+2C,1H,2D but +5br, -5sr, +1O,1T over the old one.

Decent. They would desperately need a Kepler for scouting if they adopt this though.

Which reminds me, was there a competition for that new Starfleet Swarmer? I would expect one, but cant find it.
2322.Q1 - MWCD
A joint committee from the Apiata All-Hives, and the Caitian government have approached the MWCD and the SDB with a proposal. A "Joint Ancillary Frigate" program would allow them to make a new era replacement to the Stinger and Swarmer that can be used by all Federation member worlds. It would also include a recognisable Starfleet aesthetic, having come via the SDB. The final design work would be performed by a joint committee of Apiata and Caitian engineers, however, they will require a considerable infusion of research assets from Starfleet to make this work in a reasonable timescale.
[ ][JAFFA] Approve the infusion of research assets (100 RP - project will complete R&D in 4 years)
I am aware, I meant if the SDB received a prompt from the GMs to design it, which has happened quite a few times before, and would be very appropriate besides.

A prompt such as this one:
The Laio Cosmological Office is looking for a few good designers. It seems that you're it!

The Laio are interested in explorers and in frigates to back them up and provide some numbers. We are looking for THREE designs.

Edit: Thanks for the quote though, would have searched for it otherwise.
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@anon_user had me do a Jaffa feasibility study for him. It was C5 S2 H2 L5 P2 D5 72/48 1/2/2 (they do their resourcing by 4s instead of 5s like us). I suspect that we'll get an official design contest eventually.
@anon_user had me do a Jaffa feasibility study for him. It was C5 S2 H2 L5 P2 D5 72/48 1/2/2 (they do their resourcing by 4s instead of 5s like us). I suspect that we'll get an official design contest eventually.
Interesting. Dirt cheap in sr.

Why do they do resources in 4s? Different number system maybe? must be hell on interspecies bureaucracy. Also, this is probably from before they went with the Starfleet Swarmer idea, as we most certainly dont do 4s.

Like the name :) not very Starfleet though, so I doubt that it will stay.

Looking forward to the contest.
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Pre-array changes I built a C6 S5 H4 L6 P5 D6 Rennie. 2/4/4 115/90 3.25yr.

Yeah, your latest Prennie design looks pretty solid in comparison. Slightly worse stats by 1, 1 less technician to crew it.

Hmm. What is the next gen mass production generalist going to be in the current plan? Is the current thinking to invest in a generalist frigate?

To the best of my limited knowledge, no plans have been made for a 2330s frigate design.

This is my understanding currently:

Miranda-B refit fit in somewhere, to make them slightly more useful.
Centaur-B filling holes until enough Kepler/Comet built.
Kepler everywhere.
Comet everywhere.
Apiane/Caitian developed combat design - guess we might build some?

Heavy Cruiser Project << only pending new design I know of.


If there are plans beyond this, it hasn't come up enough to stick in my memory.
There are proposals to replace the Miranda-class with a new vanguard frigate. I would say that if that project ever gets off the ground, it'll happen before 2335, likely at the end of the 2320s. Note the if though.
Yeah, at this stage it's a (probably 1.8 mt) cruiser project to roughly match/exceed an Excelsior-A.
Because of tech advances this is possible.
It would be cheaper in materials than an Excelsior, have a shorter build time, should use less crew.
Would give us a use for those 2 and 2.5 mt berths we have currently pushing out super freighters and 1 mt designs - as we would not want it pulling berth space from Ambassador production, unless we had to.
Can serve in all the internal roles that we currently use an Excelsior for, while being cheaper and quicker to replace.

Will we build them in job lots like the Kepler and Comet frigates - probably not. But we have so many places we could use an Excelsior, without any to spare ...
That would be nice.

Why HC over LE though? We have a bunch of techs that boost our explorers, like the 5PP per build one.

Not that I wouldnt like having a cruiser worth the name for a change mind.
That would be nice.

Why HC over LE though? We have a bunch of techs that boost our explorers, like the 5PP per build one.

Not that I wouldnt like having a cruiser worth the name for a change mind.

That was a point of some debate. HCs allow for slightly more stats per hull size than LEs (although the changes to arrays will require redesigning). They're also slightly more SR cheap and more crew expensive. The argument was put forth that HCs were superior based on this fact and the vote for research basically sealed the deal.
A better cruiser can also pay dividends in fleet combat by showing up in an earlier phase than an explorer.
Yeah, we suck at vanguard.

I remember some talk about cruisers being able to perform as frigates, if they are smaller then the biggest frigate our tech allows. Was that confirmed? Would the LE be able to perform in vanguard if so?
So will the generalist cruiser role be filled by the heavy cruiser and Excelsior? Or is another design needed?


