STAR WARS: Ashes of the Empire V

Above Kloper sat Task Force Uueg Tching, once a bigger formation under Rear Admiral Zhu Koxinga, it now had become smaller as Zhu got promoted to Vice Admiral and Admiral. Once composed of one ISD-II, 2 ISD-I and 2 Vic-IIs, now only three vessels were left. The Uueg Tching, flagship of the Admiral and sole ISD-II of the task force. The remaining vessels being the ISD-I Deathshroud and the Vic-II Trucidor. The other vessels, the ISD-I Magellan and Vic-II Arkanian Dragon had been destroyed over Corellia fighting the Byss Empire. Yet no original captain remained. For the destroyed ones, it was going down with their ships on Corellia. Although from the sole survivor of the Arkanian Dragon, it was due to a malfunction in the older Vic that saw its crew unable to flee to the escape pods. Captain Kazzuz Yonnad of the Magellan meanwhile had escaped with the crew, but an unlucky movement of the battle had seen his pod be targeted by Corellia's AA systems and he was blown to space dust.

Captain Paelos meanwhile had been promoted to Commodore, but rather be given an actual command, had been transfered to whatever naval acadmies remained to train new officers. A good role for him as he was always good at getting his crew running a tight ship. Captain Malin Voss died before Corellia, captured by his bridge crew attempting to defect to Byss. His fate was unknown to Zhu, but he doubted it was a kind one. Still, it left the Deathshroud and Trucidor without their original captains. For the Deathshroud its new captain was easy, the first officer who caught Voss was promoted. Her being from Magmar made a pleasent convo. Trucidor meanwhile was given to the First Officer of the Uueg Tching as a reward for service. A promotion the Taris born man took gladly. Still the Uueg Tching was still Zhu's flagship, but some on-board muttered that perhaps the loyal admiral would be given one of the new ISD-IIIs to command. Others argued, Zhu felt they were more delusional, the Bellator would be his.

Zhu taking command of the Uueg Tching was done by complete accident. Before he was Captain of the aging Venator Coruscant Sky and the ISD-II, built by money donated by the governor of Kitel Phard/Atrisia had been done with the attention that a native of Zhu's home captain it. Zhu was never supposed to get it since his family was minor nobility. Instead Baazar Beifoing Jr., son of said governor, was supposed to take command. But the man made a mistake of arguing Skywalker should just be shot and the hunt for him ended, in earshot of Vader. One execution later and a brief visit by the ISB seeing the entire Beifoing family being sent to the Shadowsun saw a gap open up. While the Atrisian nobility were positioning for power, a naval bureaucrat needed someone from Atrisia, as per the orders, to command the ship. So Zhu was plucked from the Coruscant Sky and Uueg Tching became his flagship. And it had been since before Endor.

Then again Zhu was only a Captain patrolling the Arrowhead when Endor happened. It was due to loyalty to the Empire (aka whoever sat on Coruscant at the time) and a need for officers that saw him promoted to Commodore. His force of ships being apart of the group that was sent in to the Second Battle of Corellia where Zhu first served alongside Supreme Commander Serenon and saw the death knoll of both Princess-Admiral Kuat and would-be Emperor Sal. It seemed Zhu did something right, as he was made Rear Admiral and well, rest is history since. He does privately wonder of the Kuat family were ever punished for the Admiral's treason, as the Ten could have backstabbed them for more power, but he found he didn't care. At this point, Zhu was loyal to Serenon and with the looming executioners axe above them all, he would fight, and he would die.
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Reorganization of Tolondan Galactic Sectors
Internal Tolodan Memo

With the formation and expansion of the Tolondan Union into what it is now, naturally the territory it has taken control of hasn't been neatly along old Sector and administration lines, with various cases of Sector Capitals such as Gaulus for the Gaulus Sector and Manda of the Manda Sector being completely separated from the rest of their old constinuencies.

While the existing governance has been adequate, the inclusion of territory formerly within Hutt space that has never been organized into proper Sectors has led to the need for a redistricting in order to address these issues alongside any potential revisions of existing complete sectors into something whole and manageable.

And so, as of now the Tolonda Union shall be organized into 14 Sectors, as organized:

Sendari Sector:
Sector Capital: Far Pando, Far Pando System
Notable Planets/Systems: Far Pando, Nar Kanji, Near Pando

Galovi Sector:
Sector Capital: Gamorr, Opoku System
Notable Planets/Systems: Gamorr

Tammuz Sector:
Sector Capital: Tammuz-an, Tammuz-an System
Notable Planets/Systems: Tammuz-an, Shola

Quiberon Sector:
Sector Capital: Rothana, Rothana System
Notable Planets/Systems: Rothana

Triellus Sector:
Sector Capital: Lyran, Lyran System
Notable Planets/Systems: Lyran

Norther Abrion Sector:
Sector Capital: Ukio, Ukio System
Notable Planet/Systems: Ukio, Molavar

South Abrion Sector:
Sector Capital: Kamino, Kamino System
Notable Planets/Systems: Kamino

Endocray Sector:
Sector Capital: Argovia, Argovia System
Notable Planets/Systems: Argovia

Ferra Sector:
Sector Capital: Hypori, Hypori System
Notable Planets/Systems: Hypori, Scarif

Lower Manda Sector:
Sector Capital: Manda, Manda System
Notable Planets/Systems: Manda

Vestor Sector:
Sector Capital: Milarian, Milarian System
Notable Planets/Systems: Milarian, Pii, Goroth

New Gaulus Sector:
Sector Capital: Gaulus, Gaulus System
Notable Planets/Systems: Gaulus, Vor Deo

Arida Sector:
Sector Capital: Geonosis, Geonosis System
Notable Planets/Systems: Geonosis, Tatooine

Markanis Sector:
Sector Capital: Issor, Trulalis System
Notable Planets/Systems: Issor, Cadeza (Issor), Trulalis (Issor).

