STAR WARS: Ashes of the Empire V

written in collaboration with @Noco

The heinous screeching of the TIE engines felt like they tore the skies above them.

Director Phita waited at the main landing pad of the Imperial Palace, just atop the observation spire and barely a few levels below the throne room itself. Cold and contemptuous, her jaded demeanor allowed her to retain some control of her emotions. Yet it was clear to all that she had little desire to be there for reasons inscrutable save only a few.

Just as the starfighter escort departed and flew away, the forming rows of stormtroopers stood at attention without the need for orders. This was a practiced ceremony and the garrison of the palace was among the most elite troopers to be found in all the Empire. Next to her, silent as always, the crimson-robed droid levitated and remained motionless. Like statues, Death Troopers flanked her in stark contrast with the pristine white uniforms and plasteel that populated the platform. The Director briefly glanced sideways to them in a discrete manner.

She trusted none of them.

A few officers of lower rank formed at her back but remained at a further distance to respect the protocol set for the difference in rank. However, all eyes were set upon one notable absence in their cadre. Phita knew well where the defying meaning of this absence and where to find the offender.
Ysanne Isard waited patiently inside the palace, standing next to the throne where now the Grand Vizier sat as supreme ruler in all but name.

With a characteristic hissing, the cooling vents of the lambda-class shuttle discharged all the accumulated heat from the atmospheric reentry. And then the ramp of the shuttle opened wide.

Grand Moff Manko Gaul emerged, his trimmed suit of Imperial black contrasted with a mauve capelet. He took a moment to survey the Coruscanti skyline, breathed in the capital air, largely scented with the artificial byproducts of urban sprawl and excessive traffic. It was a smell much unlike the fragrance of rural Shawken. Yet the sight of true civilization made him smile.

Gaul took slow, practiced steps down the shuttle ramp and onto the landing pad. Etiquette guided him to afford his escort with a nod, their lifeless helmets betraying no emotion. And, he thought, Phita's expression appeared much the same. She was statuesque, in a womanly way, and wholly what he had expected of a female at the helm of an organization like the Imperial Security Bureau.

"Director," he said with a respectful half-bow. "I am honored by your reception."

"Moff Gaul" Phita coldly greeted with barely a nod "Welcome to Imperial Center"

She took one step towards Gaul and extended one hand with a series of datapads while her other hand gestured toward the palace's entrance.

"Here are the intel briefings our supervisors have prepared for you as requested" her head tilted slightly towards the imposing walls of the palace "The Grand Vizier is waiting"

A slight arch of his brow was all that betrayed Gaul's irritation at the improper address. He was, however, all too familiar with the pettiness of capital politics. And he had missed it, in a way.

"Of course, Director." Gaul gently took a singular datapad from her outstretched hand, lingering for a moment with a widened smile. "It has been some time since I entered the Throne Room at the arm of a beautiful woman."

His comment lodged, Gaul stepped just past Phita and bid her to join him with a nod. He forced his eyes to narrow, to smile, but kept them searching Phita's face for a reaction - something, anything.

The Director's perfect cadence in her steps faltered for a brief moment as she raised an eyebrow. Confusion was swiftly replaced by the icy demeanor of her uptight and rigorous mannerisms. She purposefully averted her eyes from Gaul to conceal a grimace before she could reimpose her facade again.

"I'm afraid pressing matters have displaced the social entreatments of this event" she replied "Although a more formal meeting is scheduled later today before the Ruling Council members. The Vizier is… eager to impart his instructions upon the new caretaker of Imperial Center" Phita paused for a brief moment, considering her next words "There is much work to be done."

There was satisfaction in his little victory, Phita's stutter-step just barely perceived, but in magnanimity Gaul stopped prodding. "I understand. No doubt the grief of our Emperor's passing is felt most deeply here. One day, joy may return." He looked now to the grandeur of the Imperial Palace, in awe of its imposing presence even on a world as developed as the Imperial Center. "But indeed, there remains work to be done and we are among the few qualified to do it."

Phita nodded with an almost absent-minded expression on her face and she continued for a few moments in silence as the entourage marched down the platform towards the palace. At one moment, she casually gestured to their escort and the black-clad troopers slowed their pace to make some distance between. Barely a few steps later, carefully calculated to gain distance in the most discreet manner, Phita neared Gaul's ear.

"The chain of command is compromised" she whispered "Trust no one"

Her eyes never moved away, fixed with determination into looking ahead and not towards the man walking beside her. The expression on her face remained unreadable.

Again, a twitch at Gaul's brow - not from anger but sheer intrigue. He followed the example of Phita, his eyes drifting again beyond the conversation and towards the nearing palace. Only a soft cluck of his tongue gave notice that he'd heard her as they strode together in silence. Casually, he responded at last.
"Ahah. And might that include you?" It was a strange non-sequitur to an eavesdropper, until he continued. "That is, are you one qualified and ready to save this Empire?" A question, he hoped, that Phita would read more deeply into that his smiling face implied..

Despite her iron will and perfect countenance, the Director let out a snort of disgust.

"I am still alive" she simply muttered under her breath "Take that as you may"

Gaul chuckled. Survival in the capital was less a function of competence, and more that of political acumen. Which, in his mind, was far more praiseworthy. Together, the two entered the cavernous embrace of the Imperial Palace.

"I'm reminded of a story from my homeworld, Shawken. Shall I tell you?" Gaul asked. Without considering a response, he continued. "In the early history of Shawken, there was a King Morini. He was young, gallant, and beloved among the people. He was the sort of striking figure that the romantics so love to remember."

"And at this time of his coronation, the royal guard wielded a traditional virge known as the getorix. It was a flanged implement, designed to keep the crowd at length and firmly subdued." Gaul gestured at the description, loosely defining the length of the getorix's shaft.

"One would expect a liberal usage of the getorix during crowd-work, most especially at an event so grand as a royal coronation. The royal guard gave little quarter to unruliness. And so it was that the streets were well-bloodied that day, as King Morini rose to his majority."

Gaul extended a single finger.

"On his first day as monarch, Morini was challenged by a noisy quorum of commoners, self-anointed reformers and the like. They said to him that the getorix was inhumane, that the tradition was brutal to the people. They paraded dozens upon dozens of supposed victims, bearing gruesome scars. They roused support from the vocal riff-raff until everyone seemed to have a story about injustice."

The Grand Moff paused for a moment, lowered his finger, and turned, looking seriously at Director Phita.

"Now what do you think King Morini said to these petitioners? What would he do?"

Phita listened to Gaul's words with a deep frown as the two of them continued to walk past the rows of stormtroopers standing at attention. Her lips curved to show the growing displeasure.

"Well yes, I have never heard this story before" she relented despite the fading patience "My guess is that this Morini did something violent or stupid. Probably both"

"On his second day as monarch, King Morini issued an edict: the flanges of the getorix were to be shorn off and the virge cloaked in velvet. The implement was made ceremonial and the rabble were thoroughly appeased. By all appearances, the reformers forced Morini's hand."

This time the Director did not reply but her gaze moved away from Gaul and shifted towards the troops to avoid rolling her eyes. It was plain evident that the tale, whatever hidden wisdom may contain, exasperated her and ate at her already fragile nerves.

Gaul smiled, a knowing smile, an arrogant smile.

"What was not seen was that the haft of the getorix was recast in imported songsteel. And in their hilts were installed vibrogenerators. A decent strike would no longer create a superficial slice; it would pulverize bone and leave its victim permanently lame. And yet-" Gaul began, with an extended finger, "-the people were content."

He stopped and looked into Phita's eyes.


"Because they live in a fantasy world," Phita snapped. "People are never content, Gaul. It's a myth, much like your fairytale. And discontent breeds rebellion. That is why we exists and why the Empire will always have use for us"

Gaul shook his head with exaggerated disappointment.

"You hear but don't listen, Director. What Morini understood is that the people have a near limitless tolerance for toil, for servitude, for obedience, so long as it appears pleasant. Like a child needs their medicine sweetened. The commoners long for a velvet glove over the durasteel fist that governs their life."

At an expansive window, Gaul lingered a moment to the growing chagrin of his escort. Looking into the sky, he continued.

"Tarkin thought a giant, looming sphere would bring the systems into line - that fear alone was needed. And now he's dead, along with his two failed superweapons."

For the first time, Grand Moff Gaul looked at the datapad in his hands, speaking as it tapped away at its interface.

"If Morini does not convince you, perhaps the fate of Tarkin will. Besides," he grinned, "you would look resplendent in chiffon velvet."

At that, Gaul resumed walking, at last with a sense of purpose.

"Perhaps," he suggested, "we should attend to our own briefings before conferring with the Grand Vizier. Unless you would prefer going over this data with me…"

"And perhaps it is you who do not understand" Phita narrowed her eyes "Morini may have not been Tarkin but neither was he the Emperor. For all the velvet in your glove, the fist remains"

The Director took to adjusting her own pace to remain beside the Grand Moff and she pointed with a finger to a particular point in the datapad he was screening.

"Crimson level" she explained "I have placed atop of your list of security concerns pending your personal review. No one except the Royal Guard sets foot on that level of the palace. We have intercepted irregular transmissions from there but only the Sovereign Protector can offer clearance. I am willing to go over all the data with you but I hardly desire to make the Grand Vizier wait…" she paused for a moment and deeply frowned "... nor to have your mind distracted by the image of me wrapped in chiffon velvet"

Above the icy-cold tone she frequently used, this time there was a deeply poisonous note of contempt that she was unable to modulate or hide within her professional attitude.

Manko Gaul held a smile on his face, not in spite of, but inspired by Phita's barbs.

"Then I suppose we should indeed report to the Grand Vizier post-haste. I have missed the company of His Excellency dearly." Gaul slightly nodded his head. "Let us go."

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Internal Memo to new Ideogram command staff.​

Adjunct Topal Blasteel​

Congratulations on your assignment to this Executor Class Star Destroyer and the command of Grand Admiral Zzavian Slyce Baobab. Over the coming days you will be receiving many of this memes covering training, life aboard our vessel and various important policies. However having served closely with the Grand Admiral for many years now I have deemed prudent to front load this particular part of orientation for while the Grand Admiral is a great and brilliant mind, his genius can be rather... unorthodox and new graduates from Imperial Academies do not know always how to respond.

You may during the your service encounter the Grand Admiral's Trandoshan bodyguard: Lyssk. If you are understandably uncomfortable interacting with aliens know that no interaction is necessary, merely acknowledge his presence and if necessary get out the way. In his younger days the Grand Admiral saved the alien's life and by the privative yet laudable traditions of his people his life belongs to the Grand Admiral. Smile, nod, ignore and continue your duties. If necessary the smile can be forgone.

The Grand Admiral is a scholar and archaeologist of the galaxy's ancient past and has many fascinating artifacts that he has made a personal collection of. If you are fortunate enough to gain the Grand Admiral's attention he will undoubtedly show you his collection discuss the more interesting pieces and also bring up the famous archive collection of his family the Baobabs. It is not necessary for you to be an expert in these matters but it is critical that you express a certain level of intellectual interest, and if ignorant express a certain regret your education has not covered such matter. The Grand Admiral will send you several books on whatever topic you express interest in.

If the Grand Admiral discusses the Baobab Archives (Which in fairness are genuinely famous in the appropriate circles) asking about one of it's most famous items, such as the Ark of Baron Auletphant, the only surviving original copy of the Dha Werda Verda poem and the only known specimen of the extra-galactic Abominor species. Comparisons between the Archives and the Grand Admiral's collection should be avoided, you will either make his seem inadequate or seem like an incorrigible flatterer.

The Grand Admiral is most likely to show you his collection of Gree artifacts. If you have any preexisting knowledge of the Gree you will make a very good impression on the Grand Admiral however do not attempt to bluff your knowledge the Grand Admiral will be able to tell and will be most displeased. This is the largest section of his collection and his main focus of research and interest. You will not be able to escape learning about the Gree on this ship. Ask about the four main forms of Gree Science-Material synthesis, stellar engineering, quanta-technology and dimensional engineering. The Grand Admiral will be able to speak for hours. You would be wise to take notes, he may quiz you later on if you were listening.

One of the Grand Admiral's smaller collection concerns artifacts of the ancient Sith and other force using cults. This is not the Grand Admiral's main interest he is not particularly inclined to mysticism but is fond of the atmosphere the artifacts give his collection. The Late Emperor was also a great collector of artifacts of this period and the Grand Admiral's interest in these likely stems from the interest of his old friend. The pride of this section is the Lightsaber of Exar Kun himself, joined by various antiquities such as Red Sith statues of Ziost stone and a set of stained glass windows depicting Qel-Droma Epics taken from the Jedi temple.

The Grand Admiral is a noted Ximologist and has recently completed several translation from the original Cronese dialect Xim era documents. Notable artifacts in this section include the Mytag Crystal figurehead of the Eibon Scimitar, a complete example of one of Xim's Guardian Corps and a barrel of Bordhell-Type Fuel Slugs. Discussing Xim and his campaigns from a military-historical perspective will likely get you invited to one of the Grand Admiral's regular wargame recreations of the Despot's campaigns.

With such a grand collection and a wide range of interests there are plenty of specimens that do not neatly fall into one singular category. Among the Grand Admiral's other favorite pieces include a set of the Brass Soldiers of Axum and a replica of the Alsakan Mosaics both numbered among the Twenty Wonders of the Galaxy and the original Insignia of Unity, a representation of the Galactic Roundel of the Old Republic which once decorated the podium of the Galactic Senate, forged in aurodium, orichalum, and Coruscanthium and gifted to the Grand Admiral by Emperor Palpatine shortly after the formation of the New Order.

If you have any questions please wait till you have completed the entirety of your orientation and training course before raising them, as they will likely be addressed in following memoranda.

Long Live the New Order

Long Live The Empire

Hail Palpatine

Early 4 ABY
Early 4 ABY

The Empire in the weeks after the Battle of Endor had endured much at the hands of both the Rebel Alliance and those from within who desired a different path for the New Order, or an entirely new entity to carve their own destiny within the galaxy. Even with these crippling setbacks which appeared to outsiders as the beginning of the end, a "Great Revenge" for Endor was being prepared to be unleashed upon the northern regions of Imperial space. Although great armadas and grand armies were being organized in the north, the Rebel Alliance was preparing for their own grand campaign in the southern galaxy known as the Ackbar Offensive…

To those unknown, from the lowest levels of Imperial Center to the highest echelons of the Imperial capital were decisions, plots and ultimately betrayal of the highest order being organized to reshape the Empire. The Imperial Security Bureau had been an extremely active entity since Endor, as Director Niede Phita Takel had taken more and more draconian measures to cement the Bureau's influence and power within both the Imperial government and military. This drew the ire of many within the Imperial Army, Navy and expectedly the rival organ to the ISB, Imperial Intelligence. Conflicting orders had been handed down, some violating the chain of command as ISB agents attempted to subvert naval and army officers at times to enact the will of their Director, almost always without the knowledge of the Ruling Council nor Grand Vizier.

This was so apparent numerous officers across the Imperial Navy and Army made protests or outright ejected elements of the ISB deemed "overzealous" through reassignment or even arrest. Some even made contact with Imperial Intelligence, exposing highly unprofessional conduct by the Director and those she personally oversaw. These warnings of something sidious brewing were unavoidable when numerous ISB agents went completely dark, with an apparent order of unknown purpose from Director Phita Takel being done, alongside concrete evidence from Imperial Intelligence of the Director's communiques proposing treasonous actions by elements of the Imperial Navy which was relayed immediately to Director Blackhole, taking action not long after to notify the Grand Vizier.

The nail in the coffin was Deputy Director Ysanne Isard's discovery of arrest warrants for the Grand Vizier, members of the Ruling Council and elements of the Ruling Council itself compliant or cooperative with the Director's aims; which alongside the classified orders which even Grand Vizier Pestage could not access led to the assumption elements of the ISB were, alongside both some Council members and whatever unknown backers existed were going to attempt to overthrow the government. Quickly communiques were relayed to those who could be trusted across the capital, as a quiet mobilization of the Royal Guard, Imperial Stormtrooper Corps and Imperial Sector Police was conducted, the ISB aloof due to the efforts of Deputy Director Isard to silence the spread of information within the Bureau.

Once again, battle broke out across Imperial Center. Stormtroopers, Imperial Army Troopers, CompForce and small elements of the Royal Guard made a massive surprise attack upon all ISB offices on the planet and raided the homes and estates of Ruling Council members backing the Director, with news beginning to spread rapidly of ISB agents engaging in fierce firefights with those only a day before were brothers-in-arms. There were some elements of the lesser branches, mostly within the Imperial Army and Naval officers still disgruntled over the Maddox insurrection and the actions in the northern ends of the galaxy which joined those within the ISB that sided with Phita Takel, temporarily bolstering a shocked and quickly devastated force. But this was not enough, as the already highly alerted garrison was prepared, learning from what mistakes and errors were made fighting Maddox's forces regarding the degradation of the resistance on the surface leading to moderate casualties for the loyalists and severe for the Phita Takel-aligned ISB.

It was reported the ISB headquarters on the planet was attacked solely by the Royal Guard, rumors saying the Grand Vizier wanted to set an example to those who wish to see his demise. Battles within the ISB headquarters were deemed the fiercest, as the most competent and loyal of the Bureau and personal security forces resided. Although they were elite and professional, able to stave off more common enemies, they were clearly outmatched by the Emperor's Royal Guardsmen, the best of the best the Empire could provide. They cut down all in their path before reaching the Director's office, where the Sovereign Protector made himself known and was personally led to dispatch the traitorous Imperial.

Obviously before the head of the Royal Guard, Director Phita Takel stood no chance, attempting to draw her blaster pistol which was ripped from her hands, she then attempting to lunge out the window to take her own life before being held in place and thrown across the room. She was then forced again across the room, this time before the Sovereign Protector with his hand outstretched, choking the life out of her slowly. He leaned forward and whispered, before her last breath something she deemed more important than any other in the universe.

"She lives. A loyal servant. No longer yours, Director."

Then the grip tightened without ever touching her, the neck cracking and finally breaking before her lifeless body dropped to the floor, the end of Director Niede Phita Takel's insurrection had come.
[Director Niede Phita Takel
(@DeMarcheese) Dead]

In the aftermath of Phita Takel's insurrection and the complete disarray of the ISB, the Grand Vizier, becoming more isolated and rumors within the Ruling Council stating he was perhaps becoming overly paranoid, immediately filled the void of Director of the ISB, promoting his now closest confidant and advisor Ysanne Isard to the position only a day after the events had transpired, giving Isard a battered and highly mistrusted Bureau to rebuild, while also still within the direct ear of the Grand Vizier which took her council on galactic matters even more so than before.

One of those who took a backseat to the chaos in the capital was the new Grand Moff of Oversector One in Manko Gaul, who barely had time to establish his office space let alone his new found authority within the Oversector. He quickly backed the Grand Vizier and Ruling Council, organizing when required what resources were needed to crush the ISB, allowing the relevant powers to do their work without his direct input any further. Not long after confirmation of the ISB's insurrection had been vanquished, the Grand Moff got to work on his original plans of preparing forces to be sent northwards to assist in operations to liberate systems from the Rebel Alliance.

A transfer of commands was undertaken between Oversectors Four and One, with Vice Admiral Terek Corliss, formerly an element of the Kuat Defense Fleet now under the authority of Grand Moff Gaul. A new task force was created codenamed the 'Namadii Fleet', consisting of Corliss' existing fleet and Crimson Command under Admiral Irov Lanin, with both officers having choice words between them over who held authority over this new formation, with Admiral Lanin in the end invoking his superior rank to usurp the Vice Admiral's intent to lead the fleet.

The goal of this task force was to be transferred over the system of Pantolomin, right along the minor hyperlane of the fleet's namesake where communiques to Grand Moffs Damos Rigaldi of Oversector Six and Ong Chhau of Oversector Seven were made, the aim to ride the Namadii Corridor as far north as possible which passed through both Oversectors. This information was delightful to both, as forces were already being prepared to strike at the heart of the suspected Rebel resistance based out of Dorin in the region.

