Stealing Fire (Worm SI)


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Bah, who cares if it isn't good. You need to get all the shit stories out before you can produce the good ones.

That being said, what you have shown so far isn't really telling in how the story is going to develope. Best advice now I think is to post more but keep in mind that coincidence that fucks the character over is adversity which helps development while coincidences that help is cheating.
Why would he need to?

"Hello, Tattletale."

Knows who I am. Hasn't seen me personally. He thinks he knows more about me than anyone should. ...he does know more about me than anyone should. Knows things I've never told anyone. How does he know that?! Never expected to meet me. Never expected to find himself in Brockton Bay. Was certain that it was impossible to ever be in Brockton Bay. From Earth Aleph... no, if he were, how would he know me this well? From another dimension. Somehow found out details about me. Didn't watch me directly; knows me from textual description. Thinks I'm fictional-


Pretty much what I thought too.

The whole, "I'm from wildly off dimension where the events were depicted as a story from her perspective" conversation is probably going to happen pretty fast.
I like it!

A Worm SI without the influence of the CYOA, without knowingly having the backing of a ROB, and triggers within a few minutes of arriving from the crushing weight of his foreknowledge of Worm that he is now a part of.

I especially like the last part at how realistic that is, we have all talked about what we would do if we ever ended up in this series or that series, but few of us have the mental fortitude to withstand such a transition; this is a very realistic response to it actually happening.

The is a good example of the Lovecraft quote:
"We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far." H. P. Lovecraft

I would also add here there be dragons, but since you landed in Brockton Bay and Lung is no where as scary as the Endbringers or the Slaughterhouse 9. "Here there be Monsters"

Just don't forget to have the Undersiders all black out or pass out from being so close to his trigger that they manages to find him within minutes of recovering.
Two of the things came closer. They touched. They shared even more. Like a timelapse film, they moved together for a while, sped up incredibly. That sharing allowed both to change. They grew. One of the two seemed to split, a new enormous being emerging/shifting from its bulk. It seemed to have parts which were reflections of both, yet unique in its own way.

No one's going to comment on this? No? Protag got a baby shard, wonder what that means.

A Worm SI without the influence of the CYOA, without knowingly having the backing of a ROB, and triggers within a few minutes of arriving from the crushing weight of his foreknowledge of Worm that he is now a part of.

CYOA and ROB are the worst things to happen to fanfiction.
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"there was a dragon here. It got its eyes carved out so the position is now vacant. we are about to have tryouts to fill the position."

Don't think that part has happened yet, though my memory on the actually dates of when major events happened in Worm is rather fuzzy. They rob the bank one day, the night after they got ambushed by Uber, L33t, and Bakuda; due to the injuries suffered that night Taylor is out of it for the next two weeks.

So I am now very confused as the newspaper says it is the day/night after they broke out Lung. With all the Undersiders up and about to find the SI, need some clarification please.
Don't think that part has happened yet, though my memory on the actually dates of when major events happened in Worm is rather fuzzy. They rob the bank one day, the night after they got ambushed by Uber, L33t, and Bakuda; due to the injuries suffered that night Taylor is out of it for the next two weeks.

So I am now very confused as the newspaper says it is the day/night after they broke out Lung. With all the Undersiders up and about to find the SI, need some clarification please.

It's newspaper not a news website...
Also in terms of time line this is April 23rd. The Undersides have just left the meeting at Somer's Rock and were on the way back to the lair when the world suddenly went cross eyed.
1.T - Tattletale Interlude
Holy shit I can't believe I just sat down for two hours and wrote over three thousand words. I'm never this productive.

This is basically unedited, so please point out any typos.

Don't expect this kind of update speed in the future, I have no idea how this happened. The whole situation kind of went someone I didn't plan at all, just kind of naturally expanded there. Tattletale's power is really hard to write for, but I think I've got a handle on it after reading her PoV chapter again in Canon and some other background stuff.

Edit: Let the dogs out. Then gave them names.

