Stark Transcendent (Iron Man/Marvel Quest)

Damn did we get unlucky. What are the chances that the X-men will show up to give us back-up? Or Deadpool? Or Dr. Strange? Or everybody? Seriously, we need everybody on this one. :cry:

Also, I just caught up!
This is the current plan we are following. The way that we sent messages out means that it is likely the x-men would get involved, but we don't actually know they are a thing. Hank (Beast from x-men) is aware and likely told the rest, though they probably saw it on the news as well.

Final Plan Marlowe

-Old Friends, New Enemies:
Now is not the time for your dad issues. Set up your Dad's AI so he can communicate with SHIELD, in particular Nick Fury; between the two of them, nobody knows more about SHIELD and its operational ability. It'd also be useful for communication between you and Fury, because, well…evacuate? Not really your style. While you're in touch with Fury, talk to him about mercenaries like the guy you fought in Vegas, or other supers that are within 2 1/2 hours of Manhattan. Anyone that Fury doesn't want you to know about, Howard's AI can dig them up and inform you.

-War Machines: You're the owner and operator of the premier weapons company in the world. Take advantage. Heavy machine-guns, anti-tank shells, Jericho missiles, industrial superlasers…anything JARVIS can think of to tack onto suits, get it on, and fast. And tell Rhodey that 'Microsoft' just updated on the jetpack offer.

-Iron Spider: Peter Parker is an uncertified genius, and he's seen everything StarkTech has to offer. Tell him he has a few hours to go nuts: get his own jetpack, get JARVIS in his mask (those mirrored lenses could easily get replaced in minutes) repulsors in his boots/gloves, a suit of his own, whatever he wants to boost his abilities up to Eleven.

-Thunderbolts: Rhodey mentioned a cranky Army general who's around that has a dislike of big mean things trying to wreck cities. There's also Herman Schultz and his sonic tech, the genius Dr. Connors (who deserves better than being a lizard in the sewers) and bona-fide megamind Dr. Octavius and his shiny metal arms. For the right reasons, villains can become heroes. Maybe that reason is to save New York, maybe it's for the paycheck, but the punchline is, they'll be on your side.

-Use Them Wisely: The press loves you, and Peter has an in with the biggest mouth in the history of media: J. Jonah Jameson. Offer the scoop of a lifetime in exchange for careful thought being put into the message: we want people to be safe and informed, not being the dumb panicky dangerous animals that FOX and other idiots make them. Also, if there are other supers in the area that could be of help (but your name might make them cringe) the news is the best way to get them involved. This way, Reed and his people will get involved without your direct contact, and maybe Hank McCoy has some friends that would be helpful who can hear about this.

-Braintrust: You've got the smartest people in the world either on your payroll or in your phone. Get Hank McCoy and Hank Pym talking to each other (maybe swallow your pride, and ask Pym to get Reed involved) and anyone else they think could be of use in on a conference call to work out if there's a way to beat this monster with something other than heavy artillery. You really, really, really don't want to bring up Pyre, but if it's presented by SHIELD as a chemical accident that produced this's the truth, just not all of it.

-Best in the Business: You'd like to get the people you love away from danger, but somehow your crappy personality inspires loyalty from Pepper, and she won't leave you behind to die, so make the most of that. Pepper is the greatest organizer and manager you've ever known, and NYC is going to need a coordinating force once shit starts hitting the fan (you'd like to think you can engage the monster away from the city, but when has a big monster ever not taken the opportunity to trash NYC?). Get her on the line with the Drs. Hank, the NYPD, FDNY, DHS, FEMA, SHIELD, anyone who she thinks can help her manage the situation.

-Set the Scene: Hopefully, the Smaug wannabe is more interested in you than the city, but King Kong Syndrome is definitely a thing. Get yourself somewhere out of the city proper and get the site prepped for some serious shit to go down. One of the islands outside the city bight be a good idea…and you could take a note from the Ghostbusters, and rig up some serious sound equipment as a combination beacon/repellent. Schultz might be helpful with that.