In addition, the self-autonomy granted to certained systems shall be formalized as Special Autonomous Zones (SACs), which will still be a part of the sectors they are located in. Such zones shall include the following:

Manda SAC:
System: Manda System, Lower Manda Sector

Milarian SAC:
System: Milarian System, Vestor Sector

Such changes are to be implemented promptly, expected to be completed and formalized within the end of the first half of 7 ABY. Further additions and modifications are to be kept in mind.

Long live the Tolonda Union.

The envisioned 14 reorganized Sectors of the Tolonda Union, as of the first month of 7 ABY

The relative peace and quiet in the Imperial South was strange to Solaris. While the exercises in the region were directed by him and others barking orders, he felt nothing from them. The simulation of sending men to their deaths didn't make Solaris feel anything. The pitched battles of Moorja, Devaron and the Southern Coreworlds, against his sworn rival the great rebel fish and his subordinates, gave him great pleasure. The destruction of their cruisers made him joyous, the turbo blaster fire from the ships made his eyes shine. Now the fish was fighting primordial flesh eaters, and had left Solaris to his own devices, making him more introspective. The thought sent shivers down his spine. His "episode" a year ago was already uncanny enough. An Imperial officer alone with his thoughts was a terrifying prospect - for what thoughts would they think?

Solaris was standing in his apartments on the Shadowsun, wearing his brand new and custom made uniform - he figured a new one was warranted. It was much like the old one, but black, with a deep purple sash and a cape. It did fit him but something would always be too tight or too loose. Mainly the noble houses of the Tapani sector. What a thorn in his flesh they were. How many times he had wished to storm their rich mansions and blast them to the afterlife. While the blackmailing had done wonders for his position they still irked him. Their disdain was clear to the Supreme Commander. He was but an up jumped kid from Ord Mantell, whilst they were ancient and revered families of Tapani. Exasperation was the feeling, hate was what he felt for them, death was what he wished to serve them. Alas, no matter his wish to destroy them root and stem, he held himself back. He knew of their importance to the Oversector and their support was not insignificant, but his anger was only cultivating inside him - it would threaten to consume him if his core was not already so hollow.

His apartments were as spartan as one could expect from the commander of the Shadowsun, and distinguished heavily from the other apartments of the high ranking officers on board. No real ornaments except an old painting of him and Emperor Palpatine, and a few trinkets here and there. He usually rejected gifts as he loathed receiving. There was no joy in receiving, only through taking was there joy to be felt. The humbling of the Tapani houses being a prime example of the latter, although he wished to humiliate them further, administrators of the oversector advised him to do otherwise. He did after all leave much of his work as acting Grand Moff to underlings, some of his COMPNOR scions and some from Maxcetus' administration - at least those that didn't feel the blade of traitors in their backs during the coup. His administrative duties outside of those in COMPNOR bored him senseless and he had no wish to strain his mind further with the administration of Oversector 20. No, others could do that, and some of them might even like that sort of work, just like Maxcetus loved it. All the pomp in public, various ceremonies, and appearances were all but a shell to disguise from the public what he truly was. A necessary evil in Solaris' eyes. But he was a butcher, he knew this, and the Galaxy was his slaughterhouse.
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The world of Atrisia, or Kitel Phard as it was also called origins are unknown. Believed to have been settled by settlers from Coruscant, specifically from the thirteen nations of the Battalion of Zhell. Regardless, the temperature world of Atrisia would soon be settled, but warfare swiftly broke out among the world. Its various nations waging war for dominance. Out of its five continants, different nations arose. The most famous being the nations of Atrisia who ruled the western continent and the eastern continent ruled by the dynasty of Kitel Phard. Wars were waged across the nations with eventually the Kitel Phard dynasty winning out helped by the apperance of the fearsome Yovshin Swordsmen who emerged from the capital city of Jar'Kai. A group whose dueling prowess would influence combat and some whisper, even the Jedi themselves. However, the Atrisian nations Praetorian Guard held them off long enough and ensured their militaristic culture influenced the world to the point most call the planet after the nation instead of the Kitel Phard dynasty. Who used the unification of the world to launch an expansion into space, creating the Atrisian Empire.

Eventually the Dyansty of Kitel Phard would die out and bring civil war to the Empire, leading to its downfall. The nobles would work together with the commoners and form the Atrisian Commonwealth, a region of space that was composed of 200 worlds, with Atrisia being its crown jewel. Atrisia would join the Republic eventually and its people being apart of those who welcomed Emperor Palpatine's ascension to the throne. While an insular people by nature, it did offer some of its natives to the Empire. These include the patiotic Vonreg Family, Moff Villis Andal of the noble Andal family, and the star of Atrisia himself, General Rom Mohc. Lost too soon to rebel actions alongside his Dark Trooper program.

The governorship of Atrisia had been held by its former Senator and prominant Palpatine supporter, Soyon Beifoing who swiftly ensured power for her family in the sector. But in 3 ABY, a mistake saw the family fall from grace and led to several bouts of infighting before the Moff of Atrisian Sector would appoint Hylis Andal, a worshipper of Wapoe, demigod of Disguise and Mischief to the governorship. This last for about a year for his attempts to declare Atrisian Independence saw him swiftly executed and martial law put into effect. It also saw the downfall of House Andal. The governors of the planet afterwards was the Imperial Military with General Han'zo Hatori in command but the Byss Empire's takeover of Atrisia would result in his death. Since then, House Vonreg has taken command of Atrisia and serves Solaris at the current moment.

