Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

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Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Dec 21, 2022 at 9:35 PM, finished with 9 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] (Helen's Plan) Go with it - no weapons, but let them have their bedrolls and clothes and such, after thorough checking of course, to make their prison sentences somewhat more dignified. Helen will appreciate this, and who knows, maybe it'll lead to allies way, way down the line? But, you will make a bit less money.
    [X] (The Wine) Keep it. Eira likes this.
    [X] (Do More?) That fight almost killed you, take the night for downtime. Certainly safer, just slower.
    [X] (The Other Loot) Keep the two longbows and associated arrows for Senaz and Helen, a shortsword for Eira, and a chain shirt for Eira.
On Solstice Festivals
I hope you will pardon an aside...

The Arnstey region - like most of the country around it - gets Fairly Cold in the Winter. Not like what Stephan Colbert called the "Alaskan Dick Punch" cold (Please take efforts to keep warm, those affected, especially those not used to this!). But cold enough that food storage is a major, major thing, and the dead of winter is often a time when Not Much Is Happening.

The Winter Solstice around here isn't too bad - 7 hours daylight - but still cold and snowy enough that people tend to feel it's a great time for a festival. The week centered around the Solstice becomes the Bonfire Festival, with a bonfire lit on the first day and kept going steadily to the seventh day, then allowed to continue burning with no new fuel after the seventh midnight. Various festive decorations are brought out - and some burned on the eighth day (which is absolutely cheating the 'no new fuel' rule, but it's rude to say that). The actual Solstice is celebrated with Bonfire Bread - a bowl-shaped bread that you put some food-safe oil of choice in, then light the oil on fire from a bonfire ember before eating - and with exchanges of gifts.

It's late Spring now, so this might not come up in the main story. Hard to say.


Sean Calvers' town honestly is a pretty lame place for a Christmas if you don't have family in the area. A lot of people travel, and most of those who are left know that the best shopping is two hours south at one of the many Crossroads Malls that dot the USA. (Seriously, there's eight in the US IRL.) The closest things to community Christmasstuff is group trips down there and small things run by the various restaurants.

Phil and Jack intended to never let Sean live down how badly the turkey went last year... Jack, at least, was still hoping Sean would try again.


"It's Always Solstice Somewhere" is a common phrase in the Melandru Sector. Different planets are at different times of year at any one time, so there's no Galactic Holidays of the sort. This can lead to some complicated cultural issues when one petty officer's Winter Solstice season is put up against a Summer festival right next door on the same ship... And three years later, different solar orbital lengths might mean their very different Spring festivals are at the same time!

This has led the Compact Fleet to top-down a planetarily neutral holiday schedule for long-haul ships; most also observe holidays at the planet they're at if the timing lines up. Some people carry the timing of their home planet with them and do quiet observances of corresponding festivals.

The Light Festival, meant to stand-in for many Winter Solstice festivals, is largely derived from Earth's holidays of Christmas and Yule, with a slightly larger emphasis on decorations (and the effort put into them) than gift-giving, what with being a post-scarcity matter-replicator society. (They finally banned trying to use Duo Frames as giant trees four years ago after an incident on the Transmission-IX that has a rather impressive portion of its record sealed. All Helen knows for sure is her CO starts looking around terrified if anyone says 'Padoru'...)


Look, I doubt I'm getting a main post out in the next day or two, so a bit of lore seemed fun.

I hope you enjoy, and hope the post-Solstice holidays are excellent to you!
Arc 1, Chapter 1.1.9: Gainful Gain and Restful Rest
[X] (Helen's Plan) Go with it - no weapons, but let them have their bedrolls and clothes and such, after thorough checking of course, to make their prison sentences somewhat more dignified. Helen will appreciate this, and who knows, maybe it'll lead to allies way, way down the line? But, you will make a bit less money.
[X] (The Wine) Keep it. Eira likes this.
[X] (The Other Loot) Keep the two longbows and associated arrows for Senaz and Helen, a shortsword for Eira, and a chain shirt for Eira.
[X] (Do More?) That fight almost killed you, take the night for downtime. Certainly safer, just slower.

Eira ponders. "So basically, rather than take all their stuff, we're taking most of it, but leaving some to make things a bit more dignified. Clothes, tent, and a few things of that sort."

