Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

[X] (Switch Adventure?) Stick to it being a modded Keep, which should legally be OK under the Fan Content Policy (which since this isn't run for profit is fine)
[X] (Switch Adventure?) Stick to it being a modded Keep, which should legally be OK under the Fan Content Policy (which since this isn't run for profit is fine)
[X] (Switch Adventure?) Stick to it being a modded Keep, which should legally be OK under the Fan Content Policy (which since this isn't run for profit is fine)
[X] (Switch Adventure?) Stick to it being a modded Keep, which should legally be OK under the Fan Content Policy (which since this isn't run for profit is fine)
[X] (Switch Adventure?) Stick to it being a modded Keep, which should legally be OK under the Fan Content Policy (which since this isn't run for profit is fine)
Arc 1, Chapter 1.1.11: Raiding and Raising
[X] (Online Shopping?) Offer Helen the chance to research and pick a couple items.
[X] (Online Shopping 2) Introduce Eira to online shopping and let her pick a couple things. (This could Take A While, given it could be a total immersion into all kinds of future technologies. Helen would likely find the conversation interesting.)

As you return to your room and close the door, you look over the bed… Okay, time to quickly clean it with some prestidigitation before it becomes, um, noticeably scented. It takes a couple minutes, but it feels nice, so yay there.

Next, as you switch to a T-shirt and sweat… You know what, sweatpants are good this time.

Anyways, next thing in your head is thinking about Helen and Eira a bit. Helen's only post-medieval possession is a book on technological advancement. The chance to just buy a few things of choice, maybe nudge her to focus on herself, could be good.

Of course, gotta be fair, and that means Eira. And introducing her to the Internet and online shopping. She's got a decent head for money, she's shown that, so this shouldn't pose any major problems! This'll be great! It may lead to another bit of sexytimes, and probably not losing an entire day or something!

… Right. Looking at the time. The juxtaposition of 'just ate someone out' with 'about to start gaming' is… Interesting to think about, on some level. But given you don't tire like others do, and are still kind of a major addict with this game, it's all good, right?

Yeah, theoretically you could be doing something more practical with this time, but honestly, you have a job. Two of them if you count the 'sacred mission from a goddess' that honestly you probably wouldn't be punished for abandoning by the goddess herself, just Helen would drag you for it.

Hobbies matter, too, and you're not interested in all your hobbies tying into the Succubus theme all that much. Even the Red Queen views that as at best wasteful, so it's in keeping with her dark wishes. Which you have a hard time caring about too much, but you'll take it, sure.

As you start logging into the game - it takes longer to load than HarmonyChat, so it goes first - you consider that side of the situation a small amount. You're now actively working with a Paladin for a cause that you at least have good reason to believe is good - or at least against evil. She's almost definitely going to class you as an enemy. The question is if she will pursue 'reacquisition' or your death. Either way… The longer she takes to notice you, the better, since the more power you gain, the better able to fight back you'll be.

Okay, load up HarmonyChat, and… Well, it's closer to raid time. Of course it's busier.

But in the text channels, you notice a pinned message from RhythTank. "Please be reminded that we're trans-friendly, and please do not overwhelm, in this case, Reach99 with questions. She's explained to a few of us and can choose to explain to the rest."

… Okay, typing time.

"You'll hear it when I pop on voice," you type. "But, um. Full honesty this will sound batshit, but I kinda died and reincarnated. As a Succubus. On another world. Don't ask how my Internet connection back here's working precisely, I only know so much. (Apparently ping times are faster to another universe than from the West Coast to NYC. Fuck if I know.) I can evidence the claim and I'll probably do so at some point. However, with raid in two hours, not tonight."

You pause, and ponder if you should add more. You decide to attach the photo from the other day.

You connect to voice, and an absolute cacophony ensues. And the text chat's lighting up too.

The words are coming too fast to process fully, everything is a textwall, and you probably should've seen this coming. The good news is, from what you can tell, the people who might've been dicks, having been innoculated to 'R9 now trans', aren't being transphobic at least. Lots of 'holy shit if this is real you're hot now' type messages, yay there.

And then everything silences. Slow mode on in the text, everyone muted on the chat except RhythTank. "Okay, so, wasn't expecting you to just say the whole thing at once with the photo - good photo, though - but, hi R9. Please introduce yourself anew to the chat to start things off?"

You decide to shapeshift into the Succubus outfit, to match the photo, then turn your webcam on, which will probably convince most people. "Hey, everyone. I'm Reach99, and I'll be continuing my existing position in the CGs' raid squadron. My pronouns are she/her, my sizes are flexible, no I am not joking on that, and while there's, um, side effects on my personality from the long story, I'm mostly pretty much the same as before; we've checked, and my skills are fine."

