As the flash fades, you come to your senses- thrown through the air by the blast, and indeed still flying through the air.
And you, Legionnaire Bravo, are now no longer a male Qutaren Pilot.
Instead, you are a....
Gender options:
Species options
Aryans ('Greys' from high gravity worlds. Males are very strong, females very fast)
Chedans (One meter tall blue humanoids from icy worlds)
Draken (Draconic beings from a warrior culture)
Eleden (Intelligent mice- Limited strength, super intelligent)
Fermorian (Large green 'orc' looking types of high strength. Originally made to be weapons but lovers of art, those who embrace war live in exile from their society)
Grank (half meter to one meter tall purple humanoids with glowing eyes. Designed for underground mining, they're small masses of muscle, known for living where no-one else would)
Guardian (Felinoid meter-tall humanoids, possesses great talent for Mastery talents)
Hetochi (Mantis who use telepathy to communication)
Human/Human Variants (The root species of most Gens, gradual genetic therapy has increased their average capability or, in the Star Republic at least, created several noteworthy specialist variants, like the smart Intellects, the combat-oriented Razors, agile Spacers at home in zero Gs, and Primes, made to be generalizes enhanced across the board)
Ination (Aquatic/amphibious blue-green humanoids innately suited to 3-d combat, top ship masters among the Star Republic) Note- accidentally left off the list the first time
Kaferin (Two-meter tall tigers people, agile and strong from their heritage of astroid miners, and known for their cutthroat internal politics. Among the deadlier physical fighters there is)
Lamerian (Elf-looking gens, known for their enhanced social ability allowing them to manipulate others)
Morden (Uplifted from the greatest of the great apes, the Gorillas, they are known for both strength and stealth, the guerilla fighters of the Star Republic)
Qutaren (Massive humanoid two-horned Rhinos. Greatly strong, but best known for their computer ability and remotely operated combat units)
Serran (Designed to look like 'Angels' of legend, and specialized for space, among the greatest pilots in the galaxy, able to outmaneuver just about anything in equal craft- let alone their high-end ships! They live in worldships run by advanced AI Minds)
Thean (Lapine humanoids, possesses great senses and innate precognition)
Veraxin (Black exoskeletoned gens that look almost biomechanical, resembling 'Xenomorphs' from some ancient horror movies. They come from a theocratic culture, though some are thawing on the matter in the face of the Imperial threat)
Combat- You get in there and fight!
Pilot- Be it mecha, power armor, or ship, you can fly it!
Stealth- You can sneak just about anywhere!
Social- Create a rebellion or stop it with well placed words, that's you
Mastery- Are you a master? And if so, what school? Telepathy, space bending, telekinesis, making explosions with your mind, animating objects, throwing energy, limited time manipulation, or even erasing things from existence.
Jack of All Trades You may not be the best at anything, but you can do just about everything[/b]
Other Why, your speciality is really.... (blank)!
Second place last time was Female Veraxin with either social-fu or time mastery. If there's no strong contender, that'll be your next form.
Additionally, you may retcon-replace one piece of gear and add one piece of gear for the same reason. You currently have a thrust hammer and spike cannon. Do you wish to replace either of those, and is the another weapon or specific piece of equipment you wish to have?