Helen nods. "In hopes that being treated a bit better may help encourage them to work to keep to a better path in time."

You nod a bit. "It seems like a good idea to me. I've long been of the thought that prison as punishment turns kind of cruel, and it should be about preventing recidivism."

Eira glances at you, confused at your word choice, while Helen responds, "That is the general line of thinking amongst the Compact as well, yes."

The foxgirl sighs a bit. "I don't get it, but if you think it's a better path because something says so, then sure I guess."

You smile a bit. "Well, there's still the rest to sell. Helen, would you like to deliver things?"

"That would be most excellent," she responds with a smile.


By sundown, you've actually gotten a fair bit done.
Helen Garland, Paladin of Solaria, has delivered to the former bandits some significantly better cell conditions - bedrolls to make the wooden sleeping platforms less hard, their clothes (shorn of hidden weapons) to improve their dignity a bit, and some various other things like pitchers and utensils, the better to eat in a civilized manner with. The leader's tent has been split into segments of cloth, suitable for covering the windows to keep the cells a hint warmer on colder nights. Overall, they're in position to be better treated at least somewhat, which Helen hopes will inspire them to try and get to a cleaner path in time.

You and Eira kept a few pieces of equipment. A chain shirt to better protect Eira in battle, two longbows for you and Helen, the arrows, and a shortsword to improve Eira's reach - all in all, a good upgrade step for your capabilities… Though observant folks might wonder why a bard knows how to handle a full-on longbow. (It's kind of weird that you know how to use one as a succubus, if you're honest, but it comes naturally to you… It's not like you LARP'ed in your previous life either.)

Then, it was time for sales and profits. Your first round of loot. The bailiff had offered to buy the stuff useful to the town guard at half typical face value, which was probably as good as you were going to get and would be politically expedient, so that was…

  • Ten gold for two shortswords in fine condition
  • Thirteen gold for a shortbow and half-filled quiver
  • Fifty-five gold for all the leather armor (after Eira judged her existing set superior)
  • Five gold for ten spears
  • One hundred twenty-five gold for ten scimitars (and questions about where the bandits got those from that may be worth studying)
  • Two and a half gold for five daggers

Then came the animal pelts - which got you 3 GP in total from a furrier after a quick bit of skillful(ish) haggling. Plus the money directly held by the bandits.

In total, 226 gold and 136 silver from that fight. Not a bad haul at all, honestly. Good for a night or two of enjoyment.

The wine… You decided to keep after some examination. It's not exactly Fine Elven Vintage, but it's in good condition, will keep for a fair while as long as it stays in the cask in a cool location (the fridge is probably not perfect, but meh), and will let people have some drink during longer journeys.

Then, back together, you glance up.

"So, back out?", you say with a smile.

Eira shakes her head. "Most definitely not. That… Ugh. That was way too close. Hopefully not every fight will be like that."
Helen nods. "We definitely want to get a good rest first. And need I remind you, you're the only one who sees well at night."

Oh. Right.

"We have space at the inn's common room under our previous plan," Eira observes. "But I'd rather we bump up to someplace with a little privacy."

"Like, what, the apartment that was being used by the cultists?", you respond. "... And I just realized we could've taken their stuff too, huh."

"Probably not," Helen replied. "Within the city walls, it probably is seized by the bailiff by default. Also possibly cursed."

You grumble a bit at Helen being right again, as Eira continues, "Eh, I was just thinking an inn room, maybe set up… You know."

[ ] (Hotel Plan) Stick to the cheap crash. 1 SP each, and keeps you seeming modest of means, but you won't have much chance for sexytimes.
[ ] (Hotel Plan) Upgrade to a private room, and connect your apartment. 1 GP, opportunity for 'enjoyment', and would let you game for a while after that. (You did promise to keep in practice…)
[ ] (Hotel Plan) Two private rooms, no apartment connection. 2 GP, means if someone investigates they won't see the door which is good… But honestly, is anyone suspicious of you yet??? The only people who've seen you do anything severely out-of-rank besides Eira and Helen are the bandits, who are less likely to be believed.

As you consider this, you have to ask… "Well, do we want to hit up the tavern something extra, too?"

This draws clear thought from them both. The idea of not having to cook is certainly nice, now that you have a bit of money to put into it. It could also help you get some more rumors of the surrounding area, possibly at least.

