STAR WARS: Ashes of the Empire V

After some personal time panicking into Mr. Baggey, Zhu was more calm. At least, calm enough to be seen by the crew of his flagship as he stared down at Entralla from the bridge. A nod to his SIC and the rear admiral turned and left. Heading to his room again. This time not for panic but to contemplate the vast challenges the Empire was dealing with. So much problems.

They had two main enemies right now. We had Baobab's Triumvirate here in the North and down south, they had the New Republic. Sure many would declare them the rebellion still, and they were. But Zhu felt it was better to acknowledge them as the NR for a different reason than ideals. More because this was not the rebellion, a sulking shadow that wielded blades in the dark and only engaged in battle when forced by Imperial hands. Usually when the Empire had corned them or Death Stars hung above them like a guillotine. The New Republic meanwhile engaged them in direct combat. Sure their tactics were different and all, but they still fought to hold ground or take ground. Far different from the vermin their predecessors were.

He was also not in doubt that soon they would see new craft of war. Not their stolen/captured Imperial craft or merchant vessels armed for war. Soon new warships would be built. Just as KDY were developing the ISD III they certaintly must be doing the same. And that is what made him worry about Baobab. Man had earned his rank of Grand Admiral for numerous reasons, but the biggest was his science projects. And since he had hide while the Empire struggled agaisnt the New Republic, what lessons was he seeing from that, and was he building new designs fueled by mad sience to make them?

Zhu had heard of the sadly deceased Rom Mohc and his plans for the Dark Troopers before the rebels blew up his factory-ship and killed him. Zhu had actually be lucky/unlucky enough to witness their test in person. He had been a first lieutenant than and was thankfully transferred away from Vader's command. Both men had scared him, and this is why Baobab scared him more than Varian and Venis. The latter two were military people yes, but Baobab dealt in science. And who knew what monsters he was cooking up to secure him and the fallen viziers rule? Zhu could only hope that Imperial valour, steel, firepower, and the command of Grand Admiral Serenon was enough to halt Baobab before any horrors come crawling out to threaten the empire and the galaxy.
From the desk of Admiral Jonus Nil Vaan
For the consideration of Grand General Vonsol (@Frostbyght )


As requested, I have undertaken a thorough review of our strategic situation and the historical context that brought us to this point. After some consideration, I believe I have distilled a guiding set of principles and strategies that will allow us to properly marshal and mobilize our limited resources while avoiding the mistakes of our predecessors, which I have taken to calling "Galactic Realism", or simply "Realism". While this is more of a treatise than a simple policy proposal, I assure you, it is all relevant and pertinent to our situation.

It goes without saying that implementing this all immediately would be extremely disruptive. I instead recommend we move in stages and leave ourselves open to adjustment if necessary. The entire point of this is to be pragmatic, after all.

A Realist Evaluation Of Galactic Politics

1. Introduction

The first question we must ask ourselves is deceptively complex; What is the goal of a state? This has varied, at times quite dramatically, across galactic history. The Republic championed the ideals of Justice and Civilization. The Rebels, like their Separatist forebears, claim to fight for Freedom and the rights of the individual. Our Empire, of course, is a bastion of Order and Stability. But the truth is all of these motives are, bluntly, untrue. Perhaps not intentionally deceptive, as both Emperors have steered the ship of state with these goals in mind-but factually, they are not the whole story.

Throughout history, no matter the nature of the state or its organization, its primary goal, that most fundamental primal objective, has always been the maintenance and consolidation of its own power. The state strives to exist so that it may continue to exist, and it accumulates power to ensure its own existence, or fails in this and begins to stumble towards dysfunction and anarchy. For those in charge, no matter their agenda, the state must exist in order to carry out their aims, and so the consolidation and maintenance of the state is the true priority of any authority that does not seek to supplant it with their own. In embracing this truth, we can discard questions of morality, ideology, and philosophy, as the preservation and strengthening of the state is our single overriding goal. Any means, if they prove effective, can be utilized towards this end, no matter their origin…

2. Strengthening the State

At the root of all things, the strength of a state relies on its ability to effectively mobilize and project force. All other elements feed into this. A strong economy and sophisticated technological base feeds and strengthens an army, allowing the state to project power more effectively and thus bring more territory under its influence, further strengthening its "civilian" sectors through the acquisition of additional resources, human or otherwise. This exact cycle took hold with the initial establishment of the Galactic Republic, allowing it to swiftly surpass the Tion Cluster and achieve galactic hegemony. Even though the various warlords of the Tion Cluster began the war with a larger and more experienced military force, the Republic's superior industry and population allowed them to inexorably reverse the course of the conflict and utterly crush their enemy. Conversely, the Republic's neglect of their armed forces was the major reason for the beginning of the Separatist Crisis and the Clone Wars.

In this era of galactic instability and conflict, the primary objectives of any regime should be the strengthening of the economy and the military, each to feed the other with their successes. All other concerns should be secondary at best. Extraneous expenses and non essential industries should be curtailed or removed entirely, and cultural pursuits that do not serve a purpose in encouraging greater productivity or loyalty should be discontinued or stripped of official support…

3. The Nature of Ideology

Ideology has played a key role in mobilizing both the defenders and opposition towards the New Order, with highly ideological organizations such as COMPNOR spanning the breadth of the Galaxy, wielding tremendous power, and often proving a powerful ally to the Empire. Yet Ideology as a binding force for a state is a double edged sword. Ideology, by its very nature, is open to interpretation, and even the most fanatic believer in the New Order can often justify their own rebellion through using the same dogma meant to produce ardent loyalists. Ideology inevitably invites comparison and judgment, as those who believe will begin to expect the same of their leaders or the state itself.

The Ideologically motivated are inherently more unpredictable and more difficult to negotiate or bargain with, leaving a state with less flexibility as they demand the "proper" response to a situation or crisis, to say nothing of the possibility of a loss of faith. COMPNOR and organizations like it exist to serve a specific role of internal policing and propaganda, but should be kept from dictating policy, or creating their own parallel organizations within the state structure and threatening to become a state within the state. The leadership of these organizations must also be pragmatic and never lose sight of their actual objective. They cannot "believe their own lies". Again, we must accept a fundamental truth-the nature of humanity is to be ambitious and selfish. This is not a bad thing, as it has led to our predominant place within the galaxy, but it means that trying to create a selfless and obedient form of man outside of the white halls of Kamino is a doomed venture. Instead, this selfishness should be utilized as the primary motivating factor of the population by the state, by making serving the interests of the state the most reliable form of advancement and enrichment…

4. Restructuring Society

The simple fact of the matter is that military service will always be viewed as inherently more risky and dangerous than a civilian career, because that is exactly the case. There will be those who view this danger as appealing in its own way or are motivated out of a sense of patriotism, but it has always been necessary to either compel service or offer substantial incentives to maintain a functional military force, especially one capable of waging war on a galactic scale. These same methods should be utilized, but on a deeper and more thorough level of societal penetration than ever before. Military service cannot just be lucrative or encouraged-it must be the most reliable path to personal advancement and enrichment allowed within the confines of the state. The same should be true of those occupations which directly contribute to the war economy through material means or otherwise. Promotion for those who are effective and produce results must be swift, while those who fail will be forced to either improve or find themselves swiftly falling out of favor. But this is still not enough by itself. We cannot settle simply for encouragement and incentive-channels outside of those that contribute to the state must be actively curtailed, marginalized, and ideally, outright forbidden. By leaving only selected channels for the energies of the populace, they are forced to be of use simply to maintain themselves.

The system of military hierarchy within the Galactic Military offers a simple and easy way to reward success and punish failure with promotion and demotion, each rank carrying increasing privileges and pay. The one failure of this system is that it does not go far enough. Social privileges granted by rank are limited or often informal and thus prone to exploitation and corruption, something that is not ideal, and outside of the military itself, rank becomes far more amorphous and flexible. The solution to this quandary is simple-extend this strict hierarchy so that it applies to all of society in a clear, self evident fashion. This need not be so crude as to start handing out military ranks to all citizens-instead, there should be a parallel "social" hierarchy that exists in tandem with the military. Each position within both hierarchies will have clear, delineated privileges, centering around improved living conditions, access to certain luxuries, greater authority over others, and increasing amounts of wealth. Conversely, demotion along either track will entail increasingly restricted privileges until reaching an eventual loss of assets and citizenship status, providing a powerful tool against undesirable behavior and also a pool of confiscated wealth and servile labor that can be utilized by the state. Promotion and demotion will be governed not just by success or failure, but by certain behaviors such as loyalty, obedience, corruption, sedition, and so on. By keeping rank flexible, complacency is avoided and effectiveness, or at least competence, is encouraged.

