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[X] Escort food supplies through a dangerous part of the mountains from huge beasts gorged on chakra.

[X] Tynamo
[X] [SPECIAL] The nin you brought in had some interesting intel on Otogakure. Take in more three shinobi from the village to interrogate.

[X] Tynamo
[x] Escort food supplies through a dangerous part of the mountains from huge beasts gorged on chakra.
[x] Tynamo
1.8 Three Doors, says the Sphinx
((Breaking the tie via executive decision. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of opportunities to get more mons!))

[X] [SPECIAL] The nin you brought in had some interesting intel on Otogakure. Take in more three shinobi from the village to interrogate.

[X] Spearow

Spearow was a great addition to the team. With her plain looks and wicked intelligence, Spearow was excellent at scouting, sending messages, and being a very good birb. However, Saya could tell her sensei had a bad feeling about this mission. So did her mother.

"Oh Saya!" she burst into tears upon seeing her, which was strange. Her mom was tough half blind woman who helped keep the clan together. "Take the Stone diary before you leave. Arceus sent me a vision that you will not return from your mission."

"W-what?" Saya said, breathless. The last time Mother had a vision was when her older brother ...

"Take it! You will need it!" Saya's mother pressed the blocky metal tablet into her hands. "Just promise me you won't die."

"I ... I promise mom."

Saya swallowed.


The trip was long. Two weeks of constant travel from rocky hills to the trees of Konoha. They gambled (due to Ganjobu's habits) and trained as much as they could in between, but there was a tension in the air despite Han's attempts at keeping it light hearted. They arrived at the perimeter of Otogakure, a village in the caves and dark. Han didn't let them go inside, saying that the inside was a maze apparently and they could get lost easily. Keeping a patrol along the outside, they caught their first shinobi and tied them up for interrogation. The next one was the same easy effort. The third was when they ran into problems.

They were stalking the young woman who was leaping through the forest when in the next moment, Sousen was gone. They all instantly did the kai sign, but nothing changed and the young woman had disappeared as well.

They stopped on a large tree branch as Saya pulled off Spearow's ball, prepared to throw it to find Sousen.

Han snarled as Orochimaru of the Sannin stepped out into view with a kunai lazily held to Sousen's throat.

"Hello Han of the Five Tails," Orochimaru said. "Why are you doing something as banal as a genin team?"

"Sensei-," Sousen whimpered.

"Shhh, the adults are talking." Orochimaru whispered, suddenly holding the kunai closer.

"What do you want?" Han said coldly.

"Imagine my surprise when I found you and your cute genins skulking around the perimeter. Join my village, Han. They'll welcome you with open arms, unlike Iwagakure." He said silkily.

Han scoffed. "There is no where on earth that is welcome to a jinchuriki. We live a cursed existence Orochimaru."

"Oh I think you'll find Otogakure is more open minded than that." Orochimaru sighed. "But if that's a no ... "

He pressed the kunai deep enough into Sousen to draw blood.

"Stop!" Saya yelled, tears in her eyes. Han was suddenly in front of her, blocking her from view.

"You care for one of them? How positively intriguing." Orochimaru said.

"S-sensei, no, you can't just run with Saya!" Ganjobu cried out. Saya didn't know what face sensei was making, but it was making Ganjobu the most afraid she's seen ever.

What does Saya say?



[ ] Fight him sensei! [NO SURVIVORS ROUTE, ???, THE PROPHECY DAMNS]

[ ] Write In.
And this is what happens when we go near Orichimaru.

Joining him seems like a death option with extra steps. Those steps being painful torture and experimentation.

[X] "You should let us go. You're messing around in Leaf's backyard, and they hate you as is. Yet you're here risking that for whatever reason. But if you kill us or we defect then you're on Iwagakure's shit list too. Would all that attention really serve your interests right now?
-[x] Keep him talking while looking for an opening to help your teammates and fight/escape if talking doesn't work.
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I've been thinking a bit more on this and I'm actually pretty sure Han would lose to Orochimaru so I've made up my mind

[x] Fight him sensei! [NO SURVIVORS ROUTE, ???, THE PROPHECY DAMNS]

Come on, sensei! You can't lose to the head of a village whose leader is decided by musical chairs! (I think that's how Oto's leadership is determined, at any rate)
[x] Fight him sensei! [NO SURVIVORS ROUTE, ???, THE PROPHECY DAMNS]

Well, that escalated quickly... Like, stupidly quickly.
[X] "You should let us go. You're messing around in Leaf's backyard, and they hate you as is. Yet you're here risking that for whatever reason. But if you kill us or we defect then you're on Iwagakure's shit list too. Would all that attention really serve your interests right now?
-[x] Keep him talking while looking for an opening to help your teammates and fight/escape if talking doesn't work.