1.T - Tattletale Interlude

It had been a relatively quiet walk on the way back to the loft. Except for Taylor leaning in to commiserate with Bitch - and that was a relationship even I couldn't really make heads or tails of - everyone remained relatively quiet.

I didn't like it.

Bitch had fucked up. Before she tried to take out an E88 run establishment she should have fucking told us. I get her thing with dogs, and it's pretty clear that what Hookwolf was doing wasn't going to fly, but fuck we almost got ganked by Kaizer in a small room.We're lucky it came out at Somer's Rock. If it wasn't on neutral territory, we could all be breathing through several new holes now.

We'd made an enemy we didn't need to make at this point, and Bitch just wasn't understanding what went wrong. But this was affecting the normal atmosphere of the group. Despite our very different pasts, we had worked well together. We took down most of the Wards at the Bank, and time spent at the lair was always filled with jibes and teasing. I liked it. It was nice being part of a group which actually trusted each other for once.

It felt a bit colder now. Isolated. I hate being isolated. I can tell Taylor does too, though that thing she does with the swarm seems to let her get around it. I don't know if she's even realized she's doing it yet, offloading feelings to the bugs around her.

I suppose she's lucky she didn't end up like Bitch. Imagine only being able to understand inse-


I groaned and shook my head as I woke up. I took a quick look around and saw the rest of the team around me on the ground, right where they had been last I checked. As I watched, Grue hauled himself up and shook his head. Regent raised an arm and pointed it at the sky.

"I'm going to call foul on that. Normally, I've had a lot more to drink before that happens." he claims, as he drops his arm back down and rolls to his knees. "Ow. Think I hit my head on the way down."

"At least nothing important was damaged then." I quip.

He responds with a very unkind gesture. I roll my eyes.

Taylor and Bitch seem to have fallen almost on top of each other, and have managed to untangle themselves at this point, though not without a bit of cursing on the larger girl's part. Taylor takes a few steps back afterwards and looks towards me.

"What was that? Why did we all suddenly collapse?"

Grue turns and tilts his head slightly. "Tattletale?"

I open the gates just a bit.

Unconsciousness triggered in response to something. Unconsciousness lasted a short period.
Helicopter overhead, still flying. Hasn't fallen and isn't recovering from a dive. Pilot unaffected.
Most people unaffected. Only we were affected. Effect only targeted parahumans. Effect was limited to a certain range.

Effect was caused by new trigger.

My eyes widen in surprise. "Holy shit. I think someone just triggered right next door to us."

The group's reaction to this varied. Grue and Skitter both seemed to tense, and I could see Skitter's hair moving as some insects began to fly out and away, probably to join a search already in progress in the nearby area. Grue's darkness began to smoke out of his helmet and gloves and he turned his head slightly as if surveying our immediate surroundings.

Regent seemed unconcerned. He just kept rubbing the back of his head and complaining. Bitch was growling and looking around, clearly wishing she had brought the dogs with her. If this turned into a fight, she was going to be almost useless, and she knew it.

"I think I found him." Skitter said. "There's only one guy awake and out on the street within a couple of blocks. He's standing on the overlook behind some of the warehouses, just staring at the Protectorate HQ. He hasn't moved since we woke up. If he's got powers though he doesn't seem to be using them. It's nothing obvious anyways."

I turn to Grue.

"So, what's the play oh fearless leader?"

He pauses for a moment. I take a closer look.

Worried. Knows new triggers are dangerous. Knows that there is serious risk to confronting a newly triggered cape. Is remembering Rachel's history. Remembers that she killed someone when she triggered. Remembers her actions now and two weeks ago. Is starting to see Rachel as a potential liability. Is wondering if the new cape could be recruited. Is wondering if the new cape could replace Rachel as a heavy-hitter. Is…
I stop, a twinge of pain going through my head as I wince. Too little to go on. Shit, I'm going to have to deal with that before it gets out of hand.

