Starship Design Bureau

[X] Streamlined Hull (Warp Efficiency)

Considering that we can't rely on Yoyodyne to make us a reliable nacelle, I will take an improvement on warp speed whenever I can get it.
[X] Streamlined Hull (Warp Efficiency)

I'm leaning towards the Warp Efficiency, especially since we got some extra saucer space in the last vote. That and I'm not sure where else we might get this, since I don't really feel like rolling the dice on whatever Yoyodyne puts out this time. Unless they're giving us quad nacelles again, then I have to take that.
Gonna dissent from the bandwagon a biy here.

Explorers have to be the fastest ships around. Their entire reason for being is to explore vast areas of space, and be able to respond to emergencies quickly with the best damned ship Starfleet possesses.

Greater warp cruise speed directly aids this goal. On top of which, we already just took an option giving extra internal space. Doubling down is less valuable than bring the fastest cruiser we can be.

[X] Streamlined Hull (Warp Efficiency)
We're not being asked to build an Explorer though... We're being asked to build something that size that can fight the Borg and other threats. Since the term Battleship is verboten, a "combat ship the size of an Explorer" is the creative terminology to ask for something to fill the Battleship role.

If we'd gone Canon it would be an Agile fast battleship, but since we gave up the speed and agility we're going to need to compensate by sheer size and redundancy.
Dammit! Too late to suggest a bullpupped intrepid. Oh well, maybe we can bullpup this one after it's done.

[X] Compact Hull (Internal Space)

Oh yeah, this boy will be shooty as hell. The Romulans are going to shit themselves.
[X] Streamlined Hull (Warp Efficiency)

To fite borg, first you need to catch borg. and they damn fast for geometric shapes.
Also, let's establish new standard for cruise speed in Starfleet.
Gonna dissent from the bandwagon a biy here.

Explorers have to be the fastest ships around. Their entire reason for being is to explore vast areas of space, and be able to respond to emergencies quickly with the best damned ship Starfleet possesses.

Greater warp cruise speed directly aids this goal. On top of which, we already just took an option giving extra internal space. Doubling down is less valuable than bring the fastest cruiser we can be.
But this is a warship not a explorer? The federation is just not willing to outright ask us to design a Battleship/Battlecruiser(Remember Peace at any cost crowd still has significant influence and would scream bloody murder if the design docket read as such) so they coach it in terms of Explorer sized tactical vessel.
Main focus here is the combat role, Positioning is important in combat, but even without increasing efficiency this should still have a higher efficient warp cruise speed than its cannon counterparts.

[X] Compact Hull (Internal Space)
[X] Compact Hull (Internal Space)

You know with how using prototypes/experimental parts in our designs helps to develop those and we almost always chose most experimental warp drive did we push warp drive tech to be further ahead in quest then it was in OTL?