Not Going Gently
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I've never seen the Constie as a battle line cruiser. To me the Constie is the cheap garrison cruiser, so refits that make it C2 in favour of pushing up event response stats don't bother me. Especially as a big reason to roll out a refit for the Constie is to get more return on the experience of the Constie crews, so more of the stats that let them gain XP seems a solid design choice.
Heck, with the +1 to response rolls that cruisers get, some of the Constie-B designs that are being proposed are actually ships I'd consider building a couple more of.
Problem is that sometimes C-checks are made when a S/P roll is failed. Sometimes a responder has to handle a C-check, too, even for Interior events. Crippling a responder intentionally doesn't sit well with me.
I can't read the app sheets, so I have to ask: how much crew does this Miranda B take?
I am liking that refit cost and statline though. With a refit like that available, I'd say it's worth keeping all of our Mirandas (though some might be kept in mothballs until we can refit them).
It's 1/2/2 (so +1T). Any refits made to the Miranda will have +1T, unfortunately.