-It's a Bird, It's a Plane: Get a JARVIS core into the Starkbird and get it touched up for anything that might make it useful--transport, heavy weapons platform, really pretty ballistic missile, emergency ride, anything. Taking it into orbit isn't a great idea, but if Puff the Magic Dragon has a vendetta against you (and possesses a modicum of reasoning) it might not be a bad option to hop in your superfast plane and give him a merry chase. And if this becomes a nightmare scenario, maybe revisiting outer space isn't the dumbest idea you've had…

-Thinking of SHIELDs…: Your dad designed Captain America's famous vibranium shield, but he also had other ideas and prototypes. Nothing as perfect as vibranium, but he had good ideas, particularly about adamantium. Maybe that kind of shield could protect you when all else fails, as it did Cap in those glory days Howard never shut up about. The gold-titanium alloy on your satellites could be good as well, if JARVIS thinks he can craft a new suit with all the other stuff you're tasking him with...
Is still say that we should work on space weapons after this is all over, Orbital Kinetic Bombardment would have been our best bet for eliminating this threat before it approached the city, and is well within our capabilities even without any new tech. (we have re-usable spacecraft and infinite energy, just put some good old fashioned rail-guns up there with some Tungsten ammo and your good to go).

Sure the Outer Space Treaty forbids the militarization of space, but we are going to break that eventually anyway, (If it even exists in this universe, which I would be unsurprised if it didn't, considering the massive number of space-weapons that have been built throughout marvel history, I mean the defense of earth against alien life alone necessitates it) and it only applies to nations that are signatory, and to weapons of MASS destruction, (specifically nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons) and as such we should be good to go with kinetic bombardment weapons. worse case scenario we either move to Latveria or just don't move them into space until necessary, (at which point it probably won't matter what laws we break, since we will probably be up against an extinction level event) since we can get their relatively quickly, the problem with that is that it would require the construction of a fairly large number of space craft to mobilize the bombardment platforms in a timely manner. (we would want more than one, for threats that are hard to kill or multiple simultaneous threats).

This stuff is going to keep happening, and we need a reliable way to neutralize the threat without unnecessary civilian casualties.
We're a Phoenix avatar: dying periodically is in our mandate.
That's for avatars who don't force the phoenix to fight death for their affection. I would imagine that the phoenix force does whatever it can to keep us alive, it seems like the jealous type.
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Is Silk going to be part of this amalgam universe? She seems pretty impressive as far as supers go, even if she is literally just female Spider-Man with the added benefit of being able to make the spider stuff from her fingers. From what I've seen in her comics, her eidetic memory is pretty useful, though her spider sense needs tweaking since it's basically stuck on maximum sensitivity and range.

I had another thing to comment on, but I can't recall it right now.

On another note, on the subject of space weaponization, the rules could be altered such that the Security Council could oversee the development of space-based weaponry to be used in the defense of any terrestrial nation. We simply need to get Tony to have a higher degree of friendship with the individuals in charge of the UN, or the UN as a whole.

EDIT: It seems that the original superhero, Hugo Danner, is canon to both DC and Marvel, seeing as he's a public domain character. For those who are unaware of his backstory, he is injected with a formula that gave him super strength, durability, and a minor healing factor (took days, not weeks, to heal from injuries), while he was still a fetus, because that's the only way the formula works. He fought for the French Foreign Legion in WW1, and then later went insane because he had nobody else on his level, so he went to South America, joined an indigenous tribe, and injected several fetuses with the formula that gave him his abilities, and ten years later led attacks on various settlements, only for all the kids he injected still fell to White Man's Diseases grows disillusioned, and dies frustrated that he has no permanent outlet for his great strength. All that stuff I crossed out is apparently only canon to the DC version of him.

What I'm trying to say is- will Hugo Danner be a part of the story's canon, way back in the day?
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On another note, on the subject of space weaponization, the rules could be altered such that the Security Council could oversee the development of space-based weaponry to be used in the defense of any terrestrial nation. We simply need to get Tony to have a higher degree of friendship with the individuals in charge of the UN, or the UN as a whole.

Surprisingly, getting in good with the Cubans is apparently a good idea for that. And going to really annoy the USA.
I was thinking the Iron Legion would be less suceptable to hacking if they had a person inside, but remembered according to movie lore that is false.