[ ] (Tavern Plan) Skip the tavern.
[ ] (Tavern Plan) Hit the tavern, but just for yourselves; would run as much as 6 GP, but be very satisfying.
[ ] (Tavern Plan) Hit the tavern and buy a round to loudly celebrate your victory; besides the 6 GP of food, would run around ten gold, but immediately grant all three of you Charisma checks to get some extra rumors and make you all-around more popular.
[ ] (Tavern Plan) Hit the tavern and buy a round, but don't talk about your victory. Could change the drawn attention and announce that you made Some Money without context.
[ ] (Tavern Plan) HIt the tavern and perform, see if that grants you some opportunity.

Helen nods. "And we should be thinking about what else we can do with some of the money, possibly. What to spend, what to save."

You sigh. "Yep… Financial planning, except with who knows how much actually at stake, not just your own keeping in house and home."

Eira shrugs. "Guessing that can be tricky where you're from?"

"It's… A bit complex in comparison to here, but the fundaments are still similar. Gotta make money to live, gotta spend money to make it all too often… No capitalist system here, at least," you respond.

That's a vulpine head tilt you're seeing. Helen sighs. "I'll explain later," she says. "It wasn't a great way to do things, let's leave it at that."

Eira shrugs. "All right… So, back to the plans for right now?"


From here on, I have listed party loot under a new entry back in the Character Sheets post. During votes where working with it is relevant, you can always add disbursements to the party members for them to use freely.

Helen brought up what to do with the money; saving it could allow for bigger upgrades later in, but there's an array of equipment options you could go for right now, too. Proffer ideas for each party member to propose, and they can be raised and discussed in-character for a later vote!
… Though observant folks might wonder why a bard knows how to handle a full-on longbow. (It's kind of weird that you know how to use one as a succubus, if you're honest...
Well, the main practical difference between bows is usually the draw weight. It's all in the arms and pecs.

I think there's some innuendo potential there, given how succubi are typically portrayed from the waist up. :p
I think there's some innuendo potential there, given how succubi are typically portrayed from the waist up. :p
Yeah, they generally have both arms the same shape :D</missingthepoint>

(Seriously. English longbowmen's arms didn't match, because the English longbow was a self bow with a draw weight of up to 180 pounds at a thirty-inch draw.)
performing sounds good to me!

[X] (Hotel Plan) Upgrade to a private room, and connect your apartment. 1 GP, opportunity for 'enjoyment', and would let you game for a while after that. (You did promise to keep in practice…)
[X] (Tavern Plan) Hit the tavern and perform, see if that grants you some opportunity.

[X] (Hotel Plan) Upgrade to a private room, and connect your apartment. 1 GP, opportunity for 'enjoyment', and would let you game for a while after that. (You did promise to keep in practice…)
[X] (Tavern Plan) Hit the tavern and perform, see if that grants you some opportunity.
[X] (Hotel Plan) Upgrade to a private room, and connect your apartment. 1 GP, opportunity for 'enjoyment', and would let you game for a while after that. (You did promise to keep in practice…)
[X] (Tavern Plan) Hit the tavern and buy a round to loudly celebrate your victory; besides the 6 GP of food, would run around ten gold, but immediately grant all three of you Charisma checks to get some extra rumors and make you all-around more popular.
[X] (Hotel Plan) Upgrade to a private room, and connect your apartment. 1 GP, opportunity for 'enjoyment', and would let you game for a while after that. (You did promise to keep in practice…)
[X] (Tavern Plan) Hit the tavern and buy a round to loudly celebrate your victory; besides the 6 GP of food, would run around ten gold, but immediately grant all three of you Charisma checks to get some extra rumors and make you all-around more popular.
Yeah, they generally have both arms the same shape :D</missingthepoint>

(Seriously. English longbowmen's arms didn't match, because the English longbow was a self bow with a draw weight of up to 180 pounds at a thirty-inch draw.)

For reference, no LARP that has functioning insurance in the US allows a total draw of over 450 pound-inches - most LARP players will use much less than that. Even then, you have to have an absurd stack of safety rules.

