Turn 6: Pixel Wizard
Winning Vote:
[X] Arcade
[X] PLAN: Men of Destiny
-[X] Bond with a copilot
--[X] Lucia
-[X] Get to know the crew of the Archangel
-[X] Sharing the GN Love
--[X] The Romefeller Foundation
-[X] Paging Ikari

-[X] The Handover
-[X] Tattered Ribbons
-[X] Cracks in the Unicorn's Horn
-[X] FD-03 Gustav Karl
-[X] Greatest hits of the AEUG
-[X] Suzaku Kururugi
-[X] Destiny Gundam

July UE 0083
Akihabara, Tokyo

You are Shinji Ikari, and you are currently in the company of two beautiful young women as they take you to an arcade in Akihabara. You're pretty sure Kenji would have an appropriate comment for this situation.

The three of you enter the arcade, and the sounds of the games wash over you. At first all of the beeping sounds the same to you, but after a few seconds, you're able to tell at least tell the difference between the sounds of the crane games and well...everything else in the arcade.

While Kurara goes to get tokens, Aoi turns to you and smiles.

"So, what did you want to start with?" She asks.

After some deliberation, you decide to start with a rhythm game.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jC5j97STXo

How well does Shinji do?
DC 6 to have a good time
Roll 1d10 + 1 (good company) - 2 (Medium difficulty song)
Roll 2
2 + 1 - 2 = 0

Although you enjoy the song itself, you seem to have two left feet. You manage to finish the song, but your life bar consists of what you're pretty sure is a single pixel. When the score comes up, you have a rank of C. Aoi, by contrast, has at least twice as many points, with a ranking of A.

"Maybe not this one, eh?" Aoi says jokingly.

The three of you decide to try a fighting game next. Rather than play against each other, however, the girls decide to see how far you can get in single player.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEdbR0jnfvQ

How far does Shinji get?
DC 6 to have a good time
Roll 1d10 + 1 (Encouragement) + 2 (Easy to use character) - 1 (Relatively complex controls and inputs)
Roll 6
6 + 1 + 2 - 1 = 8
Result: Shinji clears the single player mode, but loses to the secret boss

At the advice of Kurara, you pick a character she says is relatively easy to use for a beginner. After a crash course from her in your character's moveset, you do surprisingly well. After stumbling through the first stage while still getting used to the controls and a close shave on the second, you manage to get a perfect victory on the third. Although you struggle a bit after that, you manage to push through and beat the final stage, albeit with less than a quarter of health remaining.

Then the screen flashes purple, 'Danger, new challenger approaching!" flashes on the screen.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U4fwuQrtqQ

Looks like you've stumbled into one of the game's secret bosses by accident.

Unfortunately, you don't do very well after that, as your AI opponent is relentless, absolutely pummeling you in the first round without you managing to land a single hit. The second round goes almost as badly, although you are at least able to land a five-hit combo before the secret boss finishes you off with his super move.

As the cabinet flashes 'Game Over' and rolls credits, Aoi consoles you by tapping your shoulder.

"Don't take it too badly, I hear even pros have trouble beating that boss. Besides, the only way to get to that boss in the first place is to clear the entire single player mode without using a continue! Not a lot of people can do that on their first try." She says.

Huh, isn't that something.

After grabbing drinks, the three of you take a short break while discussing what you should play next. Kurara suggests one of the light gun games. You and the girls take a look at what the arcade has to offer, and you eventually decide on Chrono Disaster 3.

You are Aoi Hidaka, and you pull Kurara aside for a moment before putting in the tokens.

"Hey, go easy on Shinji for this would you?" You say.

"Whatever do you mean?" Kurara asks with feigned innocence. You roll your eyes.

"We both know you're a crack shot. If the two of you beat the game but you absolutely demolish him in score, it might have the opposite effect of what we're going for." You explain.

"Fair enough. I'll hold back a bit then." Kurara nods.

"You'd better."

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nY90T2lvsRY

How well does Shinji do?
DC 7 to have a good time
Roll 1d10 + 3 (Palette Rifle marksman) + 1 (Kurara holding back) - 1 (Series known for difficulty)
Roll 4
4 + 3 + 1 - 1 = 7
Result: Shinji and Kurara beat the game, although they have to burn a lot of tokens in the process.

