Voting is open
[X] Training.
-[X] Kenjutsu
[X] Training.
-[X] Medical jutsu
[X] Training.
-[X] Train Budew
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Han
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Wataru Ganjobu
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Sousen Ruito

Need Medical until we find a Nurse Joy, and Konoha is the place with the best ninja hospitals but we are in Iwa.
[X] Training.
-[X] Genjutsu
[X] Training.
-[X] Kenjutsu
[X] Training.
-[X] Train Budew
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Han
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Wataru Ganjobu
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Sousen Ruito
[X] Training.
-[X] Genjutsu
[X] Training.
-[X] Train Budew

[X] Training
-[X] Body Flicker, Athletics

[X] Training.
-[X] Medical jutsu

[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Han
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Wataru Ganjobu
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Sousen Ruito

If we're going to be using other pokemon potentially for melee we would be better served by an evasion build while letting the mons or teammates handle melee while we play support and summon.
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[X] Training.
-[X] Genjutsu
[X] Training.
-[X] Medical jutsu
[X] Training.
-[X] Train Budew
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Han
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Wataru Ganjobu
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Sousen Ruito
[X] Training.
-[X] Kenjutsu
[X] Training.
-[X] Medical jutsu
[X] Training.
-[X] Train Budew
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Han
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Wataru Ganjobu
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Sousen Ruito
[x] Training.
-[x] Genjutsu
[x] Training.
-[x] Kenjutsu
[x] Training.
-[x] Train Budew
[x] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[x] Han
[x] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[x] Wataru Ganjobu
[x] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[x] Sousen Ruito
1.3 Training and a Mission
[X] Training.
-[X] Genjutsu
[X] Training.
-[X] Kenjutsu
[X] Training.
-[X] Train Budew
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Han
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Wataru Ganjobu
[X] Hang out with your teacher/teammates.
-[X] Sousen Ruito

"You want to practice Genjutsu and Kenjutsu?" Han asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not an expert, but I can show you the basics at least. You'll have to find your own teacher later on though."

"Huh, why?" Saya asked, blinking. "Can't you get me some?"

He stared at her in disbelief. Ganjobu snorted.

"You seriously don't know?" Han asked.

"She lives under a rock, her family has some kind of creepy religion," Ganjobu explained. Saya rounded on him angrily.

"Shut up!" She shouted. Budew echoed it with some kind of trill.

"Hey no fighting," Han said automatically. "Anyways, Saya, your teammates can explain it to you afterwards. It's time to focus on training."


Everything hurt. Again. Even Budew was knocked out on its back. Saya watched as Han strolled out of the training grounds with a merry smile on his face.

Sadistic bastard. She sat up.

"So ..." She trailed off. "Why can't sensei set us up with other teachers?"

"He's the jinchuuriki, dumbass," Ganjobu grunted out.

"What?" She said.

"The container for the demon, a weapon for Iwagakure to use against their enemies," Sousen said quietly.

"Oh. Okay I guess." Saya said, confused. Demon? Weapon?

"Wow, you're stupid," Ganjobu said, shaking his head. "I'll put it simple. No one likes him."

"Shut up! Or I'll have Budew absorb your chakra again!" She yelled. Ganjobu made a face.

"I don't know how that demon can stand your stupid summon's attack. It hurts," he complained. Saya launched herself at him and they scuffled in the dirt. Sousen shook his head.


Budew was easy to take care of at least. She watered her and fed her dirt. Sometimes her leaves would fall off and she'd make tea packets out of them. It's what their ancient device called the Pokedex said to do. Her family was ecstatic that she'd pass her exam and given her the Pokedex and scroll for her use. The week went by quickly, with sensei training them. Then sensei showed up as she was about to leave the house for training. She stared at him.

"Er, sensei, what are you doing?" Saya asked.

"Walk with me through the village," he ordered. She internally shrugged and walked with him. Soon, there were whispers all around, that were badly hidden.

"Is that the demon with a child?"

"I heard he got a genin team."

"Awful. He'll get them killed."

"I bet he just eats them."

Saya couldn't believe her ears. How could these people disparage a jounin of Iwagakure??

Han grabbed the back of her shirt as she angrily lunged at someone for a particularly horrific comment and they disappeared up on the rooftops.

"Saya, this is the world of a jinchuuriki," he said, uncharacteristically stoic. "These are the words I have heard all my life."

"I ... why?"

"I have a demon sealed inside of me but all they see is the demon. The Tsuchikage has been pressuring me to release you three into another jounin's care. If you wish, I can do that," He said, patting her head. "If you continue to be my student, eventually you'll have to endure the same sort of scorn I do."

What do you say?

