Star Wars: Rebellion

Vote is called, Winners are:
What Have We Got

Saying Something Stupid



Greased Palms

Laying Down Roots
Turn 1 Results
Turn 1
13 BBY

As you push, shove, and occasionally punch your way through the small and smoke choked cantina that you are using as a meeting place for this whole operation, you mentally run through exactly what not to say to your conspirators.

Finally, after a few small brawls, a catcall or two, and one broken bottle, you manage to reach the table where you'd be meeting with your fellows. They file in after a few minutes of this, several giving grimaces at both the clientele and the staff alike. They look to each other, then to you. This uneasy silence lasts for a few minutes, before finally you speak.

"You all know why we are here. Each and every one of us wishes to fight- to stop the atrocities, the madness, the murder. And we will. Now let's get to work."

Martial: The first to speak up is Soont Thorne, an old friend from your military days. The former sniper took up leading your squad after you left, but soon, he too was driven out by the self same crimes that forced you out.

What Have We Got?: Your own assessment of your forces could be described charitably as pitiful. However, they're also the only ones you have, so it may be wise to get that down on paper, for propriety's sake if nothing else.

-All told you have about two hundred soldiers, and enough ships or contacts to get those soldiers wherever they need to be. Bad news, they're poorly equipped, and are not standardized. Good news is, they have excellent morale, and much potential.

In any case, you can tell the potential for growth.
Reward: Reduction in cost for martial actions, new options opened, ???

Diplomacy: The next person to talk is a Duros, Elloth Bille. Of all the people at the table, he is one of two who is entirely sure of why you left the navy, given that he was there.(Pick 1)

Saying Something Stupid: You've all the social grace of a particularly angry Rancor, and you are well aware of the fact. Elloth may be capable of getting you some help in that regard, in the form of an assistant for you, to help soothe ruffled feathers.
Needed:25 Roll:9

-The assistant he had planned to hire for you ends up being purged by one of Palpatine's thugs. Damn.

Stewardship: The next man to speak you know only by the vouching of your allies: Arsus Vanda, an old accountant who has, for reasons known only to him and a select few, decided to aid your Rebellion. By all counts, a law-abiding citizen, not the type usually pegged as a revolutionary. Of course, three years ago, people would have said the same about you.

Diversification: Your allies are pouring their blood, sweat, tears, and credits into this. Still, it would probably be a good idea to find some new source of credits that isn't linked to someone's nest egg, or their salary.

-You are Tellus Othello: Soldier, Leader, revolutionary, and now, apparently, a loan shark. There are many people who need capital, but who would rather not go through official channels, but still have enough of a conscience to not want to go to Jabba for cash. You've only had one consistent client so far- an Alderaanian noble man.

Still, it puts credits in your pocket and far, far away from Jabba and his ilk, so you won't complain.
Reward:+500 Credits

Learning: Your eyes land on the figure sitting just next to you. Gavin Delste, young, homeless, and so very gifted. You saved him from an Imperial patrol last year, and in return he promised to aid you the only way he knows- by research.

Binary: Gavin is working on a droid that should be capable of helping him perform his experiments and such; he has asked for the resources to finally finish off his labor of love.

"I am CLCL8, and I love you!" Such are the first words the droid speaks, at least in your presence, and they certainly set the tone for his personality well. Still, you have spent time with him, and he works well with your companion. Even if you do want to throttle him him with a Hydrospanner some of the time.
Reward: +1 Learning option

Piety: As you finally get to settle into your meal, your thoughts stray to old comrades, and a great power.

They Can't All Be Dead: You were around for Order Sixty Six. You saw what looked damnably like every single Jedi die. You know what the official reports say.

However, you are also a student of history. And if there is anything history has shown about the Jedi, it is that they are very, very good at surviving purges, both internal and external. It may be unlikely for you to find any, but you could search for any survivors.
Needed:??? Rolled:84

-You are on regular stake out, when you see some poor bounty hunting torgruta being hounded by stormtroopers. When one of them flashes his blaster, you react before you can think, putting three bolts through his chest before he has time to think. You turn on the other one, only to see her stick a lightsaber through his gut. She proceeded to have a conniption fit, but you managed to calm her down and give her the information required to attend the next meeting. She only said she'd think on it, but you've got a gut feeling on this that you'll need an extra seat next time you meet.
Reward: "Torgruta" gained as Piety advisor, ???