Shinji actually does better than you anticipate at the start of the first level, although as expected of a first timer, he takes a few hits early on. When Shinji realizes that he can switch weapons, he switches over from the default handgun to the machinegun, and uses it excessively, only switching out whenever he runs out of ammo or is practically forced to use a different weapon by different enemy mechanics. Kurara, in contrast, sticks with the default handgun most of the time, only switching to other weapons when she and Shinji get mobbed by enemies. Despite Kurara's skill even when holding back, and Shinji's surprising adeptness, the two of them still run out of lives a few times, the most notable instance being the boss of the second level, when at one point both Shinji and Kurara see the continue screen at about the same time. Nonetheless, the two of them manage to beat the game, although it uses up all but one of your tokens in the process. After the credits roll and the final results are tallied, their scores come up. You breath a silent sigh of relief; Kurara's score only exceeds Shinji's by around 100,000. And they both made it to the leaderboard, 3rd place in fact.

After entering their initials into the leaderboard, Shinji turns to you.

"Thanks for taking me out Aoi. I...I think I'm ready to go back now." Shinji says.

"You sure?" You ask.

"Yeah, I think I know what I want to say to Misato now."

You're not sure if Shinji would respond well to a hug, so you instead settle for placing a hand on his shoulder. That seems to have been the right call, as he immediately starts blushing.

"If you think so Shinji-chan. Come on, we'll take you back to your place then. Oh! Before I forget." You toss him your trio's last arcade token. "A keepsake." You explain.

Shinji nods in understanding.

OZ Headquarters, Amsterdam

You are Lady Une, and you are in desperate need of some aspirin.

On the orders of Treize, you had investigated the flow of resources that Anaheim Electronics, or more specifically the parts of Anaheim Electronics under control of the Vist Foundation, that were being sent to Industrial 7. All of the resources in question were related to mobile suit development, more specifically a psychomachine of some kind, if the sheer amount of psychoframe in the cargo manifests was accurate. The problem is that to the best of anyone's knowledge, the Federation is not commissioning a new type of psychomachine, not even the 'successor' to the Flanagan Institute.

On a whim, you had ordered a covert unit to tail some of the cargo shuttles after they left Industrial 7. Most of them went back to their point of origin, but a few took a roundabout path to space colonies known to harbor Neo-Zeon remnants. Furthermore, a spy you have in the Vist Foundation broke cover to inform you that he saw a video conference between Cardeas Vist and a known leader of Neo-Zeon Remnants. The spy couldn't provide any details as he got the impression that the meeting was private, but it seems like there's some kind of deal between the Vist Foundation and certain elements of Neo-Zeon remnants. Unfortunately, you have no idea what that deal could be, aside from involving some kind of new psychomachine. You hope it isn't a successor to the Zeong.

You can't move openly against the Vist Foundation, they're too deeply intertwined with Anaheim Electronics, and open conflict with them could prove disastrous.

What do you do?

[ ] Appeal to the stars above
-Station a Gundam Meister around Industrial 7 at all times. If something happens, you'll have an asset on hand to mitigate things until the Solar Vanguard can get there in force.
-Each turn until the Unicorn Gundam plot starts, one Gundam Meister (randomly selected from Setsuna, Tieria, and Allelujah) will be unavailable to assist in planetside combat

[ ] Power of the Zodiac
-Station a unit from OZ aboard Industrial 7 for 'security' reasons. You'll have some legitimacy there, although you're expecting the unit to be stonewalled at every turn until something happens.
-When Unicorn Gundam plot starts, will have a mobile suit unit of your choice on hand to deal with things
-Pick a unit to send:
--[ ] Leo Platoon
--[ ] Taurus Platoon
--[ ] GM III Platoon

[ ] Privatized Help
-Station a unit from S.M.S. aboard Industrial 7. They'll likely face distrust from the Vist Foundation there, but it's better than nothing.
-Isamu Dyson and his VF-25 wing will be unavailable until the start of the Unicorn Gundam plot. Will have use of a generic VF-25 wing until then.

[ ] Nothing
-The Solar Vanguard already has too many irons in the fire. Adding another will stretch the organization thin.


Shinji Ikari's mental state has improved (Lamenting the unfairness of life -> sedate)
Shinji Ikari's accomplishments in the arcade have improved his own skills. Will receive a boost to Ability when stats for Evangelion characters are determined.

A/N: Not too proud of the last part, but I wanted to include something that wasn't just the event with Shinji. Please discuss, vote, and give constructive criticism!
........ What would be the best way to recruit Bagher Links and Minerva.... To legitimately make use of the Unicorn Gundam and to intervene and get Cardenas Visit to provide us support.
Ah what could be the worst that could happen
[X] Appeal to the stars above
[] Appeal to the stars above

Edit: You know what yeah, I think I like this option better.

