SV does not have an odd problem with bigotry

Multiple people have understood and responded to what you've said. Me, @Chloe Sullivan @Broken Base @1KBestK etc.

Moving back to the actual topic, SV's problems with bigotry seem to be born of ignorance rather than malice for the most part. The outright bigotry gets slapped down by moderators but below the radar stuff like ignoring systemic racism (example: claiming that the Barbary Slave Trade means that nothing needs to be done to rectify the effect of American slavery), acting like cis het white and male are the defaults (example: complaining about "forced diversity"), and fetishization/objectification of sexual and gender minorities (example:"lesbians are hot") passes because moderators don't want to be thought police and like I said it's more about ignorance than malice.

The main solution seems to be talking about it constructively like has happened on the threads I posted at the top. Other ideas include story contests, bringing attention to it, and generally ensuring people are being mindful about these problems.
Multiple people have understood and responded to what you've said. Me,
No you have not understood what I'm saying at all, you just gotten offend because you assume I'm saying something that I'm not. When I say that the caricature of the other within social justice discourse is autistically coded that's not me saying a mean thing about autistic people. That's me pointing out something in the discourse that I think is bad for autistic people.
I lost track of how any of this has to do with Mistborn's original points a long time ago and thing @Mistborn and @Fandom Lord are talking past each other/have gone off into an incoherent wilderness.

I have provided an amalgamation of how I saw the arguments if this helps recover the path.

Mistborn's Original Position as stated:

1.There is ablist discourse that gets a pass because white nerds are the target.
2.There is a caricature of the White Nerd in progressive discourse that strongly resembles people on the autistic spectrum.


1KBestK attacks point 2 By Implying they do not unless forms of bigotry are autism symptoms now.

Chloe Attacks Point 2 By asking for examples, a definition of progressive discourse, and an explanation of how ASD relates to those.

Broken Base downplays what I presume to be point 1 as something that just needs calling out when it comes up and reading social anxiety as an autism symptom, calls point 2 reductionist to offensive, going on to call the comparison between nerds and the neurologically atypical offensive to actual Neurotypical/Atypical(I don't know which was meant, atypical would make more sense but broken said neurotypical) and opportunistic.

Fandom Lord attacks point 2 by denying the existence of the caricature and citing their autistic status.


Mistborn calls out Broken base for putting words in their mouth, reiterating their first point and considers a potential extension/principle, "we shouldn't condone the categorical othering of any group no matter how privileged, because it always ends up reinforcing problematic shit." Mistborn goes on to link these tumblr posts as insight into their perspective, using the existence of the fat caricature on tumblr as evidence the caricature he proposes in his second original point exists. If you assume everything those caricature's like is autistically coded he has proven his point 2. If you do not, he has proven the existence of an ablist/non body positive movement in progressive discourse/at least provided evidence for point 1.

Edit: Link to Mistborn's post since I can't link to the Tumblr material without embedding it it seems. SV does not have an odd problem with bigotry | Page 2


Broken Base apologizes for the misunderstanding while expressing concern about Mistborn equating people on the spectrum to white nerds.

Fandom Lord calls Mistborn out on making false equivalencies, going on to link this comic Autism Isn't To Blame For Bad Behavior and accusing Mistborn of feeding stereotypes.


Mistborn denies feeding stereotypes/making false equivalencies, restating their position as:

"The discourse of othering vaguely defined privileged groups allow problematic views to spread under the cover of social justice. Therefor we should be less willing to other people and less willing to make uncharitable assumptions about people who object to othering language."


Fandom Lord says Mistborn has failed to prove this and accuses Mistborn of attacking disadvantaged groups, claiming Mistborn's point has already been addressed by the Body Positivity movement. There's also this point which I'm not sure I've grokked. "Like always a problem claimed to be afflicting the privileged is actually just a negative side effect of the system that keeps their privilege intact." My best guess is Fandom Lord is saying the Ablist discourse against white nerds is a negative side effect of the system that ensures white nerd privilege and therefore they should not complain.


