Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

[X] (The Bed) Break the bed. Read the room. Pick buy/bluff strategy based on what'll make our fluffy tailed friend laugh more when she looks back on it.

This is what we have proficiency in Insight for... even if we don't have the Wis to back it up.
[X] (The Bed) Break the bed. Read the room. Pick buy/bluff strategy based on what'll make our fluffy tailed friend laugh more when she looks back on it.
[X] (The Bed) Break the bed. Read the room. Pick buy/bluff strategy based on what'll make our fluffy tailed friend laugh more when she looks back on it.
[X] (The Bed) Break the bed. Read the room. Pick buy/bluff strategy based on what'll make our fluffy tailed friend laugh more when she looks back on it.
[X] (The Bed) Break the bed. Read the room. Pick buy/bluff strategy based on what'll make our fluffy tailed friend laugh more when she looks back on it.

This is hot and cute and fun: the perfect evening of touching fluffy tail.
[X] (The Bed) Break the bed. Read the room. Pick buy/bluff strategy based on what'll make our fluffy tailed friend laugh more when she looks back on it.
[X] (The Bed) Break the bed. Read the room. Pick buy/bluff strategy based on what'll make our fluffy tailed friend laugh more when she looks back on it.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Oct 5, 2022 at 11:43 PM, finished with 12 posts and 11 votes.

Literally everyone voted Break It. You all have something against beds, don't you?

I am returning to the writing as time allows - this post is going to be Rather A Long One.
NekoIncardine threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Insight Check (+1) Total: 21
4 4 17 17
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Senaz's Showoff Photo by Sakurarose12

A bit of art loosely depicting Senaz's photo of herself from her conversation with Jack. This is the Red Queen's Succubus uniform; the Demon Lord's minions all know it, varying only by color. Senaz may be less influenced by the Red Queen now, but the outfit is still cute.

Sakurarose12, also responsible for the Helen image from earlier, outdid herself with this image, holy cow!

Minus horns, wings, and tail.
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For clarity's sake-this is the succubus "uniform", correct?

Correct (though the color may vary by individual). She chose this outfit for this photo in-story specifically for chatting with her former roommate.

Other outfits that were listed in the posts will probably get art later in; I'm also betting some people will, armed with the base look, have fresh ideas as well. (Not counting situations where she takes a flat-out disguise.)
Prologue, Part 9: Let's Do Things!
[X] (Raid Group - Honesty) Tell the full truth and just hope people trust and believe you…
[X] (Raid Group - Timing) Log on now and get this over with before you go enjoy some vulpine company. It'll let you test the results on a smaller group before your main raid tomorrow (Earth time).

You nod. Helen… Might be right. Hopefully. Paladins try to deal in hope when they're not just being dicks to demons, right???

And that leaves… Opening HarmonyChat, and -

"Live or text, live or text - live," you mutter with a bit of nervousness. A glance at the lower-right corner shows your username - Reach99 - and your icon - Altara, a purple-haired-and-skinned elf from Questing Country.

Fuck you were such a stereotype of an egg weren't you… Anyways. Time to pop into your guild, The CGs's server voice channel - three of the group are on tonight, looks like two in-game. Perfect. That's enough to try and practice being wholly honest about a frankly pretty insane situation!

Headset on… Headset adjusted a bit… And a click, and a chime announces your joining the chat.

"Hey, guys," You announce. You haven't thought about it too much, but your voice sounds… Recognizable but very distinct from your past self. You think.

"Hey, um… Wait, is that you R9?", comes the voice of ToxinJam, your raid group's alchemist main.

"Y-yeah." You flip your webcam on. "Some, uh, stuff's happened."

"... Whooooa, duuuuuude, you aren't kidding, that's a helluva out- wait, um…"

"TJ, you'd better not say it like I think you're gonna say it!", comes the feminine, energetic voice of your Armsmaster main buddy RhythTank. "Seriously, though, Reach, is this you coming out?"

"Um, that's. Part, of it?", you say, nervously.

"... Do tell," comes the voice of NoiseShocker, your Cleric and the healer lead. Transmasculine and a bit more serious in general.

"Um. It's. The three-word version is Weird Reincarnation Isekai?"

ToxinJam and NoiseShocker immediately and in perfect sync respond with a "What," while RhythTank instead says "Continue."
Of course she'd be more interested in this.

"So, um. I got hit by a Mack truck-"

"Wait, seriously?!", ToxinJam interrupts. "That - do you know how much those weigh, you would be practically a paste."

"Let's just say I'm not looking at the results of that. Ever." You shudder.

RhythTank seems to be shooting a glare to one side of her screen. "Don't interrupt, let R9 continue."

"Sorry, it just… Fuck, if you're talking to us now that means either an impersonator or that you're not kidding," ToxinJam responds. "And who the fuck would impersonate a random computer programmer for the sake of his social circle?"

NoiseShocker can't help but step in. "I mean, not wrong TJ. The supernatural explanation is, somehow, the saner one. Which… Well, let's not go unpacking that one immediately?"

"Well," you finally get a word in, "I'm about to get to unpacking that a bit. See, when I 'woke up' after that, I was looking at a goddess who never did tell me her name. She offered me practically the stereotype - except three wishes instead of one - in return for committing to a divine quest."

ToxinJam's camera came on, as he faced you a bit, his expression… Rather complicated.

You continue, "I burned two of them on being able to be here. Sort of. I'm in a replica of my apartment with my stuff and some limited ways to interact with Earth. I think. I haven't pieced it all out yet - I've been aware of this for like two hours."

ToxinJam pauses. "... You burned the third on the boobs, didn't you?"