[X] Power of the Zodiac
-[X] GM III Platoon
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[X] Power of the Zodiac
-[X] GM III Platoon

As a Legitimate Federation Institution, I think it would be a fine idea to have boots on the ground to take control of the situation officially when shit goes down. Leveraging CB works too, but being able to pull jurisdiction on any Neo-Hope plants in the area should help, not to mention the benefits of having mooks around to cordon civilians.

GM IIIs because they have more options for "dont shoot a hole in the damn wall" weapons than the Wing suits.
Turn 6: Death of a Scientist
Winning Vote:
[X] Appeal to the stars above
[X] PLAN: Men of Destiny
-[X] Bond with a copilot
--[X] Lucia
-[X] Get to know the crew of the Archangel
-[X] Sharing the GN Love
--[X] The Romefeller Foundation
-[X] Paging Ikari
-[X] The Handover
-[X] Tattered Ribbons
-[X] Cracks in the Unicorn's Horn
-[X] FD-03 Gustav Karl
-[X] Greatest hits of the AEUG
-[X] Suzaku Kururugi
-[X] Destiny Gundam

July UE 0083
Hokkaido Wilderness, Japan

"Are you sure Heinel won't attack us for this?" Hiyoshi nervously asks.

"I made it clear to Prince Heinel that you hornless lot genuinely wish to make a gesture of goodwill by returning me. He has no wish to endanger me. The biggest threat will be from Zuhl. He will make every effort to kill me and frame you for it. Be on the lookout for him." Katherine warns.

In the end, it had been decided that the Voltes team would allow Katherine to use the communications equipment of Big Falcon to make a call to Prince Heinel in order to explain the situation. Although Heinel was incredulous that the Voltes and Combattler teams would give up such a valuable hostage, he was nonetheless eager to get Katherine back. However, he had demanded that neither Combattler V or Voltes V be allowed anywhere near the meeting point. When Kenichi had protested that this would leave them defenseless if Heinel brought Boazanian Battle Beasts, he snidely replied that that was the entire point, he would not take any risks when it came to Katherine's safety. Outraged, Hyoma had countered that there would be no deal if Heinel insisted on such unfair terms. After much back and forth, Heinel eventually agreed to allow an escort of mobile suits, no more than a unit of ten, and Heinel would 'only' bring his personal Skullrook ship for the sake of transportation.

And so, the Combattler and Voltes teams found themselves escorting Katherine Rii to the meeting point in the wilderness of Hokkaido, accompanied by ten ECOAS Jegans, and an armed security team as well. They had made it a few minutes early, and were now waiting for Heinel. The ECOAS team had swept the area for bombs and traps Zuhl might have set up, only to find nothing.

The group isn't made to wait much longer, as the sound of a Skullrook's engine fills the air. Everyone present glances up to see Prince Heinel's personal Skullrook in the air. A shuttle departs the massive ship, and touches down in the clearing that is the meeting point. The door opens, and Prince Heinel, along with his second-in-command, Jangal, and, surprisingly, Zuhl. Heinel has a look of distaste, although his expression brightens somewhat on seeing Katherine is unharmed.

"Katherine, you are well? The hornless Earthlings did not mistreat you, did they?" He asks.

"No my lord, the treated me as well as hornless ones could, given the circumstances." Katherine responds in a surprisingly soft tone.

At that moment, Ippei notices Zuhl has shifted his hands behind his back. Heinel notices Ippei narrowing his eyes, and looks offended.

"You suspect me of treachery, at a moment like this?" Heinel's tone is a mix of smugness and disbelief.

"It's not you I don't trust. It's your man Zuhl I'm worried about." Ippei replies.

Heinel's expression darkens, and he turns to face Zuhl.

"You have been very evasive these past few days Zuhl. At first I thought it was because you suspected treachery on the part of the Earthlings, but now I'm not so sure. Why did you advise me against this meeting?" Heinel asks in an imperious tone.

Zuhl says nothing, although his expression morphs into one of triumph as he presses down on something he's holding in his hands.

The Jegans immediately look to the sky in alarm.

"Get down!" The lead Jegan pilot yells over his mobile suit's external speakers.

As everyone but Zuhl dives to the ground, the Jegans fire their beam rifles at something in the air approaching at high speed. One beam round clips the object in the side, causing it start trailing smoke and go off course. The object slams into the ground near the meeting point, and a pair of Jegans goes to investigate. The ECOAS ground leader puts a hand to his earpiece as the Jegans report what they found.

