STAR WARS: Ashes of the Empire V

Fellow sentients, it is with sorrow that I must report that the shadow which I foretold has now fallen across the face of our Galaxy. When I acted decisively to remove the obstructionist and dilatory regime that once occupied Coruscant, I did so not for power or position, but with full knowledge of this coming threat. I made that decision with great reluctance, but once convinced, I moved with speed and conviction, just as I must now.

Though others chose that moment to seek their own glory, in spite of my many warnings, this is not the time for recriminations. We must instead put those mistakes aside and join together against this vile threat, this dark specter of the past, this dead hand that seeks to put us in chains once more. We must band together, my fellow unchained, and we must fight until the Builders lie destroyed at our feet.

To this most necessary Crusade I pledge not just myself and those loyal soldiers and starfarers who follow me, not just the cunning of my Imperial Inquisition, but the full might of the reborn Sith Order. The Force itself stands behind me and my loyal Acolytes and Warriors, and as the Dark Lord of the Sith I shall lead them into battle against the enslavers from beyond the stars.

Once, the power of the Force combined with the united might of the unchained sentients of the Galaxy turned back and broke the so-called "Infinite Empire." Together, armed with foreknowledge and a power beyond anything they can possibly comprehend, we will wipe them from the face of the stars.

Come together, my fellow sentients. Join me, join this Crusade against the Great Enemy, and we will achieve victory.

The Force shall set us free!

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Transmission from CAPTAIN RENIK

My Emperor was murdered by traitors who now defile the Empire that should be his funeral pyre. Grant me the chance for vengeance, to see them and all that they have corrupted with their treachery burned, and I will work for you.
Response to the Demands of the So-Called "Infinite Empire":

You will receive the same courtesies and respect the Tolondan Union provides to all of those who deal in sentient flesh: either a swift and merciful death, or the opportunity to learn civilization through your labor.

Choose wisely.

- Rear Admiral Zelta Kul
This was...

High Moff Randell Kursk gazed at the reports before him, so many words and pictures and videos blending together in the blur that was an upheaval greater then even the Battle of Endor, just a few years prior.

Grimacing, he brings a hand to his wrinkled temple, massaging it as he considered breaking out the alcohol, before pushing it aside. Tempting as it was, he needed to try and focus here.

By the Force he felt his age.

Letting out a shaky breath, he closes his eyes and focuses on his breathing, pushing the migraine that was this new situation out as he mentally counted.

Slowly he inhaled and exhaled, letting his body and mind calm. Steadily his heart beat returned back to normal, the headache subsided, and his focus returned.

5 minutes after starting the exercise, he opens his eyes back up, the once blurred reports and information arrayed to him more comprehensible.

These Ancient Builders, the Rakata, weren't going to be submitted to. He had helped and led the territory that is the Tolonda Union away from the grasp of the Hutts, he wasn't about to bring it under these new slavers.

But standing up in defiance was one thing, it was a whole other to stay standing.

And he had no clue as to just what these Rakata were fully capable of. Their ships, their soldiers, their technology, their doctrine.

None of it really.

And what little was known was frightening- indicating a heavily advanced foe suddenly unleashing themselves upon the Galaxy. And having wasted little time they've already struck out, hitting the New Republic's Government and killing Chancellor Mothma. Although they appear to be recovering admirably quickly, it still showcases the capability of the Rakata.

He would need to prepare and be ready. And yet... he had to be cautious still. The Hutts he doubted would submit to these foes, but he doubted that they'd put the Tolonda-Hutt war on pause just yet. And he needed to keep that in mind.

And so, he sent some orders while preparing others, watching with baited breath just how the Galaxy will respond as Tolonda stands firm.
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Callix Verne had never truly been disgusted before.

Yet as he drove home a 9,000 year old Mandalorian Magnetic Tong through an equally ancient ceramic vase from the Blue Electric Culture of Archaic Alsakan he could find no other emotion that motivated him to such great heights. He had been contemptuous yes, but that was a feeling imbued into any official of the Kuat Regime, he had been Nauseous of course, but only as a biological response to the internal failings of his immune system. Verne had though himself a man too well versed in the necessities of Empire that simplistic scruples could never possibly invoke a feeling as base as disgust within him.

Yet approximately 3 minutes ago a junior COMPNOR deputy had informed him of the twin broadcasts of the so called 'Infinite Empire' and the Byss Regime. Disgust barely began to describe it.

Sith and Jedi fought against an empire of such antiquity that it made a mockery of contemporary chronology and ancient conflicts dragging themselves to the fore over a galaxy that had once thought itself capable of novelty. It was as though the entire choking edifice of history had witnessed Callix's bet and had raised him, it was mocking him. One could possess any number of antiquities, gently sculpt any chapter of Imperial Academia's historical narrative to one's liking, once could even see craft narratives anew with the correct resources. Rakata warships could not be crafted to one's liking. His entire career had been refuted.

Callix paused and inhaled sharply, the Magnetic Tong fell loosely from his grasp and struck the marble floor beneath him with an echoing thud, he ran his fingers through his unkempt blonde hair. From the corner of his eye Callix could glimpse the junior deputy staring at him slack jawed, the man was the traditional beetle-like grey suited blank that was so often employed by COMPNOR, blissfully unaware of the existential wars fought by their betters. Callix bared his teeth at the man in the facsimile of a smile.

"Courage now my friend, the suns shall rise upon our Empire yet. Send a missive to the Emergency Broadcast Channel, tell them to prepare for an imminent Broadcast."

It was in these times that Callix remembered a simple creed he had whispered to himself when he first donned the black uniform:

"I shall take your histories and make of them a spectacle."

Across Kuati space did the entertainments and propaganda broadcasts on dozens of world die down with the clarion screech of the Imperial Emergency Broadcast System. The flashing red sigil of the Galactic Empire rotated in a black void for a but a few tense moments before fading and being replaced with the assured yet remorseful visage of Callix Verne.

"Heroic citizens of the Galactic Empire, I bid you greetings!"

"No doubt many of you have already been informed as to the threat that now slithers out from the unknow regions into the great hearth of our noble galactic civilisation. Many of you have also no doubt been informed that this supposed 'Infinite Empire' is a polity beyond antiquity, that they have come to put the Human Race and all its noble client species in a state of primal servitude."

"I can assure you now that what you have heard is false; The Galactic Empire is the only state to have ever have excreted control on a truly pan-galactic scale, the Human species has never been placed under any species-wide shackles other than those of the stagnant and degenerative restrictions of the Republic."

"The lies of the Rakata denote them as nothing less then a barbaric invader who drape themselves in the heraldry of archaic Empire. They lack the instinctive legitimacy of our noble and revolutionary New Order and thus do they seek a mask to hide their intent to sack and despoil."

"Rest assured the Galactic Empire shall do everything in its might to resist these heralds of a new Galactic Dark Age."

"Yet with this closing note must I remind all our beloved citizenry that unlike certain treacherous elements we shall not find our salvation in the serpentine embrace of the force-user. Let us not forget the virtues of Order 66 and the late Emperor Palpatine's wisdom in cleansing them from our galaxy. Our salvation shall never be found in the hateful embrace of those who seek to those who seek to oppress us."

"Once again know that the Empire stands by you and even now does it fight to keep the light of Galactic Civilisation burning. May the suns rise upon us once more."

The Emergency Broadcast dies down and across Kuati space all people are left with is a sudden silence and the trepidation of the cold stars above them.
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You have seen reason Captain Kol, and your submission to the Infinite Empire is a testament to your ability to see our inevitable victory. As the Over-Predor commands, you will be one of many tools and servants to achieve our return to rule the galaxy. You are neither one of the many Force Hounds that serve us nor a Flesh Raider that tears and breaks the will of those who defy us, but you have purpose to our cause.

You seek revenge against those who have slain your former master, and we shall grant it in time. But you must prove your loyalty to the Infinite Empire before doing so. Prove your servitude to the Over-Predor without question. And most importantly obey my every command without hesitation. I task you with the mission of removing the people called Mandalorians from our path and for them to join us as obedient slave warriors which we shall expend upon all who reject our authority. You have been shown to have ties to these people which would allow you the ability to infiltrate with little difficulty.

As this will not be a mission without resistance, I shall grant you the use of our Flesh Raiders. They are potent and deadly beings, more than enough to overcome these so-called clans of war as the New Republic has discovered. If you do this, you will be one below the Force Hounds, and will be my most valuable slave which will vanquish those who you seek vengeance upon.

I expect results in short order Captain Kol. If not, then death shall release you from service.



You have seen reason Captain Kol, and your submission to the Infinite Empire is a testament to your ability to see our inevitable victory. As the Over-Predor commands, you will be one of many tools and servants to achieve our return to rule the galaxy. You are neither one of the many Force Hounds that serve us nor a Flesh Raider that tears and breaks the will of those who defy us, but you have purpose to our cause.

You seek revenge against those who have slain your former master, and we shall grant it in time. But you must prove your loyalty to the Infinite Empire before doing so. Prove your servitude to the Over-Predor without question. And most importantly obey my every command without hesitation. I task you with the mission of removing the people called Mandalorians from our path and for them to join us as obedient slave warriors which we shall expend upon all who reject our authority. You have been shown to have ties to these people which would allow you the ability to infiltrate with little difficulty.

As this will not be a mission without resistance, I shall grant you the use of our Flesh Raiders. They are potent and deadly beings, more than enough to overcome these so-called clans of war as the New Republic has discovered. If you do this, you will be one below the Force Hounds, and will be my most valuable slave which will vanquish those who you seek vengeance upon.

I expect results in short order Captain Kol. If not, then death shall release you from service.
It will be done.

"Well," Jal Zeid said dryly, tossing a datapad onto the table in front of him. "Baron Vaii wasn't kidding."

Seated around the table in the cavernous control room were various officers and their staff, alongside soldiers and the like. A not insubstantial amount of them were present via hologram. They slumped in their chairs, stared at their data pads, or whispered quietly to each other. Zeid wouldn't normally call these meetings energetic, but this one was positively lethargic. His men were usually more composed than that. To panic and scream was the domain of the ground pounder. A starship had that rather nice insulating quality to it that let you pretend everything was fine until it was all coming down around your head.

Like now.

"We've verified the various reports." Colonel Prall, director of NOSEC appeared as a shining technological ghost and one of the few people in the room who seemed no different than normal, and spoke with his signature clipped tone and curled lip. "This 'Infinite Empire' wasn't being subtle when they launched their invasion. Their entry points have been confirmed as well. Six points of entry; and only two of which that could be deemed close enough to be a possible threat to REA security."

Murmurs broke out throughout the control room. A proper hum.

"How did they even get this far in? Some sort of secret hyperspace route?" General Cosmolux, also present as a blue ghost, said in his smooth Chandrillian tones.

"We can't say for certain. Just that the methods they used give off a distinct energy signature. We have no way of knowing if this is the only wave, or the speartip of a greater assault."

That silenced the room. Every head had turned Pralls way. It was like a blaster bolt had speared through the man.

"T-Thats…how could they have possibly hidden this?" General Hadri Cosmolux sputtered, while Zeid reached into his pocket for his pipe. "The size of this invasion…"

"You can't hide something like this." Prall said calmly, hands clasped behind his back. "Not entirely, at any rate. However, they seem to have had a sound advantage by being considered dead."

"The New Republic is between us and them," Mazewell, one of Zeids captains, said. "The Randon corridor has to be the most fortified point in their space!"

"You're off by a few systems, captain." The Director of NOSEC returned coolly. "That would be Mon Calamari. And I wouldn't rely on the New Republic, not with their near decapitation."

Mazewell blustered something back, but Zeid wasn't listening, focused as he was on his pipe. He brushed his fingers across it. A fine Chandrillian pipe. A gift to him from his wife, all those years ago. He held it for a moment, before filling it with tobacco, reaching for a match, and with a flick of heat bringing a cool wave of relaxation through his body.

He gave the match a gentle shake to put out the flame, then flicked it to a nearby waste bin.

His daughter had always liked that trick.

"Gentlemen, gentleman," Jal Zeid said with a smile as he leaned back in his seat. "Please, compose yourselves. This is hardly the first crisis we have had to run through, though it may be more…unique than others. Lets be clear: We shan't be relying on the so-called New Republic for a thing. We are the protectors of the Rim, are we not?"

He really did enjoy this chair. Not as fine as the one in his main office, but still. What was the point of it all without life's little comforts?

"If this Infinite Empire wishes to test itself against us, then we shall oblige them. We are not defenseless creatures, shivering as we await the blaster bolt."

He enjoyed another puff of his pipe, letting his words settle over the room for a moment.

"Now then, lets discuss options."

From the Office of Grand Admiral Baobab​

Citizens of the Imperial Loyalist Triumvirate.​

Sophonts of the Galaxy​

No doubt recent events and announcements have been a source of great concern. Since events at Endor the galaxy has been in turmoil, the peace won with the defeat of the CIS a distant dream. But the worst chaos that has been seen so far is nothing compared to the impossible shock of a almost forgotten horror from the most distant past of the Galaxy returned from the Unknown Regions. There are no doubt many questions. What are these Rakatans, where do they come from, how did they get here, can they really do what they claim. These are questions I have answers to. An enemy from the ancient past and beyond the map is not unknown to one who studies the past and has explored beyond the known horizon. And after close consultation with the Grand Vizier the time has come for knowledge to be shared. My hope that the enemy could be contained to the Unknown Regions without troubling the dreams of the countless people of the galaxy have been dashed, and now we must steel ourselves for struggle. The kind and generous Emperor Palpatine would have not wanted even his worst foe to suffer the fate that awaits should these monsters triumph. To this end, Soon I will host a strategy conference at the military academy of Prefsbelt to discuss and study Combat data and intelligence on the Rakata their capabilities, goals and methods. Legitimate representatives of galactic actors with verifiable credentials should reach out to agents of the Triumvirate for information on how to attend in person or via secure line.
This is not their galaxy, this is not their time. Coordinated efforts will see these fossils returned to solely the realm of scholarship- where they belong.
The Menace of the Years

Soldiers, Citizens, Comrades. This is your Commander speaking. Today we have seen the face of our enemy. The Crucible is upon us.

No doubt you have heard the messages of this so called "Infinite Empire". Their claims of Galactic domination, their demands of immediate and total surrender, their promises of enslavement for every civilized creature in the Galaxy.

How can any reasonable man hear these words, this disgusting hubris, and not feel his blood begin to boil? How can anyone with an ounce of pride, a single molecule of dignity or honor, look upon these foul creatures and not wish to see them driven from the stars?

The Infinite Empire has launched a war of conquest for the purpose, they say, of restoring their rightful place as rulers of all peoples. They claim the throne of an ancient empire that the Galaxy left behind millennia ago. They are relics. Their time is done. Should they succeed, trillions of lives will be chained and ground to dust beneath the alien's boot. Their deluded whims can only lead us into darkness.

Thus, as these invaders launch their conquest, Denon stands against the oncoming tide. For the sake of dignity, order, and survival, the DMZ shall wipe this abomination from the Galaxy. Their fell clutch shall not take civilization into its grasp. Their horror will be met by ships and men and all the fury we can muster.

Soldiers! Steel yourselves for the War to come. As we uproot and exterminate this evil from the Galaxy, hold your heads high. We shall end this grotesque excuse for an Empire. They shall find us unafraid. We shall march together, through this Crucible, and find Salvation awaiting us at the other end. Order and Strength will prevail.

To the Rakata, of this Infinite Empire, I say this: You have given us your ultimatum, now hear mine.

Withdraw. Crawl back into the dark corners from whence you came. Embrace the dust of history as your companion. The future is not yours. Should you come onward, you will find naught but blood and ash as your rewards.​
It was an uncommon thing, to be faced with the return of an ancient, practically mythological, race of blood-crazed conquerors. Admiral Tesser Landon Maddox could see that his bridge crew on the Shieldbreaker, despite their best displays of professionalism, were taken aback by the declaration of the return of the Infinite Empire. It could only be expected, knowledge of events in the Unknown Regions were kept strictly need to know. One could say even the Admiral knowing was perhaps pushing the limits of "need" really.

He could tell that this was a point where action was needed. The faces of his crew, men both even younger than him and a fair number older, looked to him now for confirmation, for leadership. This was not his forte, to invigorate, to reassure, to inspire. It was his tactical and strategic acumen, and of course the lingering influence of his grandfather on Grand Admiral Baobab, that had brought him to such heights at the mere age of 30. His skills as a commander had been tested against the Aegis at Argazda, and against Musscros at Ord Biniir, but now was a test of leadership, one he could not shirk from without potentially crippling his standing before his crew.

"Men of the Shieldbreaker, this is Admiral Maddox," he spoke evenly, without passion, into the ship's intercom, "You have undoubtedly by now heard the declaration from the so-called Infinite Empire. Of the ancient Rakata, somehow returned to menace the galaxy once more. Let me make one thing clear above all else here. Their return is real. Their threat is real. Their existence has been known to the leadership of the Triumvirate, and myself, for some time now.

They did not emerge from nothing, but have been fighting a viscous war of conquest in the Unknown Regions. There they fought against Grand Admiral Thrawn, who had been secretly appointed and directed by the one true Emperor Palpatine to secure and safeguard the Unknown Regions. Grand Admiral Thrawn constructed a formidable empire, which he utilized to fight against the Rakata. Despite his best efforts it was a losing fight, one against overwhelming numbers and ever evoling enemy tactics. Contact was made with him sometime ago, whereupon commander Thyle and a select group of forces that could be spared were sent to assist the Grand Admiral against the Rakata.

They could not prevail against the Rakata. Before contact was lost with the Grand Admiral, he sent back Thyle and what information he could to prepare us, while Thrawn's forces bought as much time as they could. The Grand Admiral and all his forces are now presumed dead. As you may have heard, the Rakata are now striking across the galaxy as there is nothing holding them at bay in the Unknown Regions.

Gentlemen I tell you this because I do not want you for a moment to underestimate our enemy here. They are numerous, they are intelligent, and they are strong. Their technology does not have the same limits as ours. The coming weeks will likely be filled reports of the devastating losses suffered by those who did not take this threat sufficiently serious.

We will not be among that number.

The Triumvirate has already taken steps to prevent the Rakata from using their technology from striking unexpectedly from the heart of our territory. I am not at liberty to divulge further details at this time, but be assured that other states will soon soon learn that the decapitation strike on the New Republic is not a fluke. The information Grand Admiral Thrawn gave his life to entrust to us will also be soon disseminated and used to prepare us for the coming storm.

Make no mistake, we are about to face a war greater than any faced before. Even when the Gaulist armada bore down upon the Triumvirate, it was not as great a threat. Across the galaxy we will soon be hearing of horrific conquests and defeats caused by the Rakata. Do not turn away from it, do not deny it. Know the price of failure.

Because we must not fail.