Okay, that's Confident Front Time! You sit up a bit straighter, puffing out your chest and tapping gloved fingers against your heart.

And then you turn a bit to the right to complete the image. "Oh, no, these beauties are a handy side effect of wishing for the mighty power of a Succubus, full of tools and utilities to solve a divine quest whose… Um. I don't actually know what the quest is yet."

"... Wait, you didn't even consider the femininity component?", he continues, still confused.

RhythTank paused, turning her camera on to stare at you, her face flat. "Or rather, you didn't until something hit you and you regained your memories and then in hindsight~"

… You deflate a bit, poking your index fingers together a bit. "W-what Rhyth said…"

RhythTank pauses. "Wait, you're serious?!", she said - visibly doing a double-take. "I was joking!"

ToxinJam breaks out laughing, as NoiseShocker turns him down for a few seconds manually. "RT, that's 500 Crys you owe me, I pegged R9."

"Awwww," RhythTank responds. "A bet's a bet, though…"

"Wait, you were betting on me being trans?!"

"Technically, on who would come out first," NoiseShocker responds. "Congratulations on your coming out, condolences on, um, your death? Fuck that's weird. And, yeah, RT and I had a bet going on who'd come out first."

You pause, not sure what to think about that. "... The fact that you guys are accepting the reincarnation part so quickly is… It feels odd."

RhythTank is the first to respond. "Eh, just proves the weebs might be right about some stuff. There's weirder out in the cosmos for sure. You said 'powers' of a Succubus, so that includes, like, magic, right?"

You nod. NoiseShocker… Well, his camera isn't on, but you can almost hear the shrug. "It's the most logical explanation for your suddenly being slimmer, bustier, and the complete voice change, but your personality seeming pretty well intact."

"... Is it though?", you observe. "There has to be saner explanations r-right?."

"Maybe if we had, like, full-on supervillains on our current Earth, instead of just normal rich assholes with crazy ambitions?", ToxinJam responds. "Guess that's less your worry now. Other than maybe bills. But, do you have the ability to produce some evidence of your magic maybe?"

You pause. "Well, um. Yes. Mathemetician's yes. I'm still going to deal with the bills, and I can show some magic on camera I think? Unless this turns out to be one of those dumb urban fantasy where 'camera no see magic'. That'd be stupid and it'd suck."

You carefully push your chair back as you stand up,and step back - thank you HarmonyChat for making your own camera feed visible so you can position yourself as best you can for your face and torso being visible. Shuffle to the left a bit, turn to one side…

… And quickly decide which of your spells is both flashy and safe to use. Beginning to speak in a language only casters could hope to understand, you go through the verbs…

… And your bed, fully in view of the camera, begins to glow in violet light, almost like fire was along its edges.
All three of your teammates respond with an "ooooooooh," even as the fires disappear after ten seconds or so.

You bow, your pose naturally leaning in to emphasize your chest. Standard Succubus training. Then, a quick flourish and you're back in the chair. "I'll. Um. Need to research some better showoff spells, though. That wasn't a Succubus magic, either."

RhythTank's eyes are almost starry. "Oh I wish you could teach me that stuff!"

"It took me a while," you observe. "All this happened… Um. It's kinda weird. The truck was simultaneously a few hours ago and ten years ago for me. I think. When I got reincarnated, at first I was just a fresh spawn of the Abyss, no memory of my past. Ten years or so as Senaz, Succubus and newbie Bard, and then I regain my memories when I… Um…"

RhythTank, this time, has a shit-eating grin. "Trip and hit your head on a rock?"

"I still kinda think I was tripped," you finish before visibly tensing. Shit, did Helen hear that?!


… You totally heard that. But then, she did spend ten years being kinda indoctrinated into automatically assuming Paladins are assholes - you've heard about that being normal when demons are taught things. (Given the chaos thing, you're surprised that there are organized Abyssal schools, but if they're going to learn adventuring skills, they gotta do it SOMEHOW you guess, and trying to infiltrate mortal spaces doesn't seem feasible. So, sure, you guess?)

You're just gonna have to keep reminding her about what Good really means on that front, you guess. But your oaths of Harmony do give you a bit of leeway. Say, to be completely honest in a way that deflates Senaz a bit.


And then comes a shout from the hallway. "The tripping was your own fault, Senaz! I mean, I could have warned you the path was getting rocky, but you were already looking down!"

You wince - especially because your guildies heard that. Fffff. You were hoping to not deal with this part. Also it means Helen was listening. Okay, diplomacy time!

[Yes, the QM actually rolled Senaz's Diplomacy. 16+8 = 24.]

"That's, um. The Paladin who turns out to be another reincarnated heroine with her own set of wishes. She kinda kicked my butt and then was going to drag me off for interrogation when I hit my head on a rock and regained my memories from, um. Is it really my past life if I'm talking to people from it so casually right now?"

RhythTank pauses. "... So it's not like your consciousness just jumped, there's a whole time in between."

"Kinda. It's not the standard Comedy Isekai trope, at least," you observe. "I had this whole new life, then suddenly regain my old in its entirety and they're more-or-less integrating I think? I mean, I remembered my password first try, so it's not like the memories are ten years old. That's also when I gained this space. And um we're working on actually allying up properly, since we're both on the same quest, we're sure of that even if we're not sure what that quest actually is…"

She's on camera. Helen stepped in. "Hi, I'm Helen," she says. "And, yeah, Senaz -" she pauses and looks. "Reach99? Well, yeah. She has most of it right. I think I'll skip my own story, though."

You can't help but mutter, "It's kinda cooler than mine…"

Helen chuckles. "Perhaps, but another time. I'll get clear for now."