RhythTank nods. "If I may summarize…"


"Reach99 was killed a few days ago. Accident with a Mack Truck. And then the Standard Reincarnation Isekai Situation ensued… And her first wish was not the bod, but to be able to keep going here. For one, that's very sweet, for another, that means she's used a precious-limited resource to continue to be here, so she, and everyone else, gets to play nice, okay?"

The text fills with several "OK", "Yes", and similar messages. One line says, "Not sure believe the isekai bit, but she's obviously she, no questions there." Which, yeah, that's fair.

You continue, "I… Should clarify that, like many of that sort of situation, I'm on a quest, too. And, um. My first narrow escape from death was a few hours ago. So, sorry if I arrive beat up or anything. There's some things that should help, but no guarantees. To be fair, this is still better than… What would normally happen when someone bites it, so." You sigh, and add, "I guess I'm lucky there."

RhythTank steps in. "So, yeah. Please minimize the questions for now, and let this be a comfy space for R9. Unless she screws up the spinner mechanic, then roast her approximately as hard as you would've last week."

… Fuck, you're not great at the spinner mechanic yet. WELP. Oh, AWO's loaded, time to log in on your main. Who… Okay, you're not sure if it's your subconscious or what, but the body of your Andrax is really, really similar to your look now. Welp.

[ ] (Character's Main Role) DPS - Hit Stuff Until It Dies. Most DPS classes have some side utility - short buffs, etc. - though some are Full Power Total Destruction.
[ ] (Character's Main Role) Healer - Stop Stuff That's Hitting Your Teammates From Causing THem To Die
[ ] (Character's Main Role) Tank - Stuff Hits You, You Don't Die
[ ] (Character's Main Role) Buffer - Make Your Teammates Hit Harder Or Die Less Indirectly. Most Buffer classes also have some Healing and a bit of DPS.
[ ] (Character's Main Role) Debuffer (aka Mezzer) - Make Your Enemies Hit Softer And Die More Indirectly. Most Mezzer classes also have a bunch of DPS.

[ ] (Character's Main Class) Pure Write-In. While I've used the name "Another World Online" in reference, I do not feel compelled to limit things for this quest's purposes to the canon classes used in that quest. Overlap between two similar names will be counted together for the final vote.

Descriptions are from the Isekai//Online Discord and written by Talia.

- Wizard (burst, crowd control, fire/ice/lightning/poison/force)
- Illusionist (tank, dps, debuffer, dark/radiant/psychic/force)
- Warlock (pet, dps, stronger at critical, dark/poison/psychic/fire)
- Exorcist (antimagic, disrupts buffs and debuffs, crowd control tank, rod/mace secondary weapon)
- Paladin (tank, healer, buffer, shield in the offhand, radiant/fire/ice/lightning)
- Warrior (offtank dps, some crowd control, self-buffs, can go berzerker; two handed weapons)
- Cultist (click it till it dies, DoT's for weeks, debuffing, sneak attacks, rush attacks; hand and a half or dual wield melee, poison/dark/pierce/slash)
- Thief (some control but primarily dps; utility disarming/placing traps; crossbow/throwing weapon in the offhand and melee weapon in the primary; poison/fire/dark/lightning, peirce/slash.)
- Ranger (ranged dps; debuffing and Hunters Mark; two handed bow; some poison/force magic)
- Cleric (healer with secondary tanking; straightforward healing and buffing; some radiant/dark/force attacks; Crush weapons and shields)
- Psychic (dps and healer; gives their own HP to allies and then uses drain attacks to heal up; debuffer and buffer with telepathy and psychokinesis; psychic/radiant/fire/lightning/force.)
- Summoner (pet-based physical dps and tank. Channels spiritual energy into physical attacks in melee and summons scaled-down Divine Beasts. Chain combo moves into focus-fueled special attacks. Fire/lightning/ice/force; equip Gauntlet weapons)
- Alchemist (utilizes poison darts, potions and bombs; buffer, debuffer, healer, burst; fire/ice/lightning/poison/force.)
- Entertainer (aura buffs by singing and dancing; some martial arts physical attacks; dodgy offtanks; psychic/radiant/dark/force.)
- Smith (Specializes in reinforcing equipment, can subclass into Tinkers, who build turrets and fortifications. Fire/Lightning/Ice/Poison/Force/Piercing.)


Welp, that's pretty unanimous to stick to the existing plan in terms of adventure. When it comes to the system question, as much as I like Genesys' dice core, it doesn't really make much sense for a Quest thread unless Sufficient Velocity secretly has support for the Genesys dice. So, I'll probably stick to a Fate Hack with some mildly bonkers special rules and a lampshade from a certain character who's only shown up in two posts so far.