Shouldn't there be a way to make the suits more secure against hacking or would that make them more succeptable to being stolen?
Interlude - The Shocker
Interlude - The Shocker

My name is Herman Schultz, also known as the Shocker, and I am a career supervillain.

Okay, why does it feel like I should be saying that shit while sitting in a cozy circle, sipping tea and listening to someone's life story? I guess those group meetings in prison did leave an impression after all. Here I thought I'd gotten out unscathed...

It's easy to see why the supervillain thing always gets people curious - people wonder why we do the things we do, what our true motivations are. Most of my colleagues are in it for the drama, the theatrics, the thrill of being bad in really gaudy costumes. They buy into the capes and fancy headgear and the eternal metaphor of good versus evil, dedicating their life to beating up the goody two-shoes in bright spandex. I always just wanted to treat it like a real job. Keep my head down, make a living, and get out early. A self-respecting criminal, if you will.

So maybe that makes me a coward. Perhaps it makes me that two-bit second-stringer that everybody only remembers because he used to be in the Sinister Six, and Seven, and Twelve, and Syndicate - a lot of sinister things, really. I was in the Masters of Evil, and with a name like that, what could you honestly expect? Most of my rep I got from knocking down the spider-guy a couple times, early in his career.

Yeah, it's all kinda lame, but being minor-league keeps the bigger guys from noticing me, and I'm alright with that. It works.

Because let's face it - I'm just some guy. Spider-Man and his kind have honest-to-God superpowers, while I'm just a regular dude, not even all that fit, who needs some serious assistance to even attempt to measure up to the bigger guns. People forget how scary that kinda thing can be, so there's a reason I have regular appointments with a psychotherapist. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm nuts, but I can live with that, and I've had enough concussions that she's probably got half a point.

One obvious example: I wear a quilt. A yellow-and-brown pineapple suit. It's a testament to the insanity of the city I live in that nobody really mentions that, even when I get my groceries with the mask on. Live and let live, I suppose. I've never done the secret identity schtick, so it's fine.

Why do I do the things I do? Guess we need a bit of a history lesson. I dropped out of high school early, mostly because I got involved in some trouble involving drugs, and guns, and a superpowered hitman who may or may not have been sent to murder one of my teachers. When all that was said and done I ended up in jail for a few months - nothing too drastic they could stick on me, but I ended up with a black mark on my record. Needless to say, nobody wants to hire a criminal dropout with low self-esteem and a foul mouth, so that was pretty much the end of a normal life for me. Most of that wasn't even my fault!

The mob's always on the lookout for people in my situation, so I got involved in less than legal things to get by. It started with theft and extortion, then a few burglaries and robberies here and there, the usual small stuff. Amateur stuff. I didn't have the quilt yet, or even my fancy moniker, but I was a pretty great safe-cracker, and that worked well enough for a while.

I finally fucked up one too many times, and landed myself in proper prison. Seven times in a row, I think, maybe eight. I stopped keeping count after the mob got me a lawyer that was in their pocket, and my sentences were reduced to little more than community service. I've built up something of a resentment to graffiti, considering the number of time I'd been sent to clean the same damn walls.

Even with the mafia help, my robberies eventually caught up with me. I got four years in the clink, no ifs or buts.

That's where the group sessions and psychotherapy came in.

At the suggestion of my therapist I picked up an old hobby again - I was gonna be an electrical engineer before things went to shit, and the prison was trying one of those 'educate your inmates' projects to try and reintegrate folks back into society. Bunch of bullshit, obviously, since I had enough black marks by now that it wouldn't matter, but I'm sure it looked good on their quarterlies. I went and got myself some proper training, and that's when I hatched my plan.

I'm not a genius. My IQ's somewhere around 'above average', which isn't that amazing when you consider what dumbasses regular people can be. But if there is one thing I'm pretty smart at, it's soldering neat gadgets out of wire and metal. Took me a year and change to work out the theory and basic design, and then a few more months before I got anything to actually work in practice, but I did it - I made myself some Vibro-smashers. Or vibro-shock gauntlets - take your pick. They vibrate things.