And she's off. ToxinJam chuckles. "Bring her into your space that easily, huh?"

You pause. "W-what else was I going to say? Right. So. Ten years but also three hours. It's kinda weird. And there's extra time weirdness, too. I just tested it, and it seems like time only flows relative to Earth when I'm in here. I'm guessing it's more time-jumping than time-stopping, but…"

NoiseShocker pauses. "I'd guess you're correct. Does it count on this other world, too? Like, when you're in here, do you come out at the same instant you went in?"

"It at least seems that way, yeah."

The cleric nods, smiling. "Okay, so, part of me wants to science that out all the way, but maybe we shouldn't look that gift horse in the mouth, and instead use this to get extra-long resource grind sessions done."

You should have known someone would think to mention that part eventually. Especially since you don't need sleep anymore, either. Fffffff - those would be such boring marathons…

Oh, good, ToxinJam might be coming to the rescue. "Well, hold on NS. If there's a divine quest she hasn't even learned the nature of yet, we probably shouldn't totally monopolize her time! Besides, if we're thinking in terms of the practicalities of the guild, there's a more immediate concern."

You blink, then look down. At the same time, you and ToxinJam say, "Ergonomics."

ToxinJam nods. "Equipment maintenance in the long term - hell, how are you going to get new parts if the door doesn't link anywhere on Earth?"

"Um, one of my wishes covers that, sorta. I can ship stuff to this apartment somehow."

"Okay, that still leaves repairs in the 'up to you' category, but. Ergonomically, your situation's changed a lot with all this. Your torso is slimmer, which changes your natural resting hand positions. You've got boobs now, but other than trying to use them as a shelf or for that one boba meme, that doesn't change much."

RhythTank pauses. "... Do you have to deal with a bra?"

You pause. "... I know I've been wearing outfits with support, but I'm not sure if my back needs them or not?" It'd make sense that Succubi would have superior back muscles for that exact reason, but you're not going to go testing it on camera.

Yet. (That does give you an idea - no, bad, that can come later!)

ToxinJam, a bit red, continues, "Anyways! Your height's in-line and other bits of your physical build are familiar but distinct from last time you played. The only way to really measure the effects of that is going to be testing it out. I notice you're wearing gloves - what are your nails like?"

You quickly slide the glove off, revealing them to be painted purple but trimmed rather short. Previously, you'd thought of that as 'suited to playing an instrument'. Now it's rather obvious it served a different purpose.

"Okay, good, you don't need to relearn how to type or work a keyboard," ToxinJam observes. "Doubly so since you've gotta balance us, the old day job I'm guessing, and the entire thing on the other side of your door. Assuming you still intend to keep raiding, of course."

"I mean. Yes?", you observe. "I kinda used two entire divine wishes on making sure of that, so…"

"Yup. For now, the best way to test everything's probably going to be some Random Missions. That seems the best way to get all the adjustments you need to make done."

This gets a nod out of you, as you respond, "Yeah, that works. Gotta make sure I'm up to raid tomorrow - um, tomorrow Earth time." That still feels weird to use that wording but.

Well, but first, you deal with the side effects of being sexy. Some of them.

There's also the side effects like "girls wanting you now" to consider. That still feels weird. But now isn't the time for fluffy tail! Now is the time for quests for… Actually it's not particularly good loot. But the weekly rewards still make it worthwhile! "Okay, let's party up and get in. NoiseShocker, you up for this?"

"Yeah, sure, lemme get on," he responds, switching his camera off - right, his computer's a bit marginal for running camera and game at the same time.

RhythTank can't help but smile, clearly starting to set up party invites already. "Yeah! Let's break stuff!"


Breaking stuff did promptly ensue. The Random Missions are all rather easy at your play level, and ten years slash one day (seriously that's still kinda weird) hasn't let your skill atrophy one bit… other than the parts where you needed to keep adjusting your chair, desk, headset, and other equipment to account for your new form. Also, using your shapeshifting to go from the Red Queen's uniform to a loose T-shirt and what you can only call a sweatskirt. (High heels come naturally, you have to assume that's part of the Succubus territory, but somehow that makes going down to just socks feel so much better…)

Put it all together, and you're pretty sure you're comfortable to raid - everything feeling about right for gaming. So that's good.

"All right guys, later," you say.

"Congratulations and my condolences on the Truck-Kun Trans Thing," ToxinJam responds. That's. One way to put this.

NoiseShocker, on the other hand: "Just keep up as best you can. If your understanding of everything's right, you've got your time… sorta doubled? So use that well."

RhythTank finishes with a, "Right. Do you want to tell the rest of the group yourself live, or toss something in the chat for now? There'll probably be quite a bit of talk, but it might be easier…"

"I'll figure that out in a couple, all right?", you ask, considering your options. "For now, I'm gonna scoot and deal with some other bits. See people later!"

A chorus of "Byes" ensue before you disconnect from the chat. You really do need to decide how to tell the others…

[ ] (The Rest of the Raid Group) Tell them via the text chat just after 'working with' a certain foxgirl.
[ ] (The Rest of the Raid Group) Tell them during raid tomorrow.
Options related to doing this before floofing are GM-nixed so I can get to the fun part.

… But either way, you step up and walk out.

"So. Yeah. That went. Okay?", you observe to Helen, whose door is open.

The Paladin chuckles. "I will say that I'd hope Paladins aren't usually that petty when smiting fiends."

"... I guess not? Just. I was trained for a decade to think that, habits die hard and all."

"Mmm, fair enough. Just keep trying to do your best there, all right?"