"They say it's some kind of drone. Looks like a Boazanian design." He says.

Heinel snarls before turning to Zuhl, who cowers in response.

"What is the meaning of this Zuhl!? You try to kill us with a dishonorable method, and to what end?" He yells at Zuhl.

Zuhl tries to bolt back to the shuttle, only for Jangal to grab him. Cornered, Zuhl's expression regains a measure of defiance.

"Emperor Zu Zambajil is most displeased by your lack of progress in the conquest of Earth! I intended to kill you all and take your place as leader of the invasion!" Zuhl tries to split in Heinel's face, only to miss.

"You coward! You don't even deserve the single horn you have!" Jangal yells.

"That is not all my lord. The hornless Earthlings believe that Zuhl attempted to assassinate me with a bomb, which is what led to my capture in the first place." Katherine says. She walks over to Heinel and hands him a copy of the analysis of the bomb.

Heinel gives the data a quick once-over and snarls.

"Jangal, hold Zuhl in place, make sure he cannot escape." Heinel says in a furious tone.

Jangal obliges, grabbing Zuhl by the arms and lifting him up.

Heinel draws a dagger and stabs Zuhl repeatedly in the chest and abdomen, screaming what the ECOAS, Combattler, and Voltes teams assume are obscenities in the Boazanian language. As Zuhl coughs up blood, Jangal drops him to the ground, at which Heinel draws a pistol from his coat and empties the magazine into Zuhl's head. Heinel sighs before turning to the group.

"Perhaps you hornless Earthlings do have a shred of honor in you after all. Certainly more than this coward." Heinel kicks Zuhl's corpse to emphasize his point. "Do what you will with his body, he deserves no respect, even in death. You may expect a short reprieve from me as I sort out...internal affairs. Make no mistake though, we shall meet on the field of battle again."

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Kenichi responds.

Heinel snorts before gesturing for Katherine to follow him. The Boazanian trio get in their shuttle and return to the Skullrook, which leaves shortly after.

Katherine Rii has been safely returned to the custody of Prince Heinel

As a gesture of gratitude, Heinel and the Boazanians will not take any major actions during the next turn

A combination of Katherine Rii's time at Big Falcon and her safe return has planted seeds of doubt within both her and Heinel's minds about the righteousness of their invasion...

End of Turn Results

All copilot bond levels at 5-All relevant stat boosts increased by 1!
Your experiences fighting various enemies have caused your skills to improve: +2 to Mira's Ability

Gundam Meister posting in Industrial 7
Roll 1d6

Roll 4

Tieria and the Gundam Virtue will not be available to assist in combat next turn.

A/N: And here is the end of Turn 6. Please give constructive criticism.
Well, that went well at least, Zuhl got taken out and we got Heinel and Katherine to start doubting the invasion.

Maybe we will be able to avoid their ending of pretty much stray shots killing them when the Boazanians start rebelling againts Zu Zambajil.

Who knows maybe the bombshell of the Voltes team and Heinel being half-brothers get revealed a lot sooner if we continue planting seeds of doubt.

And hey no Boazanians attack for the next turn may come in handy for other plots
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Turn 7: Angelus Apparens
August UE 0083
NERV launch elevator 05, Tokyo

You are Shinji Ikari, and you're getting ready to sortie in EVA-01 against another Angel.

"Neural linkages stable, all systems green!" You hear a technician report into an intercom on the wall.

"All personnel, clear the launch bay, we are sending up Evangelion Unit-01!" Someone announces.

You brace yourself as the launch mechanism shoots you and EVA-01 up. As you reach the surface, you spy the Angel in the distance, a large, blue geometric shape.

"Shinji, watch out!" Misato yells in fright.

You have no time to ask what's going on when a flash of light takes up your entire vision, and you feel like you're being burned alive.

You are Misato Katsuragi, and you're currently scrambling to figure out a way to extract Shinji.

One technician takes the initiative and raises a barricade between EVA-01 and the beam the 5th Angel is firing. The barrier barely lasts a second before the beam melts it and starts hammering EVA-01 again.

"Initiate emergency retrieval NOW! Detonate support bolts around launch elevator 05!" You order.

Although Aoba and Hyuga immediately execute your orders, it still feels like it takes far too long for your liking. As EVA-01 descends beneath street level, you ask for a report on Shinji's vitals. He's suffering from numerous first degree burns, but otherwise stable.

You grimace as the Angel moves into a position that you realize is directly over the Geofront, and extends a drill into the ground.

"Oh come on!" You exclaim.