Atrisia is Zhu's homeworld. Born into the minor nobility of Koxinga, whose major claim to fame was being the explorer who set up an advantagious marriage to one of the Tapani Houses eons ago. While old and having money, their power was little and Zhu's focus on his career meant little contact occured. What their fate was following the fall of Atrisia to Solaris is unclear. But it is likely Atrisia will continue its insular nature and silence in the core, a world of little focus, for years to come.
The execution party assembled on the floor of the flag hangar, which had plenty of space and minimal traffic; sufficient for the needs of the day, if lacking in pomp. A pair of shuttles and a trio of TIE Avengers occupied the perimeter, but the center of the compartment and its staff had been cleared out. Everyone present had an excellent view of the void of space, visible through the dialed-down magnetic containment field. It gave the proceedings an air of sterile, cold vastness, though in truth it was simply most convenient.

The Regent himself stood at the head of the party, clad in his hooded black robes, akin to the late Emperor in dress and yet entirely unlike him in stature and bearing. His red-rimmed golden eyes bore down on those assembled before him, including the unlucky guest of honor, but his mask-like features revealed nothing at all.

Behind him, a half-dozen other robed figures; five Sith Acolytes from the latest "graduating class," and their mentor. They would bear witness. To either side, an honor guard of Shadow Troopers, who cared not at all for what happened so long as their charge was not endangered. And, somewhere in the shadows, a pair of Noghri Death Commandos, who watched the watchers.

The Shadow Trooper sergeant kicked the guest of honor's legs out beneath him, forcing the drab-uniformed man sprawling to the deck. His ankles and wrists, manacled with magnetic cuffs, slammed home onto the metal floor, leaving him on hands and knees. The man, cadaverously thin, wicked-sharp eyes gone blurry with tears, panted in a mixture of exertion and panic as he found he couldn't move. His heavy breathing was the only audible sound within the hangar.

"Moff Isoto." The Red Baron's voice echoed out through the cavernous space, wrenching the sweat-soaked man's attention to the cloaked figure as though by the same magnetic force that bound him to the deck. "There will be a full accounting of your official crimes in the record, but we both know why you're here today, and for what you must be held responsible. Greed. Fear. Ambition. And above all, weakness."

"No, please, Baron, Regent, Your Excellency, I did not mean to transgress against you, only to secure my wo--"

"There is no excuse. No forgiveness. You failed. The penalty is death."

A snap-hiss, a swirl of black fabric, a flash of blinding white light, and the man's head dropped from his body with an audible thud. Without missing a beat, Vaii turned back to the hooded Acolytes, locking them in place with his adder's gaze.

"This is the price of freedom. The price of power. If you are weak, if you are fearful, if you hesitate even for a moment, your enemies will chain you down and, if you are lucky, death will follow swiftly. We are at war with an Enemy that seeks to enslave the entire galaxy, as they once did our ancestors. We cannot afford to miss a single step in fighting them."

Some of the Acolytes had pensive expressions; others steeled themselves with determined faces. One stared directly at him; always a good sign.

"Trust your instincts and trust in the Force. You will know if your foe is sincere in their capitulation, or if they merely seek to bide their time and try again. Do not hesitate in carrying out your judgment."

Lecture complete, Vaii strode off, followed in short order by his retinue, again in silence. A few moments after their departure, a cleaning droid rolled up, bundled the corpse and its head into an interior compartment, and then trundled off for the nearest incinerator.
SIDESTORY: Belly of the Beast

Belly of the Beast

From the ever-present darkness of the throne room, one sat idle upon the seat he had taken through blood and durasteel many years ago to be proclaimed as Over-Predor. Thousands of systems, hundreds of species had submitted through vicious warfare or else faced his swift and absolute wrath. The map of the known galaxy was before him, as he examined the ever-growing gains of his Empire, as those who attempted to thwart him have met failure and death to this point, which seemed to all as one which would not be blunted in the slightest.

Then came the holoimage of five individuals, fellow Rakata who kneeled before their ruler, showing even from the vast distance between them they dare not insult the one above. He glanced at them before returning to the galactic map, speaking briefly as his voice echoed through the throne room.

"Predor Kal'Desh. Status report."

The Predor in question arises from one knee, turning towards the Over-Predor yet head bowed as to not make eye contact at any point, a sign of Rakatan hierarchy and perhaps fear of those before the Over-Predor.

"My lord, we are advancing in all directions. We find heavy resistance, yet it cannot stop the fleets or armies we deploy. Progress in the west and north is according to timetables. We have found difficulty in the northwest and south, as the Imperials and New Republic are more potent in their abilities than initially believed. One known as Baobab and the other Skywalker have stopped our advancement in each direction respectively."

The Over-Predor, hand on chin appearing bored turned to Kal'Desh with the mention of these two, garnering his attention as his eyes turned with a hint of disgust as he spoke.

"The Grand Admiral who has annoyed me in more ways than one. The Jedi... and his followers who have halted my armies on Yavin and ejected them from the system, yes?"

Predor Kal'Desh, hesitant to respond as he was clearly aware of the Over-Predor's tone and irritation carefully chose his words.

"Yes... my lord. The Grand Admiral has war ships of size and advanced technology and tactics we have never encountered. I ordered a retreat to preserve our strength and plan accordingly. The Jedi is much more powerful than any other who wields the Force we have faced; he cannot be underestimated as he brought the slave's false Empire to its total destruction and gathers more to his Jedi Order to resist us."

The Over-Predor made a deep inhale and exhale that reverberated across the room, a sign of his overall dissatisfaction of the situation before continuing.

"Have you discovered the artifact?" Kal'Desh nods. "Yes, it is intact." The Over-Predor is shown a holoimage of it. "Good. Now destroy it." Kal'Desh bows. "It will be done my lord."

