Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

Arc 1, Chapter 1.1.7: Hasty Plots
[X] (Bandit Horde) Reduce the number of active bandits a bit using sleep to turn the fight around.

… Check yourself before you wreck yourself, Senaz. Twelve-on-three, even if most of them don't look very tough, is still not great odds.

Pity you don't have any big boom magics or anything to bring a bunch down at once. Not fast enough to be sure you survive, at least. But, you don't have to drop them with thunderclap necessarily.

Raising a hand, you begin to sing an almost lullaby-like sample…

5d8 HP of creatures fall unconscious: 1,2,3,5,8 = 20.

… And intensify your focus on it. You need more of them down. You were Reincarnated for a Quest, damn it, you can't lose this early on!!!

1 Fate Point consumed for special effect: Reroll the lowest 2 dice. Revised roll: 3,5,6,6,8 = 28. 1 Fate Point remains.

… One collapses in mid-run, dropping into magical unconsciousness. Then another. Three more. Half of the small guys are down.

That leaves five more, plus the captain, and one other approaching - no, the captain's stopped to focus on her bow.

Eira gets the cue, and switches to fire over the heads of the unconscious group to try and bring down the closest one to still be up.

1 Shortbow attack at d20+5 vs. Bandit = 12+5 = 17 - hit! 2 damage.

It hits cleanly in the shoulder, but the guy's still moving.

The three who were going for you make it up close and take swings with their blades, while one slows to be cautious and the last goes for HElen…

3 scimitar attacks at d20+3 vs. Senaz: (22, 14, 9) - One hit on Senaz, 4 damage halved to 2, 5 HP remain.

1 scimitar attack at d20+3 vs. Helen: 14 - Miss!

You manage to backstep to avoid the first swing. The second hits you, but not enough to pierce your toughened skin. The third, though, has you crying in pain as it slashes into your side. You hear the 'tink' of a sword failing to get through Helen's chain.

1 shortbow attack at d20+5 vs. Helen: NAT-1 - Miss!

You think the captain tried to fire again, but the key word is 'tried'. You see HElen moving between Eira and the bandits, and striking at the one Eira hit…

Helen attacks at d20+5 vs. Bandit: 17+5 = 22 - hit! 5 damage

… And cut into his armor, dropping him.

1 longbow attack at d20+4 vs. Senaz: 13+4 = 17 - Miss!

And then another arrow grazes your arm. The last guy has a longbow. You'll need to deal with that, too.

Not much chance of getting more casts off now - you draw your rapier instead, striking at one of the three bandits on you.

1 rapier attack vs. Bandit: 19+5 = 24 - Hit! 6 damage = KO

Your blade pierces into their armor and into them, and they drop. Five foes to go-

1 shortbow attack vs. Bandit: 11+5 = 16 - hit! 5 damage - KO
Another in front of you drops from Eira's arrow, leaving the two still standing looking scared, even as they try to step in to swing at the 'squishier' one that's in reach - read, you.

2 Scimitar swings vs. Senaz: 13, 22 - 1 hit! 2 damage after resistance.

You wince and grunt as another manages to land a serious hit. Even with your toughness, you can't take too many more of those…

1 Shortbow shot vs. Senaz: 16 - Miss!
1 Longbow shot vs. Senaz: 9 - Miss!

… Especially with you still being fired upon, though your toughness and luck keep them from doing much.

1 longsword attack vs. Bandit: 13 - Hit! 6 damage - KO

Helen's swing brings the next one down.

You pause a second, hoping Eira can bring this last one down and give you space for a cast…

1 Shortbow shot vs. Bandit: 14 - hit, sneak attack! (Shh, I forgot those earlier, though she got the KO on the only one it could've applied to anyhow) 7 damage total = KO

… Yes!

You look directly to the captain. "Your forces are downed, so surrender!", you declare with magical firmness.

Wisdom Save DC 16: 15+0 = 15 - failure.

The captain visibly hesitates… Before her eyes lose focus, and she drops her bow.