And this is knowledge I have that Senaz wouldn't. :V
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Dec 27, 2022 at 1:52 AM, finished with 8 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] (Hotel Plan) Upgrade to a private room, and connect your apartment. 1 GP, opportunity for 'enjoyment', and would let you game for a while after that. (You did promise to keep in practice…)
    [X] (Tavern Plan) Hit the tavern and perform, see if that grants you some opportunity.
    [X] (Tavern Plan) Hit the tavern and buy a round to loudly celebrate your victory; besides the 6 GP of food, would run around ten gold, but immediately grant all three of you Charisma checks to get some extra rumors and make you all-around more popular.
So it's been a rather busy few days outside of this! Including realizing multiple events in FF14 and PSO2 were concluding multiple days earlier than I thought, meaning panic attack last night.

I can use... Senaz's Performance check (+8), and Senaz, Helen, and Eira's Persuasion checks at advantage and a +1d6 circumstance bonus each (+8, +5 and +1 respectively).

You also have an extra vote set for the plan of 'both do a performance AND buy a round of drinks this time':

[ ] (Round Delivery Method - Senaz) Deliver with a calm tone just after performance - you're a bit tired but had to show off your victory a bit before you crash!
[ ] (Round Delivery Method - Senaz) Deliver with an energetic tone - you kicked some ass and you wanna flaunt it a bit!
[ ] (Round Delivery Method - Senaz) Deliver in a showoffy way like you're quarter-trying to seduce everyone in the room. Take an extra +1d6 on the Persuasion check... But you're really counting on Helen to notice you're not using charm magic and keep the church off you. If an actual Flammite priest were in this'd be easier.

[ ] (Round Delivery Method - Helen) Don't directly participate in the deliveries, just watch from a distance. Your persuasion check will be at a majorly increased difficulty.
[ ] (Round Delivery Method - Helen) Join in the delivery of drinks, but let Senaz do most of the talking.
[ ] (Round Delivery Method - Helen) Join in the delivery of drinks, emphasizing that the bandits are getting a fair treatment. May increase the persuasion check difficulty, but will burnish your reputation with the local priest group.
[ ] (Round Delivery Method - Helen) Join in the delivery of drinks, emphasizing that you just took on a force four times your number and arrested them nonlethally. Will burnish your reputation as a potential solution to the problems in Arnstey Keep.
[ ] (Round Delivery Method - Helen) Let Senaz charm you into acting a bit out of your normal range Do you THINK you're talking to Eira here?!

[ ] (Round Delivery Method - Eira) Deliver but be normal about it. BORING, but practical.
[ ] (Round Delivery Method - Eira) Deliver with high energy.
[ ] (Round Delivery Method - Eira) Deliver in full flirtfloof mode. You've even got the clothes that are just the right hint suggestive for it. Helen won't be as annoyed at YOU doing it as she would if it were Senaz, after all! Take another +1d6 to the check.

Write-ins will be considered for all three options. Voting open for the rest of the year and a day.

Also, I've decremented the 17 GP for the plan in total already from the party loot. Mostly to remind myself.
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But MOOOOOM, she's doing it too!

[X] (Round Delivery Method - Senaz) Deliver in a showoffy way like you're quarter-trying to seduce everyone in the room. Take an extra +1d6 on the Persuasion check... But you're really counting on Helen to notice you're not using charm magic and keep the church off you. If an actual Flammite priest were in this'd be easier.
[X] (Round Delivery Method - Eira) Deliver in full flirtfloof mode. You've even got the clothes that are just the right hint suggestive for it. Helen won't be as annoyed at YOU doing it as she would if it were Senaz, after all! Take another +1d6 to the check.
[X] (Round Delivery Method - Senaz) Deliver in a showoffy way like you're quarter-trying to seduce everyone in the room. Take an extra +1d6 on the Persuasion check... But you're really counting on Helen to notice you're not using charm magic and keep the church off you. If an actual Flammite priest were in this'd be easier.
[X] (Round Delivery Method - Helen) Join in the delivery of drinks, emphasizing that you just took on a force four times your number and arrested them nonlethally. Will burnish your reputation as a potential solution to the problems in Arnstey Keep.
[X] (Round Delivery Method - Eira) Deliver in full flirtfloof mode. You've even got the clothes that are just the right hint suggestive for it. Helen won't be as annoyed at YOU doing it as she would if it were Senaz, after all! Take another +1d6 to the check.
[X] (Round Delivery Method - Senaz) Deliver in a showoffy way like you're quarter-trying to seduce everyone in the room. Take an extra +1d6 on the Persuasion check... But you're really counting on Helen to notice you're not using charm magic and keep the church off you. If an actual Flammite priest were in this'd be easier.
[X] (Round Delivery Method - Helen) Join in the delivery of drinks, emphasizing that you just took on a force four times your number and arrested them nonlethally. Will burnish your reputation as a potential solution to the problems in Arnstey Keep.
[X] (Round Delivery Method - Eira) Deliver in full flirtfloof mode. You've even got the clothes that are just the right hint suggestive for it. Helen won't be as annoyed at YOU doing it as she would if it were Senaz, after all! Take another +1d6 to the check.
I was just looking at the character sheets and saw this:

Why does Eira even have a sword if she can do exactly the same amount of damage with only teeth and fists? The answer is that she should fight exclusively by biting people

Deedee Yeowoo is leaning in from I/O like: "Would you want to bite everything? Not even in a kinky way, but aggressively. It's honestly terrifying."

NekoIncardine is like: "And this is why I want an Alternate Racial Feature for Predator's Fangs."
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Dec 31, 2022 at 2:17 PM, finished with 6 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] (Round Delivery Method - Senaz) Deliver in a showoffy way like you're quarter-trying to seduce everyone in the room. Take an extra +1d6 on the Persuasion check... But you're really counting on Helen to notice you're not using charm magic and keep the church off you. If an actual Flammite priest were in this'd be easier.
    [X] (Round Delivery Method - Eira) Deliver in full flirtfloof mode. You've even got the clothes that are just the right hint suggestive for it. Helen won't be as annoyed at YOU doing it as she would if it were Senaz, after all! Take another +1d6 to the check.
    [X] (Round Delivery Method - Helen) Join in the delivery of drinks, emphasizing that you just took on a force four times your number and arrested them nonlethally. Will burnish your reputation as a potential solution to the problems in Arnstey Keep.
Found this, caught up last night.

Looking very good, is relevant to my interests.

Playing Arueshalae's metaphorical cousin with less trauma? Yes please.
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On The Nature Of Succubi On Aridia
Found this, caught up last night.

Looking very good, is relevant to my interests.

Playing Arueshalae's metaphorical cousin with less trauma? Yes please.

So I don't know Golarion very well and had to look it up. And now it's time for a discussion of demonic nature, told at an indefinite time by Senaz before I get back to writing Flirty Waitress Mode.


"The first thing you should know about the history of demonkind, is it's very plausible it's all bullshit, told from one self-serving demon lord to another in a warped game of telephone. There are certainly demons old enough that they might know the truth, but who the hell knows if they'd ever willingly tell it," you explain from your dramatic perch on a chair by your apartment's table.

"The second, is that there's 'normal', but that's never, ever universal." You poke your own breast. "I'm one of the weird cases, obviously. But I didn't know that at first. But anyways. So, most demons are formed from spaces called Abyssal Maws. When this happens, there's a lot of variation - think almost an extreme form of evolutionary theory, Helen, where something actively forces random variations as if hoping to discover new ways to fill evolutionary niches, where the primary motivation is the destruction of all that exists beyond its reach."

The Paladin nods, as Eira tilts her head. You glance towards the vulpinae girl. "Evolutionary theory is basically a way that a variety of creatures can form when there's no active divine influence," you summarize. "It... Would take a while, so let's leave it at that. Though I do have to clarify out of a history of being annoyed at my former roommate, that 'theory' means 'highly developed explanation based on factual observations', not 'guess'."

Eira nods. "That's enough to keep moving."

You nod. "Anyways. Some demons wind up stronger than others. The strongest become known as Demon Lords - the truest sign of being a Lord is if you control an Abyssal Maw, or are capable of granting divine magic to your worshippers."

Helen shudders at that. "So either you can create new demons, or you can mock the divine power of the Gods."

"Or both," you add. "Demons do not age, but if they're not powerful enough, killing them does stick. The exact line isn't clear, it's not like there was a formalized study of demons by demons much of ever, and mortal studies tended towards different areas."