"R-right. So the next bit of business is Eira, then figuring out what is next from there."

"I'm thinking I'll head to the Temple of Aurora, let them know you're not a problem and that we'll be out of town soon. That should prevent any further issues, as long as you're not, you know. Doing anything majorly troublesome at the exact moment."

"I could make a lot of jokes, but I'm just going to do what I promised with Eira," you reply. Not that you're looking forward to it, but you're also not going to go beyond that in crazy ways.

Helen nods. "As long as it's all consenting and you don't hurt her."

"Of course." Not that the idea of magically-enhanced mass sexytimes doesn't interest you on some level or anything, but keeping it to responsible levels is easy enough. It's… Kind of weird, actually, how being a demon of sex doesn't mean you're constantly overwhelmed with desire, so much as naturally being prone to manipulate it kinda.

You stand up, switching to the bard disguise quickly. "Want help getting your armor back on or anything before we go?"

"I've got that handled for now," Helen responds, lifting her fine chainmail. "Can't wait until I can get some higher-quality platemail, though. Even if that does require help to get on properly, it's so much more effective."

"I can imagine," you observe. "Though I'll admit, I'm not the best to talk. It's not like I needed armor in my past life, and as a demon I have a natural toughness which makes armor less than useful for its intended purpose."

Helen nods. "Rather convenient, but I'd say ill-worth some of the catches. Like the natural proclivity towards evil."

"R-right." You're not sure how big a thing that is really. But then, you may not be a normal case with the whole reincarnated-soul thing.

Probably best to be careful about trusting any other demons until you know that one for sure. This is one case where you can't - well, you can trust Helen, but not count on her knowledge here. Tricky business, this.

"For now," you continue, "Let's go. We both have, um, business to get to."

Helen nods. "Yup. Enjoy, do no harm… You get the idea." By now, she's gotten her armor on. "See you soon enough, all right?"

"Yup," You respond. "See you soon!"


The tavern is nice and bustling now. Several people appear to notice you, but surprisingly few react. You guess that's the nice part of Helen not going for, say, splitting the table you were sitting at with her sword, instead pulling you outside first. Old rules of sacred hospitality perhaps.

Though there's a certain look from the barkeep, as he looks to you. "Well, yer still alive," he observes. "Outed, but alive and ye're returning. Eira told me to tell you she was upstairs. And I will be looking for her in a couple hours, so ye'd best not do anything. Girl'd better know what she's doing."

You nod. "Trust me, I intend to do her no harm."

"Yeaaaah, you might get why I wanna check that after…"

"Right." You sigh. "It's… Sorry, I've had a weird couple of hours."

"Well, you came back alive after the Paladin and…" He glances out a window. "... The temple's not on fire or anything, so I'll check but I'll put up wit' ye. Also, you break the bed, you buy it, all right?"

… You consider that a bit, even as you nod and start upstairs. "Thank you for passing the message," you offhandedly add as you step towards the stairs to the bar's side, heading up towards the rooms…

… Well, the open door's a clue. And as you approach…

Well, there's a blonde floof, only the bedsheet covering her - draped in a way to imply she was not precisely wearing much underneath. She's blushing a little, but smiling with clear enthusiasm…

"Well?", she asks. "You're here. You going to do the thing, yes~?", she practically purrs. (Is 'purr' the right term when it's a fox?)

You smile a bit… The nice thing with having your charms being inherent to your kind, is you don't have to do the standard motions and words like for bardic magic. You can just leaaaan in, suggestively pull open a couple buttons on your bodysuit's top to draw her attention…

And blow a kiss, manifesting your magical will. In your perception, you can see the pink threads of enchantment magic slide forth from your hand, wrapping around Eira's face and settling as a hint of a glow in her eyes.

In Eira's perception, on the other hand, any misgivings about not just letting herself get seduced by a Succubus but actively encouraging it are banished. You're totally trustworthy, and also sexy, and also you've got visible cleavage now, and - okay, you're not reading her thoughts yet. But you are turning a bit red yourself. Not long ago, the idea of using your seductive charms would bring you no pause, even if it served no additional purpose.

Now, though? You've got thirty years of being a somewhat thirsty human, who is about to, well, Touch Fluffy Tail. And yeah, you're blushing as a result, even as you step in towards the Vulpinae, and place a hand along her bare shoulder…

… And slide a hand down, brushing the sheet aside to reveal her nude form. Yeah, she knew exactly what she was hoping for.

"Perhaps you'd like to, mmm, unwrap a package~?", you purr seductively, still leaning forward to reveal a certain hint of cleavage to Eira…

Who responds with a 'mmmm', even as her hands practically claw at your clothing. Good thing your shapeshifting will let you fix that, you note, as she hungrily tears your bodysuit open, popping several buttons and baring your bosom.

You giggle, practically diving in to press your breasts against hers, your eyes right in line with hers for a short second before you pull her into a forceful kiss - which she practically melts into.

It's interesting to notice you don't even have to suppress the urge to drain energy from her or anything. Previously, you had to actively do that. Your human memories changing your reflexes, perhaps?

Girl, your brain responds. Girl hot. Tail hot. Touch fluffy tail.

And you do, your hands exploring behind Eira until they're wrapped in fur, stroking along it gently, as your tongue glides into her mouth easily, toying with hers.

After several seconds, you lean back to break the kiss… "Keep going~", you goad.

She doesn't need to be told twice, reaching along your bodysuit and starting to pull it down, until more and more of you is exposed for her to stroke a hand along. God, the touch along your tit feels so nice…

You reach your hand out to her cheek, nestle your thumb in the fluff of her ear and your fingertips behind it and stroke, gently. See her shiver and hold back a moan.