Mistborn attacks Fandom Lord for implying the ablist discourse against white nerds is acceptable and something social justice activists should encourage.


Fandom Lord attacks mistborn for ignoring the other part of what they said and calls Mistborn's arguments whataboutism.

Chloe attacks Mistborn's linked blogposts as not addressing anything except maybe providing an example.


Mistborn Responds to Fandom by calling out demands for citations while Fandom provides none, and accusing Fandom of misusing whataboutism. Also by bringing up how just because it's being addressed doesn't mean you shouldn't call it out when you see it.


Fandom Lord accuses mistborn of claiming people are defending the caricatures/denying they are ablist/body shaming, going on to invoke their autistic status again and accusing mistborn of making false equivalencies/refusing to address what's actually being said.


Mistborn acknowledges common recognition of the neckbeard caricature as bad as the basis for their argument, going on to say such things are an inevitable product of othering discourse and saying every caricature will be somehow problematic.


Fandom Lord accuses Mistborn of retreating to new positions every time someone points out how they're wrong or pointing out harmful stereotypes.


Mistborn accuses fandom lord of not understanding their position enough to contradict, much less create a coherent response, and expresses frustration with having restated their position repeatedly.


Fandom Says multiple people have attacked Mistborn's position properly.


Mistborn disagrees, "When I say that the caricature of the other within social justice discourse is autistically coded that's not me saying a mean thing about autistic people. That's me pointing out something in the discourse that I think is bad for autistic people."
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Mistborn disagrees, "When I say that the caricature of the other within social justice discourse is autistically coded that's not me saying a mean thing about autistic people. That's me pointing out something in the discourse that I think is bad for autistic people."
And as I already pointed out Mistborn has no right to speak for autistic people. And despite their claims it's not autistically coded, it's them perpetuating a harmful stereotype despite their claims that they're just saying it is. It's the ableist equivlant of whitesplaining.

I and other autistic people are sick and tired of neurotypicals saying "shut up, we're being offended for you" while they deny our ability to advocate for ourselves.
It's ableist and incredibly offensive.
And as I already pointed out Mistborn has no right to speak for autistic people. And despite their claims it's not autistically coded, it's them perpetuating a harmful stereotype despite their claims that they're just saying it is. It's the ableist equivlant of whitesplaining.

I and other autistic people are sick and tired of neurotypicals saying "shut up, we're being offended for you" while they deny our ability to advocate for ourselves.
It's ableist and incredibly offensive.

I'm autistic too and so far I haven't been revolted by any of their points. (Edit: Though I think the autistic coding of the provided caricatures is tenuous)

1. Which stereotype is Mistborn perpetuating and which point they made perpetuates it?
2. When did Mistborn claim anything wasn't autistically coded? Mistborn's original claim was that a caricature of white nerds WAS autistically coded.
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I'm autistic too and so far I haven't been revolted by any of their points.

1. Which stereotype is Mistborn perpetuating and which point they made perpetuates it?
2. When did Mistborn claim anything wasn't autistically coded? Mistborn's original claim was that a caricature of white nerds WAS autistically coded.
As for your claims about people being bad about social cues, I've seen the exact opposite. I've seen awful people and their defenders try to use the fact that they're autistic or claim they're bad at social cues to try to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Lawrence Krauss, James Damore, etc. You're feeding stereotypes about autistic people that are incredibly harmful.
That said, I do stand by the fact that you feel like you are equating people on the spectrum to white nerds in some capacity, and that is rather unfair and incredibly reductionist, while minimizing the symptoms that people on the spectrum go through. I may have over-extended in terms of the privilege point, but I do think that you are doing some fancy footwork there and that your social point is overexaggerated stereotyping at best.