Expect at least two posts of raid content as a combination of watching WotC like a hawk and to try and work out some more details to expand the Earthside cast; I'm starting to think emphasizing them will become more important.
[x] Paladin (tank, healer, buffer, shield in the offhand, radiant/fire/ice/lightning)
[x] (Character's Main Role) Tank - Stuff Hits You, You Don't Die

Because this would be extremely funny.
[x] Paladin (tank, healer, buffer, shield in the offhand, radiant/fire/ice/lightning)
[x] (Character's Main Role) Tank - Stuff Hits You, You Don't Die

Because this would be extremely funny.
I concur

[x] Paladin (tank, healer, buffer, shield in the offhand, radiant/fire/ice/lightning)
[x] (Character's Main Role) Tank - Stuff Hits You, You Don't Die
[x] Paladin (tank, healer, buffer, shield in the offhand, radiant/fire/ice/lightning)
[x] (Character's Main Role) Tank - Stuff Hits You, You Don't Die
[x] Paladin (tank, healer, buffer, shield in the offhand, radiant/fire/ice/lightning)
[x] (Character's Main Role) Tank - Stuff Hits You, You Don't Die
[X] (Character's Main Role) Tank - Stuff Hits You, You Don't Die
[X] (Character's Main Class) Exorcist

Because I am ex-FFXI trash who is a sucker for anything even remotely similar to Rune Fencer. (If you really want to indulge that, this should specifically be an Exorcist build that reduces incoming magic damage and is extra-resistant to debuffs... to the point that Doom effects give up halfway through the countdown sometimes.)
[x] Paladin (tank, healer, buffer, shield in the offhand, radiant/fire/ice/lightning)
[x] (Character's Main Role) Tank - Stuff Hits You, You Don't Die

It's going to be hilarious when Helen finds out about this.
[x] Paladin (tank, healer, buffer, shield in the offhand, radiant/fire/ice/lightning)
[x] (Character's Main Role) Tank - Stuff Hits You, You Don't Die
[x] Eldritch Paladin (tank, healer, debuffer, shield in the offhand, eldritch)
[x] (Character's Main Role) Tank - Stuff Hits You, You Don't Die

Can we at least do like… something interesting like Runic Paladin instead of basic "holy"?
Would something like this work?
If people want something other than a Boring Sun Paladin, may I suggest a secondary vote with one of the Mundane gods that isn't Aurora?
Ionian paladin. Space Magic Horseshit Tank! Set up party-wide defenses that partly redirect to you because You Don't Fall Down.
If people want something other than a Boring Sun Paladin, may I suggest a secondary vote with one of the Mundane gods that isn't Aurora?

If Paladin wins, I will run a subvote with at least four schemes of Paladin. Specifically excluding Blackguard type stuff , so that it's recognizable to Helen and another comedy bomb is set with the fuse lit. May mean a short next post, but I think that okay.

Oh, BTW, no, Senaz hasn't noticed the similarities between the gods of Aridia and those of Another World Online yet. Just in case you thought I OOC'ly did not think of this.
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[X] Paladin (tank, healer, buffer, shield in the offhand, radiant/fire/ice/lightning)
[X] (Character's Main Role) Tank - Stuff Hits You, You Don't Die
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Jan 10, 2023 at 10:04 PM, finished with 13 posts and 9 votes.
Okay, secondary vote begins!

[ ] (Paladin Style) Aurora's Light - The Boring Sun Paladin, heavy emphasis on Auras to hit entire teams.
[ ] (Paladin Style) Ionian Laser - Rather than tanking in the direct style, Ionian Paladins toss shields up on allies that deflect a majority of damage over to themselves, combined with self-healing on dealing damage.
[ ] (Paladin Style) Runic Style - Create magical barricades to deflect (some) AoEs to fire off towards no one. Unfortunately, it's a great way to break the eggs on the edge of the fight.
[ ] (Paladin Style) Flammite AAAAAAGH - Special potions give you extreme self buffs while wearing no armor and wielding only boxing gloves or similar to punch your foes until, at least if they're undead, they catch on fire.
[ ] (Paladin Style) Thornite Wyld Hunter - A ranged tank who draws attention then plays keep-away with bow attacks to deny the enemy the chance to use their melee attacks. Very popular as an off-tank.
[ ] (Paladin Style) Write-in with a description. Any whose descriptions feel too off for the Tank role will be veto'd.

Here's three names to consider for write-ins (AKA I had the names thanks to Talia but ran out of ideas to populate them): Delvariet Valkyrie, Sylphanite Wind Dancer, Meredite Stormwracker. It's very possible some styles may be very similar to others in terms of their mechanical core.
[X] (Paladin Style) Runic Style - Create magical barricades to deflect (some) AoEs to fire off towards no one. Unfortunately, it's a great way to break the eggs on the edge of the fight.
[x] (Paladin Style) Ionian Laser - Rather than tanking in the direct style, Ionian Paladins toss shields up on allies that deflect a majority of damage over to themselves, combined with self-healing on dealing damage.
[X] (Paladin Style) Flammite AAAAAAGH - Special potions give you extreme self buffs while wearing no armor and wielding only boxing gloves or similar to punch your foes until, at least if they're undead, they catch on fire.