Intrigue: As you finish off your meal, one last voice pipes up. Ceinis Kara, Bounty Hunter, fighter pilot, and a friend. There's no job he hasn't done, or so he claims- including spy. Pick 1

Greased Palms: you've spent enough time inside the Imperial Navy to realize there's always someone willing to talk in exchange for credits. Naturally, you're going to take advantage of this, and get an informant.

-Every organization has its holes, and the ISN is no different. Jonas Cass is a mid rank, greedy, weedy, evil, mercenary son of a rancor, but he's willing to funnel information to you for a price. Helps that you've got leverage on him.
Reward: Imperial Information gained each turn.

Laying Down Roots: It's an old captain's tradition to live in your ship. However, it's an old Othello tradition to live planet side. That said, you need a home, somewhere to settle down and relax when not on the job. Perhaps you could take time to finally build one, somewhere isolated from the beaten path? As a bonus, this would act as a natural meeting place for any nearby Rebel Leaders.

-It's a hovel, really, with enough space for you and six comrades. Still, the ground on Taris is beautiful, and makes a rather Poignant point: "What the Sith destroy, we will rebuild." As a bonus, you got to splurge on a rather nice Holo Table that brings up to the minute updates on any planet's current military status, along with your own. Useful for strategizing, and it has Pazaak on it, too.
Reward +1 Martial action
It Lives!

Also, found a portrait for you guys:
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Oh nice it's back!

And did we run into Shaak Ti? That's the only Togruta Jedi I know.
Turn 2
Turn 2
13 BBY

"Reporting In." Six voices chorus it, the holo transmitter beaming from your table loud and clear. The Torgruta showed, as you expected. She planted herself on your couch for a week, giving only a name- Ahsoka Tano. She's old, and seems weather worn- and more than a few times you see her look up holovids on that machine, Vader. Not hard to understand why- you lost plenty of people to him, too. Can't tell why she murmured Sky under her breath, but you didn't pry.

Martial: You have had something you were worried about confirmed. Your forces are not in the greatest shape. Still, Soont's hopeful about what he can pull off, especially now that he's got access to Imperial information to make his plans around.
(Pick 2)

Blasters: Your forces are currently ragtag, under equipped, and you are not even entirely sure that they are all armed with blasters. Of course, it just so happens that you know a guy willing to sell equipment. You've brought the cost down, too, by actually having some idea of what you need to buy, and for who.
Cost:400 Credit
Reward:Forces given standardized blaster

Raiding Pirates: You can't and probably shouldn't hit the Imperials too hard, too fast. At least, not yet. Pirates, on the other hand? Are a different story, one full of you stealing their stuff. As a bonus, you'll almost certainly free some slaves and impress enough youth that you will get some recruits.
Cost: 600 Credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Loot, the warm fuzzy feeling of killing pirates, Recruits,???

Peragus II Problems: Of course, there's a difference between not hitting them and attracting their attention and not hitting them at all. Even better, you received information about an intended purge on a small starship company placed on the remains of the Peragus asteroid field. You also just so happen to have the uniforms of over a dozen pirate and bandit groups. You could sneak in dressed as those pirates, and 'kidnap' the scientists and workers there, while also hitting a bunch of authoritarians. Making the Imperials and the Pirates hit each other, while also saving innocent lives. What could be better?
Cost:800 Credits

Chance of Success:80%

Reward: Loot, allies, ???

Drills: Your forces are smart, moral, and have high morale. Being honest, though, these are the only things going for them. They're going to need a lot of work before they're capable of going toe to toe with stormtroopers. Good news is, they've got you and Soont to whip them into shape. Gonna need a lot of whipping, though.
Cost:400 Credits

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Rebel trooper training increased to Good.

Organization: Right now, your men fight as a bunch of individuals, maybe duos or trios if you get friends put together. It works, poorly, for your current size; you'd hate to see what would happen with anything. They need something more, something organized. Officers, leaders, people who can stop the buck and get done what needs to get done.
Cost:400 credits, 1 year

Reward: Properly organized troops and officers.

Diplomacy: Elloth is still somewhat sad about the loss of his nephew, but has found someone else, assuming you still want an assistant.