"Good girl," you croon. "Just like that. Who's my obedient little plaything, hmn?"

So much for holding the moan back. You grin, taking pride in how easily you can make her react; seeing her eyelids drooping, her head drooping as you touch fluffy ear with one hand and bare skin with the other.

"Rest now," you tell her. "Put your pretty face on my soft pillows."

You almost giggle as she drops like a rock into your cleavage, nose between it, ears twitching as you stroke and scratch and coo encouragement to your good little pet; you rake your fingers between the soft fur of her tail and then back up, pressing your hand to her belly, letting her find some equilibrium.

The better to drop it out from under her.

As long as you don't think about how you're this good at this it's fine.

Or let that she's using her tongue and teeth now distract you. Hells, feeling her taste your boob is distracting.

"Oh is my pet thirsty?" you purr, making a claw of your hand, grabbing her hair more aggressively now. "Does she want to drink me up?"

You're pretty sure that whimper from Eira was an affirmative and you don't know how you suppress a moan of your own.

You push her head down, not with a hard snap but constant gentle pressure, and feel her lap down your chest to your belly.

"There we go," you tell her. "Down, and down, and down deeper and deeper under my hand."

She can't get any more Charmed but it's not like she knows that, and she rewards the patter with a full body shudder.
While you can still remember, you gesture with one hand to remove anything that might be in the way. It's a trick every succubus learns, knows, and loves.

"Down to where my fuzzy-brained pet can drink her fill..."

Eira's tongue laps down and over your clit and you can't stop yourself from grunting and arching your back, you had memories but not any from before your old life caught up with you and you're not prepared, but you take in a ragged breath and cup Eira's head and croon instructions: "right there, right there, that's my good girl, that's my pretty pet, don't you dare stop, don't you FUCKING stop -"

When you're able to experience things that aren't bliss and regain control of your limbs the bed's headboard is broken, and when you slump the slats under you slip out and drop a foot.

Eira blinks for a moment but a touch and a whisper of power puts the kibosh on that. You laugh, as much from nerves as joy. Bed's already wrecked, no reason not to reward the fluffy vixen for an orgasm like that, right?

"You did so well," you tell her, sliding a palm over her tit and down her front, lightly scratching her and hearing the yip. "Let me show you what you did for me," you breathe in her ear, before kissing it, and curling your fingers upwards and in her, as she gasps and squirms against your arm cradling that expanse of bare back, taking in the heat of her skin.

You bite your lip and thrust your fingers and search for that one spot that you know is going to - from the way the pitch of her yowls dropped you know you've found it and you kiss her and your grin is wicked when you break out. Her eyes are rolled up and she hasn't stopped warbling from what you're doing to her.

You place your thumb where you can push her button and circle the spot inside her pussy and draw spirals on and in her until her moans hit a crescendo, and you feel it too, the joy of seeing another satisfied customer crashing over the aftershock from your own orgasm and the part of your brain still just jazzed to have tits someone wants to kiss, pulling you under another wave of pleasure that doesn't quite knock you out but does mean you don't care about the cracking sounds quite yet.

And for a moment after you offer your hand to Eira's tongue so she can taste what you did to her, and wrap your arms around her, and kiss, and lie with your arms around her, aglow with pleasure and pride in the ruins of the bed.

(Summary for those who skipped: Senaz used Charm to put Eira under her sway - just like Eira wanted. Sexytimes ensue, with Senaz talking Eira into a near-hypnotic state, and Senaz generally shows Eira a good time with a bit of showing off of her, ahem, talents. The bed suffers - Senaz is not sure when that happened, given her, ahem, focus...)

… Well, good news, Eira seems intensely satisfied. Your reflexes as a lust demon seem to be playing well even with the whole human memories thing, just minus the urge to do anything more evil than glomp onto the foxgirl for a bit longer.

Bad news, the bed is terminal. Headboard splintered in three separate places, mattress collapsed in the middle, several slats practically missing… If you were more suspicious of mortalkind, you'd suspect the innkeep tried to…

(Insight Result: 5)

No, no, you need to try and avoid that kinda thinking. Most people are honest, and also not foolish enough to try and scam someone they know is a Succubus who either escaped, seduced, or otherwise handled a Paladin. (... Okay, if he knew the truth of the whole matter maybe he'd feel a bit more comfortable.)

"Well, um." You turn towards Eira, who is trying to cover up and be comfortable on a Rather Destroyed bed.

Okay, good time mode. Keep to that. Gotta make this encounter one to look back on fondly, that means less unhappy ending. Step one, lean back in and nuzzle up to her a bit. "Mmmm."

Eira responds with much the same. "Gods, that was good…"

You giggle, quickly starting to talk through a bit of language to cast prestidigitation. "Lemme clean you up a bit~?", you ask.

"Don't mind if you do~", Eira responded. And with the spell in place… You start to slide your hand along her.

This kind of low-tier magic is really important to master, in your book, because if you're good at it, you can do things like wipe dirt and sweat off someone with a light, brushing touch with a really pleasant tingle. You'd classify it as a party trick, but admittedly you haven't been to that sort of party. Yet, at least.

It has Eira purring, though, even as your hand slides into the fur of her tail, detangling it subtly.

God, it's a beautiful trick. After a few minutes, your hands lightly slide along her feet - carefully trying to not tickle them, instead keeping the motions soothing. Then, you quickly cover yourself with the same, then your discarded bodysuit from a few feet away, then Eira's dress and undergarments, neatly piled atop a dresser.

