Stealing Fire (Worm SI)

The "cover" story is rather immature, sounds like something a teen would thoughtlessly come up with.
Regent's teasing aside, if you actually intend to keep it as a cover story that's going to get really awkward (and not in the fun to read way).
This thought made me give a cursory look though and I couldn't find out how old SI is supposed to be. Teenager, same as Taylor? Early or late twenties?

Early twenties. The 'cover story' only had to last exactly this long. It was just to avoid mentioning some of the less-believable stuff to the others. He's just annoyed that Regent is likely never going to let it go. And yes, it's primitive, it's entirely reactive to Tattletale accidentally stumbling into him earlier and the group's reaction to that. It's basically all he's got at this point.

He's still dazed and confused. He's not thinking at his best.

"Won't be as much of a problem"... uh-huh. Its almost like you want to throw the city into as much chaos as possible. Reveal that E88 is behind a big company and ignite a bloody gang war involving nazis, a dragon and a mad bomber. That's surely going to end well. There won't even be any coordination to focus on the ABB if the E88 start things off.

The ABB and E88 are already at war. ABB has been randomly bombing the city for a week.

This is the same day which the entire villain population of the city declared war on the ABB - the Undersiders were on the way back from Somer's Rock when they found Jack - this is directly after Canon's 5.2. Tomorrow is the day Taylor would have otherwise cut Lung's eyes out after defeating him the second time.

Also, he's not planning to reveal E88. Coil's doing that next week already. It's a badly kept secret that Medhall is at least sympathetic to if not a front for E88, though nobody knows that Max Anders is Kaizer yet.

He's just using the already existing chaos, the fact that it would be quite easy to pin a tinkertech explosion on an E88 property on Bakuda, who has already been randomly bombing the city for a week under Lung's orders, and the fact that even if E88 found out and planned to retaliate, they are about a week for effectively ceasing to exist as a functioning entity.

Also, Leviathan is coming in three weeks. Needs must when the devil drives - all other considerations are secondary to preparing for that, and the fact that the S9 are coming on his coattails.

There is no time to ask nicely or wait for things to be flown in.

Though, of course, part of this is impatience and subtle shard-conflict drive. Part is just normal paranoia and stress. He's putting on a calm chessmaster facade, but he's really just dancing as fast as he can and making it up as he goes along. The real planning is going to have to wait until he can breathe for a minute.

He's literally just a normal squishy human right now. He needs to get equipment, and he needs it fast - there is literally a full scale assault on the ABB planned within 24 hours.

The humor was pretty frontloaded, and more clumsily done than I'd like. Future chapters are going to be slower written and actually edited.

I'm going to have to go more into detail with inner monologues so that I stop needing these infodumps, but I would like people to consider the timeline when they criticize from here on out - we're not entering a peaceful city here, this is in medias res. The bank robbery happened. Coil has Dinah. Lung has been captured and broken out, the Trainyard fight has happened, Panacea has been traumatized at the bank and is a step closer to breaking. The Travellers are in town. The entire city is gearing up for war.

This is the chaos that draws Leviathan in. We are in the middle of it. Shit is going to go down, very shortly, and at this moment, even with foreknowledge, there is basically dick the SI can do to stop the ontological inertia until things settle down a bit.
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This is the same day which the entire villain population of the city declared war on the ABB - the Undersiders were on the way back from Somer's Rock when they found Jack
That's a detail that wasn't particularly obvious, though its equally possible I missed something.
The headline in the first chapter gave me the impression that Lung had only recently been broken out within the past day or two, and as far as I know, that was the only clue to what other events may be taking place in the city.

Throwing out the niceties with Leviathan coming is eminently reasonable, though you'll have to make Jack's motivations known (at least to the readers) or he'll just be acting like a dick. Certainly, if Bakuda's blowing everything up, then another bombed out building is a fine cover. It just didn't make much sense to me when it was presented out of context in the preview (sorry if I came off as too harsh or something).
That's a detail that wasn't particularly obvious, though its equally possible I missed something.
The headline in the first chapter gave me the impression that Lung had only recently been broken out within the past day or two, and as far as I know, that was the only clue to what other events may be taking place in the city.

Throwing out the niceties with Leviathan coming is eminently reasonable, though you'll have to make Jack's motivations known (at least to the readers) or he'll just be acting like a dick. Certainly, if Bakuda's blowing everything up, then another bombed out building is a fine cover. It just didn't make much sense to me when it was presented out of context in the preview (sorry if I came off as too harsh or something).

