There's no way they won't know where you are *now*, but they won't know where you- and, importantly, Icarus- are by the time they arrive if the sources with sensors locked on go down.
The Wave Motion cannon rumbles to life, and out lances a space-rending beam that tears through the small space station, leaving only shattered fragments that bounce off the shields of the two nearby ships.
Linking the ship's lances, you fire all three of them, piercing the shields of the Fury and, touching off it's engines, take it out. A single Ranger frame manages to deploy before it goes up.
You then deploy into your Liberator Frame- which is good, because you note that from one or another, six enemy frames had either already deployed or survived the destruction of their vessels, two catch your eye, Gladiators both, some of the highest-end frames produced by the Imperium and normally piloted by veteran elite. The other four are simple Rangers.
Both Gladiators light up their energy swords.
Three actions left, troop transport, two Gladiators, and four rangers are the remaining targets