Not Going Gently
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How much P can fit on a cruiser platform? A cruiser can fit more of the other stats to not be as specialized as a P frigate, and might also reach higher P. Plus, we won't need to spam P specialists like we're doing with our Keplers, since they'll be for task forces instead of garisoning our many sectors.
The point of the Prepler design is to do it as a variant, meaning that we could deploy it within the next few years instead of the 7+ year new hull development cycle.
In addition, cruisers do not necessarily have higher stats. Frigates can have very large individual subframes; a 1500kt cruiser has only a slightly larger Operations subframe (the primary SP component site) than the Kepler. A fast design study shows I could probably fit P11 on a 1500kt cruiser. Could probably give it CSLH4 L5 D6ish as well. Its also going to take an extra year to build, another 30-40SR, and probably close to twice the crewing. If you want a specialist, a Frigate is the way to go.