Grue turns towards the location Skitter indicated. "We need to at least check it out. For all we know it could be another Shatterbird and hit the whole city at once. Better to know what's coming. We'll hide in a wall of darkness with just enough cleared to see and hear what's going on. If it looks dangerous, Skitter can swarm him or Regent can trip him and we can run. Tattletale, I need you to figure out what he can do."

I nod, and notice Skitter doing the same. Bitch crosses her arms and seems about ready to object, before she looks at Grue again and stops.

Regent shrugs. "I've got nothing better to do."

We move towards the Docks, a wall of Grue's darkness surrounding us except for small holes at around eye level. As we get closer Skitter raises an arm and points, and we all back up towards a shady wall as we move into sight.

The guy is still standing exactly where Skitter says he would be. In the dim light I can't really make out what he looks like. He's as tall as or taller than Grue, has short hair, and a fairly average build. His clothes are filthy, and his right hand and side are covered in what looks like blood. It appears he still hasn't moved. Suddenly he raises his head and I can see everyone around me tense, wondering if we've been spotted.

That's when he starts laughing.


He's holding his sides and almost bent over completely, and he's not skimping on the volume either. I can see Skitter wince as whatever bugs she's got around him must be picking this up on multiple frequencies. He pauses for a second to catch his breath.

"Well, I never asked for this."

He pauses and seems to chuckle slightly as if he just told a joke.

"But alright, I'll give it a shot."

He turns and looks at the sky for a moment.

I take a deep breath and let my power go…

Man is happy. Man is lost in thought. Man is conversing with himself? Power based? No, just how he is. Thinks out loud. Thinker power? No. Yes. Minor secondary power. Man is lost in thought. Man is looking at the sky. Man is thinking about something to do with the sky. Man is looking at stars. Man is looking at Space. Man is imagining going to space. Man is Imagining building something in space. Man's left hand is twitching. Sign of Tinker wanting to write down an imagined schematic. Man is a Tinker.
"Ow!" I close the floodgates, now with the slight feeling of nails in my forehead. But damn, Brian is going to start to drool.

I open my mouth to tell the group and then I pause.


I'm going to have to tell Coil.

I frown and move a hand to my head to massage my temples, buying myself a moment to think. This is big. A new Tinker in town can seriously change the balance of power if they are anywhere near useful. I mean sure, this guy could be a Squealer and barely make a difference, but look at what Bakuda has done for the ABB in the last few weeks.

Look at what she nearly managed to do to us.

And Coil has been looking for a tinker to add to his organization for a while. If this guy is any good - and he clearly hasn't had a chance to build anything yet, so not only do we not know anything, he's incredibly vulnerable - Coil's going to try the same thing on him that he did to me.

And that'd just make it even harder eventually to take him down. Maybe impossible.

I turn to the group. Can I trust them with this? Would they sell out a new Tinker to 'the Boss' if he asked them to?

I don't think Taylor would.

The rest…

... But maybe, if we recruit him…

My head is still hurting but I open the gates again.

Coil desires Tinker support. Coil will give us additional money to fund a tinker. Coil may ask for some things to be built. Coil will want to meet the tinker. Tinker may get to meet Coil in person. Tinker in our group would still be under Coil's command. Coil may be satisfied with Tinker in our group, so long as we toe the line. Tinker may get Coil to finally meet us face to face. Taylor will…
"Ah.." I pushed too hard. I close my eyes and place both hands on my face to block out the light. My head is pulsing with sharp, stabbing pain. I take a deep breath and calm myself for a second, and it settles into a mere dull ache. I'm going to regret this tomorrow. Fuck, and they're going to expect us to make good on the deal with the ABB. Damn.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and open my eyes to see Skitter and Grue standing right next to me. Taylor is leaning forward and seems concerned. Grue was reaching for my other shoulder, but stops when he sees me moving. "What happened?"

