They were looking for a "mission statement" about where the future of their fleet is, so...actually they might be.

Yeah, but we voted a response that told them to build Starfleet designs and that's what they're doing. They're scrapping a bunch of their older ships, and their projected build plan is full of Renaissances, Centaur-Bs, and Comets.
I think it is more a matter of too crew heavy at 2 4 2.
Oof. Havent noticed that.

Yeah, that is far too much crew. One point less then the Kepler.

That too. It might be possible to bring it down to 2 3 2 with some effort, though, as the amount it's over 3 enlisted is not high.
That would make it an attractive pure combat frigate I think, but still too much crew for the Jaffa project, considering what its meant to replace.
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I wonder if the JAFFA (who are the JAFFA anyways?) would be interested in the mini-Mirandas that were proposed a few pages back?

They were super, super low crew (1/1/1 if I remember rightly), which as we saw with the low casualties we've suffered on Mirandas, is a good thing in a fight.

Some tinkering. Not much price reduction on the poor Future Frigate, only 5 SR and 5 BR off.

On the other hand, it's C7 now.

Indorian Future Frigate: Attack | Evasion Chance: 24.04% Warp Core Breach Chance: 36.00% | Parts: Starfleet Forgo 4 (2/17/2018, 6:30:11 PM)
C[7.04] S[2.06] H[3.03] L[5.02] P[1.41] D[5.10] | [79.46]br [64.67]sr | O[0.97] E[2.37] T[1.47] | [2 3/12]years
Power[111.90/114.67] Internal[692.58/700.00]Tactical[243.80/245.00] Operations[69.00/245.00]Hull[51.33/105.00] Engineering[133.25/245.00]Warp Core[95.20/175.00]

TBG Ship Designer
I wonder if the JAFFA (who are the JAFFA anyways?) would be interested in the mini-Mirandas that were proposed a few pages back?
This is what we call the JAFFA project:
2322.Q1 - MWCD
A joint committee from the Apiata All-Hives, and the Caitian government have approached the MWCD and the SDB with a proposal. A "Joint Ancillary Frigate" program would allow them to make a new era replacement to the Stinger and Swarmer that can be used by all Federation member worlds. It would also include a recognisable Starfleet aesthetic, having come via the SDB. The final design work would be performed by a joint committee of Apiata and Caitian engineers, however, they will require a considerable infusion of research assets from Starfleet to make this work in a reasonable timescale.
[ ][JAFFA] Approve the infusion of research assets (100 RP - project will complete R&D in 4 years)

Pretty sure that the minirandas are too low performance for this role.
Indorian Future Frigate: Attack | Evasion Chance: 24.04% Warp Core Breach Chance: 36.00% | Parts: Starfleet Forgo 4 (2/17/2018, 6:30:11 PM)
C[7.04] S[2.06] H[3.03] L[5.02] P[1.41] D[5.10] | [79.46]br [64.67]sr | O[0.97] E[2.37] T[1.47] | [2 3/12]years
Power[111.90/114.67] Internal[692.58/700.00]Tactical[243.80/245.00] Operations[69.00/245.00]Hull[51.33/105.00] Engineering[133.25/245.00]Warp Core[95.20/175.00]

TBG Ship Designer

C8S3 for 5SR and 1O more
C[8.00] S[3.17] H[3.27] L[5.01] P[1.39] D[5.05] | [84.56]br [69.35]sr | O[1.19] E[2.81] T[1.81] | [2 3/12]years
Power[116.49/116.46] Internal[743.65/750.00] Tactical[251.70/337.50] Operations[91.50/262.50] Hull[55.00/112.50] Engineering[142.25/187.50] Warp Core[108.20/187.50]
I think one more crew and 5SR/B for +1C and +1S is worth paying
Yeah, but we voted a response that told them to build Starfleet designs and that's what they're doing. They're scrapping a bunch of their older ships, and their projected build plan is full of Renaissances, Centaur-Bs, and Comets.
We didn't actually tell them to build Starfleet designs except the Ambassador. Instead we told them they should negotiate with the Amarki for the Anacail design. I wonder if their shipbuilding sheet was in fact updated after that vote...

[X][INDORIA] Engage in Modernization as Below
-[X]Indorians should make an effort to retire and replace their "Indorian Frigates" and "Ship of the Line" as these are obsolete for modern Federation technology. As previous Indorian designs indicate they do not highly value Presence, they may will to negotiate with Amarki for use of the Anacail frigate design. In the long timeframe they may wish to make their own Ambassador as a replacement fleet anchor.