The loose bandit scout pauses, then drops his bow, dropping to his knees. Did he see you teleport and thus knew you could potentially follow if he tried to flee?

Helen moves to you first, placing a hand against your side. Energy flows through, helping your wounds stitch shut. It hurts for a second, then soothes. You step towards the captain, as Eira moves for the Scout and Helen moves to tie each of the sleeping bandits.

"... Are you with the cult?"

Their leader shakes her head. "... Just… Needed the money. Ugh. It was going so well…"

"Not really," you respond. "If the three of us were enough to give you a run for your money, you didn't stand a real chance."

"... Damn you. What do you get off on, claiming yourself above us?"

"I'm beneath you." Your tone is cold. "I'm a Succubus. Just so happens I'm one who has reason to do stuff to stop the shit happening to the Keep. Now, we're bringing you in."

"..." The bandit captain feels like she should flee. But she can't. Not as long as your suggestion lasts.

A bit cold, that. But it reduces how many die at your hands. That's good enough.


"... Well, that explains a few things," the guard says. "Seems you lot managed to get something good done. With them captured and imprisoned, maybe more shipping can go through."

You nod, as the guard continues, "Don't think we had a reward posted, but I'll check with the baliff and see if we can't get much. Also, you can take their gear or sell it to us, your call."

You pause, and look to Eira. "... Um. Right. Their camp."

Eira blinks. "... No, we didn't get to loot it."

[ ] (The Bandit Camp) Leave it, can't be much of value.
[ ] (The Bandit Camp) Go back out and rob it! It'll take a bit, but maybe Helen can get to talking them into fixing their lives while you and Eira go to town. (+1 Fate Point from proccing "My Allies, Sigh")
[ ] (The Bandit Camp) Teleport over there alone and get the stuff yourself. It'll be faster without Eira.
[ ] (The Bandit Camp) Teleport with the door trick you considered earlier, should be great right?
^- This one assumes you bring both Helen and Eira in case something unexpected happens.
[ ] (The Bandit Camp) Teleport with the door trick, but only bring Eira. If something unexpected happens, it'll be worse, but Helen will be pleased with the chance to try and talk some holiness into the bandits. (+1 Fate Point from proccing "My Allies, Sigh")


For reference, you've got about five hours until sundown by this point. Running out there would take at least one hour each way, teleporting could take mere minutes if you don't have things go disastrously wrong again.

There's a nonzero possibility something else is up there by now - going alone could carry risks. Having Eira with you, she miiight pocket some of the stuff?

Helen will go with either route, but barring the stated concern, she would lean towards 'talk to the bandits more'. Indulging her will restore one Fate Point from My Allies, Sigh, since it carries a clear risk.

Also, the party has gained 267 XP each. That is… very close to getting to 2nd level all at once. You were not meant to take out the entire camp like that, and only Senaz's AC and damage resistances saved her honestly!
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[X] (The Bandit Camp) Go back out and rob it! It'll take a bit, but maybe Helen can get to talking them into fixing their lives while you and Eira go to town.
[X] (The Bandit Camp) Teleport with the door trick you considered earlier, should be great right?
[X] (The Bandit Camp) Teleport with the door trick, but only bring Eira. If something unexpected happens, it'll be worse, but Helen will be pleased with the chance to try and talk some holiness into the bandits.
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[X] (The Bandit Camp) Go back out and rob it! It'll take a bit, but maybe Helen can get to talking them into fixing their lives while you and Eira go to town.
[X] (The Bandit Camp) Teleport with the door trick, but only bring Eira. If something unexpected happens, it'll be worse, but Helen will be pleased with the chance to try and talk some holiness into the bandits.
[X] (The Bandit Camp) Teleport with the door trick, but only bring Eira. If something unexpected happens, it'll be worse, but Helen will be pleased with the chance to try and talk some holiness into the bandits.
[X] (The Bandit Camp) Teleport with the door trick, but only bring Eira. If something unexpected happens, it'll be worse, but Helen will be pleased with the chance to try and talk some holiness into the bandits.
-[X] Pester Helen for some quick heals first.
[X] (The Bandit Camp) Go back out and rob it! It'll take a bit, but maybe Helen can get to talking them into fixing their lives while you and Eira go to town. (+1 Fate Point from proccing "My Allies, Sigh")
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Dec 18, 2022 at 1:18 AM, finished with 13 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] (The Bandit Camp) Teleport with the door trick, but only bring Eira. If something unexpected happens, it'll be worse, but Helen will be pleased with the chance to try and talk some holiness into the bandits.
    [X] (The Bandit Camp) Go back out and rob it! It'll take a bit, but maybe Helen can get to talking them into fixing their lives while you and Eira go to town.
    [X] (The Bandit Camp) Teleport with the door trick you considered earlier, should be great right?
    -[X] Pester Helen for some quick heals first.
    [X] (The Bandit Camp) Go back out and rob it! It'll take a bit, but maybe Helen can get to talking them into fixing their lives while you and Eira go to town. (+1 Fate Point from proccing "My Allies, Sigh")
Arc 1, Chapter 1.1.8: Hasty Rip-Offs
"Okay, here's the plan. Helen, am I correct that you'd like to take some time to discuss with these bandits as to multiple topics about the status of their immortal souls, et cetera?"