The Namadii Fleet itself was fifty-five star destroyers strong, mostly consisting of Crimson Command's forty-seven Victory II-class Star Destroyers, backed by Corliss' eight star destroyers, most important was the presence of the Interdictor-class Star Destroyer Entangle, a vital vessel in combating the tactics of the Rebellion. It was indirectly further bolstered by Imperial forces concentrating under Grand Moff Rigaldi at Batorine, his seven star destroyers organized alongside ground forces to reclaim the last portions of Oversector Six from the Rebellion. Not far from Batorine was Grand Moff Chhau's forces being prepared over Bilbringi, sixteen star destroyers ready to conduct their own operations into rebel space and offer both breathing room for the vital shipyards at Bilbringi but also reclaim a large majority of Oversector Seven.

Elements of the Namadii Fleet in formation, preparing to depart from Pantolomin

Orders were issued by Imperial High Command, Operation Dawn Breaker had been approved, the liberation of Oversector Six and Seven were underway. The first to move were forces under Grand Moff Rigaldi, their objectives limited and the easiest to conduct as only a single major system lay within his Oversector under Rebel control at Denevar. His force arrived within the system, as Rebel forces were late to alert the overall region of a significant Imperial assault being conducted through numerous systems with overwhelming numbers and firepower. Devevar itself was the tip of the spear regarding the potential to enter the Core and as a result held a moderate force in orbit, which initially gave the Grand Moff difficulty in subduing the much more agile and experienced Rebel fighters and bombers, inflicting losses as the battle continued, an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer disabled by Y-Wings and finished off by concentrated fire from what frigates and cruisers remained as the shields, being disabled allowed the hull to take a battering it could not sustain.
[-1 ISD I to Empire]

Just as it seemed Grand Moff Rigaldi's forces were going to sound the retreat did the massive Namadii Fleet jump out of hyperspace, the endless volley of Crimson Command immediately opening up with their guns sending a wave of turbolaser fire across space into the already worn-down Rebel fleet, who wished to retreat but were kept in the system by the Interdictor Entangle. It was effectively a slaughter as much like the strategy deployed at Baroli and Gacerian in the southern galaxy showed, fixing Rebel forces into whatever system a major engagement was being conducted and through sheer brute force eliminate them in a battle of attrition which the Empire was willing to apply.

The ground campaign was swift yet harsh over the course of multiple weeks as suspected Rebel cells were either eliminated or detained, more of a statement of return of the system to Imperial control as the overwhelming firepower above was too much to withstand. As Grand Moff Rigaldi kept his forces at Denevar, not wanting to press further into systems outside his jurisdiction, and hearing of reports of unrest in the southern ends of Oversector Six which did weaken the potential offensive capability of the Namadii Fleet but not anywhere near enough to deter further movement towards Dorin. Admiral Lanin, looking to ensure his flanks were secure, sent ten of his Victory II-class Star Destroyers to secure the Noquivzor and Neshtab systems, with reports indicating one of the star destroyers was lost during engagements with Rebel forces fleeing before ground campaigns could be conducted which took up to a month to pacify each system.
[-1 Vic II (CC) to Empire]

The main bulk of the fleet continued along its stated objective for Dorin, making way to Palanhi where much like at Denevar the Rebel garrison, this time alerted and prepared immediately left once the signatures of the Imperial fleet was incoming, preserving what forces they could deeper north as occupation operations were again seen as successful with minor unrest and local cells conducting hit and run attacks on newly established Imperial bases for a few weeks before subsiding. Bengat, the final system in the way before Dorin held what appeared to be a moderate fleet, cobbling together local defense fleets from systems recently retaken by the Empire and whatever reinforcements that could be assembled from throughout the region.

Admiral Lanin, wishing to not only take the initiative believing in Crimson Command's superior firepower but also to gain the favor of Imperial Center for liberating these systems pressed the attack, his Victory IIs unloading as they had prior their full firepower upon the Rebel fleet. Vice Admiral Corliss did what he could to support the Admiral, but being a moderate tactician realized a cautious, methodical approach was the preferred option over the more aggressive one enacted by his superior. The decision by Admiral Lanin was almost disastrous, as his flagship, X-13 was heavily damaged in fighting with up to three of Crimson Command's Victory IIs being destroyed in heated combat at effective knife-fighting range. Admiral Lanin himself was severely wounded during this time, handing command of the Namadii Fleet to Vice Admiral Corliss, ironically mimicking the events of Rear Admiral Pellaeon over Endor. Corliss quickly reorganized the fleet into a more proper posture, as the Rebel forces had been quickly exhausted, most of their smaller vessels retreating to Dorin as what remained was picked off in mop up operations.
[-3 Vic II (CC) to Empire]

As the Namadii Fleet was battling over Bengat, Grand Moff Ong Chhau ordered his force based out of Bilbringi to make way for Roxuli, where the Rebels had effectively hollowed out the garrison to bolster defenses against the Imperial thrust from the south. The sixteen star destroyers deployed would've been overwhelming in any case, as ground forces made quick work of what Rebel units remained, organizing their supplies and awaiting word from Bengat on the progress of their future supporting arm as three star destroyers were ordered to act as orbital garrisons over the system.

As communiques were relayed from Bengat, a coordinated, systematic plan was organized between both fleets to simultaneously enter the Dorin system where reports indicated the Rebels had husbanded their forces as much as possible in the region, indicating both the Empire and Alliance deemed the system the key to control for further actions. Both fleets made their final orders to jump to Dorin with the Namadii Fleet planning to enter first, hoping to use their superior numbers to draw them in as Grand Moff Chhau's fleet acted as a surprise force coming from an exposed flank. The Namadii Fleet entered the Dorin system, as they did, they were witness to numerous frigates and cruisers backed by hundreds of X-Wings, A-Wings and Y-Wings awaiting their arrival.

Vice Admiral Corliss ordered a long-range standoff not wishing to needlessly waste his advantage in numbers and firepower, knowing his turbolaser batteries could easily outreach whatever Alliance vessel was present. This forced the local Rebel commander to leave the safety of the planet's orbital defense platforms and ground-based ion cannons, endangering his fleet to get showered with fire, losing what invaluable forces he had until they were close enough to erase the Imperial advantage. A massive dogfight ensued, much akin to the one over Bengat but at a grander scale as Corliss did his best to keep the fleet's formation intact and his fighters actively protected by larger support vessels as much as possible.

X-Wings in fierce dogfights against TIE Fighters above Dorin
Further loss among Crimson Command was done, as four of the fleet went up in spectacular fashion in varying degrees, most being overwhelmed due to concentrated efforts of bomber and fighter fire. Even within Corliss' personal command an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer was lost during the battle as the Alliance fleet was effectively fighting a last stand. Grand Moff Chhau's force finally arrived, encompassing an encirclement and surprise which the Rebels were not prepared for, already struggling against the forces there prior. At this point it was a complete breakdown within the Rebel ranks, as pilots and captains began to panic as the chain of command froze or was eliminated in their place. As in prior battles, the combined Imperial fleets began to through attrition warfare wipe out what resistance remained, as a full-scale occupation was underway by Imperial forces on the planet to ensure the Empire would have no future issue or concern in the region, as over the remaining weeks and months Imperial forces consolidated their hard-earned gains, an iron fist now encased and looking to expand through Oversector Seven.
[-1 ISD I, -4 Vic II (CC) to Empire]

Further south in Oversector Six, all forms of communication suddenly ceased not long after reported dissent within the Koornacht Sector, its capital at N'Zoth. The sector is home to the xenophobic Yevetha who act as an advanced and sophisticated slave labor force for the Empire working in the shipyards above the planet codenamed Black Fifteen. It is also the base of operations for Black Sword Command, an elite formation currently acting as a reserve force for the core worlds. Not long after communications were lost a broken transmission was discovered from N'Zoth. "Our claim to these stars is natural and ancient. Our eyes have owned them since the beginning of our days. They are alive in our legends. We draw our strength from the All. The purity of the All inspires us to perfection. Our claim to these stars is not a shallow thing of greed, or politics or ambition. It is not a claim we will ever surrender."
[Duskhan League Formed]
[-6 ISD Is, -4 ISD IIs, -4 Vic IIs to Empire]

Nil Spaar, Darama of the Duskhan League
Looking to further bolster his own personal protection, especially in light of the events transpiring on Imperial Center regarding the ISB, Grand Moff Val Dellian made subtle arrangements for the creation of a more loyal and reliable bodyguard unit, overlapping the already existing Death Trooper contingent assigned to him and effectively overriding their purpose altogether. Although no reported attempts were made on his life unlike prior during his tour of Imperial Center, it was still seen as a necessary measure in times of immense instability and strife within the Empire, especially within the core. Minor grumbles did begin to surface as Oversector Three was without the direct presence of its Grand Moff, some officials hoping Dellian would return from Imperial Center to Brentaal months after his arrival to the capital to combat Maddox.

Another effort, this one without the need for additional protection was the publication of personal works and theory regarding the status of the Empire's highest classes of society within the core, calling on this already privileged section of Imperial influence and wealth to further expand their reach and power as they are the only ones who can save and preserve the New Order from both the Rebel Alliance and Imperial traitors who look to undo the status quo the rich and mighty keep ahold of. These works quickly gained traction through the core worlds, many within the nobility championing Dellian as their voice in the Imperial government to move Imperial policy in their favor.

Much like his peer of Grand Moff Dellian, Grand Moff Tycho Sal also looked to enact more measures for his personal protection, going beyond Dellian's initiatives with the creation of a Private Security Firm called the Jaggalor Guard. Based out of Corellia, it was staffed by former Imperial Stormtroopers, members of the Corellian Security Forces and mercenaries who gravitated to the Jaggalor Guard with promises of high pay and good work. The body quickly grew in number, becoming a legitimate paramilitary force on Corellia alongside CorSec and CompForce units, but the Guard answered solely to the Grand Moff ensuring his influence and control over the system was further entrenched.

A major initiative was begun by Grand Moff Sal, named Project Safe Haven which looked to greatly expand the works of the Imperial Relief League formed in the first weeks after the Battle of Endor which focused on providing shelter to Imperial refugees fleeing conflict throughout the Empire. It was now expanded to provide a more permanent solution, with the creation of human colonies within systems with even a slight questioning of Imperial authority. While in propaganda it was deemed a major humanitarian effort and showcasing the Grand Moff's willingness to assist citizens during their time of need, in reality the systems where these new colonists were located brought immense tension, in some systems minor revolts which were quickly crushed by Imperial garrisons. Locals continued to protest the sudden influx of people they were not welcome to which they believe disrupted economical and social norms.

Cato Neimodia, still attempting to recover from the massive damage done by Fleet Admiral Jal Zeid was greeted by Thrackan Sal-Solo, acting as special envoy of Grand Moff Sal with the goal to completely rebuild and reform the system's security forces and protocols. Sal-Solo, already known as a harsh individual was even more so as his humanocentrist beliefs compounded a near-draconian policy of extremely strict measures on the non-human planet, having what forces were there enact large scale operations of oppression and effective punishment for embarrassing the Empire during Zeid's mass thievery. In the end within four months of Sal-Solo's presence he had led a reign of terror working in tandem with the local Moff which saw no end in sight, some Imperial officials within the system hoping he'd be recalled before potential insurrection occurred.

Thrackan Sal-Solo, the cruel enforcer of Cato Neimodia

Grand Admiral Lira Serenon, already stationed over the mighty shipyard world of Kuat further entrenched herself within the system both militarily and politically, as regular meetings were conducted with Grand Moff Dromus Karr as the two powerful individuals developed a reliable professional relationship. Rear Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, acting commander of Death Squadron, which was still undergoing major repairs, was also in limited meetings with the Grand Admiral, as they too developed a respectable, working relationship ensuring the three individuals were on the same page, a rare sight in Imperial circles since Endor.

The Grand Admiral was also busy courting COMPNOR members to further entrench herself within the organization, taking advantage of Grand Moff Septina's botched attempts to incorporate non-human species into the Sub-Adult Group which drew the ire of the more radical elements of COMPNOR previously. These radicals flocked to the Grand Admiral's declarations of ensuring the New Order would not be altered, and alien species never accepted into COMPNOR or the greater vision of the Empire moving forward.

General Pravenne, given reinforcements from Grand Moff Sett Varian with the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Outrunner immediately moved her flag from the Venator-class Star Destroyer Berserker to the larger, more modern vessel while organizing her forces over Ord Trasi, preparing to be transferred to Drackmar in Oversector Nine for offensive operations into Alliance space. Further fortification of the shipyard world was underway, seeing the system as a potential target for Rebel forces to either seize for its own use or raid to disrupt the Star Destroyers being built in orbit. A large-scale collection of volunteer forces on Ord Trasi and nearby systems were being organized by Pravenne, expected to act as paramilitary or policing units for future Imperial conquests in Oversector Nine. Concerning rumors began to circulate among Imperial Army ranks of some form of radical manifesto being distributed among the troops, reportedly highlighting a "Pirate Class" had and will continue to bring the Empire to its destruction from within. Imperial Intelligence had sent agents to investigate, finding little evidence but raising red flags in the region of potential insurrection by Imperial forces which were relayed to Grand Moff Sett Varian, who took such accusations seriously with his own subordinates closely monitoring the region.

General Pravenne had after a month of organizing her forces at Ord Trasi prepared the final touches with a simulated ground invasion of the planet, acting as a test bed for the Nam'ta and Horuz systems currently under Rebel control. As her forces conducted these exercises, sudden reports indicated that active, real firefights between Pravenne's troops and the local garrison's Stormtrooper Legion broke out over the main communications center on the surface, activating the General's plans ahead of schedule - plans of betraying the Empire. Large-scale ground battles ensued, bigger and more deadly than during Maddox's insurrection on Imperial Center, rivaling the massive planetary battles of the Clone Wars. Thousands of AT-ATs, AT-STs, hover tanks and TIE Bombers covered the planet as smoldering wrecks, as millions of Imperial Army Troopers, Stormtoopers, CompForce and local militias ground each other into a fine mist over numerous days of intense battle, loyalists to the Empire unable to send communications off planet as it was cut, further exasperated by the abandonment of loyalist ships in orbit as they either fled the system or were sabotaged by Pravenne's forces.

Millions of Imperials battled one another on Ord Trasi, untold amounts of destruction followed

In orbit, the highly confused loyalist fleet was completely taken by surprise, as a Venator-class Star Destroyer assigned to the system attempted to open fire once realization of the General's betrayal was known but was quickly dispatched by her forces, both through conventional turbolaser fire and internal sabotage of the ship's critical systems. The Praetor II-class Battlecruiser Silence, the key target for the General seeing it as a vital prize to either take for her own or destroy before it can unload its impressive batteries, initially was stagnant, as Pravenne's operatives on the Battlecruiser attempted to overtake the bridge and gain control of the ship, but not long after her engines spooled up and entered hyperspace, escaping the system before Pravenne could take it as a war trophy. Even with this setback, the General's forces continued their campaign to eradicate all elements of loyalist forces on the surface while also commandeering three star destroyers in orbit. Within three days, Ord Trasi was a battle-scarred, yet mostly secured system under the now traitorous General, keeping the ships under construction intact for future use. All seemed well, Pravenne's forces celebrating their newfound liberation from the Empire into a new Army-based Imperial Warlord state, the only blemish being the escape of the Silence from the system.
[-1 Venator to Empire]

This blemish though would be a critical mistake for the General, as while her forces mopped up resistance and prepared fortification of the system, a gigantic signature was detected coming from the north, as twenty-five star destroyers made themselves known, Scourge Squadron under Grand Moff Sett Varian had arrived from Jaemus, with knowledge of Pravenne's betrayal. The Grand Moff did not waste a moment more, ordering a full barrage of all vessels in orbit of the planet deeming them as traitors to the Empire. The General herself attempted to have the Outrunner prepare to jump from the system but was too late, as dozens of Imperial II-class Star Destroyers concentrated their fire upon what was deemed the biggest threat among Pravenne's small fleet, she lucky enough to reach an escape pod to the surface before the Outrunner buckled under the immense turbolaser fire arrayed against it. The remaining portions of her fleet were soon after destroyed entirely, attempting to find some way to save their General and the large bulk of ground forces on the surface but did so in vain.
[-1 ISD I, -2 Vic I, -1 Venator to Empire]

Once on the surface, realization set in that there was no escape from the system, as Scourge Squadron began a total blockade of the planet. Orbital bombardment commenced not long after, annihilating large swathes of Pravenne's forces in the process and further eroding any semblance of a habitable world. Over twenty Stormtrooper Legions, backed by a large Imperial Navy Trooper contingent, purposely avoiding the use of Imperial Army Troopers due to fears of mutiny landed on the burned and charred surface and another round of brutal full-scale combat commenced, this time Pravenne and her radicals fighting a true last stand. Weeks of bloody warfare degraded both sides, but Grand Moff Varian, using both time and the ability to replenish his losses, was patient yet willing to use more aggressive tactics to unroot what dug in forces Pravenne had left. Almost two months into the campaign the General had finally exhausted what little force remained, coming to the conclusion death was more preferable than being shamefully executed, leading a final charge with honor alongside her personal bodyguard and survivors. She reportedly went down with blasters in hand still firing until her last breath, finally being killed in battle, ending the revolt of General Janessi Pravenne.
[General Janessi 'Biter' Pravenne
(@Gladsome) Dead]
[Ord Trasi Shipyard Production Delayed One Turn]

General Pravenne's remaining Army Troopers, marching to their final battle

Commodore Kahlyn Novara Kuat, recently reassigned to Oversector Eight to assist Warlord Venis in reclaiming systems under Rebel control, made quick inroads establishing herself within the region, working closely with the Warlord in preparations to strike out from Wistril both east and west. A month into this organization of forces as both Venis and Kuat appeared to be growing a closer professional relationship, crisis broke out further north at Ord Trasi, with General Pravenne's revolt being spread through Imperial communications. Venis, seeing the shipyards there as a vital piece of Imperial power and influence to aid in the liberation of Oversector Eight and Nine, immediately ordered Bright Jewel Command to depart for the system, hoping to link with Scourge Squadron which was already enroute. The Commodore, left shocked, was ordered to stand by, whatever plans she had orchestrated were tossed aside thanks to the actions of a traitorous Imperial.

Warlord Venis though, after arriving in the system, left Scourge Squadron to its own devices, seeing Grand Moff Varian's forces were fully capable of crushing the insurrection and began his return to Oversector Eight. Warlord Venis personally led Bright Jewel Command to liberate Aeten, Troska and Cirrus in a four-month long campaign which could not withstand the sheer firepower and tactical genius the Warlord possessed. During this time orders were issued down the chain of command, and the Commodore's once ambitious goals of cutting through large swathes of Oversector Nine were no more as Imperial resources were in disarray thanks to the late General Pravenne, given the task of subduing the Monhudle system which was the boundary of Oversector Eight.

Commodore Kuat's Bellator-class
Gladiator made quick work of the beleaguered Rebel garrison which immediately fled in face of the impressive star destroyer. The ground campaign was much more difficult, as stubborn Rebel resistance persisted through the various mining networks which littered the planet, and the lack of additional ground forces available due to the events of Ord Trasi sapping reserves. A hard three-month campaign was conducted, easily frustrating the Commodore who expected a much faster and effective timeline. Once the system was finally subdued, orders were handed out to stand by and replenish losses, as rumors circulated Grand Moff Gilgeous Shai would request transfer of the Commodore to his authority to assist in future offensives in Oversector Nine.

The Gladiator in orbit of Monhudle, finally able to defeat the Rebels on the surface

In the furthest reaches of the northern galaxy, Grand Admiral Zzavian Slyce Baobab continued his mysterious works in Gree Space, further isolating himself from other Imperials outside direct lines of communication with Grand Moff Varian and Warlord Venis, the three individuals continuing to showcase a powerful triumvirate of sorts developing in the northern Empire. This was reinforced by the fact Venis appeared at Ord Trasi, and Grand Admiral Baobab offering his forces as well but was recommended to stand by as the already powerful Scourge Squadron was deemed enough. Rumors circulated the Grand Admiral created a panel consisting of his brightest officers and scholars to coordinate on strategy against an unidentified entity, gaining some theoretical plans which could be relayed to the necessary parties.

Project Bisector was reportedly gaining traction, with reports of "significant revelations and discovery" in the suspected fields the Grand Admiral was focusing on. Although these were promising positive results, the end goal of the project was deemed far from finished, as much more time and resources were required to accomplish it. The Grand Vizier and Ruling Council, which continued to monitor the project from afar, happily distributed further funding and expanded the scientific teams assigned to it, bolstering the odds and confidence of those involved.