So much easier than the clunky coin-op laundry on the first floor back home. (Also available, unlike the washer and dryer. You're not gonna miss them.) And it frees you to hug Eira and just kind of take in her scent.

The Vulpinae girl giggles, even as she's side-eyeing… the corner of the bed?

You pause. "Um, is something up?"

(Eira's Insight Result: 17+???)

"Oh, just the innkeep being a jerk. He gave us the room with the most worn-out bed, hoping you'd end up covering the cost of the replacement."

"... Huh." She'd know him better than you. "... He wouldn't be foolish enough to think he could get that past you, right?"

"... Good question, but. Please drag him a bit for this?", she says, a certain grin forming on her face.

"Oh, I think I can arrange. I presume you wish to see this, of course?", you respond.

"Fuck yes," she replies. "Nothing too big, though, he's usually fine, just when he thinks he has some leeway…"

"Can do~ But please, dress up for me first, would you?" It's not quite the same show as someone undressing, but it's still nice.

"Of course~", the fox responds, sliding upright and slinking to her clothes, dressing slowly.

… Yup, that's enjoyable to watch, all right. Do the same yourself, and step up to her.

"Let's go poke the innkeep, hmm~?"


Almost as soon as you're in his line of sight, the innkeeper has his hand out, clearly expecting a certain payment.

You chuckle, placing your hand in his instead. He pauses, clearly off-guard, as you step around until you're along the bar, facing him.

"Ye do remember what I said, yea?", he responds, his tone a bit off-guard but clearly trying to commit.

"Well, yes," you respond. "You've got me there, admittedly. With me outed as a demon, the only testament to my character is that Eira is fine."

The foxgirl waves from behind you, as you continue. "Why, you'd have every opportunity to get one over on me, say by giving Eira the bed that was going to collapse specifically to score a cheap replacement off me. You know I can't afford to get violent, not with Helen Garland and a Temple of Aurora able to protect you. Of course they'd take your side even if you're pulling a scam on me, right?"

He pauses, a bit uncomfortable. You continue, "Easy money, easy on the conscience, airtight defense if I accuse you in the eyes of the community and the temple. The only way I could get out of it would be to charm a lot of people, and get out of here before it wears off! It's a beautifully simple plan, assuming I can't devise more subtle ways to get back at you. Like calling you out on it while several people are staring and you're squirming in guilt immediately."

You glance to your sides with a smirk, as the innkeeper stammers, "J-just a second, yer taking the logic way too far girlie! I mean, um, I kinda did hope to, um, well-"

He stops himself. And then Eira leans in a bit. "Yeeeees?"

The innkeeper pauses. "Look, I just didn't want her taking advantage of ye, Eira! Just because you were asking for it and all, didn't mean I couldn't be-"

You sigh. "Look, if you were going to protest consenting behavior between adults, maybe next time don't do it passive-aggressively and in a way that at best comes across as you were trying to scam someone?"

The innkeeper visibly deflated. "... I was trying to scam yer. I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me."

There's some chuckles from the surrounding people, including the four guys off in the corner with the raised hoods.

Who you're pretty sure weren't here when you showed up. One minute on them.

You just kinda lean in on the Innkeeper, chuckling. "... You're fine, just think before pulling that again."

And just to make the point, you toss one gold coin his way. "That's part of the cost of upkeep your own inn supplies, yes?"

That gets Eira laughing quite a bit, and just makes him deflate more. Perfect. "Tha'll do, lass… Furrrrrgh…"

"That's that, then." And then you're looking at the hooded figures, and stepping towards them. Can't help but think that you'd like to chat them up a bi-

Aaaaaand they're drawing daggers immediately. The weird curved ones that basically scream 'freaky cultist creeps'. Eira, who was following you, stops.

"Easy there," you declare.

One of the figures glares. "You betray Her." It's a gruff, human masculine voice.

The capitalized 'Her' is not a reference to the Red Queen; she's got different monikers. So they think you're working for another. Which, well, yes, but that other probably isn't with them.

Time to get them talking. You giggle. "Oh, please, I'm just a passing bard. Tell me about yourselves."

The shade of his hood makes it hard to tell his expression, but you can tell he's shaking his head. "You know who you serve, and if you dare betray Her, you will be left to Her tortures. We will send you there."

"Okay, seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?", you respond, tone now a bit angry. Other inn patrons are already starting to get out, though the innkeeper seems to be going for something under the counter.

You can feel the metaphors in your mind trying to proffer solutions, but at the pace of things, it's not easy to tell which is which.

[ ] (The Creeps) Try to draw them outside, where you can hopefully get the town guard or better yet Helen on them. Especially if Eira goes and calls for help.
[ ] (The Creeps) You can't teleport Helen directly… But you can summon the door to your apartment to your location. She's not inside, but get her in, teleport to a place, and you can warp the door. That'd still take time, though, and they might go for innocents in the meanwhile.
[ ] (The Creeps) Draw your weapon now, they already have; engaging directly is your best bet to keep them from hurting anyone else.
[ ] (The Creeps) Book It. Go to Da Share Zone. You can leave. Get out and see if they chase you, and reconsider your plan accordingly.
[ ] (The Creeps) Suggestion the one who seems to be in charge that he'd be an idiot to fight here and now and better to explain first. If it works, it will at least add some disarray to this group.
[ ] (The Creeps) Write-In a plan.

What you do know, is besides your rapier, you've got at least one trick up your sleeve...

[ ] (Battle Cantrip) Write-in; I'm giving Senaz one free cantrip so she has something for magic attack options. Any 5e Bard cantrip I have access to (so most Wizards content, but third-party/OGL content can be considered) is fair game.