2 hours later
Ad-hoc forward operating base, southwest of Tokyo

"You're kidding!" You say in disbelief as you look over the report that NERV sent over.

"Afraid not, Lieutenant Ayana, my operatives witnessed half of the tests that the JSDF conducted with their own eyes. The Angel is exactly as powerful as the reports say." Zero says as he crosses his arms.

"And what, pray tell, are we expected to do about this?" Kati asks as she looks over the report.

"Apparently, NERV already has a plan in place to deal with the Angel. However, the execution of it will be incredibly delicate, and so they're requesting as much help as possible." Zero explains.

"And what is this plan?" Murrue asks.

"They plan to shoot the Angel with a positron rifle they've been developing. Hopefully it will kill the Angel with the first blow." Zero elaborates.

"What's so delicate about that plan?" You raise an eyebrow.

"The problem is that the rifle requires a gargantuan amount of power. Even with modern Minovksy reactors and Sakuradite, a single shot will require all of the power that Tokyo generates to fire." Zero says.

"Can't the Archangel take the shot instead? We have two positron cannons of our own." Murrue offers.

Zero scoffs.

"You've read the most important parts of the report. Even with your ship's Laminate Armor, the Angel's particle beam would utterly destroy you before you could get into even maximum range." He points out.

Murrue looks downcast. Zero takes a moment to let her mood restore itself a bit before continuing.

"NERV has asked that the Solar Vanguard provide cover for EVA-01 in case things don't go according to plan. The Angel is currently drilling through the armor plates that protect the Geofront, and there are currently 17 of the initial 22 remaining. Assuming that preparations are done on schedule, there will be five armor plates left when we begin the operation. Any questions?" Zero opens the floor.

"What's this going to be called? It's going to get confusing if we just call it 'the operation'." Bright Noa asks.

"NERV already decided on it, actually, they're calling it Operation Yashima." Zero says.

Tactical Information

The 5th Angel, dubbed Ramiel by NERV, is drilling through the Geofront's armor plating, presumably to get to the lower levels of NERV HQ.
Ramiel has an incredibly strong AT field, and seems to be almost omniscient, destroying anything that enters a set radius around it with an extremely powerful particle beam. The MAGI calculate that this beam can melt Super Alloy Z.
NERV is setting up Evangelion-01 to fire on Ramiel with a high-powered positron rifle from outside of its 'kill radius'.
Ramiel's effective range far exceeds its 'kill radius'. If fired upon, it will retaliate with its beam, to devastating effect.


There are multiple forces that you will have to deploy. These include the protection detail for EVA-01 and EVA-00, and several units for the surrounding areas. The protection detail for the EVAs will consist of named pilots and their machines. Battleships will not be available due to the sheer risk of aggravating Ramiel.

Who will you pick for the EVAs protection detail? (Pick TWELVE)

[ ] Mira Ayana in the Rose
-[ ] Nina
-[ ] Yukari
-[ ] Lucia

[ ] Mazinkaiser
-Pilot: Kouji Kabuto

[ ] Great Mazinger
-Pilot: Tetsuya Tsurugi
[ ] Photon Power Labs Support Team
-Machines: Aphrodite A, Venus A, Boss Borot
-Pilots: Sayaka Yumi, Jun Hono, Boss, Nuke, and Mucha

[ ] Getter Robo
-Pilots: Ryoma Nagare, Hayato Jin, Benkei Kuruma

[ ] GN-X (Patrick Custom)
-Pilot: Patrick Colosaur

[ ] Uruz Team
-Machines: M9 Command Type, M9 Sniper Type, and M9 CQC Type
-Pilots: Melissa Mao, Kurz Weber, Sosuke Sagara

[ ] YF-19 Custom
-Pilot: Isamu Dyson

[ ] W-0
-Machines: Alexander Frame x5
-Pilots: Leila Malcal (CO), Akito Hyuga, Ryo Sayama, Ayano Kosaka, Yukiya Naruse

[ ] Asura Strike Force
-Machines: Alexander Red Ogre, Gloucester x4
-CO: Ashley Ashra

[ ] Dragonar Team
-Machines: Dragonar 1, Dragonar 2, and Dragonar 3
-Pilots: Kaine Wakaba, Tapp Oceano, and Light Newman

[ ] Britannian Knightmare Unit
-Machines: Sutherland x8
-Pilots: Jeremiah Gottwald (CO), Villeta Nu, Veteran Devicer x6

[ ] Gundam Meisters
-Machines: Gundam Exia, Gundam Kyrios
-Pilots: Setsuna F. Seiei, Allelujah Haptism
[ ] Destiny Gundam
-Pilot: Stella Loussier

