[Strike Legion Quest] Legionnaire Bravo Headlong into Danger

There is a rumble through the ground. Within the complex- which rises quite high above your frame's head, and likely sinks down who knows how far?- is heavily shielded from your sensors, but whatever they're doing, it somehow has an effect outside all that armor.

A small light above the door changes color, from locked to unlocked.
The door opens a crack, and your sensors blare- there is a large power source directly on the other side.
You de-phase, leap forward, and rip the doors open- weapon fire and missiles begin hitting your shielding- and you immediately do a double-laser lance blast right in the face of some kind of giant robot or cyborg beast- you're not sure which, but it roars in frustration, the shock of the hits causing it to miss with some kind of attack and the corner of the door ways and some of the weapons on them get ripped out and thrown into the distance- a powerful gravity beam!

The Cyborg Creature- which looks entire robotic from the outside, resembles a huge bear with a shark mouth, and two large cylinders of unknown purpose on it's back. It's teeth are huge and sharp, it's eyes bright and red, it's claws hooked and wicked, and a giant emitter is within it's maw[/b]

Six actions
>Fire everything into it's face!

You unload your lances and pulse lasers into it's face and scourge deep lines into it's armor, and while you do so some panels open and fire some missiles into you, shaking your shields.

You phase and begin to sink down- but it opens it's maw in your direction and somehow grabs your Frame, and pulls it upwards again.

That's a Mastery power! There has to be a human mind in there somewhere.

Six actions
[X] Revert to partial phasing
[X] Fire everything into its face and hit it with your sword
[X] Try to shake the blasted thing off
>Back to normal!

You phase back in and unleash another alpha-strike! You rip more into it's armor, and a chunk is blasted off a cheek, revealing biomechanical flesh underneath, and at the same time it fires it's laser eyes at you- one passes through, one impacts on your shields, almost dropping them. The heavy weapons mounted around fire another volley of missiles into your back- 80% pass through, but a few more strike, and your shields go down.

A few also impact the CyberBearShark, but only on it's well-armored legs.

It doesn't let up on the grav, though, and pushes your frame backwards- you can hear the spire charging.

'Hear that, Legionnaire?' you hear a voice in your head, 'You cannot escape Kirath' it refers to itself'... my sacrifice in becoming this was not in vain! I shall kill you and all your disgusting kind, for the Empress!'

Kilrath lunges forward with it's mouth to bite at you!
[X] Shoot it in the tonsils, see how it likes that.
- [X] Also, try to cut off some of those weapon mounts.
>You shoot Kilrath in the mouth and you hear a psychic Agggh! of pain- which gives you a headache.

What kind of creation is this...? A human mind is clearly in charge, but it must be linked to the nervous system of a beast within the armor.

Temporarily freed from the Mastery hold, you go blade-nuts and take out a half-dozen heavy weapon mounts. They try and fire upon you, but your phase luck holds out and the only hit was from a beam cannon too light to get through your armor.

Then Kilrath lunges forward and crunch, the giant shark teeth bites into your Liberator's shoulder. Warning sirens blare as your frame takes major damage, and the far larger foe clamps on hard trying to rip the arm off.
You stab Kilrath in the face, in the gap in the armor, and another roar goes through your mind painfully-, and a shockwave through your frame, as it's jaws clamp down harder.

You fire every weapon you have into it, and the Kilrath does the same to you- your lances tear into it's torso, before one of them is destroyed in return fire. You take more hits, and your frame's power starts to flicker. Fresh air suddenly reaches you, as a hole is torn open in the cockpit hatch, and you can see the wounded amalgamation with your naked eyes.

If- if- I-'m -0001 01110- going down... I'm talking you with me! it mind-sends.
>Question, does our Frame have any sort of rapid ejection system?

Of course it does! Also, you have a flight ring, so any open path is an automatic rapid ejection path.
>Stab it in the face again

You focus all of your frame's strength into a stab, ripping open the side of the head, and you think you see damaged skull, where a brain should be.

Which sounds like an invitation!

You grab your thrust hammer with your mighty grey hand and leap out of the window, activate it's thrust and your ring at once, and do a massive powered spin directly down into the skull's seam which splits with a crack, and it splits open.

Inside the brain cavity, you see a human torso merged with a mess of flesh.

"Ki-kill you! M-my perfect design will destroy yo-ur your filty species, ge-gens!"

The space around Kilrath pulses and flux, you hear your frame begin to crack and splinter as tidal forces work on it, and you have trouble keeping your balance, as his mastery builds to something!
[X]Hit it with the Thrust Hammer again, anywhere is a good target.
[X]And again after that.
[X]And just however many times is necessary.
>Thrust hammering!

You rip down with the hammer into the fleshy side-walls of the braincase cavity, and the rear leg buckles, throwing the greater Kilrath and your poor Frame- which continues to fire under it's own control, though without the skill to so easily aim for weakspots- to the ground.

The Kilrath-human uses it's Mastery to fling you into the wall of the cavity.

You lash out again, and you can hear some of the weaponry shutting down- and you receive a psychic lash in response.