There can be no complacence, no assumption of inevitable victory. The path forward will be hard. You will be pushed to your limits, and beyond. But in the end, if every man does his duty, we will win. We are the rightful inheritors of the one true Emperor. We are led by the incomparable wisdom and leadership of the Triumvirs. We have been give invaluable time and insight by the efforts of Grand Admiral Thrawn. We will struggle, we will fight, and in the end, we will win. We will all find ourselves tested in the coming months; you must remember the necessity of your duty, and of the price of failure. Do not falter, do not fall short. The whole of the Triumvirate, the whole of the galaxy, relies upon us. I know you are capable of it.

Maddox out."
Zhu was not in a good mood. He had survived the Third Battle of Corellia and had many worries, and now the bloody Rakata had shown back up. Zhu vaguely remembered the Rakata from the history lessons his uncle gave. Man having been a Professor of Ancient History at the University of Yabol Opa and said passion had passed, somewhat to Zhu's cousin. A graduate of Imperial Prime University. His uncle and cousin never stopped raving about the Rakata, though for different reasons. Uncle the history of their supposed domination over the galaxy and cousin over the weapons they may have used. Zhu had listened to it with one ear, but respectfully since they were the only kin outside of his mother and half-sister who generally were kind to him.

Still, their return should have frightened Zhu. It really should have. The ancient empire of the past coming back to enslave or kill everyone in their path. Their power enough to cause chaos in the galaxy. Yet, Zhu could not bring himself to care. It was strange for a man riddled with anxiety but to Zhu, the Rakata were an annoyance. A pest. Thus his announcement about them to what remained of his fleet was a short one.

"The Infinite Empire of the Rakata have returned to claim their right to rule the galaxy. Their egos and bloodlust know no bounds. Yet, what they have failed to realize is that they are relics of the past, and should have stayed in the past. Instead they come to the galaxy in a moment of crisis and appear to be causing a ceasefire in all factions to deal with them. Pathetic really. All I can saw if and/or when they come is this: Let them come. Let them bring their soldiers and horrors alike. I've yet to meet a foe that cannot die to Imperial steel."
SIDESTORY: Rite of Passage
Rite of Passage

The arrival and declarations of the Infinite Empire were felt across the galaxy. The demands of all to submit to their rule was rejected by most, although few accepted the terms of servitude to the Rakata for various reasons. One in particular was Ghes Kol, a Mandalorian pirate held together by rage and a mission to destroy all who backed the ousting and dismemberment of the late Emperor Manko Gaul and the Galactic Empire's demise. Kol was in reality the former Captain Renik of the Imperial Intelligence Services, claimed to be both dead and one who lost all assets in a highly destructive engagement, but was not the case.

Renik held an unyielding fealty to Gaul and had their world shattered when news of Emperor Gaul's death was spread. This led to an increasingly unstable mindset of the former operative, as revenge was put above all other priorities. Many pirates and local mercenary groups flocked to Renik, known as Kol in public as work and pay were in good supply doing hit and fade attacks on Imperial logistics within Oversector Twenty. This months-long back and forth slog against COMPNOR's CompForce and Menhit Unit took its toll as many priceless agents and highly skilled mercenaries fell, as by Early Seven ABY Kol was put into a dilemma. It was either continue fighting Supreme Commander Solaris' fiefdom of COMPNOR fanatics which seemed endless in comparison to the paltry amount of manpower that could be put forth, or perhaps abandon all the hard work and connections to flee to the Kuat Regency and begin a hard reset in both assets and planning.

But, a third option came to light once the missive from the Rakata found its way onto Kol's holoprojector, one that could wash away all traitors and usurpers from the galaxy for the highest of prices. Kol read these words emanating superiority, strength and above all arrogance by these unknown aliens, taking in their words not in belief, but more as a tool and avenue to strike at the enemies of the Empire before the galaxy could be enveloped in darkness. Kol responded, as encoded messages were sent by Predor Kal'Desh, the new owner of Kol who surrendered their freedom and will to one of the Rakatan leaders.

The mission of determining loyalty was simple, to bring Mandalore and its people to see reason of the Rakatan vision of the future by any means necessary. Kol held no reservations to ensure it would be done, as the aim of seeking vengeance upon the enemy was above the price of subjugating fellow peoples. Once this was known to Kol's followers and employers, a majority decided to not go on what they believed to be a suicide mission nor bow to the whims of the Rakata with a very small cadre of loyalists deciding to travel with their leader no matter what. Kol was unable to take the Open Eye beyond the sectors of safety within their region of space, as elements of her crew and the departing mercenaries took the star destroyer as their own in return for not relaying Kol's intent nor position to anyone who would be interested in discovering it. After gathering what supplies and men that could be taken, Kol departed Oversector Twenty, making way to the northern ends of the galaxy for the world of Mandalore.
[-1 Vic II to Alpha Protocol]

Kol's small flock of transports arrived to the Thisspias system, wracked with civil war between its Crown Prince and democratic elements looking to end the reign of monarchy on the planet since the Battle of Endor and end of Imperial oversight. This situation of years-long brutal combat between the two factions was a perfect cover for Kol, as Rakatan contacts easily infiltrated the unstable surface to meet and organize the strategy for Mandalore. Kol was bolstered with an array of supplies, some known and much foreign as the Rakatans offered some of their valuable and advanced technology for use to overthrow the Mandalorians. One asset in particular was neither technology or equipment, but instead a grotesque and violent group of creatures deployed by the Rakata to the most dangerous and hazardous of situations. The Rakatan Flesh Raiders, massive beasts which appeared somewhat similar to a standard Rakata but held immense strength, dexterity and even more aggression than their assumed to be cousins. These Flesh Raiders made many of Kol's confidants uneasy, as they could easily tear them into pieces if given reason. Kol had a sense of excitement over this transfer of what were seen as shock troops which could make the mission much easier than initially anticipated. After days of preparation, the Rakata left for parts unknown, and Kol's forces bolstered by the Flesh Raiders departed the war-torn Thisspias for Mandalore.

A Rakatan Flesh Raider was both a highly potent yet feared element of the Infinite Empire's military

The space above Mandalore was full to the brim with native vessels, such as the Keldabe-class Battleship and Crusader-class Corvette which protected the system from possible Imperial attacks, as they had done during Grand Moff Wardok Juonii's offensive a year and a half earlier. Kol hailed the local starport officer, stating intent to seek refuge alongside fellow Mandalorians to rejoin their people and take the fight to the remnants of the Empire. A brief period passed as credentials were examined, with some tension among Kol's crew as they feared not only the Mandalorians exposing their cover but also the wrath of their Rakatan overlords. The transmission from the surface was a sigh of relief as Kol's small transport group was granted access to the surface, the shuttles making way to a secluded region of the planet while avoiding detection. It was here where Kol began to organize a decapitation strike upon the leaders of the various clans, and the rapid riser among them in one Boba Fett, son of the infamous Jango Fett who made a name for himself after his exploits in helping fend off the Empire's attempts of annexation. Weeks passed as Kol gathered intelligence and resources were slowly funneled in by the Rakata, as Predor Kal'Desh relayed the time was now to attack believing everything was in place. With their masters' demand Kol activated the mission, perhaps beginning the path of vengeance upon the galaxy.

Across the capital of Keldabe the long-term reconstruction after the devastation of the late Admiral Jubei Chinelo's orbital bombardment in Four ABY was still underway, as many sections of the city were hardened slag or heavily damaged and burned from the guns of Scarlet Squadron before their departure from the system. Kol's infiltration forces, using the frequent construction and abandoned areas as avenues of advance made their way towards the city center, where a meeting was to be held between the various clans, the Mandalorian Protectors and what was now known to Kol was the presence of Fenn Shysa who held the title of Mand'alor, or leader of Mandalore. This revelation was somewhat unexpected for Kol, as the last to hold the title was the individual known as Scar, known as Mandalore the Resurrector who was also present but stepped down as Mand'alor after the conclusion of the Clone Wars. This was a perfect storm in Kol's eyes, as not only were the current and former leaders of Mandalore present, but also having Boba Fett in their sights as he was deemed one of few who could have both the ear and trust of Shysa, perhaps so much so to one day take the title of Mand'alor. If these three and other prominent clan leaders were to fall it would give Kol the opportunity to proclaim themselves Mand'alor and put the Mandalorian peoples into a dilemma to either serve the Rakata or cast aside their cultural ties and become disgraced exiles.

The last of the clans' representatives and leaders took their respective seats within the oval chambers, as grumblings and conversation between various parties was occurring until Shysa took the center of the stage, with silence filling soon after. Discussion was for cooperation with the New Republic against both the Imperial and Rakatan threats that bordered them, and more incensed debate on possible action to retake the Mandalorian system of Breshig from the Empire. As this argument was becoming more heated, explosions could be heard around the building, as calls for help echoed down the halls from the wounded. Everyone present within the meeting were no politicians, all of them armed to the teeth and donning their Beskar armor representing their clans went into an almost natural response to prepare for combat, as the muffled voices from their helmets gave out orders to one another. As they prepared to exit the chamber room they paused as they heard what sounded like animalistic growls and barks with the tormented final screams of those unfortunate to survive the blasts moments earlier alongside both the clashing of vibroblades and the infamous hum of lightsabers making contact. Members of the Mandalorian Protectors hurriedly made their way to the chambers by foot and jetpack, declaring horrific beasts and small groups of apparent Mandalorian soldiers had broken into the building and were making their way to them at a rapid pace. Shysa gave the order to repel these infiltrators until reinforcements arrive, as men such as Boba Fett and Scar, identical in both their looks and armor, took what little time was left to prepare for the battle to come.

In the ruined halls of the meeting chambers on Keldabe, the Mandalorians fight using all of their tools and skill against the forces of Ghes Kol

As the Mandalorians braced themselves, from the end of the halls the beasts briefly described by those who escaped their grasp charged forward, the Rakatan Flesh Raiders carving a path of blood and shattered armor towards the chamber room. The Mandalorians opened fire with what weapons they had, yet it appeared to do little as the Flesh Raiders endured the blaster bolts to continue their march towards their objective. Shysa had few words for Boba Fett and Scar over the sounds of battle, as one of the clone brothers separated from the main group with small elements of those closest to them in an attempt to flank the Rakata from different halls. At this time Ghes Kol and their Imperial Intelligence and mercenary bands made themselves known, eliminating what remained of the Mandalorians that avoided the Flesh Raiders further ahead. Kol gave the orders to break the defenses and will of those within the chamber room, as more Flesh Raiders held in reserve entered the fight while Kol waited for the opportune moment to directly engage Shysa and the Mandalorian clan leaders. A brutal battle of attrition began moments later, as the Flesh Raiders tore apart the limbs of any caught in their grasp, while small groups of Mandalorians overwhelmed the Rakatan beasts with extensive blaster fire and liberal use of vibroblades. The initial line of defense had been broken, although at the cost of many Mandalorians and Flesh Raiders, as Kol sent forth their own Mandalorian warriors and Imperial Intelligence commandos which began to engage the remaining contingent of the Mandalorian Protectors and clan leaders.

This last stand of the Mandalorians within the chambers was heroic to say the least, taking as many of the Rakatan-aligned enemies as they could until their last breath, leaving only a handful left, including Fenn Shysa. Kol calmly entered the battered and smoldering chamber room, flanked by Flesh Raiders and Mandalorian exiles with blasters raised. Kol offered the chance of surrender, in return they could live and be in service of the new Mand'alor being Kol. Shysa refused this demand, but in Mandalorian tradition requested a duel to the death to determine who would hold the right, seeing it as the only option left except being slaughtered where they stand. Kol paused for a brief moment, turning to the one thought to be Boba Fett as one of the targets for elimination, then accepted the terms, believing they would best the veteran in single combat. The room was split in two to give space for the two Mandalorians, as Shysa and Kol examined one another, attempting to anticipate the others' initial move and fighting style. In a split second combat began, as blaster bolts flung across the room with both combatants either deflecting shots via their armor or avoiding it altogether. The duel was not kept to the ground as both used their jetpacks in an attempt to gain leverage via height, quickly racing upwards as fire between the two continued at a rapid pace. This back and forth continued for a moment more, until Kol, knowing the weak points of Mandalorian armor the same as Shysa, found their mark as a bolt penetrated near Shysa's neck, both disabling his jetpack and delivering a near-fatal blow. Shysa then made a sudden descent down, crashing onto the floor although still clinging to life.

Kol returned to the surface, blaster aimed at Shysa who had removed his helmet by now, bitterly awaiting his doomed fate to perish. As Kol was about to pull the trigger, an unexpected interference by the green and yellow-colored Mandalorian fired from the hip at Kol's blaster, destroying it in the process. Kol's mercenaries and Rakatans were prepared to strike, yet Kol held them at bay. The Mandalorian then removed his helmet, revealing the well-known and infamous face of the Clone Wars that all who lived through it knew to see Kol with his own face, no longer hiding behind his identity.

"I won't let you kill Fenn or take the title of Mand'alor. You would send us into a fate worse than death. We have suffered enough under the guns of the Empire, we won't repeat such a disgrace under the Rakata." He put his helmet back on, holstering his blaster and drew a vibroblade from his hilt. "I am the son of Jango Fett, and I will honor his legacy, and that of our Mand'alor here by killing you…"

Kol, although unseen as they never removed their helmet, was ecstatic that Fenn, close to certain death and now Boba Fett demanding a fight could be done concurrently, removing all obstacles to obtaining control of the Mandalorian clans in one fell swoop. Kol unsheathed their own vibroblade, as both entered their preferred combat stances, waiting for the opportune opening to lunge forward for a critical strike. Both clashed blades so quickly it could have been missed in the blink of an eye, as the two Mandalorians began what could be described as more a dance than vicious combat, with sparks flying constantly as their weapons made frequent contact attempting to either go on the assault or guard against the attempts to inflict damage upon the other. Kol took a severe strike, seriously injuring them in the process as it appeared they had been bested by one of the clones of Jango Fett, falling to the ground. As Fett drew closer about to deal the fatal blow, Kol fired a knee-launched rocket into the helmet of Fett, penetrating it and piercing his skull, killing him instantly. Fett collapsed to the floor, the few Mandalorians left in the room in shock at the death of one of their best and most important in such a dishonorable way.

As Kol was being tended to, barks from the Flesh Raiders came forth as high explosive grenades were tossed at their feet, exploding and vaporizing the Rakatan beasts into a fine mist. Even before the dust settled, from the now destroyed doorway a large contingent of Mandalorians charged towards Kol's mercenaries, quickly eliminating them as they had just begun to gather themselves. Then, from the contingent of Mandalorians standing adjacent to the injured Kol was one who wore the same armor as Boba Fett, who peered over to both Shysa and the one presumed to be Fett. The figure then removed his helmet, showcasing the exact face Kol had seen minutes earlier yet held the scars of the Sarlacc of Tatooine as sudden shock and realization settled in, knowing now the one dead before them was not Boba Fett, but Scar, one of Jango Fett's clones and the former Mand'alor. Fett, with disgust clear on his face and blaster in hand, stood over Kol, who gave one last offering of allegiance to join the Rakata and take revenge against the peoples who have ruined Mandalore. Kol though, ever dishonorable in combat, was trying to distract and pull a concealed weapon but was thwarted mid-sentence by Fett and shot, not given the chance to draw and fire. Ghes Kol, in their belief of vengeance and selling of one's very freedom to seek it, perished at the hands of Boba Fett, ending both their and the Rakatan attempt to subdue Mandalorian Space.
[Ghes Kol
(@Sidheach) Dead]
[Alpha Protocol Faction Destroyed]

Fett turned his attention to Shysa, barely holding onto what life he had left, as he briefly spoke with Fett, the two making a pact and promise. Shysa asked of Fett to take the mantle of Mand'alor, and lead their people during these times of chaos and ruin, for he believed he was more than capable of doing so, beyond what his father Jango or brother Scar had accomplished. While Fett was not one to put himself in such a position as he led a life of solitude and mercenary work, he felt more than obligated to accept Shysa's wishes out of respect and to honor his father's legacy. Fenn Shysa, satisfied with Fett's approval, drew his last breath, bringing the end to an era, and beginning of another. Boba Fett, taking the seat at the rear of the chamber was now Mand'alor, and many things were to come under his leadership with darkness looming on the horizon.
[Fenn Shysa (NPC) Dead]
[Boba Fett (NPC) Made Mand'alor]


IN LIGHT of the failure of recent agricultural yields to compensate for the ongoing food deficit currently being faced by Imperial citizenry, and acknowledging the role of potential malefactors in Imperial communities who contribute to the crisis through anti-social practices such as hoarding and price-gouging, the COMPNOR Media Division has compiled a multi-faceted campaign to encourage POPULAR ACTION against hunger and famine within all sectors of Imperial Society. The following educational materials have been designed to foster socially healthy behaviour within children (Human Baseline) from ages 4 - 10, the initial rollout of these materials will be targeted at SAGs within Oversector 4 before being expanded to all educational institutions throughout the rightful Galactic Empire.

CV: "I've been doing nothing for the past 5 hours but vetoing some of the truly astonishing ideas that have been emerging from this project; Eco-system consuming starch, immediate execution orders for landowners, converting POWs into soylent, etc. So it seems that I have to review every single minute report to come from this cesspit lest the Empire face a sudden and tragic end, and I can assure you that if this script fails to impress me then I will personally ensure that whomever greenlit these 'educational materials' will receive an immediate transfer to commissarial duties."

CV: "I hate my life."

[The episode opens with a bird's eye view of lush green rolling plains, cut by sparkling blue oxbow rivers that meander here and there, from the sky vast patches of incandescent flowers can be seen. This scene fades out and is replaced by an equally stunning landscape of a snowy mountain at dusk, the light refracts off the thousands of tiny snow crystals casting the mountain in a glimmering cascade of colours. As the next landscape begins to fade in the warm and elderly voice of the narrator can be heard."]

THE NARRATOR: "A very long time ago, on a planet tucked away in the furthest chronicles of history, was a land of magic and adventure.'

CV: "Escapism is the little death that comes before defeat. Change the setting, it can still be whatever fantastical nonsense you're pining for just set it on some kind of Imperial outpost. There is us and there is the enemy, nothing exists beyond."

THE NARRATOR: "And in this pristine and pure land was a village of noble and upright critters who all lived in peace and harmony, protected by a common law and each and everyone of them understanding their role in the village."

[The scene fades to a village of wooden huts which rests by a vast, green forest and babbling brook. The music remains chipper until the camera falls upon some of the townsfolk; the various critters and creatures that make up the small village all appear emaciated and a ghastly shade of grey. They slump by their homes, scythes and farm tools left discarded by their side.]

THE NARRATOR: "Oh dear! How ever could this have happened? Quickly, let's find our friend Tarlo and see if he can't tell us what's happened to all the happy villagers."