No, I can see how the date would be a bit unclear to those who don't have the days certain events happen memorized - I actually used Ack's resource thread for the Worm timeline to figure out when things were happening, though I'm pretty sure the Tattletale interlude here mentioned that they had just left Somer's Rock and everyone was pissed at Rachel, placing it right after 5.2.

I'm going to need more mental monologues obviously. I suppose what's clear to me isn't nearly as clear to my readers, so I'll have to elaborate.
I'm going to need more mental monologues obviously. I suppose what's clear to me isn't nearly as clear to my readers, so I'll have to elaborate.
Yup, though I'm sure you can do better than monologues or info-dumping. Try to work stuff like that in naturally.

In some cases, just a bit more detail is needed. For example, in Lisa's interlude she's thinking about how Bitch screwed up, but she's nonspecific as to the incident. Just a few more words about how Bitch antagonized Hookwolf at the villain's meeting they're walking back from (that was the screw-up, yes?) would have firmly set that part of the timeline. Alternately, sirens or explosions in the distance with an aside from an Undersider as to the cause would work.

Another way to clarify Jack's motivations would be to simply have the Undersider's ask. They're all still getting to know each other, so there's room for getting-to-know-you dialogue during which Jack can drop some information (purposefully or on accident). There's room for some of that after the initial scripted introduction. They also have to hash out some of the details of Jack's power. They know he's a Thinker with some details and that he's a Tinker, but they don't know anything about his Tinker power - and as we know, Tinker abilities, needs and effectiveness can vary wildly.

Regarding the Medhall infiltration, all it would really need is someone asking if it's wise to antagonize the Nazis they just allied with, which could set the timeline and give Jack an opportunity to elaborate on his reasons. He probably needs to decide if he's going to tell them about E88 being outed and Leviathan/S9 ahead of time, too.
Yup, though I'm sure you can do better than monologues or info-dumping. Try to work stuff like that in naturally.

In some cases, just a bit more detail is needed. For example, in Lisa's interlude she's thinking about how Bitch screwed up, but she's nonspecific as to the incident. Just a few more words about how Bitch antagonized Hookwolf at the villain's meeting they're walking back from (that was the screw-up, yes?) would have firmly set that part of the timeline. Alternately, sirens or explosions in the distance with an aside from an Undersider as to the cause would work.

Another way to clarify Jack's motivations would be to simply have the Undersider's ask. They're all still getting to know each other, so there's room for getting-to-know-you dialogue during which Jack can drop some information (purposefully or on accident). There's room for some of that after the initial scripted introduction. They also have to hash out some of the details of Jack's power. They know he's a Thinker with some details and that he's a Tinker, but they don't know anything about his Tinker power - and as we know, Tinker abilities, needs and effectiveness can vary wildly.

Regarding the Medhall infiltration, all it would really need is someone asking if it's wise to antagonize the Nazis they just allied with, which could set the timeline and give Jack an opportunity to elaborate on his reasons. He probably needs to decide if he's going to tell them about E88 being outed and Leviathan/S9 ahead of time, too.

All very good points. I added your suggestion into Tattletale's interlude, and I'll take the rest into account when I'm writing further. This is exactly the kind of criticism I'm looking for, and I'm glad to have it.
Okay. Story was starting a bit funny and all nice to read. But after seeing your sig?

Totally in love (platonically).

This here? Watched.

Good luck and have fun!
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So I get that his specialty is Human Augmentation and he has a physical analysis Thinker power that lets him understand the workings of both mechanical and biological things but how does that let him build spacecraft and deep space habitats?
So I get that his specialty is Human Augmentation and he has a physical analysis Thinker power that lets him understand the workings of both mechanical and biological things but how does that let him build spacecraft and deep space habitats?

That'll be explained. I may be playing a bit fast and loose with the rules of Shards, but I think it makes sense internally when you think about the origin of his.

It'll be a while before he thinks about it though. long is it going to take before he creeps out everyone by mentioning his Tinker crap goes on the INSIDE and not the outside.

Also, are you going to have a funny scene when Jack tells Regent that his brain is damaged? long is it going to take before he creeps out everyone by mentioning his Tinker crap goes on the INSIDE and not the outside.