Mistborn is not autistic, has no relevant expertise relating to autism, but is busy lecturing people about autism while ignoring what autistic people have to say. That type of behavior is incredibly offensive to me and the other autistic self-advocates I've met. It's why groups based on that behavior like Autism Speaks are a running joke and source of frustration at IACC (Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee) meetings, they end up doing far more harm than good.
Mistborn is not autistic, has no relevant expertise relating to autism, but is busy lecturing people about autism while ignoring what autistic people have to say. That type of behavior is incredibly offensive to me and the other autistic self-advocates I've met. It's why groups based on that behavior like Autism Speaks are a running joke and source of frustration at IACC (Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee) meetings, they end up doing far more harm than good.

While I will acknowledge there are utter twats who try to use Autism as a defense when they really shouldn't be...

How do those quotes answer my questions?

Edit: I don't know if you caught my earlier edit, but I will call the autistic coding of the caricatures Mistborn provided debatable.
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1.There is ablist discourse that gets a pass because white nerds are the target.
2.There is a caricature of the White Nerd in progressive discourse that strongly resembles people on the autistic spectrum.
The etymology of "autistic screeching" comes from that bastion of progressive values known as Reddit, and was seemingly meant as an attack on 'special snowflake' and 'safe space' left-progressives. I'm gonna go out on a limb here but my guess is that etymology of terms like "sperglord" and "neckbeard" come straight from the nasty smelly parts of the internet that the alt-right tends to dwell in, and not feminist tumblrs.

That said speaking as someone on the autism spectrum the overlap with nerds is fairly obvious. Aspergers is basically "poor social skills" and "gets obsessed with odd things" which are both stereotypical nerd characteristics. Then again it also reminds me of how ADHD often sounds an awful lot like "rambunctious kid whose parents/teachers are struggling to rein in", which raises the question of whether we're just sticking 'disorder' labels on anyone who isn't sufficiently nail sticking down.
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Like, do you honestly believe that there's going to be a nerd genocide soon? Seriously?

No. Not within the next 30 years, barring a black swan event.
But, once you start designating large swaths of people as "acceptable targets" and unpersoning them, that's at the end of the slippery slope. From what I've seen, nerds quite aren't at the "general unpersoning is taken seriously" stage yet. And it might never go further. But please keep in mind that the ground is slippery and sloppy thinking, broad generalizations, and strong emotions make it easy to trip. Also, just because a certain group might be on top of the hill right now, does not mean that they can't slide to the bottom.

So lets all watch where we step.
Pointing out some of the stereotypes and false equations.

Looks like I'll have to guess then. Is the stereotype "Nerds are predominantly autistic people with poor social skills"? How does "There is a caricature of the White Nerd in progressive discourse that strongly resembles people on the Autistic spectrum" perpetuate that? As for the other point, White Nerdery and Autism are not mutually exclusive, though the extent of overlap is debatable.

Edit: I've got a guess. Calling out the caricature as resembling autistic people risks people conflating autistic people with the unsavory caricature and is bad for PR.


Who says mudslinging material against autistic people can't originate from both places?
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Who says mudslinging material against autistic people can't originate from both places?
Can you provide evidence that it's also coming from "progressive sources?"

But, once you start designating large swaths of people as "acceptable targets" and unpersoning them, that's at the end of the slippery slope.
You believe white male nerds are a persecuted minority on the slippery slope to facing genocide.
Have I stated your claims correctly?
Can you provide evidence that it's also coming from "progressive sources?"

Mistborn, albeit tenuously, has already done so. The question is whether or not I can find better evidence. I currently have no idea where to look and therefore concede the point of mudslinging material against autistic people from "Progressive Sources" as tenuous/not worth arguing about.
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I lost track of how any of this has to do with Mistborn's original points a long time ago and thing @Mistborn and @Fandom Lord are talking past each other/have gone off into an incoherent wilderness.

I have provided an amalgamation of how I saw the arguments if this helps recover the path.

Is it wrong that I find this entire situation darkly humorous? Or humorous because of the quasi-absurdity. Or both...
You believe white male nerds are a persecuted minority on the slippery slope to facing genocide.
Have I stated your claims correctly?

