...why is that a narrative problem? I really dont see it, not in a TF. I would in a fleet.

Are we not working on a better cruiser? Or a light explorer? And a Rennie refit?
It's a problem because a large TF would divide into groups to enable multiple events. Those groups may not need to be special mechanically (note that we don't actually know this) but they would need a cruiser leader by the narrative, as frigates lack group command facilities even for noncombat work. We have plenty of evidence this is the case even with noncombat groups.
It's a problem because a large TF would divide into groups to enable multiple events. Those groups may not need to be special mechanically (note that we don't actually know this) but they would need a cruiser leader by the narrative, as frigates lack group command facilities even for noncombat work. We have plenty of evidence this is the case even with noncombat groups.

I'd like a GM to confirm this is actually necessary and not just a way to put down the Prepler concept again. @anon_user @Iron Wolf @OneirosTheWriter ?
It's a problem because a large TF would divide into groups to enable multiple events. Those groups may not need to be special mechanically (note that we don't actually know this) but they would need a cruiser leader by the narrative, as frigates lack group command facilities even for noncombat work. We have plenty of evidence this is the case even with noncombat groups.
Aha! Now I understand.

I cant say that I like the idea of a single diplo TF so large being common enough to need that though, and exceptions, such as Beyond, would likely need more then pure P, so the few Rennies generalist stats wouldnt be that big a drawback I think.

Arent there diminishing return to bloating up TFs? Would make sense to me.
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Any TF that requires as many hulls as Beyond is currently using almost certainly will require a stat spread, so using non-Preplers would be fine. Moreover, we wouldn't want to build that many specialists, because when the pendulum swings we wouldn't have an ideal use for them.
We've basically been forced to create massive task forces due to quantity of opposition. So the massively bloated task forces is currently a feature.
Opposed and unopposed TFs are different things in my head. If I say TF I mean unopposed unless mentioned otherwise.

Countering massive TFs with our own makes sense to me, I just dont want a dozen ships to attack a tag like Limited Interstellar Presence or Obsolete Technology to complete them in a year and then move on. Which, if there arent diminishing returns, would be the most efficient way to get rid of tags.

Or is that balanced by the cost of setting up a TF? I dont think so, but am not sure.

Any TF that requires as many hulls as Beyond is currently using almost certainly will require a stat spread, so using non-Preplers would be fine. Moreover, we wouldn't want to build that many specialists, because when the pendulum swings we wouldn't have an ideal use for them.

Yeah, P frigates, if we are to build P ships at all (I still say give them to FDS), seem vastly more useful.
You're doing better than me then. I don't have a clear sense of whether quantity or quality is better in TF composition.
There was recently (relatively) a post from the Great Sharky One about a change in TF mechanics after Beyonds first trashing. There are tests with degrees of success, and the total number of those successes from all ships in the TF is its power/performance .
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Something interesting I mocked up... A 1.2mt cruiser.

Presence Cruiser | Evasion Chance: 18.86% Warp Core Breach Chance: 36.50% | Parts: Starfleet Forgo 4 (2/17/2018, 6:30:11 PM)
C[5.05] S[5.08] H[3.03] L[5.09] P[9.97] D[7.10] | [127.33]br [105.52]sr | O[2.40] E[3.21] T[2.68] | [3 3/12]years
Power[137.03/139.59] Internal[1193.26/1200.00]Tactical[238.30/360.00]Operations[358.50/360.00] Hull[79.00/180.00]Engineering[208.50/300.00] Warp Core[118.96/180.00]

2326 Parts. T4 Replication should push the Presence over 10 and the savings on shields should cut SR costs to 105. So CSL5, H3, P10, D7. A decent combatant and science vessel with Presence emphasis. 3/4/3 crewing too which is nice. If we got some dispensation to slightly expand a few berths we could use 1mts for this.
If we got some dispensation to slightly expand a few berths we could use 1mts for this.