[ ] Black Knights Strike team
-Machines: Guren Mk II, Burai Command Type, Burai x10
-Pilots: Zero (CO), Q1 (Guren Pilot), K1 (Second in Command), P5 (Commander of secondary unit), Experienced Devicer x8

[ ] Aestivalis Unit
-Machines: Aestivalis Frame x6
-Pilots: Akito Tenkawa, Gai Daigoji, Ryoko Subaru, Hikari Amano, Izumi Maki, and Akaktsuki Nagare
-Note: The Nadesico will not be in range to provide power with the Gravity Wave Antennae, they will be reliant on portable batteries

[ ] Strike Gundam
-Pilot: Kira Yamato
-Striker Pack
-[ ] Aile
-[ ] Sword
-[ ] Launcher

[ ] Skygrasper 1
-Pilot: Mu La Flaga
-Striker Pack
-[ ] Aile
-[ ] Sword
-[ ] Launcher

[ ] Combattler V
-Main Pilot: Hyoma Aoi

[ ] Voltes V
-Main Pilot: Kenichi Go

[ ] Daimos
-Pilot: Kazuya Ryuuzaki

[ ] Human Reform League (HRL) Experimental Unit
-Machines: Tieren High Mobility Type, Tieren Taozi, Tieren Ground Type x3
-Pilots: Sergei Smirnov (CO), Soma Peries, HRL conscript pilot x3

[ ] Graham Aker and Wingmen
-Machines: Flag (Graham Custom), Flag x2
-Pilots: Graham Aker, Howard Mason, Daryl Dodge

[ ] The Colony Gundams
-Machines: Wing Gundam, Gundam Deathscythe, Gundam Heavyarms, Gundam Sandrock, Shenlong Gundam
-Pilots: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei

[ ] Specials Unit
-Machines: Tallgeese, Noin's Taurus, Leo x4, Aries x2, Taurus x2
Pilots: Zechs Merquise, Lucrezia Noin, Specials Pilot x8

[ ] Londo Bell Unit
-Machines: Gustav Karl, Zeta Gundam, Support ReZEL, ZZ Gundam, 'Strike Zeta' Gundam
-Pilots: Amuro Ray, Kamille Bidan, Fa Yuiry, Judau Ashta, Roux Louka

[ ] Lancelot
-Pilot: Suzaku Kururugi

What forces will you assign to cover which surrounding area?
There are three areas to cover: the left flank, the right flank, and the rear.
Please specify which unit will cover which area

(You may not pick more than 5 units in total, and may assign a maximum of two per area)

[ ] Leo Platoon
-Machines: Leo x40
-Pilots: OZ pilot x40

[ ] Jegan Platoon
-Machines: Jegan x20
-Pilots: EFF pilot x20

[ ] JSDF AS unit
-Machines: Type 96 Arm Slave x15
-Pilots: JSDF pilot x15

[ ] Britannian Emergency Response Force
-Machines: Gloucester x5, Sutherland x 20
-Pilots: Veteran Devicer x5, Rookie Devicer x20

[ ] SMS Wing
-Machines: VF-25 Messiah x10
-Pilots: SMS pilot x10

[ ] GN-X Unit
-Machines: GN-X x20
-Pilots: Specials Pilot x 10, OZ pilot x10

[ ] Unconventional MS unit
-Machines: Tieren x10, Enact x10, Flag x10
-Pilots: HRL conscript x10, AEU pilot x10, Union pilot x10

What will you use to distract the Angel?
The MAGI project that distractions will be less effective after EVA-01 fires the positron rifle.
The distraction picked will not be available in subsequent rounds of combat unless otherwise specified

[ ] Indirect barrage
-NERV had already set up missile silos, remote artillery parks, and a system that will let it target the Angel even with the sheer amount of Minovsky interference occurring sometime beforehand, though not for this exact situation
-Each round of combat, a variable amount of this remote artillery will be destroyed by Ramiel, as determined by a roll of 3d20. If the total rolled is greater than 50, enough of the artillery will have been destroyed to render the entire network unusable. Every turn that the check is successfully passed, the threshold decreases by 10.