All groups are on the slippery slope. Some are currently more secure and higher up than others.
So yes, white male nerds are on this slope. Although, I think any sort of genocide is unlikely to happen in the near future.
Sufficient Velocity has multiple problems with bigotry and they're common problems.

So I've started this thread to compile all the threads have brought up and discussed bigotry on SV constructively.

Let's Talk About Louis Farrakhan and Bigotry in Progressive Spheres: Exactly what the title says. It mainly deals with antisemitism.

General Thread on Antisemitism: An offshoot of the above thread. Exactly what the title says.

SV has an Imaginary Number problem: Thread on racism against and a lack of representation for people who aren't white or Japanese Asian in stories.

Bigotry via Ignorance, and How to Deal With It: How to deal with bigotry born of ignorance rather than malice.

If you're starting a new thread on bigotry on SV, feel free to post it here.
SV has an odd problem

'eyo fam you forgot this one. Can't imagine why though, once certain problems got cleared up we really got somewhere, we have a thread for reccing and signal-boosting good LGBTQ+ content with curation and everything.
Can one truly be dominant if others can shit upon them without consequence?

Edit: yeah, the comparison with the jews ain't there yet, but the auditudes among certain segments seem to be going there.

People mock presidents and congresscritters. Does that make them not-dominant? Being non-advantaged does not mean 'not-mockable.' Rather, with mockery, punching down is worse than punching up, generally speaking.

'Nerd' is a self-identified social title that is incredibly mainstream and few mind if one is openly a nerd.

Nerds simply are not a persecuted minority and lack most of the problems of persecuted minorities. Now there is a discussion on whether some of the associated stereotypes are ableist-coded, but the majority of the populace plays video games, watches star wars and marvel, and there isn't anything like the social shunning of D&D back in the 70s and 80s even (which itself is still nothing compared to the problems ethnic minorities often have, i.e. beatings, violence, calls for their death, that sort of thing).
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Sometimes I just want to vent. And sometimes I just want to piss people off. If anyone actually knew me, anything I might say to offend is blatantly contradicted by myself on a regular basis. It's the internet. If everyone was sincere about the things they've written on it, THE WORLD WOULD LITERALLY BE ON FIRE RIGHT NOW.

Nerds simply are not a persecuted minority and lack most of the problems of persecuted minorities.

Nerds also tend to be isolated individuals with no sense of community. No matter how badly minorities have it, they've got each other. A nerd on the other hand might not even have their family. Oh, they might provide love and comfort, but connecting with them and sharing your interests? That's something else entirely.
People mock presidents and congresscritters. Does that make them not-dominant? Being non-advantaged does not mean 'not-mockable.' Rather, with mockery, punching down is worse than punching up, generally speaking.

'Nerd' is a self-identified social title that is incredibly mainstream and few mind if one is openly a nerd.

Nerds simply are not a persecuted minority and lack most of the problems of persecuted minorities. Now there is a discussion on whether some of the associated stereotypes are ableist-coded, but the majority of the populace plays video games, watches star wars and marvel, and there isn't anything like the social shunning of D&D back in the 70s and 80s even (which itself is still nothing compared to the problems ethnic minorities often have, i.e. beatings, violence, calls for their death, that sort of thing).

Let's engage with "nerd-dom" on the terms of Progressive talk.

Toxic masculinity is a real problem. We all recognize that. Speaking of generalities here, Nerds are skinny or overweight, tend to be disinterested in sports or other macho activities, are not aggressive in a typical male dominating sense (outside of special social spheres they create for themselves), etc..

Nerds do not fit the social ideal of "Man.' And of course this is just male nerds. I can't speak for female nerds as I am not one, although I would imagine they face similar problems for defying societal norms and expectations for women.

So I feel justified in saying nerds are fucked over in some fashion. Is it in the clear way that African-Americans are persecuted? No. Nerds aren't getting their ability to vote restricted beyond the general bullshit voter ID laws the US has which effect everybody.