[ ] No way! You're my teacher and you're stuck with me. Fuck the haters!

[ ] Yes, I'd like to change teachers.

[ ] Write In.

"I see." He said, face unreadable. "Before that, we have a mission. C rank one to be exact."

"We haven't even done D-ranks!" Saya protested.

"No one's going to allow me near their children or paint fences," Han reminded her. "I am also a very strong shinobi that cannot be off the roster for too long."

What mission do you take?

[ ] Guard a businessman named Gatou in Wave.

[ ] Do a border patrol around Konoha's border.

[ ] Rebuild multiple bridges to prevent Kannabi bridge from ever happening again.
[X] No way! You're my teacher and you're stuck with me. Fuck the haters!
[X] Do a border patrol around Konoha's border.
[x] Rebuild multiple bridges to prevent Kannabi bridge from ever happening again.
[X] Write in: Affirm that we want him as our sensei, but request that he try to get us one off tutors all the same for specialized training.
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[X] No way! You're my teacher and you're stuck with me. Fuck the haters!
[X] Do a border patrol around Konoha's border.
[X] No way! You're my teacher and you're stuck with me. Fuck the haters
[ x] Rebuild multiple bridges to prevent Kannabi bridge from ever happening again.
[X] No way! You're my teacher and you're stuck with me. Fuck the haters!
[X] Do a border patrol around Konoha's border.
[x] No way! You're my teacher and you're stuck with me. Fuck the haters!
[x] Do a border patrol around Konoha's border.
[X] No way! You're my teacher and you're stuck with me. Fuck the haters!
[X] Do a border patrol around Konoha's border.
[X] No way! You're my teacher and you're stuck with me. Fuck the haters!
[X] Rebuild multiple bridges to prevent Kannabi bridge from ever happening again.

What would be good PR for-I assume that he's Roshi-sensei that would raise public opinion of him? Rock stacking? Lava sculping? It's probably important he is seen doing some D-ranks.
[X] No way! You're my teacher and you're stuck with me. Fuck the haters!
[X] Rebuild multiple bridges to prevent Kannabi bridge from ever happening again, make the Bridges ornate with Statues and Towers! Show Sensei pictures of Arceus to add to the Bridges!
[X] No way! You're my teacher and you're stuck with me. Fuck the haters!
[X] Rebuild multiple bridges to prevent Kannabi bridge from ever happening again
[X] No way! You're my teacher and you're stuck with me. Fuck the haters
[ x] Rebuild multiple bridges to prevent Kannabi bridge from ever happening again.
[X] No way! You're my teacher and you're stuck with me. Fuck the haters!
[X] Rebuild multiple bridges to prevent Kannabi bridge from ever happening again.
1.4 The Amazing Stupendous Fabulous Maito Gai
(This is Han, the five tails jinchuuriki.)

[X] No way! You're my teacher and you're stuck with me. Fuck the haters!
[X] Do a border patrol around Konoha's border.

"A border patrol? Already?" Ganjobu asked.

"Yup," he said. "Head back to your houses and pack up for a week long trip. You have an hour."

Ganjobu and Sousen nodded and left in a hurry. Saya nervously adjusted her backpack straps. This was so nerve wracking! A C-rank in their first week!


This was pretty boring. Everything outside looked grey and the same as the village. Saya held back her sigh as they kept running with their teacher who seemed inexhaustible. Sousen tripped and fell down. Han stopped to look at them, huffing and puffing.

"Oh. I forgot you guys are mediocre." He said. "Alright, ten minute break."

Saya sagged against a boulder. She had more things than she should with Budew and the scroll so she was exhausted.

"This mission should be fairly easy. Konoha doesn't want to start shit and neither do we," He said absently.

"I'm surprised they made you go on such a easy mission," Sousen remarked.

"They want me to flex on Konoha," Han said, shrugging. After the ten minute break, they ran some more until they entered a forested clearing. Saya was awed by the sea of trees that stretched to the horizon.

They made a clearing quickly and started patrolling. Then in a particular clearing, there was a yell from across of them0.

"HELLO IWA NINJAS!" A man in stretchy green spandex yelled. "I AM MAITO GAI WHO IS PART OF THE NEW BORDER PATROL!"

Han laughed while everyone stared at Gai. Saya blinked slowly. Why did this remind her of her mother?

What does Han do?

[ ] Politely greet the Konoha nin and go on your way to train.

[ ] Goad the Konoha nin into sending his genin versus Han's team.

[ ] Try to seduce the Konoha nin and make your genin team very uncomfortable.

[ ] Write In.
[x] no way you're my teacher and you're stuck with me. Fuck the haters!
[x] rebuild multiple bridges to prevent kannabi bridge from ever happening again.
Voting is open