Obviously, in order to maintain such a system, a sophisticated surveillance apparatus is required, along with the encouragement of citizens and personnel to report suspicious and laudable behavior by their peers, superiors, and inferiors…

5. War Economy

Our current territory and industrial capacity is far more limited than we are necessarily used to operating with. To an extent, we have compensated for this through modification of existing designs and simply stretching what we have further, but this is not sustainable in the long term. In order to overcome the challenges arrayed against us with what we have access to, we must concentrate on eking out every possible bit of output and eliminating waste wherever possible. Most of this will be in reallocating or reshaping our economic production-we do not need more than one model of civilian speeder and one model of cargo hauler. We do not need multiple products that occupy the exact same niche. Production of consumer goods should be pared down to avoid overlap and free up more production for military use. A limited level of luxuries should be produced in order to provide incentives and privileges, but overwhelmingly this should be scaled down as much as possible. This is the first step. From this point on, policies become more transformative-the replacement of various forms of housing with more efficient and economical models, the utilization of mass transit to further cut down on waste and keep passage clear for military personnel, the accumulation and preservation of arable land whenever possible in order to aid with food supply, and the substitution of what we cannot produce ourselves with local equivalents or substitutes…

6. Political Structure

The most efficient structure would be to simply ensure all resources, industry, and government offices were directly under the control of the military, but this is likely not feasible at the current time. Instead, a compromise is necessary, allowing for the accumulation of industrial assets and economic might under "friendly management", removing the uncooperative and parceling out their assets to those willing to work with us or within the system. This DMZ Industrial Council will be officially incorporated into the government, just below the Military Staff (Army, Navy, and COMPMOR personnel of the highest rank) which will constitute the highest level advisors and subordinates for our single autocratic leader who holds all authority within the state. Autocracy is most suitable, as it allows clear, decisive leadership and works best with the strict hierarchy that this structure relies upon.

The security of this Leader is of absolute importance for obvious reasons-the loss of multiple subordinates can be sustained with the hierarchical system allowing for a steady stream of capable replacements, but the loss of the head threatens to paralyze the entire body. The actual location and presence of the Leader should be obfuscated or hidden whenever possible for protection, and also to impose a level of control and intimidation over subordinates, as it is possible that they may appear at any time for sudden inspections. The creation and maintenance of an entire exclusive network of transportation and safehouses for this purpose would be ideal. While actual proximity to the Leader would be rare and a privilege reserved only for those of the highest ranks, his presence should ideally be felt throughout the entire state, through surveillance, propaganda, and broadcasts. This creates a strategic ambiguity that is not only useful for security purposes, but propaganda and mythmaking as well…

Taking out the Trash

War had broken out in one of the furthest corners of the civilized galaxy. On one side, a breakaway power seeking to make it as their own respected power. And on the other, the gathered might of ancient criminal clans and cartels, joined together to project their might and reform their Empire. All the while largely being ignored by the greater powers of the Galaxy as they fought one another.

And within this ignored region, a fight was being held in a system even more ignorable- barren and unimportant save for those that have sought to use this system as a safe haven over the past month, hiding away in it whenever they weren't striking at civilian shipping and targets of opportunity.

Such a situation didn't last forever however, as they were finding out today.

"-they will not be escaping today. Intensify forward firepower, I do not want any of those ships getting enough room to make the jump. All starfighter squadrons are to continue with their current objectives." Captain Morrick Lancel states, ignoring the confirmations of the orders as he gazed out at the battle before him not through the bridge's front viewport, but from the projector table sat further within the bridge.

Here he coordinated and oversaw the efforts of his task force. Comprised of his Victory-II Star Destroyer Harrier, alongside a Vindicator Heavy Cruiser, three Nebulon-B2s, and a large number of light cruisers, light frigates, and corvettes, Task Force 7 was a more then sufficient force to crush this newest pirate menace curtesy of the blasted Hutts.

It had taken a while to find them, but once they had they were swiftly able to move in for the kill. Thanks to his command having been changed out from his former Victory-I from the days of the Empire, they were able to arrive just in time to catch the group as they were packing up.

Now their small asteroid base that they were using as a hideout was destroyed and shattered, and they chased the fleeing pirate group is it attempted to reach the jump point.

Something that he was not going to allow, as up ahead his forces overtook the battle and the pirate fleet, beginning to close in from the sides to trap them in. No doubt seeing this, the output from their engines increased further as they tried to burn fuel to get ahead of these forces.

This not only resulted in their weapon fire slowing down as they diverted power, but started to further break up their formations.

A trio of Corsair Gozantis try to race ahead, joined by a handful of fighters, and a corellian DP-20. Being left behind however was a damaged Ubrikkian Frigate flagship alongside a few slower Gozantis, a pair of Maurauder Corvettes, various transports and freighters scattered between, and a stolen quasar carrier.

While this force was impressive enough, its warship count had been slashed by half, the burning hulks of a Neutron Star Bulk Cruiser and a couple Corellian corvettes proof of it. And now the fleet was buckling, as coordination floundered, angry communications passed between ships, and the transports started to become more exposed.

And against his task force, doom was certain- something they were now realizing.

The pirate force truly starts to scatter once his lead force cuts them off, two Arquitens cruisers joined by three Raider-II corvettes and two CR-92a's turning hard as the jaws of death, turbolaser blasts searing into the DP-20 as the first of the Corsair Gozantis likewise go up. Some scattered fighters try to make breaks for it, but the TIEs prove to be more then a match for the older craft as Interceptors go up against the handful of more advanced or capable fighters among them.

"Sir, the main enemy force is scattering. We're containing most of them, but one of their Marauders alongside a couple freighters has made it through the envelopment!" One of the officers calls out to him. Ignoring the pirate flagship exploding in a fiery blaze, he turns and heads for the holographic projection table, the image quickly changing to show the enemy ships trying to escape- joined by a few various fighters.

"They're still some ways out from a viable jump point, that vector of theirs wasn't exactly the best. Perhaps this is a good time to give the Experimental Flight another test run... is the Arcus en-route?" Captain Lancel calls out, a couple moments passing before a response comes back.

"Yes sir. ETA is five minutes until they arrive at exit point 4."

"Very well. Notify the ship to alter their approach to arrive at exit point 6, and have them ready the Flight for launch. It'll be cutting it a bit close, but from what I've seen of them they should have no problems with the foes arrayed against them."

The minutes tick by as the communications are relayed, and for a bit the Captain turns back to the battle before him. The advanced fleeing elements had all been destroyed, and while a couple of the remaining freighters and one of the DP-20s were trying to make an attack run on one of his Nebulons, they were faltering. A few fighters were furthermore trying to escape, but TIE Interceptors were hunting those down. And around the battlefield the numerous hulks of destroyed and crippled ships floated, various pirate fighters intermingled too- some of them in perhaps salvageable condition. Useful given one of the minor orders made available to him.

It wasn't a bloodless victory however. 19 TIE Fighters had been destroyed or disabled, alongside an Interceptor and a flight of bombers that got caught early on by pirate interceptors. Furthermore, one of his corvettes was floating dead in space, and an Arquitens was dealing with one of its engines being completely blown off. Some other minor or moderate levels of damage were reported too, enough that they were going to need to dock after this mission to get repairs and perhaps be rotated out.

Overall though, a successful mission, and one that was about to be wrapped up as he got the report.

The Raider-II Corvette arrives at the jump point as the pirate ships begin to approach it. Holding position, it disgorges the four of the new TIE/IN-T fighters, the Tolondan-Designed craft swiftly turning into formation. Within moments they begin to close in on the fleeing pirates as they respond in kind.

Over a dozen fighters surge forward, including five of those modified V-Wings that had been causing them trouble, the deadly Clone-Wars interceptor having been upgraded further and making themselves a menace for normal TIE Fighters and even causing the Interceptors some trouble.

And yet it seemed, not enough to face the new fighters.

The Tolondan Fighters rip through the incoming fighters with ease, the blaster cannons ripping through shielding and hulls as the fighters passed by each other.

The Interceptors turn with ease, engaging the pirate fighters mid-turn. A MorningStar-C Fighter looses its engines as it spirals out of control, while a lumbering ARC-170 momentarily splits in two before errupting into a fiery explosion as its on-board proton torpedoes go off.

Even the V-Wings find themselves in dire-straights, with two destroyed in the initial past and a third now being eagerly chased down by an experimental fighter.

Less then a minute passes before the 15 strong force is reduced to a mere two, a pair of surviving V-Wings burning hard to escape back to the ships. The TIE/IN-T's pursue, easily accepting the chase as it brings them closer to their next objective.

One of the two remaining fighters is destroyed by the time the pirate ships begin opening fire, laser cannons on the freighters and desparate shots from the Marauder's turbolasers soaring out. The Tolondan fighters dodge and weave, easily avoiding the fire as one of them sends one last burst at the fleeing pirate V-Wing, sending it spinning out and crashing into the main gun of one of the freighters, an explosion going off that sends the freighter listing.

Then the fighters are among the ships, and they show that they're not merely a menace to fighters. Proton Torpedoes race out from munitions launchers inherited from the late-model of Interceptors, draining the already battered shields of the Marauder alongside laser blasts. The damaged pirate freighter likewise suffers as a torpedo hits right in the engine block, fully disabling the ship.

The fighters zip past before splitting, two going to each side as they bank back around. More torpedos are reloaded and launched, and it proves to be too much for the Marauder as they drill into the reactor, causing a large explosion that sends the front of the ship flying off into space. From there, its easy work for them to strafe and destroy the remaining couple ships.

Thus ending the battle, and lending another mark to both their capabilities and to the Captain's estimation of their effectiveness.

Such a good day to serve in the Tolondan Union.
Will No One Rid Me of This Meddlesome Duro?

"Gentlemen. I am getting extremely sick of this Admiral."