I look up at him and my face takes on its customary grin and I lean in to whisper: "Well, on the negative side, my head feels like Lung played golf with it. On the positive side, you're looking at a brand new fresh-out-of-the-box Tinker with it seems like no affiliations right there, fresh for the taking."

Grue's head turns so fast it's like he has whiplash. I can see the excitement in his body even without my power on, he's balancing forward on the edge of his feet. Even Regent starts and starts paying attention, looking out his peephole. "Cool. Maybe I can get an upgrade for this thing, finally." he says, spinning his scepter.

The guy in the street starts talking to himself again. It's pretty quiet, and I can't really make it out. I turn to Skitter. "He said 'Someday soon.' Any idea what that's about?"

I wince. "Not really worth wasting a worse headache on right now. Grue, nothing my power says indicates he's dangerous right now. He's had his powers for minutes, he can't have built anything yet. He could have a secondary Thinker power, my power seems to be unsure, but then again some Thinkers can jam each other, so that's kind of a wash. Could be related to his Tinker power. If you want me to get any more I'm going to have to actually talk to him."

Grue nods. He's really excited about this. The guy doesn't look like he's in great shape, and worst case scenario I think any one of us could take him if he hasn't had a chance to build anything.

The darkness drops and I take a breath and put my patented smirk back on. I let just a trickle of my power through, and step forwards. He started laughing again, though a lot quieter now. I can see his face in profile. He's not bad-looking, maybe early 20s? He's smiling softly.

I call out. "So, are you going to share the joke with the rest of the class?"

He tenses. I can see it happen, his face straightens out almost instantly. My smile flickers as he turns to face us.

He pauses for a second.

Recognizes group. Knows who we are. Didn't expect to meet us so soon.
So soon? He was planning to seek us out?

He smiles again. This time his grin looks familiar. It takes me a second to place it, and when I do, mine goes slightly brittle.

It's the one I see in the mirror.

"The Undersiders, I presume?"

Recognizes group. Knows who we are. Knows who I am. Knows about me. Knows how I act. Is specifically trolling me. Knows my power. Knows I'm reading him. Body has relaxed. Body is subconsciously relaxed. Thinker power? Thinker power has to do with biology. Thinker power lets him understand biology. Thinker power gives him minor control his own biology. Eliminates microexpressions. Makes cold reading more difficult. Makes reading him with powers more difficult. Still smiling.
My head twinges. I ignore it and keep pushing. Go back to how he knows me…

Wasn't sent by my parents. Doesn't know my parents. Knows of my parents. Thinks my parents are assholes. Knows about Reggie. Knows about Taylor. Knows about Coil.
Knows how Coil's power works.

"Son of a bitch!" I slam the gate and my own eyes shut as the nails behind them drive out through the back of my head. I can barely stand up at this point.

"Tattletale?" "Tattletale?" "Woah. Are you alright?" Grue, Skitter, and the guy all talk at once as I sway on my feet and my vision blurs slightly. I stumble a bit before someone grabs my shoulder and I half collapse against them. "Ugh. Grue you do the talking, my head…"

I hear Grue chuckle.

I don't feel Grue chuckle.

I look up, already expecting but dreading what's about to happen.

It's not Grue who caught me.

"Are you alright? You pushed too hard, didn't you?" The guy is looking down at me, and he actually seems concerned, though there is also a twitch at the corner of his mouth as if he's realized what this looks like, is surprised to be in this situation, but is still barely stopping himself from laughing at it.

"You should probably sit down."

I pull back as if he's on fire, lose my balance, and end up sitting on the ground. I hear a snort behind me. It's definitely…

"Well, throwing yourself at the new guy? That's one way to recruit him I suppose, but you're normally much more subtle and controlled than that Tats. What gives?" Regent says, barely managing to finish before he starts laughing.

I hear a giggle which is barely cut off and turn to glare at Taylor.