Good news! He makes his first actual device next chapter. Two chapters from here. Tattletale will be there.

Also, are you going to have a funny scene when Jack tells Regent that his brain is damaged?

I'm trying to think of a way to make 'So your dad tortured you into sociopathy by constantly stimulating your fight/flight response until you no longer could feel' funny, and I think I'm drawing a blank there.
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I'm trying to think of a way to make 'So your dad tortured you into sociopathy by constantly stimulating your fight/flight response until you no longer could feel' funny, and I think I'm drawing a blank there.
If I was to make a suggestion? Considering his personality, it's only a matter until Regent snarks or something somewhat offensive about Jack's stuff for the mentally retarded. Jack could easily make the offhand comment that the only one with brain damage or something is him.

No offense to the mentally impaired, of course.
Love the story. But what's weird is your comments on it with us forum users. It's a very different style of writing. So I'm wondering, with the quality of your story, who does your editing? Maybe it's just the crappy critique that's influencing your comments and failing to penetrate the story, idk. I look forward to reading more from you!
1.3 - The One Unbreakable Law
Well, that took significantly longer than I expected.

So for explanation, I'm in the final process of finishing up my law certification, and these last few months have been... well for lack of a better word 'hectic'.

I'm trying to budget my time a bit better for the future, and again while I can't guarantee a regular update schedule, I'll do my best to be better than almost 4 months next time. (Wow it really was that long).

This hasn't been edited, so expect some probable changes when i have time. This is mostly a confirmation that the story is not dead.

1.3- The One Unbreakable Law

The streets are still dark, and just to add some more ominousness to a sketchy Brockton Bay night, the fog has started to roll in. It's only minor for now, but I'm already completely lost. Lisa seems to know the way, either she's got a good memory for streets or she's just querying her power to figure out where we are going.

Me, I'm glancing around trying to get my bearings, and also keeping a firm hand on my adrenal glands. If I see something that looks weird, I'm going to flood my damn system. This place gave me the creeps
before I had maybe two meters visibility.

"Alright, that's far enough."

Lis- Tattletale, she's in costume. Tattletale stops. I pause my introspection to look around more closely. We seem to be in an almost empty alleyway with nobody else around, and a lot less garbage than the one in which i made my unexpected debut. Even the buildings which form the walls don't have any windows as high as I can see. In other words, it's a perfect area for secret conversations.

Tattletale turns to me and speaks again. "Right, this is about as private as we're going to get - and if you make the joke you're about to I will break your arm - so it's time to spill."

She stares at me. I choke back the pun which rose unbidden when she started talking, and pause for a moment to think.

"Ok" I start, beginning to pace a bit as I try to figure out what I can and cannot say "First, I know a lot more than I suggested I did before. What I didn't mention is that my plane took off in June, 2016. Aside from apparently jumping dimensions, I've also gone back in time about 5 years."

Tattletale states at me for a second before nodding. "Alright, say I buy that. What does that help? If you're from a different reality, you still shouldn't know anything about our immediate future. Unless you…"

I hold up a hand. "Don't bother, I'll tell you some of it, but I can't really explain fully for reasons I also can't really explain fully."

She begins to frown and I can tell that she's starting to get angry, so I speak a bit louder to interrupt. " I know you're already thinking 'bullshit' to that but it's kind of important. I.. hmm.."

This is going to be complicated. Right now I'm as far below some of the people I'm trying to outmaneuver as a gnat is below an elephant. I can't rely on some kind of extradimensional safety against precogs, which means everyone is already either acting on future knowledge about what I'm going to be doing (which would be really bad) or I die so soon as for it to be irrelevant in the long run. Any attempt to make this information public before then, even one which succeeds accidentally, would trigger at the very least Contessa. Worst case scenario, the Simurgh replaces Leviathan in a few weeks, I get Smurfed, the world ends in an even worse manner and it's all my fault.

Y'know what, fuck everyone who said Tinkers were bullshit:
precognitives are mega ultra bullshit! I've gotta figure out some way to… Oh… OH.

Well. Huh.

We're going to save that schematic random tinker database, thanks for the context sensitive search options. Man how does this even work?

Holy crap, I have
no idea what I'm doing. Well, It's a good thing I work well under pressure (and let's just turn down all those stress hormones) , I guess I'll just dance as fast as I can. Time to play Xanatos Speed Chess.