Another day. Another conference in Command Bunker Alpha-007. Unlike so many others, this meeting was held in an atmosphere of good cheer. At least, as much good cheer as could be expected. General Vonsol had returned from the Loronar conference a rejuvenated man. He spoke glowingly of the new funds flowing into the Military Zone's coffers and of the work of the Denon Production Council. Shipyard construction figures were up, armaments production was being streamlined, and COMPMOR estimates of workplace disgruntlement were down nearly 17%.

Yet throughout all of this good cheer, one nuisance remained. The Rebel Admiral. The Duro. The one who had once again foiled the plans of Grand General Vonsol. Voon Massa. That bastard.

The Conference Room was slowly turning into the favored hangout of DMZ High Command. The atmosphere was still professional, still stiff, but there was an air of relaxation, of easy camaraderie. These men had seen each other in this same room so many times it had become routine. Even Vonsol, ever the pinnacle of Military stoicism, had allowed himself to relax the barest fraction. Today, after the usual updates and strategical discussions, the command staff had remained behind to brainstorm for the night.

Brainstorm what, you ask?

The same thing they brainstorm every night: How to kill Voon Massa.

Direct action was, for the moment, impossible. Massa and his fleet had the numbers advantage, and with other Rebel Fleets prowling the eastern borders, they couldn't afford a mass assault against the little Duro's staging grounds. Thus, the military forces of the DMZ required some imaginative tactics.

This was not their strong suit.

"Now we've had several of these discussions in the last few days, but those focused on purely military solutions to the problem of Massa." The Grand General continued, "And while I believe our military assessments are both sober and realistic, we must nevertheless turn away from purely military solutions. Voon Massa has proven a cunning foe, and we must be cunning in return. How do we rid ourselves of this meddlesome admiral?"

Someone called out from the corner of the room, "We must crush him with a frontal assault! Only with élan and courage can we overcome the enemy defenses!"

"I just said that 'we must be cunning', Commander Croy." Vonsol pinched the bridge of his nose. "That is quite frankly the opposite of cunning."

"- we could frontal assault him... from behind?"

"Get out."

As Croy left the room dejectedly, Vonsol turned back to the rest of the commanders. "Alright, now that we've dealt with that. Anyone else have any ideas? Just... shout them out. Get creative! This is a brainstorming session, no bad concepts." He looked back as the door closed, "Well. Some bad concepts."

Immediately the room erupted into frenzied discussion.

"We ram a Venator into his flagship!"

"We lure him next to a moon, and then blow it up and shred his fleet with a giant, lunar shotgun!"

"We cover our ships in AT-ATs and use the extra firepower to smash Voon's Fleet aside!"

"We build a Gun big enough to shoot Chardaan and blow up the sun!"

"No! We let him take over a system, and then we hide our ships in the ocean. Then, when he comes into orbit, we AMBUSH him from BENEATH THE WAVES!"

This went on for several minutes. Vonsol sat in a contemplative silence, occasionally nodding and grunting as ideas were presented, shouted down, modified, re-proposed, or withdrawn. As they continued, Kravic began to wonder how men so skilled in the art of planetary combat could be so shit at void warfare.

"Alright, ENOUGH." He shouted over the din. "Does anyone have any ideas that aren't utterly ludicrous?"


A single voice sounded, unsure of itself, "Could we... assassinate him?"

Silence again. The silence of a dozen army commanders deep in thought. Assassination was a dirty word. Such skullduggery was the realm of disreputable rogues from Imperial Intelligence, or worse, COMPNOR. The DMZ was a state founded on Military Might and Martial Honor. But...

Vonsol tapped his chin, and said what everyone was thinking, "Well. Desperate times do call for desperate measures. I don't believe we can out wetwork the Rebels, not easily. They've been at these kind of underhanded shenanigans for years. Still, it is worth looking into."

He looked around at the silent faces. "Anyone else have anything not ridiculous? No?" Vonsol inhaled sharply, "Alright, come back next week with some proper ideas. I'll look into this whole..." his brow tightened, "Assassination business."

Slowly, the assembled command staff filed out of the room. Vonsol was soon left alone in the silent command bunker. Now that everyone was gone, he stood and stretched, before asking the empty chamber.

"Now, how do I set up an assassination?"
The red planet of Korriban was framed by the black void, pinpricked by distant stars. The Witch-Queen's followers stood around her, including the captain of the Sword of Sorcery, Laur'tal Indus. The warriors were busy tending to their wounds.

"And explain to me, once again, Ship-Mistress Indus, how it is that an army landed on Korriban without your knowledge." Ala'el spoke evenly and tersely.

"My Witch-Queen, forgive me, our sensors did not pick up any activity. Your Eyes of Darkness could not pierce the veil about your proximity. It was not until the arrival of our ally that we could find your majestic personage once again." Indus simpered, kow-towing to her master. Indus lowered her head and kissed the Witch-Queen's boot, "Our lives are at your command, my Queen!"

Ala'el lifted her boot, raising Indus's face so that they could look into each others' eyes, "You shall serve me better in the future, Laur'tal. If you fail me again I shall require your services in a different capacity, perhaps as an Eye of Darkness." Ala'el then kicked her away.

She turned to her Herald Hord, "This Luke Skywalker, he is a fascinating man. Beautiful and casual, and oh so mighty. I will enjoy killing him." She laughed, "Let's be underway, we have some friends and allies to cajole and dominate."
SIDESTORY: Revelation


The Slaves to Darkness had gathered over the lost world, brimming with the Dark Side and full of beings who bathed in it. The fleet prepared itself for possible use of their turbolaser guns upon the surface below them, as trust was almost non-existent. The Witch-Queen's followers were blind to her ambition, her true desire for the reasoning to be here for she was able to shield her feelings from being revealed which would threaten her plans from being so.

A shuttle with the Witch-Queen and her servants arrived to the surface of the planet, its darkened skies becoming a blinding red light for brief moments as lightning streaks across, a side effect of the immense presence of the Dark Side warping the environment. Her servants were escorted to a grand temple of old, where the inner chamber lie. Many Dark Side entities sat in a circular fashion, with one at its head. The Witch-Queen made her declaration and offer of allegiance to the Dark Siders, who respectfully refused.

The Witch-Queen questioned their reasoning, their strength, their desire for power and their very purpose in the galaxy if they stood idle. One of the Dark Siders rose from his seat, offended at her belittlement of their cause and explained their choice of actions which the others quietly nodded and agreed to, except their Head which was indifferent. She took in the words of these Dark Siders and requested their council to move forward with. She asked for the opinion of the Head of the Dark Siders, who continued his oath of silence.

Then, the Head of the Dark Siders stared directly at the Witch-Queen - as a whisper could be heard in her mind.

"Kill them. Kill them all and you will be granted the truth."

Only a moment passed as the Witch-Queen barked out orders to eliminate all within the room, leaving only the Head of the Dark Siders to live. The doors to the chamber room had violently shut with use of the Force, as the Slaves to Darkness clashed in a duel to the death with many warriors falling to blades of all kinds. The Dark Siders themselves could not survive the onslaught as the Witch-Queen cut them down one by one until only her and the Head Dark Sider remained.

The last of the Dark Siders examined the room, the blood still flowing from the dead as he speaks to the Witch-Queen which she happily accepts his declaration. He paced back and forth across the room, telling of many things - all of import for her to know. Then, he suddenly stops and tells of a great revelation while revealing a dagger hidden away.

You will have a choice to make Ala'el. When that time comes, you will know of it."

The Head of the Dark Siders looks up to her from the dagger with a smile, as he lunges it into his chest.

"My time here... is done. As the F-force wills... D-do not forget this Ala'el... Your destiny a-awaits..."

He falls to the ground, his last burst of life fades, an echo in the Force can be felt from it.

The Witch-Queen then exited the chambers, where a small group of individuals approached her and requested their orders which were given. The Slaves to Darkness prepared to march onwards.
[+1 Stability to Slaves to Darkness]
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"The rise of Emperor Palpatine and his New Order saw about the grand reformation of our galaxy under better, more orderly, more perfect institutions. The Clone Wars, for all its horror, taught us a great many lessons and it was Palpatine who applied them on the galactic scale. One among those was the appointment of a Supreme Commander, a singular figure with the military authority and martial acumen to manage the vast forces necessary to safeguard the prosperity of trillions. With the loss of Palpatine likewise came the oft-overlooked loss of our first Supreme Commander, and an office left unfilled in the trying times that followed.

But I speak today to decree an end to that vacancy, to follow the wisdom of my predecessor by naming a new Supreme Commander of Imperial Forces. There are a great many minds which man the security of our Empire, figures worthy of recognition. It is with all due diligence that I have personally created a shortlist of candidates worthy to hold this illustrious posts. And now, at long last, there has emerged the greatest successor the title of Supreme Commander - the Baroness Corellia, Lira Serenon.

Baroness Corellia has served steadfastly in defense of our Empire, first quelling rebel insurrectionism throughout the galactic south, before now taking command of our galactic north to stave off mutineers and seditionists. By her hand has been ended a great many enemies of our Empire from all quarters of dissent, leaving each and every one reduced to ash. There has not been a battle or trade lane or planet that has withstood her sheer tenacity in service to the New Order. It is with utmost faith that I authorize her promotion to Supreme Commander of Imperial Forces, with all due operational authority to wield the greatest military force known to galactic history."

