Star Wars: Rebellion

[X] Accept, become Commander-In-Chief, Sacrifice 1 Martial Action a turn and gain access to Commander-In-Chief Actions

Totally worth the action loss.
I said it before, we need to have a five-on-one, Luke and Obi-Wan and Asajj and Ashoka and Us v. Vader duel.

...And make sure to practice our teamwork ahead of time first.
Already answered, but somewhere between "Hilariously low", and "What chances"?

Vader is not someone to treat as a mild threat. Might be worth looking into a clever trick or dozen to even the odds.

Our odds did recently improve with the Jedi Armor. Not a *huge* amount, but it helped. It's now "Poor, Bordering on Low" rather than "Hilariously low, bordering on 'What Chances?'"

We've gotten better...good enough to take him several dozen seconds to kill, perhaps, if we try hard enough.
Our odds did recently improve with the Jedi Armor. Not a *huge* amount, but it helped. It's now "Poor, Bordering on Low" rather than "Hilariously low, bordering on 'What Chances?'"

We've gotten better...good enough to take him several dozen seconds to kill, perhaps, if we try hard enough.
Snag a cortosis blade, maybe invest in some sort of EMP....

That leaves just his Force abilities.
Snag a cortosis blade, maybe invest in some sort of EMP....

That leaves just his Force abilities.

Or just stack the odds against him. Ashoka's as strong as us, which is to say she'd have a chance (a very poor one, but a chance) against Vadar, Ventress is probably reasonably close in the same area, Obi-Wan's a total badass, and Luke might grow to be a total badass in the next few years. Together, with a trick or two, I'm pretty sure that's decent odds.
Or just stack the odds against him. Ashoka's as strong as us, which is to say she'd have a chance (a very poor one, but a chance) against Vadar, Ventress is probably reasonably close in the same area, Obi-Wan's a total badass, and Luke might grow to be a total badass in the next few years. Together, with a trick or two, I'm pretty sure that's decent odds.
Give Power Armour to Obi-Wan.

Old Age? Bah.
Consider that Vader, well, died after getting a really healthy jolt of force lightning at touch range and after taking off his mask.
Maybe, but I'd rather fight even less fair than that. Give power armor to Asajj and Luke and ourselves and his former apprentice, just completely cheese him because he doesn't particularly deserve one-on-one cinematic fight scenes. If we have to fight him, rather than just orbital bombardment.
You already have Power Armor, and it's pretty good quality at that.
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[X] Accept, become Commander-In-Chief, Sacrifice 1 Martial Action a turn and gain access to Commander-In-Chief Actions
[X] Accept, become Commander-In-Chief, Sacrifice 1 Martial Action a turn and gain access to Commander-In-Chief Actions

Also with the current discussion I just have to say seeking a fight, even a dirty, unfair odds evening fight, with Darth Vader never ends well.
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I'd advise getting the electric gloves in that case, all we need is one opening and Vader's life support gets jolted with enough power to fry a Droid.
Asajj Ventress

Jedi Shadow: Hunts the Dark, to serve the Light. (+7 Intrigue, +6 Martial, +6 Piety, +5 All Other Stats)
Hunter: She is the predator, her foes the prey. (+2 Martial)
Poet: Everybody needs a hobby, especially when they're in prison.(+1 Diplomacy)
Master Schemer: She was well trained by Count Dooku when it comes to complex but useful plans. (+3 Intrigue)
Devout: The Dark has lost its luster for her, whereas the Light is naught but luster. (+3 Piety)

Diplomacy: 5+5+1=11-Not exactly what you'd call a people person
Martial: 18+6+2=26- She was one of the finest soldiers of the Clone Wars, Confederacy or no.
Stewardship: 6+5=11- Can perform most math and keep to a budget, but that's about it.
Intrigue: 18+7+3=28-You're very glad she doesn't want you dead.
Piety: 17+3+6=26-Powerful.
Learning: 15+5=20-Smart.
[X] Accept, become Commander-In-Chief, Sacrifice 1 Martial Action a turn and gain access to Commander-In-Chief Actions
[X] Accept, become Commander-In-Chief, Sacrifice 1 Martial Action a turn and gain access to Commander-In-Chief Actions
[X] Accept, become Commander-In-Chief, Sacrifice 1 Martial Action a turn and gain access to Commander-In-Chief Actions

Viva La Revolucion!

Oh wait, that doesn't really work for this scenario.