But it's like, you know how when you are depressed somebody will say "well it's not that bad. At least you're not being mauled by a bear." I mean...sure, I guess. But humans aren't robots and we don't work on pure logic. Ethnic minorities in the US have it worse but you know who has it worse than them? The people in Yemen.
There's always somebody worse off than you and you can recognize that logically. However it: a) doesn't change your position. If you are still a white nerd getting picked on, recognizing social injustice for other groups does absolutely zero to improve your lot, and b) vague notions of faraway problems weigh less on peoples' minds than the concrete things happening to them right now. Abstract, distant ideas mean less than concrete, present feelings.
Nerds are the largest subculture existing in our western societies. The subset being pointed out by those caricatures are the ones being unpleasant, the guy who barges in and starts telling everyone that the author has given in to the SJW menace, the various Really Weird Things that the brony community has created, the White Nationalist Bitcoin Maximalist Crossfit Paleo Diet guys who guzzle down Alex Jones' AlphaMale Pills (let me tell you this guy is all in on being Manly with a Capital M.), the guy who doesn't shower and expects women to flock to him for his intellect (that he doesn't broadcast) and who might also be a caricature of autism, but also exists IRL without autism and it just kind of an asshole.

The nerd being bullied in school isn't being bullied because he's a nerd, he's being bullied because he's vulnerable, because there's no one backing him up, because the bully recognizes something in him that hits a bit too close to home, but not because he's a nerd, because chances are the bully's one too.
That's funny, I've always had it told to me as "Humanities are useless chaff, only things with numbers in them matter." from just about everyone, ever. Funnily enough, the first authority figure to ever say that humanities were important was the director of an engineering school, he was also the last. The boss bitching that his reports aren't right and never hinting at what's wrong with them even when asked still bitches that humanities are nothing but useless dead trees.
Oh, I didn't mean that tech-skills were portrayed as chaff, but more like the attitude that tech skills are studied because one has to (they're demanded by the curriculum, they're needed to make one's mind more orderly, they're useful for earning money etc.) while humanities are studied because they should be studied ("they make you human", "everyone ought to know and love at least one poem by heart" etc.). If anything, I think the usefulness (in combination with un-social leanings) is what feeds the resentment.

'Nerd' is a self-identified social title that is incredibly mainstream and few mind if one is openly a nerd.
Perhaps this is the key point of disconnect? Because I'm not talking about nerds as a label that people applied to themselves after going to the marketplace of social labels and titles, but rather as a label by which the rest of society/class/etc brands people based on exhibiting certain criteria. "Someone who wants to be an astronaut" can be a self-identified label, but "someone who is an astronaut" is not (because it's based on possessing certain astronaut-like criteria as evaluated by NASA/ESA/etc.). It may be telling that the synonyms (or at least literal translations) for the non-self-chosen variant of nerd are 'botanicist' (denoting a very niche and cryptic sphere of interests that's unlikely to make one famous nor popular), 'overstudier' (denoting disapproval of the amount of time the person spends in pursuit of knowledges) and 'toosmart' (expressing an opinion that exceeding some socially-approved level of smarts is a bad thing); those are not socially neutral words.

there isn't anything like the social shunning of D&D back in the 70s and 80s even
A psychiatrist deemed one of my friends too mentally unstable to be barred from certain jobs (e.g. army and some other types of government works) due to admitting to play RPGs (VtM and D&D, IIRC), in the 2000s. I'm not sure if the 80s were worse, but surely you can agree that people being branded mentally ill for their nerdy interests is a serious form of social discrimination?

Edit: for less dramatic examples, there's things like the treatment of programmers by communications-oriented people as genies-in-a-lamp ("hey, our office's microwave stopped working, fix it, after all, you're a programmer" being only a slight exaggeration), or the way that computer game geeks seem to often look down on tabletop nerds (not necessarily using those words the way previously mentioned, but with the same attitude).

Things may have been worse in the past, but nonetheless being branded a nerd by the mainstream society still seems to hold more downsides than upsides.
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