Saying Something Stupid: You've all the social grace of a particularly angry Rancor, and you are well aware of the fact. Elloth may be capable of getting you some help in that regard, in the form of an assistant for you, to help soothe ruffled feathers. And this time, you'll be meeting with them, instead of having them come to you.
Cost:900 credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Diplomacy adviser

Sons Of Liberty: There must be other potential rebels around; of course, finding them may be hard, though not so hard now that you've established something of a name for yourself, even if it is as a loan officer.
Cost: 600 credits

Chance Of Success:50%

Reward: Contact made with other rebels

Stewardship: Arsus, the public face of your company, has had a few ideas regarding some rumours he's heard from your man on the inside. (Pick 1)

Meeting Place: You are rebels. Your greatest asset is your mobility; however, it might still be a good idea to have some sort of meeting grounds, if only so any new recruits have somewhere to report to. With your little homestead on Taris, you even have natural place to begin building from
Cost: 250 credits

Reward: Small camp established on Taris

Refurbishment: There's plenty of old property in the galaxy that only needs some TLC to be both vibrant and profitable. You could have Arsus look into it, see if anything comes up. Personally, you're hoping for old weapons factories.
Cost:1000 credits

Chance Of Success: 100%/80%/60%

Reward:+/800/1000/+1,200 credits

Learning: If that droid sneaks up on you as you check the cameras one more time, you may just take off its head. Violently.
(Pick 2)

For A Bigger Bang: You can't exactly just buy some thermal detonators. You can, however, have your slightly less than sane ward work on making an explosive you can produce. Hopefully without blowing up the house, or anything else important.
Cost: 400 Credits

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: Explosives

40K Reasons This Shouldn't Work: Some of your soldiers are, inevitably, going to have to fight something that's not smart enough to know it should die when it's shot, whether it's a Krayt Dragon or a Rancor. Gavin has created rough, rude, and crude schematics for a sort of motorised sword that should put those beasts down by inflicting the kind of trauma that simply cannot be ignored, even by such powerful beasts.
Cost: 600 Credits

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: Motor Swords???

Holos For Everyone: It would rouse suspicion to simply walk into the nearest market and buy two hundred holo communicators- meaning you will have to figure out how to produce them, and cheaply at that.
Cost:800 credits

Reward: Holo-Communicators

Piety: Ahsoka apparently has a bit of a history.
(Pick 1)

Plundering The Ruins: "Like a Rancor savaged a Bantha." That's how an old friend of yours described what Palpatine did to the Jedi, and you agree. However, much like a rancor, he probably left a carcass. A carcass that you can navigate now, thanks to your new companion.
Cost: Free

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward:Jedi Artifacts

Finding More: Ahsoka might know of perhaps a few individuals who were maybe once upon a time Jedi. She could try to contact these individuals, see if they're willing to make contact with you and your group.
Cost: 100 Credits

Chance Of Success:40%

Reward: Surviving Jedi make contact

Finding: You'd put good credits on at least a few of your men being force sensitive. It'd be smart to have Ahsoka check, and see if she can't teach them a few tricks. At the least she can keep them from going mad like Palpatine or his dog, Vader.
Cost: 300 credits

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: 1d5 Force sensitives found, ???

Intrigue: Ceinis has a few ideas, now that he has information flowing to him from the Empire.

Bandits: The Empire is stretched thin dealing with imagined rebels, traitors, and secessionists. So thin, in fact, that they cannot find the resources to deal with the robbers and thieves that so plague the Outer Rim. Naturally, Ceinis has created a plan to use them. First step, infiltrate their territory.
Cost: 600 credits, 1 year

Chance of Success: 80%

Reward: Knowledge on bandits, ???

Lying Like A Rug: You don't just have to feast on information. You can give it, too, through your informant, Jonas Cass. It'll set the Imps to sniffing away from you, and if you get lucky, might even lead them to sniff around a few bandits, pirates, and other scum suckers from the very ends of the galaxy.
Cost:100 Credits

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Empire distracted

Personal: Finally, three years of work has come together. You'd be lying if you said you weren't a happy camper. (Pick 1)

How To Make Friends And Influence People: You are not a people person, and you doubt that will ever change. However, you could work on not actively insulting the people around you, and maybe even being kind to them.
Cost: Free

Chance Of Success:60%

Reward: +1 Diplomacy

Gear Up: The only weapons you have were once new, shiny, and top of the line. However, the weight of age has settled on them, and they no longer sing for you with the lightest of effort. Clearly, they need to be replaced.
Cost:100 credits

Reward: Gear replaced.