His Imperial Majesty


It was natural for a superior to regard the passing of a subordinate, within the proper context. Of course, the death of an alien in the slums of Imperial Center was of no concern to a man as great as Emperor Manko Gaul. But a Grand Admiral - a competent and well-bred one at that - was within a doubt an appropriate concern. Plente Poggers was a good man, a noble man, lamented Gaul. And he did not deserve to die at the hands of a traitor, a traitor already stained by dynastic treason. Poggers had enjoyed the neoclassical music that Gaul favored as well, and had a fine appreciation for Shawkenese vintage wines. The two had planned to discuss Therren's new opera after the conclusion of this newest campaign. And now Poggers was dead.

Lord Poggers had been hand-selected by Manko Gaul, a scion of an illustrious family recruited in the immediate aftermath of Endor. Together, they conducted a daring gambit in the Outer Rim, taking initiative back against the Rebellion. And it had succeeded - Gaul flaunted Pestage's halt on offensives and came out promoted for it, starting him on his journey to the Imperial Throne. And whereas Gaul's other military patrons had all failed - Corliss assassinated by Rebels, Lanin killed by his own idiocy - Poggers survived. Indeed, he even outlasted Dellian. With his death, Gaul lost a key supporter and a key tool. And perhaps even a close friend.

And now, Gaul thought, he had been the victim yet again of life's misfortunes. Truly it was Plente Poggers destined to be Supreme Commander - the perfect vessel to maintain decorum and professionalism within the military ranks. And now Gaul faced the prospects of appointing one among the other distinguished commanders. The natural, most obvious choices were Lira Serenon and Iaxis Solaris. But each left a sour taste in Gaul's mouth. Their service was undeniable, yes. They were competent and had accolades to withstand most any scrutiny. But one was a woman and the other was a poor.

Maybe, Gaul thought, the Father above had a sense of mischievous humor, surrounding Gaul with a score of COMPNOR fanatics and women folk as his most able servants. Or perhaps, he more seriously considered, it was one of those grand tests of the ego and morals his church devotionals so often referenced. Either way, it left Manko Gaul deeply uncomfortable.

But the Emperor had no time for comfort, not yet at least. And so as he issued his decree, placing a lady at the head of the Imperial military, Gaul swallowed his reservations. At least, he assured himself, Serenon had some ounce of decent stock in her bloodline. Better the hands at the helm were feminine, and not peon.

He continued this assurance to himself at dinner, himself at the head of a long, banquet table, his wife at the opposite end. In silence, they ate caviar harvested and imported from Glee Anselm. Daintily, submissively, she nodded as he at last spoke, telling her not of such important matters, but of an old Shawkenese myth. As she smiled politely through his story, he thought to himself: yes, perhaps a woman can be useful.



Captain, I have been notified of your work regarding [REDACTED], [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. You will continue such operations until further notice and notify my office of any further developments, as your leal service to the Empire is vital to remove the Rebellion which continues its defiance.

I have also by decree of the Emperor been tasked with an assignment of the highest order and priority which will require your involvement at a certain time. These orders have been sent via an encrypted message attached to this missive. Failure is not an option; it is why I have chosen you to carry this directive out as your record has shown excellence above all others.

Long Live the New Order.

The smoke was suffocating. At the same time, it was a symbol of the liberation that he could feel and has felt ever since he was returned to the military where he belonged. Looking out the window he sees the sprawling industry and city sights. They were nothing like home, but then again, nothing was these days. The New Emperor had expectations for him and he had to meet them without complaint or issue.

He let a smile adorn his face as he briefly remembered the opening strikes against the Rebels, only to run into the crippling mess that was the Mandalore offensive. He should have known better to be honest, but the opportunity had to be taken. If it had worked...

But it hadn't and good men were wasted. He would make sure not to make the same mistake twice. The rust was being shaken off and while the rebels were a different type of beast than the Confederacy was, they still would die all the same. Putting the cigarette down he turned to look at the terminal in the room. beeping ominously as though at any moment disaster would strike.

It wouldn't, he knew what the message was. It was from home, his grandchildren would be calling if his hopes for a pleasant afternoon were met. If it wasn't it would be that idiot of a son-in-law calling again for political favors. Deciding to finally answer, he would stand up. His bones and joints creak as the increasingly aging man moves. On a good day, the pain dulled and he could focus.

On a bad day well, he would be lucky to get time to stand up on his own time. Each step took a year, and with each year the weight grew more and more unbearable. Sometimes he wondered why he left his home, why he returned to active duty, and why he is currently choosing to fight with all the time he has left. Letting out a ragged, deathly cough he would begin messing with his terminal. "Let's see who it is today," he says with a wet scoff. A young woman, she still exudes an unmistakable aura of sophistication, her every movement echoing elegance and refinement. Clad in opulent fabrics that drape her figure, she epitomizes wealth and discerning taste, her attire blending the latest fashion trends with nods to Alsakan's rich cultural heritage.

He can't stop the smile from taking up space on his face. "Daughter," he says, remembering events from years and years ago. "Which one decided that you needed to step in to... get a more moderate response?" he asks, amused more than anything.

The woman lets out a sigh, "You know who Father, and even if we played this game we both know your answer. I'm here to get at least something resembling a promise out of your mouth." As she speaks she sounds more and more annoyed until the end, when she just sounds exhausted. "Honestly Father, what is it you have against him? I know he wasn't the best choice of a husband but the disrespect you show him is growing more and more troubling."

The old man lets out a scoff. "If he wanted my respect, he wouldn't try to play these political games like a buffoon. He would know his limits and he would know that I won't whisper sweet nothings into the Emperor's ear in the hope of somehow gaining his favor. The game he is trying to play is the game the bootlickers and the spineless cowards play. You know me, Meol, I'm an old man. There isn't anything I can do anymore, the games he's trying to play aren't what we need, what the family needs."

"Father, you speak as if you're going to die sometime in the next year. We both know you're not stupid enough to do that nor are you old enough to die within at least another decade. Honestly, if you showed as much spirit and vitriol as you do towards my husband, you could drive the rebels out of the rim, feeling nasty and horrible all the while."

The laugh comes naturally but with a cost. While giving a joyful hearty laugh, the damnable cough returns. It's violent, worse than it had been earlier. Meol looks concerned, as her father slowly recovers his breath. Looking at her after several minutes he speaks again. "I have fewer years in me than you think daughter, I'm old, a relic of a time-long pass. I'm going to die soon, but-" he stops, not because he doesn't know the words, but because she knows them just as much as he does.

She looks sad at the statement, and can't help but finish it. "it'll be for a cause you believe in."

Her father nods. "I'm sorry."

She lowers her head. "You should be here, with the children, even if this is the cause you want to die for, you've paid the price, you've served your time Father."

He doesn't respond. It's the same argument they seem to have every time they talk. She knows the answer, she knows where it goes every time. She begs for him to come back, to teach the children some other lesson, to be proud of everything they've accomplished. To be amongst the family in his final years. Yet, every time he tells her why he can't, why he needs to fight, they both age another decade. He opens his mouth to speak, but the words won't come out. It hurts to say it but it needs to be said. He needs to tell her-

"But you won't, the Empire needs you and if it wasn't you, it'd be someone else. Someone young and who still has their life ahead of them." She pauses, "You're a selfish man, Father, giving your life so some other man doesn't have to give his. It's foolish, it's- It's breaking my heart."

She knows what to say, he remembered. They've done this before and they would do it again in the future. He would always be proud of her, no matter how much it hurt him and her to do what they needed to. To play their part in this game. His jaw clenches as the hurt overtakes him. He's forced to brace on the desk, using all his willpower to not show anything. As the feeling fades, he fails. Letting out the breath he had been holding, he spoke up. "I will see what I can do. Some political appointment or training for a year for Seiv or Idre. Whichever one of the twins wants it. No promises to who though."

She smiles, "I will let them know."

The screen soon after goes black and he's left by himself once again. Alone, and about to play a game he should be too old to participate in. He returns to his chair and picks up the cigarette again, using it one more time before snuffing out the fire.
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On the March​

As his squad mates admire the view of the Let'Orta Quarry- once among the largest on the planet, he recalls from his history lectures- Mebit Nettle sits on a rock, vision blurry from exertion, and tries to catch his breath. His respirator hisses loudly with each inhalation. He sets his blaster, the weight of which caught him off guard, on the ground beside him and massages his now-quite-sore shoulder.

His attempt at rest is interrupted by a familiar, brash voice, the tone of which, even slightly distorted by its owner's own respirator, never failed to remind him of the call of a Mine Gesteyr. An alarm call, specifically. Their mating and hunting calls are distinctive and different. Less harsh and more musical.

"You good there, Bit?"

"I'm fine, Gilnef," he says.

He looks up. Though the bottom half of Gil's face is covered by his respirator, he is clearly smiling from the tension of muscles around his eyes. Gil's white hair- something Mebit suspects, alongside Gil's pale, almost silvery irises, may be an unfortunate sign of Meerian ancestry- is wet with sweat, much like Mebit's own. Unlike Mebit, Gil doesn't seem especially worn out by the march.

"Just wanted to make sure. Your mom told me to keep an eye on you, and-"

"I'm fine," Mebit snaps. He didn't mean for his tone to be so harsh, but he's tired of being babied. He may be short for his age, but he's fifteen, just like Gil! He's not even the youngest SAG member on the march. In two years, he'll be old enough to join COMPFORCE, or perhaps even the navy or stormtrooper corps.