Helen blinks. "I mean, that's perhaps a blunt way to put it… But yes."

"And, that healing you did, can you do more of it?"

Helen shakes her head. "For now, I only have a bit per day."

"Okay. Then me and Eira are going to go check the camp out. Quickly."

"... That place was quite a ways out-"


"... The one that landed you badly off-target earlier?", Helen asks wryly.

"I-I'll be fine!", you respond. "It was just. Pressure of the situation."


You look towards Eira. "Okay, let's go."

"Er, right!", your vulpine friend responds. Did she lose track of the conversation, or…"


Your plan was easy enough! Get outside, open the door, let Eira in, close it, teleport, open the door closer to the Bandit Camp.

So why the hell are you in the woods?

Senaz's teleport check from earlier was a 14.

The door opens, and Eira leans out. "... Um. Is everything okay, Senaz?"

"... One minute." You gently close the door, and try again.

Senaz's second teleport attempt: 1d100 = 66. On target.

… Okay, this is the top of the hill Eira was on.

You call the door up again, and Eira steps out. "Okay, this looks right."

"Y-yeah." You just kind of sigh. Clearly, more practice with teleport magic may be important. You thought you had it down pat, but you can't help but feel like you narrowly avoided a significant disaster. What could've happened if you'd been more off-target, leaving Helen and Eira without you…

… It's terrifying to think about. You don't want to know what happens if one of you dies. Especially Eira, who doesn't have the potential of a mysterious goddess actively trying to support her. You can't afford a resurrection yet, which would mean you'd need divine intervention on her behalf.

And with no way to reach the goddess who brought you here, that leaves Solaria (potentially limited), and one person you don't want to depend upon if you can avoid it.

… Try not to think about the averted disaster too much. Not when there's something more positive to get to.

Eira's tails are wagging as she now proceeds up the hill. She smells the purest motivator of adventurers about to be, even if only possibly ever so slightly, satisfied. Treasure. Loot. Shinies. The standard prizes of victories - and you've got a fair bit of one landed.

The bandits weren't ready to go on full attack, you realize as you look over the rocky outcropping and to the scene behind it. Looking downhill, you see the road far off enough that… Yeah, your average spotter from below wouldn't have the easiest time looking up and seeing this. Even then, the actual camp is a bit below the rocks, to better hide it.

"Did you see this before…?"

Eira shakes her head. "Started fleeing."

The camp is empty now. One tent, several bedrolls set around a fire. Not much, but easy to move. Like many that resort to banditry, there wasn't much by way of long term plans with this.

Two longbows, twenty arrows, one cask of decent wine (Eira thinks it's worth at least double-digit gold pieces, somewhere between ten and twenty depending on how well-kept the cask is), and the intact carcasses of four rabbits and a deer hung from branches.