"Y-you feel pain, Legionnaire?"

Finally you Thrust Hammer at the human Kilrath himself, and your Thrust Hammer rips his arm off- piercing a light personal shield- before another Mastery blast sending you reeling in pain, blood leaking from your nose.
Hold up. Before we move forward, can we get a sitrep of the relative condition of the two fighters?
The Liberator has major damage, one shoulder disabled completely, breaches in the cockpit and elsewhere, power systems fluctuating, and the AI is firing into the Kilrath Cybersharkbear.

The Kilrath Cybersharkbear, which is much taller and several times more massive, has it's jaws on the Liberator's shoulder, it's frontal armor ripped to shreds and a good amount of torso damage, energy blade damage to the face and head, as well as several major hits to the flanks, at least one eye laser destroyed, lost motor control to one of it's back legs, a braincase cracked open, and the human merged with it is missing an arm and is some type of Master.
(People have been wanting to use that spike-cannon for awhile, so here it goes!)

>Shoot the bastard with a Spike Cannon

You spin the heavy weapon around to Kilrath's human body- a normal person, even an enhanced one, could barely lift it, but you can wield it with one arm- and unleash a fusillad of 10-centimeter fletchettes with counter-spinning tips through the air. He tries to put up some sort of mastery defense but the anti-armor spikes pierce right through it and rip the body into chunks and sprays of blood in a salsa-like fashion- and keep going along with the rest of the burst into the walls of the brain compartment, filling them with toxin.

Normally the poison of the spikes would be ineffective against some this big, but firing them into it's brain seems to have an effect, or the death of human-Kilrath, as the thing begins to shudder and shake.

Then you hear a high electric whine.

Suddenly everything goes white- the spire fired down at the Liberator and Cybersharkbear, or at least the parts outside the door, with a massive flash of lightning.
As the flash fades, you come to your senses- thrown through the air by the blast, and indeed still flying through the air.

And you, Legionnaire Bravo, are now no longer a male Qutaren Pilot.

Instead, you are a....

Gender options:

Species options
Aryans ('Greys' from high gravity worlds. Males are very strong, females very fast)
Chedans (One meter tall blue humanoids from icy worlds)
Draken (Draconic beings from a warrior culture)
Eleden (Intelligent mice- Limited strength, super intelligent)
Fermorian (Large green 'orc' looking types of high strength. Originally made to be weapons but lovers of art, those who embrace war live in exile from their society)
Grank (half meter to one meter tall purple humanoids with glowing eyes. Designed for underground mining, they're small masses of muscle, known for living where no-one else would)
Guardian (Felinoid meter-tall humanoids, possesses great talent for Mastery talents)
Hetochi (Mantis who use telepathy to communication)
Human/Human Variants (The root species of most Gens, gradual genetic therapy has increased their average capability or, in the Star Republic at least, created several noteworthy specialist variants, like the smart Intellects, the combat-oriented Razors, agile Spacers at home in zero Gs, and Primes, made to be generalizes enhanced across the board)
Ination (Aquatic/amphibious blue-green humanoids innately suited to 3-d combat, top ship masters among the Star Republic) Note- accidentally left off the list the first time
Kaferin (Two-meter tall tigers people, agile and strong from their heritage of astroid miners, and known for their cutthroat internal politics. Among the deadlier physical fighters there is)
Lamerian (Elf-looking gens, known for their enhanced social ability allowing them to manipulate others)
Morden (Uplifted from the greatest of the great apes, the Gorillas, they are known for both strength and stealth, the guerilla fighters of the Star Republic)
Qutaren (Massive humanoid two-horned Rhinos. Greatly strong, but best known for their computer ability and remotely operated combat units)
Serran (Designed to look like 'Angels' of legend, and specialized for space, among the greatest pilots in the galaxy, able to outmaneuver just about anything in equal craft- let alone their high-end ships! They live in worldships run by advanced AI Minds)
Thean (Lapine humanoids, possesses great senses and innate precognition)
Veraxin (Black exoskeletoned gens that look almost biomechanical, resembling 'Xenomorphs' from some ancient horror movies. They come from a theocratic culture, though some are thawing on the matter in the face of the Imperial threat)

Combat- You get in there and fight!
Pilot- Be it mecha, power armor, or ship, you can fly it!
Stealth- You can sneak just about anywhere!
Social- Create a rebellion or stop it with well placed words, that's you
Mastery- Are you a master? And if so, what school? Telepathy, space bending, telekinesis, making explosions with your mind, animating objects, throwing energy, limited time manipulation, or even erasing things from existence.
Jack of All Trades You may not be the best at anything, but you can do just about everything[/b]
Other Why, your speciality is really.... (blank)!

Second place last time was Female Veraxin with either social-fu or time mastery. If there's no strong contender, that'll be your next form.

Additionally, you may retcon-replace one piece of gear and add one piece of gear for the same reason. You currently have a thrust hammer and spike cannon. Do you wish to replace either of those, and is the another weapon or specific piece of equipment you wish to have?