I nearly killed myself testing the first ones, but they worked. It was irresponsible to risk using my makeshift gadgets for anything big, but I was getting pretty damn impatient behind bars, and I still had two years to go before my release. Fuck that.

Turns out that breaking out of prison is easy when you've got superpowers. My first excuse for a suit just consisted of heavy padding on my forearms, and I got pretty rattled from using my own weapon - but I robbed a few armored transports with my new trick, and got the cash to do it again, but better. Pretty sure my gauntlets rattled my brain too, because that's when the quilt happened.

People make jokes, but it's actually a very effective shock-resistant padding which protects me from the kickback of my own weapon, coupled with a solid bullet-proof vest. I can take punches from Spider-Man, and that's pretty damn good. But it looks silly, so nobody cares. Figures.

Last time I teamed up it was with Fred and Aleksei, the Living Brain, and some newbie I wasn't as familiar with. He sucked pretty hard, and I don't care to remember his moronic nickname. We went by the classic Sinister Six, just for old time's sake. Fred and Aleksei are Boomerang and Rhino by the way, for the uninitiated. An asshole and a dumbass respectively, but they know what they're good at, and my costume looks positively mundane contrasted with those guys.

Also, yes, I realize that we were only five people, not six. Thank you - that's very observant of you.

I'm back on my own now, after the Living Brain got caught and Fred accidentally ran into Daredevil and got his shit wrecked. He's got a couple of broken bones, so I expect he'll make a comeback in a few weeks. Who knows, perhaps he'll finally save up enough to get some new digs? Aleksei's just chilling at home for a bit, and he sometimes comes by for a drink - he's smart enough to leave planning crimes to other people, which sometimes makes me wonder if he's really as dumb as he acts. The Russian accent doesn't help, I guess.

Alright. I've been meandering enough. Why do I do what I do? Yeah, I'm a bit more pragmatic than most - the cash is nice - but that still doesn't really get to the bottom of it. What is my endgame? Am I just gonna keep doing this until I end up in jail for keeps? Until someone realizes that I'd probably be least dangerous if they just put me in a dark cell and threw away the key? Until I finally burst someone's aorta by accident and get the needle? Was that it?

No. That's why this a special week for me. For once, I am not going to jail.

Someone offered me a fucking job. Like, legit Monday-to-Friday nine-to-five dental-plan employment. To the fucking Shocker. Last time I had a job it was at Burger King while I was still in high school - fucking ancient history.

My new employer even went out of his way to grease the wheels and get me out of jail quicker - it'd never been quite this effortless. He had big money, and bigger dreams, and I couldn't see a way this would be a bad thing for me. I mean, I figured I could actually earn an honest buck for once, or alternatively he was hiring me to pull of some heists (which would be sweet.) If worse came to worse, I could always rob his place blind and make a run for it. I didn't know this Stark guy, alright? He was just some rich asshole on television when I got the offer. So I said yes, and felt kind of giddy about the whole thing, and wondered if he'd let me wear my suit on the job or if that was too tacky.

I didn't expect to see Stark's face on my television, overriding my beloved reruns of Babylon 5 with his pale, bald mug. Guy looked like he had cancer of the everything, but he seemed chipper enough. Until he started talking about the impending apocalypse, and the arrival of Smaug the great and terrible, and all that jazz. I was halfway out of town before I even started thinking about where I would go - I didn't know jack shit outside New York.

I already admitted I'm a coward, did you honestly expect me to stick around? I'm the Shocker, not freaking Captain Marvel - she might fly into battle at the slightest whim, but she was also implausibly powerful and badass. I was just some guy.

Unfortunately, I'd said 'yes' to Stark, and he seemed to take that sort of thing pretty seriously. He'd already appealed to supervillains on television, a pretty ballsy idea, but I really should have expected he'd go the extra mile to rope in ones he actually employed. He knew he had me by the short hairs here - if I ran away, I could say goodbye to that nice comfortable life he was offering, and odds were there wouldn't be much of a city to go back to. I was essentially offered a choice between maintaining my old life elsewhere, or risking my life to get all the goodies.

There's a reason I'm getting out of town, is what I'm saying.