A Jedi: Ahsoka would like to speak with you about something, though you have no idea of what.
Cost: Free
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Martial: You have had something you were worried about confirmed. Your forces are not in the greatest shape. Still, Soont's hopeful about what he can pull off, especially now that he's got access to Imperial information to make his plans around.
(Pick 2)

[X] Blasters:

[X] Organization:

No way are we going in halfcocked.

Diplomacy: Elloth is still somewhat sad about the loss of his nephew, but has found someone else, assuming you still want an assistant.

[X] Saying Something Stupid:

Nice new advisor would be nice.

Stewardship: Arsus, the public face of your company, has had a few ideas regarding some rumours he's heard from your man on the inside. (Pick 1)

[X] Refurbishment:

More cash.

Learning: If that droid sneaks up on you as you check the cameras one more time, you may just take off its head. Violently.
(Pick 2)

[X] For A Bigger Bang:

[X] Holos For Everyone:

Coms and C4, what's not to love?

Ahsoka apparently has a bit of a history.
(Pick 1)

[X] Finding:

Make sure we don't draw in the Empire by prancing about untrained.

Intrigue: Ceinis has a few ideas, now that he has information flowing to him from the Empire.

[X] Lying Like A Rug:

Pisses off Empire.

Personal: Finally, three years of work has come together. You'd be lying if you said you weren't a happy camper. (Pick 1)

[X] A Jedi:

Good reason.
Blasters: Your forces are currently ragtag, under equipped, and you are not even entirely sure that they are all armed with blasters. Of course, it just so happens that you know a guy willing to sell equipment. You've brought the cost down, too, by actually having some idea of what you need to buy, and for who.
Cost:400 Credit
Reward:Forces given standardized blaster

Drills: Your forces are smart, moral, and have high morale. Being honest, though, these are the only things going for them. They're going to need a lot of work before they're capable of going toe to toe with stormtroopers. Good news is, they've got you and Soont to whip them into shape. Gonna need a lot of whipping, though.
Cost:400 Credits

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Rebel trooper training increased to Good.
Let's get our troopers standard blasters and solid training before we go on any ops.

Saying Something Stupid: You've all the social grace of a particularly angry Rancor, and you are well aware of the fact. Elloth may be capable of getting you some help in that regard, in the form of an assistant for you, to help soothe ruffled feathers. And this time, you'll be meeting with them, instead of having them come to you.
Cost:900 credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Diplomacy adviser
Let's try this again.

Meeting Place: You are rebels. Your greatest asset is your mobility; however, it might still be a good idea to have some sort of meeting grounds, if only so any new recruits have somewhere to report to. With your little homestead on Taris, you even have natural place to begin building from
Cost: 250 credits

Reward: Small camp established on Taris
Let's set up a little HQ.

For A Bigger Bang: You can't exactly just buy some thermal detonators. You can, however, have your slightly less than sane ward work on making an explosive you can produce. Hopefully without blowing up the house, or anything else important.
Cost: 400 Credits

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: Explosives

Holos For Everyone: It would rouse suspicion to simply walk into the nearest market and buy two hundred holo communicators- meaning you will have to figure out how to produce them, and cheaply at that.
Cost:800 credits

Reward: Holo-Communicators
Explosives and holo-communicators sound good.

Plundering The Ruins: "Like a Rancor savaged a Bantha." That's how an old friend of yours described what Palpatine did to the Jedi, and you agree. However, much like a rancor, he probably left a carcass. A carcass that you can navigate now, thanks to your new companion.
Cost: Free

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward:Jedi Artifacts
Jedi loot, holocrons if we're really lucky, would help learning to use the Force a ton.

Lying Like A Rug: You don't just have to feast on information. You can give it, too, through your informant, Jonas Cass. It'll set the Imps to sniffing away from you, and if you get lucky, might even lead them to sniff around a few bandits, pirates, and other scum suckers from the very ends of the galaxy.
Cost:100 Credits

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Empire distracted
Keeping the Empire distracted is always good.

A Jedi: Ahsoka would like to speak with you about something, though you have no idea of what.
Cost: Free
Let's see what Ahsoka wants, the other stuff can wait.