Now how do I convince Tattletale I'm not full of shit?

I pause for a second as if to gather my thoughts. "Ok, here's an explanation of how fucked this can get. Y'know the PRT's system for ranking parahuman strength right?"

Tattletale nods, and gets a look on her face as if to question why I think she's an idiot.

I cough, and purposefully turn down my embarrassment. She hacks the PRT for fun. Man I'm out of it.

Moving on.

"Alright, dumb question. Anyways, they have or will have, I'm not sure on the timing, you categorized as a Thinker 8. 8 Is pretty good, and your power is both generally strong and really useful for psychological warfare. Doesn't hurt that you're actually smart about using it" She nods to that and a ghost of a smirk passes her face.

I continue quickly before she can say anything. "But, there are limitations. Part of that is the power itself, that you can get headaches when it's overused or used in the wrong way. Part of that, sorry, but it's true, is in you. Your psychology. You can't help but want to be the smartest person in the room, and you take risks to prove that, like your stunt with Glory Girl and Panacea in the bank - you could have been splattered like a puddle there if that had gone worse. A lot of powers are limited by the people that hold them - imagine a more proactive Lung for example, or worse, an aggressive Glastig Uiane or Nilbog. And a lot of others are even stronger because of who has them: stronger than they would be otherwise. Sometimes personal psychologies are limitations on powers."

She gets a look on her face when I start commenting on her psychology, and judging by her body language it looks like she is also getting really annoyed, probably that I know so much about her power, but she motions for me to keep going.

"Right, so, imagine someone who basically
is their power. I mean is perfectly in tune with how the power operates. It has few or no restrictions, it never fails, and it never gives them any trouble or downsides. Sounds good right? Now add on that the power that person has is at minimum, Thinker 12."

Tattletale's jaw drops at that one. "What would that even? Who has a power like that?!"

I shake my head and close my eyes. "I'm not even going to name them. I'm not that stupid. It rarely ever ends well. Look, where I come from this person often is given the joke classification of 'Thinker Run'. Their power is basically 'can't lose' with very few exceptions. That's the kind of bullshit that could come out if I even mention out loud some of the shit I know. Yes, that sounds crazy, but based on how I think you work, I suspect your power has told you some things about me that also sound crazy."

She sighs and looks up at me, scowling, her eyes unreadable behind that silly little domino mask. Seriously, why do people even use those here? And spandex? Come on, you are already the squishiest member of your group, with the possible exception of Regent. Get some real armor! I could make a thin layer of plating that could go beneath your skin and allow you to interface with a set of heavy power armor Space Marine Black Carapace style and….

I shake my head for a moment. Right, Tinker fugue. Keep an eye on that.

She begins to speak, and she's clearly at least a bit miffed. "Alright, so you claim to know everything, but you can't tell me because you claim that if you do, some crazy powerful precog is going to show up and kill us…"

I interrupt. "Technically I never said anything about a pre…"

I can tell she's glaring even with the mask. I then remember that she usually carries a gun.

I shut up.

As I was saying, you have convenient excuses for giving me actually useful information, and what you're claiming is crazy enough that I'm about ready to believe more that you've got some kind of Stranger/Trump power that fucks with mine, rather than you're telling the truth. I'm taking a real fucking risk here, and if you don't give me something actually useful to go on…" She stops, but her hand twitches, and in a Thinker-Thinker moment which is even more surreal from the inside, I know she knows I know that she's foreshadowing reaching for her gun.

I sigh. "Alright, alright. So there's an easier and safer way to do this. Let's talk about Coil."

She starts for a moment, and then nods curtly. Her hand is still twitching. Damn, from her perspective I suppose this does look very sketchy. From what I know of Coil it would be entirely in character for him to use a Stranger if he had one to test the loyalty of his subordinates. I can see where the paranoia comes from.

Man this is not going to be nice. "Ok, so, we have to take Coil down very, very quickly. I know you want to get rid of him because he hired you at gunpoint. It gets way, way worse however, and even with the 'alliance' he cannot be trusted. He is dangerous with a capital D, and he has no qualms about doing the most horrific things imaginable for reasons which will soon be apparent. But there's an issue. Well, really, there are three issues, and the first one is the most important for you right now, so I'm going to have to tell you why first and then let you make a decision."

