ascribing passive solutions to bigotry like "wait for X generation to die" or "wait for technology/society to advance". It's a placebo solution that only allows bystanders to feel better for doing nothing.
Some stigmas seem to be foing away because of tech though, and feminism is doing wonders spreading its word.
Bigotry seems to remove itself with tech advancements, HIV isnt that big of a deal w current medications. More groups are meeting and connecting with access to each other.
Hard disagree. Technology is a tool that provides opportunities, I've seen, in small forums with limited populations, debate actually change people's opinions, but I've never seen it in the modern social media "scream into the void as a service" environment.

We have many cases of social progress regressing thanks to the presence of technical progress. The return of slavery with the opportunity of colonialism, for example. The Sumerian cult of Innana had homosexual transvestite sacred prostitutes, which one might more easily read as transwomen from our modern PoV, and that acceptance has somewhat degraded since then, shall we say. Similarly, the advance of urbanization led to the rise of modern police forces which was widely used to crack the skulls of those who would have pretended to deserve to live better lives than the rich were willing to budget for them.

Technology can solve problems, but it has to be wielded with the intent to do so, with a proper plan and a good understanding of what it does.
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Some stigmas seem to be foing away because of tech though, and feminism is doing wonders spreading its word.

No offense but this really sounds like the perspective of someone looking through a blurry window with binoculars and deciding they personally know everyone they see inside.

"Just wait" is a poison pill solution that only causes complacency and backslides. It's the empty promise of the white moderate to MLK, that things will just naturally get better on their own with time and patience—a promise that has never borne out. Things don't just automatically slide towards justice, in fact the opposite is true. Tons of people thought Obama was the bookmark for a new era of social enlightenment in America and now we have Nazis marching down the street with the silent blessing of the White House.

Complacency is surrender.