[The scene fades to the side of the babbling brook where a boisterous young Tooka cat with a black cape and wooden sword sits sullenly.]

CV: "Your protagonist being an anthropomorphic animal sets a dangerous precedent for what can be considered tolerable in High Human society. If we are to start treating Tooka Cats as heroes then what comes next? Twi'leks as storm troopers? Trandoshans as admirals? Change it."

THE NARRATOR: "Tarlo there you are! Whatever has happened to the rest of the villagers?"

TARLO: "That rotten wizard Skeletan has cast a spell on all the villagers making them all lazy and now nobody wants to work the fields anymore! Nobody has anything to eat and if somebody doesn't do something soon then the whole village is going to starve!"

CV: "What's a wizard? Besides 'Skeletan'? Really?"

THE NARRATOR: "Tarlo when the call for action rings out we cannot wait for anyone but ourselves to answer it!"

TARLO [glumly] "I've tried! But no-one will listen..."

THE NARRATOR: "You alone? Perhaps not... But with the efforts of you and your friends as one solid blade against Skeletan's wizardry then maybe the village can yet be saved!"

TARLO: "Of course! But we'll need to find them first-"

CV: "A young and dissatisfied individual puts together a band of his fellow ruffians in order to put an end to perceived societal malaise without any sanctioning from state authorities? You know how this sounds right? Anyways I'm skipping past the next few pages, from what I can see Tarlo manages to find his friends who consist of: a Moof, a Nisk, a... Gorgara, and a Krayt Dragon?!? I don't what cosmic power compelled you to make half of these children's cartoon characters extremely dangerous wild animals but I will not be held responsible for children attempting to pet a fracking Gorgara!!! Change it! Anyways let's see this ending."

[Tarlo and his friends all let out a great cheer, Tarlo's impassioned speech to the villagers; reminding them of their dearly departed king, works and the villagers begin to merrily march to work in the fields, humming a tune reminiscent of the Imperial March. Suddenly a dark storm covers the skies above and the red-skinned, grimacing visage of Skeletan the wizard manifests itself in the clouds.]

SKELETAN: "You may have defeated me for now Tarlo yet I am patient and my power knows no bounds! Soon you and your friends shall have to face the wrath of my 12 terrible servants who shall see your pathetic little village burnt to ashes!"

TARLO: "Your magics hold no power here Skeletan! Once we find out where you and your gang of villainy is hiding out we're gonna come over there and kick you're butts!"

CV: "Wrong form of your."

[Skeletan snarls and vanishes, the storm dissipating with him. Tarlo and his friends give one final cheer before the scene freezes with our main cast having jumped in the air for joy. The screen fades to black and the credits begin to roll.]


CV: "Despite the many, many flaws in your current proposed I don't actually hate the idea. It's obviously going to have to go through some extensive rewrites but I could certainly see a children's cartoon playing an important part in Operation Concordia, parents will always be willing to give more so that their children can have a full belly, we just need to ensure that the children are acutely aware of this fact. Consider this project approved pending heavy revisions, congratulations on being the first element of our little initiative to pass my most basic of inspections."

With the APPROVAL of Director Verne these educational materials are to henceforth be distributed to all SAGs in Oversector 4.

Long Live the Empire!
Last edited:
- Ciutric IV, 5 ABY -

The scourged corpse of the Epoch hung high above the planet Ciutric IV, while laser fire lit the night sky. Three empires waged war, and all upon the planet looked up and saw death. With the withdrawal of the Shadow Empire, it's legions on the ground splintered and shrieked in fear…

"Let me in, let me in!"

The durasteel door clanked under a flurry of frantic blows. Behind its safety huddled three soldiers, eyes wide and bodies trembling. They bore the marks of the Shadow Empire, but their faces showed more clearly the marks of horror. Now they sat, abandoned by their master, hiding inside the ruins of a swoop garage from the madness outside.

"Kriff off, this is our spot!" barked Borok. He had become the leader of the pack, the biggest, the loudest. But he was still just as terrified. "Leave us alone."

From the other side, the desperate voice continued. "He's coming, please!"

Miranda began to whisper, "We have room for another. And those supplies should-"

"We have no idea who this fool is, except that they're loud. Too loud," countered Borok. "They could be on the enemy side. Or worse, they could be on our kriffing side - mutant or a beast or whatever nightmare that's running around out there."

Airat opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. For a moment, Miranda looked at him with pleading eyes, but he returned his gaze to the floor. And she did the same, sinking down to the floor quietly, until the telltale sounds of blaster fire erupted from outside.

Three shots and then whimpering. And then a gurgling noise.

Silence returned.

"We're good," said Borok after minutes crawled.

"We're awful," replied Miranda. "W-we did all of this." Her voice rose in pitch as she continued. "The planet is dead and we killed it!"

Borok knelt down in front of her and grabbed her roughly by the shoulders.

"Shut up, stupid girl!" His face was twisted with anger, yes, but something else too. "You're a freighter pilot! I scrub the floors of a cantina!"

"I owned a flower shop," said Airat, quietly.

"And Airat owns a flower shop!" agreed Borok. "We aren't soldiers, we're slaves. None of us wanted this, none of us agreed. They scrambled our heads and gave us blasters. This isn't our fault. Do you hear me?"

"I hear you," said Miranda, barely audible even in the stillness. She began to sob and Borok held her. With a newfound gentleness, he shushed her.

"It's okay, girl. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I yelled. I do that-"

A rattling sound came from above. Borok straightened, in one fluid motion stepping to shield Miranda while brandishing his blaster at the ceiling. He waited until-

Clunk, clunk, clunk. The sound of something, or someone, crawling in the ductwork latticing the garage ceiling.

"Not more of this kriff," growled Borok. Trailing the sound with an outstretched blaster, he prepared to take a shot. "We're frying this one."

"Wait," said Miranda, too meekly, too late.


The shot bathed the room in a red glow as it arced up, disintegrating a section of the ductwork. From the smoldering opening, a body fell down, hitting a workbench before rolling into the floor. In the commotion, Miranda and Borok jumped back, their backs pressed against the garage walls. Even placid Airat scrambled, wedging himself under a shelf.

A moment passed before Borok approached the still sizzling shape of a humanoid. Miranda wordlessly protested, holding out a hand but not daring to come closer. As Borok neared, all began realizing that the body wore the markings of the Shadow Empire, dark and ratty gear almost concealed by immense damage. Scorch-marks and lacerations covered the figure, some recent, some old. With a grimace, Borok knelt to turn it over before-


An inhuman groan escaped the shape on the ground. Hiding away fear, Borok grabbed the figure roughly by the neck, flipped it over, and placed his blaster a mere inch away from its face.

But it had no face. What had once been a man was charred flesh, warped features melted into the vague image of a human. Two eyes, still bearing frantic life, stared into Borok's before another groan let loose, escaping from seared lips.

"He's gone as it is," said Borok softly.

With great shock, it was Airat's hands that grabbed onto Borok. Silently, he had crawled from his hiding spot and sat beside him. With his eyes wet with tears and brow sagged with empathy, the meek man spoke decisively.

"Let's be done with killing today."

An hour had passed before the stranger woke from drifting delirium. Every now and then he would appear alert, only to gibber about carnage and escape. The three soldiers had softened in the stranger's presence and had themselves began discussing a way off dying Ciutric.

"The Triumvirate is likely to execute us as enemies," said Borok. "Our only hope is getting our own ship." Airat concurred and both men turned to Miranda. Her eyes opened wide, momentarily confused. "You're the pilot, girl," Borok concluded.

And that's when the stranger first spoke.

"You're a pilot?"

The trio looked with surprise as the stranger sat up. What expression he had left in his face betrayed the pain he felt, but his gray eyes looked focused.

"Lay down and be silent. This doesn't pertain to you," said Borok.

Miranda shot Borok a glance before she stood and came beside the stranger. The trio had settled him across a workbench, laying him atop a makeshift bed only slightly more suitable than the cold floor. Gently, she shushed him.

"Rest, please. And don't mind Borok."

"You're a pilot," the stranger repeated.

"Yes, but just old freighters. I ran a Ghtroc 690 down the Hydian. The tech trade around Pho Ph'eah." Miranda spoke nostalgically, like her life mere months ago was a distant dream.

"There's a B-7 in a hangar just a few minutes from here. The path is cleared. Let's go, we've got to-"

The stranger began to stand before Miranda interrupted, placing a hand on his chest.

"Hold on now, you're in a rough shape."

Borok stood closer now, hand and mind not far from his holstered blaster.

"Lay down, now."

Still, the stranger relented, forcing himself to a half-standing position.

"This planet is bloodied and burned, our time here is over. We have to get back to-" the stranger began to say.

"Wait, I do remember a hangar," interrupted Airat. "He might be right."

"Back to who," questioned Borok. Miranda again glanced his way, but with growing anger he continued. "He said we have to get back - back to who?"

The room grew silent as the trio exchanged looks with one another, and then towards the stranger. Borok moved to grab the stranger.

"It was a mistake letting him-"

In a second, Borok was silenced. With surprising speed, the stranger swiped an arc wrench from the workbench and swung it into Borok's head, shattering the left orbital socket and breaking the skull. Borok crumpled to the floor, with each of his rasps increasingly choked by blood.

The stranger stood.

"Borok!" screamed Miranda as she stepped away in horror. Airat hesitated, paralyzed with fear before clumsily diving towards Borok. At first he shook the dying man, before nervously reaching for the blaster still holstered. His hands failed him once, and then twice.

There was no time for a third failure.

The stranger pulled from his ragged jacket a blade, long and serrated. In its hilt was etched a crude sigil. The soldiers recognized it immediately as something belonging to the Passion Band, the most psychopathic of the Shadow Empire's legion. With practiced motion, the stranger seized Airat by the head with one hand and drove the blade deep into Airat's neck with the other.

Leaving Airat sputtering on the ground, now slick with blood, the stranger looked to Miranda.

"We have to worry," he said with only the intonations of exhaustion.

Fear and adrenaline pumped through Miranda. Wordlessly, she turned and darted to the exit, luckily on her side of the garage. The seconds needed to disengage the door lock allowed the stranger to grow near, but at the last moment she escaped, stumbling into the outside world. Just outside the door, a body laid against a wall, covered in the lacerating wounds of a knife. For just a second, she considered the voice from earlier, before pushing the thought from her mind.

Now outside, all Miranda could smell was smoke and death. Above, the dark sky was still unnaturally bright, lit by the blaster fire of dueling starships. She ran, blood pounding in her head as she only briefly acknowledged the hell around her. Mounds of bodies were piled around, some killed from recent orbital bombardment, others from the reign of terror inflicted by the Shadow Empire. Every minute or so, a scampering figure shirked from her or a wandering patrol yelled in her direction. But still he ran, and ran, and ran.

Until she turned into a dead end. The alley ended abruptly, leaving her without escape.

"Kriff-" she began to yell, before her world was immediately turned sideways. With a rough shove, she hit the ground. And the stranger's face lowered into her dizzied view.

"You took a wrong turn. The hangar is just over there."

As she was roughly dragged back down the alley, Miranda looked up to the stars in a haze. Though she did not know it, she watched as the last remnants of the Galactic Empire fell before the onslaught of the Triumvirate.

Miranda sat, slumped in the pilot's seat. Beside her, the stranger sat, his gaze glued to the telltale lines of hyperspace travel. She cursed herself for only seeing the madness in his eyes now.

Only narrowly had they escaped interdiction or destruction by the Triumvirate. A swarm of escaping vessels lifted off Ciutric like fleeing gnats, and they were one of a few that made it. The Dark Mistress, said the stranger, had blessed them. Their journey home, he said, was her will.

But as the dark world Korriban emerged into view, its coordinates somehow memorized by the deranged stranger, Miranda wept. This world was no home, but a tomb for the dead. And when she looked at the stranger, she knew that was the truth, for although his flesh still lived, whatever being once existed in his mind was long killed. And Miranda would be the same.

While the girl grieved, the stranger smiled. The world died, he died, the Shadow Empire died. In a gauntlet of gore and mayhem, something had truly shattered within himself. But despite it all, the Dark Mistress chose for him to live again. Everything had been taken from him, but that only laid bare what was most important. She was his world now, She was his life now. And he would be Her most loyal. Forever and always...
Aboard the Super Star Destroyer Annihilator
Denon Orbit
1435 Local Time

It was a darkly amusing idea, Kravic mused, that only the collapse of the Empire and the oncoming galactic apocalypse had given him a chance to freely walk the halls of an Executor-class Star Dreadnought. The Grand Admirals of the old Empire would have been red-faced if they learned that an Army officer would one day command such a vessel. The Executor was a grand thing on the verge of extinction. No one, he thought, would be building more anytime soon, and there were less and less of them every passing year. The Annihilator was a mighty warship, a proud vessel, and less than four years old.

Alas, at the moment she looked worn and battered, at least on the inside.

The carbon scarring from stray blaster bolts slowly vanished in front of Kravic's eyes. He watched as the cleaning droids moved rhythmically up and down, turning the walls slowly back to a pristine, Imperial gray. As if the halls of the Annihilator were fresh from the shipyards. The bodies had been carried out days ago; given honorable burials or thrown unceremoniously into compactors and incinerators depending on alignment. Orvan had been given a closed casket ceremony, which Vonsol had taken the risk of attending personally.

He had not had much time to get to know the Admiral. A scant few months. Still, any man that brought an Executor with him as a gift gained several points in Vonsol's eyes. His death was a shame. Another name on the wall. Another officer of worth slain by men who were once his brothers. Fratricide on a galactic scale. Would it ever end?

He doubted it. There would be a... reduction. A lessening in the conflict. The Rakata would see to that. An external enemy would convince most of the Imperial remnants to turn their fury outwards. Of course, there would still be friction. A minor offensive here, a system taken there. He couldn't imagine the various squabbling factions simply stopping after years of internecine conflict. The question would be whether this friction would prevent a response to the Infinite Empire.

Kravic's entourage followed at a secure but respectful distance as he walked the halls. These days he never went anywhere without an escort; a rotating compliment of veteran army soldiers, COMPMOR Specialists, and (despite Eastsky's scowling displeasure) Stormtrooper squads. He always went armed, even to his daily meetings. From what he had heard of the Rakata they didn't tend to take prisoners, but he'd be damned if he gave them a chance. He could always save the last blaster bolt for himself.

The doors to the bridge opened before him, the vast windows showing a view of Denon's shipyards and the assembled fleet. The sprawling ecuminopolis lighting up the shadowed world below. His security detail followed him in quietly. Repair crews and command officers glanced up before returning to their duties with renewed vigor. Vonsol barely gave them a glance as he stepped to the command station, running his hands along the seat. In recent days he had been subdued. His comrades and officers had noticed a cloud over their commander's head. None had dared ask, and Kravic would never tell, but recent days had him feeling... odd.

Something loomed in the distance. A sense of climax. Here on the bridge it was as if he could feel it. The potential. The electricity in the air before a storm. The power that suffused this place, and the power yet to come. The firepower in this ship was orders of magnitude above the rest of his fleet. With the touch of a button and a few words of command Vonsol could bring about the end of millions of lives on the world below. And it was but one ship against what was coming.

The Infinite Empire. An invasion on a Galactic scale.

The sheer vastness of such an undertaking was hard to grasp. Five separate spearheads, across the entire Galactic plane. The logistics involved. The strategy. The sheer power. Rising to meet it, the forces of a broken Empire and an empowered Rebellion. Fleets would assemble and clash in such grand numbers. Armies would march and die. Worlds would burn.

From the bridge, he could almost see it. The fires and the death. It was enough to make a younger man. Before Endor, he would have extolled the grandeur yet to come. War on a scale unimaginable only a few short years ago.

What was coming could only be summed in one word: Annihilation.

For the Rataka, or for the galaxy.

His reverie was interrupted by a soft coughing behind him. General Thraven, ever attendant, had stepped forward from the security detail, a datapad in hand.

"Commander." He said professionally, "You asked for a reminder as to when we should return to the surface for the all-hands meeting. We had best leave soon for the shuttle."

Vonsol nodded, "Thank you, General." He looked at the vast chamber again, "A fine ship. It will serve us well."

"Yes, sir." There was a pause, the sounds of the crew moving about the bridge, and Thraven spoke again in a bare whisper as they turned to leave, "Regarding the upcoming operation. I must ask, are we sure this is the route we wish to take? Will we not regret it later, when the old enemies come knocking at our door?"

Kravic considered this for a moment, his mind mostly elsewhere, then replied, "A fair concern, General. But we have no space for regrets. No second-guesses. No remorse. The Crucible is here. We meet it with fury and conviction, or we die. They will understand. Or they will not." He shook his head, "It matters little."

Thraven could only nod. "Yes, sir."

And as the pair moved down the corridors, still scarred by the warfare that had erupted through the halls, and the squads of soldiers moved with them, Vonsol imagined he could see the battle as it happened. The blaster bolts flying. The screams of the dying and wounded. The desperation of battle. He imagined the sounds, sights, and smells of the battlefield. The fear and determination. The final, desperate stand against overwhelming odds.

And he knew it was merely a prelude.
When the conference was done Grand Admiral Baobab shut down the holo transmitters, dismissed his admirals and cadets and left alone, besides his bodyguard, in a boardroom that had housed generations of military scholars and strategy sessions.
Baobab had never been to any of those. Had never attended any naval academy. He learned the spacefaring trade as a youth in the family fleet, learned the rim as a free-trader, a up and coming scrappy rim kid. When the clone wars broke out and Sheev put him in charge of convoys he'd had to scramble to learn what to do to apply trade rules to war. When Sheev made him a Grand Admiral he scrambled again to learn how to command a Star Destroyer. When Sheev died he'd had to learn how to command an Empire. Now he was scrambling again, learning how to unite a galaxy to fight an impossible enemy. But he was good at scrambling. One thing you learned in the rim before the Clone Wars was never be anything less than a moving target. He'd been moving his whole life. He wasn't gonna stop moving now. The Grand Admiral took out a cigarrra out and put it in his mouth. Lyssk kindly lit for him.
He crossed his arms behind his back and stared at the map of the galaxy. He'd spent years digging into the ancient graveyard of the past, finding what was buried. Now he was going to make sure something that had coming crawling out of that graveyard was buried again, and properly this time.
Early 7 ABY
Early 7 ABY
The Rakatan Infinite Empire had made themselves known with claims upon the galaxy through violent fashion. The many Imperial Warlords, already exhausted from intense war between themselves, now braced for a new and unknown enemy at their moment of weakness. The New Republic, also grinded down and with new leadership prepared to gather what strength they had and attempt to fend off these ancient invaders. The fate of the galaxy was to be determined by the uneasy and fragile alliance being formed, how long it would last all questioned…

Decrees set forth by Imperial Regent Eletan Vaii raised the status and public exposure to members of the mysterious Sith Order, as black-clad individuals wielding lightsabers became a more frequent occurrence throughout the systems of the Byss Regency. The Inquisition, another of many secretive organizations that have come to light with Vaii's ascension were tapped into to aid these Force users in their tasks, ranging from leading conventional forces in battle to clandestine operations in the shadows where only rumor speaks of their involvement. Many reports spoke of these Sith collecting those deemed attuned to the Force from the citizenry, their reasoning for doing so and their final destination was unknown. It was seen as difficult to find such individuals of Force-Sensitivity, as for years many had been either killed or kidnapped by unknown perpetrators, leaving Vaii's Sith Order with much less than they were perhaps searching for as what remained were in hiding and difficult to discover as the months progressed. It was made even more of a hindrance as the public began to see these Sith much like the Jedi Order of the Old Republic, with similarities found and pointed out as the Empire's two decades of anti-Jedi rhetoric was still a deeply rooted belief and one fearing their return, leading to many cases of the Inquisition rounding up those who spoke negatively of the Sith Order and put in one of the many Imperial prisons far within the deep core.