Oh, there will be a reckoning. Just wait. The next time I catch you staring at Brian's ass…

"Holy shit! I don't believe it! She's actually blushing! This is priceless!" Regent is holding his own sides now as I turn back around quickly and push myself to my feet. I turn to glare at the Tinker, who is holding both his hands up as if to ward me off, but whose mouth is twitching as he barely fights the urge to laugh.

"Hey now, you kinda ran into me there. I wasn't just going to drop you. Don't go all Tsun-Tsun on me here, that'd be just way too cliche."

My eye twitches. This guy may be the most infuriating person I've met since the last time I saw Faultline…

Thirty minutes ago.

Alright bad example. Brain hurt, not good at wit now.

I glare at him one last time and go back to the group, moving behind Grue to kick Regent in the leg.

"Ow! Sonofabitch, that's the same spot as before!" He starts hopping up and down on his other foot, shaking the one I kicked.

Grue turns, shakes his head and turns back to the new guy.

"So, now that we've gotten the comedy routine over with. Who are you?"

The man lowers his hands and turns to Grue.

"You can call me Jack. No relation to the other one."

My power twitches on as I lose control for a second.

Was referring to Jack Slash. Thinks he's going to meet Jack Slash.

Is planning to kill Jack Slash. Thinks he can pull it off.

My mouth drops open as I get a handle on my power again. I squeeze my eyes shut and groan.

"What the fuck?! Who are you!"

He turns to look at me. "That… is a long story. Look, this is probably not a conversation to have here, and I'm juuust a bit lost. Can we just go back to your lair or base or whatever? Pinky swear not to tell anyone where it is."

Grue turns to us to gauge our reactions. Regent shrugs. Skitter seems conflicted, she keeps looking between Jack and Bitch.

Bitch… Shit. Bitch is gritting her teeth so hard I can hear it from ten feet away. I can see them too. That's not good. Her fists are clenched and she is leaning forward as if she wants to pounce.

"Fuck no! Who even is this fuck?"

Jack turns to her and takes a step forward. He's actually pretty tall up close, taller than she is for sure. He speaks in a monotone voice, his mouth not showing any teeth, and he makes direct eye contact.

Modifying body language. Speaking directly to Bitch's instincts. Knows how Bitch's mind works. Understands how her psychology has changed. Is trying to speak to Bitch in a way she will understand. Wants to seem nonthreatening, but to avoid getting attacked. Knows Skitter was attacked when she first met Bitch. Knows...
My head twinges again and I shut down my power hard. Fucking Ow.

"I'm Jack. I said that already. I'm not going to fuck with you, or with anyone else here, but I have nowhere else to go, and it isn't safe here."

Bitch stops growling for a moment and looks at Jack. She takes a step forward and he takes a step back, curling his head down slightly and lowering his eyes.

Feigning submissiveness.

Fucking thanks brain, could not have figured that one out myself. Where were you when I was falling on my ass?

Bitch grunts and turns away.
"Well, whatever. If you want to stay you'd better pull your weight."

The rest of the group is staring directly at Jack. Taylor actually speaks for the first time. She says what we're all thinking.


Jack smiles slightly at Skitter's exclamation (seriously, what?) turns back to us and shrugs. "Like I said. Long story. Can we go now?"

Grue looks between Bitch, Skitter, and Jack and sighs. "The shit I put up with."

He raises his hand and his darkness surrounds us. Jack jumps slightly until he realizes he's on the inside with us.

"Huh. That's really cool." He pokes the hemisphere of darkness and moves his finger through it before pulling it back. "Strange, but cool."

Grue turns and starts walking away.

We all follow.
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I personally dislike SI stories where the SI tells people he knows them from a movie or game. Breaks my immersion beyond completely. Please don't.

Jack can do this smart and even a bit mysterious. Earth Bet knows cross dimensional contact is possible, so Jack portraying himself as someone from another Earth briefed on Earth Bet and the whos and whats and given powers or put in an environment to trigger almost immediately so he can have a defense and something to help establish himself on Earth Bet feels like the way to go to me. Try to keep the Undersiders from thinking Jack is some kind of agent for some kind of cross dimensional invasion or something.