Eira blinks. "You used the word 'was'."

"Yeah. So, again, she'd want to be self-aggrandizing as fuck so it's plausible there's a lot of bullshit involved, but. The Red Queen, mighty Succubus, basically became... One of at least four competitors to the name 'Queen of the Succubi'. As you might guess, each insists they're hotter and more powerful than the other 'pretenders to the throne'. The Red Queen, true name kept fiercely secretive, may be the current most powerful. Part of her thing is creating a 'functioning mockery of mortal civilization'. She loves tempting mortals of power or skill into becoming part of her forces, her city resembles something like the surface, she's even started academies dedicated to studying demonkind."

Helen nods. "Almost an evil counterpart to Aurora or Solaria."

"That's a good comparison. Guarantee you that if she thought of it, she'd try to aggrandize herself as either the 'worthy rival' to Aurora or 'an aspect of' her or something. Seduce the mortals, use our forms to advantage against archetypically stronger demons, all that."

Eira nods. "So, ten years ago, you were created by a Maw she controls."

"Yup. And immediately assigned to the academy, where I was to pick a way to become an evil adventurer and then go execute upon it."

Helen pauses. "... So you weren't just forced to being a Bard?"


"... What class would you have chosen had you already had your memory intact?"

You blink. "Um. That's a good question I don't know how to answer offhand." Fuck, you're going to be thinking about that all night now. "A-anyways! Her claimed ambition is to scale up to billions of Succubi. Her real ambitions, who knows, but given the current official population estimate is one hundred and two thousand, she's got a ways to go. But that's still enough to have all kinds of resources and ability to develop plans."

"Or underdevelop," Helen responds. "See also 'train adventurer to first level, send them off, see what happens'. Worst case, they die immediately. Best case, they find something that makes you stronger."

"Yup. And she generally feels comfortable counting on our continued loyalty," you respond. "Because years of indoctrination."

Eira giggled. "Trivially overpowered by the introduction of a past life's memories. Though it does raise the question, are all Succubi reincarnated from mortal souls like that?"

"Can't tell you for sure," You say. "I know soulstuff can power the Maws, I know it's possible to directly transform a mortal into a Succubus with enough dark power, but as far as I know, it's not precisely reincarnation normally, me being a weird case thanks to divine intervention."

Helen nods. "So no mass introduction of past life memories attempting to reform an entire demonic civilization."

"Nope," you respond. "If you wanted to try for that, your best bet would be to turn the Queen herself. She's manipulated everything to be all 'praise the Red Queen' this, 'the Red Queen is our mistress' that, 'The Red Queen has the greatest tits of all and don't think about that too hard please' over there."

Helen blinks. "Wait, but you're all shapeshifters. That's one of a Succubus' most useful powers."

"Thus the don't think about that too hard part. Also, agree-to-disagree on 'most useful'."

"... Mm, fair. But it's very useful."

You shrug. "Yeah, fair. But, basically, if you were to win the Red Queen over to the cause of Light Civilization, you could probably get at least eighty percent of her populace going along with it."

"Their loyalty to her being trained to be stronger than their natural curve towards seductive evil."

"Yeah. Though, do not underestimate her capacity towards seductive and manipulative evil, either. I don't think she's involved with what's going on here, but she's got plenty of other plots."

"Wait, why do you think she isn't involved here?"

"Because I'd be having to resist a compulsion to go help the cult instead of fighting it." You blink. "... Also I only just now realized that the indoctrination may have been magically-enhanced. Huh."

Helen sighs. "Would make sense. So we shouldn't count on there being a lot of Senaz-type situations amongst her forces."

"Probably not."

"Mmm... All right. This does give me more to think about, but for now it's way beyond what we could plausibly handle."

Eira pauses. "So, wait, does that mean if I had something big enough and asked really nicely, I could-"

"Please don't continue that train of thinking." You don't hesitate to use suggestion here.

"Mmmm... But also awwww...", Eira says, as the compulsion washes over her. Technically, it won't permanently cut off the thought - you'd need to take a LOT more time for that - but it gets the point across more firmly.

Helen can totally tell you used it, but looks like she's almost thankful you did cut that off.


As an aside, since I didn't get rolls off the previous post, I'm doing those myself in the Roll20 Sandbox to keep things going.
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