Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

[X] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Try to put a post-hypnotic suggestion on them to not do hypnomagic again, then wake them up.

Well, not what I was hoping for, but DD taking advantage wouldn't be IC.
[X] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Try to put a post-hypnotic suggestion on them to not do hypnomagic again, then wake them up.
[X] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Try to put a post-hypnotic suggestion on them to not do hypnomagic again, then wake them up.

[X] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.
-[X] Since Tammy initiated this, she probably had an idea of what to actually do to the hypnotized succubus. Use her idea... on both of them.

It's apocrypha anyway, so going for the fun choice over the responsible/good idea choice. :D
[X] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.
-[X] Since Tammy initiated this, she probably had an idea of what to actually do to the hypnotized succubus. Use her idea... on both of them.
VOLITION: At her current Resolve of 5, this option is locked out.

ENDOCRINE PROMENADE: Okay now you're doing that just to spite me.

NEUTRAL GAME: Or maybe it's warning you against making it a triple KO.

DAPHNE MILLER SOLUTION: As if they'd wake up that easily.

VOLITION: Deedee doesn't have her own options to control people!


[] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.
-[] Since Tammy initiated this, she probably had an idea of what to actually do to the hypnotized succubus. Use her idea... on both of them.

I'm going to say that when Deedee hears Tammy's idea, she's going to say no. But depending on how the vote goes, she'll at least hear and react to it, because that'll be hilarious.
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[X] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.
-[X] If this is a dream, and not your dream, maybe you can wake them up from more than the trances?
[X] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.
-[X] Since Tammy initiated this, she probably had an idea of what to actually do to the hypnotized succubus. Use her idea... on both of them.
Okay, I'll switch to this one.
I wonder if Deedee will hear my aborted suggestion though.
[X] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.
-[X] Since Tammy initiated this, she probably had an idea of what to actually do to the hypnotized succubus. Use her idea... on both of them.
[X] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.
-[X] Since Tammy initiated this, she probably had an idea of what to actually do to the hypnotized succubus. Use her idea... on both of them.
[X] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Try to wake them both up right now and hope neither tries to use hypnomagic again.
Unrelated to what's going on here...

I invite three people to roll Perception Checks for our trio back in the realm of the waking! (Senaz has a +1, and Helen and Eira both a +4 modifier.) A good roll here may help with optimally averting - or controlling the pace of - the next fight.

EDIT based on the three responses below!
Senaz rolled a 5, attaining the levels of obliviousness that made 'trying to charm someone while they're actively hypnotizing you' sound like a good idea!

Helen rolls a 19 and Eira a 14 - they'll both spot the thing come the next MSQ post.

To clarify, while I am preparing that post actively (class um kinda kicked my ass and now I'm in no small amount of writing kick both within and without class), it won't be coming up until after the dream resolves - I'm not particularly feeling up to running two threads in one at the same time, for reasons I hope most understand.
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Perception Check for Senaz:

4+1 = 5

grommile threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: perception check Total: 4
4 4
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Sep 23, 2023 at 2:15 AM, finished with 27 posts and 12 votes.

  • [x] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.
    -[X] Since Tammy initiated this, she probably had an idea of what to actually do to the hypnotized succubus. Use her idea... on both of them.
    [X] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Try to put a post-hypnotic suggestion on them to not do hypnomagic again, then wake them up.
    [x] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.
    [x] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.
    -[X] If this is a dream, and not your dream, maybe you can wake them up from more than the trances?
    [X] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Try to wake them both up right now and hope neither tries to use hypnomagic again.
[X] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Try to put a post-hypnotic suggestion on them to not do hypnomagic again, then wake them up.

To not even try to use hypnomagic on each other, or on you. (Better safe than enthralled).
... Okay, a bit too kinky.
[x] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.
-[X] Since Tammy initiated this, she probably had an idea of what to actually do to the hypnotized succubus. Use her idea... on both of them.

… Dreams can sometimes feature the fourth wall! Sure! Listening to the voices from beyond the stars is fine in this context. I think.

Okay, so, Tammy started this. After Senaz saved her. (Ruuude.) With… Magically hypnotic tails. Surely, she had a plan, then, right? Or at least an improvisational semblance of one.

Turning towards the multi-tailed floof, I simply asked… "What were you planning to do with Senaz?" Maybe give her some ironic hell.

Tammy responded, "Hypnotically blank her mind and make her act and think like a dog, then figure out what to do from there."

… I can't do that to a Kitsune. Which means the idea of doing it to both of them to ironically punish her is right out too. Besides, the Succubus rubbing a horn up against me all nuzzly might hurt.

(Idly, I tap Senaz's horn. It feels pretty solid. Huh. I wonder if they're actually useful for anything. Guess it'd depend on the strength of her neck muscles… So probably not a weapon. Could hang bags on them maybe???)

I decide to try Senaz's idea. "What would you do if you'd dominated Tammy?"

"Lots of asking for information. Feel her up a bit maybe, depending on my mood."

"What's your mood right now?"


"... Right." So, that idea's not gonna work either. I mean, I could feel one or both of them up, but… It kinda feels wrong. They're stuck in this place too. This… dream-logic weird version of the Shores of Awakening. Or maybe it's the regular shores and the only dream logic is these two?

That'd make some sense.

"How about this. When I snap my fingers, both of you get to wake up - but you won't try to hypnotize me or each other. We talk, we get to safety, and we can work out the rest later."

Senaz quietly responds, "Yessss." Tammy, on the other hand, responds "Awwwwww…"

So, the Succubus is the less dominate-first-ask-questions-later of the two. Huh. That's not what I expected. Though I guess maybe I should have?

… I raise my hand, but hesitate a bit. What if waking her up ends the dream? Do I wake up back in Vinyedo? And in whose bosom?

Probably the right call, overall, but if that's all the case…

[ ] (Last Stop Before Keep) Just snap my fingers and get outta here.
[ ] (Last Stop Before Keep) … Okay, screw it, I'mma cop a feel on the Succubus while I can. She'd be tempted to do the same for me. (Senaz would.)
[ ] (Last Stop Before Keep) … Okay, I'mma cop a feel on the Kitsune while I can. It's not like I'll get a protag of an entirely different quest breathing down my throat over it. (Daphne would understand.)
[ ] (Last Stop Before Keep) … Maybe something more funny than pervy? But would it even stick? Like, writing on their faces or something…


For the record, if it wasn't obvious, I have the next post of the main plot readied. Senaz and Deeds actually talking Isekai Bullshit from beyond the boundaries of the fourth wall will needs come another day, mayhap.
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[x] (Last Stop Before Keep) Just snap my fingers and get outta here.
[X] (Last Stop Before Keep) … Maybe something more funny than pervy? But would it even stick? Like, writing on their faces or something…
-[X] Draw horns on Tammy's forehead, and whiskers on Senaz' cheeks.
[X] (Last Stop Before Keep) … Okay, screw it, I'mma cop a feel on the Succubus while I can. She'd be tempted to do the same for me. (Senaz would.)

Seems like a bit of a waste to have all this hypnosis and not have anyone get felt up a little bit.
[X] (Last Stop Before Keep) … Maybe something more funny than pervy? But would it even stick? Like, writing on their faces or something…
-[X] Draw horns on Tammy's forehead, and whiskers on Senaz' cheeks.
[X] (Last Stop Before Keep) … Maybe something more funny than pervy? But would it even stick? Like, writing on their faces or something…
-[X] Draw horns on Tammy's forehead, and whiskers on Senaz' cheeks.