And it's close enough to some kind of truth. Calling bullshit on Jack being given powers and Jack can call back that Cauldron is rumored to give powers, if Cauldron is a known at this point in time.
This can only go HORRIBLY RIGHT.


I mean, lets be honest.

This is Worm.

The one setting where giving Sauron a Death Star might actually de-power him.

Scion doesn't need to be in a stationary moon-sized battlestation with a tiny thermal exhaust port and a 24 hour recharge timer to destroy a planet, he does it a hundred times in an afternoon.

Even with foreknowledge, this is a hell of an uphill battle.
Scion doesn't need to be in a stationary moon-sized battlestation with a tiny thermal exhaust port and a 24 hour recharge timer to destroy a planet, he does it a hundred times in an afternoon.

Even with foreknowledge, this is a hell of an uphill battle.

Will the Undersiders be happy they have their own sane version of Bonesaw, along with any other Tinker specialties Jack has?

EDIT: Don't know how long it might take to make Bitch comfortable or at teh very least non aggressive, but could Jack giver her a new face and identity? That would no longer make Rachel a wanted woman out of the mask. She could even keep the first name Rachel. There are lots of Rachels.
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"My name is Jack. I'm lost, I don't know anybody around here, and I don't want to hurt any of you or your dogs. I actually like dogs, before I came here I had two of my own, one whom was just a puppy. If you're not comfortable showing me where your base is, that's fine. Just lead me to a police station or something and I can get things sorted out. Or you could blindfold me or something as you take me in, but I have no idea where I am anyways, so it wouldn't really change much."

I'm sorry, I was with you until this. It is the single dumbest speech I've heard, and the fact that it worked seems to indicate a level of fiat that I am just not interested in reading.
I'm sorry, I was with you until this. It is the single dumbest speech I've heard, and the fact that it worked seems to indicate a level of fiat that I am just not interested in reading.

You might want to at least check the next update to see it from his perspective.

The wording could probably use some work, as mentioned I wrote this in one sitting with basically no editing, but the words weren't actually the important part of that conversation.
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...wonder if you can give them survivability powers?
being able to breath underwater would help after Leviathan, right? plus it could help if they need to run away
...wonder if you can give them survivability powers?
being able to breath underwater would help after Leviathan, right? plus it could help if they need to run away

This brings up an interesting point in Worm, while I cant find or remember all the details, did anyone ever attempt to supple the parahumans fighting Leviathan with rebreathers or oxygen masks?

Didn't they attribute a large portion of the Parahumans deaths to drowning whenever the tidal waves hit?

You would think at least one Tinker would have stockpiled them "In Case of Attack by Leviathan".
Amazing start. Really looking forward to where you go from here. Also wondering exactly how fucked Coil's day is going to be. My bet is on very, especially if you follow the trend of Coil really not liking to commit to a timeline (such as by kidnapping and torturing a subordinate) without a damn good reason.
...wonder if you can give them survivability powers?
being able to breath underwater would help after Leviathan, right? plus it could help if they need to run away

Might help a little, but most of the people who die from leviathan's waves die so soon after one of them that a bit of a brute rating would go further. And while gills are cool and all remember that tinkertech needs regular maintenance, and most people aren't completely gung ho about invasive surgery and permanent changes to their anatomy. A rebreather might go over better.

As far as SI's go, I think the best use for them is to combine a bit of 'for want of a nail' with just a touch of crackiness. You have a character who is aware of all the foibles of these characters and is in a unique position to make fun of their bullshit while at the same time has to run into the fact that the characters he's interacting with are Real, and can make boneheaded mistakes when he forgets it. At the same time, acurate foreknowledge is broken and boring, and should be butterflied away as soon as possible.
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I for one can't wait for a mannequin or Bonesaw fight. It stops being a fight halfway through and just becomes a game of one upmanship (oh that's cool, but how about this!)