[X] "You should let us go. You're messing around in Leaf's backyard, and they hate you as is. Yet you're here risking that for whatever reason. But if you kill us or we defect then you're on Iwagakure's shit list too. Would all that attention really serve your interests right now?
-[x] Keep him talking while looking for an opening to help your teammates and fight/escape if talking doesn't work.
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[X] "You should let us go. You're messing around in Leaf's backyard, and they hate you as is. Yet you're here risking that for whatever reason. But if you kill us or we defect then you're on Iwagakure's shit list too. Would all that attention really serve your interests right now?
-[x] Keep him talking while looking for an opening to help your teammates and fight/escape if talking doesn't work.
I have a legit question? Why would ya'll bot to go to Sound as a fresh genin and not expect this to happen????
I have a legit question? Why would ya'll bot to go to Sound as a fresh genin and not expect this to happen????
Because if Orochimaru was that easy to find they would have gotten him already. That he is the first person we run into in Oto is insane so it was either a trap from infiltrators in Iwa (screw you ROOT) or we rolled a 1 on the encounter table. There is a good chance that this is not Orochimaru but an illusionist disguised as him. It could also be a stalling tactic for people to abandon ship while we're talking/fighting. On the chance this is Orochimaru, we'd most likely be surrounded by Oto AMBU because he is their Kage.

Main reason for choosing it was that it was special probably.
Because if Orochimaru was that easy to find they would have gotten him already. That he is the first person we run into in Oto is insane so it was either a trap from infiltrators in Iwa (screw you ROOT) or we rolled a 1 on the encounter table. There is a good chance that this is not Orochimaru but an illusionist disguised as him. It could also be a stalling tactic for people to abandon ship while we're talking/fighting. On the chance this is Orochimaru, we'd most likely be surrounded by Oto AMBU because he is their Kage.

Main reason for choosing it was that it was special probably.

There's no oto ANBU. You're close about the trap thing.
Because if Orochimaru was that easy to find they would have gotten him already. That he is the first person we run into in Oto is insane so it was either a trap from infiltrators in Iwa (screw you ROOT) or we rolled a 1 on the encounter table. There is a good chance that this is not Orochimaru but an illusionist disguised as him. It could also be a stalling tactic for people to abandon ship while we're talking/fighting. On the chance this is Orochimaru, we'd most likely be surrounded by Oto AMBU because he is their Kage.

Main reason for choosing it was that it was special probably.
It's Orochimaru, lmao.
1.9 Death, Despair, and Grief
(Try to make better choices guys. I was going to kill them all off, but one of the players convinced me against it.)


"Fight him sensei!" Saya cried out. Han hesitated for a moment before an explosion of chakra exploded from him. Saya is blown away and landed on her feet to see Sousen's throat cut and his body thrown to the side like garbage. Five giant tails of chakra develop from him as he leapt toward Orochimaru who pulled out a sword. In her peripheral vision, Ganjobu dove into the dirt and disappeared. Avoiding the giant blasts of chakra, she found Sousen lying down in a pool of his own blood. She fell to her knees and grabbed his hand as he looked her in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Sousen," she said, regretting her words. He just weakly squeezed once before his eyes turned glassy and his chest became still.

Feeling numb, she pulled out a scroll and sealed the body with shaking hands. His family would want the body. She turned to look at the incredible battle to her side and an idea came to her. She pulled out Roselia and turned to the fearful pokemon who watched the battle with dread. She was trying to ignore that her sensei was losing. He was slowing down with every cut Orochimaru dealt him while the sannin danced around his attacks.

"Use growth as much as you can Roselia and then use Magical Leaf on Orochimaru," she explained, shaking. This was crazy. She felt in the pit of her stomach that she was going to die. Roselia grew and grew and grew before becoming a foot taller in size and radiating an awesome energy.

Then she struck, with three giant leaves of energy, that seemed to follow Orochimaru despite his attempts to dodge and his wind jutsu only knocked out two of the leaves. The sole leaf sliced through his arm, falling to the grassy loam floor of the forest. He raised his eyebrows as he turned his attention to Saya. She froze as his killing intent pinned her to the ground. He was still fighting Han, but was acting more defensively now that he was missing an arm.