I take a deep breath. "So, Coil's power. I know you think it's some kind of probability manipulation, and you're almost right but it's much deeper than that. Coil can 'split' himself so that he exists in two separate timelines at once and takes different actions in each. So he could be simultaneously at home eating dinner, and in his secret base making secret plans. The thing is, at any time he can also decide which timeline to 'keep' and drop the other one so that it stops existing, so that only he remembers anything that happened there. A dropped timeline has no other causal effect on the kept one - there's basically no way to tell what happened in one unless you are Coil. After he drops a timeline he can immediately split and start a new one. That's…"

Tattletale started pacing as I began to detail Coil's power, and now she begins to speak, interrupting me. I can see her Corona activating as her power makes intuitive leaps on what I've mentioned. "That's why he never seems to fail! He only keeps the timelines in which he succeeds at an action. Shit, with the coins, where he flipped the coins over and over and called it right every single time, he was just picking the timeline where he was right and tossing the one where he was wrong each time!"

She curses. "Goddamn that's a strong power. Hmm If we tried to kill him, we'd have to get him in both timelines at once, or else he'd use the other one to escape and negate our attempt, but fuck, even trying and failing would tip him off, and we'd never know about it because that timeline would have never happened! We could be killed for the actions of our theoretical other selves! For fuck sakes…"

I wince. "It, uh, it gets worse."

"How could it possibly get worse?" She asks. I stare for a moment and loosen my control of my body language. She stares for a moment, twinging as the first indications of a headache start forming, and then blanches. "Shit. Sociopath. He's a sociopath. He has a way of doing things that nobody except him will ever know about. He's a sadist. He can use those extra timelines to… he
has used those timelines to…" And there's the Tattletale I know. Can't resist the intuitive leap. And now she's realizing just what he's been doing during their 'meetings'...

She turns and runs to a corner of the alleyway where she is loudly and violently ill. I'm not sure if I should move over and help or just wait, so I take the null option and just don't do anything.

"So, the next time Coil calls you in for one of his little meetings, he probably figures out everything I tell you by doing exactly what you are thinking of in the other timeline, and you wouldn't even know it. Normally I'd suggest you precommit to committing suicide in that case, but even that would be a change from how you've acted in the past, and so he'd have basically as many tries as he wants to find a way around it to actually get at what he wants to know. He's moderately intelligent and extremely paranoid. I.. hmm.. Unless…"

I pause and begin thinking as designs whizz across my mind. So many possibilities… Aha. Have the entities been watching Star Trek, or is this pulling from my memories? Anyway...

"So, I can build a device which will, when activated, convert all feelings of pain to those of pleasure. There are some significant issues with keeping it on forever, but in the short term it would allow you to resist basically any kind of torture he could think of, and you're probably a good enough liar to convince him of some cover story we can figure out…"

I trail off. I'm not really certain how else to react here.

Tattletale stands and wipes her mouth off, when she turns she has a look of unbridled fury on her face. I cancel the biological macro that would have made me involuntarily take a step back, and turn my face neutral. It seems clear that the anger isn't directed at me but it's still quite alarming.

I can see her power activating, and I can't tell what she's asking but I can guess.

"So, again, I'm fully on board with dealing with Coil as fast as…"

She interrupts me.

"We're going to kill him."

I pause.

"Well, yes. That is basically the only way to stop him permanently."

I purposefully blank my body language again. Because it isn't. It really isn't.

There are other technologies flashing through my mind's eye. Dozens of ways to hijack Coil's brain, to lobotomize him and use him the way Cauldron uses Doormaker, the way Khepri uses everyone at the Golden Morning. Methods to upload someone else into his mind and hiijack his power. Biological overrides. Ways to trap him in his own little personal hell. Complete sensory overlays. Drugs thousands of times more potent than those he's trying to addict Dinah to, after all wouldn't turnabout be fair play? So many possibilities.

I cut them all off and clear my mental workspace.

I can't let myself go down that path. It doesn't lead anywhere good.

Tattletale takes a deep breath and sighs.

"Ok. So it's very, very bad. Well fuck, at least there's a way out. And at least I know what I'm up against now. Damn. And you say there's more? How could this get any…"

I blur forward and put my hand over her mouth before she can finish. I may have just torn some muscles there - I suppress the pain response and trigger advanced healing. Actually… why am I not just constantly forcing the tear and repair of all of my muscles? It would have a huge energy cost, but I'll just eat more. I can get the benefits of exercise 24/7. Training from hell that actually works.