Regent Vaii, seeing the clear crisis within the borders of the Byss Regency regarding food shortages enacted emergency decrees as upper class citizens deemed disloyal to the Regency had their assets Imperialized, most importantly any valuable lands on systems that could sustain large-scale agricultural networks. Alternative methods of increasing stockpiles were also explored, as credits were allocated to creation of crops in artificial environments, an example being orbital hydroponic farms which required only water instead of soil to grow their preferred or assigned type of seed. Although only in its infancy, the efforts of the Byss government did appear to stave off the most extreme cases of starvation on many systems as these methods and increased production were coming into play but would take more measures or perhaps conquest of agriworlds to fully resolve the issue.

The powerful and elite formation known as Shadow Squadron, reinforced with a large quantity of star destroyers from the deep core garrisons and finishing repairs at Foerost after the Battle of Corellia made way to Chandrila, along the borders of the crumbling Perlemian Dominion. Knowing of the chaotic and deteriorating Warlord State with the loss of its leader Kath Artis to the Rim Emergency Authority, Imperial Regent Vaii ordered his powerful fleet to sweep into the vulnerable Oversector Three and conquer as many systems as possible before the other Imperial factions that neighbor it could pounce upon it, or even possibly the Infinite Empire if they gained enough territory. The system of Brentaal was quickly subdued, its local garrison surrendering after arresting its system Moff who was in the process of becoming a local warlord which would have immense economic influence as the world was along the Hydian Way and Perlemian Trade Route, but now under Vaii's firm control.
[+1 ISD I to Empire (Byss)]

The race was on for control of Oversector Three, as Shadow Squadron got wind of an Imperial force of the Kuat Regency marching up the Commenor Run which took Tepasi and cut short any planned moves to secure the southern ends of the Perlemian Dominion without direct conflict with the Kuat Regency. Regent Vaii pivoted his focus to the north and east, ceding what systems he could not reach quickly to Kuati forces by taking the detachments slated for them and pressed them eastwards along the Perlemian Trade Route until reaching Raithal where Vaii was deemed satisfied with his gains after a small force was sent to take the vital system of Carida as reports came in from across the Oversector of multiple entities planting their claims upon the still fresh carcass of the Warlord State.
[+1 Vic I, +2 Vic II to Empire (Byss)]

The Executor-class Star Dreadnought Eclipse leading Shadow Squadron quickly secured the western ends of the now defunct Perlemian Dominion

Captain Dax Harton, given extensive authority by Imperial Regent Vaii to monitor Oversectors One and Shadow Hand for possible attacks by unorthodox means had his Imperial I-class Star Destroyer reassigned for other duties which would hamper efforts, but did not deter his resolve. Harton made frequent stops within the deep core, finding no unusual activity and feeling satisfied there were going to be no sudden changes in the status quo, making way to Imperial Center to follow up on reports handed to him of possible Rakatan activity on the ecumenopolis. Imperial Center itself was still experiencing massive reconstruction of its surface levels and those deep enough that were critical for maintaining the ones above, as any further below were neglected by the Byss Regency, any further than that had undergone immense decay during the Galactic Empire or Old Republic. Another ongoing development was the insurgency of former Gaulist loyalists that survived the bombardment of the planet and victory of Regent Vaii, burrowing deeper into the city seeking refuge from the Imperial Stormtroopers and Imperial Army Troopers sent to hunt them down. Although Harton's orders were not related to these Gaulist holdouts, reports did indicate of forward patrols and reconnaissance units meeting unidentified forces at the deepest levels they had traversed, which had killed off all they encountered. Fearing these were Rakatan forces, Harton took elements of the Inquisition and his most elite Stormtrooper Legions into Imperial Center's depths to locate and eliminate these enemies as quickly as possible.

Harton and his forces took a taxing amount of days to reach the lowest explored levels of the city, fighting through Gaulist remnants and feral locals not accustomed to those from the surface on their territories. It was here Harton's survey teams indicated a signature match to a Rakatan entry point as suspected from their sources, being located on the actual surface of Imperial Center, when its original name, Coruscant, was still a world covered in oceans in its early years of development. For the first time in almost one-hundred thousand years, civilization would return to the rock and earth of the influential center of the galaxy as Harton navigated through long decayed and crumbled ancient structures until touching the natural ground, hidden for most of recorded history as his eyes peered onto virtually undisturbed land much akin to many on other planets. This pleasant sightseeing venture would lead to the source of the signal, a massive and glowing gate that had survived the harsh conditions of darkness and unused for an untold period. Unfortunately what peace could be found here ceased as the gate was guarded by Rakatan warriors, who barked out towards Harkon's position which alerted other Rakata in the area to converge on them quickly. Battle was now upon Harkon, his Inquisitor escort and Stormtrooper Legion as tens of thousands of Rakatan warriors, with none of their slave troops present highlighting the importance of this gate to their plans charged headlong into the Imperials with the aim to annihilate them entirely.

Although surrounded, the elite Stormtroopers and few Force-wielding Inquisitors were more than a match for the Rakatans that fell to blaster and blade, although they continued to press ever closer to use their pikes and vibroblades in close quarters as those on the most outer perimeter fell as time passed. Harton was no fool, knowing the current situation wasn't favorable nor one he could sustain and ordered his forces to break through to the gate and try to either disable or if necessary destroy it. Stormtroopers valiantly put their lives on the line as shields for Harton and his core group along with engineers, as Rakatan warriors at times were mere feet away from bringing their blade upon Harton or one of those around him before being gunned down. As they reached the gate itself, the engineers, using what information they had learned on how to disable it were at work, others were in the event that failed placing explosives at key points as gunfire rang by their ears almost constantly. It was then a contingent of Rakatan Flesh Raiders, their form and abilities spread from Mandalore now seen by Harton and his dwindling force as they made way to the gate in a hurried and horrific fashion with their loud growls and heavy foot. Time was now dangerously short, as Harton knew disabling the gate was impossible and gave the order to destroy it before more Rakatan reinforcements come through it or those already fighting them wipe them out. A massive explosion rocked the area a moment later, as everyone nearby both Imperial and Rakatan either died from the shockwave or was knocked unconscious, as the first to awake resumed the fighting until a large contingent of fire from afar was seen as Stormtrooper reinforcements had arrived from above. This completely turned the tide of the battle, as the Rakatans were now overwhelmed and pressed from two directions as Harton's group regained their cohesion and advanced, leading to the complete destruction of the Rakata. Harton and those with him had saved Imperial Center from a major underground invasion by the Rakata which was slowly beginning to make the rounds above but fears throughout Imperial High Command of other gates not discovered could be active and giving the Rakata another avenue to attack from.
[Hypergate at Imperial Center Destroyed]

The Hypergate buried on the ancient surface of Coruscant prior to its destruction

From Dachat Admiral Tarsi Jakal was preparing for a major offensive into the Imperial Warlord State of the Select Committee to the west, as Jakal was given a large grouping of twenty-seven star destroyers to accompany his existing four giving him thirty-one in total to conduct this operation, the codename of Stalwart Squadron given for this new formation. The primary objective was to reach the western end of the Celanon Spur at Dorin, which would give the Byss Regency access to the hyperlane for future offensives and put the Select Committee's capital of Bilbringi in a compromising position of being attacked from multiple directions. Jakal's forces once consolidated moved out to Denevar, where a small garrison was present and quickly subdued as the system soon after surrendered and the beginnings of pacification was underway. Jakal then pivoted to Noquivzor where similar results were found as Jakal deduced that the Select Committee had kept its remaining star destroyers further behind, perhaps at his objective of Dorin. Stalwart Squadron made way to Neshtab, where again a hollowed out garrison was found and subdued without issue, and Jakal was becoming concerned he was perhaps about to fall into some form of a trap laid out for him. To ascertain if this were true, probe droids were sent deeper into Select Committee territory towards the systems of Glee Anselm and Iridonia to try and determine where the bulk of the Warlord State's fleet was located. What these droids discovered was horrifying to say the least, as from the end of the Namadii Corridor a gargantuan Rakatan invasion force had ravaged all systems on the western reaches and was rapidly making way in all directions, most importantly towards Bilbringi and Jakal's desired target of Dorin. With no desire to fight a heavily armed and quantitative opponent in the Infinite Empire while the Byss Regency's fleets were elsewhere, Jakal gave orders to take the nearby systems of Palanhi and Muzara and prepare to dig in for an eventual assault.

Reports from refugees and fleeing military units spoke of absolute devastation by the Rakata, enacting no mercy upon all who resisted them as they promised for those who denied their rule. Their advance was so rapid they reached Bilbringi in mere days, taking the large shipyard world as their own and killing its leadership including Lord Vandron and the entirety of the Select Committee who consolidated their fleets over the system and were destroyed piecemeal. Excluding the systems Stalwart Squadron had occupied in the southern regions, the entirety of the Warlord State was annexed by the Infinite Empire in the span of mere weeks, shocking all observers of the immense capability and true threat the Rakata posed on the galaxy. Jakal and Stalwart Squadron had limited engagements and skirmishes with what appeared to be forward reconnaissance units probing for weak points, which Jakal's fleet was clearly not as they heavily patrolled between Muzara and Batorine as calls for immediate reinforcement were made with a pending resumption of Rakatan offensives towards the core before the end of Seven ABY.
[Lord Crueya Vandron (NPC) Dead]
[Select Committee Faction Destroyed]

From Kuat Supreme Commander Lira Serenon took what valuable time she had with the Rakatan invasion underway to consolidate and replenish the immense losses the Kuat Regency had taken with the fragmentation of the Empire and battles with the Byss Regency over Corellia weeks prior. Fortification of various theatre zones deemed vital for defense were continued ranging from the remnants of Alderaan to the vital agriworld and shipyard system of Gyndine. Most important to quickly restore were the battered and depleted assets over Corellia, as Golan Defense Platforms were either being repaired or those destroyed being cleared for new ones to take their place as the massive shipbuilding world was key to restoring the Imperial StarFleet to a respectable force in light of the Rakatan advances across the galaxy. This also required more crews and officers to lead them, as academies and naval bases across Kuati space continued to train both to either replenish recent losses or prepare to man newly built star destroyers coming off the slipways into service.

COMPNOR under Director Callix Verne initiated what was known as Operation Concordia, which encompassed a mass reformation of the New Order organization within the Kuat Regency in Verne's vision. The primary concern of Operation Concordia was COMPNOR's aim to spearhead efforts to stave off the food crisis which plagued many of the Imperial Warlords that held deep ties to the once unified Empire. CompForce was deployed to every major system within the Kuat Regency's borders, as urban centers ranging from simple cities to ecumenopolis were given extensive surveys as demolition of derelict sections were ordered. In their place the beginnings of small-scale farms or crops were being grown to help feed the local populace under the authority of COMPNOR, as propaganda highlighted the body's efforts to aid the citizenry of the Empire in its darkest times. Another more controversial decree was the beginning of full-scale rationing of foodstuffs for public consumption, seeing both the lack of stockpiles and the war effort still in full effect a severe limiter on the amount of goods that were available for the general market.

This rationing policy drew the ire of those citizens already struggling under the weight of high taxes and lessening ability to sustain themselves in such a harsh environment while the Rakata marched onward. Director Verne looked to mitigate the situation with the creation of new departments under COMPNOR, these being the Department of Ecology and Department of Agri-Corps. These departments were given extensive funding by Grand Vizier Ars Dangor and the Imperial Senate, seeing it as one of the highest priorities to resolve as quickly as possible. Many of the Kuat Regency's brightest engineers, terraformers and agriculturalists were brought together to manage these new bodies in the hope their expertise would lead to immediate results and end the years-long weight worlds like Ukio had held over the Empire. Imperialization of underperforming agriculture sectors was enacted by COMPNOR's new branches, putting new experimental methods theorized into practice, with mixed results as some adapted well while others dropped in production leaving much to be desired by the programs.

From Tepasi where he had recently conquered the system from a rapidly disorganized and deteriorating situation in regards to the continuity of the Perlemian Dominion, Admiral Zhu Koxinga had planned to integrate as much territory as possible before the expected rush from nearby Imperial Warlords looking to gain what systems they could, many of them priceless agriworlds which could in theory help alleviate food shortages for their state. Unfortunately the first move was made to Koxinga's north by the Byss Regency and Shadow Squadron, cutting off any ability to move along the Hydian Way to Brentaal and then further north until linking with the isolated Oversector Ten. Although disheartened by this revelation, the Admiral continued with his objectives, moving to his secondary plan by moving east to Hok and Kloper, easily dispatching the small garrisons as their morale was extremely low with surrender being widespread. It was hoped by this point, not using any available means of hyperlane travel that Koxinga and his fleet could reach Carida, but probe droids indicated a Byss Regency force was already in orbit, giving the Empire's Stormtrooper training grounds to Regent Vaii which was a blow for the Kuat Regency's ability to replenish the Stormtrooper Corps. Koxinga at this point had no desire to press further into the Perlemian Dominion's territories with expectation that the Byss Regency or the Rim Emergency Authority would already be operating in the region, but forward reports indicated otherwise, as a void was formed where the remnants of the Warlord State's forces not absorbed or destroyed by other Warlords had consolidated under a cadre of Moffs and Admirals based on Relatta. This group of Imperials, having their odds of survival rapidly dwindling as they were now entirely surrounded and outnumbered with no means to replenish their fleets or troops, sent missives to Koxinga's command wishing to surrender to the Kuat Regency. After brief negotiation, the systems of Tala, Colla IV, Adari, Relatta, Tirahnn and Mantessa submitted to Kuat's rule, alongside their garrisons and star destroyers which was a boon to the still recovering Imperial StarFleet while also giving the ability to travel to and give resupply and reinforcement to Oversector Ten.
[+1 ISD I, +2 ISD II, +1 Vic II to Empire (Kuat)]

Although a primary target for Admiral Koxinga, the vital Stormtrooper Training Grounds of Carida were now in the hands of the Byss Regency

The Imperial Loyalist Triumvirate had known of the looming threat the Rakatan Infinite Empire had become from their battles in the Unknown Regions, taking many measures to first attempt to stop their advances and now putting the lessons learned to use in their fight against the ancient rulers of the galaxy. The first measure taken was to conduct a grand conference holding a majority of the Imperial Warlords held on Prefsbelt, with some representatives physically present and others via holocall where Grand Admiral Baobab divulged many important bits of information on the Rakata. This was key to all involved, giving knowledge once unknown to aid in combating the Rakata in battle and their method of incursion into the known galaxy which could be countered with immense effort. Internally the Triumvirate braced itself for the Rakatan war to come, as border systems were ordered to be fortified as quickly as possible with expectation of rapid Rakatan advances in areas of low defenses close to the Triumvirate's borders. Bright Jewel Command under Warlord Valentinian Venis was dispatched to patrol Oversector Eight based out of Prefsbelt, as the powerful fleet was expected to meet any force attempting to press northwards up the Entralla Route or western ends of the known galaxy. Grand Admiral Baobab reformed his incredibly small personal command based on Ciutric, consisting of only two ships which was bolstered with the addition of five Victory II-class Star Destroyers and earmarking ten newly built star destroyers expected to join his formation by Mid Seven ABY.

Throughout Triumvirate space a concerted effort was underway to root out and annihilate the source of terror attacks that had swept the eastern ends of the Warlord State, as the Triumvirate Intelligence Bureau was working tirelessly around the clock to eliminate the cells still lingering and conducting operations. Aiding intelligence operators was Grand Admiral Baobab's orders of the creation of the Patriotic Security Forces, which comprised of militia formations that organically rose up to counter the terror cells rampaging through their regions but were now Imperialized into proper paramilitary units. This combined force quickly subdued what remained of the terrorists, eliminating their base of operations across numerous systems and their members either fleeing to parts unknown or taking their lives to not divulge their origins. The creation of the Patriotic Security Forces had a secondary benefit for the Triumvirate, as they would be a valuable asset in acting as an emergency reserve for the regular army and navy forces with the Rakata advancing on all fronts.

In technological fields the Triumvirate was making immense strides in comparison to other Warlord States, as the secrets of their former allies in the Unknown Regions were being implemented across their military apparatus. Fighter models, star destroyer upgrades and even a new class of capital ship were being designed with the works in their possession. The fighter was in the spirit of the TIE Interceptor, but wildly unusual in its shape and in theory above and beyond any existing model excluding the TIE Defender and Avenger codenamed the TIE TLN or Talon. More advanced internal systems were very slowly being integrated into existing star destroyer designs, with the newest ones being constructed gaining some of these upgrades that could easily and quickly be put to use. The new class was based on the Procursator-class Star Destroyer, named the Concolor-class which would, according to Triumvirate military doctrine replace the outdated Venator-class as a carrier that could better defend itself in combat with improved armor and point defense systems.
[TIE Talon Under Development]
[Concolor-class Star Destroyer Under Development]

One of the Triumvirate's revolutionary military designs being developed, hoping these new craft alongside other projects will give a decisive edge on the battlefield

At Ord Biniir Admiral Tessor Landon Maddox stationed his fleet, given expansion with an Imperial I and II-class and eleven Victory II-class Star Destroyers ready to press into the Celanon Diarchy if they dared break the truce signed only days prior between the two Imperial factions. Maddox in the meantime conducted a deep analysis and reformation of his command, as to what upgrades could be put onto his star destroyers and TIE models with the orders of standardization handed down the chain of command. Even though limited in the amount of resources offered to him, Maddox ensured these upgrades were put where possible as crews reported in their preliminary testing of improved performance in certain areas. Maddox conducted extensive field drills and wargames to both keep his fleet in peak performance and put the experimental systems through their paces, with positive results backing up the initial testing done prior. From afar Maddox was in constant contact with instructors and data handlers within the Imperial Naval Academy on Prefsbelt, offering his sage advice in tactics and strategy in battle and major operations planning hoping the next generation of officers will take his experiences into the battles of the future.