"My oh my, jinchuriki, your genin has claws," He said. "Hm, it seems we're at an impasse. I could kill you, but it'd be far too much work without my arm."

He suddenly kicked Han away and towards Saya who was saved by Roselia.

"Leave. Tell your Tsuchikage that if he steps here I'll kill him," Orochimaru promised. Han snarled, but Saya plunged her arm into the boiling chakra despite the pain and grabbed his shirt.

"Sensei, please," Saya whispered. Han stilled before turning back to normal and scooping Saya into his arms. Leaving warily, they found Ganjobu unconscious on the way out, missing his arm. The stump was sealed like it was boiled.


Saya felt nothing. There was a cotton ball sealing her emotions away as she gave Sousen's body to his mother and aunts. The image of his stoic mother burying herself in her hands and weeping would be burned into her mind. Ganjobu would never be able to become a ninja without an arm. When she tried to visit him in the hospital, he tried to kill her, blaming Han all the while. Han dragged her with him to a meeting with the Tsuchikage even though she just wanted to sleep forever.

"What the fuck was that mission Onoki!?" Han shouted.

"Language, nephew. This is mission report, not a bar," Onoki said, not even looking up from his paperwork.

"You bastard, you sent us there to die!" He snapped.

"An interesting conclusion," He replied back, putting a file in the inbox.

"Orochimaru knew we were coming! How dare you endanger the lives of your shinobi like this!" Han ranted.

"You were going to be fine." Onoki waved him off.

"But we weren't, were we?" Saya said quietly. Onoki stilled.

"An interesting conclusion, Iwa," Onoki warned. Saya shrunk in on herself, before Han placed himself in front of her.

"You're not going to hurt any more of my genin," Han promised.

"Oh? But that was your folly, nephew. You chose to attack, forcing Orochimaru to kill Ruito. You chose to use the chakra blasts that ended Wataru's career." Han flinched at the words, his hands curling into fists. "Frankly, your judgment is not sound. Your remaining genin will be put in a new team-,"

"No. She stays with me. As my apprentice." Han snapped.

"I'm the judge of that," Onoki warned. The tension in the air thickened as Han stared down at him. "Do you really want to start a fight over this girl?"

"Exactly. Is it really worth it, Onoki?" Han asked. Onoki considered this before sighing.

"Very well, I suppose so. She'll still be put with a team when the chuunin exams come, but she can stay as your apprentice," Onoki said, waving him away. Saya and Han walked out the door. She took five steps towards the mission desk and vomited into their trashcan, much to their distaste. Han quickly hurried her out and they went to the usual training spot.

"I ... How could the Tsuchikage do that to us?" Saya whispered, hugging her knees as Spearow and Roselia tried to comfort her.

"You were never supposed to pass. A jinchuuriki isn't supposed to be doing D-ranks or even C-ranks." Han said, nursing a jug of alcohol. "And it was useful. We found out Orochimaru is the kage of the Otogakure."

Useful. Saya never found the word horrifying until now.


Saya stared numbly at the two genins in front of her. They were Kyoko and Ryouga. Both of them didn't like her from the look of it and especially didn't care for sensei. They even still had their own sensei, they just had lost their third teammate.

Han said she didn't have to make friends with them, as she just needed them for the chuunin exams.

What do you do for the week? (Choose four actions.)

[ ] Training.
-[ ] Genjutsu
-[ ] Ninjutsu
-[ ] Taijutsu
-[ ] Weapons training (kunai/shuriken)
-[ ] Medical jutsu
-[ ] Kenjutsu
-[ ] Train Roselia
-[ ] Train Spearow
-[ ] Write In.

[ ] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[ ] Han
-[ ] Kyoko
-[ ] Ryouga
-[ ] Write In

[ ] Write In.
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Han
-[X] Kyoko
-[X] Ryouga

[X] Read the stone book if it has anything to console you.
(Try to make better choices guys. I was going to kill them all off, but one of the players convinced me against it.)
Dude, what the actual flying fuck? There are certain expectations when it comes to pokemon-related stuff. You blindsided us with Orochimaru after making the executive decision to take that option after a tie instead of having a runoff vote. And then you expected us to just flounce off to Oto without any problem? And when we don't, you chide us for it?! What the actual hell.
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