[ ] Mobile Doll Waves
-Engineer Tubarov of the Romefeller Foundation has offered the use of his new Mobile Doll system to distract the Angel. He was only able to implement the system on a large number of mobile suits that are mostly outdated, but considering the circumstances, it won't be a terrible loss.
-There are enough Mobile Dolls to send in waves for 3 rounds of combat.
What do you lead with?
-[ ] GM IIs
-[ ] Hizacks
-[ ] Leos

[ ] Thermal Smoke
-NERV has a stockpile of experimental smoke rounds that the MAGI and Dr. Akagi say should be able to theoretically blind Ramiel. The problem is that they only have enough rounds for a single barrage.
-Ramiel will not be able to retaliate if this is used in the first round, if used in subsequent rounds, will instead cause Ramiel to suffer a massive accuracy penalty

A/N: And here is the opening set piece of Turn 7. The title is 'The 5th Angel Appears' in Latin. Please vote and discuss! Updates to the allied pilot sheet to come later.
Well shit, giant diamond has come out to play.

And damn any direct hit may as well be one shot if this shit can melt super alloy Z.

Big targets may be a bad idea so the mazin team is out of the game.

Both the Kaiser and Great are excellent machines, but Ramiel will leave them on the garage for repairs if we are not lucky.

Getter on the other hand may be more lucky, great mobility and open get may be enough to avoid hits, if this is the shin getter of course, the original and G getter may have less chances againts giant diamond as they are not as fast, there is also that we can only rely on Getter 1, getter 2 may be the fastest, but Hayato's drill may not be enough, Benkei too is also a more close fighter and I doubt getter 3 missiles could do much, worse will be if Ramiel retaliates.

So that is a 50/50, specially since we known Getter rays may just be BS enough to give a nuisance to ramiel if they can get past the AT field.

Uruz team is also probably not viable outside coordinating tactics, I doubt Ramiel will even get distracted by their attacks and that is without counting that this is before the Lambda driver, so no BS that Ramiel could actually feel.

Any Seed unit is also out, they have a lot of firepower sure, but once they run out of power they are sitting ducks iirc.

The Exia may be viable for distraction, specially with the Trans-am system.

The destiny is probably a bad idea to field here so that's scratched.

Lelouch may be a good idea to have out, just for coordination, guy is pretty good at playing around his enemies, so he may give us tactical adventage for Ramiel.

Combattler and Voltes a maybe, depends on how electromagnetism plays with AT field, a combo of the electromagnetic tornado and the electromagnetic ball passing trough the AT field and stopping Ramiel on the spot may be just what we need to finish this on 1st shot.

Daimos is also out sadly, mostly since he only has the double blizzard for stopping enemies at the moment and the Daimos itself is a more melee focused machine.

The colony Gundams, specially Wing Gundam may be a good option, not only we have access to the zero system, but also the twin buster rifle, if we deploy it with the ZZ we may get Ramiel to get distracted if we combine both the Twin buster rifle with the High Mega Cannon.

The nadesico units are also out, mostly rellying on the battery will do us no good on the long run.

Cannot really say anything about the platoons to cover the flanks so I will leave that to someone else.

On the distraction stuff.

Indirect barrage is pretty much subject to the dice gods, so this is probably worst option.

The mobile dolls may work well since Ramiel pretty much considers them mosquitoes and since they are unmaned no life loss.

The thermal smoke may come in handy if Shinji fails 1st shot, so maybe save this for later or we can use it now and nuke ramiel with everything we have on turn one.

Either way will wait for more disscussion before voting.
@Aron593 I think you're confusing Wing Gundam with Wing Zero. You aren't anywhere near close enough in the story to have Wing Zero yet.

You have the original Getter Robo, not Shin Getter.

If the Destiny Gundam is deployed, it will do so alongside Celestial Being (if they're also deployed)

Also, you're not going be directly attacking Ramiel with anything but the Positron rifle. Everyone else being deployed is if something happens.

(Spoilers, something will, but I'm not saying what)
I've my doubts that this will be as straightforward as Ramiel by itself, but it's up in the air what kind of interference we'll be looking at.

Having said that, having Zero's gang nearby will be useful in the event shit goes tits-up, which I definitely expect it too.

Our goal here with deployment should have less to do with engaging Ramiel directly, and more to do with blocking whatever interlopers decide to take advantage of the confusion, while also being able to stay safe from the Angel's attack.

Following that line of logic, we should give Zero as many tools as we can muster. Londo Bell can deliver on that front, as can the Colony Gundams. DD had Kurtz playing coach to Shinji when he took the shot there, so even if we don't deploy the Uruz team, he should be able to up our odds of the shot connecting that way lol. Lmao.

Heinel isn't gonna play fowl, so I say we put the Super Robots to use in a different fashion: have them act as emergency batteries for the positron rifle. It's a drop in the bucket, but exotic energy is exotic energy, the extra output could be enough to get the second shot ready that little bit faster.