In Oversector Ten General Secretary Ferlia Abrin was enacting large-scale emergency orders with the blessings of Grand Moff Wardok Juonii via COMPNOR's various branches with the inevitable Rakatan invasion in the near future. An extremely controversial and somewhat destabilizing decree was enacted looking to eliminate all forms of "defeatism" within Imperial citizens, as those who spoke even remotely of the Empire's odds of success being slim to none were arrested by CompForce and deemed as collaborationists with the Rakata. What appeared to be forced confessions were produced and distributed to the public by these prisoners, stating their intent to aid the Rakata in return for promises of power and riches. Hundreds of thousands of these testimonies were displayed on the HoloNet, as citizens' mindset began to split into differing blocs, with those more aligned with COMPNOR openly hunting down any who fit the profile of a defeatist, while others simply cowered in fear as the reality of both the looming Rakata invasion and their own government's draconian policy began to settle in.

The cells of COMPNOR's prisons within Oversector Ten were rapidly reaching maximum capacity, highlighting those deemed traitors were rising quickly among the citizenry

Another COMPNOR-aligned effort was continuation of fortification of various degrees to systems within Overscector Ten, as COCPD work groups worked tirelessly, if not to their deaths under the supervision of CompForce to erect defenses ranging from simple bunkers to highly complex underground installations stretching miles underneath major cities. Infrastructure was also expanded to assist these military fortifications, as the locations and outlines of both the logistical makeup and installations were made top secret, only known to military personnel and members of COMPNOR privy to their use. It was rumored, although quickly subdued by COMPNOR of the non-humans that comprise COCPD work groups that survived the gruesome conditions were sent to an unknown location, their fates assumed to be one short but horrific. Public relations groups affiliated with COMPNOR and Secretary Abrin vehemently denied any wrongdoing in the treatment of what were deemed "patriotic Imperial citizens volunteering with some cases of unfortunate accidents", although most close to the workers knew the real terrors they experienced.

Grand Moff Wardok Juonii had an ambitious and unexpected plan to secure Oversector Ten's security and stability, as many including those on Kuat awaited Juonii's reports of liberating systems held by the fragmented Perlemian Dominion and connecting the isolated Imperials based on Taris with those in Oversectors Two and Four. The Grand Moff instead set his sights on the west, and that of the Celanon Diarchy's territories as he and his thirteen star destroyers organized over Agamar, planning to traverse down the Celanon Spur in a surprise strike to break the back of the Warlord State. Juonii's force arrived over Cademimu, and the element of surprise was indeed on his side as the garrison was caught off guard and overwhelmed in quick succession as star destroyers pressed forward towards the planet and prepared a ground invasion. Imperial Stormtroopers and Army Troopers then spent weeks in grueling combat on the surface, as the highly industrialized world boasted large quantities of military stockpiles as it was one of the primary hubs of the Celanon Diarchy's production capability and its infrastructure dated back to the Old Republic. These reserves were in the hands of stubborn Diarchy forces and civilian militias rising up, fearing the expected oppressive rule rumored to be widespread throughout Oversector Ten by the hands of COMPNOR. Although the populace resisted even with offers of amnesty and good conditions under Kuati rule they would have none of it, as Juonii's forces had finally subdued the surface after being heavily delayed in their timetables of a rapid strike on other systems.

As Juonii was preparing to finally depart Cademimu, it was clear the Diarchy's forces under Grand Admiral Mattalo Musscros were preparing to meet this threat on their territory, as it was not known of the recent ceasefire formed between the Diarchy and Triumvirate. This allowed the majority of the Warlord State's fleets to be diverted from the north to the east and west, to meet the sudden arrival of both the Infinite Empire and Kuat Regency respectively. The Grand Moff was unfortunately not aware of this revelation regarding the Diarchy's movement of its fleets, expecting a much lesser force in the region that he could easily push aside. Juonii's fleet arrived into the Noonar system, where Musscros was present alongside thirty star destroyers highlighting his attention was focused more on blunting his Imperial brethren now before any potential Rakatan offensives in the west formulate. Surprised at this large contingent now in orbit of the system, Juonii immediately called for a retreat back to Cademimu before being eliminated by overwhelming firepower as a chaotic scene began to unfold within his ranks as they attempted to quickly turn back and prepare to enter hyperspace. Musscros quickly pressed the issue as his star destroyers fired into the vulnerable formation as Juonii's rearguard took the brunt of the punishment, losing ships in the process. Although battered by the brief battle, Juonii returned to Cademimu looking to lick his wounds and prepared for a possible counter-attack by Musscros with ad hoc fortifications in orbit being ordered. While the Grand Moff kept his eyes fixated along the Celanon Spur, he received horrifying news from Oversector Ten that could possibly unravel the entire region.
[-1 ISD I, 2 Vic II to Empire (Kuat)]

The New Republic knew it was in trouble as systems thought firmly in their control soon reported waves of ships and starfighters arriving in them across their northern border as Rakatan forces appeared as if from nowhere. Where jubilation had been seen with the liberation of Botajef only months ago, now fear and panic echoed across countless systems as the Admirals Hiram Drayson and Hera Syndulla redirected their Second and Sixth Fleets to meet the new threat.

Syndulla, her fleet still building up, being the newest within the Republic, was quickly ordered to withdraw from Botajef, New Republic High Command finding defending it would be frivolous. Instead Hera and her fleet would be pulled to Yavin IV, meeting up with Luke Skywalker as well as many volunteers from Mandalore as a large Rakatan force descended on the force-imbued planet. A vicious fight would develop for the system, elite Rakatan commando forces sent in, but soon finding themselves outmatched by Luke and his rapidly expanding Jedi Order. Fighting along Mandalorian Super Commandos and New Republic ground forces, Rakatan forces were expelled from the planet's surface as the combined New Republic/Mandalorian fleet won a bloody but important victory above the planet.

The surface of Yavin IV was alight with battle between the New Republic and Infinite Empire, but the skill and bravery of those such as Luke Skywalker and the New Jedi Order repelled the invaders from the planet

Across the rest of the sector, however, Rakatan forces continued their push outward, as intelligence soon determined the existence of a "Hypergate" in the Korriban system, one long forgotten by the majority of the galaxy. Soon the planets of Florrum, a pirate haven, Elom, and countless others were overrun by Rakatan forces, as a large task force engulfed the jungles of Felucia and advanced onto the major shipyard world of Lianna, a planet the Republic had to hold to keep the Rakata out of the Tion Sector.

Here Admiral Drayson made his stand, bringing in elements of his Second Fleet and reinforcements from Mon Calamari. When the Rakata arrived they found not only layered defenses, but built up orbital defense stations along with a massive ship unseen before as the MC-100-class Star Cruiser Freedom stood waiting for them, the largest ship in the Republic's arsenal, as of now, waiting for them. Several new Nebula-class Star Destroyers were also present, the Republic having just begun to roll out their next generation starships as this new threat expanded. A gigantic battle now erupted across Lianna space, as swarms of upgraded New Republic starfighters engaged thousands of Rakata starfighters, fireballs lighting up the blackness of space. Here the Rakata quickly found their advance halted, as the hardened defenses and combat veterans of the Second Fleet rallied together to throw back the invader, this avenue of their advance seemingly shut down for now. However Drayson and his Second Fleet held a wide front with only a few systems linking with Syndulla at Yavin with the Rakata awfully close to the northern half of the Perlemian Trade Route.

While given warning from the conference organized by Grand Admiral Baobab the Corporate Sector found itself out of position to repel the attacks of the Rakata as they appeared across their southern planets. As in other sectors across the galaxy, swarms of Rakatan ships and starfighters appeared, causing chaos and panic as the Corporate Sector Navy rushed south from operations within former Trianii Space. While the Corporate Sector had worked over the years to modernize and reform their forces, the vast majority of their heavier ships were still old Victory I-class Star Destroyers, and while deadly, they quickly found that there was only so much their old ships could do. Fortunately, the Rakata seemed to have centuries older ships, though modernized, and the battles at Urdun and Arelith were furious but the Corporate Sector were ultimately forced back.

A major stand was made at Ession, a key shipyard for the Corporate Sector, with over twenty ships, along with the only two operational Imperial II-class Star Destroyers active in the navy. IRD starfighters tangled with those of Rakata design, keeping at bay the forces advancing on the main fleet as efforts were made to pull away two almost complete Imperial II-class Star Destroyers from the shipyards as Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers and Marauder-class Corvettes screened their heavier brethren. A small victory was had as the two star destroyers were able to jump into hyperspace, but in the end the shipyard and world had to be abandoned, heavy losses suffered in its defense. The Rakata continued their push forward, taking the systems of Issagara, Matra, and Oslumpex, though no advance was sent against the shipyard world of Etti, least not yet as it appeared the Rakata were taking a pause to consolidate their gains and replenish their ranks.

Corporate Sector Intelligence were able to gain some information in that it seemed the Rakata were searching for something in regions of space deemed empty and uncharted south of their borders, but it was unknown as to what that would be at this time. More elements of the Corporate Sector military were brought down from the north and it was hoped that a new defense line being built would hold back the Rakata as new Imperial IIs came online and reinforced its already battered forces which were being regrouped. Although quiet up to this point, Mr. X proclaimed martial law throughout the Corporate Sector, vowing to repel these invaders in time as new forces were being drawn up and awaited the next wave of attacks by the Infinite Empire.

With the New Republic forced withdrawal from Botajef the scene was set for the Rakata to move forward, their push taking them directly into Oversector Ten. With Grand Moff Wardok Juonii focused to the west, a massed prong of the Infinite Empire now surged forward from the east. Local defense forces led by COMPNOR did the best they could trying to blunt the incoming swarms, but they soon were overwhelmed as they began to experience what many others across the galaxy had in the past weeks and months. Things were not exactly easy however, as General Secretary Ferlia Abrin's COMPNOR-led paramilitary militias mobilized across Oversector Ten's planets, millions prepared to die for the cause of the New Order dating back to former Grand Moff Corvalo Septina's full-scale reforms. Yet others were not nearly as motivated, in particular non-human species, seeing that perhaps it was best to trade one master for another. Uprisings took place on planets coming into direct contact with Rakata invasion forces, as fighting broke out across Hijado, Junction, Sorrus, and Celanon.

With divided loyalties of the people, the Imperial Army and COMPNOR militias fought for as long as they could, but their efforts would end in bloodshed as the Infinite Empire washed over the region as local commanders screamed for reinforcements from Juonii's sector fleet. All communication was lost from the planet of Dathomir, the small garrison there assumed lost. It was rumored elements of COMPNOR were quickly diverting resources and highly classified materials and VIPs across the Oversector not long after it was confirmed Dathomir was lost. Unusual readings were detected from the planet in the days after its loss, although the nature and reasoning for it was unknown but expected to be the result of some form of Rakatan action. Juonii's forces, though battered, finally arrived to reinforce the depleted remains of the border forces, setting up defenses at Bandomeer, Halmad, and Ord Cestus, though without substantial reinforcement it was unknown how long these systems would be able to hold.
[-1 ISD I, -2 Vic I, -4 Vic II, -1 Venator to Empire (Kuat)]

One of many cases of the Infinite Empire's brutality and message of no mercy upon those who defy them, yet many persist and attempt to fight back

With the eastern border of Oversector Ten broken wide open, the Triumvirate soon found itself now open to attack far sooner than wished and expected. Grand Admiral Baobab had taken the defense of the eastern flank of his holdings onto himself, a small squadron of ships centered on the Super Star Destroyer Ideogram. Of all entities under assault by the Rakata the Triumvirate were the best suited to combat them, least with combat knowledge, and this would pay dividends as defenses were tested at Simpla and Ord Radama.

Reinforced with elements of the Patriotic Security Forces, the Imperial Army and local naval forces held on far longer than other regions under attack, making the Rakata pay for each step as they advanced. While both systems would fall, the Rakata found themselves fighting a ship they had never dreamed to encounter as the Grand Admiral himself led the defense of Toprawa at the helm of the Ideogram. Whole squadrons of Rakata formations were destroyed from her firepower alone, as elite pilots from her squadrons put to use the knowledge gained from the Unknown Regions. The vast majority of the population of were able to be saved due to the Grand Admiral being in the system and while he was forced to retreat his forces had slowed down the Rakata and stalled further advance, the Grand Admiral finding himself at Serreno as reinforcements flowed to his personal command, many fielding recent upgrades that were hoped would bring death and destruction to the Infinite Empire.
[-1 ISD I, -3 Vic I, -4 Vic II, -2 Venator to Triumvirate]

The Denon Military Zone had undergone major internal reformation in previous months, as Grand General Kravic Vonsol looked for a future where one day he and his subordinates would no longer carry the burden of administrative duties by handing such responsibilities to civil authorities. Grand Moff Bolar Keue continued his work in aiding this reformation, as the most skilled and loyal administrators not affiliated with the military were selected for extensive screening to root out any undesirable officials that could compromise both the process and faith in the program. Another of Vonsol's most recent new initiatives were the high activity levels of the Denon Security Corps within the Warlord State's borders, with many assuming their work in eliminating any infiltrators or spies sent by those who wish to bring the demise of the nation or seize its military assets. But it was told of many of the Denon Security Corps operators exiting Denon's borders for unknown locations, with wild rumors from the most hawkish of the population speaking of revenge to come for those sent to kill Admiral Orvan and take the Annihilator although it could not be confirmed.

The severe shortages of foodstuffs within the Denon Military Zone were being handled in a more direct approach in comparison to the other Imperial factions across the galaxy, as Director-General Eastsky enacted food rationing measures for all sectors of society. A few sections of the populace, most notably the military and vital workplaces were offered increased amounts in their daily ration portions, seeing them as necessary for the continuation of the state even if it incensed the overall citizenry. To enforce such harsh quotas COMPMOR began an Imperialization campaign of all forms of law enforcement, as police work was being handled entirely under the eyes of Director-General Eastsky as the weeks progressed with the armband of the organization showcasing whom they answered to. One effect this had was COMPMOR's creation and maintenance of penal battalions, consisting of prisoners from across the Denon Military Zone that primarily did manual labor tasks such as erecting fortifications, but were expected during an event of invasion to be put into combat units as an auxiliary force with COMPMOR paramilitary units monitoring them to ensure none attempted defection.

Although the Denon Military Zone was doing everything in its power via internal methods, its High Command under Grand General Vonsol sought to resolve the issue with a simple solution - military force. As the weeks and months passed, with news of the Infinite Empire's rapid expansion across the galaxy on Denon an elaborate and extensive, yet dangerous plan was being devised by Admiral Jonus Nil Vaan codenamed Operation Uppercut. The majority of the Denon Military Zone's fleet was gathered over Denon itself, with Vaan's command expanded from ten to twenty star destroyers and temporarily combined with Vonsol's in the shadow of the Annihilator still in drydock undergoing repairs. To ensure that operational security was held as long as possible, the purpose of Operation Uppercut was top secret as only a few knew of its true purpose and a general order of minimal communication was enacted. As almost five months had passed up to this point of silence and curious consolidation over the capital, suddenly Vonsol's command comprised of nine star destroyers departed heading north to Besnia with their final orders handed to them by the Grand General himself before returning to one of his many secluded bunker complexes underground on Denon to oversee operations highlighting the importance of this mission.

At Besnia Vonsol's fleet was held there shortly, as they then made way further north into Kuat Regency space at Exodeen as what was deemed a quiet front for the Imperials was suddenly roaring with the sounds of battle. The garrison in orbit was a light force of only three Victory II-class Star Destroyers, with a majority of vessels pivoted to the north and northeast in light of Oversector Three's developments and a diplomatic crisis with a neighboring Imperial Warlord State, excluding the ever-encroaching Rakatan armadas from the east. Imperial forces here attempted to fend off Vonsol's sudden strike force, but the horde of TIE Fighters and Interceptors deployed by the two Secutor-class Star Destroyers present led to both being overwhelmed and destroyed. Those on the surface expected a ground invasion to begin, yet none came as distress signals were sent to Kuat where Supreme Commander Serenon activated her command to immediately depart for Exodeen to eject these invaders as it was assumed they would make way for systems further north or west. As Serenon was charging hard south, on Denon, Admiral Vaan knew now was the time to strike while attention was elsewhere.
[-3 Vic II to Empire (Kuat)]

Admiral Vaan's fleet departed north, many expecting to join Vonsol's command at Exodeen but their orders were instead to move to Ailon, off the Hydian Way which puzzled the lower ranks who were not privy to their true purpose in Operation Uppercut. From Ailon Vaan gave the command to jump east, their target the shipyard and agriworld of Gyndine, a vital asset to Kuat and one deemed necessary for the continuation of the Denon Military Zone. Vaan's fleet exited hyperspace outside the gun range of expected defenses, as the world being on the frontlines with the New Republic and its importance as one of few agriculture centers held an impressive array of Golan Defense Platforms alongside a pair of Imperial I-class Star Destroyers flanked by two Procursator-class. Although these five capital ships would be deemed enough to deter a minor incursion by the New Republic, it was easily outmatched by Vaan's twenty in comparison as the Denon Military Zone's latest design, the Despot-class, was put to the test per Vaan's orders. An aggressive push was taken with the Despots leading the charge, their increased shielding and hull armor absorbing turbolaser fire from the much larger star destroyers as they got into range, unleashing their enlarged complement of ion cannon and own turbolaser batteries upon the defenders. This was complimented by the layered approach Vaan implemented, his larger Imperial-class and flagship Tector Impetuous focused their guns on the Golan platforms knocking them out of action one by one, while in the rear the Venators unloaded their large compliments of TIE Fighters, Interceptors and Bombers to aid the Despots in their march. A coordinated rotation of the Despots was overseen by Vaan, as more conventional Victory IIs took their place but two badly battered Despots and a Victory II were lost as the last of Gyndine's defenders gave a final stand but were finally defeated. Soon after a ground invasion was underway, showing unlike at Exodeen the Denon Military Zone intended to occupy the planet for its own.
[-2 ISD I, -2 Procursator to Empire (Kuat)]
[-2 Despot, -1 Vic II to Denon Military Zone]

On Exodeen, the vengeance of the Kuat Regency had arrived, as Vonsol's officers' purpose to sit idle and draw what reserves would respond with Supreme Commander Lira Serenon's personal command, led by the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Reaper at its head. Seeing this large fleet, with signatures of more coming, a few ships lucky enough to have whitty officers quickly jumped out of the system back to Besnia as they identified an Interdictor-class among Serenon's command, which then turned on its gravity wells which left the others to the mercy of the now enraged Supreme Commander. Serenon showed no mercy to Denon's apparent breaking of the peace as the Reaper's guns ripped apart Vonsol's once respectable number of star destroyers as escorts pressed forward to take out any stragglers, leaving none behind as the smoldering wrecks littered the skies above Exodeen. Although a crushing defeat for Vonsol as many ships and their crews lost were not easily or able to be replaced, he had gained his prize of Gyndine, which Serenon was notified of the concurrent events as Imperial High Command convened to determine the next course of action, but all expected the Supreme Commander to seek revenge for this stab in the back and loss of one of the priceless agriworlds.
[-1 Secutor, -1 ISD I, -3 Vic I, -1 Vic II to Denon Military Zone]

One of the Denon Military Zone's Secutor-class Star Destroyers being fired upon by the Reaper moments before its total destruction

Within the Rim Emergency Authority officials were quickly working to alleviate the food shortages that had begun to break down civil authority, as Supreme Protector Turent Pho authorized emergency decrees to begin immediate distribution of foodstuffs from the now critical and recently conquered agriworld of Tanaab. All methods of production were authorized alongside a mass gathering of both civilian and military transport craft sent to the system to then move the goods throughout the Warlord State's worlds with critical shortages. Rationing was also enacted, emphasizing that it would be a short-term policy until worlds like Tanaab and any others taken with time can begin transitioning their economic output into a proper integration into the market. This was though not an entirely seamless process, as many arrests were made of corrupt officials attempting to either profit or blackmail to gain both power and influence as the brokers of the priceless commodity which was in low supply. The penalties for those caught were extreme, with some cases of immediate execution when apprehended, as the Supreme Protector declared that these individuals were traitors to the New Order and were agents or assets of the Rakata attempting to destabilize the nation. This extended to upper class citizens as well, with those deemed "overzealous" in their spending and extravagance having their assets Imperialized for the war effort, any who protested such policies were whisked away assumed to be put to work in one of the Emergency Rim Authorities' prisons as punishment for defying the state.