Eh? As far as I know, when 2330s Construction Techniques finishes in 2324, all berths automatically recieve the 20% capacity bonus. When 2320s Construction Technique finished, (giving us +10% capacity,) there was no need to expand our berths or the option to do so. If we need to build a large number of ships after 2324, 1.2mt designs can be used in our many 1mt berths.
Finally worked out a Prennie design I'm happy with. Instead of my previous attempts which basically completely gutted the Rennie and made it unrecognizable from SWB and I's semiofficial Renfrig design, this variant makes about the same number of changes as the Centaur-A did when it was refit to the Centaur-B, and it maintains the original statline to some degree. It slims down -1OET and adds 20sr to the cost. I can chop an extra 5sr off the cost, but it does require 3 more part changes. Or if we accept D5 and a Nacelles swap, -10SR.

Prennie2 | Evasion Chance: 20.13% Warp Core Breach Chance: 36.50% | Parts: Starfleet Forgo 3 (12/25/2017, 8:30:33 PM)
C[5.00] S[3.05] H[4.10] L[5.01] P[8.03] D[6.36] | [112.79]br [96.56]sr | O[1.89] E[3.42] T[2.60] | [3 ]years
Power[127.39/127.87] Internal[1047.93/1050.00]Tactical[188.60/472.50]Operations[289.83/472.50] Hull[112.00/210.00]Engineering[190.50/472.50] Warp Core[112.00/210.00]
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That S3 hurts to look at.

This is a P specialized combat cruiser. If we build the thing (why?), i vote that we call it the Nanoha class.

You shall be befriended. Resistance is futile.
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Patrol Cruiser ?-Now [968k t]
C3 S2 H3 L3 P5 D3
Cost [100br, 65sr, 3 Years], Crew [O-3, E-3, T-2]
A thought:

The Betazoid Patrol Cruiser is a 20+ year old design, yet is a 1mt cruiser with P5. Unfortunately we voted not to refit it in a recent MWCD.

With the BDF becoming federalized, I wonder if we could get a faster and cheaper P-specialist cruiser refit than a Prennie. It surely wouldn't be as powerful, but since it's already optimized for presence, I'd imagine a P8 refit and possibly new builds could be cheaper. Plus, the BDF (or us, when they're federalized) could refit their 3 existing Patrol Cruisers for even better performance in diplo TFs.

AFAIK, it's not reverse-engineered in the ship designer, so that would need to be done first to verify.
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A thought:

The Betazoid Patrol Cruiser is a 20+ year old design, yet is a 1mt cruiser with P5. Unfortunately we voted not to refit it in a recent MWCD.

With the BDF becoming federalized, I wonder if we could get a faster and cheaper P-specialist cruiser refit than a Prennie. It surely wouldn't be as powerful, but since it's already optimized for presence, I'd imagine a P8 refit and possibly new builds could be cheaper. Plus, the BDF (or us, when they're federalized) could refit their 3 existing Patrol Cruisers for even better performance in diplo TFs.

AFAIK, it's not reverse-engineered in the ship designer, so that would need to be done first to verify.
Some possible refit options, the first two using Betazoid-standard tech:

+1SLD +2P.
or +1 SL +2PD if you replace the nacelles with Centaur-A nacelles, for a refit cost of 25/40, total cost of 110/90

Or +1 CSLP +2 D if you replace the nacelles and upgrade the impulse engines, for a refit cost of 25/25 and new-build cost of 110/80
There's simply not enough room on the Ops frame for P8, unless you can get more creative than me.
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A thought:

The Betazoid Patrol Cruiser is a 20+ year old design, yet is a 1mt cruiser with P5. Unfortunately we voted not to refit it in a recent MWCD.

With the BDF becoming federalized, I wonder if we could get a faster and cheaper P-specialist cruiser refit than a Prennie. It surely wouldn't be as powerful, but since it's already optimized for presence, I'd imagine a P8 refit and possibly new builds could be cheaper. Plus, the BDF (or us, when they're federalized) could refit their 3 existing Patrol Cruisers for even better performance in diplo TFs.

AFAIK, it's not reverse-engineered in the ship designer, so that would need to be done first to verify.
the closest i get to that using old parts(2205 for the newest is):
betazoid patrol cruiser
C[2.03] S[2.06] H[3.03] L[3.13] P[5.20] D[3.03] | [108.67]br [82.00]sr | O[1.63] E[2.88] T[1.62] | [2 10/12]years
Thanks anon_user!