The holoimage fades as it returns to the galactic map. The Over-Predor taking from a compartment within his seat what appeared to be an ancient Sith holocron that he held with a firm grip.

"The harvesting procedures and experimentation are ongoing?"

Predor Kal'Desh nods.

"Yes, my lord, although the dead do not go willingly. Many slaves have been lost to their traps and false promises. One in particular was temporarily possessed before we were able to kill the vessel and return him to his tomb. We suspect it will take time before they are weak enough to be safely removed. Initial tests have been failures, volunteers have died when attempting to become attuned or driven mad if they survived. We will continue as ordered until results are favorable."

The Over-Predor turns to the other Predors, still on their knee awaiting to be called upon.

"Predor Tulk'Oag. Status Report."

Predor Kal'Desh returns to one knee as his peer Tulk'Oag stands.

"We advance in all directions as well my lord. The New Republic, Rim Emergency Authority and Hutt Clans have to this point not been able to delay our offensives. Only one region has shown difficulty, the system of Kashyyyk. It appears our automated terraforming systems had long ago malfunctioned leading to uncontrollable growth of the wildlife allowing favorable conditions for defense. The native Wookiee species has for the moment repelled our attempts of conquering the planet, also aided by the human named Han Solo and his New Republic forces who has shown immense ability in combat alongside the Wookiees. In regard to harvesting operations, we find similar issues that Predor Kal'Desh has discovered as the dead are not easily able to be tamed here. Both the Sith and Jedi resist our efforts, even resorting to an alliance to pool their powers in a hopeless endeavor which only delays the inevitable. Experimentation here as well has been a failure, those who step forward either die or their minds destroyed in the process. We will continue work until results are in our favor."

The Over-Predor is shown the location of what gathers his attention.

"Predor Tulk'Oag. Find the artifacts before they do, if they haven't already and unlocked them. Destroy them entirely and leave no trace behind. Failure is not an option." Predor Tulk'Oag nods as the Over-Predor turns to another of the kneeling Predors.

"Predor Da'Ruon. Status report."

As before, one Predor kneels, and the one called upon stands.

"My lord, we have destroyed the defiant and ignorant slaves calling themselves the Select Committee. Their feeble attempts of stopping us were entirely overrun by our superior fleets and armies. Their war vessels were annihilated over the system of Bilbringi and its large shipyards now for our use. We only found proper resistance moving south and southeast. This so-called Galactic Empire led by the slave called Eletan Vaii is now on the frontline, an Admiral named Jakal leads their defense."

The Over-Predor hears the name of Vaii, pausing for a moment before crushing the Sith holocron into pieces with his hand alone. The Imperial Regent being one he held immense hatred for.

"The false pureblood is not of natural design. But even then, he is shown to be resourceful and no fool with the failure on Coruscant. You will bring me his head Predor Da'Ruon when he arrives to the field of battle for he will come as is his nature. If not, your head will take his place by his hand or mine."

Predor Da'Ruon bowed, although it could be seen of the fear in his stance and shifting eyes as this decree was set with the Over-Predor turning to another of the Predors.

"Predor Ara'Sa. Status report."

Ara'Sa rose, although already was uneasy with how his theatre of operations had developed.

"My lord, we have made limited advances as the enemy has deployed weapons which we cannot defeat. A vessel which collects the remains of others to only grow larger and deploy automated fighters in larger quantities as time passes. We were defeated over the system of Elrood by this force and withdrew to recuperate losses. Gains were found elsewhere as the New Republic yielded territory which we look to exploit. Harvesting and experimentation have to this point shown limited or no results, but we have many test subjects that have been captured and put to use as an alternative. I believe with time we may find a method to destroy what the Imperials have constructed and continue our offensive northwards. I ask only for time and resources to do so."

The Over-Predor oversees battlefield analysis of what the Seswenna Stellar Authority used over Elrood, curious of its effectiveness in combat.

"So be it Predor Ara'Sa. Bring me what portions of the vessel intact you collect for examination and mass production for our own use." He then turns to the final Predor.

"Predor Lau'Pram. Status Report."

Predor Lau'Pram stood, showing a sense of arrogance as his theatre of operations had the most success in comparison to his peers.

"My lord, we have pressed the New Republic back to the borders of the Mid Rim and inflicted many casualties among their ranks. They send their most talented officers and largest vessels against us yet cannot stop our undeniable tide. We even captured the system where their false Emperor perished alongside what remnants remained of his weapon. The New Republic destroyed what intact pieces were present before their defeat, but I have ordered the collection of any and all that linger for possible repurpose. I will bring total victory in my sector, as the Over-Predor commands."

The Over-Predor gives a smirk as he responds to this boastful statement. "As expected Predor Lau'Pram. The galaxy will fall to us soon enough." He then stood and passed the galactic map, now standing amongst the Predors. "You will continue your directives. Any developments will be made aware to me immediately. Now go, find glory in battle and conquest for the Infinite Empire." The five Predors stood in unison and gave their salute before each hologram faded away.

Returning to the darkness the Over-Predor remained overseeing the view of the galaxy, awaiting to see his will enacted across its every corner...
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The voice of Supreme Committee Officer Graz Modaz blared over the loudspeakers as Kriz huddled behind a metal crate, clone wars era blaster gripped tightly in her shaking hands. The Imperial army trooper that had been leading this ragtag band was in the middle of the street. And the repeating blaster that had cut him in half was still thudding away, spraying at anything and everything that even looked like it was moving. The repulsor engines of the land speeder it was mounted to hummed gleefully in the dusty afternoon sun, filtered through as it was by the shield arrayed over the town. A cheery sound on any other day.

Kriz kept her gaze studiously away from the body in the street, cursing as she tried to get her hands to stop shaking. Why she even bothered to get out of bed today, she didn't know.