Grand Moff Corvalo Septina, already a staunch COMPNOR member of the Select Committee, wished to "rebrand" himself after the controversial Sub-Adult Group proposals regarding alien integration. He completely cast it aside, blaming his aides and those deemed local rivals for errors in their documentation or having them detained for proclaiming such heresy in his name. COMPNOR itself was given a massive increase in funding and authority through Oversector Ten by Septina as a result, giving the organization large influence in the region as elements of paramilitary CompForce armies in some systems outnumbered standard military garrisons three to one. Further entrenchment of COMPNOR was seen as political assignment of its fanatical sections were directly attached to regular military units, although not having actual authority within the military structure they were still feared for their ability to have those deemed disloyal to the New Order detained quickly without question.

A large-scale COMPNOR conference was held on Taris by the Grand Moff, with all figures of notable import from the Oversector present. This was both a statement of the sudden astronomical rise of COMPNOR and Septina's influence both within the organization and Oversector. Included in this conference were prominent industrial corporations and conglomerates, looking to gain favorable deals with the Imperial government and ensure their financial and physical security was assured. Alongside major patrols of the hyperlanes and vital systems to ensure stability, Grand Moff Septina seemed a competent individual, entirely loyal to the New Order via his near-fanatical devotion to COMPNOR.

Scarlet Squadron and its Admiral Jubei Chinelo were entirely disgraced in the eyes of the Empire for their actions over Ciutric, having to flee the system before their inevitable destruction. For weeks they traveled to systems either sparsely garrisoned by the Empire or ones not under any major entity. Finally, Chinelo found refuge at the isolated and uninhabited swamp world of Jagomir, far from any Imperial fleet or attention. It was here mysterious communiques came from the east, from a location which on star maps did not indicate anything was there. The Admiral, curious to this, traced the message to an unmarked planet and made way to the system. It was here Chinelo discovered the ancient Sith home world of Korriban, currently under the Witch-Queen Ala'el. Although both sides were tense and distrustful of one another, a common consensus was made, and an alliance formed. Scarlet Squadron was no longer adrift among the stars and found a new home.
[Scarlet Squadron Faction Dissolved]
[+1 Bellator, +1 Tector, +1 ISD I, +2 Procursator to Slaves to Darkness]

The Witch-Queen, given this sudden and unexpected bolstering of forces, lashed out from Korriban, as Jagomir, already known to be uninhabited or maintaining a garrison was absorbed quickly, what few pirates who used the isolated planet as a haven were imprisoned and sent to Korriban, their fates unknown. Another system which was sparsely populated and effectively abandoned by the Empire was Ladarra, which the very small local populace stood no chance against the terrible beasts and stormtroopers at the Witch-Queen's disposal, the locals also rounded up and transported to Korriban. Raids were conducted further into Imperial and Rebel space, but finally met resistance by local garrisons which were quickly reinforced, both sides sent highly concerning information on what they encountered to the higher echelons of the Empire and Alliance.

With this expansion of territory, manpower and slave labor, the Witch-Queen declared the Slaves to Darkness was now the foundation of a new entity, becoming a cult-government body for a greater concept, an Empire to rule the galaxy through blood and fear. The Shadow Empire had been born.
[Slaves to Darkness reformed into Shadow Empire]

Surface Marshal Vonsol, riding off the highly successful short two week campaign down the Hydian Way to Gacerian, was given heavy reinforcement of seven star destroyers by Grand Moff Sal of Oversector Two, in light of Grand Moff Gaul being recalled to Oversector One which left a sizable void in the region. Using Denon as his command center as centerpoint of both reinforcement and operations in the region, the bolstered Thirteenth Sector Army began the process through multiple weeks and months of fortifying numerous systems along the Hydian Way moving southwards, fearful of major Alliance offensives in light of events transpiring further south in Oversector Seventeen and Outer. Particular focus was done over Baroli and Gacerian, as a heavy ground presence was established and orbital stations erected in hopes of if not deterring Rebel attacks at least giving them difficulty in the event they moved against the systems.

Operation Buried Dagger during this time was being formulated, its aim to further press the advantage down the Hydian Way while also drawing Rebel forces from their onslaught ongoing along the Corellian Trade Spine. The Surface Marshal, unlike prior during Operation Silken Star where he was leading from afar at Denon this time took personal command of his fleet, bolstered by Grand Moff Sal's reinforcements to give him an impressive formation to combat the Rebellion. Probe droids provided constant updates as they were deployed to Majoor, indicating a moderate Rebel force was present, but reports from Imperial Intelligence, temporarily overtaking the ISB in the chaos on Imperial Center stated the prospect of major reinforcement was highly likely due to proximity. This did not deter the Surface Marshal nor the army officers or naval units attached to him, as the operation was still planned to be undertaken as confidence was high among them.

The ten-strong force of star destroyers entered the Majoor system, arrayed before them were a various assortment of Alliance frigates and a handful of cruisers, backed by dozens of squadrons of X-Wings and Y-Wings which were prepared for the engagement, as the Surface Marshal came to realize the Rebels had their own robust intelligence operatives hard at work to monitor one of the few successful Imperials in the south. Using superior longer-range batteries the Imperial fleet made good work of the larger vessels, destroying many but having immense difficulty in countering the highly experienced and determined snubfighters which were quickly depleting the TIE Fighter number advantage, mainly due to the lack of star destroyers with point defense systems, many of the larger vessels purpose-built to fight in ship-on-ship combat. This both doctrinal and design flaw in Vonsol's fleet led to the loss of an Imperial II-class, being bombarded by Y-Wings with little way of countering them as the TIEs were more and more becoming a spent force as the battle progressed.
[-1 ISD II to Empire]

Even with these losses, Vonsol pressed the attack, bunching his forces into a more compact formation, giving the fleet a better chance to concentrate their batteries which began to take its toll on the Rebel fighters and bombers, deciding to disengage by either escaping via hyperspace or retreating to the surface of Majoor. Vonsol, believing he was victorious prepared his ground forces for what was expected to be a fierce ground campaign was alarmed by the sudden signature of a large concentration of vessels entering the system, the Alliance Fourth Fleet under Admiral Voon Massa, fresh off their triumph in the former Naboo pocket who heeded the call of immediate reinforcement to the planet.

The Alliance Fourth Fleet arriving into the Majoor system, ready to fight Vonsol's forces

Immediate confusion and near chaos then reigned through Vonsol's fleet, caught off guard by the arrival of a legitimate Alliance force which could not only match but outdo his firepower advantage. Orders of a general withdrawal from the system was given, as officers scrambled to turn what limited ground forces were in the initial stages of fighting on the surface, the remaining TIE fighters doing what they could to act as a sacrificial wall for the star destroyers as waves of turbolaser fire and X-Wings were preparing to overwhelm the Imperial force. Unfortunately losses were sustained as a fighting retreat was conducted, as a Victory I-class and two Victory II-class Star Destroyers were annihilated acting as the last line of defense before the bulk of the battered fleet departed the system to Gacerian, the Surface Marshal given a very bloody nose, his future plans cast aside as he had to replenish his forces and reset his strategy. Another sobering reality became that the Alliance was no longer acting as an irregular force in this region of the galaxy, future battles would be fierce and the odds of being highly attritional, something the Empire could not sustain in the long-term.
[-1 Vic I, -2 Vic II to Empire]

The Rim Emergency Authority wasted no time in its consolidation militarily, economically or socially, as the self-proclaimed Supreme Protector Turent Pho was constantly busy organizing his Imperial Warlord state in the weeks and months after its formation. The creation of Shooting Star Squadron, the lynchpin of the Rim Authority's military might was thirteen star destroyers strong, based out of Lantillies which held a commanding presence both within Rim Authority space and to neighboring Imperial and Rebel systems. Most forms of major industrial companies and corporations were Imperialized, reorganized into large state-run conglomerates with the sole purpose of providing war material and what basic needs the civilian populace required. COMPNOR was reorganized into COMPSOR, gutting the former entity of disloyal elements and over the months filling the gaps with highly loyal members, looking to create a political and paramilitary entity which would be completely compliant and useful to spread the will and authority of the Supreme Protector.

The Supreme Protector's second in command, the infamous Jal Zeid, promoting himself to High Admiral had organized plans to further expand the borders of the Emergency Rim Authority at the expense of the Empire. Led by the Assertor-class Star Dreadnought Colossus, his fleet, given the Interdictor-class Star Destroyer Serpent's Coil by Supreme Protector Pho charged out from Roche to the Imperial shipyard and industrial world of Metalorn, a vital system to further expand the power of the Rim Authority. The Imperial garrison there, already demoralized and without reinforcement since the Rim Authority's creation which cut the major hyperlanes to the core worlds, surrendered almost immediately with little conflict as they had no chance to counter a Star Dreadnought, the small garrison being integrated into the growing Imperial Warlord state which now had another shipyard to produce vessels for war.
[+2 Vic I to Emergency Rim Authority]
[-2 Vic I to Empire]

The High Admiral was not satisfied with Metalorn, looking to expand northwards along the Perlemian Trade Route moved his fleet to Orleon, his goal to conquer the Imperial systems of Talcene, Salvara and Centares. At Talcene the garrison immediately fled before the Serpent's Coil's interdictors could be activated, as the system within a week was subdued as a briefly fierce planetary resistance was formed from the Imperial garrison quietly backed by the local merchant guilds. Moving onwards to Salvara the first legitimate engagement was conducted, as the garrison bolstered by those who retreated from Talcene and the orbital garrison at Centares arrived as reinforcements to make their stand, seeing no realistic options available as surrender was not one of them. The Colossus, backed by her escorts effectively annihilated the Imperial force, as they could not in any way match the raw firepower of the Star Dreadnought, let alone the star destroyers screening it. Only a sole Imperial I-class survived which surrendered, and after a month-long planetary invasion Salvara had been conquered.
[+1 ISD I to Rim Emergency Authority]
[-2 ISD I, -3 Vic I, -1 Procursator to Empire]

The Colossus and her escorts, a feared formation in the eastern rim of the galaxy

Finally, at Centares, its garrison was much like at Metalorn a depleted and demoralized force, not wishing to serve the same fate as those at Salvara, the planetary governor offered terms of surrender, sparing the populace of a brutal war on the surface. The High Admiral, flexing his muscle almost entirely through the use of his Star Dreadnought had carved a path of destruction of Imperial forces in Oversector Twelve, leaving the last legitimate concentration of forces at the Imperial Fortress World of Thanos. The Emergency Rim Authority had suddenly gone from a minor rump state to a legitimate military power in the eastern ends of the galaxy, drawing the attention of both the Empire and more importantly the Rebel Alliance.
[+1 Procursator to Rim Emergency Authority]
[-1 Procursator to Empire]

Commodore Zelta Kul, feeling her previous actions were perhaps too cordial or soft on the local populace of Ryloth enacted even more radical and sometimes draconian measures throughout the planet. A massive mobilization of the garrison and total enforcement of martial law was declared with the blessings of the local Moff after seeing large-scale insurrection on the planet weeks prior which still persisted. Reinforcements from nearby Imperial systems were dispatched to further deal with Hutt and Black Sun resistance movements, as legions of Stormtroopers and divisions of Imperial Army Troopers began a major crackdown upon all legitimate and suspected criminal enterprises, including Imperial sympathizers or those directly connected to said organizations. Endless show trials were conducted, with many death sentences issued under charges of sedition or corruption, with some notable higher ranking Imperial officials swept up in the process.

After the dust had settled in these trials after two months, the Moff seemed satisfied that a message had been sent to his peers to distance themselves from interacting with the criminal enterprises and that a new status quo could be established and maintained. Unfortunately for the Moff, Commodore Kul desired to see the complete liquidation of the planet from any influence the Hutts, Black Sun or other non-Imperials had. Orders had been issued demanding a full-scale ground assault across the planet to cleanse it of any and all against the Empire, with the Commodore beginning to organize pro-Imperial paramilitary units to act as a supporting arm for the regular forces. Wild clashes broke out through many cities, towns and villages between these militias and whatever the local Twi'lek/Criminal resistance could muster, as a pragmatic alliance had been formed to try and resist the Commodore's now unrelenting nature.

Combat raged through the sands and cities of Ryloth, as Stormtroopers press forward

Chaos then ensued as the local Moff, now aware of what Commodore Kul had done, ordered her to be arrested immediately and charged with not only disobeying direct orders but conducting treasonous acts against the Empire. Once news reached the Commodore, she immediately took matters into her own hands, openly defying the Moff's directives as Imperial fought Imperial in the cities of Ryloth, adding even more instability to the already fragile state of the system. Reinforcements were called from Dalchon, forcing Kul and her loyalists to make the decision to abandon the system before being overwhelmed, but not before destroying large swathes of suspected Hutt Cartel and Black Sun-controlled regions via orbital bombardment. The now disgraced Commodore fled eastwards into the embrace of the fledgling Imperial Warlord state of the Tolonda Union.
[+1 Praetor II, +2 ISD I, +2 Vic I to Tolonda Union]
[-1 Praetor II, -2 ISD I, -2 Vic I to Empire]

High Moff Randall Kursk, leader of the infant Tolonda Union, much like the fellow Imperial Warlord state of the Rim Emergency Authority, set to work to begin proper establishment of his domain, with wholesale reform and purges conducted to root out any remaining Imperial sympathizers or potential spies as various new bodies were created to replace the former Imperial government structure. Merit was emphasized over those previously believed to be simple sycophants, although having such a limited pool of favorable options it was not entirely clear this was being enacted wholeheartedly, as reports crept of Hutt Cartels bribing Tolonda officials to ensure their operations continued smoothly regarding the spice trade and trafficking of slaves. Another of the High Moffs' reforms were relaxing the misogynistic Imperial preferences, offering women equal opportunity to participate in government and rise through the ranks. This did spark controversy among the more radical elements of the Union but was seen as a more pragmatic decision due to a lack of qualified officials available to fill the ranks. One of the final reforms Kursk enacted, perhaps to gain the goodwill of non-humans within the Union was the abolishment of slavery, which was the silent mover of economic growth in the region alongside spice. The Hutt Cartels were obviously opposed to such measures, and through their ever-growing influence within the Union's bureaucracy found ways to either avoid or ignore such decrees, keeping a low but rising stream of slaves passing through the Union's borders into Hutt Space.

Regarding military matters High Moff Kursk sought to rapidly expand his borders and give the Union a major agricultural hub his forces organized over Lyran, their destination Ukio. Once the Tolondan fleet arrived, the High Moff conducted peaceful negotiations with Ukians to include the system into the Union, securing the vital planet which not only gave Kursk a highly prized possession providing a new influx of credits, but also began a crisis within the Empire as one of its major agriworlds which it did business with was no longer available. Kursk's forces continued southwards towards the sparsely populated Molavar system, easily able to establish a garrison and expand use of the Triellus Trade Route. Using the route, Kursk moved south once again to Tatooine, devoid of a planetary garrison of any sort outside of local Hutt enforcers and the late Jabba the Hutt's forces. A tense but somewhat peaceful settlement was established, as the Union somewhat filled the void left by Jabba's death yet traditions and those with ambition to fill his seat within the Hutts festered. Finally, Kursk, wishing to seize the only major shipyard in the region not under his control, quickly planted Union forces over the desert world of Geonosis which housed a major shipyard, its native yet depleted Geonosian species no longer able to resist thanks to the efforts of Lord Vader years prior.

Although the Union had gained much territory, wealth and a major yard to construct more vessels, the High Moff was far from finished, as he prepared an expedition northward towards a handful of Imperial systems centered around Kessel to take what resources he could and return to Rothana. Union forces met little to no resistance of any sort along the Triellus Trade Spine at Gamorr, Syvris, Barab or Teth as what local garrisons simply moved aside, not wishing to be vaporized by a much superior force for no reason. Although Kursk had no difficulty in his advancement, information from Hutt-aligned operatives within these fleets relayed that a major Imperial force was rapidly moving towards the direct borders of Hutt Space. With the recent introduction of Commodore Kul into the Union that was known within Hutt Space, the Hutt Ruling Council feared, after seeing her actions over Ryloth, that she was making a move into the heart of Hutt Space to eradicate them. A rapid mobilization of Hutt vessels was organized, a grand fleet cobbled together as the various cartels put aside their differences for the moment to ensure they'd survive.

An extreme rarity was displayed by the Hutts, forming a united fleet to fight a common foe

This grand Hutt fleet made way to Droxu, expecting the Union's fleet to turn west to Nar Haaska and waited for Kursk's fleet, oblivious to what was transpiring. Not expecting any form of resistance until Honoghr the fleet's readiness was low, more concerned with organizing a supply chain back to Union space than preparing to engage in a major battle. Only moments after entering the Droxu system the Hutts sprung their ambush, although not as coordinated nor experienced as the Alliance the results were still extremely bloody, as Tolondan officers immediately went into action ordering all fighters, bombers and support craft deployed into a chaotic horde of turbolaser fire colliding between Hutt and Union vessel.

The battle rapidly deteriorated for both sides as a large contingent of fighters were lost, leading to the larger vessels beginning to trade blows, the advantage in this part of the battle siding with the Union but were still outnumbered three to one in overall vessels. A Venator-class Star Destroyer, already suffering moderate damage as its fighter complement was fully deployed and assisting the other capital ships from the onslaught took catastrophic damage to its engines from a Hutt bombing run, disabling the ship leading to it being abandoned. The High Moff, not willing to needlessly suffer more losses to his fleet ordered a retreat back to Union space, leaving a victorious but heavily damaged united Hutt force which also returned to Hutt Space. The Kessel Expedition had failed, and Hutt-Tolondan relations plummeted as a result to a near state of war.
[-1 Venator to Tolonda Union]

Across the Galactic South panic set in as reports of the Rebel fleet's density at Endor spread and rumors became true as organized Rebel forces began appearing in systems once thought secure. While disarray reigned supreme, some commanders sought to bring order out of the chaos and acted quickly to secure sections of space vital to Imperial interests and perhaps their own as well.

Grand Admiral Iaris Solaris, having recently secured Oversector Twenty from the nefarious plots of Grand Moff Derizo, quickly integrated and reorganized his forces. Suspecting he had limited time to act before Rebel forces were able to move substantial reinforcements north and fortify their positions Solaris chose to go on the offensive. Codenamed Operation Torrent, the Grand Admiral sought to secure the northern position of the Rimma Trade Route, securing the rear of Imperial forces in the region and reestablish Imperial control over the entirety of the core worlds.

Ironically enough Solaris attacked the very system Derizo had been planning to do as well with Dentaal being the first objective of his offensive. The Rebels knew they were on the chopping block, having gained intel that Derizo had been planning to attack them so Solaris found a warm reception for him when he arrived, a few defense stations found in orbit with more under construction, while several small squadrons of ships and starfighters quickly deployed to try and halt the Imperial juggernaut coming for them, not expecting to find an Executor-class Star Dreadnought in their mists.

Various squadrons of X-Wings, A-Wings, Y-Wings and even fighters from the Clone Wars stood before the horde of TIE Fighters deployed by the Shadowsun. The Star Dreadnaught and her support vessels traded long-range shots with the functional defense stations, while smaller ships from both sides engaged. While determined, even with the Grand Admiral suffering substantially within his starfighter forces, the Rebels soon found themselves unable to hold back the tide and an evacuation was ordered of all able. The population of the planet had been wiped out in a plague engineered by Imperial forces or Rebel if you believed the propaganda, thus most were able to escape, though viable supplies and infrastructure was left behind. The Grand Admiral had broken one system and did not wait to continue his advance.

The Shadowsun stood victorious over Dentaal, preparing to move northwards

After receiving replacements for his snubfighter forces, Solaris and the Shadowsun arrived in the Abregado-rae system, where the majority of the Rebel forces from Dentaal had retreated and were reinforced by local sector forces. Another desperate fight broke out as Imperial forces once more employed long-range tactics to try and wither down Rebel defenses. A Victory II-class Star Destroyer, the Brazer, was lost as Rebel forces used the debris field from a Clone Wars battle that had taken place twenty-five years earlier to ambush it as it moved to clear them out, but this would be the only true victory for the Rebels this day as once more the Grand Admiral's forces proved too much for the Rebels in the Abregado-rae system and pocket.
[-1 Vic II to Empire]

Once more what remained of Alliance forces within the system fell back, the lack of an Interdictor within the Grand Admiral's forces proving to be in the favor as Stormtroopers and Army formations landed to fight over the planet. For several weeks the Grand Admiral's forces would fight over the heavily industrialized planet, factories and city blocks alike were taken down as General Valin Hess sent in wave after wave of soldiers to secure them. Above the Grand Admiral's Fleet reigned supreme with periodic yet highly accurate orbital bombardment.