From Tanaab High Admiral Jal Zeid began an extensive operation to fortify the system as its importance was seen as high as worlds like the capital Lantillies, declaring it an Imperial Fortress World as assets were funneled in and construction underway both in orbit and on the surface of defenses. As Zeid was in charge of this bolstering of the system from attack, news had reached from the west of the Perlemian Dominion's rapid collapse as both the Byss and Kuat Regencies were moving in to occupy as much as they could between them. This was seen as an opportunity to further expand the borders of the Rim Emergency Authority and give space for Tanaab to no longer be a frontline system and prone to possible attack in the future by fellow Imperials. The High Admiral gave orders to collect supplies and prepare to depart for nearby systems, hoping to take what he could before others had the chance. Zeid arrived at Korda where an Admiral had declared himself a Warlord weeks prior, although with the presence of the Colossus and Dark Crown Command stood no chance of resisting as he and a majority of his forces peacefully surrendered, their star destroyers now for the Rim Emergency Authority. After a few days of liquidating the former Warlord's loyalists who were deemed troublesome Zeid moved to the desert world Pengalan, held by a despot COMPNOR official who had appeared to have gone mad with an iron fist held over the populace. The locals, once witness to the massive Assertor-class Star Dreadnought in orbit demanding their surrender, quickly began to rebel against their short-lived ruler and his fanatical loyalists as Zeid's Protector Corps aligned with these militias and quickly overwhelmed their common enemy, alongside the disabling and capture of an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer in orbit.
[+2 ISD I, +1 ISD II to Rim Emergency Authority]
[Perlemian Dominion Faction Dissolved]

Once the tyrant that ruled Pengalan was subdued, High Admiral Zeid turned his attention further north, to the systems of Thisspias and Obroa-skai as his forces arrived over the war-torn world of the former. The world had been racked with a planet-wide civil war since the Battle of Endor, as monarchist forces under its Crown Prince had been fighting those seeking a more democratic government. Zeid, with his impressive force now in orbit, had the power to decide which of these competing factions would stand triumphant, or destroy both. The decision was made to side with the more democratic populace, as the monarchists under the Crown Prince had clearly lost their mandate to rule and reinstalling them would only cause more trouble than it was worth. Having already gained experience on Pengalan of fighting with similar forces, the Protector Corps quickly dispatched the Crown Prince's clearly outgunned forces with aid of orbital bombardment and TIE Bomber runs a frequent occurrence across the planet. A few weeks passed until the last holdouts were finally crushed, and the beginnings of a new government overseen by the Rim Emergency Authority's appointed Moff were being formulated.

Although preparing to move into Obroa-skai, probe droids monitoring the system discovered a small Imperial force of Kuati signature was already in orbit and in control of the planet which complicated Zeid's plans of quickly and smoothly conquering the region. A back and forth discussion between the two sides had been conducted, but it was clear that neither was willing to back down from their claims upon Obroa-skai leading to Zeid ordering Dark Crown Command to depart immediately before possible reinforcement could arrive. The High Admiral's fleet soon after made its presence known over the world, as the forces of Grand Moff Wardok Juonii were only three star destroyers in comparison to Zeid's twelve, including the Colossus. Although orders were given to hold the system, officers present were no fools, and began to evacuate what they could before being destroyed entirely. The three vessels quickly turned for Taris, but not before one was caught in the line of sight of the Colossus which opened fire, disabling it then another long-range volley destroying it in place as the surviving two returned to the safety of the Oversector capital to report on the event, as war between the Kuat Regency and Rim Emergency Authority had resumed.
[-1 ISD I to Empire (Kuat)]

Obroa-skai's Celebratus Archive held almost all of galaxy's known history, which would be a boon to the Rim Emergency Authority if they desired to tap into its records

The Tolonda Union continued its slow and methodical war against the Hutts as conventional, irregular and clandestine forces on both sides were frequently clashing attempting to find an advantage. The arrival of the Infinite Empire did bring concern on Rothana, as the ancient rulers of the galaxy had made themselves known with cases of assassination and internal strife wherever they roamed. High Moff Randell Kursk took no chances of repeating the same fate as Mon Mothma and Borsk Fey'lya as security was rapidly expanded and intelligence operators monitoring any unusual activity that resembles the work of the Rakata. This new strategy was extended via propaganda as Tolondan news networks and agents working in public areas emphasized the Infinite Empire as equally or even more dangerous than the Hutts, noting their lack of empathy and belief all must serve under them as mere slaves.

On Gamorr Commander Sienna Mersu continued her year-long campaign to pacify the stubborn Gamorrean resistance. It appeared though the Commander's patience had gone thin, as more aggressive methods of removing insurrection were being enacted. Although the previous policy of amnesty and cooperation with more friendly clans was still being encouraged, even distributing pro-Tolondan propaganda via the more prestigious clans to the others to sway their opinion. Hopeful of more being deterred from continued fighting, most held too much pride to surrender and their attacks on Tolondan forces did not subside. Mersu took this as the desire for those clans of their yearning for death, and ordered intense orbital strikes and bombing runs on known strongholds and hideouts which lasted weeks. This broke the back of many clans that had survived until this point, driving them underground or wiping them out entirely leaving Gamorr finally under the firm control of the Tolonda Union. Mersu then took elements of her command and prepared for a string of raiding operations into Hutt Space, hoping to weaken their defenses on frontline systems, liberate slaves and return them to Tolondan Space and take what supplies they could for future use. Her fleet found little in their way as their raids reached Barab, Unagin and as far north as Ylesia before returning to Gamorr to begin inventory of their loot, although curious as to the lack of a response by the Hutts.

Rear Admiral Zelta Kul's crusade against the Hutts was as intense as ever, as she was tirelessly working to organize and arm the many rising slave forces under the umbrella of the Free Rim Militia within Hutt Space. It appeared to be a back and forth affair between the Rear Admiral and her Hutt counterparts, as a game of cat and mouse to either prop up or crush militia armies were frequent in the southern ends of Hutt Space. But as the weeks passed it was apparent the militias had gained momentum as Hutt resources had suddenly been drained via reports by intelligence operators, giving Kul confidence of enacting an offensive northwards as soon as possible. From Gamorr Kul's Task Force Sabre departed for the trade world of Near Pando, as the planet was undergoing a major slave revolt which the Tolonda Union had sponsored. Tolondan forces quickly enveloped and overwhelmed the beleaguered garrison, as Tolondan Stormtroopers invaded the surface and after a few days of combat secured the system. Kul immediately moved to Nar Kanji, where the locals had already unlike many other Hutt worlds extensive independence and a majority human population. The local leadership, seeing no method of casting off the Tolondans, peacefully surrendered the system and handed over any Hutt members kept as representatives to the Hutt Ruling Council to be prosecuted. Finally Kul's offensive ended at the agriworld of Far Pando, where the pacifist Yahk-Tosh made no attempt of resistance and handed control of the system and its food stores to the Tolonda Union. Kul and Mersu's curiosity of seeing up to this point little to no Hutt forces was initially deemed a ruse to entrap them far into Hutt Space, but as news from the north began to funnel in, the reality of what was underway began to uncomfortably settle in.

The infinite Empire's arrival around New Republic and Hutt Space sent shockwaves across both states. For the New Republic it was yet another front they were now engaged on, forcing the dispatch of more resources as the Fourth and Fifth Fleets changed gears to fight the menace coming from their rear. For the Hutts it was far more damaging as none of them truly believed they would have to actually fight the Rakata and their Empire, all resources singularly focused on putting down slave rebellions and waging all-out war with the Tolonda Union. While the war with the Tolonda Union had united the various clans and strengthened their military, the Hutts were wholly unprepared for the massed attacks that overwhelmed their border from the west.

Forces earmarked for offensives southwards were hesitatingly transferred to the north as Rakata troops appeared at Cejansij, Chatacta, Rettria, and Kwenn Station. Panic gripped the Hutt Clans as an enemy with vast resources now stood mere systems from Nul Hutta, many of the great families packing up what they could of their vast treasures and retreating back to the Bootana Hutta, the core of Hutt Space. Some however relished the fight as Shell Hutts, putting on ancient suits of armor, reinforced by mercenaries and slaves of their own, many rallied by Durga the Hutt moved to fight against the invaders. Battles would rage on the key systems of Toydaria, Keldooine, and the shipyard world of Nimban as more forces and slave armies were pulled into the fighting. Here slaves fought slaves, an ugly turn of events as both sides fought to please their masters and paid with their lives. Continued fighting would be seen on these worlds as it was evident that while great resources were being employed by the Infinite Empire this was not the only front from which they were expanding.

Never seen in modern times, the Hutts returned to not only battle, but donning armor to fight the Infinite Empire

The New Republic had more advanced warning as new T-65BR X-wing Reconnaissance Starfighters were employed, using data supplied from a deal with the Triumvirate upon which a gate was located at the long-lost planet of Ruusan. While forces from Admiral Nammo's Fifth Fleet were quickly redeployed, it came too late as the Rakatan hordes struck the New Republic border systems. Southern elements of the Second Fleet under command of the Quian Admiral Karin Orlan concentrated her forces on the recently taken fortress world of Thanos, slowing down the Rakatan advance, but soon found herself cut off as the Infinite Empire moved on the worlds of Boz Pity and Bimmisaari and only stopped after Admiral Drayson sent reinforcements south from Mon Calamari, including several newly constructed Nebula and Republic-class Star Destroyers.

Unfortunately, the link with the southern parts of the New Republic would be lost as Rakatan ships and troops stormed the planet of Randon, and quickly took the systems of Ota, Genian, Yitabo around it. A major push now seemed to be directed at one of the core worlds that Master Skywalker had transmitted had to be held as Rakatan forces invaded both New Republic and parts of the Rim Emergency Authority, aiming for the Kashyyyk system.

While Balamak, Charros, Ultaar, and Diado had been heavily fortified by the Rim Emergency Authority, the majority of their forces were deployed in the north with these systems putting up a heroic defense before succumbing to their fate. The Rakata would also push south to try and encircle Kashyyyk to the south, but here they found two heroes of the battles of Yavin and Endor fighting against them as Han Solo, followed by his trusted sidekick and friend Chewbacca fighting from the reinforced Solo Fleet with volunteers coming from Umbara and the Wookies of Kashyyyk joining the fighting. Even the Wookies' vaunted enemies, the Trandoashians recognized the threat coming towards them, they quickly threw in what forces they had, including several bounty hunters, helping to hold back the Infinite Empire's onslaught.
[-2 ISD I, -1 ISD II, -1 Vic I, -2 Vic II, -1 Procursator to Rim Emergency Authority]

Further south the Rakata also advanced, gobbling up many systems as Republic reinforcements redeployed into the region. Lando Calrissian's reserve task force, led by a Bulwark Mk III-class Battlecruiser moved north with elements of Voon Massa's Fourth Fleet under Duros Admiral Kir Vantai blunting a thrust moving towards the Bothan homeworld of Bothawui. Other forces of Admiral Nammo's Fifth Fleet of Mannan, another world deemed strategically important by Master Skywalker as newly mobilized forces across the New Republic began to arrive and new production thrown into desperate efforts to slow down the advance as forces were being assembled to eventually counterattack towards Ruusan and hopefully shut down the gate for good.

War had for the moment ceased within Oversector Twenty for the first time in three long and taxing years between the Imperials and New Republic. Supreme Commander Iaxis Solaris took this valuable time to catch his breath, as replenishment of battered units was now freely underway without news from the front of Imperial forces being ground down in combat through frequent reports. But to keep the men sharp as fears did creep into the ranks of the Rakata making their way into the Oversector Solaris conducted frequent drills and sector exercises where the more inexperienced and freshly conscripted units were stationed hoping this experience would aid them in future battles. To further bolster his numbers outside of ship production from the major worlds such as Tallaan and Fondor, Solaris turned to the Tapani Sector to tap into their fleet for reinforcement. Extensive negotiations were underway with representatives of both sides, as Solaris dispatched his most veteran and respected officers to speak on his behalf with elements of the seven royal houses such as House Melantha which was a faction loyal to the late Emperor Palpatine and House Mecetti who had ambition to control the entirety of the sector at the expense of the other houses. During these negotiations news broke of major scandals within the royal houses, as accusations and evidence of corruption were leaked, even some cases of treason with communiques with the New Republic were discovered. The once iron-fisted influence of the Tapani houses had for the moment wavered as public outcry began to sway opinion of the powerful nobles, with Solaris in this window making compromises to ensure houses favorable to the Regency would be spared the worst of the political fallout. This led to one-fourth of the Tapani Sector Fleet, which held immense autonomy from the Imperial StarFleet to be integrated into Solaris' direct command as five star destroyers were now available for his use. Although Solaris had gained a coup of sorts on the houses, it was made known any further degradation of their fleet would have immense consequences for the economic and political stability of Oversector Twenty.

The emblems of the seven royal houses of the Tapani Sector, all vying for control over the other but outmaneuvered by Supreme Commander Solaris

South in Yag'Dhul High Admiral Druno Vaine the Younger continued to rebuild infrastructure destroyed by Rogue Squadron, as Tibanna Gas storage was slowly being replaced allowing the Oversector's fleets to operate without shortages of the vital resource. Outside of overseeing construction of both the Tibanna and defense platforms around the planet, Vaine conducted numerous exercises within his personal command by taking what data could be compiled on the Rakata and implementing tactics to counter them if they ever reached Oversector Twenty. These exercises also included simulated attacks on Yag'Dhul by the New Republic, using battle reports both from the attack on the system and elsewhere along the now dormant frontlines, with expectation that one day hostilities will resume between the two sides and must prepare accordingly for it. Vaine though would not be entirely idle by his years-long stay in orbit of the shipyard world, as orders from Supreme Commander Solaris directed the High Admiral to guard the northern flank of Oversector Twenty, with his command making their new headquarters on the aradium-rich mining world of Questal and patrolling Kitel Phard as well. Although Vaine painstakingly monitored the front, no news came as the area was one of few regions in the galaxy of relative calm.

In the far south, Supreme Moff Niles Motti of the Seswenna Stellar Authority quickly put his holdings to order as reports came in of the Kathol Sector going silent and reports of Rakata attacks spreading across the galaxy. The Supreme Moff signed a ceasefire with the New Republic for the foreseeable future as he ordered Admiral Delvardus to bring his forces back to Eriadu and Admiral Daala to prepare her new command for combat as reconnaissance and intelligence forces were dispatched to try and locate any approach of the Infinite Empire.

It would be two weeks before the first Rakata attacks came in as the southern planets of Pergitor and Karideph reported they were under assault. Motti, knowing sending his forces to defend those worlds would be almost suicidal, instead moved his combined forces centered around Elrood, with some elements deployed to cover Utapau. There they waited as the two southern worlds were overwhelmed, though it would be some time before any attacks came, a pause of unknown origins taking place. Once more, however, those connected to the Force would feel a great surge in power, as if darkness fought darkness, with one being silenced over time.

The next attack would not come at Elrood but at the sleepy swamp planet of Dagobah as Rakata's elite soldiers descended upon the planet, seeking the Force-energies within. Thinking the world would be easy for the taking, and a launch point to get around Motti's defenses, they found the planet home to Motti's own elites, Dark Troopers and Stormtroopers dotting the surface. A battle within the swamps erupted, centered around training facilities and factories, elite vs elite as each tried to get the upper hand. At the end of the day the planet would hold, but Dark Trooper production would be crippled as their factories were destroyed, but the flank for now held, though Utapau to its south would fall as the assault on Elrood was finally launched.

With the many delays Supreme Moff Motti and his commanders had built up the already heavily defended system and sector of Elrood, preparing for the onslaught they knew was coming. Like in all their assaults the Rakata sent in powerful formations, made up of hundreds of ships and starfighters, looking to simply overwhelm the defenses before them. Here, like with the Triumvirate and the New Republic they found themselves outclassed technology wise as Motti unleashed a weapon he had been developing for years, having been hand delivered by Admiral Daala when she had arrived at Eriadu.

It was coined the World Devastator, designed to be self-sufficient and be used to finally break the stalemate with the New Republic and maybe even march on Sullust. Instead, under Daala's command, it was now used to defend the shipyards within Elrood, as thirty-five star destroyers supported the defense. Swarms of new TIE Droid Starfighters were unleashed, supported by shielded TIE Interceptors as the hordes of Rakata starfighters converged on Daala's formations. The battle raged and as it did the power of the World Devastator, codenamed Silence-One, was fully known as more and more TIE Droids were launched, as newly made units were completed using the materials of ships destroyed in the fighting. While not an unlimited supply, it certainly helped tip the scales in Motti's favor even as more Rakata ships arrived.