Hmm, I was hoping for more. I wasn't expecting it to be as good as a Prennie, but -2C -1HLPD for being only 5br 10sr 1E cheaper is disappointing.

Patrol Cruiser P-Fit: C3 S3 H3 L4 P7 D4 at 110br 85sr O-2 E-3 T-3 3yr cruiser (25br 35sr refit cost)
Patrol Cruiser P-Fit+: C3 S3 H3 L4 P7 D5 at 110br 90sr O-2 E-3 T-3 3yr cruiser (25br 40sr refit cost)
Prennie (Rennie variant): C3 S3 H3 L5 P10 D6 at 115br 110sr O-2 E-4 T-3 3yr cruiser (unknown refit cost, but not designed for refit anyway)
Prennie2 (Rennie variant): C5 S3 H4 L5 P8 D6 at 115br 100sr O-2 E-4 T-3 3yr cruiser (unknown refit cost, but not designed for refit anyway)
Prepler (Kepler variant): C2 S5 H2 L4 P11 D5 at 100br 95sr O-2 E-3 T-3 2.5yr frigate (unknown refit cost, but not designed for refit anyway)

Still wish we voted for such a refit, as it would've been kinda "free" and they would've been more useful in diplo TFs. Indeed, I hope that refit is still on the cards.

edit: added first version of Prennie, although QMs indicated may not be a valid design what with not using a cruiser frame and achieving such high P
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Why the "not designed for refit" tag? Is Kepler exceptionally unrefitable or something?

If so, why? Every ship we have will be refitted at least twice before we retire them.
They're designed as variants rather than as general refits for existing ships. They're intended for new builds. It's conceivable that you could refit an existing ship to a variant, but it's definitely not going to be optimized for that case - the actual refit costs are probably really high (and questionable whether a 1 year refit would make sense for them).
There's simply not enough room on the Ops frame for P8, unless you can get more creative than me.
A P8 refit is possible in 2228-2230, with a T4 computer core, T3 diplomatic packages and/or T4 replicators.

patroler full refit
C[3.20] S[4.05] H[3.00] L[4.04] P[7.00] D[6.60] | [107.71]br [86.90]sr | O[1.94] E[2.70] T[1.99] | [3 5/12]years
Refit is 50br, 50sr as it replaces all components that can be replaced and uses 2224 tech.
A new swarmer for apatia:

C[6.04] S[2.08] H[2.18] L[4.07] P[2.10] D[5.48] | [64.63]br [53.53]sr | O[1.00] E[1.96] T[1.36] | [1 11/12]years

This assumed that no tech newer then 2220 could be used so no phaser array, T4 sickbays and T3 computer cores, shields and phasers.
Finally worked out a Prennie design I'm happy with. Instead of my previous attempts which basically completely gutted the Rennie and made it unrecognizable from SWB and I's semiofficial Renfrig design, this variant makes about the same number of changes as the Centaur-A did when it was refit to the Centaur-B, and it maintains the original statline to some degree. It slims down -1OET and adds 20sr to the cost. I can chop an extra 5sr off the cost, but it does require 3 more part changes. Or if we accept D5 and a Nacelles swap, -10SR.

Prennie2 | Evasion Chance: 20.13% Warp Core Breach Chance: 36.50% | Parts: Starfleet Forgo 3 (12/25/2017, 8:30:33 PM)
C[5.00] S[3.05] H[4.10] L[5.01] P[8.03] D[6.36] | [112.79]br [96.56]sr | O[1.89] E[3.42] T[2.60] | [3 ]years
Power[127.39/127.87] Internal[1047.93/1050.00]Tactical[188.60/472.50]Operations[289.83/472.50] Hull[112.00/210.00]Engineering[190.50/472.50] Warp Core[112.00/210.00]

I do like this.

Just for the sake of comparison, what would the Rennie refit look like if it were aimed at being a combat/generalist cruiser?

A new swarmer for apatia:
+2C,1H,2D but +5br, -5sr, +1O,1T over the old one.

Decent. They would desperately need a Kepler for scouting if they adopt this though.

Which reminds me, was there a competition for that new Starfleet Swarmer? I would expect one, but cant find it.
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