The fall of the worlds of Gerrard, Erasmus, Frego, and Plexis were all but guaranteed with the fall of Abregado-rae, with Rebel forces remaining within the pocket being only local planetary garrisons. Over the next several weeks, be it not without heavy fighting and losses mounting among Imperial forces, most notably among pilots, all five systems would be reclaimed for the Empire. In a galaxy filled with the "terror" of the Rebel Alliance being heard across Imperial systems, more and more news came out with the launching of the Rebel's main offensive in the South. There was now a bright spot for many to rally behind as Grand Admiral Solaris received reports of hotspots developing across the southern parts of Oversector Twenty, moving that way as garrison forces dispatched by newly installed Grand Moff Tandi Maxcetus arrived to garrison the systems liberated in the southern core.

Imperial Stormtroopers supported by AT-STs make themselves known once again in the southern core

Grand Moff Tandi Maxcetus, recently Grand Moff of Oversector Seventeen, had taken the lifeboat given by the Grand Vizier when offered and shifted over to Oversector Twenty as quickly as she could, as Rebel forces closed in for the kill around what remained of Oversector Seventeen. Maxcetus quickly sent representatives to try and gain influence throughout the sector, sending her majordomo, Orikin Tet, to meet with the various Tapani Houses and prepare for her arrival within the sector. Orikin Tet spoke with each family, finding those of Houses Mecetti, Melantha, and Barnaba the most accommodating with the arrival of the Grand Moff, Mecetti and Melantha having been the most loyal to the Empire since its rise. The others gave token assurances to Tet but it was lukewarm at best, with all wishing to really remain afar from the ongoings outside of the actual Tapani Sector. Majordomo Tet would speak on the upcoming wedding between Fleet Admiral Osrin Riental and the Grand Moff and invited all to the event. Though many throughout Tapani simply had no idea who the Fleet Admiral was being from Coruscant after all, thus didn't show much if any interest about the upcoming wedding, however it was a social event and the Tapani Nobles loved participating in such ceremonies for their own purposes so many prepared for the happy marriage.

Orikin Tet had another mission as Maxcetus gathered up the best officers within Oversector Seventeen and transferred them to her direct command, preparations made a fevered pace for the move as the Grand Moff left Pendari and attempted a small operation on the southern zone of Oversector Twenty. Dubbed Operation Glaewind, the Grand Moff assembled her direct forces while sending Victory Star Destroyers to both the Jakku and Pitrolea systems, in a bid to gain vital reconnaissance on them and prepare for her offensive. These two ships quickly returned with shot up starfighter squadrons and battle damage,reporting that substantial Rebel forces were located within the area as Alliance forces began a series of raids against Laetros, Kiffu and half a dozen other planets on the southern border of Outersector Twenty. With this information and constant attacks coming in, the planned offensive to both Jakku and Pitrolea were called off as reports began coming in of the Rebel attacks all across the Galactic South. It seemed that the dreaded Ackbar Offensive had finally begun.

In this Maxcetus was spared from much of the heavy fighting taking place further south, but she had her own problems closer to home. Orikin Tet had gone to all the major Tapani noble houses and asked for loans, with houses Mecetti, Melantha, and Barnaba granting them while houses Cadriaan, Calipsa, Pelagia, and Reena were hedging their bets due to barely knowing the Grand Moff and not willing to fully trust as of yet, if ever. This would prove prudent as Maxcetus arrived in the Oversector and began establishing herself, filling the void of the late Derzio. She immediately sent money to Fleet Admiral Rien'tal to pay his forces, which was widely received there though the Admiral had secured his own ways to pay his forces, but it was the second part of the Grand Moff's plan that soon soured many to her.

In a misguided effort to install herself within the sector and gain influence she soon began investing the loans she had taken into the industry of the various houses, trying to build up the sector and be seen as the one doing so. This, however, backfired as the noble families saw it as her taking their money and then investing in their industries, allowing the Grand Moff to gain either direct or indirect control over them and away from the nobility. The status quo, until this point, was an agreed autonomous position within the Empire, seeing it as a precursor of more Imperial control and influence. This combined with the order that private craft were to be inspected closely, seen even more intrusive on their autonomy, caused many protests and calling for the loans to be paid back immediately, with rumors of several families reaching out to Grand Admiral Solaris asking him to restore the delicate order that had remained for almost twenty-five years.

While these were major missteps by the Grand Moff, perhaps a bit over her head in the political game within Tapani, she did prove to many that she could and did secure the Oversector, holding off raids by Rebel forces and taking back some territory that had been lost, even if Solaris got much of the credit for it. Maxcetus also worked hard to make sure logistical support to Imperial forces throughout the Oversector was carried out and streamlined, her emphasis on building up starfighter forces contributing to the Grand Admirals success in Operation Torrent. This would prove more prudent as reports came in over what was happening to Tapani's direct South.

Already reeling from the loss at Endor and the advancement of Rebel forces from that system in the weeks after the battle, many feared what would happen as Admiral Ackbar and his forces were unleashed, riding the wave that victory brought. With Maxcetus having left Pendari and Oversector Seventeen there were only two major commanders left in the Galactic Southwest, Fleet Admiral Osrin Rien'tal and Warlord Selhec Rougrer, both concentrated over the rapidly fortified planet of Gerrenthum.

Both knew that the Rebel pressure was building as news of attacks and raids picked up every day, with more and more reports telling of a massive buildup of organized Alliance forces in the area. With this news in hand, Warlord Rougrer, chose a bold strategy that he hoped would be his salvation while Admiral Rien'tal prepared around Gerrenthum and planned several raids against Rebel forces. Rien'tal, aware he had followed up his promise to provide back pay and support for this command, decided to take up Shora Figg on the offer given to him and quickly disrupted funds to those under him, increasing morale across his own forces. More funds would arrive than expected, having agreed to marriage to Grand Moff Maxcetus, thus the Admiral soon found himself rather flushed with credits, but this would quickly become the least of his concerns.

Rien'tal had intended to engage in fleet maneuvers with Rougrer, as he prepared to fight the Rebels together, but those hopes were quickly dashed as the Warlord took those under his command and jumped into hyperspace, their destination Eriadu. Many were stunned by this as no real warning was given of Rougrer's intent and departure as morale began to suffer, just as news came in Alliance attacks increasing from effectively every direction.

Out of enclaves south, east, and west, three Rebel Fleets, reinforced from their victory at Endor and so many systems rallying to their cause, now went on the offensive as system after system reported their arrival. From the east came elements of Voon Massa's Fourth Fleet struck out at Kriselist, Pendari, Kinyen, and Roona, while the Third Fleet under Ackbar's own command struck from the West. While these systems had been reinforced as much as she could by Grand Moff Maxcetus, the stripping of vital officers and commands saw them struggling against already incredible odds and with Warlord Rougrer moving to Eriadu, it proved devastating.

Knowing of the defenses at Yag'Dhul, Alliance forces avoided striking there, instead sending raids at Mechis and Beltrix, but sent two pincers to Moorja, and with elements of two Fleets attacking there the agriculture based planet fell within days. The hyperspace lines to the Galactic South had been cut. As this took place and Imperial commands screamed for support across many worlds, the third hammer dropped as the Alliance First Fleet under Admiral Firmus Nantz launched its own attack along the southern prong of both the Corellian Trade Spine and the Hydian Way. Nantz took even more territory as he increased the pressure building up around Garrenthum, morale dropping by the day as Imperial forces desperately dug-in to hold what they could, hoping help would come soon. Seeing this and hoping for a quick and fast victory to rebuild morale Admiral Rien'tal gathered his forces for a strike at Inchtor.

Normally under the control of Moff Utoxx Prentioch who was in charge of the Sombure Sector, Inchtor had fallen quickly to the Alliance right after Endor. Prentioch would find himself simply overrun by Admiral Ackbar and elements of the Third Fleet, the sector planets of Cera, Iska, Iast and others quickly overrun as Prentioch had but a Victory II and Imperial I-class Star Destroyer to defend it, both destroyed over several weeks of combat.
[-1 ISD I, 1 Vic II to Empire]

Taking his small squadron of five ships, Rien'tal jumped into Inchtor, arriving at the snowy resort world, hoping to strike fast and quick. Unfortunately the Admiral found himself immediately in a fight for his life as reinforcements coming from the fight against the Ssi-Ruuk had arrived in the system, preparing for an attack on Gerrenthum. TIE Fighters, Blastboats, A, B, and X-Wings battled it out in the space above, as Mon Calamari cruisers closed in around the tightly packed Imperial formation, Rien'tal trying to maximize his firepower.

While he took down a few smaller ships with this, he found himself against some of the best the Rebels had to offer, including Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron. Reinforced by Luke Skywalker's battle-hardened battlegroup, the Rebels quickly began to overwhelm Rien'tal and his squadron, the Admiral's flagship, the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Wind of Fate blowing up after a series of starfighter strikes across her hull. With the loss of the flagship and Rien'tal himself, the fight quickly became a rout as the Imperial forces tried desperately to get out of the system. Only a single Imperial I-class would return to Gerrenthum, and while no real comfort, the crew could report that they did inflict losses on the Rebels and believed they had blunted an assault on Gerranthum itself, a baston in a sea of the orange and red of the Phoenix of the Rebellion.
[Fleet Admiral Osrin Rein'tal (@Red Robyn) Dead]
[-2 ISD I, -1 ISD II, -1 Vic I to Empire]

The Wind of Fate being attacked by Rogue Squadron and General Skywalker, moments before it's destruction

Warlord and Grand General Selhec Rougrer, finding himself in what he believed as an indefensible position had taken his command, the Bellator-class Event Horizon, and four ships and traveled off lane through Allyuen and Kelrodo-ai, and into Dolla. At Dolla he found himself run into forces from the Sullust-based Fourth Fleet, a heavy skirmish developing, seeing his sole Victory I heavily damaged and having been abandoned, but his boldness and pushing out as quickly as possible saved the lives of his command and his own. As his command limped into Eriadu and Imperial controlled space, a relieved Moff Jaren reported on the extent of the disaster that was befalling the south.
[-1 Vic I to Empire]

While Imperial forces controlled a series of systems to the south of Eriadu, Alliance forces had closed in from almost all sides. Hoth, Bespin, Sil'lume, these systems and more had fallen to the Rebels with Admiral Delvardus barely holding off an advance by Nantz at Shumavar, having to commit much of what remained of Oversector Outer's southern forces in the region there. News also came of Voon Massa's Fleet stationed at Sullust striking east and simply overwhelming the forces in the Naboo pocket, the few destroyers and smaller ships there overtaken by Rebel forces, with the only fights really taking place at Malastare and Naboo before Imperial forces were defeated. Rebel forces had now linked up with caught off forces from both east and west though rumors did say that many of Massa's forces had moved north, but there still sat the ominous stronghold of Sullust just to the north of Eriadu.
[-3 ISD I, -3 Vic I, -1 Vic II to Empire]

With Rougrer's arrival in Eriadu, the Warlord quickly set out to try and bring order to the chaos taking place in the South. He ordered those of "strong loyalties" to the Empire be placed as a sort of commissar to Imperial Army forces within the now formed Eriadu pocket, with orders to do "what must be done" to keep up morale and combat effectiveness. COMPNOR, heavily installed in Eriadu and former Takinite territory swept in and immediately began arresting those of "doubt" to the cause of the New Order, hundreds if not thousands ruthlessly taken into custody. Morale improved slightly, as soldiers quickly began to shout out "Long live the New Order!" as naval commanders watched, wondering when and if their turn would come.

While the Warlord scoured records and files for any advantages that he might find within Eriadu or his command, it seems the best defense the Eriadu pocket had was Eriadu itself, much like the Rebel-controlled Sullust which was also a fortress, Eriadu was easily one of the most heavily defended planets within the Empire. Any hope of resources or extra support was washed away as Rougrer discovered that the Corellian Trade spine, the lifeline to further Imperial reinforcement, was no longer under the Empire's control. Eriadu was now completely on its own becoming a redoubt of the Empire in the southern ends of the galaxy.

There was one last act to play out within the discourse taking place in the South. While Alliance forces were securing great swathes of territory and taking down Imperial forces in countless systems, this did require them to pull resources temporarily from the northern border with Oversector Twenty. Having had success in the northern parts of that Oversector, Grand Admiral Solaris, with some assistance from Grand Moff Maxcetus pulled his fleet back to Yag'Dhul, that planet fast becoming a bulwark of Imperial might, where after absorbing replacements and new pilots launched an attack on the fallen system of Moorja. While a bloody affair and seeing a loss of another precious Imperial-II-class Star Destroyer and two Victory II-class, the Grand Admiral was able to retake the system and blunt any Alliance momentum northwards into the Oversector.
[-1 ISD II, -2 Vic II to Empire]

Imperial forces, although having little success in the south of the galaxy, did find a much needed victory at Moorja

While some viewed it as too little, too late, especially those survivors that were fortunate enough to escape from the disasters further south or those now isolated in the sea of Alliance territory. Others, however, called the Grand Admiral the Imperial hero that was needed to take the fight to the Rebels. The Grand Admiral's actions also saw an uptick in rallies and support across COMPNOR as many within the organization throughout Tapani and the near South looked to attach themselves to what some called a rising star within the Empire.

  • Oversector Shadow Hand goes entirely silent including all hyperlanes sealed, as probe droids attempting to discover the reasoning do not return nor relay any information, many within the Ruling Council fear that Grand Moff Ronntal Valrin, backed by the powerful Shadow Squadron and many Star Destroyers had become a new Imperial Warlord State.
  • With the void created at the top of COMPNOR due to the death of Grand Admiral Ishin-Il-Raz, the Select Committee, after conflicted debates, selects a compromise candidate in Lord Crueya Vandron, an extremely wealthy member of nobility who was also one of the original orchestrators in creation of the organization.
  • Grand Moff Manko Gaul was sighted frequently among his former colleagues of the Imperial Ruling Council reforging old friendships and creating new ones among the elite and nobility of Imperial Center, expanding his influence on the capital.
  • The Gacerian gem mines continued to flow, as Grand Moff Gaul's coffers were abundant as a result, reportedly donating large sums of credits to the Imperial Relief League which gained him much popularity among the masses.
  • Grand Moff Ong Chhau, much like Grand Moff Septina enacted widespread COMPNOR expansion through Oversector Seven, focusing on general loyalty to the Empire and New Order while blaming Maddoxite thought for traitorous events.
  • Grand Admiral Lira Serenon was reported to have a larger than usual compliment of Death Troopers and highly loyal Imperial Navy officers at her side, taking no chances regarding her security.
  • Grand Moff Gilgeous Shai conducts a highly successful campaign to liberate systems closest to the core words in Oversector Nine, taking the Urce, Ebra and Entuur systems before halting all operations in light of General Pravenne's insurrection, severely delaying any future attacks in the Oversector.
  • Mysterious and unknown Imperial scientists enter Oversector Eight at Yaga Minor, where reportedly volunteers for tests are taken and never seen again, as growing rumors create panicked concerns over some type of sinister experiment being conducted.
  • Massive raids are reported through the northeastern ends of Oversector Outer, large groups of people are found missing, local garrisons reporting quick and relentless attacks are done during the night and gone within the hour, as a result Imperial patrols and garrisons are hightened.
  • The Corporate Sector Authority discovers small numbers of spies and informants within its space, these infiltrators not lending their purpose nor who they answer to during interrogations.
  • Supreme Protector Turent Pho distributes his own manifesto, proclaiming he is the sole person who will save the New Order from the rot of the core worlds and Sate Pestage, the propaganda required to be read by a large majority of the Rim Emergency Authority's citizenry.
  • The Rim Emergency Authority's capital of Lantillies was given extensive fortification in the five months since the Imperial Warlord State's creation, providing a robust bastion that would be incredibly difficult to defeat.
  • Alliance forces, taking advantage of the Rim Emergency Authority's offensive towards Centares, enacts an offensive of their own down the Perlemian Trade Route, liberating the key shipyard world of Lianna and driving south until Columex, eliminating many Imperial vessels in the process. [-1 Praetor II, -2 ISD I, -4 Vic II, -2 Venator to Empire]
  • High Moff Randall Kursk, using back channels and unauthorized declarations on the Imperial HoloNet called on those who wished to defect from Pestage, the corrupt Ruling Council and the crumbling Empire to his growing Warlord fiefdom as some answered the call but was not as extensive as hoped. [+1 ISD I, +1 Vic I to Tolonda Union] [-1 ISD I, -1 Vic I to Empire]

The Galaxy in Mid 4 ABY

Galactic Empire
Grand Vizier Sate Pestage
Government Type: Imperial Regency (Senate Indefinitely Suspended)
Capital: Imperial Center (Coruscant)
Systems: 302
Internal stability: 4
Executor SSDs: 6 [+1 in 1 turn, +1 in 2 turns]
Assertor SSDs: 1
Bellators: 5 [+1 in 2 turns]
Praetor IIs: 2
Secutors: 7
Allegiances: 6 [+2 in 1 turn]
Interdictor SDs: 12 [+2 in 3 turns]
Tectors: 24 [+1 in 2 turns]
Imperial Is: 235
Imperial IIs: 121 [+1 in 1 turn] [+27 in 2 turns]
Procursators: 28
Victory Is: 53
Victory IIs: 373 (39 CC) [+20 in 1 turn]
Venators: 15

@JuliusNepos as Grand Admiral Zzavian Slyce Baobab
@RobespierreLives as Grand Admiral Iaxis Solaris
@Carol as Grand Admiral Lira Serenon
@Revan4221X as Warlord of the Empire, Grand General Selhec Rougrer
@Frostbyght as Surface Marshal Kravic Vonsol
@iAmJimmyHoffa as Vice Admiral Terek Corliss
@CobaltCloyster as Commodore Kahlyn Novara Kuat
@Another Amoeba as Commander Balthazar Thyle

@FantasticMsFox as Grand Moff Tandi Maxcetus
@Fission Battery as Grand Moff Corvalo Septina
@mcclay as Grand Moff Val "Hades" Dellian
@Noco as Grand Moff Manko Gaul
@DanMan as Grand Moff Ong Chhau
@Sidheach as Grand Moff Tycho Sal

@Etranger as the Emperor's Hand Elatan Vaii

Rim Emergency Authority
Supreme Protector Turent Pho (@Bandeirante)
Government Type: Autocratic Fiefdom
Capital: Lantillies
Systems: 9
Internal Stability: 4
Executor SSDs: 0
Assertor SSDs: 1
Bellators: 0
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 1
Allegiances: 0
Interdictor SDs: 1
Tectors: 1
Imperial Is: 6
Imperial IIs: 3
Procursators: 4
Victory Is: 5
Victory IIs: 7 [+2 in 1 turn]
Venators: 0 [+2 in 1 turn]

@triumph8w as High Admiral Jal Zeid

Shadow Empire
Witch-Queen Ala'el (@Fingon888)
Government Type: Theocratic Dictatorship
Capital: Korriban
Systems: 3
Internal Stability: 5
Executor SSDs: 0
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 1
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 0
Allegiances: 0
Interdictor SDs: 0
Tectors: 1
Imperial Is: 2
Imperial IIs: 0
Procursators: 2
Victory Is: 0
Victory IIs: 1
Venators: 2

@AMTurtle as Exalted Harbinger Jubei Chinelo

Tolonda Union
High Moff Randell Kursk (@MajorKO)
Government Type: Autocratic Fiefdom
Capital: Rothana
Systems: 9
Internal Stability: 4
Executor SSDs: 0
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 0
Praetor IIs: 2
Secutors: 0
Allegiances: 0
Interdictor SDs: 0
Tectors: 0 [+1 in 2 turns]
Imperial Is: 7
Imperial IIs: 3
Procursators: 0
Victory Is: 5 [+1 in 1 turn]
Victory IIs: 4 [+3 in 1 turn]
Venators: 2 [+1 in 1 turn]

@Lazer Raptor as Commodore Zelta Kul

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Open Broadcast from CORELLIA

The House of Sal and Tycho and Asta Sal are delighted to announce the arrival of its newest member: Jagged Sheev Berethron e Sal.