"Okay. Okay," Gil laughs, raising his hands in joking contrition. Mebit likes Gil's laugh- not that he would ever tell him that. That would be a weird thing to tell someone, and Gil would never let him live it down.

"Quite the view, yeah?" Gil asks.


"The view. It's kind of nice, right?"


"You're not even looking!"

Mebit was not, in fact, looking. Through the entire march, his blaster, slung by his side, had been knocking against his left knee seemingly every other step. He had been checking the strap to see if it was possible to adjust it to be any shorter. It was not. He looks at the view to appease Gil.

It is nice. This rim of the quarry is higher than the opposite side, as the massive pit was dug into the side of a mountain. Long abandoned, the bottom of the quarry is filled with water, which shimmers in iridescent shades of green, blue, and grey. The red-tinted landscape below is dotted with hardy shrubs and the hulking, corroded remains of abandoned pieces of heavy mining equipment which were cheaper to replace than to move or repair when the quarry ran dry. High above, the sky is its usual, vivid orange. Churning clouds of smog and ash reduce the glow of the sun to a pinprick of light, casting the lands in a familiar, omnipresent, artificial twilight.

"It's nice."

"Told you so."

"Go dig a hole."

The leader of the SAG detachment blows his whistle. The break in the march is over. Gil softly claps Mebin sympathetically on his not-sore shoulder as Mebit picks up his damnably heavy blaster. He thinks about the faint positives of the situation. He's nearly halfway through, and it's mostly downhill from here.
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MINI: A Dark Triumph

A Dark Triumph

The Galactic Empire had appeared to finally stabilize under the rule of Manko Gaul, as the core worlds consolidated under his authority and the Imperial Senate was the edict to the masses which passed his every wish. These requests included a massive entrenchment of nobility within the Imperial government and Senate, all loyal and thankful to the Emperor for providing them with such powers over the citizens of the Empire. Although there were still lingering issues, most pressing was the food shortage still plaguing the Empire years after the loss of systems like the critical agriworld Ukio to the Tolonda Union, the civilian sectors of the state under the guidance of the Control Commissions were progressing the rebuilding and reformation of the Empire under Gaul's tutelage and vision.

The Imperial military was looking to finally rebound after the catastrophic Battle of Endor which led to the loss of Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, the Second Death Star and many of the Empire's brightest and most influential minds. It was further exacerbated by the numerous engagements with the New Republic and Imperial Warlords that followed, further degrading the Imperial StarFleet's ability to secure the galaxy as the Empire's borders continued to be pressed further towards Imperial Center. By Six ABY it did appear that Gaul's efforts had stopped the bleeding of systems and defections, even leading some to return to the fold of the New Order under his rule. While massive battles raged in the north taking much of the Empire's resources to defeat their rivals of the Imperial Triumvirate, it was a somewhat concerning reality that set in of the security of the core worlds with much of its garrisons sent north leaving many within Imperial High Command uncomfortable at the possibility of attack which they could not repel if large enough.

These fears would be realized, as dark forces prepared to undo the work and rule of Manko Gaul's Empire by striking into its very heart while it lay vulnerable…

In Oversector Twenty unusual movement was noted, alongside a complete communications blackout leaving every command within blind as officers began to scramble to enable emergency protocols and attempt to regain access to both their military channels and the HoloNet. It was initially assumed the New Republic's commando units and intelligence officers had begun a major operation which was successful in gaining control of the overall HoloNet in the Oversector leading to immediate calls of mobilization. After brief investigations by the various commands it was determined that this was being enacted from within, as no local reports indicated sabotage or invasion by Admiral Ackbar's Third Fleet which was arrayed against them in the region. On Fondor moments before communications were severed it was noted of the sudden departure of the Imperial Bastion's Shadow Squadron for parts unknown by the local garrison, bringing concerns of something developing without their knowledge. Grand Moff Tandi Maxcetus' command not long after Shadow Squadron had vanished began to maneuver in such a way that implied her intent to cut off reinforcement and establish control over Fondor's shipyards and the planet itself, leading to those left in the dark to begin making frantic decisions as dangerous assumptions were beginning to form.

The most significant decision was made by Imperial Intelligence, as the mysterious Captain Renik, cut off from communication with the chain of command, made the decision with what knowledge was available to enact emergency protocols. These protocols entailed the elimination of Grand Moff Tandi Maxcetus in the event the Grand Moff displayed disloyal actions, which was clearly the impression given to Renik and operators standing by. It would be an arduous task as Maxcetus had begun a purge of her command, perhaps anticipating such elements were in position to remove her with deadly force. Imperial Intelligence operators were soon given some reinforcement from Fondor's surface, posing as resupply transports but were in reality commando units, experts in carrying out assassination orders against difficult targets. As Maxcetus was overlooking Fondor's consolidation and investigating the severing of the HoloNet which went unsolved, explosions and alarms rang out across the Aggregator as Maxcetus' Stormtrooper detachment began to engage Renik's commandos and small isolated pockets of crew who refused to be detained. Damage reports began to flood in as multiple sections of the ship were sustaining blaster fire damage and stored ordinance exploding as a result of battles ongoing. Hundreds of casualties were noted in the medical bay, as reinforcements including COMPNOR's CompForce were rushed in to contain the assassins and saboteurs before they could reach critical systems.

Grand Moff Maxcetus' Stormtroopers fighting in the halls, compartments and corridors of the Aggregator against Captain Renik's commandos desperately trying to regain complete control of the star destroyer

Some of Renik's operators reached the entrance to the bridge where the Grand Moff was positioned but were not able to reach their target, as she had bolstered the defenses with more Death Troopers and Navy Troopers leading to an impossible scenario of accomplishing their objective. While they had failed in directly taking out Maxcetus, their alternative method was decided on by those onboard, as a majority of the remaining operators made way to the engine rooms. Maxcetus realized their plans of destroying the ship entirely from within, and sent all available resources originally consolidated near the bridge to stop them by any means necessary. Unfortunately it was too late, as explosives were placed at key junctures and the engines spooled up to maximum power which would provide enough of a chain reaction to destroy the ship. As Maxcetus' Stormtroopers entered the room and cleared out the remnants of Renik's commandos, the lone survivor engaged the timer, with only mere seconds to detonate. Alerts indicated this as Maxcetus attempted to reach an escape pod, but the Bellator went up in a massive detonation taking all hands on board within a blink of an eye, blinding all within orbit of Fondor for a brief moment. Although the loss of many talented operators was a heavy toll, Renik had completed the mission by eliminating the Grand Moff, and soon after fled Fondor to an unknown location.
[-1 Bellator to Empire]
[Grand Moff Tandi Maxcetus
(@FantasticMsFox) Dead]

On Abregado-rae Grand Admiral Iaxis Solaris stood idle, working to consolidate his defenses against potential attack by the New Republic in the southern core. There were orders prior to the events over Fondor to begin detention of disloyal elements within the Oversector by COMPNOR, as the Grand Admiral appeared to begin making moves to consolidate his control over the region. Other directives were handed out prior to the communications blackout within the Oversector, as Solaris began to quickly ascertain the origin of this as he was now in the dark pertaining to events outside of Abregado-rae itself. But his final orders did have ramifications, as in the moments after the loss of the Aggregator and Grand Moff Maxcetus over Fondor, COMPNOR forces began an immediate lockdown of the system, rounding up what groups of both civilian and military sectors they deemed threats. This included the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Annihilator, under the command of Admiral Wien Orvan, a loyal officer of the late Grand Moff Maxcetus. Chaos soon engulfed the star dreadnought and other star destroyers as reports filtered in of crews fighting COMPNOR forces attempting to secure the vessels for the Grand Admiral and the New Order organization. As other vessels of the late Grand Moff's command battled the COMPNOR zealots with the loss of two of them to critical system failures, Admiral Orvan, the Annihilator's crew and Stormtrooper Legions successfully eliminated what COMPNOR forces were onboard, although the ship sustained damage of various sorts in the process. The Annihilator soon after departed Fondor, finding refuge in the Denon Military Zone under Grand General Kravic Vonsol, giving the Warlord an extremely potent machine of war.
[-1 Executor, -1 ISD I, -1 ISD II to Empire]
[+1 Executor to Denon Military Zone]

In the midst of all the chaos in Oversector Twenty, High Admiral Druno Vaine the Younger quickly consolidated himself and the fleet in orbit of Yag'Dhul as a local communications blackout was enacted, although the High Admiral soon became aware his orders were superseded without his input or knowledge both within and outside the system. A rounding up of suspected traitors within the garrison and potential New Republic cells was conducted under Vaine's supervision while he, like Grand Admiral Solaris attempted to reestablish communications as quickly as possible. As time passed the High Admiral tried to contact Grand Moff Maxcetus at Fondor with no luck, and the same with Grand Admiral Solaris at Abregado-rae. Concern began to fill the ranks as they were completely aloof to what had transpired over Fondor yet the decision to hold their positions and await the blackout to end was decided.