Kriz grit her teeth as she checked over the old blaster, a motion she wasn't entirely unfamiliar with given where she lived, but it was a task made difficult by her hands. Which just. Would not. Stop. Shaking.

And to top it off, she didn't have a single damn clue where the rest of her group was.

"Kriffing little…" She hissed between clenched teeth. Modaz was a fat piece of shit who deserved a blaster bolt. Living under the Empire wasn't exactly sunshine and rainbows, but back when Endor happened it felt like it'd all end any day now. She'd just have to keep her head down for a short while longer.

That short while has long since passed.

And Modaz had, in the short time he's managed to crown himself king of this shitty little star system, made things remarkably worse in a record amount of time. CompForce had kicked in a remarkable number of doors in the month or so that Modaz had seized control. Dragged away neighbor after neighbor, aliens one and all, to some forsaken corner of the planet. If that.


"Will you shut up!" Kriz snarled, firing on one of the primitive loudspeakers. The immediacy of Modaz' voice was silenced, though she could still hear him ranting on in the distance. For a moment, Kriz felt a vicious thrill.

Then blaster fire sprayed the crate she was hiding behind.

Her shriek was swallowed by the loud steady thudding of the autofire, and she curled into a ball as the oncoming fire began to shave parts off of her cover. The sound consumed everything, ripping and tearing at the very air as heated metal shards fell on her.

Kriff. Kriff kriff kriff just stop she didn't want to-

Kriz screamed again as a heavy metal foot cleaved through the roof of a sandstone building and slammed into the ground, kicking up a storm of dust. The heavy repeater abruptly ceased, and though her ears were ringing she could hear the CompForce goons shouting at each other.

An electronic roar that set her teeth on edge flashed through the air. A flash of light, and the heavy crump of an explosion.

Then, a reduction. The noise did not fade, but quiet of a sort arrived.

Kriz blinked at the changes in noise, and stared blankly up at the AT-AT as it worked its way through the rest of the building. She watched it for a few moments, before dully realizing that she should grab her blaster. Shaking hands reached for it, and she winced as heated metal shards shook their way off her jacket. Standing on trembling legs, and studiously ignoring the parts of her pants that were now wet, she looked around her.

She could see two more of her group, their twisted and broken bodies entwined together, and looked away just as quickly. She didn't know most of them, not really. Modaz had just pissed off enough of them that when the Star Destroyers appeared in orbit, and the army troopers Modaz had slighted started shooting at CompForce, they had all joined in.

The shield flickered once, directing her attention skyward. Then it flickered for a second time, a third, before abruptly ceasing.

She blinked as she stared at the sight of two Star Destroyers, hovering in low orbit above the city.

A tortured shriek of metal had her head snapping down, and her blaster snapping up, and had her stumbling slightly. The AT-AT's back foot had slammed into the CompForce landspeeder as it ponderously marched past it. When the soldiers in blue armor that followed it turned her way, blasters rising, she hastily dropped hers and put her hands up.

In a way, it'd be funny if she got shot here she thought hysterically.

Then the moment passed, and they put their blasters down and continued on like she was little more than some forgettable shrubbery. Kriz stumbled towards a wall, slid down it, and decided that she had enough excitement for the day.

Modaz still ranted in the distance as she put her face in her hands, but he wouldn't be for long.

"You know," Jal Zeid said as he stared at the hologram of Graz Modaz hoisted between two Protectors, "I think I met him at a party once."

"At the Corellian banquet, sir." Hak Idor said quietly. "Six years ago."

Zeid snapped his fingers. "Right! Yes, he's gotten a bit bigger since then. Poor handshake, felt like he dipped it in grease beforehand. Poor conversationalist too."

"Just so, sir." Zeids aide replied.

The black room onboard the Colossus was largely empty, save for the squadron of Death Troopers that served as Zeids personal guard—and the dozen or so Protectors that had been added to the detail since the Infinite Empire burst from history.

"What about the Moff? Is he still breathing or did Modaz dispose of him?" Zeid asked, face illuminated by the soft glow of the holographic table that dominated the center of the room.

"We've found him in the dungeons of the Moff Palace, sir." Idor murmured. "He was…catatonic."

Zeid clucked his tongue. "Well, thats a shame. Lets dig up somebody at Lantillies. Slot them in. I take it the rest of the Dominion is still being carved up?"

"Indeed, sir."

Jal Zeid chuckled. It was not a pleasant sound. "Poor Artis. An incompetent admiral, and a miserable warlord."

Zeid leaned on the holographic table, sweeping aside the figure of Modaz with the touch of a button. "The next meeting is scheduled soon, I believe. Have the 'Supreme Committee Officer' shot and have a new Moff put in charge. I want to move on quickly. Obroa-skai and Thisspiass have remained a security risk for long enough. I don't want to turn away and see some ancient gate crack open their crust, or somesuch."

"Of course, sir." Idor gave a perfunctory nod and exited the room swiftly while his master switched to a galactic map display, and watched it with wide, excited eyes.
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Never let an Imperial officer be alone with their thoughts. What might they think once alone? What might they see?

The black uniform of the Supreme Commander almost blended in with the endless sea of space he could see from his viewing gallery. The glass there being the only thing separating him from being drowned in its vacuum. It was early in the morning, the reveille had not yet sounded, the night crew was starting to siphon slowly to their barracks. Fondor had moved away from view, its sun looking straight at the Grand Admiral, its white light almost shining into him. With a cold gaze he stared into the nothingness of space. What he had once looked at as impossible from the ground of Ord Mantell was now at his control of his fingertips. He had had the power since the Emperor Palpatine appointed him as Grand Admiral, and as he transferred his flag to the Executor-Class Star Dreadnought Shadowsun in 2ABY. Even if it was only four and a half years ago it felt like a lifetime, and yet looking at the mighty star of Fondor, even if far away, a human lifetime was nothing.

