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[ X] Use your explosive tags at dead center next to you and Sora. Sure you might lose a limb, but it's better than being in Orochimaru and Sora's clutches.
[X] Use your explosive tags at dead center next to you and Sora. Sure you might lose a limb, but it's better than being in Orochimaru and Sora's clutches. Use an earth clone to shield yourself from the blast if possible.
4.0 Mistakes are Made
[X] Use your explosive tags at dead center next to you and Sora. Sure you might lose a limb, but it's better than being in Orochimaru and Sora's clutches.

Saya gritted her teeth and waited until Sora is right next to her before snapping out four explosive tags and overloading them next to them. Sora yelled as the explosives consumed them both and all became black.


Saya woke up in the Konoha General Hospital, wrapped in bandages like a mummy. Numbly, she looked down and saw that she had no left leg anymore. Below the knee, everything was gone.

Her career was over. Her hopes were gone. She wouldn't be able to wall walk or water walk, basic things that shinobi needed to be able to do.

Was this what she subjected Ganjobu to? Pure regret and despair filled her.

It was this moment a medic walked in and looked suprised. "Miss Tsuchi! You're awake!"

She rushed out and in a few minutes, came back with the Hokage and her assistant Shizune with Karin and Sakura trailng her. Hokage sat next to her and eyed her.

"You're a real idiot you know that?" she said, bluntly. "Who the fuck overloads four tags next to them?"

"Lady Tsunade!" Shizune chided. "She's injured!"

"She needs to hear her mistakes or she'll repeat them," Tsunade said sharply. "She's lucky that her stunt didn't kill her. As it is, most of her skin's permanently fucked and her leg is gone."

"She still has options!" Shizune insisted. Tsunade shook her head.

"Don't give her false hope, Shizune. It's either a surgery that'll probably kill her or a prosthetic that'll pain her for the rest of her life," Tsunade said sharply.

Shizune turned to Saya, looking grim. "Lady Tsunade is ... correct. You don't have enough hair to replace your leg as it wasn't that long in the first place and the explosion burned most of it off. Your body fat is low due to your training, which would normally be good but that means we might have to take from your muscles to replace your leg. As it is, the surgery could possibly kill you if we take too much material for it. You'll have a sixty percent chance of surviving, even if Lady Tsunade is the one performing it."

"The safer option is a prosthetic made with your chakra sword. It won't be as good as your real leg and the connection period will be a real bitch, but you'll still be able to perform wall climbing and water walking. Over time, I think we can refine and improve it, but it'll always be a weak point for you."

Saya stared at them. The Hokage sighed and stood up. "You don't have to give an answer right now. We'll give you a week to give us an answer."

Karin rushed to her side and hugged her. Sakura tentatively approached, but Karin grabbbed her and pulled her into the hug.

But all Saya did was sob into her shoulder and feel guilt.

What was wrong with her to have not supported Ganjobu during this moment?

What do you do?

[ ] Take the surgery even if it might kill you. You need a real leg to be a shinobi.

[ ] Take the prosthetic. You can't chance dying and it can still do the basic things a shinobi can do.

[ ] Write In.

((I couldn't fit it in, but Sasuke managed to make it to Otogakure and Sora got captured by the Konoha gang because you suicidally set off a bomb next to you. Good job. I mean that sincerely.))
[X] Take the surgery even if it might kill you. You need a real leg to be a shinobi.

We did just survive part 1, it'll be 2 1/2 years until Shippuden starts, so really, the only danger I can see now is just the surgery risk.
[x] Take the prosthetic. You can't chance dying and it can still do the basic things a shinobi can do.

Liking idea of magic ninja robot leg.
[X]Take the surgery even if it might kill you. You need a real leg to be a shinobi.

Ugh. It would suck 100% to have Sora as the MC 🙄. How did he even have a Metagross
[X] Is taking time to put on some weight and improve the odds of a successful surgery to near certainty an option? It'd be easier to get back in shape after the surgery than getting used to a prosthetic.
-[x] If not, go with the prosthetic. The risk of surgery as is is too great and using a prosthetic can be trained.
[X] Take the surgery even if it might kill you. You need a real leg to be a shinobi.
[X] Is taking time to put on some weight and improve the odds of a successful surgery to near certainty an option? It'd be easier to get back in shape after the surgery than getting used to a prosthetic.
-[x] If not, go with the prosthetic. The risk of surgery as is is too great and using a prosthetic can be trained.
[X] Take the prosthetic. You can't chance dying and it can still do the basic things a shinobi can do.

We did just survive part 1, it'll be 2 1/2 years until Shippuden starts, so really, the only danger I can see now is just the surgery risk.
Yeah, but I don't want the risk of dying. Also, Sora has been seen to be a bit of an ass.
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60% odds of success is worse than a 1 in 3 chance of death. If we fail the player character is some creep who was to turn his little sister into a lab rat.

Having to overcome the handicap of a prosthetic is better than that risk. But no harm in finding out if the odds can be improved with time.
4.1 It's Complicated
[X]Take the surgery even if it might kill you. You need a real leg to be a shinobi. 1d100=44

People kept coming to drop gifts off for Saya or yell at her in Han's case. He was mad that he wasn't there, he was mad that Saya had accepted the mission, and he was mad that Saya was going to take another risk on her life by doing the surgery.

"You could take the prosthetic!" Han shouted. Saya didn't say anything and a medic then asked him to leave as he was disturbing the patients.

Why she was doing this was ... complicated. She felt guilty and depressed. She didn't care if she died really at this point.

As she went under, she wondered if she actually wanted to wake up again.


"I can't believe I'm saying this, but it was a success," Tsunade said, looking tired.

"Oh," Saya said, staring at her new leg. She wiggled a toe.

"You'll have to do physical therapy for two months before you'll be ready for duty," Tsunade explained. She sighed. "There's another thing I wanted to talk to you about. Your brother."

Saya grimaced. A memory of him ruffling her hair as he smiled passed through. Another memory of him screaming at Mother after the scroll rejected him passed through as well.

"We managed to save his life but we put him in a coma for now. The ... Metagross creature is in its ball and hasn't come out, thankfully. We wanted your input, since you know him best. We have two paths here, we can either just execute him or ... 'reform' him using the Yamanakas," Tsunade explained.

Saya felt conflicted. She remembered a kind and caring brother, but was that just a ruse, a face he put on for her until he failed to get what he wanted most? He killed Mother, though ... she was not perfect either.

Saya wanted Mother to play with her like she did with her brother. Aunties always took care of her, but they were boring and smelled bad and never wanted to play. Mother was beautiful and playful with her brother and Saya craved that attention for herself. She went to the part of the clan compound where her brother and Mother lived and snuck inside. It was nice and warm. She saw many pictures of her brother and drawings he did, but none of it had Saya in it. Her drawings were nowhere to be seen. Saya wandered around until she found the the fire pit that they sometimes barbequed food in that made Saya's mouth water when she smelled it. She sat down next to it and grabbed some of the charcoal to play with. Picking up a particular piece, she found a shred of paper. Curious, she picked it up and realized it was her drawing.

"What are you doing here?" Mother's sharp voice cut through.

"Mommy, I-" Mother was already dragging her out.

"You should be training instead sneaking into my house," She snapped. "You'll never be a proper shinobi with that work ethic!"

No, she was not perfect.

What do you do?

[ ] Have him executed.

[ ] Have him 'reformed' by the Yamanakas.

[ ] Write In.
[x] Have him 'reformed' by the Yamanaka

Would be a shame to let him die. At least without getting more answers.
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