The Silence-One was perhaps the most powerful weapon in the galaxy, and it alongside the talented Admiral Natasi Daala had for the moment held back the unstoppable Rakatan tide at Elrood

In a battle that raged over the course of several days and many waves, Motti did something barely seen in these early months of the Infinite Empire's invasion in that he held off almost the full blunt of their southern advance, single handedly, though his forces suffered heavily in damages and some loss of starships. For now, however, his forces had held and continued to do so, but it was unknown if that situation would continue as reconnaissance forces reported a build up of forces once more to the south.
[-1 ISD I, -1 ISD II, -2 Vic II, -1 Venator to Seswenna Stellar Authority]

Even with a heightened alert status across the New Republic, forces stationed on the fringes soon found they had little time to prepare as swarms of starfighters and probes began hypering in, especially at Bakura. A small fleet of older ships had been placed under command of former Imperial turned Republic Admiral Pter Thanas and had been stationed at Bakura, keeping a watchful eye on a possible future Ssi-ruuvi invasion. The twelve ship strong task force thus was simply taken aback as sensors picked up dozens… then hundreds of contacts arriving in the system as the three Golan I defense stations were brought online as frantic calls for reinforcements were sent.

Civilian transports began evacuating as many people as they could as starfighter squadrons were launched and Admiral Thanas deployed his task force forward to try and hold back the tidal wave steamrolling towards them. On the surface, ground forces prepared as the skies above lit up with explosions as Thanas' forces threw themselves in a desperate fight. Even with older ships and equipment the Republic forces caused large losses, but soon found themselves being overwhelmed as numbers tilted the scales and more ships arrived to reinforce the first waves. In a last act of defiance Admiral Thanas ordered his flagship, the MC-80 Vigilance, forward with guns blazing as he ordered the survivors to fall back and issued orders for the planet to prepare for invasion. The last the battered Bakuran Task Force saw was the Vigilance ramming into one of the largest ships before it, taking out several others in the ensuing explosions. The Rakatan invasion of the Western Reaches had begun.

It was only a matter of days before other systems began sending out warnings that ships had arrived in their systems before going dark as civilian transports, escorted by what military forces survived first contact, retreated as quickly as they could. As alarms spread, Chancellor Organa ordered Admiral Ackbar to immediately divert forces from both the First and Third Fleets to stem the tide, as cease-fire deals with the various Imperial factions were signed, allowing the Republic to concentrate on the new threat overwhelming its borders.

A force of forty ships of both fleets arrived at the fateful planet of Endor, linking up with the six survivors from Bakura under the command of Fimus Nantz. Nantz had hoped to have more, but he had been forced to keep a large portion of his First Fleet back around the Seswenna Stellar Authority as Rakata forces had arrived out of nowhere along the border from the south. Endor was also not exactly where Nantz had wished to hold, but a message from Luke Skywalker had been received with information saying that all "Force" related locations had to be held the best they could, Endor being on that list. Because of that Nantz had rushed forward with what could be sent as Republic commandos and defense forces were sent to the planet to reinforce the base that had been established and to safeguard Ewok settlements.

When the Rakata arrived at Endor they quickly found themselves under assault by barrages of lasers and turbolasers as hundreds of starfighters flew into battle as capital ships fired all they had into the formations of the Rakata. While still having some of the older ships of the New Republic Navy, Nantz had been able to bring several of the newer MC-80s and 90s with him, inflicting a great toll as their powerful shields and upgraded weapons tore into the attackers. It was becoming clear that the Republic had a large technical advantage on ships that were identified as having existed close to four thousand years ago or even longer. Even so, losses continued to mount as numbers were not in the New Republic's favor, the fighting being waged over the course of several hours.

Disaster soon began to develop as finally the numbers saw shields failing across the board on Republic ships, as starfighters were snipped out of space. A section of the fleet was completely overwhelmed as Admiral Nantz found himself unsure if any of his forces would live from this engagement as sensors picked up even more arrivals. Fortune, luck, or the Force however seemed to be on the New Republic's side as the familiar voice of Admiral Ackbar was heard on the comms as another two dozen ships arrived in the system lead by Rogue Squadron and General Wedge Antilles. All eyes however were focused at the center of Ackbar's formation as the first four thousand meter long MC-100 Mon Calamari cruiser, the largest yet built, unleashed an ungodly amount of firepower into Rakata formations. Nantz pulled back his battered forces, just over half still remaining, both Ackbar and him realizing, even with the MC-100, would be unable to hold back the tide and ordered a retreat as once more the forces on the planet prepared to enact resistance operations. Ackbar did not forget the missive from Skywalker and ordered his forces to destroy any floating debris of the Second Death Star that might have remained, denying them to the Rakata as he withdrew.

Admiral Ackbar's new flagship, Liberty, was vital to saving Nantz and the other New Republic forces over Endor before their retreat

New Republic forces continued to fight as they were forced back, and while Leia and the New Republic Senate wished to see a fight for every system, they knew they would lose with that strategy. Admirals Ackbar and Nantz, while receiving more reinforcements as the New Republic mobilized husbanded reserves, having had some forewarning of what was coming, continued their retreat trading space for time. Massive refugee convoys continued back into New Republic space, as millions soon filled recruitment and industrial centers as all out war was declared across the New Republic. Ackbar and Nantz would fallback to the Porchello system, various elements of their fleets to the north and south, holding back Rakata advances all across the Western Reaches. A small lull soon came, but all knew it would only be a matter of time before the Rakatan tidal wave continued.

At the same time as Ackbar and Nantz were fighting in the Western Reaches, another force of Rakata descended into New Republic territory, though not nearly as strong as other attacks. From out of the southern reaches the planets of Delrakkan, Shiva, and Terminus reporting they were under attack by multiple waves. Because of this, parts of Nantz' First Fleet were dispatched from the main fighting to reinforce border forces under the command of Chel Dorat, halting the Rakata at Manpha and Polis Massa. While not currently a major threat, it did divert New Republic forces from the main fighting in the west and if left unchecked could see the Rakata push up the Corellian Trade Spine and outflank both the Seswenna Stellar Authority and New Republic forces.

  • Supreme Commander Lira Serenon, seeing an inevitable lack of manpower and overall quality of the Imperial StarFleet's forces orders implementation of the Imperial III-class Star Destroyer's automation integration to be standardized across all other star destroyer models with estimation of at minimum a year to develop.
  • Promotions of those who show merit is conducted on a large scale within the Kuat Regency across both the military and civilian sectors, seeing these individuals as vital to the continuation of the Imperial government against its many enemies that would be needed in higher positions of responsibility.
  • Director Callix Verne organized the creation of Public Action Groups, comprising of Imperial citizens given resources and protections to expand Operation Concordia's work amongst the citizenry. It was also noted of the Public Action Groups taking a paramilitary leaning as well with basic training provided by CompForce in combat, being another arm of the Kuat Regency's military forces.
  • Triumvirate exploratory missions are conducted on the western edges of the known galaxy, attempting to both discover any hidden or lost paths into the Unknown Regions. It is deemed highly unsuccessful as the wildly unpredictable gravitational anomalies make any real progress incredibly difficult, requiring what was estimated to be years of large-scale missions to find a viable and stable path further westwards.
  • A new formation was ordered to be made by Grand Admiral Zzavian Slyce Baobab of the Imperial Loyalist Triumvirate, codenamed Cobalt Command for the vardium-infused durasteel plating giving the under construction Victory III-class Star Destroyers earmarked for it a unique blue color in comparison to the standard gray of other star destroyers.
  • By order of Director-General Enzo Eastsky the Denon Stormtrooper Corps' armor is to be changed from the iconic and infamous all white to a gray-olive drab camo mix, with a handful of Legions changing to the new scheme by Mid Seven ABY.
  • The Executor-class Star Dreadnought Annihilator saw a massive increase in security following the attack on the ship by elements of the Menhit Unit, as COMPMOR took a more commanding role in its protection to ensure it would never happen again.
  • Fearing a sudden Rakatan decapitation strike as examined within the New Republic, Director-General Eastsky bolsters private bodyguard detachments of all high-ranking officials of the Denon Military Zone.
  • Commodore Keon Liknar reactivated one of his private projects, canceled when the Rim Emergency Authority was reintegrated into the Empire a year prior, reportedly focused on specialty craft for boarding enemy capital ships.
  • The Long Range Strike Wing sees a large boost in volunteers in light of the Rakatan advances across the galaxy, giving the elite formation direly needed replenishment of its ranks after years of combat depleting its numbers.
  • The Tolonda Union's Public Health and Safety Division is given even further expanded funding, the purpose to create infrastructure for clinics and vaccines for deadly diseases on isolated and underdeveloped systems.
  • A dust up is reported at the location known as the Maw as some kind of fight takes place within the secretive region, with rumors of New Republic involvement being heard.

The Galaxy in Mid 7 ABY

Galactic Empire (Kuat)
Supreme Commander Lira Serenon (@Carol) / Grand Vizier Ars Dangor / Grand Moff Dromus Karr
Government Type: Imperial Regency (Senate Restored)
Capital: Kuat
Systems: 64
Internal Stability: 2
Executor SSDs: 1
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 1
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 2
Allegiances: 7
Interdictor SDs: 3
Tectors: 2
Imperial Is: 32
Imperial IIs: 21
Imperial IIIs: 8
Procursators: 4
Victory Is: 5
Victory IIs: 73 [+47 in 1 turn]
Venators: 2

@Aquadragon10 as Admiral Zhu Koxinga
@CobaltCloyster as Vice Admiral Ferlia Abrin

@Hyvelic as Grand Moff Wardok Juonii
@Waith as Director Callix Verne

Galactic Empire (Byss)
Imperial Regent Eletan Vaii (@Etranger) / Grand Vizier Ronntal Valrin
Government Type: Imperial Regency (Senate Indefinitely Suspended)
Capital: Byss
Systems: 102
Internal Stability: 5
Executor SSDs: 2
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 1 [+1 in 2 turns]
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 2
Allegiances: 2
Interdictor SDs: 3 [+1 in 1 turn]
Tectors: 5
Imperial Is: 42
Imperial IIs: 36
Imperial IIIs: 12 [+1 in 1 turn, +17 in 2 turns]
Procursators: 2
Victory Is: 6 [+1 in 1 turn]
Victory IIs: 108 [+8 in 1 turn]
Venators: 0

@RobespierreLives as Supreme Commander Iaxis Solaris
@DerechteNikolaus as High Admiral Druno Vaine the Younger
@Ranger as Admiral Tarsi Jakal
@Korona as Captain Dax Harton

Imperial Loyalist Triumvirate
Grand Admiral Zzavian Slyce Baobab (@ORE) / Grand Moff Sett Varian / Warlord of the Empire Valentinian Venis
Government Type: Imperial Triumvirate
Capital: Sartinaynian (Bastion)
Systems: 68
Internal Stability: 5
Executor SSDs: 1
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 1 [+1 in 3 turns]
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 0
Allegiances: 2
Interdictor SDs: 2
Tectors: 0
Imperial Is: 12
Imperial IIs: 19
Imperial IIIs (ILT): 3 [+7 in 1 turn]
Procursators: 0
Victory Is: 8
Victory IIs: 47
Victory IIIs (ILT): 8 [+16 in 1 turn]
Venators: 3

@Aedan777 as Admiral Tesser Landon Maddox
@Another Amoeba as Commander Balthazar Thyle

Seswenna Stellar Authority
Supreme Moff Niles Motti (@Orange Boy)
Government Type: Autocratic Fiefdom
Capital: Eriadu
Systems: 9
Internal Stability: 4
Executor SSDs: 0
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 1
Praetor IIs: 1
Secutors: 0
Allegiances: 0
Interdictor SDs: 0
Tectors: 0
Imperial Is: 14 [+4 in 2 turns]
Imperial IIs: 7
Procursators: 0
Victory Is: 6
Victory IIs: 16 [+1 in 1 turn]
Venators: 4
Subordinates: N / A

Rim Emergency Authority
Supreme Protector Turent Pho (@Bandeirante)
Government Type: Autocratic Fiefdom
Capital: Lantillies
Systems: 25
Internal Stability: 3
Executor SSDs: 0
Assertor SSDs: 1
Bellators: 0
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 2
Allegiances: 0
Interdictor SDs: 2
Tectors: 1
Imperial Is: 8
Imperial IIs: 7
Imperial IIIs: 0 [+2 in 2 turns]
Procursators: 6 [+1 in 1 turn]
Victory Is: 10 [+2 in 1 turn]
Victory IIs: 22
Venators: 2

@triumph8w as High Admiral Jal Zeid
@tankdrop24 as Commodore Keon Liknar

Denon Military Zone
Grand General Kravic Vonsol (@Frostbyght)
Government Type: Autocratic Fiefdom
Capital: Denon
Systems: 15
Internal Stability: 3
Executor SSDs: 1
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 0
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 1
Allegiances: 0
Interdictor SDs: 1
Tectors: 3
Imperial Is: 8
Imperial IIs: 2
Imperial IIIs: 2 [+1 in 1 turn, +3 in 2 turns]
Procursators: 1
Victory Is: 8
Despots: 6 [+2 in 1 turn]
Victory IIs: 7 [+3 in 1 turn]
Venators: 5

@Fancy Face as Admiral Jonus Nil Vaan

@Fission Battery as Director-General Enzo Eastsky

Slaves to Darkness
Witch-Queen Ala'el (@Fingon888)
Government Type: Theocratic Dictatorship
Capital: N / A
Systems: N / A
Internal Stability: 5
Executor SSDs: 0
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 0
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 0
Allegiances: 0
Interdictor SDs: 0
Tectors: 0
Imperial Is: 1
Imperial IIs: 0
Procursators: 0
Victory Is: 0
Victory IIs: 1
Venators: 1

@Noco as Headman Malakut Thule

Tolonda Union
High Moff Randell Kursk (@MajorKO)
Government Type: Autocratic Fiefdom
Capital: Rothana
Systems: 23
Internal Stability: 4
Executor SSDs: 0
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 0
Praetor IIs: 2
Secutors: 0
Allegiances: 0
Interdictor SDs: 1
Tectors: 1
Imperial Is: 13
Imperial IIs: 3
Imperial IIIs: 0 [+1 in 1 turn]
Procursators: 0
Victory Is: 7
Victory IIs: 11
Triumphs: 5 [+5 in 1 turn]
Venators: 8

@Lazer Raptor as Rear Admiral Zelta Kul
@Nerdorama as Commander Sienna Mersu

Last edited:
7 ABY​

Once the private sanctum of one of the most powerful men in the galaxy, the Palace of the Dooku family was now filled with little but dust and echoes. The last of the Dooku line officially dead for nearly a decade. Its ambiguous ownership and controversial heritage had left it vacant but intact for all that time. Now Grand Admiral Baobab, himself one of the most powerful men in the galaxy stood in a conference room that had not been used in nearly 30 years with a few chosen officers.
"Gentlemen you may be wondering why we are meeting in a moldering antique and not the Ideogram. Rest assured that though the turning of years means this palace is not the most secure in the entire galaxy anymore, it is still quite secure. There is a lesson here. The lineage of the Counts Serenno was more than a thousand years old at the time of the Clone Wars. There was a time when I, and those of my generation turned in their sleep in fretful nightmares of Count Dooku." The Grand Admiral ran a finger over one of the few remaining busts of Dooku that had survived the purges and raised it to show the thick dust. "Dooku's line is ended, this palace is a dustbin. Many of you are younger men, who came of age after the Clone Wars. Tell me has the thought of Count Dooku ever turned your blood to ice?" He raised his eyebrow at the silence that followed, before doubling his hands behind his back. "I thought not. Gentlemen this has been our first true contact, when all our preparations and information has met the test of reality. We have been forced to cede ground yes, but have we broken? We have made the enemy bleed. Look at the state of the galaxy. See how so many others have cracked and folded. We have taken the enemies blow and found it.....wanting. Everyday we are developing and deploying more powerful weapons. Everyday our state is more united and mobilized. Everyday we are one step closer to victory. We stand here in the empty ruins of another great foe who seemed utterly unstoppable until patriots of the New Order stepped forward and stopped them. The Rakata may be older, but they are no different. Now I have had my batman pick from the cellars a few of the finer vintages the late Counts have stored. Let us have a toast to our defense, a toast to our late Emperor and a toast to the victories we shall soon achieve!"
Last edited:
2243 Local Time
Security Briefing Post-Operation Uppercut
Recording Log 124

"This whole operation was unwise."

"It was necessary. You saw the same numbers I did. The same report and projections. What were we supposed to do, ask nicely?"

"We could have found other targets."

"None as close. None that could actually solve our issues in the near term."

"The material costs alone have set our production quotas back months. The ships and crews-"

"-Can be replaced. Have you never heard the term 'acceptable losses'?"

"That's what I'm afraid of; how many losses can we write off as 'acceptable' before we're fooling ourselves? We've solved one problem and given rise, immediately, to another."

"It's pure survival, in my opinion. If given the choice between certain, if delayed, death and a risky continuation of life, you choose the risk. At least that means you have a chance to confront that risk instead of certain doom."

"This isn't certain doom?"

"Not certain. And now half the population won't starve to death while we debate Eastsky's rationing plans. All that matters is confronting the problem directly ahead of us. Survival is the key. All else is secondary."

"Gentlemen, cease this. If there is certain doom approaching, it's the Rakata. Have you seen the gains they've made? If the reports we're getting are at all accurate, they've spread like a plague, and they show little sign of stopping."

"They made a declaration of Galactic Conquest. Not exactly the sort of thing you say without confidence in your capabilities."

"So... what do we do?"

"What we've been doing, General. Dig in. Expand our forces. Pursue our special projects. Prepare. The Rakata are everyone's problem and we cannot be idle in fighting them, even if they are not on our borders. We have a few calls to make. Denon will not sit on the sidelines as the Galaxy burns."

"And there's still the Rebels to be concerned about."

"Seems like the Galaxy is falling apart. Rakata. Rebels. Seswenna's new toys. This... cult of the Sith taking over in the Core Worlds. Perhaps the end times are upon us all."

"And yet you seem remakably calm about all this, Commander. Care to share your secret?"

"With all this talk of survial, death, starvation, and war, it can be hard to maintain an optimistic attitude, I admit. But in the years since we founded the DMZ we've confronted many deathly crises. It all comes down to a matter of... perspective, my friend."


"I find it helps to remember that, in the end, we are all dead men."
Zhu's eyes were on the map, not thinking of the world or its people below him. Kloperians were a strange people known for their engineers and mechanics. But their strange physical attributes still creeped him out. ... Great he had thought about them. Still, Kloper was a minor world for its species despite their reputation had made little impact on the galaxy. Not hard to see wht really. Their homeworld was an Inner Rim rock that basically just produced them and nothing else of note.

But he wasn't here to think about them. He was looking at the map of the Galaxy and staring at lost territory. Both to Rakata and other Imperial warlords. He found it funny that the Sith Lord who had killed Gaul was more honorable then the military officers given clemeancy by him. Maybe it irritated Zhu since he and Serenon, which felt like it was eons ago now, had taken the world from the rebels and restored it to the empire. And now its farms and shipyards served Denon and its paranoid ruler. All the while the Rakata marched onwards. The losses in OS10 were bad and it convinced Zhu this was a battle for survival against this ancient foe.