Right, later. Tattletale has tensed significantly and her hand has come up to grab my wrist. I drop my hand from her mouth and stare down.

"Please don't tempt fate. I wouldn't be surprised if someone had a fucking power that just causes shit to happen when people say that. Murphy is not to be underestimated, especially in Brockton Bay."

Tattletale just stares at me for a second, and I note that my hand is now resting on her shoulder, with hers still on my wrist. I squeeze slightly and then cough. She starts suddenly and we both back away.


"Anyways," I start. "There is a bit more that we'll have to go over - when you guys robbed the bank, Coil kidnapped another precog and he's in the process or has recently finished addicting her to some serious drugs to force her to work for him. Their powers have some outrageous synergy, and the only reason we'd even have a chance of beating them is that I know stuff I really shouldn't about what kinds of questions he's going to ask her. Even so, sooner rather than later would be better."

Tattletale nods. She's got a hard look on her face. This has gotten serious very quickly.

"How do you plan to convince the others to go along with this? I'm guessing you have a plan."

I laugh for a few moments. "I have a few plans, but they all rely on me actually having some time I don't have. I need to get some basic tools if I'm going to start being any kind of useful, and really I'm having to sort things via triage. There are huge fucking problems that have to be solved, but I need to prioritize. Coil first, because he's close and because the longer he has to get established, the harder it will be to deal with."

I smile. "Well, we aren't accomplishing anything standing here."

I give a mock bow and extend a hand towards the alleyway, motioning for her to lead on. She gives me a look which seems to say 'I'll expect more about that later', shakes her head and continues on.

It takes us about another ten minutes to reach the location. Right before we arrive she asks me what exactly I plan to do there.

Well, I could use a laugh.

"We're going to break into a Medhall research facility, so that I can use their equipment to tinker up a few things I desperately need to get started and so that we don't all die horrible, horrible deaths very very soon. We are going there because it is the only expendable place with an electron microscope and biological research equipment in the city, and because Medhall is a front for the E88, so it won't be as much of a problem when we blow the place up to cover our tracks as we leave, pinning it on the ABB by using a Tinker explosive I'll also be cooking up while we are there."

There is a single moment of the most profound silence. Of all the things I've said tonight, maybe just as the straw that breaks the camel's back, I've managed to actually leave Tatttletale speechless.

I'm actually quite proud of that.

Tattletale's mouth opens and closes a few times before she manages to choke out a word.


I laugh lightly as we turn the last corner. "Don't worry, it'll be a piece of cake."

I freeze. What did I just say.

Well, turns out I can still do stupid shit even when I think I have total control of myself. Wonderful.

Dreading but honestly expecting it, we turn the last corner and see three cars pulled up to the building we are intending to rob, and a half dozen shadowy figures moving in and around them As we watch, one of them kicks down the main door and a few begin to enter. As they do, I can see a flash of colour - a band tied around their arms.

Red and green.

ABB colours.

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Love the story. But what's weird is your comments on it with us forum users. It's a very different style of writing. So I'm wondering, with the quality of your story, who does your editing? Maybe it's just the crappy critique that's influencing your comments and failing to penetrate the story, idk. I look forward to reading more from you!

My issue so far is I've had no editing at all. I do tend to write a story in a different voice then I normally speak however.

I've been influenced by other stories that I've enjoyed, and I try to ape some of their conventions. I have lots of training in writing persuasively, but not much in writing fiction.
Interesting, this looks promising so far. I'm not a fan of the "what can go wrong?" actually triggering things though. I can see clockblocker joking about that but it feels weird to treat superstitious/meta-tropes seriously.
Interesting, this looks promising so far. I'm not a fan of the "what can go wrong?" actually triggering things though. I can see clockblocker joking about that but it feels weird to treat superstitious/meta-tropes seriously.
It's not like coming upon a gang robbery is particularly dfficult in Brockton Bay.
Honestly, it'd be a bit odd if they didn't come across some sort of gang violence.
Interesting, this looks promising so far. I'm not a fan of the "what can go wrong?" actually triggering things though. I can see clockblocker joking about that but it feels weird to treat superstitious/meta-tropes seriously.
In a world with true precognition, causality is more a polite suggestion than a hard and fast law.

That's even without bringing up narrative causality, or paranoia thereof.