While the south burned as traitors, loyalists and opportunists clashed against one another, a more serious threat was racing quietly up the Corellian Trade Spine and then Corellian Run making way towards the core worlds. Shadow Squadron under the command of Darth Avitus had kept its movements away from watchful eyes, what forces noticed did not take it as a concern, as the Bastion's forces had unhindered access to Imperial territory from the deep core and became a more common occurrence which was seen as no import. As Shadow Squadron was about to exit the Ixtlar system, HoloNet communications across Oversector One suddenly ceased, with the last report of a major fleet attacking the Foerost system and being quickly overrun. Imperial Center itself was recently reinforced and its preparedness heightened as the Oversector's forces consolidated over the capital after Emperor Gaul took the sage advice of Imperial Intelligence Services Director Blackhole to prepare for some threat to Imperial integrity, although it was unknown if this or another entity was the culprit. Oversector One itself housed a much smaller garrison than at any time in its history under the Empire, with only twenty-three star destroyers distributed across the many systems within its administrative borders now repositioned prior to Shadow Squadron's arrival into the region over Imperial Center itself.

Shadow Squadron had exited hyperspace over Imperial Center, the capital's garrison unmoving yet curious of the Bastion's presence, most assuming it was en route back to the deep core for resupply and repairs. An unusually large flotilla of transports only moments after the arrival of Shadow Squadron quickly departed the planet, perhaps knowing of the impending collision that was to come. After this flotilla's departure was the arrival of an armada of fifty star destroyers from the south and four from the north under Captain Dax Harton, moving into attack formation in coordination with Shadow Squadron's thirty-eight from the east giving this combined force ninety-two star destroyers barreling down upon the Imperial fleet in orbit of the planet. Before any hostilities between the two formerly tenuous allies could begin, a missive was sent from the Eclipse to the Inner Sanctum where Emperor Gaul lie, proposing his abdication of the throne and allowing a new Imperial Regency to take its place. A brief back and forth negotiation was undertaken, but in the end was quickly refused by the Emperor, which the Sith Lord anticipated would be the case.

The order to conquer Imperial Center from the Eclipse came soon after, as the once idle armada charged forth into the Empire's defenses of the capital. It was known it would be an extremely difficult fight, as the Empire had taken extensive measures to ensure the orbital defenses around the capital were both repaired and heavily expanded after the coup attempt of the late Grand Admiral Maddox immediately after the Battle of Endor years prior. Even though the Bastion outnumbered the Empire's forces almost four to one, these orbital platforms were a force multiplier and asset which could not be ignored. These platforms and star destroyers came to life, attempting all they could to resist this usurper's desire to overthrow their Emperor as blows began to be traded between the two forces. The Bastion would have none of it, as orders to press hard into the Imperial ranks were given, the Eclipse itself unloading its array of turbolaser batteries in a target-rich environment while her escorts closed the gap. TIE Fighters, Interceptors, Bombers, Avengers and Defenders littered the skies above Imperial Center's protective shield dome, as hundreds of thousands of personnel were locked in vicious combat as all available assets on both sides were called forth to decide the battle.
[-4 ISD I, -3 ISD II, -3 Vic II to Empire]
[-5 ISD I, -3 ISD II, -5 Vic II to Bastion]

Intense close-range gunnery duels and dogfights devoured the skies above Imperial Center, as the fate of the Empire hung in the balance

On the surface hypervelocity guns and ion cannons fired nonstop into the skies aiming to disable or destroy the Bastion's star destroyers and were making progress as those that drew too close to the shield's outermost layers were either disabled or outright destroyed by the impressive array of batteries across the planet. Reports began to filter in of sabotage and infiltration groups engaging the garrison, mostly centering around the structures which housed the controls to the shield generators which were a prime target to either occupy or destroy. Imperial Stormtroopers on the surface began to converge on the stations, where heated battles were underway between the Bastion's elite black and red-clad Death Trooper units led by what appeared to be Noghri Death Commandos and unknown individuals armed with lightsabers. These highly skilled soldiers made quick work of the installation's forces and reinforcements sent to relieve them from the siege they could no longer hold back, as the planetary shielding system began to falter in spots before being entirely disabled, exposing all below to the chaos above.
[-2 ISD I, -1 ISD II, -2 Vic II to Bastion]

The battle in orbit continued at an even higher pace, as the Imperials now knew they were the last line of defense before the Bastion fleet could establish complete control of the skies above the capital. The heavily layered array of defense platforms and remaining star destroyers did whatever they could to inflict as much damage to the Bastion fleet, knowing the chance to call for reinforcements were impossible and any attempt to escape made irrelevant due to the Interdictor-class Star Destroyer Abyss being present locking them within the system. Shadow Squadron's elite crews and officers, and the overall quality and quantity of the Bastion fleet began to painfully show itself in battle as the Imperial fleet was starting to buckle under the immense pressure, highlighting they were indeed the finest of the late Emperor Palpatine to be deployed within the Imperial StarFleet. The platforms themselves began to be systematically destroyed either by overwhelming turbolaser fire by the Bastion's star destroyers, TIE Bombers or some cases of infiltration by Novatroopers which disabled ones which they could successfully breach. Of the thirteen remaining star destroyers the Empire fielded, five succumbed to extensive damage either leading to catastrophic explosions or disabled enough to lead to their complete abandonment. With the loss of these ships and the destruction of a majority of the orbital defenses surrounding Imperial Center, the officers onboard the last eight star destroyers offered their surrender, not wanting to perish like their peers. This left the surface to the mercy of Darth Avitus and the Bastion fleet, as the ground forces of Emperor Gaul steeled themselves for a final battle which would be by far the most deadly and significant in the galaxy.
[-4 ISD I, -3 ISD II, -6 Vic II to Empire]
[-1 Tector, -2 ISD I, -2 ISD II, -2 Vic II to Bastion]
[+3 ISD I, +2 ISD II, +3 Vic II to Bastion]

Darth Avitus gave orders to pacify the planet by any means necessary, regardless of the price inflicted upon the populace or infrastructure below, his aim to locate and eliminate the Emperor to ensure he could not flee and establish a government-in-exile to rally the Empire around. Imperial-class and Victory II-class Star Destroyers got as close as possible to low orbit, as limited bombardment of military installations were underway as hundreds of thousands of Bastion Stormtroopers and other units of the Warlord State were deployed. These invasion forces began engaging the stubborn garrison which held their loyalty to Emperor Gaul still even with the odds entirely within the Bastion's favor. This stubbornness led to grueling battles amongst the cityscape that enveloped the entire planet, as untold damage was inflicted on any structure which did or was supposed of holding Imperial forces, leading to mass casualties of civilians and military personnel alike. No building was left untouched as the Bastion's forces inched closer towards the Imperial Palace and Imperial Senate Building, with many collapsing under the weight of turbolaser fire from above or their foundations crumbling from the nonstop firefights below. This battle was easily more devastating than the former Regency coup led by Manko Gaul and Val Dellian, as Darth Avitus was not as forgiving of defiance than his predecessors.

Buildings such as the old Jedi Temple were not spared from Darth Avitus' wrath, as the planet bled and burned relentlessly

Casualties at this point were unknown and would perhaps never be realized, but expected to be similar to those lost during the Battle of Ord Trasi of the late General Pravenne's insurrection highlighting the sheer amount of manpower being invested by both sides into the pivotal decision of who would rule the Empire moving forward. More and more of the Empire's forces were pressed into the grinder as emergency militias were raised to stem the tide, while the Bastion continued to enact a systematic and destructive advance using overwhelming firepower from above. The Imperial Senate Building was soon surrounded, what Senators that were present on the planet trapped inside with the only thing between them and the invaders being the remnants of the Senate Guard and depleted Stormtrooper Legions alongside any paramilitary and Imperial Army units. Bastion forces soon breached the outer defenses of the massive structure, as close-range gunfights rung throughout its halls and chambers as turbolaser fire battered it from above with many Senators caught in the crossfire as their security began to culminate until a final surrender offer was given, saving what political apparatus survived the brutal engagement.

As the Bastion's Stormtroopers arrived towards the Imperial Palace Darth Avitus made himself known, arriving from the Eclipse to personally lead the charge to eliminate Emperor Gaul. His entourage of a various cast of species, all deadly in their own right, were now known to those unfortunate souls attempting to stop them, ranging from Noghri Death Commandos to Dathomiri Nightsisters riding Rancor into battle as they tore through the initial layer of defenses the Emperor had positioned. Further reinforcement from within the Imperial Palace came forth, mostly consisting of Death Troopers and the Stormtrooper Corps' Palace Guard detachment, being the best of the best conventional forces Gaul had at his disposal. Darth Avitus himself had little issue casting aside these obstacles, while his lesser compatriots did suffer casualties as the expert skill of these elite soldiers were above and beyond the contemporary infantrymen of the Empire. As Avitus and his forces breached the Imperial Palace, they were witness to a large contingent of both Stormtroopers and the Emperor's Royal Guard, newly reformed and restored under Gaul for such extreme situations as this to protect their ruler by any means. Although unmatched when pitted against most as their standards and training aimed for perfection, they were unable to withstand a powerful Force-Sensitive, let alone many as they did cut down scores of the standard infantry and even a few of these Dark Side Acolytes. In the end the presence of a Dark Lord of the Sith would be their demise, as they perished to his blade of shining white.

Emperor Gaul, surrounded by his Royal Guard, was still within the safety of the Inner Sanctum where the star destroyers in orbit could not penetrate, and began to frantically contemplate the possibility of escaping the system. The surviving advisors that made it to the Imperial Palace attempted to discover if it were even possible as the time to do so was rapidly closing with Avitus' approach. A small group of Royal Guard and Stormtroopers who avoided the onslaught also made refuge within the Inner Sanctum, notifying the Emperor that there was little left of the garrison within the Imperial Palace and to use one of the many secret corridors to flee and wait out the siege until a window opened to leave the system for one where he would be safe. By this point the sounds of laser fire, vibroblades and lightsabers could be heard outside the doors, as the remaining soldiers within prepared for a final stand as Emperor Gaul was told to leave immediately, giving him some glimmer of hope to sneak away from the grasp of Avitus.