Eira looks over the meat. "... Butchered today. Gimme a bit to clean it and it's… Probably fine to toss in the fridge? Doesn't look like anything's gotten to them yet at least. Not the greatest tasting meat, honestly, but…"

You pause. "... Part of me wants to just leave them to the local animals, honestly, but if you think it's worth hanging onto…"

"Eh. Nah, meat's not worth it. But lemme work the pelts, those'll go for a bit."

"Sure. Should I help?"

"Nope," Eira responds bluntly, as she pulls a dagger.

Well, okay. You check the rest of the camp a bit… Underorganized clothes and a few supplies. Looks like any money must've been on the leader.

After a little bit, Eira has five nearly-cleaned pelts, and the rest of the animals are well out of sight. You've taken down the equipment and loaded it into the apartment for now, you can figure out whether to sell it or what later.

Eira seems more than a bit pleased. "All right, back to town, time to turn this into some money," she responds.

You nod, and motion her in, teleporting back…

Senaz has fresh items from the Keep, and thus is able to teleport there with no roll.

… Toward the gate. Then let Eira out, and walk up to the gatehouse as normal.


Once you're back in town, Helen is awaiting you - with a gruff and burly man nearby.

"Ah, you'd be Senaz then, mm?", he declares. "Yer Paladin buddy made a couple calls while you were out."

Helen nods. "I've spoken with the bandits. They're… Well, they're defeated enough at least that they won't be a problem again anytime soon. I'd like to offer them a bit of dignity.

Eira blinks. "... Like what?"

"You just took the stuff from their camp, yes?", Helen observed. The bailiff is choosing not to question how you got out there so fast, and Helen is continuing, "I would like to offer them a hint of dignity."

"Like what?", you ask, as Helen's ears flatten a bit…

"Clothes, bedding, a couple things that wouldn't be much use to attempt an escape but would make their jail terms a little less bad."

"That's at least ten gold of stuff," Eira mutters. But she doesn't seem to be too strong-feeling about it, especially when the Baliff steps up.

"As for the stuff on them that's now yours… Three shortswords, one shortbow with fifteen arrows, eleven suits of leather armor, one chain shirt, ten spears, ten scimitars, and five daggers. Plus thirteen gold pieces and a hundred thirty one silver."

That has Eira perking up… Possibly enough to be okay with the 'loss' of some to satisfy Helen's idea of treating the enemy who just tried to kill you with strong mercy.

You've got a call or two to make.

[ ] (Helen's Plan) Go with it - no weapons, but let them have their bedrolls and clothes and such, after thorough checking of course, to make their prison sentences somewhat more dignified. Helen will appreciate this, and who knows, maybe it'll lead to allies way, way down the line? But, you will make a bit less money.
[ ] (Helen's Plan) Nope - maximize the money. Eira kinda leans this way, and the more funds you have, the better - you'll get about fifteen more gold selling the stuff instead. Helen gets it, though she'll be dissatisfied.
[ ] (Helen's Plan) Write-in a plan that's in-between - or possibly even more generous. The Baliff may find overly generous plans suspicious, you suspect, but it could establish a reputation of generosity and kindness amongst the scuttlebutt of the town.

[ ] (The Wine) Keep it. Eira likes this.
[ ] (The Wine) Sell it. Eira likes this too.
[ ] (The Wine) Give it to the bailiff for the guards to enjoy. Eira doesn't like this, but you'd have instant friends among the guards.

[ ] (The Other Loot) Write-In Only - Which items do you wish to keep? Anything else will be sold to the guards, giving you gold and/or silver equal to half its value. Basically - what kinds of and scale of spare gear do you want to have?

[ ] (Do More?) You're getting closer to sundown, but between the apartment and some other tools, you can totally head out and see if you can find more. Mind, the gates might be shuttered for the night by the time you're back, so you're committing to being out a fair period of time...
- Proffer suggested directions to the QM, please.
[ ] (Do More?) That fight almost killed you, take the night for downtime. Certainly safer, just slower.