Baby pictures shall be distributed every week to everyone on the Sal contact list. You are not permitted to opt out of these pictures.


Tycho Sal

Grand Moff Tycho Sal


"Really Tycho, I mean it, you have done wonderful work for Corellia."

Compliments came in hard and fast as Tycho wandered the banquet hall the Imperial Relief League was hosting its latest fundraiser in. Although it was ostensibly a charitable endeavour, the only people who cared to attend these events were diehard Imperials. It was no secret what the IRL was being used for, the increasingly armed colonies set down in centres of Imperial control made it obvious, which had ensured that only the right kind of people were present. The sort that understood that come hell or high water, their future was with the Empire and the Empire alone which in turn made them exceedingly favourable to Tycho and in turn left Tycho favourable to them.

Moving his hand from its place on Asta's waist, where it served the dual purpose of maintaining proximity and keeping him from flying off the handle and shooting someone, Tycho reached out and shook the hand of the man who'd delivered the latest compliment. A quick glance let him know it was Marx Kade, the owner of several factories responsible for producing some product or another used by the Imperial Navy - "Helmets," Asta whispered to him, instinctively recognising that Tycho couldn't remember the specifics - and his favourableness only doubled.

"You're too kind, Marx. I'm only doing my job, nothing more and nothing less."

"Too modest by far." Clapping his other hand over Tycho's, Marx held him there for a moment before letting go. "Everybody was worried that Endor would set off the Rebels and yet here we are, safe and sound, all thanks to you. I hear not even Thrackan's antics on Cato Neimoidia has managed to cajole the bastards from their hidey holes."

"Yet." The new man, who imposed himself into the conversation, was a wiry man who'd seen a few decades too many. - "Zevel Hel," Asta whispered again, not even waiting for Tycho to remember on his own. "Real estate." - Zevel continued on, either not noticing or not caring about Asta's quiet words. "But continue provoking the rabble and you'll find that sooner or later they will rise up."

Tycho smiled at Zevel. "You're only concerned about how this is going to affect real estate prices, Zevel, and I assure you that there is money to be made in all of this." Returning his hand to Asta's waist, fingers gently pressing against exposed skin until he was comfortable once more, right as the smile faded just a little. "There are going to be plenty of houses in need of selling and plenty of refugees in need of places to live. You stand to profit, Zevel, you know you do."

Zevel scowled slightly. "I can't sell a house in a warzone."

"I have no intention of letting things ever get that far."

"Tycho has things under control, my friend, or have you not been paying attention?" Marx interjected. "The Empire is stronger here now than it has ever been."

"Until you push the aliens past the point of no return," Zevel repeated. "It's a fine line that needs to be walked right now and you are threatening to step off of it."

Tycho's fingers sunk a little deeper into his husband's waist, a subtle sign of his annoyance that only Asta could notice. "I'm not the one who needs to walk that fine line, Zevel. The Rebellion have almost completely overrun the south and the number of refugees fleeing their advance grows by the day. If the... rabble, as you put it, choose to rise up, they'll find that I am more than capable of replacing them. Oversector 2 will be a bastion of the Empire and all that it stands for one way or the other."

"And now you're starting to sound like one of those COMPNOR fanatics."

"I promise you, I don't quite nearly possess the same capacity for hate that COMPNOR does." Pointedly letting go of Asta, Tycho stepped in towards Zevel and closed the distance with a single step. He wasn't the tallest man alive but rank and years of experience at dealing with Imperial officers and bureaucrats had taught him just how to make a man feel small in an instant, a talent he availed himself of now. He leaned in to force Zevel off balance, he let all friendliness fall from his face, and dropped his voice to a low growl just to add to the effect. "I promise you, I have no hate for aliens. I do not wish to see them wiped out like others do nor do I despise them enough to see them reduced to mere slaves. Quite frankly, I don't really care either way about where they stand or what they do. What I do care about though is what the Empire stands for and what it stands for, above all else, is Humanity. Palpatine burned away the Republic to ensure our place at the top of the pile, he drove the aliens out of power to guarantee our dominance, and he built the Empire brick by brick to make certain that this status quo would never change."

He tilted his head slightly, his eyes burning holes through Zevel's head, forcing the man to maintain eye contact with him as he grew visibly uncomfortable under the treatment. "I do the Empire's work here. Either the aliens remember their place or they give me cause to root them out and replace with good, honest humans. It's not about hate, it's not even about antiquated notions of some species being inferior or superior to others, it is purely about the Empire and the foundations upon which it is built. I hope that clears things up for you."

"It does."


Pulling away, Tycho walked back over to Asta and happily pulled him back to his side. "I am a loyal servant of the Empire, Zevel, no more and no less so I would appreciate it if you refrained from making such comparisons about me again in the future."

Zevel nodded, clearly not happy with the situation but unwilling to retort, and quickly departed for friendlier parts of the room while Marx gave him an uncomfortable smile.

"I should be going too, I think. It's been good speaking with you, Tycho."

"And you, Marx," he replied as the other man departed.

Only then did Asta let out an amused whistle, drawing Tycho's attention to him.

"Did you say all that because you really believe it or did you just say it to impress me?"

Smiling once more, Tycho simply answered with, "Can it be both?"

"It should always be both."
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Rain pattered down on Lidor's helmet, and he blamed his shaking hands on the it.

Just some months ago, he had finally joined the Empire in truth and gotten away from the homestead and his father. Ukio was no place for him, and he had no interest in wasting his days away as a meaningless farmer. What was the point of it? Toiling day in and day out, one copy among thousands, no, billions. None that he could see. His father had disagreed of course, and on Ukio there wasn't much recourse to get away for someone his age.

Save for the Empire.

He had wanted to be a starfighter pilot, then flunked out and—lacking the skills necessary to be a technician and proving to be a poor learner in that regard—got put in the army instead. It wasn't pleasant. Hard work just getting to this point. But he had toughed it out, and emerged on the other end confident he'd be able to finally do something. But he didn't get transferred to any grand army about to see some action and pound some rebels into dust. Just a boring post on Lantillies. Walking the same boring streets and staring at the same borning locals. He had been enraptured at first, but the drudgery of military life had taken some of the shine out of being under his third foreign star.

Then the Emperor died. That had been a chaotic day, and it had only grown worse after the ISB killed the Grand Moff. They had deployed to the streets in force after that, on General Cosmolux's orders. Lidor didn't have a clue what they were doing, neither did his squadmates and, no matter how Klur tried to hide it, the sergeant didn't either. They drove everyone indoors, kicked a few of them down, and then the Supreme Protector announced the Rim Emergency Authority.

Things changed after that. Lidor kept his head down and did his job, but he started thinking of home. Of Ukio's warm sun and his fathers rough voice, or his sisters nagging questions. He wasn't brave enough to desert. Where would he even get a starship? How would he fly it? Or the funds to pay someone else? And the army, or whatever strange name it had been changed to, provided food and safety. It was his best choice.

But here and now, on Salvara, he was starting to doubt that.

"Keep your kriffing head down," hissed his sergeant.

Lidor mumbled an assent as TIE's wailed overhead. He had no way to tell for certain, but he was pretty sure they were theirs. The enemy had most of their space borne equipment obliterated in orbit. The enemy. Just a few months ago they were all Imperial. But now it was them, or it was him.

Stormtroopers skittered across the street, and they were easy to tell as enemies because they were pure white instead of the dark blue stripes REA Protectors had splattered all over their armor. Lidor tightened his blue armband as he watched them. New uniforms were still trickling into the NOSF ground detachment, but they by and large were being routed to 'special units.' The so-called 'elites.' Bunch of pricks, more like it.

The rain fell even harder, and in the distance, past the ruined buildings, Lidor saw blaster fire light up through the fog and rain. It was a dull pounding all around them. There was another sound, lurching and mechanical, one that he had become intimately familiar with over the past months.

"Finally," grumbled one of his squadmates—Phodi—"The blasted AT-ST arrives at last."

"Stow it," Sergeant Klur hissed. "Get ready. It's about time to move."

The squad did as commanded, shuffling into position or checking their gear. The stormtroopers had settled into the hardpoint presented by the local school, holding out long after their army comrades had been routed by TIE's. Now it was time for the NOSFG to flush them out. The Protectors were nowhere in sight, of course. Lidor hadn't seen one since he had left the fleet and made planetfall.

The noise did in fact reveal itself to be an AT-ST. Dark blue stripes were painted on the sides and the front, and soldiers clustered a few feet behind it. Most of them wore the same gear and armbands as Lidor, but a few had those new blue uniforms. All of them were dirty.

The AT-ST opened up first, its main guns slamming into the school, followed by a hail of grenades from its concussion launcher. Lidor saw rain evaporate into hissing steam as debris went flying. Phodi gave a muted cheer.

"Open up!" Klur yelled.

Lidor didn't see a single thing to shoot in the rubble, but complied anyway. His blaster carbine kicked in his hands. Red bolts seared from his squads guns and from the troopers behind the chicken walker, adding their fire to it's as the Authority troopers pounded the school. He had seen stormtroopers scurrying around minutes before, but there wasn't any return fire. It had been nearly a month like this. Help wasn't coming their way. Why didn't they just quit?

The fire continued as the gathered NOSFG laid into the building. Once or twice Lidor thought he saw something white flash though the rubble and the growing mist, but he wasn't sure. He couldn't even tell if he was hitting them. His first hint of combat had been terrifying, shuffling through Talcene and skirmishing with the Imperial garrison. But it had been over quickly enough. Salvara just seemed to grind on and on-

Lidor blinked in surprise as he saw a stormtroopers helmet peek around the wall. By the time he had figured to turn his blaster their way, they had ducked back again. He was about to open his mouth to report the movement when a rocket whistled out from another section of the school, screaming through the air before it hit the AT-ST right in one of its eyes.

Lidor watched in horror as the chicken walker stumbled, tilted their way, then began to fall.

"Brace, brace!" Klur screamed, his own voice filled with a tightly controlled panic that did nothing to help Lidors own sudden shot of nerves.

The whole building rumbled as the AT-ST hit it, dust raining down from the ceiling. He could hear screaming from the street. Did it hit some of the troopers down there?

He didn't have time to question it. The high whine of a heavy repeating blaster filled the air, and a sea of red covered the streets below. How did they not shred any emplacements? Were the stormtroopers hiding it? Kriffing where!? He didn't have time to wonder for long before his sergeant grabbed him by the cuff of his uniform and pulled him back up.

"Into positions!" Klur roared, like the prick he was. "Pour some fire on the stormies, give our boys some kriffing cover!" He followed his own words up, and soon his squad followed suit. Lidor could still barely see anything, but now at least there were hints of white armor. And the Imperials repeating blaster was all too easy to see, thanks to the storm of blaster fire that ripped from it. The thing had been set up on a tripod, peeking behind some of the rubble, and it was absolutely laying into the street and crashed AT-ST. He didn't know if anybody was still alive down there.

One or two stormtroopers fell—or just pulled back into cover, he couldn't tell—and Lidor shivered as cold water managed to find its way past his layers and down his back. He aimed for the heavy repeater. If he could just keep the crews huddled down in cover, maybe the troopers in the streets could gather themselves-

He didn't see the shot that hit him.

He felt it, though.

Lidors armor absorbed much of the blast, but it still knocked him on his ass. It also took his breath away, and he gasped for air as rain fell on his face through the broken ceiling. There was shouting, and for a moment Phodi was over him. Then suddenly Phodi wasn't, and all Lidor could see was a rapid fire spray of red as the heavy repeater filled the room with blaster bolts.


Get away.

He had to get away.

Slowly, as he coughed painfully, he began to crawl for the stairs. Just had to get down them. Just had to get down them. Just had to get down them. Just had to get down them. Just had to get down them.

Loud. Too loud, everything too loud.

Panic shot through the white-hot pain as the rocket hit the ceiling. As it crumbled, he got one last look at his fourth foreign sky in all his nineteen years before he threw his arms in front of his face.

Lidor screamed as he was crushed.

Governor Sodani straightened her uniform for the sixth time, before giving up in a huff.

It was a nervous tick of hers, one she tried her best to master, to have one less tell in the political arena. She thought she had mastered it, but being in a hallway with these so-called 'Protectors' did nothing for her nerves. All they were was stormtroopers with a dated paint scheme. Traitors, too. Sodani hadn't wished to deal with them, but with that fat whale of a Moff having killed himself, it was up to her to be the instrument of surrender to the invaders.

As she was ushered into the room, she tried to not let her irritation show. They couldn't even give her the grace of surrendering on Salvara. It had to be on the Colossus. It was a dark room, filled with the black paneling and the dim white lights that was typical of any Imperial meeting room. For the navy, at least. She suppressed a sneer at the sight of Jal Zeid, merrily puffing away at a pipe while Death Troopers loomed around the room, surrounding the circular table.

"Governor," the chandrillian greeted in that clipped core accent that seemed branded into all his kind. "Please, sit."

Sodani did as he asked, smoothing her skirt for the seventh time in the process. She watched him savor his vice for a moment, before breathing it out and holding his pipe idly in one hand. The sight of him, and his specially tailored uniform—and it was, because she was certain that specific uniform belonged to no rank, unless that rank was called Jal Zeid—rankled her. She had never heard of this man before the Emperor's death, before the Rim Authority, and before he came to Salvara.

But she hated him.

Pho's dog placed an elbow on the table, belonging to the same arm that held the pipe, and watched her for a moment.

"I understand that you are the highest legitimate authority left on Salvara, and that you wish to surrender."

"Yes, admiral-"

"High Admiral." Zeid absentmindedly corrected her.

Sodani gritted her teeth, her clenched fists held under the table.

"High Admiral," she continued, like nothing happened, "I am. Moff Gurtok is dead. As is General Nyid. I have issued an order to lay down arms that has largely been obeyed by Imperial forces."

"Prudent." Zeid said, clearly amused. His eyes sparkled, and she resisted the urge to leap across the table and claw them out. She doubted she'd make it out of her seat.

"And you are prepared to make your announcement of unconditional surrender to the public as well?"

"Yes, sir."

"Prudent indeed. I see why you've lasted so long as governor, with such a practical little mind." The High Admiral said, and she was struck by his sheer patronizing tone. She had to wonder if this was inherent to all chandrillians, or if Zeid simply handled victory with poor grace.

"I am sorry it came to this." The High Admiral continued. "All this bloodshed was truly unnecessary. And while I salute Salvara's garrison for fighting as long as it had, what we want is the same thing: The salvation of the New Order."

"I'm sure the people will come to realize that." Sodani said passively. She didn't have a clue, but they had lost and been bloodied, and she knew what Zeid had done before fleeing to that drunken ace. He was simply a pirate in prettier garb than most. He would meet a pirates end.

But it wouldn't be at Salvara.

"Indeed, indeed!" Jal Zeid said with a little laugh, taking another puff from his pipe.

"We'll have to place a new Moff down on Salvara, but I think we can keep you around. So long as you swear loyalty to the Supreme Protector, of course."

Sodani blinked at that.

Jal Zeid was watching her closely, she realized with a start. His eyes were sharp, cold. Dead, really. She tried to match the gaze, tightened her fists, then unclenched them with a deliberate, measured slowness.

"Of course," she said. "Anything to keep the peace, and the suffering to a minimum."

Silence greeted her statement, and she shivered as Zeid glanced at one of the Death Troopers.

"Most excellent," Zeid said, and Sodani relaxed. "You may depart. The new Moff will be in touch."

Sodani stood, bowed as genuinely as she could fake, and departed from the room. Protectors fell in step behind her, feeling more like a prison escort than some grand guard. On the way to the hangar they passed by viewports, where beautiful Salvara lay strewn below the REA fleet.

For a moment, she imagined X-Wings, emblazoned with the phoinex crest, blazing out from hyperspace. Mon Calamari ships in tow. Here to measure out justice at last.

But only the cold void greeted her, and she turned away.

She had work to do.
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The Purpose of COMPNOR,
A Critical Response to the Late Republic Stylings of Val Dellian,
By Grand Moff Corvalo Septina
Published in COMPNOR's Newsletter
The purpose of COMPNOR is, as its name suggests, for the preservation of the new order, that being the Galactic Empire established by late Emperor Palpatine. It is a politically driven organization that pushes forward the best and brightest that the galaxy has to offer to ensure a safe and secure society, by which it means Humans from the Core. This is not a controversial fact. There are few in the Empire that would deny it is the humans, and those primarily from the Core, that built the Republic, then shed its weakness to leave only its strength which became the Empire. COMPNOR reaches across class and regional divides to shake hands with humans across the galaxy. The Core may guide them all with its principles but none would turn aside our fellow Imperials from Taris or Naboo.

None, save purposes for Val Dellian. The Grand Moff has earned much acclaim for his bold actions during Maddox's attempted coup, which I of course commend Dellian for greatly, however we should not allow ourselves to be blinded by the ramblings of a bored playboy. Dellian would have us believe that no man not from the Coruscant to Chandrilan Line is worthy of his time or respect. Yes, the Grand Moffs holds the most contemptible views for his fellow man, regardless of their rank or achievements. I have seen this myself first hand during COMPNOR Committees and Mofferences. The sneer on his lips and burrowed brow is often accompanied by one too many drinks in his hands, and by the end of the night he's hurling slurs not heard for a thousand years at Kuati and Corellian peers in an absurd display.

I myself have been the "victim" of this vile beast's attempted "wit." I myself can trace my family lineage back 15,000 years, and a further 5,000 by genealogy, yet this did not meet Dellian's impossible standards. I do not care for his opinion any more than I would a nerf's opinion on matters of state. He makes a mockery of COMPNOR with his deranged rambles which he passes off for political treatise. This arrogance is not from achievement or worthwhile family fame, but rather the inbred chauvinism of a drunken man that was characteristic of the Late Republic. It was men like Dellian that once suckled at the teat of the loathed Chancellor Valorum, who saw our beloved Emperor Palpatine as an upstart from the Mid Rim.

History has proven that it is not on Dellian's side. COMPNOR reaches across the aisle from the Core to the Rim, hand in hand with its fellow man. It provides education, guidance, and stability across the galaxy. I do not doubt the contribution of the aristocracy in COMPNOR, however it would be fool hardly to elevate them above our fellow man from the Colonies and Mid Rim. COMPNOR breaks down class divisions by making all equal in their service to the Empire. It is the vehicle that unites and revolutionizes government across the galaxy. It sweeps away the corrupt inefficient feudalism of the Late Republic by offering a totalizing view of the Empire whereupon all political offices are staffed by loyal card carrying members of COMPNOR. No other institution in the history of the galaxy has achieved so much in so little time than COMPNOR. It is the beating heart of the Empire, drawing in new blood from across the galaxy into itself. All men are made better by it in the service to the Empire.

It was Pius Dea that once united the humans of the Core against the chaos that consumed the galaxy then. Dellian has twisted the universalist message which we may draw from the ancient politician to support his boorish views. He would rather we return to the days of the Late Republic where stagnation, corruption, and inefficiency ruled. Perhaps he prefers it because of the connection his family once had with sitting senators and corrupt conglomerates, such as the Trade Federation. It's a sad state of affairs.

If Dellian had his way men from Kuat and Corellia would be reduced to chattel, while even the common man on the streets of Coruscant is turned into a serf to mewl at the feet of inbred fools like Dellian. We will be turned into slaves worshiping our owners in thanks for the corpse starch they feed us as rations. He cares not about loyalty or ability of an Imperial, only how inbred or closely related they are to the Grand Moff's family circus of freaks. He spits upon both the name COMPNOR and the accomplishments of nobility that have worked hard to achieve their position in society. If Dellian had any grace at all he'd stick to slurping down Chandrilan worms while on duty, and leave the politicking to men that give a damn about COMPNOR.

We must never forget the mission statement of COMPNOR: the preservation of the new order. Dellian is more interested in preserving his family's bank account than he is with the organization of this esteemed institution. So while we toast in celebration to his actions against Maddox, let us never forget that the treasonous Grand Admiral likely failed to have an expensive enough vintage to entice COMPNOR's drunkest self-published writer to his side.