Unfortunately for the Emperor… this was not to be.

A handful of Stormtroopers and Royal Guard turned their blasters and pikes upon their allies, cutting them down quickly in a surprise attack. One of the Guardsmen in particular raised his hand and the two remaining bodyguards of Emperor Gaul were flung across the room, killing them both as they landed. The Emperor was brought towards this Guardsmen through the air, showing this figure was Force-Sensitive as he held him in place, entirely silent. The sounds of those outside had been subdued, the doors opening as Darth Avitus marched towards the Emperor as his soldiers secured the room. Gaul was lowered to his knees, as he and Avitus had a brief moment of civility and perhaps understanding, until suddenly Avitus' lightsaber was activated and Gaul's head rolled across the floor, leaving his lifeless body to fall over before the seat of the throne. The Galactic Empire had for the second time in its history and within a span of two and a half years lost its Emperor, an equally devastating loss that perhaps it could not recover from again.
[Emperor Manko Gaul
(@Noco) Dead]

What Imperial forces that had continued resistance began to either be destroyed as they refused to surrender or put down their arms with news of the Emperor's demise. The damage to Imperial Center itself was devastating, as millions were killed and displaced on multiple levels of the ecumenopolis as anarchy began to form in the lower levels without the guidance of security forces which either no longer exist or are severely degraded. On the surface level the Bastion's forces expanded their reach with pockets of resistance still festering, many of them brutally wiped out in displays of violence and examples made to others who might have thought of doing so. It was estimated it would take years of extensive investment to rebuild the capital and massive amounts of manpower to police it as it was expected further damage by the civilian population was to come.

One of many Bastion Stormtrooper units clearing out the last remnants of Imperial resistance, as untold damage could be seen and felt across the entire surface of Imperial Center

Darth Avitus, now taking his former identity as Baron Eletan Vaii from the Imperial Palace restored communications across Oversector One and made a declaration of Emperor Gaul's death and the immediate implementation of an Imperial Regency under his authority to all sections of the Empire. His first edict with these self-appointed powers was to call for an immediate stand down of all Imperial forces immediately and restate their oath to the Empire under this new Regency. Unknown to Vaii was the arrival of Grand Vizier Ars Dangor and what loyalist elements of the Imperial Senate he could take with him to Kuat where Grand Moff Dromus Karr gave him shelter in the aftermath of the Battle of Imperial Center. The Grand Vizier made his own declarations stating a new Regency and emergency government was to be formed under his authority as legal successor, and that Baron Vaii had doomed the Empire beyond repair. The repercussions of this conflicting news were to be seen, but it was expected chaos would follow soon after as thousands of officers and officials now had the decision to either back Vaii, Dangor, cast aside both for an existing Warlord State or perhaps carve out their own slice of the galaxy…
[Coruscant Shipyard Production Delayed One Turn]
[-1 Stability to Empire]

The Galaxy in Mid 6 ABY, Shortly After the Death of Emperor Manko Gaul

Galactic Empire
Grand Vizier Ars Dangor / Grand Moff Dromus Karr
Government Type: Imperial Regency (Senate Restored)
Capital: Kuat
Systems: 264
Internal Stability: 3
Executor SSDs: 3
Assertor SSDs: 1
Bellators: 1 [+1 in 2 turns]
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 5 [+1 in 1 turn]
Allegiances: 5 [+6 in 2 turns]
Interdictor SDs: 9 [+1 in 1 turn]
Tectors: 12 [+2 in 2 turns]
Imperial Is: 96
Imperial IIs: 55
Imperial IIIs: 0 [+26 in 2 turns]
Procursators: 13 [+4 in 1 turn]
Victory Is: 30
Victory IIs: 231 (15 CC) (18 AC) (30 LC) [+16 in 1 turn]
Venators: 8 [+2 in 1 turn]

Imperial Bastion
Imperial Regent Eletan Vaii (@Etranger) / Grand Moff Ronntal Valrin
Government Type: Autocratic Fiefdom
Capital: Byss
Systems: 14
Internal Stability: 6
Executor SSDs: 1
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 0 [+1 in 4 turns]
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 0
Allegiances: 0
Interdictor SDs: 1 [+1 in 2 turns, +1 in 3 turns]
Tectors: 1
Imperial Is: 22
Imperial IIs: 29
Imperial IIIs: 0 [+1 in 2 turns (1 at Coruscant Suspended 1 Turn)]
Procursators: 0
Victory Is: 0
Victory IIs: 43 [+4 in 1 turn]
Venators: 0
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Public Announcement from Grand Moff Wardok Juonii of Oversector Ten

I sarcastically acknowledge your government's 'legitimacy,' reminiscent of the corrupt Republic that once stained our glorious Empire—a mockery fit for the trash heap where you and your cronies belong. Your cowardly act in snuffing out Emperor Gaul's life reveals your true colors, and rest assured, your ambitions will meet a swift and ignominious end. Oversector Ten vehemently opposes your charade, standing firm in support of the true and rightful government of the Empire!
Transmission from REDACTED
Security Protocols REDACTED

Imperial Intelligence assets in OS20 intact.

Awaiting new instructions.

The Emperor's Eye Sees All.
A red-skinned near-Human in a insignialess black almost-uniform, complete with hood-down black cloak, addresses the HoloNet receiver:

Loyal subjects of the Empire, greetings. I am Baron Eletan Vaii, once Hand of the Emperor, sometimes called Avitus, and I come to you today with glad tidings. The false Emperor, Manko Gaul, is overthrown. His lackeys have fled in disgrace and disarray. All who served him unwillingly, out of love for the Empire and hatred for the tyrant, and all who rejected his false authority, I welcome you back to the true New Order, one free of petty nepotism and blood favoritism.

In truth, my action to depose the false Emperor was born of utmost necessity. While he threw away the Empire's blood and treasure on a fruitless, fratricidal war in the north, an ancient and terrible threat has grown ever closer to the boundaries of the civilized galaxy. The danger is very real and profound. We must join together to repulse it.

Warlords, rebels, and renegades, to you I offer amnesty. Come back to your home, rejoin the New Order, and all will be forgiven.

Loyal soldiers, stand firm and lend me your aid. You will be rewarded for your efforts.

And to the common people, rejoice! A new day dawns, a better day. Shelter in my protecting hand, and you will be safe.

All hail the New Order.
High Moff Kursk raised an eyebrow as he looked over the reports coming from Imperial space.

He had thought that the Galactic Empire had finally stabilized under Emperor Gaul, but now...

Glad that he was no longer a part of that clusterkriff, he sends a polite yet firm no to the amnesty and rejoining offer before turning back to figuring out how they can kill some sentient slugs.
A Not So Fond Farewell

It was not often that Maniple's bridge echoed with the sound of laughter. Even less frequent was the sound of Rear Admiral Kul's laughter. It was not a happy laugh, but a laugh of astonishment and barely concealed fury.

Nobody moved. The Lieutenant who had handed Kul the datapad trembled in fear, rumors of death or worse running through his head. As her laughter trailed off, an oppressive silence fell over the room. Then, she calmly handed the datapad back to the Lieutenant and thanked him for bringing it to her attention, as though she had not just spent a minute laughing hysterically. With a sharp look, the bridge crew resumed their duty, and all seemed well again.

When Task Force Sabre captured a Hutt supply ship some time later, the Rear Admiral gave each crewmember the chance to fight for their freedom in a duel against her. It was barely a contest, but Kul emerged with cut on her right arm and a contented smirk all the same.



Emperor Manko has perished because of a sinister conspiracy. The specimen at the head of it is a genetic aberration by the name of Avitus. Despite the misfortune of his birth, he was clothed in the vestments of power and afforded trust that was unworthy of his lowly origin since the Emperor loved him so. He returned these imperial favors with treason. He and his cohort have besmirched the sanctum of imperial civilization through a barbaric attack. By sacrificing the lives of countless innocent subjects, he has ushered a dark age of rapine, inverting the rightful relationships of the galaxy between high and low.

Those who were afforded the privilege of service to Emperor Manko must mourn the loss of a man so dedicated to the opposite precepts. His was a vision of tranquility under strength—an orderly space where all belonged where they should under the benevolence of the Empire. It was his ordeal to blaze a path away from the tyranny of petty warlords and the servitude to alien paymasters through foul republicanism. It is his legacy to animate the Empire with it.

Great souls do not die because the flesh is gone. Their courage, their faith, lives on through the subjects they have ruled. The sworn many adopt the principle of one. The imperial cause persists through the heart of each and is made greater for it.

To the believers, know that the regency persists in loyal Kuat and that their commandments are still the laws of the Empire. To the doubters, trust in the prowess of imperial arms that return homeward. To the renegades, know that your graves have been made for I shall offer you no quarters.

Thus shall the PURE ORDER of the late Emperor be made true.

Her Imperial Excellency
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Grand Admiral Solaris here.

The unfortunate death of Grand Moff Maxcetus, a friend of mine, at the hands of rogue elements of Imperial Intelligence is an event that saddens me greatly, as does all deaths of loyal Imperial soldiers. As such I will temporarily take control of all forces, industrial capacities and security apparatus within Oversector 20, until a suitable successor is found.