Potato po-tah-to. Both will be generalists capable of holding down an entire Sector. But the HC we will actually build in numbers. The Excelsior will just be refit to similar stats and be used in the same role because we have almost two dozen of them.
Potato po-tah-to. Both will be generalists capable of holding down an entire Sector. But the HC we will actually build in numbers. The Excelsior will just be refit to similar stats and be used in the same role because we have almost two dozen of them.

I know both will be generalists. My question is if these will be available in sufficient numbers to cover ALL generalist needs, or if a generalist light cruiser or generalist frigate is needed.

Personally, I favour the Rennie and Centaur-B (both fairly generalist designs) being replaced by specialists, but I don't want to get swept up in my own enthusiasm - especially since I'm not sure if the Starfleet budget can really handle the sort of fleet composition I'd prefer (with at least 1 Excelsior B or heavy cruiser per task force and sector and maybe two in each borderzone).

I know both will be generalists. My question is if these will be available in sufficient numbers to cover ALL generalist needs, or if a generalist light cruiser or generalist frigate is needed.

The RennieA will have sufficient stats to cover the generalist gap until the HC starts production and will probably remain a decent fallback, but if we don't use the HC in the role you describe I don't know why wedw want it.

Edit: I think you're asking "is this ship going to be cheap enough to use as a one per sector ship or do we need something cheaper." The answer is that the intent of this new vessel is to be cheap enough we don't need something less capable.

Edit 2: We asked the question you're asking of the Excelsior. The answer was "not cheap enough." So the LE/HC was the "cheap enough" answer.
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My (current) understanding of the intentions:

Internal Sectors: a Kepler, a Comet, maybe a Centaur-B or Miranda-B (maybe we will need more ships in the 5 Federal members space)
Border Zones (quiet): an Excelsior or HC, a Rennie-A, a Kepler, a Comet, maybe a Centaur-B or Miranda-B
Border Zones (busy): add another Rennie and some more frigates
Border Zones (HOT): add another Excelsior or HC, add another Rennie and some more frigates
Task Forces (unopposed): Constellation-A as leader, add ships as appropriate to role.
Task Forces (opposed): Ambassador or Excelsior as leader, add ships as appropriate to role.
My (current) understanding of the intentions:

Internal Sectors: a Kepler, a Comet, maybe a Centaur-B or Miranda-B (maybe we will need more ships in the 5 Federal members space)
Border Zones (quiet): an Excelsior or HC, a Rennie-A, a Kepler, a Comet, maybe a Centaur-B or Miranda-B
Border Zones (busy): add another Rennie and some more frigates
Border Zones (HOT): add another Excelsior or HC, add another Rennie and some more frigates
Task Forces (unopposed): Constellation-A as leader, add ships as appropriate to role.
Task Forces (opposed): Ambassador or Excelsior as leader, add ships as appropriate to role.
I don't think anyone intends to ever use constellation-As as TF leaders if avoidable. Excelsior or HC is still preferred there. Opposed TF leader is whatever the best cap ship or heavy cruiser available is.

And for internal sectors it's going to vary depending on number of worlds. The Federalized sectors look highly likely to get the Ambies we're going to inherit from those members as flagships. I'd personally plan on having 5+ real responders (as in, Mirandas don't count) minimum.

Sol sector? 8+, multiple explorers. Ten major worlds, three homeworlds, only member fleet present is the Gaeni fleet. Gonna need a lot of options.

I figure we should wait a year or two before moving more than say 1/3 of the federalized fleets elsewhere if we can't get some info from the QMs about how much the event rate will go up with nobody but starfleet responding.
Pretty sure that having only frigates in the inner sectors is a bad idea. One cruiser at least I say.
2.1mt cruiser
C[9.13] S[9.08] H[4.09] L[8.02] P[10.89] D[9.16] | [214.11]br [147.43]sr | O[5.66] E[6.87] T[4.86] | [4 ]years
Power[238.40/247.20] Internal[2039.10/2100.00] Tactical[358.75/525.00] Operations[554.50/630.00] Hull[154.00/315.00] Engineering[366.25/630.00] Warp Core[240.60/315.00]
A conservative estimate of the stats of a 2327 2.1mt cruiser project.
P11 will be reached by the T4 replicators and it has some free space for refits.
All subframes are T2 ones, so the actual ship might be better if better frames are ready by 2227.

A 2330 version usign T3 subframes + iso core
C[10.40] S[10.06] H[4.34] L[7.08] P[11.09] D[9.75] | [213.81]br [149.13]sr | O[5.92] E[7.32] T[4.90] | [3 7/12]years
Power[235.00/250.00] Internal[2086.05/2100.00] Tactical[356.20/420.00] Operations[598.00/630.00] Hull[154.00/315.00] Engineering[372.25/630.00] Warp Core[240.60/315.00]
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