Speaking of MWCD, this vote now looks somewhat redundant with the federalization, but hindsight 20-20 and all:
[X][PRIORITY]Tellarites should build 3mt berth to be able to repair/refit their capital ships
For the Apiata and Caitian fleets, high SR is not an issue. In fact, they both have higher SR income than BR income. The primary constraint is that the JAFFA design must have low technician costs due to the Caitains lack of income there. (Technically, the Apiata are more limited in officers, but I'm assuming that the JAFFA would also have an Apiata variant that only differs in special frame that converts officer cost to enlisted cost, ala their Stingers.)

Even for the rest of the Federation that might be interested in JAFFA, high SR is not insurmountable. The member fleets average about 1.05br to 1sr in income ratio.

That includes Starfleet to an extent as well: our current income ratio is about 1.25br to 1sr, which matches the Ambassador and Renaissance cost ratios, is higher than Kepler's (~1.1br to 1sr), but is lower than Centaur-B's and Comet's (~1.4br to 1sr), which we're going to be mass producing next.
C[8.00] S[3.17] H[3.27] L[5.01] P[1.39] D[5.05] | [84.56]br [69.35]sr | O[1.19] E[2.81] T[1.81] | [2 3/12]years
This is a monster.

Would someone kindly explain to me how good we are, militarily speaking? Because after reading all the ship classes on our wiki after Nights writing spree, I am unsure if we are up to par, combat wise.

Speaking of MWCD, this vote now looks somewhat redundant with the federalization, but hindsight 20-20 and all:
Yeah, they sprung that up on us. Oh well, one more berth to spam Ambies from.
Would someone kindly explain to me how good we are, militarily speaking? Because after reading all the ship classes on our wiki after Nights writing spree, I am unsure if we are up to par, combat wise.

Pretty decent overall. Kepler and Comet ensure we'll own Skirmish for a good while to come, our cruisers are relatively sub-par at this moment but that will change with Phaser Arrays, and unless we fight the Romulans or the Harmony, we will own Heavy Metal. If you go off the philosophy that one needs to win two phases of combat to claim overall victory, we can do that against most opponents.
Most of our military strength comes from having twice to three times as much combat power as our potential opponents, although we can't draw on all of that outside of a state of emergency. Our industry is perhaps as much as four times as powerful.

e: And also an absurd domination of scouting and skirmishing if we fully deploy the Kepler and Comet.
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So, generalists to boost industry to boost their numbers and crush combat monsters under their weight and creative applications of S? I can support that doctrine.

e: And also an absurd domination of scouting and skirmishing if we fully deploy the Kepler and Comet.
I did not think that they are that good... Probably because I saw some similary (I think) capable designs on the wiki, but then again very few of our enemies would have access to those, much less both, now that I think about it.

I was playing around with Combat focused miranda refits and this is possible:
Miranda-B | Evasion Chance: 24.86% Warp Core Breach Chance: 36.50% | Parts: SWB 1.25 Iso (1/2/2018, 5:56:12 AM)
C[6.12] S[2.06] H[2.01] L[4.01] P[1.35] D[5.01] | [69.16]br [58.50]sr | O[1.07] E[2.52] T[1.66] | [1 11/12]years
Power[108.57/111.01] Internal[589.55/600.00] Tactical[188.10/210.00] Operations[69.60/150.00] Hull[22.00/90.00] Engineering[118.25/150.00] Warp Core[101.60/120.00]
Miranda combat refit
I did not think that they are that good...

The Kepler is S7. We have not seen a S score like that on a Frigate platform from any of our neighbors to date (HoH does it on a Cruiser).
The Comet is D8. We know the Cardassians new design is D5-7, but have not seen such high D scores on a Frigate or light Cruiser from our other neighbors so far.
Would someone kindly explain to me how good we are, militarily speaking? Because after reading all the ship classes on our wiki after Nights writing spree, I am unsure if we are up to par, combat wise.
According to Briefvoice's shipbuilding sheet we currently have 391C of Ships in Starfleet. Going by the fleet numbers here the Members has 1,101C and our Allies another 304C. That gives the Federation as a whole 1,796C of which Starfleet has 391C 100% of the time and can instantly call upon another 351C from our Members via the 25% thing for a total of 742C.

Meanwhile rough estimates put our neighbors at:
Klingons: 312C (2321.Q4)
Romulans: 226C (2321.Q4)
Cardassian Union: 256C (2319.Q4)
Harmony (2318.Q4 + Estimated Ship Stats): 774C​
Of course it's worth noting that for the Cardassian Union that's just the Union; it doesn't include the Pact forces since we don't have good numbers on them.
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