I really should've expected Stark to try a little forceful negotiation. I knew his type well enough. I didn't expect this. His negotiator hung upside-down in front of my car, dangling from a webline attached to an honest-to-God black helicopter that wheeled overhead, which was clearly marked with Stark's logo. Spider-Man tapped on my window and waved cheerily.

Me and Spidey go back a good while - I'm one of the first guys he beat up in costume, and I think it makes him kind of nostalgic. It's probably why he tends to go easy on me, too. That, and the fact that I'm one of the only villains on his roster who doesn't go around killing, I'm sure. First time we met he had his arm wrapped in a sling made of webbing and he still kicked my ass - that kind of set the tone for everything that followed. I mean, he once beat up the entire Sinister Six, so it really shouldn't be that much of a shock that I got bested.

We're apparently on the same side now. Weird.

He's come to retrieve me, obviously. I have powers, after a fashion, and that's the kind of thing the city needs right now. Perhaps I could have taken time considering my options, deliberating whether I should risk anything for possible great rewards, all that nonsense - but the truth is, I'm a rational person. I hit the gas, trying to speed off in the direction of safety. That's when Spidey webs up my car, attaches it to his fancy helicopter, and it promptly carries the whole thing off through to the sky. Didn't see that part coming.

I should've been angry - but honestly, I kinda get it. Spidey isn't the type to drag random people into danger. Quite the opposite, really. The fact that he spider-napped me anyway implied he knew more than I expected. He knew I wanted out - that I'd wanted out since before I put on the costume. And he also knew I'd only commit to that path if there was no escape clause. He probably knew from experience how easy it was to slip into inaction - I'm sure he could see right through me. His red-and-blue pyjamas are, after all, just another quilt.

Fuck it. If there's no other choice than forward, I'll own it. I was the fucking Shocker, and it was about time to show some of these bastards what that shit meant! Let's make like Galen and slay some fucking dragons!

Then maybe run away, and hide, and wait until it all blows over.

Sounds good to me.
I wonder at what frequency would giant dragon monster flesh disintegrate?

Nudge nudge.

A vibrational resonance weapon would be useful in pulping the dragons original brain, but Shocker doesn't have enough time to design a ranged weapon capable of that. The basic theory of it is really simple, but for a weapon like that to be useful, it would need to be able to project a very powerful resonance that is capable of changing its frequency on the fly so that we could detect what frequency actually hurts the part of the dragon that needs to be hurt.
A vibrational resonance weapon would be useful in pulping the dragons original brain, but Shocker doesn't have enough time to design a ranged weapon capable of that. The basic theory of it is really simple, but for a weapon like that to be useful, it would need to be able to project a very powerful resonance that is capable of changing its frequency on the fly so that we could detect what frequency actually hurts the part of the dragon that needs to be hurt.
That sounds like a repulser on the Starkbird or the Iron Man Suit.
That sounds like a repulser on the Starkbird or the Iron Man Suit.
I always though of the repulsers as more like an energy blast. An energy blast would have to cut through all the extra flesh that is regenerating while we try and get to the original brain/body. A properly designed resonance weapon would be capable of hitting the entire dragon at the same time. Or bypassing the extra flesh and hitting the brain without external damage.

Edit: we also don't have phasic repulsers, so our repulsers only have one energy setting.
I'm not a genius. My IQ's somewhere around 'above average', which isn't that amazing when you consider what dumbasses regular people can be. But if there is one thing I'm pretty smart at, it's soldering neat gadgets out of wire and metal. Took me a year and change to work out the theory and basic design, and then a few more months before I got anything to actually work in practice, but I did it - I made myself some Vibro-smashers. Or vibro-shock gauntlets - take your pick. They vibrate things.

Damn Herman, I don't think I've ever thought that a supervillain could really do with being more arrogant before.
A bit more than a year is rather quick for suddenly coming up with vibration weaponry.

Especially while in prison.

Then again, Tony Stark was able to build his arc reactor in a cave, with a box of scraps. :V
Exactly - I'm not going to suggest that he's on Stark's level, but he was also practically self-taught and probably hadn't done anything similar before.

Whereas Stark had a lifetime of work and the best education possible behind him when he was in that cave - though that doesn't make what he did any less impressive.

Well, anyway, that's why everyone wanted to hire him of course.