I will also inform you all of the death of Emperor Manko Gaul in the Imperial Center at the hands of rogue elements of his government namely the traitors Ars Dangor and Dormus Karr. We mourn the Empire as it is beset on all sides by traitors and opportunists. Rest assured however that my loyalty is to the Empire reunited and its indivisibility. The New Order cannot stand if traitors are not removed.

Oversector 20 denounces the men who wished to be Emperor, and pledge our allegiance to the New Order and its rightful government at the Imperial Center.

Citizens, do not waver and do not fret, as victory is certain.


➤Initializing: Complete
➤Connecting: Complete
➤Decryption: High

To: High Admiral Vaine @DerechteNikolaus
Greetings Admiral

I wish to offer my contentment at your actions during the communications blackout. Your orders are as follows:

You are to defend the Yag'Dhul Operational Area. You are not under any circumstances to let Rebel infiltrators live if they enter the YDOA.
I will offer any support I can muster in the defence of the YDOA.


➤Initializing: Complete
➤Connecting: Complete
➤Decryption: High

To: Admiral Gil Vane @Julius

Greetings Admiral

As you have no doubt heard, this situation is critical, and even moreso once communications have been re-established. Maxcetus is dead, and I have taken provisional command of OS20. Your orders are as follows:

You are to continue to defend the Ghorman-Vanik Operational Area. You are not under any circumstances to let Rebel infiltrators live if they enter the GVOA.

After spending an entire hour mediating (breathing heavily into Mr. Baggey) in his office on his flagship. Zhu Koxinga emerged and delivered a short message he later transmitted to the rest of his fleet.

"I mourn from Emperor Gaul. Just as I mourned for Regent Dellian. Those two men who sought to rebuild the empire are dead. One by vice, and another by treason and betrayal. Now Coruscant burns and our empire is fracturing even more as central authority is again all that is gone. We had hoped with Pho's return, Sal's death and the planned defeat of Baobab that the days of warlords would be gone, but it seems not to be. Still, loyalty is given and I trust Grand Admiral Serenon. She lead us against rebels and traitors without par, proving the trust both of our beloved Emperors place in her to be true. Thus, we stand with the Grand Admiral and through her, the regency of Ars Dangor and Domus Karr. Ave Imperium!"
Captain Renik

Commandos of the Bureau of Operations


"How did we miss this?"

Safely hidden away at an undisclosed Blacksite, Renik stared at an array of screens showing news and intelligence from across the Galactic Empire. The Emperor dead, Grand Admiral Solaris a traitor, and the Imperial Bastion in open rebellion against the Empire. The HoloNet and Imperial Intelligence were painting a dire picture in unison for the Empire. One that Renik did not like.

"We didn't, Captain." Holding a datapad, one of Renik's aids cleared his throat and addressed him with as much confidence as he could muster. "Following the confirmation of Grand Moff Maxcetus' secret marriage to General Vonsol, our operations confirmed a series of improper activities on the part of the Grand Moff. Operation 004C-27 even confirmed that she had met with elements of Imperial Bastion, likely its leadership given the involvement of the Eclipse in the meeting."

"I see. We simply failed to put the pieces together."

Tilting their head to the side, Renik kept staring at the screens.

"We need to assume that both Grand Moff Maxcetus and Grand Admiral Solaris were working with Imperial Bastion from the time of that original meeting. Oversector 20 should be considered hostile territory going forward."

"Alerts will be issued, Captain."

"And register COMPNOR in Oversector 20 as a Rebel organisation. They're involvement in the Grand Moff's treachery will not be forgotten," Renik added before pausing in thought. "One other thing-"

"Yes Captain?"

"All assets are to go underground and pending updated orders from Director Blackhole, the termination of Grand Admiral Solaris is now considered to be our highest priority. We failed the Emperor when we allowed Maxcetus and Solaris to steal Oversector 20 away from him, we will not fail him again by allowing Solaris to live."

"Understood. The order will be issued."


Coruscant has lost another Emperor.

If past experience has taught us anything that means more purges, more chaos, more Imperials fighting Imperials, whilst this New Republic gains more ground across the Galaxy. If you intend on prevailing against the Republic, you shall need leadership. One who recognises the true threat, one who has the tools to succeed, and who won't simply be purged by the next would be Emperor on Coruscant.

Join us, and together our Coalition to Restore the Empire shall crush the Republic and restore Order to the Galaxy.

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"Soldiers. Citizens. People of the Denon Military Zone."

"Chaos has once more come to the Empire. Coruscant is in flames. Emperor Gaul is dead. The Core Worlds seethe in the fires of battle and death. Once again, after a brief period of peace, the Empire's heart writhes. Ships that could have stood against the tide of Rebellion and the threats that lurk in the shadows are now broken and shattered above Imperial Center. Loyal and skilled soldiers and officers are slain without care for what comes next."

"The Denon Military Zone, or as it was once called the 'Imperial Unification Army', was founded in such times. When fratricide and madness claimed lives in a chain of betrayal and insanity, we said 'Enough' and turned ourselves to face the true threat. As the Rebellion spread through the Galaxy, we looked upon the chaos in the Empire and chose to stand for Order, Unity, and Might."

"For a time, it seemed as though we might be able to reconcile with our fellows. Gaul, despite his shortcomings, agreed that the Rebellion must be fought. Though he turned his attention to the Triumvirate in the north and spent men and material in great number, he gave us free reign to conduct our affairs and fight the true enemy. In our time, we have discovered that the threats arrayed against us are far darker and far greater than anything we could have imagined. Our forces must be prepared to face these great challenges in the years to come, as we sharpen ourselves into the sword of galactic civilization. It seems once again we find ourselves at a crossroads."

"Thus, as the Empire collapses into infighting once more, the people of the DMZ must choose where we make our stand. Ars Dangor calls those who stand with the remnants of Imperial power to join him at Kuat. Baron Vaii calls those who would serve him to join his forces as they stand, victorious, over Coruscant. And every day the Rebels draw closer. And the darkness grows deeper."

"We reject these calls. We reject the lure of fratricide. We reject the madman, the rebel, and the traitor alike. The DMZ stands for Order. For Loyalty. For Survival amidst a Galaxy gone mad. As others tear themselves apart, we shall muster our strength and prepare for the long days to come. We shall stand as a beacon to the desperate who see only shadow."

"Already we have been joined by those who seek asylum. We open our arms to comrades who seek the purity of war against the true foe. We offer shelter to those who will not spill the blood of civilization upon the altar of ego and vengeance. I say to you: Join us. Fight the true battle. Face the great trial that awaits us all."

"And to those powers that now tear the corpse of the Empire asunder, we say this: Leave us from your squabbles. The DMZ has no quarrel with those who once fought beside us. We shall make no war upon those who do not threaten our mission. But should you come seeking to take us in your grip, know that we await you with blades drawn and hearts steeled."

"Against darkness, against chaos, against Rebellion and treachery and madness, Denon holds. Denon Stands!"​
With the death of the Emperor and the abandonment of the Capza force by the rest of the Empire, the Imperial force at Capza, lead by Admiral Jakal, sees fit to declare in its support of the new Coruscant Regime and the Imperial Bastion. Long live the Empire, Long Live Regent Vaii.
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Transmitting - Transmitting - ERROR - SIGNAL NOT FOUND (@Sidheach)



I have been notified of the events over Fondor and Imperial Center sir, and have enacted the necessary protocols to ensure security and loyalty will be maintained within my command. I will carry out your orders immediately sir, and will depart for Ghorman within the standard galactic hour and begin monitoring for Rebel or traitorous elements in the area of operations you have outlined. May we avenge Grand Moff Maxcetus and our fallen comrades across the Empire.

Long Live the New Order.
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I have great respect for your war against the Hutt Clans. Too long have those slugs been allowed to spread their crime and moral decay. I will not ask that you surrender your operational autonomy in your war against the Hutts and the New Republic; You know far better than I how best to wield your assets there. But if you join me, if you declare for my Coalition to Restore the Empire, I will give you the keys to the most powerful weapon in the Galaxy.

It is prototype, a proof of concept for the final design, though I am told only slightly less powerful. It is out of my reach, but not for you. If you join me it shall be yours to command. All I need is for an esteemed leader like yourself to declare for me, and the rest will slowly but surely follow.

I shall await your reply.

LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE, Long live the Dream


You men command the might of the Imperial South between you. For too long has the Empire ignored the true threat, wasting away it's strength fighting amongst itself over who get's to sit on their arse in Coruscant. None of the Regent's or would be Emperor's have placed any focus on the South. Not Pestage, Nor Dangor, Not even Gaul. Your place was simply to hold the line while they squabbled amongst themselves. This cannot be allowed to continue. We are the Galactic Empire, we are meant to be on the offensive, not hiding whilst this New Republic builds it's strength.

Your leaders are misguided at best, if not entirely failed. Join me, join my Coalition to Restore the Empire, and I shall give you blueprint to our final victory. A final parting gift from the late Grand Moff Tarkin to the enemies of the Empire.

Of course I recognise I am far behind the Republic bulwark. Rest assured, together we can break this blockade and reunite Eriadu, the home of heroes, with the Empire.

I shall await your reply.

Long Live the Empire, Long live the Dream
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