Long Live the New Order!

- Grand Moff Septina
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Over Droxu, Cignet System, near Hutt Space

War and Madness has embraced the Galaxy.

From the streets of Coruscant again, to the fields of Ord Trasi, and to the systems of the now collapsed Naboo Pocket, blood and shrapnel rained as the deaths of countless millions of people and thousands of warships rang throughout the Galaxy. Whether in the most minor of skirmishes or the largest battles seen since the Clone Wars, the Galaxy was rife with conflict.

And now, at one of the outer edges of the known Galaxy in some random system named Cignet, over some barren moon named Droxu, one such fight had begun.

Lieutenant Jillian Zeraf cursed as she jerked the controls of her TIE Interceptor, the interceptor heeding her instruction as she spun to the side, avoiding a burst of fire from a Hutt heavy fighter. Bringing her controls back around, she let out a stream of fire that hit the ramshackle fighter as she zoomed past it, igniting it. Kill confirmed a moment later, she didn't have time to react as she received new orders.

"All squadron members, form up behind Carrack A7. We've received new orders." She orders on the squadron-wide channel, knowing that flicking over to general would just hit her with a slew of orders, exclamations, pleas, jeers, and insults.

Getting affirmations from her group, she couldn't help but grit her teeth as she noted how many had arrived.

Jake and Hans weren't present, and a quick query was enough to confirm that the two wingmates had perished under a concentrated strafing run from Hutt-owned Headhunters, bringing with equal measures of rage and guilt.

She had finally managed to become a Commander, after years of being put down by misogynistic pricks in the Empire. It had taken so much to even stay a pilot under the Empire, her skills and merit having been enough to become at least a Flight Leader. All she wanted was to be a great pilot and leader like her Father during the Clone Wars, but no- under the Empire that wasn't to be.

Thank the Force she had been assigned to Rothana, one of those 'prestigious yet out of the way' postings for those too troublesome to keep around yet unable to be actually punished for any reasonable cause.

Just some months later, her old Wing got obliterated at Endor, and now she was under the Tolonda Union. A Nation that, for all its faults, was striving to actually judge people based off of merit, and had taken visible steps to do so.

Because of that, after some trials and tests to affirm how good she was, alongside a good first mission that resulted in an armed Slaver Freighter being disabled and captured and its leech fighter craft destroyed, she had been promoted to the rank of Flight Lieutenant and granted her very own squadron. It had taken some getting used to, but she had come out of it well.

She hadn't been fully prepared for the responsibility though, and already she was seeing a couple mistakes. Maybe the loss of two of her men weren't entirely her fault, this was war after all, but they were still hers. An actual error though had been her getting hyper focused on the combat, her experience as a pilot leading to her gaining some tunnel vision and neglecting her leadership role.

That she had promptly realized when they had almost strayed too close to a Pirate Frigate, having almost instinctively gone to ask for orders only to recall that she was the one giving them now.

Coming back to the present though, she finally receives the new orders. Acknowledging them, she switches back to the Squad's channel.

"New Orders are in, so listen up everyone. A group of enemy ships has detached from the main Hutt Fleet, and is trying to move on the right flank. Idiots that these pirate scum are, they've neglected to assign a large enough escort, so we're going to be taking advantage of that. Our job is too sweep aside what fighters they do have and clear the way for incoming bombers. Understood?"

The firm "Yes ma'ams" that returned gave her a small smile, happy at least that she had some squad members that fully had her back as she moved to engage, racing towards the incoming ships.

Tolonda Union TIE Fighters from the Imperial-I Star Destroyer 'Hyperion' tearing through a Hutt Bomber Squadron over the moon of Droxu.

Admiral Demarki grimaced as he looked over the progress of the battle.

The surprisingly large Hutt force arrayed against them was grinding Operation Roadrunner to a halt, and it was becoming a gritting and gruesome battle. Fighter losses for both sides were mounting, the old craft the Hutts used and the relative lack of durability a TIE had making losses on both sides gruesome. The naval battle was going better, the Union had the edge in that owing to the Imperial-heritage vessels in use, but the fact that the Hutts had triple the amount of ships they had made things tedious.

Thank the Gods that the High Moff had ended up agreeing to deploy the Manticore, its heavy batteries and sheer size being both a deterrent and an effective hammer against the Hutts. Already four Star Destroyer weight Hutt ships had been claimed by the mighty vessel, and more had been damaged and forced to retreat- to say nothing of the various smaller cruisers, frigates, and other vessels that had been destroyed.

Victory could very well be within their grasp... but it would be a costly one. Pyrrhic even.

Already they had lost several cruisers and frigates alongside many fighter losses, and the Hyper Courier had been confirmed to be a loss- the early Imperial-era Venator Star Destroyer having been left adrift and her engineers being unable to bring any propulsion. At the very least they were able to evacuate a good amount of the loyal crew.

But with the shields of many of the ships becoming increasingly strained, especially those of the important Acclamator Legacy Fleet, the decision to withdraw was considered.

And granted.

"You've done excellently Admiral, the Hutts military capacity have been given quite the beating. Unfortunately the losses from a win here will be too great, and even with Commodore Kul having joined us, we can't risk the blow these losses will bring- not with the risk of Rebel or Imperial attack. Withdraw to Glottal, regroup there and then return to Union space." High Moff Kursk orders, his hologram standing next to and over Admiral Demarki.

"By your command sir!" The Admiral responds, snapping a sharp salute that the High Moff returns before the holo-communication ends, the Admiral already turning.

"All forces, make preparation to withdraw! The Hyperion and Inferno are to cover the flanks, the Manticore will hold the center. And authorize the order to scuttle the Hyper Courier!"

What a mission and a half. First operation he's led in seven years and it resulted in this.
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His quarters were all but silent. Only the soft lilting of orchestral music broke the stillness as Kravic Vonsol, Surface Marshal of the 13th Sector Army, scrolled his way through casualty listings from the aborted Operation Buried Dagger. Thousands dead, thousands more wounded. Four ships lost, battalions' worth of equipment abandoned in the retreat from Majoor, an entire Rebel Fleet running amok! He shook his head. Not the glorious offensive he had hoped for.

What a reversal of fortunes! The battle of Majoor would surely go down in Imperial history for all the wrong reasons. Right when he'd had the Rebels on the run, his forces conducting landings across the planetary surface, his fleet shattering what few Alliance vessels remained, his victory had been ripped out from under him. A fleet! A proper battlefleet. Not some motley collection of raiders and converted civilian transports masquerading as warships. Intelligence reports noted it as the "Alliance 4th Fleet", under the command of a Duros named Voon Massa. Bah. What tripe.

"What the hell kind of name is 'Voon' anyway?" Kravic muttered to himself as he shuffled the papers on his desk.

Four ships - One Imperial-Class and three Victories - lost to enemy action. Scores of TIE fighters and bombers shattered. Dozens of transports wrecked. A rather large portion of his fleet was either gone or under repair. That left him with seven Star Destroyers, of varying classes. Admittedly, this was still larger than the fleet he had five months ago, so Kravic wouldn't complain too much. Nevertheless every report pointed to the same conclusion: It wouldn't be enough.

The Rebels had built themselves a real military. Their starfighter fleet was immense and well trained. Their capital ships were worthy of the name. Their officers... well, Akbar was a legend for a reason. Vonsol didn't know much about this Massa, but he had already requested every file that Imperial Intelligence could get him on this new foe. If Ackbar had been at Majoor, Vonsol was certain he wouldn't have made it out. That, at least, was some comfort. Voon wasn't Ackbar. But, Voon didn't need to be Ackbar to kick Kravic back up the Hydian Way. If the Marshal wasn't careful he might even be kicked all the way back to Denon.

Kravic considered this, leaning back in his chair. Caution wasn't in the Marshal's nature. He craved the offensive. He craved the crushing of bones beneath his boots and the echo of blaster fire across the landscape. To smell blood and taste victory. Buried Dagger was supposed to be his magnum opus, but now the entire plan was in ruins. The Rebels were here in force. They would be pushing soon. He was sure of that, and knew he was on the back foot.

Still, the thought ran through his mind that there may be an opportunity here. The Empire was buckling at the knees. This was clear to anyone with eyes and ears. First Maddox, then Phita. Not to mention poor old Janessi and a half-dozen others. Pestage was growing more and more isolated and paranoid. The Rebels were running unoposed in the south and dear Grand General Rougrer was trapped near Eriadu. Chaos and fire in the stars.

Kravic smiled to himself. The war with the Rebels wouldn't be going anywhere. It was just getting bigger. New fronts were opening up every week it seemed. The Empire would need commanders like him. Loyal. Aggressive. Unyielding.

If one officer - one glorious, inspired officer - could show results and whisper in the right ears then the possibilities were endless. Here he was, valiantly holding the approach to the Core. Thousands dying to hold back the unwashed tides from sweeping through civilized space. And of course, he happened to be leading those poor, brave souls who sacrificed themselves for the New Order. If things went his way, who knew what he could get his hands on? New armies, new ships, promotions. Who knew what opportunities awaited in times like these? He might even be sent to put down these Warlords who thought themselves replacements for the greatest military force in the Galaxy. It would be just like the good old days after Geonosis. War. True war. Not any of this hit-and-run guerilla bullshit he had put up with for so many years.

So he would make some calls. Assemble his forces. Be ready to break the Rebels when they came and reap the rewards of victory. And, of course, in case things went wrong, he could always keep his options open. His skillset was in demand. It was always in demand.

Surface Marshal Vonsol chuckled, low and predatory, and started to write.

This was the begining of something wonderful. He was sure of it.
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A Miracle
The House of Sal

Corinna Tarkin

Following numerous attempts by his cousin to set him up with a nice man, Thrackan Sal-Solo has finally put to rest rumours that Han Solo has seduced every woman in the Galaxy he's interested in by announcing his courtship of Corinna Tarkin. While her connection to the famed Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin is tenuous at best - she is merely his seventh cousin twice removed - the pair have struck up quite the duo on Cato Neimoidia in recent months. Originally assigned to the Imperial garrison on the planet, Corinna has proven an avid supporter of Thrackan's heavy handed policies and has eagerly assisted him in their implementation while Thrackan has notably proven enamoured with her ability to feign growing violently ill at the mere mention of the name "Han Solo."

As the Patriarch of the House of Sal, Grand Moff Tycho Sal has given his blessing to the courtship and made arrangements for Corinna to be transferred to REDACTED in anticipation of Thrackan's upcoming involvement in REDACTED. All hope that this will be the end of Thrackan's status as a bachelor.
Unknown Location

He was not accustomed to idleness. Ever since his birth -- his rebirth, perhaps -- he had always been in motion. Someone needed to die, or something needed to be retrieved, or a message needed to be sent. Always moving, always necessary, always of use. And now that pathetic nothing, his Master's mind-blind chamber servant, had instructed him -- him -- to wait. As though he was of no use whatsoever.

At his instruction, the fortress had been emptied of organics, its halls instead refurbished and staffed by a small army of droids. They were of the same model and programming as his servants aboard the Abyss, and they knew their duties. They were also unique in their total absence of photoreceptors -- to even glimpse his face was to die, so his Master's decree went, and the prospect of employing blind organics had always seemed phenomenally wasteful.

"Your downward stroke is sloppy. Channel your power directly into the movement."

The phantasmal Red Sith before him was in the habit of using an imperious tone, clearly disdaining having to use Galactic Common to address his pupil. The revenant's tutorials in the ancient language were progressing much more slowly than his instruction in sword forms; the black-robed figure with the distinctive Massassi tattoos was a legendary sword master in his time, but no gifted linguist.

The pupil in question did not lash out, did not reply, but simply repeated the move again. Then again. And again. His own red flesh, corporeal rather than insubstantial, was flushed and sweat-covered after hours of practice. He had stripped out of the heavy armor and battle robes he habitually wore, donning only a black waistcloth for a marathon session of blade practice, physical conditioning, and Force exercises.

The final subject had proven even thornier than learning a dead language; his instincts cried out to restrict himself to internal techniques, and pushing past them to reach beyond himself was always an effort. Nevertheless, he persevered.

"This form is about elegance in motion. Your rage must not burn; it must flow, inexorably, from move to move."

His new semi-transparent instructor was a tall, thin Human male with a goatee, one he didn't recognize. Another legendary sword master, certainly, with more modern sensibilities. Another dead man ready to lecture him.

Parry. Thrust. Block. Cut. Parry. Thrust. Block. Cut.

Two more hours of this, then a stint in the medical cryo-chamber, and then... meditation. There he would confront the least forthcoming of his instructors, that howling, inarticulate voice rising up from his inner void, and try to make some sense of it.

"Only through persistence will you become strong. Only through strength will you become free."

His Master's voice, his robed figure projected in the place of the duelist. This was a presence at once uniquely effective and enraging, capable of spurring him on to greater heights despite himself. Some servile instincts were not so easily conquered.

"And once you are free, then you will be truly worthy. Sith not just in name, but in reality."

He bared his teeth in a fierce smile, so unlike his Master's sickly grin. He would conquer those instincts. He would be persistent, strong, free. And then... well, wouldn't the old man be surprised.
First Meeting
Tycho Sal
Four Years Ago

Agent Asta


It had been less than a year since Tycho had been elevated to the position of Grand Moff of Oversector 2 and it had already proven to be nothing than a headache. First it turned out his predecessor had been in debt to the Sacorrian Triad - to fucking otters - then he found out that the Diktat had stolen all his authority over Corellia and on top of that, Garm Bel Iblis had blown up his house. While some small, reasonable part of his brain understood that a frothing lunatic like Bel Iblis would blow up anything with four walls and a single occupant, it still stung that his family home had been reduced to smouldering pile of broken duracrete and blasted memories.

It had also meant, to what he would insist was his chagrin, that he had been obliged to commandeer the Corona House from the Diktat. Well, perhaps not chagrin, perhaps he had taken a quiet pleasure at having the Diktat physically thrown out onto the street with a curt "Long Live the Empire" shouted out as his head hit the pavement, but it was a politer answer than the truth. With cold efficiency, he'd had the Diktat's furniture swiftly replaced, the entire building swept for listening devices, and various portraits of long dead Diktats taken down in favour of ones of Imperial luminaries. Once he'd properly dealt with the Diktat, and oh how he would, he'd vent the man into space if he could get the all clear for it, he'd bring in his own family's interior decorators to properly go over the place but for now, it would do.

Days had passed without issue. He'd begun the process of tightening a noose around the Diktat's neck, figured out which members of the Council could be allowed to live and which ones needed a permanent trip to either Imperial Intelligence or the ISB, and topped it all off by shouting very loudly at an annoyed CEC executive. During this time nothing he owned had exploded and nobody had tried to shoot him which had made it by far the calmest near week he'd had since taking over the Oversector after the Battle of Yavin.

Nothing good lasts forever though and Tycho understood that far too well these days. Retiring from his work after what had likely been far too many hours - Technically even a Grand Moff had working hours but Tycho had come to the conclusion early in his career that his work took priority over everything, even his family - he had attempted to sleep for a few scant hours before going back to work come daybreak. Unfortunately for him, however, a crash in an adjacent room had woken him before he could drift off completely and sent him to his feet.


Tycho waited a moment after calling out before quickly fumbling for the blaster his security detail had given him, a tiny little thing that always seemed to miss no matter how hard he tried to aim right, and gingerly stepped out into the next room. Holding the blaster high, he shuffled forward, glancing around in the dimly lit room, wary for whatever had caused the noise to begin with. As it turned out though, there was little cause for wariness to begin with, not because there was no threat present but because the threat was... less threatening than Tycho had anticipated.

Kneeling in front of Tycho's desk, a blonde man in what was very clearly an Imperial Intelligence uniform was brazenly affixing listening devices to quite literally every available surface. If it weren't for the fact that, as he slowly glanced down his body, he noticed that the man was holding a blaster of his own - a larger one, presumably also a more accurate one too - that was trained firmly on his head despite him facing the complete opposite direction, Tycho might have decided they were insane. As it was, he was just firmly perplexed by what was going on.

"What do you think you're doing?" Tycho asked with as much calm as he could muster. "You do understand who I am, don't you?"

"Mhm, hence why I'm here," the man replied, still not so much as glancing in his direction.

"Then why-"

The man held up a hand. "Hold on, I've almost... got it." He let out a satisfied grunt as he managed to achieve some feet Tycho could neither see nor recognise. Pleased with himself, he pulled away and finally fixed him with violet eyes. "You might want to put that away, Grand Moff," he told him, gesturing to his blaster. "Before you get yourself in trouble."

"Before I- Before-" Tycho closed his eyes and hissed. "I am a Grand Moff and you are not supposed to be here. I'm not the one in trouble here."

"I didn't say you were in trouble I said before you get yourself in trouble." His gaze slowly scanned up and down Tycho's figure and for a brief moment he wished he hadn't decided to embrace the bold fashion choice that was open robes with no shirts before remembering that no, that was a timeless look. "Be a shame too, an impromptu execution would really ruin the dad vibes you're rocking."

This was enough to send Tycho from somewhat befuddled to utterly disarmed. Not because of the compliment but rather because the entire situation was rapidly becoming surreal enough that no amount of higher education and training courses could prepare him for this. At what point did you take a seminar on "What to do if an Imperial Agent waltzs into your office, installs listening devices everywhere, and then-" Wait, was that even a compliment?

Instead of actually saying anything, Tycho did the only thing he could do in that moment: he set his blaster down on a cabinet, walked over to his desk - paying no heed to the man kneeling in front of it - and pulled his cigarras out from a draw. Noting that even the packaging had a little black device attached to it too, he sighed and quickly pulled out and lit one of the sticks inside before taking a long drag from it.

"I never should've taken this job," he breathed quietly.

"What? Oh, no, don't say that, you're doing a terrific job here, I wouldn't have been assigned to bug your-" He gestured to the entire room. "-everything if you were shit at it. Well, I would've but I also wouldn't have put in so much effort if you had been."

Hesitant to imagine what less effort would look like, Tycho just shook his head. "I am a loyal Imperial, I have given everything to the Empire and yet this is the level of trust I'm given. Not even the Rebels would bug my cigarras."

"Mostly because they tried poisoning them instead."



Sinking down to the floor, Tycho let his head rest against the desk and continued to smoke. "Is this going to be a regular occurrence? If it helps, I'll have my security refrain from removing Imperial Intelligence's devices. It should make it easier for them to confirm that I am doing my job faithfully and effectively."

"That just makes it more likely that I'll have to come back and put more in. Although I'll be sure to note your compliance in my report."

A pause came before he decided to ask, "So do you have a name?"

"Asta," came the answer as he sat himself down next to Tycho. "When you report on my exemplary conduct, be sure to spell it right. It's A S T A, Asta."

"Wouldn't it be better if I pretended I didn't notice your work at all?"

"Yes but I love being praised."

Another drag, another plume of smoke blown up to the ceiling. Thankfully he'd had the fire alarms adjusted to not go off whenever he smoked indoors or else this entire exchange would go from surreal to surreal and wet which was something he'd prefer to avoid. Turning his head, Tycho took the cigarra from his lips and offered it to Asta. "You smoke?"

"Oh no, that stuff will kill you. You make it look cool though so you should keep doing it while you still can."

"Uhuh." Placing it back between his lips, Tycho kept talking to fill the silence. "So are you just in charge of bugging my office?"

Asta considered the question before shrugging. "It's more of a general observation job. I'm supposed to report on everything you say and do."

"And that's a one man job?"

"No but I had to shoot my co-workers recently for expressing anti-Imperial sentiments. I read your file so I'm sure you understand. Loyalty to the Empire above all else, even wives and co-workers."

There was a flicker of concern that flashed across Tycho's face before he relaxed, that final remark putting him at ease. "I should've broken things off when we were in college and she kept talking about how great Senator Amidala was," he admitted to himself. "Saved myself the heartache."

"At least she allowed you to prove your loyalty to the Empire, that counts for something."

"Does it?"

Asta hummed in thought. "It does. You found out that the person closest to you had turned their back on the Empire and unlike most people who'd just turn or blind eye or even indulge in their treasonous thinking, you proved your loyalty and did your duty to the Empire. That's pretty hot if I do say so myself."


"I said that's pretty admirable."

"I suppose."