At that moment, a woman appeared from the vacuum. Her long golden hair, her eerily pale skin - her appearance was almost ghostlike - Solaris might not have noticed if not for this moment. She was dancing a strange dance that he had never seen the likes of before. Her oddly warm gaze from freezing space stared at Solaris, who as ever wore his cold gaze he inherited from his warm homeworld. The woman was enticing him to join, he almost reached out to her, but he knew that this was nothing but an illusion. What else could it be? Solaris prided himself with being a rational admiral in a galaxy of the absurd, and yet the image didn't disappear. It evolved. The woman now at the apex of her dance, suddenly carrying a ritualistic dagger once again appealed for Solaris to join her, and in his refusal to meet her in the cold, shoved the dagger into the middle of her chest. As her life blood fled from her body it flowed into Fondor's star and soon after a figure sprung from the star.

In a great fiery explosion Solaris first saw a massive head of a goat emerging from the star. Then as its rider came into view Solaris could not look away. So entranced was he by this figure. Ruddy skin, four arms, two heads and a great fire emerging from the figure's hair. In one hand: an axe, in another: a sword. Its dual crown on its dual heads shines brighter than any star. One face with a softer expression, the other wearing one of malign. As the Shadowsun disappeared from underneath Solaris he saw the dual-headed figure riding across the stars, the fire spreading and subsiding as the figure pleased. The gigantic two-headed figure looked at Solaris and beckoned him to join him in the fire. For perhaps the first time, there burned a fire in the eyes of the Grand Admiral. He now knew who this figure was, although the name unknown to him - a fiery warlord deity of old, and it had chosen him.

With Fire I Shall Conquer the Heavens

With Blood I Shall Break the Barriers

With Durasteel I Shall Forge My Crown and Throne
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The temple of Thule was proudly displayed in the background of the transmission. There before all the Galaxy stood the Witch-Queen who had disappeared as her fleets burned above Ciutric. Flanking her were warriors of the Sith and the Slaves to Darkness. She spoke, a wild fire in her eyes. Those that had known her in the days of her exile saw that fire anew, for they had been sunken and depressed for long months. But she appeared as a conquering hero once again, one who knew that her hour had come.

Faithful Ones! I return in power! I am the Witch-Queen of Korriban, of Thule, of Ciutric, and of those worlds which burn all in the Galaxy. I am Lord and Master of the Slaves to Darkness, I serve none but Death, the Fanged God. I am Queen of Slaves, Mistress of Wrecks, Driver of the Warriors, I am Ruler of that which was once the Corporate Sector.

From Thule I come, with sword and sorcery, with flesh and durasteel. Those who now are driven back by the alien tide, take heart. The God of Death has decreed that this galaxy shall not be made subject to that foe from beyond, who feel no passion.

All about us is an age of war, where the ancient powers tremble and are cast down. What do men now require of Empire or Republic? What do men know of Sith or Jedi? How can that which came before be worthy, when it has brought us at last to such an hour, such an age?

I have come to make clear that which is shadowy. I have come to make neither Empire nor Republic, but to sanctify all in purifying fire. This Age of Blood is Our Own. This Age of Blood is the Age of the Slaves to Darkness.

Rally to my side and we shall deal death to our foes, and we shall meet death ourselves. Transcendence of all that is is our final goal. It comes not through passion and freedom, nor through bureaucratic grinding wheel. Throw off the yokes which bind you, for they have been placed there by unworthy men. They have been placed upon your necks by beings which are alike to you, alike to you in all that is important, all that is central. Only the shackles that bind you by the gods beyond the universe must be obeyed. They sit upon you now, spiked manacles that you have never known but always known. I have come to reveal to you these things and many more. I have come to show you the path of blood that all must walk.

You fear me. That is good. The Truth is fearful. Your petty masters, whose soul offers no true superiority to your own, quake in fear at the tramp of my mighty feet. It is like enough that the grasping fools, the weak men who think themselves gods of logic and mathematics will abandon the fight against a greater evil and fall upon me. Let them come.

I have come not to bandy words or clash swords with insects. I have come to let loose that which lies within you. Transform yourself. Rally to the Black Sun banner.


The assembled warriors chant: "DEATH! We have come for you! DEATH!"
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During the insurgency on Gamorr

"<Is everything to your liking, gentlemen?>"

Commander Sienna Mersu of the Tolonda Union had grown to find what fun she could in her arduous task of bringing the planet Gamorr into the enlightened embrace of the Tolonda Union. The Hutt slavers themselves had vacated what positions they had on the planet quickly, but the clans, long bound by tradition and loyalty to the kajidics that provided their people gainful employment throughout the galaxy, had unsurprisingly proven recalcitrant. Nonetheless, Gamorr was a pleasantly verdant planet, at least compared to Ryloth, and she'd converted an observation post in one of her prefabricated garrisons to a little sort of gunmetal veranda where she constantly hosted talks with one clan-chief or plenipotentiary or another in hopes of bringing them on board for their own liberation.

She even let them keep their axes, as long as they stayed 10 meters distant and only minimally eyeballed the stormtroopers covering her from the same distance behind her. It wasn't much for an office arrangement, and it somewhat spoiled her attempts to offer them tea as a courteous host, but it did give a fantastic view of the forest to do this in an open-air room, at least.