Big thanks to Talia for helping me with the spoilered segment intensely (basically everything from "feels so nice" on to the end of the spoiler, to be precise); turns out I have a hard time with this sort of action. Additionally, thanks to everyone for their patience; this scene got even longer than intended, which is kind of saying something.

Consider calling on Senaz's aspects alongside your proposals - tell me how elements of her character might guide her to the wrong decision to add Fate Points, or how they enhance a decision to spend them for advantages!

Questing Country is one of the settings from Synodporia, the original RP behind the same-named quest ( ). Altara is not an existing name from there, though - her name is instead a reference to one of my older D&D Characters, just so I could put something in.

'Crys' is short for 'Enchantment Grade Crystal', the cash shop currency in Another World Online. (That part's canon for Isekai//Online too, just not likely relevant!)

Points to anyone who doesn't already know it figuring out the references in the usernames. In fact, the first person to get it right can pick either Senaz or Helen to get a Fate Point.
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Let's see.
  • Reach99 is almost certainly a HALO reference to the Battle of Reach.
  • NoiseShocker is either a reference to Kamen Rider, or, more likely, a reference to the mahvel Shocker, who uses sonic blasts both to move around and as beam attacks.
  • RhythTank feels like a PSO2 reference? But I don't know the exact providence so that feels like cheating.
  • ToxinJam is a reference to Raocow's reaction to purple death goop.
Let's see.
  • Reach99 is almost certainly a HALO reference to the Battle of Reach.
  • NoiseShocker is either a reference to Kamen Rider, or, more likely, a reference to the mahvel Shocker, who uses sonic blasts both to move around and as beam attacks.
  • RhythTank feels like a PSO2 reference? But I don't know the exact providence so that feels like cheating.
  • ToxinJam is a reference to Raocow's reaction to purple death goop.

0 for 4, sadly! Though at least two of these fit, they're not the intended references!
I think it's pronounced "Da Share Zone". 😜

Corrected before the vote opens!

And now the vote is going. Just a two-day this time so I can start writing.

Also, SURPRISE ADDITIONAL VOTE COMPONENT (which I'm slipping into the post after this):

[ ] (Battle Cantrip) Write-in; I'm giving Senaz one free cantrip so she has something for magic attack options. Any 5e Bard cantrip I have access to (so most Wizards content, but third-party/OGL content can be considered) is fair game.
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Here's my view on the Creeps issue.
  1. If these guys have nothing to do with the Red Queen, the process-of-elimination explanation is that either this really is a case of mistaken identity, or... they have something to do with Senaz's other entanglements, which are all Isekai related nonsense. I have a particularly wild theory about the specific shape of that, which will probably be a separate post... but for now, the more general conclusion of "they're related in some tangential way to the worldhopping" is enough to imply that letting them witness the Apartment Door, let alone giving them the opportunity to barge through it, is a Very Bad Idea.

    So if we're going for success here, I think we should, uh, not pick that option.

    On the other hand, if we're going for racking Fate points by complicating the issue, this is one way to do it (if, IMO, the most dangerous way). It'd be easy to Aspect it as "Past Life Connections" - the subconscious sense of safety that Senaz associates with her old home, which must have been strong enough if she wished to keep it.

  2. There's details in this update which seem (to me) to foreshadow Trouble if we let this escalate into a barroom brawl. Helen trying to assuage the temple's concerns about us... the innkeeper's surety that Senaz "can't afford to get violent"... we've got the trust of two people here, sure, but they're the two people who've managed to cornered Senaz one-on-one, and that, if anything, makes us look more suspicious in the eyes of anyone who wasn't physically present (such as, f'rex, a town magistrate) trying to piece together the plot after the fact. I'm not sure how to Aspect this for future credit, so I'd just skip it too.

  3. Reaching for "Suggestion" is the kind of trick we're good at. But it's potentially too cute; if they're here for us, then they should know already that we can do it and be prepared for it, unless they're total goons. This option can probably be Aspected off of "Succubus Bard" whether it's being voted as the "right" answer or the "wrong" one.
This leaves "try to draw them outside" and "just walk out" as the remaining suggested options. Of the two, I'd prefer the first one because it gives them less of an opportunity to threaten the local squishies who we spent the first half of the scene interacting with (a concern which several of the vote options as written are explicitly considering).

As for write-in plans... we do have other tools which might be useful here. For example: telepathy with Eira (which might even be on an extended range thanks to all the Charming we just got done doing), and the ability to go Ethereal as an action (where we're immune to daggers but still able to keep an eye on what the cultists are doing).

[X] (Battle Cantrip) Thunderclap

As far as I know, it's the only offensive cantrip that Bards get which attacks Constitution instead of Wisdom, and Senaz has already got her share of Wisdom-based magic.
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A delightful result all around! :D Though I'm left wondering if the creepy cultists are some kind of twisted offshoot of the faith of the isekai goddess...

What comes to mind for each username:

Reach99: The very simple goal of attaining peak JRPG level.
ToxinJam: The concept of an alchemy/botany/chemistry contest to make the best poison you can with the tools and materials provided and 24 or 48 hours, sort of like a game jam.
RhythTank: Having tanked myself in FFXI (yes, XI, not XIV)? Keeping tight, complex cycles is a lot like a rhythm game, and getting used to how those cycles relates to the different battle musics in a game does help.
NoiseShocker: Edgar's NoiseBlaster tool from FF6.


one of those dumb urban fantasy where 'camera no see magic'.

Think you need plural here.

Not that you're looking forward to it,

Think you missed an "aren't" here, since she was looking forward to this.