Kicking his feet out, Tycho made a mental note to get a desk that was more comfortable to sit against in the future, maybe something made out of a rare and impossible to get wood just for show. Letting the silence hang over them both, he continued to sit in peace and quiet, looking at the grey wall that sat behind his desk and thinking of absolutely nothing in the moment.

This time it was Asta who broke the quiet, tapping him repeatedly on the shoulder, his face lighting up as if possessed by some fell energy. "Hey, I had an idea."


"So technically there's no expectations on how I'm supposed to carry out my assignment and with all my co-workers dead, the traditional methods are little hard for me to pull off right now. So, I was thinking, seeing as you're open to just letting me observe you unimpeded, what if I just found an excuse to follow you around all day? That way you're never not under observation and my job is easy because all I'll have to do is write a report each week rather than bother with all the cloak and dagger stuff."

"And what excuse would you come up with?" Tycho asked. "Imperial Intelligence Liaison to Oversector 2?"

"No, that's too much work. I was thinking we could get married instead."

Tycho looked to Asta, was definitely perturbed by the utterly earnest look in his violet eyes, and then took his cigarra out and crushed it against the side of the desk. "Did you say the Rebels were poisoning these?"

"No, really, it's great: you get a beautiful husband whose loyalty to the Empire is unshakeable and who will shoot you if you ever turn traitor and I get to cut down on my workload and also maybe reap the benefits of being married to a Grand Moff?" Adding the last part with a smile and fluttering eyelashes, Asta looked up at Tycho expectantly and left him feeling very uncomfortable in the process.

"Uh... well, what if you were to turn traitor instead? Would I be allowed to shoot you?"

"Obviously," and then. "Yourself as well. I think either way, if we fail to keep each other loyal to the Empire, we're just as guilty of treason as the other. So if I turned traitor, you'd have to shoot me and then yourself and if you turned traitor, I'd shoot you and then me."

Despite the fact that any offer of marriage that came with an implicit murder-suicide pact ought to be a red flag, Tycho found himself nodding along, genuinely taken in by the proposal. Maybe it was the fact that he appreciated that kind of intense loyalty, loyalty so fierce it came across as unhinged. Maybe it was the way Asta had seen the righteousness of how he'd broken off his first marriage, understood it completely, rather than express the same kind of judgemental attitudes that others had when he'd confided in them about it. Perhaps it was simply the fact that an attractive younger man was offering to be his husband and he'd been alone for so long that he was desperate enough to take the offer no matter how deranged it was. Or maybe the simple answer was that this manic Imperial Intelligence agent was just nice to be around by Tycho's standards and he'd like to be around them again in the future.

Whatever it was, he knew what his answer would be.

"When do you want to get married then?"

"How about now? I even have a celebrant in the trunk of my speeder who can perform the ceremony as soon as I ungag him."

Lighting another cigarra, Tycho nodded. "Sounds good to me. Let's go."
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Communication Log 21989
Encryption Protocol: CRIMSON DAYDREAM
Destination: CORELLIA

Your Excellency,

Firstly, I offer congratulations on the newest addition to your family. I have dispatched a courier shuttle with some small gifts for the young lad. Included in the collection is my first set of Vibroblades, with which I trained to become the duelist I am today. I am sure he will grow to be a fine Imperial Citizen.

Secondly, I have attached an After Action report regarding the events surrounding Operation Buried Dagger and the Battle of Majoor. The arrival of the Rebel Fourth Fleet has put an immediate stop to all offensive actions along the Hydian Way for the time being. Although we dealt significant damage to Rebel Alliance forces in the area, I regret that I could not carry the day. I have also attached recommendations for posthumous awards for bravery to the Captains of the ships that acted as a rearguard for my fleet during the withdrawal.

Finally, I ask your plans for the next phase of operations. I intend to reinforce my position south of Denon and stand against any Rebel advance until such time as I receive sufficient reinforcements. I believe cooperation between our forces will be critical in the coming months.

Long Live the New Order
- Surface Marshal Vonsol.

Communication Log 21990
Encryption Protocol: CRIMSON DAYDREAM
Destination: ALLANTEEN

Your Excellency,

I congratulate you on your ascension to command of Oversector 16. The previous Grand Moff, Manko Gaul, was a wise man and I am sure you will prove to be a valuable addition to the efforts in the south. The 13th Sector Army is currently deployed in defensive positions at Allanteen, Denon, and the systems along the Hydian Way taken during Operation Silken Star. While some forces were lost during actions further south, the Army and its Naval assets remain at operational readiness.

During actions over the last few months, the 13th Sector Army has come into direct contact with the Rebel Alliance Fourth Fleet. Intelligence reports place this Fleet under the command of Voon Massa. A notable change in Rebel Tactics and Strategy has become apparent. Guerilla strikes and hit-and-run tactics have been replaced by direct confrontation and strong concentrations of naval power.

The Fourth fleet is a significant assembly of Capital-class and Cruiser-class vessels that outmatches the naval forces attached to the 13th Sector Army. I hereby request that the 13th either be immediately assigned additional ships if any are available to counter the inevitable Rebel offensive along the Hydian Way. I will be having my forces continue to fortify at Allanteen, Denon, and the Hydian Way.

Long Live the New Order.

- Surface Marshal Kravic Vonsol

Communication Log 21991
Encryption Protocol: CRIMSON DAYDREAM

Your Excellency,

I offer my congratulations regarding your reassignment to Oversector 1. In times such as these, the Empire needs steady, intelligent men at the helm. I have no doubt you will do the Empire proud. I also offer my thanks for your contributions to my forces for Operation Buried Dagger. Although I regret my forces were unable to press further down the Hydian Way, without the support you offered I am sure our losses would have been much worse.

Regarding the systems taken during Operation Silken Star, Baroli and Gacerian are under threat from the Rebel Alliance Fourth Fleet, which has made an appeareance along the Hydian Way. I will likely have to limit or cease the export of Gacerite Gemstones as my forces dedicate themselves to digging in and preparing for the enemy offensive. When they have been beaten back, I will be sure to resume mining operations.

Any efforts you can make to reinforce my position would be appreciated, as the Rebels have established a serious military force in the region. The 13th stands ready to defend Denon and the approach to the Core.

Long Live the New Order.
- Surface Marshal Kravic Vonsol

Communication Log 21992
Encryption Protocol: CERULEAN MIRAGE

Contact has been made with the Rebel Aliiance Fourth Fleet, suspected to be under the command of VOON MASSA. Early estimates of enemy strength show several Capital-class and Cruiser-class vessels along with a significant number of escorts and fighter squadrons. In additon, the Rebel Alliance has shown a significant shift in tactics, and is no longer acting as a primarily guerilla force.

The 13th Sector Army is prepared to meet the enemy in any planetary campaign, but lacks heavy Naval Assets to counter the Fourth Fleet should it make a direct offensive up the Hydian Way. I am requesting additional ships, or the assignment of an additonal naval flotilla to the Iseno Sector for use against the Rebel Alliance Fouth Fleet. If possible, the newly-refitted Death Squadron would be an excellent counter to any offensive made by Massa against Denon.

Long Live the New Order

- Surface Marshal Kravic Vonsol
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Communication Log 21989
Encryption Protocol: CRIMSON DAYDREAM
Destination: CORELLIA

Your Excellency,

Firstly, I offer congratulations on the newest addition to your family. I have dispatched a courier shuttle with some small gifts for the young lad. Included in the collection is my first set of Vibroblades, with which I trained to become the duelist I am today. I am sure he will grow to be a fine Imperial Citizen.

Secondly, I have attached an After Action report regarding the events surrounding Operation Buried Dagger and the Battle of Majoor. The arrival of the Rebel Fourth Fleet has out an immediate stop to all offensive actions along the Hydian Way for the time being. Although we dealt significant damage to Rebel Alliance forces in the area, I regret that I could not carry the day. I have also attached recommendations for posthumous awards for bravery to the Captains of the ships that acted as a rearguard for my fleet during the withdrawal.

Finally, I ask your plans for the next phase of operations. I intend to reinforce my position south of Denon and stand against any Rebel advance until such time as I receive sufficient reinforcements. I believe cooperation between our forces will be critical in the coming months.

Long Live the New Order
- Surface Marshal Vonsol.

Communication from Corellia to Gacerian
For the Surface Marshal, KRAVIC VONSOL

My husband and I thank you for the gift, Asta is already planning out Jagged's education and it does include close quarters combat so it will be put to good use, I assure you.

At this juncture, I want you to know that you have served the Empire well and done no wrong. The Rebellion's strength exceeded expectations and despite that, you held your ground and made them pay for every parsec they took. I will be sure to pass on your letters of recommendation and will do my utmost to see that these fallen heroes are given the recognition that they deserve.

Surface Marshal, I will be blunt: I do not know if we are in a position to breakthrough the Rebel lines. I am not a soldier, I will not confess to understand the intricacies of tactics and battles, but I am a politician and I know the Empire. There have been several attempted coups in Imperial Center, both the Imperial Navy and the ISB have had their loyalties thrown into doubt by said coups and other defections, and the Empire is in a state of uncertainty as a result.

I must see to the security of Oversector 2 and ensure that no would-be traitors will find purchase of their own here and I suspect that the Grand Vizier will be busy with his own efforts in Imperial Center. At this juncture, I would recommend fortifying your position and breaking the likely Rebel counterattack while we clean house and prepare for a renewed offensive later on. Once I am confident that my efforts to root out traitors in Oversector 2 have been successful, I will also direct Admiral Jaeffis to provide you with support as well including with the SSD Glorious Triumph.

Remember that none can shame the loyal Imperial for he knows that the righteousness of his loyalty shall carry him through to victory.


Adjunct Topal Blasteel
Grand Admiral Baobab's Schedule for Tomorrow​

0730: The Grand Admiral Wakes
0800: A light breakfast (Bowl of Spiced Eggmilk)
0900: Grand Admiral arrives on command bridge
0930: morning situation briefing
1030: Project Bisector Progress report
1130: Grand Admiral sends Revised Bisector report to Imperial Center
1200: Working Lunch holoconference with Grand Moff Sett Varian and Warlord Valentinian Venis ( Rybettian Shac and Photon Fizzle)
1330: Tour of Collection for new aide
1500: Research in Office
1700: Weekly Despot Xim Wargame Session
1900: Grand Admiral hands command to evening shift
1930: Dinner (Manaan Sliders, Neuvian sundae)
2000: Grand Admiral exercises on Pool on Deck 14B
2100: Grand Admiral goes to sleep​
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Your Excellency,
Grand Vizier Pestage
, @Julius

I will keep this brief as you are a busy man. The Empire requires your full attention as captain of the state to steer us through these turbulent times. We find ourselves amidst a crisis unseen in Imperial history. Seemingly loyal officers have forsaken their oaths of office to throw away their careers for scraps of power. They play warlord and pirate rather than man their posts. This is unacceptable. Something must be done about this!

The military has been given far too much independence in managing its own affairs. It's Grand Admirals and Generals that are going rogue, while Grand Moffs and middle rank officers stay at their posts. This is no coincidence. The Grand Moffs have proven themselves to be loyal defenders of the Empire. I've searched for a plausible reason for this, which I believe I've found: COMPNOR. The ties to the organization have instilled sufficient patriotism in the rank file, while many Grand Moffs have dedicated their careers to further this upstanding institution.

I propose that COMPNOR be placed in charge of a task force to oversee the investigation into all Grand Admirals and Grand Generals that are not currently members of COMPNOR in order to uncover political subversion. This will bring the military to heel so that traitors will no longer wreck havoc. We must move with the utmost urgency, lest these subversive elements within the military undermine the defense of the Empire. Action must be taken immediately.

COMPNOR stands for the Empire, your Excellency. It is a sword that yearns to be wielded by you against your enemies. You need only say the word: heads will roll.

Long Live the New Order

-Grand Moff Septina

"Do you know what I have found out in all my years Bren? What great revelation that I have come too? That we have lost everything. Our purpose, our nature, and our beliefs. Gone. We are almost all that is left."

Rougrer had gotten increasingly melancholic these last few weeks. For anyone else, Bren might have just stocked it up to the fact that they were oh. Trapped behind several Oversectors worth of crazed, victory high, freedom fighters baying for their heads put under the guillotine of revolution. But no, not Rougrer.

Legionnaire Bren Volk knew his Praetor better than that. He wouldn't break from something so simple as catastrophic military defeat. But not well enough it seemed…

The Grand General's office was not as utilitarian as most Imperials. Instead, holo-paintings of won battles lined each side of his office. Some of battles from the Clone War. Others of home, of Thyrsus far before his time. All with the tell-tale black and gold armored forms of the Sun Guard front and center. It's a common prevailing theme, and any who knows the Warlord's history would know why. Being a prestigious commander of the Sun Guard before his installment into the Imperial Military.

Takes great pride in their history, most of his personal retinue did. But now history has caught to the Warlord it seems. Staring up at the back wall, two flags hung from the ceiling. One of the grey Imperial Seal and another of the gold sun emblem of the Sun Guard. He was transfixed upon them both, not looking at his XO even as he addressed him.

"That is true…but why bring this up now?" Questions Volk, moving up from the door and closing it behind him. Taking his position behind his General.

Rougrer didn't answer. Instead he motioned to the armor stand beside the giant Sum Guard flag. His old equipment, polished but untouched. A halberd and old blaster on a rack to it's left. Then he motioned to the other side, an armor stand beside the Imperial seal. Not off stormtrooper armor, nor even of the Imperial Army. Instead a replica off the red robbed honor guard of the Emperor. A pain to have made, not the real deal of course, but still. The apparent successors to their legacy, not that they considered themselves as such any longer.

"That's all that left besides us Volk. Our evolution." Rougrer sighs as he says this. Turning around to look at what might as well be his closest friend. "In times of crisis, I think of the past. You know this. But now when I think of it, all I can see is what we have lost. Do they even remember their past? I doubt the Sovereign Protector has thought of his late father at all."

Sitting down, Rougrer pulled the medal of The Emperor's Will off his uniform. Looking it over in his hands as he let Volk take a seat on the opposite end of his desk. Speaking up to his Praetor since his monologue.

"General. Your not actually considering that course of action? Are you?"

Looking up, staring Volk in the eyes, Rougrer steeled his gaze and spoke. "The one where we fall on our blades? Or the one where we lay down and accept our fate? While mighty appealing, I find Sullust or the vacuum of space to be far too inhospitable for my tastes. And it will have to be a be a cold star above Thyrsus before I let Eriadu be my grave Legionnare."

Reapplying the medal upon his uniform, Rougrer stood up. "There's work to be done. I have a meeting with Thalassa in a few hours. Following that, Moff Jaren and Admiral Delvarus."

Walking past Volk, he clasped a hand on his shoulder. "Give my regards to Miss Paige-Tarkin will you? Shayla has requesting my presence for some time and I'm sending you in my sted. Then the rest of the Quintad."

Having left Bren sufficiently dumbfounded, Rougrer walked out of his office. The Sun hasn't yet fallen upon the south.



In light of recent events, I have decided to take action against potential traitors within Oversector 2 with suspected ties to the former Director of the ISB. This will include a full neutralisation of the ISB within the Oversector and the transferral of all their assets and duties to loyal agencies. Rest assured that you will be provided with a full report on the operation upon its conclusion.

Remember that it is better to burn out the infection than it is to let it fester and rot.



I have not sought the responsibility authority of Command, but I shall not refuse the Empire in its hour of need. Humbled by the trust shown in me, I shall repay it with victory tenfold a thousand times over. [note to self-go back and edit this later]

After the disaster at Endor
After the mistakes of Endor

In the wake of the tragedy of Endor, it was clear to me that decisive and bold leadership was needed in order to restore the flagging spirit of our navy. The duplicitous, self-serving treason of Grand Admiral Maddox had not only stained the reputation of Anaxes, but also wasted many fine servicemen whom he duped into his service. [possibly not condemnatory enough???] It was up to me us to show that Anaxes was still the heart of the Imperial Navy, our fleet more than equal to any other.

I set the men practicing their gunnery, and fostered a competitive spirit by offering prizes for those crews that performed best. [add some COMPNOR talking points here] Accuracy and rate of fire, the most vital element of any successful navy, would be the unbreakable foundation upon which our victory would be built, and that which all our stratagems would spring from. The Rebels had recently discarded their previous cowardly tactics to fight openly, and they would soon see that they had adapted too late-the Empire was king at High Fleet Warfare, and would always remain so.

High Fleet Warfare, for those unaware, is an all-encompassing strategic and tactical school of thought that was the guiding principle of the Imperial Navy during my tenure during the halcyon days of the establishment of the Imperial Peace, and before the consolidation of the Rebel Alliance. It utilizes the strength of heavy capital ships to produce decisive battles centered on the destruction of enemy ships and formations, degrading their ability to make war and bringing any conflict to a swift conclusion.

Foolishly, this doctrine was abandoned due to the machinations of the former Grand Moff Tarkin, a stain upon his family's reputation and a betrayal of the legacy of grand old Ranulph Tarkin, hero of the Stark Hyperspace War. Tarkin had managed some success in introducing the idea of Oversectors and Holo Net control, and then decided this meant that he knew better than actual experts on how to maintain Imperial Order, and believed he could build a weapon platform larger even than his own ego (an impossible task!!!) that would somehow deter piracy, rebellion, and corruption entirely through blowing up planets. Inexplicably, Palpatine thought this was a brilliant idea and overruled all arguments to the contrary, even allowing the Tarkinite faction free reign to PURGE anyone who tried to even speak reason. Shocking no one sensible, this resulted in disaster, as this farcical monument to one man's egomania would be destroyed by SNUBFIGHTERS

However, this had fallen out of favor, as a lack of peer naval opponents and the shift to a peacekeeping role rendered the high costs of maintaining a large warfleet increasingly onerous, and harder to justify. The late Grand Moff Tarkin struggled grappled with this very issue, and would conceive of two great innovations-the territorial consolidation strategy of the Oversectors, relying on specialized local fleets who would proactively seek out enemies on their own initiative, and the securing of the Holo Net for military use prevention of the use of the Holo Net by terroristic or anti Imperial forces. The Grand Moff would, unfortunately, succumb to the error of many great men-he believed that because he had been successful and clear sighted previously, he knew better than all. It would be this that would lead to the creation of the Death Star, a good idea executed poorly. Obviously, little needs to be said of how that went. [possibly will need to elaborate on this point]

But in my own command, there was a chance to right this wrong, and in so doing, save our navy. At the same time, I began to formulate the strategy that would win us the war...
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Sins of the Daughter
Zelta Kul, recently promoted to Rear Admiral of the Tolondan Union, shakes as she reads the report.

Lianna has fallen.

The last communication she had gotten from home had been her father chastising her for excessive use of force, as if she could just stand by and let the rot consume what was left of the New Order on the frontier. Now he could be dead, her mother grieving over his corpse as rebel soldiers stood on and laughed.

What would become of her home? What would become of the galaxy? The diseases, those of red tape, regionalism, softness, decadence, inequity, and worst of all, of slavery, had only intensified their influence on the once glorious New Order. The Rebels had killed the Emperor and his servants were too scared to do anything of note, just cower and try and coup each other on Coruscant. The Rear Admiral had not originally planned on joining Moff Kursk, but necessity and the dire situation had brought them together. He shared some fraction of her hatred towards the Hutts and the slave trade, and this Union at least held the promise of renewal, of rebirth for a dying Empire.

The forces of corruption had forced her away from Ryloth, but as Kul put the datapad down and gazed out the viewport, she knew her war was just beginning.



Grand Moff Sal, we have taken numerous and extraordinary measures to ensure those who follow the orders the traitorous Phita Takel are quickly eliminated before whatever actions they wish to undertake are done. Director Isard has already identified those within Oversector Two who are among the insurrectionists within the Imperial Security Bureau after investigation of Phita Takel's files. Both Director Isard and Director Blackhole of Imperial Intelligence have begun the process of arresting these individuals. Unnecessary actions from your office would not only hamper but compromise such efforts to apprehend these enemies to the New Order.

You are ordered to halt such decrees regarding the Imperial Security Bureau. If you wish to assist in such efforts, I will have Director Blackhole and that of Imperial Intelligence offer their information to your office so closer cooperation may be conducted.

You have your orders Grand Moff Sal.

Long Live the New Order.