Look, I have a rhyme going and I'm going to keep to it for a little more.

For convenience, here's all the loot (besides the wine and the stuff you'd be considering letting the bandits have):

Three shortswords, one shortbow with fifteen arrows, eleven suits of leather armor, one chain shirt, ten spears, ten scimitars, five daggers
One tent
Two longbows, fourty arrows
Four rabbit pelts (known to be worth around 4 SP each), one deer pelt (about 1 GP)
13 GP, 131 SP
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Hmmm... we're short on ranged weapons, so a longbow for Helen wouldn't be amiss. Senaz could use one too, but will probably rely on cantrips at range.

The chain shirt should be an armor upgrade for Eira, unless psions have armor-related failure chances.

Otherwise most of the stuff is pretty ignorable unless we want backup shortswords or daggers.

Edit: Actually, looking at Senaz' cantrips, she should probably grab a longbow too. Having appreciable range is useful.
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Hmmm... we're short on ranged weapons, so a longbow for Helen wouldn't be amiss. Senaz could use one too, but will probably rely on cantrips at range.

The chain shirt should be an armor upgrade for Eira, unless psions have armor-related failure chances.

Otherwise most of the stuff is pretty ignorable unless we want backup shortswords or daggers.

It's worth noting Senaz doesn't (yet) have a ranged cantrip, though with levels she may be able to gain one.

Eira would gain +1 AC from this plan (the max dex limit is one below her current Dexterity).

Senaz can ethereal-walk right through ordinary castle walls, can't she?

Of course, she can't bring anyone else with her, unless I'm mistaken.
[X] (Helen's Plan) Go with it - no weapons, but let them have their bedrolls and clothes and such, after thorough checking of course, to make their prison sentences somewhat more dignified. Helen will appreciate this, and who knows, maybe it'll lead to allies way, way down the line? But, you will make a bit less money.
[X] (The Wine) Keep it. Eira likes this.
[ ] (The Other Loot) Keep the two longbows and associated arrows
[X] (Do More?) That fight almost killed you, take the night for downtime. Certainly safer, just slower.

We could maybe also keep the tent and some of the other weapons as spares, so I'm not X-ing that in just yet.
Eira's proficient with shortswords and doesn't have anything bigger than a dagger.
okay, so with that in mind...

[X] (Helen's Plan) Go with it - no weapons, but let them have their bedrolls and clothes and such, after thorough checking of course, to make their prison sentences somewhat more dignified. Helen will appreciate this, and who knows, maybe it'll lead to allies way, way down the line? But, you will make a bit less money.
[X] (The Wine) Keep it. Eira likes this.
[X] (The Other Loot) Keep the two longbows and associated arrows for Senaz and Helen, a shortsword for Eira, and a chain shirt for Eira.
[X] (Do More?) That fight almost killed you, take the night for downtime. Certainly safer, just slower.
[X] (Helen's Plan) Go with it - no weapons, but let them have their bedrolls and clothes and such, after thorough checking of course, to make their prison sentences somewhat more dignified. Helen will appreciate this, and who knows, maybe it'll lead to allies way, way down the line? But, you will make a bit less money.
[X] (The Wine) Keep it. Eira likes this.
[X] (The Other Loot) Keep the two longbows and associated arrows for Senaz and Helen, a shortsword for Eira, and a chain shirt for Eira.
[X] (Do More?) That fight almost killed you, take the night for downtime. Certainly safer, just slower.
[X] (Helen's Plan) Go with it - no weapons, but let them have their bedrolls and clothes and such, after thorough checking of course, to make their prison sentences somewhat more dignified. Helen will appreciate this, and who knows, maybe it'll lead to allies way, way down the line? But, you will make a bit less money.
[X] (The Wine) Keep it. Eira likes this.
[X] (The Other Loot) Keep the two longbows and associated arrows for Senaz and Helen, a shortsword for Eira, and a chain shirt for Eira.
[X] (Do More?) That fight almost killed you, take the night for downtime. Certainly safer, just slower.