"<You waste our time, girl. You might lure us here in the hopes of having some excuse to murder us, but Clan Igthor will never submit to Imperial tyranny,>" one of the Gamorrean representatives replied. "<For that matter, how dare you sit there playing with your datapad when you are in the presence of-->"

"<Two corrections, Ambassador Grrk,>" Mersu interrupted, not looking up from her work, harshness of her tone enhanced by her dislike of communicating in Huttese, the unfortunate common language of this part of the galaxy. "<The Tolonda Union has been independent from the Galactic Empire for years now. We may be using inherited equipment, but rest assured, as I've told you, we're a local enterprise bringing order and freedom from criminality to the Outer Rim.>"

"<Second, I am filling my time while you posture with planning for the next phase of our liberation,>" she added.

The Gamorrean diplomats both grunted a snorting sort of scoff. "<WE'RE posturing? You sit here and make idle threats while w-->"

Ambassador Grrk's remaining complaints were drowned out by the sudden overhead roar of twin ion engines, as a squadron of TIE bombers passed overhead.

"<What trickery is this?>" the ambassador demanded. "<Luring us here while you attack our homes?>"

"<Of course not,>" Mersu replied, impassive and just a bit calculatedly petulant. "<They're headed for the Algor clan lands. They turned down my offer last week. You should watch, gentlemen, the Algor clan-fort is just at the horizon from here, and it's an impressive light show.>"

Unable to help themselves, the clan ambassadors turned to watch the brilliant flashes of proton torpedoes impacting the homes of their neighbors, followed seconds later by the crashing sound of the explosions.

"<I am a very patient woman, ambassadors, but I have a timetable to keep to,>" the commander said, wrapping up her current datawork. "<The galaxy is under threat, you see, and it's not going to free itself from corruption. My offer of amnesty and employment is good for another week. Afterwards, I will need to move on. Lieutenant, please show the ambassadors out-->"

"<Wait,>" said Ambassador Grrk, as she knew he would.


On the eve of Operation Reciprocity, in acknowledgement of his loyal service in the face of adversity and his skill in defense of the Galactic Empire, I hereby elevate Tarsi Jakal to the rank of Fleet Admiral. Let the Builders tremble before our assembled might; let the sentients of the Galaxy rejoice at our coming.