Grand Moff Septina, as much as COMPNOR is vital in the preservation of Imperial institutions, it is neither equipped nor qualified to conduct such a task. I have already dispatched both Director Isard of the Imperial Security Bureau and Director Blackhole of Imperial Intelligence to redouble their efforts to root out those who seek to undo the New Order. COMPNOR itself must continue its good work in ensuring citizens of the Empire are not only loyal but vigilant in our efforts to destroy both the Rebellion and Imperial traitors. I have spoken with Lord Vandron on these matters, and he concurs with my assessment, as the resources of COMPNOR must be fully devoted to these initiatives.

Your loyalty and willingness to discover those who wish to spread venom from within will not be forgotten Grand Moff Septina, we will persevere.

Long Live the New Order.



Your pleasantries are well noted Marshal Vonsol, Grand Moff Gaul is indeed one of few Imperials which all may rely on during these times. Imperial Intelligence has also notified me of the significant Rebel forces arrayed to the south of Oversector Sixteen, which are highly concerning. The Battle of Majoor has shown we are indeed lacking in capital ships in the Oversector, unfortunately at this time I cannot allocate more resources to your command as this would compromise other systems along the front and those with potential of dissent.

This so-called Fourth Fleet and Voon Massa are clearly threats we cannot take lightly, although I am no strategist nor military man, I do see the precarious position we have found ourselves in with the complete collapse of Oversector Seventeen and withdraw of Imperial forces to the Seswenna Sector and that of Eriadu. It is my suggestion of fortification of all frontline systems within the Oversector currently garrisoned by the Thirteenth Sector Army until reinforcement from the core worlds can be assigned for offensive use.

Long Live the New Order.



Surface Marshal Vonsol, we have overseen your reports from Majoor, and the estimated Rebel forces not only present at said battle but from Imperial Intelligence in the overall areas of Oversector Sixteen and Seventeen. We have concluded these forces are significant enough to be a legitimate threat for further movement northwards towards the core, although timing of such actions from Rebel forces is unknown. We concur also with your assessment of lacking in capital ships within Oversector Sixteen and will reassign Star Destroyers accordingly to ensure defense of systems currently under Imperial control is maintained.

Regarding the deployment of Death Squadron to Oversector Sixteen, it has been ordered by both the Grand Vizier and Imperial Ruling Council that Death Squadron and all vessels assigned to it are currently not to be deployed without their consent, which regarding your request has been denied.

Remain vigilant Marshal Vonsol, the Empire and the New Order will prevail.

Long Live the New Order.
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MINI: A Royal Triumph

A Royal Triumph

The stains of blood were still visible throughout Imperial Center five months after the Battle of Endor, the planet the site of many battles between Imperial forces which sought to undo those who succeeded the late Emperor Palpatine. Yet still there were those who desired for the throne, to be placed atop the most powerful entity in history known as the Galactic Empire...

To the masses, this was furthest from the truth, even though they had been witness to spectacular battles in orbit and before them on the surface, after the purge of the Imperial Security Bureau a relative calm and sense of normality began to settle. Imperial citizens had begun to accept that the Grand Vizier and Imperial Ruling Council were becoming the permanent body of government, with their promises to eventually find someone suitable to take the position of Emperor and lead the Empire.

Even with major loss of territory and war material in the south to the Rebellion and the rise of Imperial Warlord States against the authority of the Imperial government, the commoners, at least within the Core Worlds, felt a relative comfort, especially in light of major success reconquering systems to the immediate northwest of the core. This was deemed a must-needed propaganda moment for the Imperial government in its ability to defeat the Rebellion in open battle. Grand Moff Manko Gaul, orchestrator in the creation of the Namadii Fleet which defeated a large portion of the Rebel pocket in the region it was deployed, sought to take full advantage of it.

A large and pompous celebration was organized, led by Vice Admiral Terek Corliss and the Namadii Fleet which had been recalled from Dorin which included the depleted yet still formidable Crimson Command. It would take up to two weeks to redeploy the large fleet from the frontlines and ensure adequate garrisons were established. During this time, Grand Moff Gaul had many meetings with members of the Imperial Ruling Council, rumors simply stating the Grand Moff and his fellow associates were working out schedules and planning of parties during and after the parades. Finally, the Namadii Fleet entered the system of Imperial Center, some vessels still showing their damage from battle, with few being tended to as their Stormtrooper Legions prepared to be deployed to the surface as part of those to be honored.

The final preparations were complete, taking well over a week to do so with such a sizable complement of forces on the planet. Large-scale parades throughout the surface-wide city were planned, the ground formations marching through what streets could fit them, as millions of citizens were anticipated to have a glimpse at what the Imperial military looks like which has seen both the fires of combat and come out victorious. Mobile VIP booths were created for those of the nobility to follow the columns as they made their way across the surface, with rumors of secret areas reserved for members of the Imperial Ruling Council who were highly anticipating the festivities.

The day came, as the officers went through their checklists, soldiers lined up in formation, vehicles such as AT-ATs, AT-STs and hovertanks were lined up in their marked positions. The number of civilians was much higher than expected, requiring both Imperial Sector Police and Grand Moff Gaul to bolster forces to ensure the peace was kept, as more and more Stormtroopers, Imperial Army Troopers and Sector Police were present. Then finally, after weeks of planning and waiting, the grand celebration of Imperial military might had begun. Well over a million Imperial soldiers, most from Imperial Center itself but key elements of the Namadii Fleet's ground detachments made a glorious showing, as cheers and joyous celebration ringed throughout the capital in name of the New Order.

Imperial forces on parade, a glorious moment for the Empire

It was picture perfect in the eyes of Imperial officials present, as it appeared to them that both the Empire and the New Order were still strongly supported among the populace. Grand Moff Gaul's actions were deemed a success in the eyes of his peers and those below him, the immensely popular noble, victorious wherever he directed his attention.

It was during the height of the festivities that Grand Moff Gaul, alongside Grand Moff Val Dellian and Vice Admiral Corliss came across the entirety of the HoloNet not only on Imperial Center, but across the Empire with a declaration. This declaration was one of total shock to those who were unknown to the entirety of the picture, as Grand Moff Gaul had announced the restoration of the Imperial Senate under the blessings of the Imperial Ruling Council who had quietly created legislation stating as such, with support of Grand Vizier Sate Pestage. Grand Moff Gaul also highlighted that Director Ysanne Isard of the Imperial Security Bureau, much like her predecessor of Niede Phita Takel, had begun the process of usurping the Imperial Government for her own ends, installing a new ISB-dominated entity.

Mere moments before this declaration did Gaul and Corliss' forces, which had been deployed across the system both as additional security and within the parade columns sprung into action, quickly sizing multiple communications hubs, Imperial barracks and most importantly the primary planetary shield controls. Quickly after the planet's shields were disabled, as hundreds of thousands of troops deployed from their Star Destroyers, the Executor-class Aegis and Hades positioned themselves over both the Imperial Palace and Imperial Senate building accordingly, ensuring almost total control of the situation.

During the confusion, a large contingent of Novatroopers under Vice Admiral Corliss were rapidly deployed to the Imperial Palace, expecting a brutal fight with Isard's ISB special forces, Pestage's Legion-strong Death Trooper attachment and most importantly the Royal Guard. Battle broke out soon after, the Novatroopers backed now by Gaul's Stormtroopers had a much easier than expected time eliminating what Pestage-aligned Stormtroopers and small detachment of Death Troopers were present, giving the local commander an unpleasant feeling that perhaps a trap was going to be sprung.

A member of Vice Admiral Corliss' Novatroopers within the Imperial Palace

Finally, as the Novatroopers made their way deeper into the Imperial Palace did they meet legitimate resistance in Director Isard's special forces, giving a fierce fight with high casualties on both sides, yet continued to press onward deeper towards the Inner Sanctum where the Grand Vizier and Director were suspected of being. During this time, news began to spread of active fighting, with those loyal to the Grand Vizier questioning such declarations by the Grand Moffs and Vice Admiral, demanding to meet with the Grand Vizier to confirm. These requests were obviously denied, as local Pestage-aligned units began to mobilize accordingly, and as Gaul's forces became aware major localized battles began to take place which spread quickly across the planet. Much like during Maddox's insurrection but this time on a larger and more intense scale, a full-scale Imperial civil war erupted throughout the capital as Pestage-aligned Imperials attempted to rally together, seeing both Isard and Gaul, even if not allied, as threats to the Imperial government.

Grand Moff Val Dellian then began to deploy his own forces to the fight, seeing that Pestage's forces were extremely formidable and would require a full deployment to counter. Vice Admiral Corliss did the same, giving the three usurpers a legitimate chance to do what Maddox and Phita Takel had failed to do. Severely damaging battles to the cityscape began to develop, as thousands of soldiers perished and an untold amount of civilians were lost in the crossfire. Chaos reigned across the entirety of the capital by this point, with overall communications being severed off-system during combat denying the ability of those not privy to events to further investigate without physically entering the system, most importantly denying the ability of Pestage's loyalists to request reinforcements.

Imperial Stormtroopers engaged one another throughout Imperial Center with high casualties on both sides

In orbit it was at first calm, as the largest concentration of Imperial vessels in the Empire simply stood idle, not knowing that a large-scale insurrection was underway on the surface. As soon as frantic missives were sent up to the Imperial Center Fleet did not only the ground but sky began to rage with uncontrollable fire. The defense fleet quickly went into a defensive formation alongside the numerous Golan III platforms, unsure of the intent of the Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts in orbit, both easily capable of completely overwhelming them which would easily in a matter of moments.

This initial confusion was thanks to the immense amount of scheming by the usurpers, as surprise was complete, plans having been kept to only Vice Admiral Corliss and both Grand Moff's forces in a bid to keep things insular. While crews reacted quickly across the Capital Fleet, being some of the best within the Navy, several ships were essentially shredded in the opening salvos. Once more legions of TIE Fighters launched from their motherships and bases, the crisscross of laser and turbolaser once more lighting up the black night sky.

While quite formidable, with networks of Golan IIIs set up to defend Imperial Center, many were still being repaired from the previous fight against Maddox in orbit, which further weakened the Capital Fleet's response. Finally, the two largest vessels present made their decision, as the Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts Aegis and Hades were working in tandem, Golan stations exploding rather quickly as formations of Star Destroyers and smaller vessels gave support to the massive ships. Some confusion did break out within the usurpers' fleet as several of their own chose to support Pestage as the rightful ruler of the Empire, though they were few and far between. Several were able to break into the formations of Crimson Command, able to take down a few of the Victory IIs before they were overwhelmed by the turning of the Hades' plentiful batteries on them.
[-2 ISD I, -6 Vic II (-4 CC) to Empire]

The tide of battle flowed with Pestage's loyalists joined by the small ISB-aligned fleet that still orbited Imperial Center, but Gaul and his conspirators had planned well with communications cut across the system, no reinforcements would arrive to save Pestage and his loyalists. Numbers soon began to take their toll on the defenders, more so as planetary batteries once more came into play, taken by Novatroopers and other formations, taking down several Imperial Is and IIs. Yet Pestage's loyalists fought, hoping that soon reinforcements would arrive which never did. Finally, amid vast wreckage from both sides and previous battles the fighting in space soon came to a close as the once proud Imperial Center Fleet was no more, tens of thousands lost, while others floated in escape pods hoping for rescue as the two Star Dreadnoughts parked themselves in orbit above the planet, as exhausted crews moved to fix the damage sustained during the fighting.
[-1 Interdictor, -1 Tector, -16 ISD I, -4 ISD II, -15 Vic II, -2 Procursator to Empire]

The Imperial Palace was alight with combat between Isard's and Corliss' forces

As battles raged both in orbit and on the surface, Vice Admiral Corliss' shock troops were fighting for every corridor and hallway within the Imperial Palace, locked in deadly battle with Ysanne Isard's ISB special forces. Casualties continued to mount for both sides, as Corliss' troops gained a fluctuating amount of reinforcements, unlike Isard's who were easily isolated from any potential replenishment. The degradation of Isard's forces had continued to the point of complete collapse, as Corliss' forces finally reached the Inner Sanctum, where Isard herself was present. The Director, a skilled marksman in her own right, eliminated well over a dozen Novatroopers single-handedly, as her small bodyguard contingent fought to the last man as the room was becoming overwhelmed with Gaul's and Corliss' Stormtroopers and Novatroopers respectively.

Finally, Director Isard herself was struck by blaster fire, succumbing to her injuries as she attempted to continue fighting, cursing all in the room for their betrayal of the New Order. The first major target of Grand Moff Gaul was eliminated, yet in the aftermath concerns immediately arose as it was expected the Grand Vizier would be present alongside her but was not. An extensive search of the Imperial Palace was done, with no signs of either Pestage or a single member of the Royal Guard, with the expectation that remains littering the massive building of the Emperor's Guardsmen were nowhere to be found.
[Director Ysanne Isard (NPC) Dead]

As the battle in orbit was beginning to finalize but the ground campaign still ongoing, did a disturbance within the surface of the planet begin, buildings shaking, most having assumed it was due to nearby fighting. The seismic activity then began to intensify and focused on a particular part of the surface not far from the headquarters of the Imperial Security Bureau, already secured by Gaul's forces. TIE Fighters flying over reported structures beginning to buckle under some unknown immense disturbance underneath them, with some suspecting the fighting had triggered a major subsurface fuel storage facility beginning to become unstable.

What came next was by far the most spectacular yet horrifying moment during the entire ordeal of Gaul's insurrection, as entire blocks fell into a void, millions lost in the blink of an eye. The dust and rubble had encased a large section of the surface, as mass confusion within Gaul's and Pestage's ranks spread quickly over this sudden event. Then, as the debris continued to shield the region from view, a massive vessel rumbled to life, continuing to rip apart more terrain around the area. For those who survived and could witness the scene, they described what appeared to be an Executor-class Star Dreadnought coming from below the surface, charging hard through the sky towards space bringing untold destruction in its path.

The unknown Executor-class Star Dreadnought, making way off of Imperial Center

This unknown vessel quickly made its way out of orbit of the planet, and in light of confusion amongst the usurper fleet, was given a brief window to immediately activate its hyperdrives, leaving the system for parts unknown. Not long after, four Imperial II-class Star Destroyers ignored commands from the usurper fleet, also departing the system. In the aftermath, morale within Pestage's forces began to plummet without the direction or acknowledgement of their leader surviving the battle, with more troops surrendering or defecting to the usurpers. After well over a day of battle, the last remnants of Pestage's forces finally fell, giving Imperial Center and seat of government to Grand Moffs Gaul and Dellian.
[-4 ISD II to Empire]

Soon after, in cooperation with Superior Secretary Ars Dangor, representing the Imperial Ruling Council, Grand Moffs Manko Gaul and Val Dellian had declared, in absence of Grand Vizier Sate Pestage and with the authority given to them by the Ruling Council a new entity known as the Imperial Regency Council was created, with both Gaul and Dellian proclaimed as Imperial Regents. The Regents took the powers of the absent Grand Vizier as their own, becoming the new rulers of the Galactic Empire as the Imperial Senate was being reformed and restored.
[-1 Stability to Empire]
[Sate Pestage Deposed]
[Grand Moff Manko Gaul
(@Noco), Grand Moff Val Dellian (@mcclay) Proclaimed Imperial Regents]
[Imperial Senate Restored]

Although this new power dynamic was proclaiming their new-found triumph, the Grand Vizier, surviving the battle of Imperial Center, secretly arrived and made himself known at his home of the Ciutric system. From there he proclaimed that Gaul and Dellian were traitors to the New Order, usurpers to the throne and ones who have destroyed the Empire from within. Although the Grand Vizier still held support throughout the Empire, his powerbase was centered solely around the few systems close to Ciutric, which was home to a sizable Imperial fleet to defend it. Sate Pestage then declared his own Imperial Warlord State, known as the Ciutric Hegemony, aimed to reclaim his position atop the Empire, even if the odds seemed impossible.
[Creation of Ciutric Hegemony]
[-4 ISD I, -1 ISD II, -9 Vic II, -2 Venator]

The Galaxy in Mid 4 ABY, Shortly After the Imperial Regent Coup

Galactic Empire
Imperial Regents Manko Gaul/Val Dellian (@Noco, @mcclay)
Government Type: Imperial Regency (Senate Restored)
Capital: Imperial Center (Coruscant)
Systems: 297
Internal stability: 3
Executor SSDs: 6 [+1 in 1 turn, +1 in 2 turns]
Assertor SSDs: 1
Bellators: 5 [+1 in 2 turns]
Praetor IIs: 2
Secutors: 7
Allegiances: 6 [+2 in 1 turn]
Interdictor SDs: 11 [+2 in 3 turns]
Tectors: 23
Imperial Is: 213
Imperial IIs: 112 [+1 in 1 turn] [+27 in 2 turns]
Procursators: 26
Victory Is: 53
Victory IIs: 343 (35 CC) [+19 in 1 turn]
Venators: 13
Last edited:

Most "noble" IMPERIAL "Regents", illustrious Admirals, Moffs, Generals, most courageous fellow soldiers and all loyal honest citizens! You know well that the hour has come: the enemy of our NEW ORDER wishes to tear down what our EMPEROR has built with all their engines and skill to attack us with the entire strength of their rebellion, as a dragon about to spew its fire; they are in a hurry to devour us, like a savage kath hound. But it is not only them who seek to destroy the NEW ORDER. But from within the very EMPIRE itself. Thrice now our EMPIRE has seen conflict from within. Thrice now the EMPIRE has saw fighting upon IMPERIAL CENTER. And now, cursed be the number three, they have succeeded.

For this reason I am imploring every able bodied citizen, soldier, and commander to fight like men with brave souls, as you have done from the beginning up to this day, against the enemy of the NEW ORDER.

It is said that no EMPEROR should outlive his EMPIRE. But no EMPIRE should live without an EMPEROR, no great work should be trotted upon as it is trooped upon the graves of it's architects. We spit on the work of the EMPEROR by ruling in his stead when no other man can rule as EMPEROR.

God forbid that we should live with an EMPIRE without an EMPEROR.

I know the countless hordes of the impious will advance against us, according to their custom, violently, confidently and with great courage and force in order to overwhelm and wear out our few defenders with hardship. They attempt to frighten us with loud yells and innumerable cries of so called freedom or power. But you are all familiar with their chattering and I need say no more about it. For a long time they will continue so and will also release over us countless rocks, all sorts of blasters and missiles, like the stars of the galaxy. But I hope that such things will not harm us; I see, greatly rejoice, and nourish with hopes in my mind that even if we are few, you are all experienced and seasoned warriors - courageous, brave, and well prepared. Protect your heads with shields in combat and battle. Keep your right hand, armed with the blaster of the NEW ORDER, extended in front of you at all times. Your helmets, breastplates and suits of armor are fully sufficient together with your other weapons and will prove very effective in battle.

So go forth! Take fight to that who would spit upon our great EMPEROR and his architects! No more shall the NEW ORDER be ruined upon by those who seek to supplant it! If it can not be saved then the EMPIRE must be burned and something new rebuilt from it's ashes!

Long live the NEW ORDER!

@Revan4221X @Orange Boy
Warlord of the Empire, Grand General Selhec Rougrer and High Admiral Motti declare independence from the Galactic Empire as the Seswenna Stellar Authority
Declaration of Rebellion
Tycho Sal

Roundel of the Empire-in-Exile


When our beloved Emperor, Sheev Palpatine, founded this great Empire, he did so by doing away with the corruption of the past. The Galactic Senate, which had drowned the Galaxy in ineptitude and graft for millennia, was dissolved and in its place a structure made of solid durasteel was raised instead. Though Palpatine is now dead, the ideals upon which he built the Empire still stand.

Yet in the Imperial Centre, fools and traitors captured by the Senatorial Classes have usurped authority from the Imperial Ruling Council and reestablished the Senate to further their own depraved agenda. We know what the Senate stands for, we lived through it, we witnessed it, and I for one will not stand idly by while fools and traitors seek its restoration.

I will not bend the knee to aliens. I will not strike common cause with the Rebellion that seeks the restoration of the same Senate that the usurpers now champion.

I would rather die than betray the Empire and the ideals it was built upon.

Oversector 2 hereby declares itself to be in rebellion against the False Empire in Imperial Centre and proclaims a new, provisional Imperial Government on Corellia.

If autocracy must die, let it not be to the sound of thunderous applause but to the roar of turbolaser fire and the detonation of proton torpedos.