Votes (EDIT: Better votes on a later post):

[ ] (The Rest of the Raid Group) Tell them via the text chat just after 'working with' a certain foxgirl.
[ ] (The Creeps) Try to draw them outside, where you can hopefully get the town guard or better yet Helen on them. Especially if Eira goes and calls for help.
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I have a particularly wild theory about the specific shape of that, which will probably be a separate post.
So here's that post!

I'll begin from the assumption that the cultists actually know what they're talking about. If they're wrong, then we don't have nearly enough basis to figure out their real agenda yet.

So what do they say their agenda is?

"You betray Her" is tenseless. It could mean "you are betraying Her right now", or "you habitually betray Her", or even "the way this story goes is that, at some point, you betray Her".

But the cultist also says "you know who you serve". If it's a future betrayal, it's at least not one of a future master; it's someone who Senaz, by some definition, is aware of "serving" even now.

So who does Senaz serve, that she knows of, if we cast our net as broadly as possible, no matter how improbable? I can think of five options.
  1. The Red Queen.
  2. The Isekai goddess.
  3. NNSG.
  4. Her mental Cabinet.
  5. We just "served" Eira pretty hard.
So, obviously, all of these have problems.

The Red Queen is already ruled out; Senaz thinks they're not the Queen's guys, and she'd know better than us on that.

The only other option who it'd be normal to refer to with the deferential She is the Isekai goddess. It's weird that they would accuse us of "betraying" her, especially when her instructions were "just start trying shit and you'll figure out your quest soon enough". But maybe these goons are meant to be the mechanical support for that prophecy, by providing, uh, feedback on whether the "stuff" we "start trying" is on the right or wrong path.

The other three options require timey-wimey nonsense to be in play, because it's stuff nobody in this world should know about yet. The "one of Senaz's mental constructs becomes retroactively mythologically important & cultists are offended you didn't obey her in this encounter" option seems like the most farfetched thing on this whole chart; while technically possible, it's too much of a stretch for me to worry about right now, and isn't actionable anyway (since they're clearly the type of oversimplifications who would be a bad idea to side with 100% of the time). Similarly, Eira having a retroactive cult would be extremely galaxy brain, and accusations of us "betraying" her when we made it clear this would be a one-night stand and then showed her a good time would be... quixotic, in the "tilting at windmills" sense.

That leaves NNSG. We were already weighing the pros and cons of quitting the company once our free leave runs out - becoming a VTuber or something. That would meet all the criteria of the cultist's accusation, with just two little problems: (1) why they imagine NNSG as "She", and (2) why they would know about something we're merely on the road to maybe doing in the future.

Let's solve the second one first: we already know that the world of Senaz's old life maintains a separate flow of time from this one. Senaz wished to hold onto her relationships, so the Apartment's connection between the two worlds keeps things conveniently linear, but clearly the Isekai goddess got to pick her shot vis a vis the point on the timeline into which she imported people, so it's possible that - if future connections between worlds get established - those connections can set their starting watermark wherever they want. We know that NNSG is interested in exploiting worldhopping now that they're aware of it; if they succeed, later, at replicating the effect, it's sensible that they'd jump in as early as possible, so they have time to get established.

As for why the honorific pronoun? Well, if you're an organization which wants to meddle in the affairs of a generic fantasy-genre world, then branding the company's directives as orders from a god or goddess makes a lot of sense. If your main way of interacting with the world is extradimensional interference, then it's also a... feasible grift to pull off.

Perhaps in our future, they establish a link to this world's past, and then put some effort into attempting to retain our services - whether to keep us from retconnng away their success, or because they would've gotten rich quicker if we hadn't bailed on them.

But, well... it's like I said. All of these possibilities have problems, and we need more context if we're gonna figure out what precisely these dudes are on about. Since they insist on speaking in riddles, maybe we should intercept that context in the brain instead of trying to fish it out of the mouth?

[X] (The Creeps) Activate Detect Thoughts; either we learn that they can resist it, or we get more context on their grievance here. In parallel, try to lure them out of the inn, both to buy some time to get your results & to keep the civilians we've already had a chance to meet from getting caught up in it.

And to preserve it from my previous post...

[X] (Battle Cantrip) Thunderclap
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[X] (The Rest of the Raid Group) Tell them via the text chat just after 'working with' a certain foxgirl.
[X] (The Creeps) Try to draw them outside, where you can hopefully get the town guard or better yet Helen on them. Especially if Eira goes and calls for help.

[X] (Battle Cantrip) Thunderclap

Yeah, trying to draw the baddies away from civilians seems like the best play. As for cantrips, Bards only have two official options for damage of which Thunderclap is probably Senaz's best choice.

IMHO though, Mind Sliver and Booming Blade should have both been on the bard list as well
Points to anyone who doesn't already know it figuring out the references in the usernames. In fact, the first person to get it right can pick either Senaz or Helen to get a Fate Point.
...oh lol. I don't know how Reach99 factors into it but I strongly suspect the other guildies who were on Vent today are Jet Set Radio fans. If I'm right, go ahead and give Helen the point; I suspect she'll need it pretty soon.
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OK, seems a well-reasoned, more nuanced write-in has been proposed, and I'm here for it. Also, the battle cantrip edit occurred while I was voting the first time, so I didn't see it. Thus, changing my vote:

[X] (The Rest of the Raid Group) Tell them via the text chat just after 'working with' a certain foxgirl.
[X] (The Creeps) Activate Detect Thoughts; either we learn that they can resist it, or we get more context on their grievance here. In parallel, try to lure them out of the inn, both to buy some time to get your results & to keep the civilians we've already had a chance to meet from getting caught up in it.
[X] (Battle Cantrip) Thunderclap