Outside of that, I have nothing.
Oh thanks for the clarifications, my bad on not reading correctly.

Either way if that is the case.

I say we deploy the next mechs.

Mazinkaiser and Great Mazinger become great options to intercept, specially since not a lot of stuff will get pass super alloy Z and we can hit hard in the case idiots like Doctor Hell or any other super robot enemy decides that this is a perfect oportunity to annoy us.

Getter becomes a top priority for his getter change, 1 for sky, 2 for land and 3 if anyone is coming by water, 2 has even more utility for being the fastest, meaning we can get close and personal with more nuisances that way.

Lelouch is still to have as a CO since well it is Lelouch.

From the colony ones, I vote Wing, Deathscythe and Heavy arms, Heero single buster rifle will be useful if we get swarmed by enemies since it give us a map attack, Duo is quite good at dealing with a lot of numbers and Trowa, well this is SV, there is never enough dakka.

From the londo bell forces, Kamille and Judau without doubt, both are pretty good with their machines and the Z and ZZ can get to quite the shenaningans should we push them, also newtypes are BS.

The exia is also a good unit to have out just in case, like I said trans-am

The rose of course too in case we get into other dimension enemies shenaningans.

Final spot, another super probably won't do bad, so either Combattler, Voltes or Daimos.

Also if we choose certain batch of units like the londo bell corps, do we have to deploy everyone under them or we can pick specific units?
Unit selections are as written so that I don't have to write a billion individual entries. You pick Londo Bell, you're getting everyone listed in that entry.
We're probably working with the most mobile or the most tanky units here, even if they aren't expected to fight the Angel, they need solutions to Angel Beams, and they probably need to hit hard enough to make AT fields notice.

I think the Beam counts as MAP, so massed trash mobs won't really do much either.

Probably open with the Indirect Barrage, since that relies on the Angel caring about their hits, save the Thermal Smoke for if we need additional Positron shots?
I think we should open with thermal smoke, since that gives us effectively a free shot without retaliation. Then we can use mobile dolls for the one use Treize will tolerate them: guided munitions deployed against a non-human, possibly not even sapient enemy.

Mook units are pretty much a whatever if we don't know what they're going to be doing. @theguynamedwafer, are there noticeable terrain differences between the flanks, or civilians that need evacuation coordinated?

The protection detail should focus on super robots that won't just vaporize instantly on hit. In particular, we should avoid the Strike and Aestivalises if we don't have battleship support. ASes and KMFs are more feasible since they can avoid notice and take cover more easily, and provide spotting for the Evas.
[X] Plan protection and distraction
-[X] Protection is in charge of the next units:
--[X] Mira Ayana in the Rose
---[X] Copilot: Yukari
--[X] Mazinkaiser
--[X] Great Mazinger
--[X] Getter Robo
--[X] Uruz Team
--[X] Gundam Meisters
--[X] Black Knights Strike team
--[X] Combattler V
--[X] Voltes V
--[X] Daimos
--[X] The Colony Gundams
--[X] Londo Bell Unit
-[X] Flanks covering:
--[X] Left flank covering
---[X] Leo Platoon
--[X] Right flank covering
---[X] JSDF AS unit
---[X] Jegan Platoon
--[X] Rear covering
---[X] GN-X Unit
---[X] Unconventional MS unit
-[X] Distraction:
--[X] Thermal Smoke

Ok, got all the choices down, from the super side, it is nice to have a good amount of them ready to charge just in case we get a lot of enemies real robots cannot really do much againts, besides between the other reals, I really couldn't think anyone else apart from the reals I chose to be that useful here, the black knights mostly for lelouch as a CO, Uruz team is also quite the sneaky and useful units to think on the spot, the meisters have the Trans-am, Colony gundams have a MAP weapon which can be useful and finally newtypes are BS so Londo bell goes in too.

For the flanks, Leo platoon has the most units with 40, so they are left alone covering a flank.

The right flank has the AS and the Jegans making a total of 35 units covering that flank.

Finally the rear makes also 40 between the GN-X and the unconventional MS's

And finally for distraction, the thermal smoke as mentioned give us a freebie and if we get lucky we may end this on 1st shot.
@Nerdorama to answer your question about terrain, the left flank is open ground going downhill. The right flank is hilly terrain, and the rear is wooded forest. Civilian evacuation is complete, so you don't have to worry about that.

As for EVA-01's firing position, it's essentially a camouflaged bunker resting just behind the top of a hill.