Zhu was at least thankful he did complete his mission of ensuring the rest of the Empire's territory had a border with OS10 now. Sure retreating was deemed by some as defeatism and cowardist talk, but Zhu saw it as vital strategy. Resources had to be used correctly or lost like how the Aegis was. Sadly Zhu's mission had failed to deliver several key worlds to Serenon. Worst of all being Carida as the primer officer academy was in Byss hands alongside Coruscant, Raithal and Corulag now. Add Prefsbelt to the Triumvirate and basically all the major academies were in other warlord territory. Still the question of what teachers were left might drag those institutions down but still. The Empire needs so much and Zhu doesn't know how to give it. More food for both civilians and military members, more ships, more blasters (and maybe slugthrowers if Zhu got his was), more Durasteel, more officers, more everything. It was a fight for survival and Zhu felt like a man left adrift in the sea. Still, he had a duty to preform and he would do so till the best of his abilities.

He just hoped it would make a difference. Also that Serenon would give him one of the few ISD IIIs Kuat had built as he felt he would put it to better use then whatever young officers they got left.
Project Palisade Intelligence Report: Mass Production Bunker Complex, "Bulwark" Pattern, REVISION F21

"Imagine you have a city that spreads across an entire planet. An unimaginably vast array of buildings, power networks, communications relays, transportation tunnels, and living spaces. Now take that city and stack another one on top of the first. Then repeat this a few dozen times. Then crush all those interconnected layers together, set them on fire, and bury the remaining mess under a few layers of dirt and grime. Then put another hundred layers of city, as previously discussed, over that abomination. Fill this impossibly complex structure with Billions upon Billions of people all living, working, and dying. Repeat this process for about twenty-thousand years, and you have a rough idea of what the layout of Denon looks like.

'Massive' just doesn't do it justice. Neither does 'labyrinthine', 'overpopulated', or 'nightmarish'. There are buildings, transit systems, and passageways that date back to the Old Republic. Maybe even some from before that! Then the Empire declares it a Fortress World in 2 ABY and drops a Sector Army and all their bases and equipment onto the surface wherever they can find room, which certainly doesn't help things.

Then, Commander Vonsol assembles our little group here, points to the capital city, and says 'Fortify this fucking madhouse'. Everything that didn't have a gun emplacement before now needs one, everywhere. We're reinforcing every building so we can put dozens of AA batteries on every roof, we're covering entire city blocks with ferrocrete to protect the buildings below from bombardment, we're installing Shield Generators in every nook and cranny that can supply enough power, not to mention the hundreds of redoubts, trenches, fall-back positions, and backup walls we're constructing.

And now you come to me, after we've just managed to get a grip on the fortification project, and say you want to start digging bunkers underneath all this?"

- Chief Engineer Kolas Daron, recorded during Project Palisade Initial Briefing

Project Palisade continues apace across all territory controlled by the Denon Military Zone. As of Mid-Year 7ABY, construction efforts have achieved Phase 1 goals within the allotted time frame. Main efforts have been redirected to Phase 2 construction. Members of COMPMOR, the DPC, and the Military Design Bureau have approved REVISION F21 of the "Bulwark" Pattern design to be the primary model for all subterranean fortification efforts. This replaces Revision K19 of the "Aegis" pattern in all future constructions for general use. Specialized Bunker models are not to be replaced. The Bulwark Pattern showcases a 5% decrease in use of construction material, along with a 3% increase in utilized space and additional security measures, as seen in simulations (See Project Palisade Quarterly Meeting Report, Subsection 25: Evaluation of Bulwark Rev F21).

The following report highlights the main construction parameters and features of the Bulwark Pattern. This report was prepared for Denon High Command by COMPMOR Sub-Group 221-Gamma.

Stage 1: Excavation
Initial excavation is overseen by the Denon Engineering Corps, with assistance from COMPMOR Security detachments and Labor Groups. Blasting is conducted to clear primary construction spaces, then addition areas are cleared as needed. Excess or non-processable rubble is stored for future use in surface fortifications. For areas beyond the depth safety ratings of regular workers, Supplemental Labor Units or Automated Mining Units should be used.

Stage 2: Initial Structure
Ferrocrete foundations are installed alongside reinforced durasteel plating. Primary shock-absorbers are placed between the outer structure and inner framework. Installation of external power, environmental, and security systems takes place in this stage. If this bunker is part of a larger complex, main hookups and connections are constructed here.

Stage 3: Internal Structure
Primary doors, internal blast doors, reinforced shielding, and main structural components are installed. Blast doors and main reinforced areas are constructed of 9093-T7511 Durasteel for extra resistance against demolitions. Internal structure of the Bulwark Pattern is modular, allowing for a wide array of uses, but the standard construction template calls for 10 main modules. 4 Residential, 4 Utility, 1 Security, and 1 Reserve. If bunker is intended for specialized purpose, installation of special structural equipment occurs here.

Stage 4: Internal Systems
Installation of automated and manned security systems (Autoturrets, security office, armory, etc). Installation of Life-Support and communications equipment. Internal power systems, sensors, lighting, and furnishings.

Stage 5: Final Assembly
Bunker is stocked with required components and necessities for operational life. Depending on intended purpose of the complex, additional specialized systems may be installed and tested. Final test of internal systems. Bunker is ready for habitation.

- Standard Template allows for comfortable habitation and 2 years of consumables for 500-600 individuals. Larger populations can be accommodated via linking of several Bulwark Pattern Installations together via modular connection systems. Additionally, all systems are compatible with other official DMZ designs, including command, intelligence, and fortified bunker patterns.
- Simulations and initial testing show heat shielding and environmental control systems allow for an acceptable installation depth of 12,000 meters below surface level.
- Bunker security systems and inclusion of armed trooper teams ensure that all complexes are rated to rapidly respond to internal and external threats. Automated security systems, including motion sensors, turrets, adaptive blast shields, and structural denial charges ensures that even bunkers without living occupants remain a danger for any would-be aggressor.

The Joint Military Design Review Board approves the adoption of the Bulwark Pattern, with an estimated initial cost of 1.2 Million Galactic Credits per unit. The Bulwark pattern shows great aptitude for mass production and mass installation, and the cost-per-unit is expected to decrease slightly as production lines are accustomized to the pattern. Project Palisade estimates call for an additional amount of [REDACTED] Units to be installed on Denon, and below major population centers on other DMZ controlled planets as soon as is feasible. Additional design changes will be reviewed and approved as needed.​
Thinking of home made Zhu feel ... detached for a lack of a better word. Sure the Rakata were a bigger menace but his homeworld had fallen under Byss control and that of Solaris juristiction. And while Zhu felt he probably wasn't high-ranking enough to be known to Byss' High Command, he is probably on a Solaris COMPNOR or Inquisition list so his family estate was probably being ransacked at the moment. Zhu wondered if all the horrors in the galaxy made him just feel numb to it all.

Probably was all the war and death really. Before Zhu needed Mr. Baggey to handle his anxiety problems. Problems that had tended to prevent promotions to those with better qualities. Well the Navy at the time wanted go-getters, aggressive officers and Zhu, Zhu wasn't aggressive. Probably why he languished at Captain for so long. Commanding an old Venator, The Coruscant Sky, (now lost to the fires of war) until Vader came around. Kept decapitating his commanding officers really and well, someone was needed to fill the ranks. Someone who probably wasn't going to be killed by Vader. That or a sacrificial pawn by others who knew the Koxinga family were minor nobility on Kitel Phard. But Zhu survived, probably because their was someone higher up who had displeased Vader. Still, Gaul's words had sucked Zhu in ... somewhat. Really it was the hope that a more noble run Empire meant he could help his family get ahead in life and well, it worked. Zhu got patrons for doing his job.

Then Gaul died and the Baron of Byss caused another civil war that wasn't needed. And then Zhu had to defend Corellia, kreffing Corellia. He served there before under Serenon before his promotion to Rear Admiral saw him there, but then moved to be under Serenon again. Perhaps his loyalty to Serenon from all of this was simple. She proved herself a really competent leader. The likes that only Baobab, Solaris, Pellaeon, and Zeid has shown at warfare. And she trusted him to carry out tasks. A trust he had never been really given before. Maybe its why Zhu felt so little for Kitel Phard or his family. For so few of them actually cared about him. Or considered him trusted enough to perform tasks.

He wondered considering the Rakata, Denon, New Republic, Byss, REA and others what was next. Too many enemies, and not enough ships. Sure a Bellator served again, and some ISD IIIs were now operational, but they just didn't have enough. Not enough food, ships, materials, manpower, anything really. Or it felt like that to Zhu. Maybe it made him numb as he started at plans for fortifications for both land and space. To blunt any offensive to come. If they had the material to build it. Probably the one thing he respected the little weasel Vonsol for was that whenever the New Republic, Byss or Rakata went to Denon, it would be a urban hell to take. So for now, Zhu sat and waited for orders from his Supreme Commander. On what new task she needed to be done. And at this point, Zhu would set the stars ablaze if he could to preserve the Empire, whatever form it took, he didn't really care anymore. Still, Serenon and others were there, and all Zhu needed was orders.

The Director-General of COMPMOR

Director-General Eastsky was a dime a dozen Imperial Army officers that stood out only insofar as by sheer luck he found himself in a high office in one of many warlord states festering on the face of the galaxy. He was a "veteran" of the Clone Wars denied glory in combat like many of his peers, resorting to take out frustrations on civilians and soldiers under his command. The Empire offered men like him a chance at advancing their meaningless careers by brutalizing yet more people for the regime without even the veneer of doing it for liberty and democracy. These ideals did not matter to men like Eastsky. They were meaningless words thrown around by high minded politicians to justify cutting the military's funding and trying to deny him his fun.

"It's wrong to fire bomb villages. That was a peaceful protest. They weren't Separatist insurgents." Blah blah blah, these were words Eastsky grew numb to during his fruitful career in the Empire. He had journalists shot and whistleblowers thrown into holes with their legs broken to rot for threatening to report him, but he didn't even bother with that after a while. The reporters got wise that nobody in power gave a shit about standards anymore. It was perfect for men like him, those that lacked a real moral compass or intellectual. Neither clever nor charismatic, Eastsky advanced in the ranks on the back of others and doing dirty work to impress his superiors without compulsion, guided by an animal-like cunning to out maneuver his peers in the race to the bottom. It was no surprise that so many supposedly die hard Republican officers had become the backbone of a new tyrannical regime.

That sniveling sycophant drive carried the aging officer forward. His hair was graying day by day while the wrinkles on his face became more defined. Age was catching up to him, yet like all sociopaths it did not take him fast enough for he remained unburdened by the weight of the sin he'd committed, uncaring about lives extinguished or lives destroyed. More than that he was a shallow, petty man, more concerned about perceived favouritism to the navy and stormtroopers than galactic affairs. Eastsky's only true skill was the ability to organize his own paperwork, giving him a degree of control over his junior officers by actually reading their reports. Helped in no small part thanks to a copious amount of stimulants that kept him awake and alert at all times of the day. It was a habit he picked up hunting down "insurgents" across the Outer Rim in the first years of the Empire, tweaking constantly to stay awake.

The chemical cocktail inhaled, ingested, and injected into his body had yet to destroy it, much to the dismal of his many enemies, of which he no doubt had many as he ascended to take command of COMPMOR. The expansion of penal labour or blatant favouritism in the rationing scheme was an afterthought to the man. Eastsky considered changing the design of the stormtrooper's armour a more important use of his time and resources. A never ending cavalcade of memos, messages, and calls went to and from his office, raising hell to see this pointless pet peeve 'corrected' in some asinine attempt to restore the honour of the Imperial Army. There were some practical arguments made regarding the use of camouflage, but the real reason was clear to many that knew the new Director-General. The title itself conceded by Eastsky himself to pad out his impression collection of inconsequential posts like a packrat hoarding worthless treasures.

The shallowness of his soul was hidden by an air of chest thumping bravado. He had no thoughts behind his empty eyes, spouting off military mottos and swears in every conversation because that was all that he was. More of a vessel, a collection of negative feelings and petty ambitions stuffed inside the skin of a man, stapled together by empty fascist slogans and primal desires, Eastsky now commanded the fate of billions of sapients by some cruel twist of fate. The benefits of command were many, the drawbacks few when one lorded over the ass end of the universe, unconcerned by the ravages of war that went on around him. Much like a child smashing their toys together, soldiers became playthings in his hands to smash against the endless enemies the world provided him. Civilians existed to play their role in facilitating his dull fantasies of grand conquests and sweeping victories.

Eastsky's eyes, hidden behind the tinted blast visor, watched in glee as the newly recoloured stormtroopers ran through drills alongside regular army troopers. Between his lips was some chemical stimulant from his dwindling collection, imported from the Mid Rim in better times when the Imperial's economic exploitation kept the product moving from slave plantation to his breast pocket. It smelt of ash, burning his lungs with everything breath, yet it remained perched in his mouth to be moved around by hand or lips as he gesticulated orders to his soldiers. It was another prop that completed the image that was Eastsky. They followed commands without question because those that did didn't last long in the Imperial Army, but especially not in the Military Zone, not with the Director-General's latest reforms.

They played war in the mud of an off world shooting range and boot camp, performers acting out a play step by step against an invisible enemy that did not fight back or derail the motions of the performance. Oh how wonderful their throws were when they didn't need to fear suppressing fire or how full or bravado they were about storming into close quarters when there was no one to fight. It did nothing to dampen Eastsky's child-like glee when the junior officers ordered flamers out or affix bayonets to stab practice droids. The little demonstration ended with the drill sergeant declaring it a success to the junior officer who relayed the information to his officer who in turn was the only one allowed to speak to the Director-General.

"Oorah troopers! That's some damn fine soldiering! If we'd have men like you in the Clone Wars we'd have beaten the Separatists in a year!" Eastsky loudly proclaimed, taking the cigar out of his mouth and absentmindedly blowing smoke in the face of his attending staff officer. "There's only one problem, son. They know how to fight, but they don't know how to kill! Drop the droids and get some bodies from the morgue. You aren't a real trooper until you've soaked yourself in another man's blood!"

Unblinking at the order, the commanding officer relayed the order to the junior officer to relay to his own peons. The gruesome desecration of corpses accepted at face value without question or concern. Without missing a beat, Eastsky controlled walking down the line of soldiers giving orders to everyone around him. "We've got to get capes for these men too. They'll form the core of our new Supertrooper program. Nice, big capes, insulated too, so they can double as blankets, and with the Imperial logo on them. That oughta put the fear of Spirits and Sky into those rebels!" he let out a bark of laughter, chomping back down on the cigar and moving on.

Justice could not come fast enough to the Military Zone, the horrid stain on the galaxy rivaled in brutality only by its rival Imperials and Infinite Empire. That was the unfortunate thing about men like Eastsky, they had an annoying habit of sticking around long past their expected end. They scurry around like self righteous pests with enough firepower to level planets. God help them all.
The Galaxy burned and fought. Against one another, and increasingly more against what was once the rulers of the Galaxy- now desiring to enslave it.

Tolonda fought against the Hutts. Raiding and taking systems, liberating slaves, and marching further north as the Tolondan-Hutt War reached a new stage, the Rakatans putting the Hutts into a brutal two-front affair. All the while agents and sponsored Rebels flitted about.

And yet, those fronts didn't matter at Molavar. Considerably a backwater world in the Galaxy and almost a better 'cousin' of Tatooine, the planet had seen some improvement during the rule of the Tolonda Union- infrastructure and clinics erected on this world intertwined with the presence of Tolondan Forces- not many, but for a world of at least 100 million at least some sort of garrison was needed.

Today however they played as backup, the large hammer in case it was needed as soldiers of the 37th Tolondan Stormtrooper Legion swept up the final remnants of the Jekami Pirate Gang, a particular thorn in the side of the Union for a number of months now. While this had largely involved the typical gang and pirate actions of ambushing and hijacking a few civilian freighters, ransoming, illegal smuggling, and participating in the Spice trade, their observed stance as being independent of the Hutts or Black Suns left them lower on the priority list. Indeed it had been spotted before that the gang had fought with another smaller one under them. Perhaps it was a side-effect of the Union's efforts, that such gangs that would need to swear fealty to one of the major cartels or at least work to avoid their attention and wrath could now start to avoid such.

However, the Jekami Pirate Gang made a crucial mistake- if admittedly one they couldn't have known of beforehand. Four weeks prior, they had hijacked the passenger ship Manehi Legacy, holding for ransom the several dozen sentients on board- including two members of Tolondan Intelligence.

Ransoms were paid and went their course, the two agents among the first retrieved, but upon discovering that a certain important data chip, hidden in a more mundane computer, had been taken by the pirates, the operation had been launched.

Quickly with their testimonies and weight from the government itself being put, the Gang was quickly triangulated- located to a main base on Molavar. As what ships they had were hunted down and destroyed piecemeal the 37th had crushed the gang itself.

Now all that was left in the smoldering crater was scorched pre-fab and scrap buildings and ruins. Bodies littered the area as handfuls of prisoners were marched off, while likewise dozens more saved were quickly seen to. Overhead the screech of a flight of TIE Fighters sounded it, patrolling the area to help deal with any stragglers.

Breaking himself from his rumination, Agent Lynor-1K09M focused back to the present as his superior returned.

Wordlessly he fell in with his superior, the former II agent following who had become his boss and 'mentor' ever since leaving the Empire following the coup by Eletan Vaii- the man having made contact with him and the rest of his System Cell shortly after they went to ground.

He had to admit it was quite the mixture of fascinating and unsettling how easily Agent Mysk could ferret out various members of the Empire and apply just the right methods to recruit them- including Imperial Intelligence members. He himself had to of been in one of the more elite branches of Imperial Intelligence, and had supposedly been around since the starting days of the Tolonda Union, but the exacts were a complete unknown- something that he didn't push on. The results spoke for themselves though- even if he was only 'employed' under him in the final couple weeks of the rushed recruitement drive following the Coup on Imperial Center, he witnessed three dozen various recruitements and defections. Primarily from a mixture of pilots and engineers alongside a few officers, although he witnessed another 'intel success' with the recruitement of a former Destab agent- that crazy woman no doubt assigned to help cause issues for the Hutts.

That was a good many months ago however, and since then he'd like to think the two had become a good duo. Mysk was still obviously his superior and better in more then a few ways, but he was able to keep up and have his back- and he was getting better. Day by day.

The two from there would leave the camp and Molavar behind shortly after, the computer retrieved. Their involvement and reasoning for being present would remain a complete unknown to the wider public, the event merely a showcase of Tolondan security efforts and might.

A Tolondan Stormtrooper of the 37th Legion, patrolling the Molavarian Desert for survivors of the Jekami Pirate Gang.
- 7 ABY