INFO: Executor-Class Star Dreadnoughts (Mid 7 ABY)
Status as of Thirty-Five Galactic Standard Months After Battle of Endor
*An error in Imperial logs approximately thirty galactic standard months after Battle of Endor has led to loss of records for said period
(I forgot lmao)
  • Executor
    • Namesake and first of the class, entered service shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Became the flagship of Lord Vader and Death Squadron, forming the nucleus of the Empire's efforts to hunt down Luke Skywalker and the rest of Alliance Command, most notable its efforts at the Battle of Hoth. Destroyed at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY.
  • Eclipse
    • Second of the class and the former personal flagship of the late Emperor Palpatine. Entered service in 1 ABY and put under the command of Admiral Calren Deviroc. The Eclipse served primarily within Oversector Shadow Hand as personal escort of the late Emperor Palpatine when traveling between Imperial Center and the paradise world of Byss. Is command vessel of elite formation codenamed Shadow Squadron. Eclipse, alongside Shadow Squadron and entirety of Oversector Shadow Hand formed Imperial Warlord State known as the Imperial Bastion under Grand Moff Ronntal Valrin. Currently under the command of the mysterious individual known as Imperial Regent Eletan Vaii. Participated in Operation Thunderstruck, eliminating numerous New Republic vessels. Participated in Battle of Imperial Center (Mid 6 ABY), credited with destruction of numerous Gaulist star destroyers. Participated in Battle of Corellia (Mid 6 ABY), credited with destruction of numerous Kuat Regency star destroyers. Currently in orbit of Raithal.
  • Guardian
    • Third of the class, entering service in 1 ABY with the designation as command ship for the fleet in orbit of Imperial Center. Formerly flagship of Grand Moff Javel Takel, who died during Battle of Imperial Center (Early 4 ABY) as Guardian sustained severe damage during the battle from sister ship Finality. Put under the command of Grand Admiral Tegan Malric in Mid 4 ABY. Present during Second Battle of Corellia, credited with destruction of multiple Sal Empire star destroyers and inflicting damage to Bellator-class star destroyer Gladiator and Assertor-class Star Dreadnought Glorious Triumph. Destroyed at the Second Battle of Corellia in 5 ABY.
  • Finality
    • Fourth of the class, entered service in Late 2 ABY. Former flagship of Grand Admiral Keldor Tragaren Maddox. Was present at Battle of Imperial Center (Early 4 ABY) on side of Grand Admiral Maddox, destroying many Pestage-aligned star destroyers, including severe damage to sister ship Guardian. Destroyed at the Battle of Imperial Center in 4 ABY.
  • Shadowsun
    • Fifth of the class, entered service in Late 2 ABY. Under the command of Supreme Commander Iaxis Solaris who oversees protection of both the Fondor Shipyards and Oversector Twenty. Noted that additional prison quarters are present on the vessel, able to hold many more individuals than her sisters within the class, most rumored to be torture chambers for the Grand Admiral's amusement of those incarcerated. Present during numerous battles within Oversector Twenty, blunting multiple New Republic offensives. Participated in Operation Thunderstruck, credited with destruction of large quantities of New Republic vessels. Present during Battle of Kelada, credited with destruction of numerous New Republic vessels. Currently in orbit of Fondor.
  • Ideogram
    • Sixth of the class, entered service in Early 3 ABY. Under the command of Grand Admiral Zzavian Slyce Baobab who formerly oversaw Imperial research and development programs of various fields. Heavy modifications were made to the Ideogram by order of the Grand Admiral, allowing much larger laboratories, warehousing containing top-secret items of import to the Empire and cordoned off areas for testing whatever the Grand Admiral and the research teams on board have conjured. Ideogram, alongside Scourge Squadron helped form Imperial Warlord State known as the Northwest Loyalist Triumvirate. Present during Second Battle of Ciutric, destroying numerous Shadow Empire star destroyers. Present during Battles of Yaga Minor, Capza and Entralla destroying numerous Imperial star destroyers. Present during Battle of Ord Biniir, credited with destruction of numerous Celanon Diarchy star destroyers. Present during Battles of Simpla, Ord Radama and Toprawa, credited with destruction of large quantities of Infinite Empire vessels. Currently in orbit of Serenno.
  • Aegis
    • Seventh of the class and former flagship of the late Emperor Manko I, entered service in Early 3 ABY. Was under the temporary command of the late Grand Admiral Plente Poggers. Personally offered the vessel to Grand Moff Manko Gaul by former close confidant and friend Sate Pestage, as a token of loyalty to the Empire. Present during coup of former Grand Vizier Sate Pestage, noted to destroy numerous Pestage-aligned star destroyers during Battle of Imperial Center (Mid 4 ABY). Present during Second Battle of Corellia, credited with destruction of numerous Sal Empire star destroyers, most notable the Bellator-class Star Destroyer Gladiator. Present during operations in Oversector Nine against Commander Tesser Landon Maddox, credited for destruction of numerous Triumvirate support craft. Present during Battle of Argazda, credited with destruction of numerous Triumvirate star destroyers. Destroyed at the Battle of Argazda in Early 6 ABY.
  • Hades
    • Eighth of the class, entered service in Mid 3 ABY. Former flagship of Imperial Regent Val Dellian and Supreme Commander Kath Artis. Originally named Intimidator, was changed to its current name Hades once under the command of the late Imperial Regent Val Dellian. Present during coup of former Grand Vizier Sate Pestage, noted to destroy numerous Pestage-aligned star destroyers during Battle of Imperial Center (Mid 4 ABY). Present during Second Battle of Corellia, credited with destruction of numerous Sal Empire star destroyers and inflicting severe damage to Assertor-class Star Dreadnought Glorious Triumph. Present during battles of Casfield and Garos, credited with destruction of numerous New Republic vessels. Hades, alongside elements of Oversector Three and Eleven forces formed Imperial Warlord State known as Perlemian Dominion. Present during Battle of Taanab, credited with destruction of three Rim Emergency Authority star destroyers. Destroyed at the Battle of Taanab in Mid 6 ABY.
  • Reaper
    • Nineth of the class, entered service in Early 5 ABY. Under the command of Supreme Commander Lira Serenon. Originally earmarked for assignment as flagship to Scourge Squadron under Grand Moff Sett Varian prior to formation of Imperial Warlord State known as the Northwest Loyalist Triumvirate. Present during Second Battle of Corellia, credited with destruction of numerous Sal Empire star destroyers, most notable the Assertor-class Star Dreadnought Glorious Triumph. Present during Battle of Gyndine, credited with destruction of numerous New Republic vessels. Present during Battles of Yaga Minor, Capza and Entralla, credited with destruction of numerous Triumvirate star destroyers. Present during Battle of Corellia (Mid 6 ABY), credited with destruction of numerous Byss Regency star destroyers. Present during Battle of Exodeen, credited with destruction of numerous Denon Military Zone star destroyers. Currently in orbit of Exodeen.
  • Annihilator
    • Tenth and final ordered vessel of the class, entered service in Early 6 ABY. Under the temporary command of Grand General Kravic Vonsol. Originally earmarked for assignment as flagship of the Kuat Defense Fleet under Grand Moff Dromus Karr. Present during Second Battle of Corellia, credited with destruction of three Imperial star destroyers. Annihilator, after attempted COMPNOR capture of vessel over Fondor after death of Grand Moff Tandi Maxcetus and destruction of Bellator-class Star Destroyer Aggregator, defected to Denon Military Zone. Survived attempted seizure of vessel by Menhit Unit and death of Admiral Wien Orvan in Mid 6 ABY over Denon. Currently in orbit of Denon.
We'll Meet Again



"-nd so while I think we'll have the shipping schedules completed by the deadline, I'm starting to get concerned over the actual distribution network we're mapping out. If we take a look at the construction projects in Sector Sixteen, its pretty obvious that delays are inescapable. We might have to go to a... are you even listening to me?"

"Not really."

"Okay, rude. Why not?"

"I just- I'm... did I tell you my office started processing the equipment requests from the COMPMOR Integration Forces?"

"Oh. Eastsky's boys?"

"Oh yes. I still don't know why he was put in charge of the occupation. I know it's an important system. Hell, we paid a hefty price just to take it. But it seems like a poor choice. Vonsol puts a lot of trust in that-"


"Right. Yeah. Anyway, I processed a lot of those request forms. Normal stuff, mostly: Prefab bases, rations, weaponry, propaganda equipment. Then..."


"Look, this doesn't leave the room, okay?"

"My lips are sealed."

"What does Eastsky need with industrial quantities of military-grade defoliants and herbicides? I've got two transports packed full of RK-10 and FR-03 Canisters scheduled to leave tomorrow. That's enough high-grade Chemical Weaponry to coat an entire continent. And that's not counting the incendiary warheads or the stuff I don't even have the clearance to access."

"That's... a lot."

"Yes. It is. These are not the requests of a normal occupation."

"It could be. We're not privy to the plans of the higher command. It could be some kind of preparation for the counter-attack?"

"It's possible. But this seems like the kind of thing you use when the counter-attack has, you know, already succeeded."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what if - theoretically - Command has decided that if we can't have the planet, nobody can?"

[Silence on recording for 24 seconds]

"I think - theoretically - people like us would need to keep our heads downs, our mouths shut, and our eyes open. Because, theoretically of course, that's the sort of thing that gets the whole galaxy pissed at you."

"Right. Yes. And we should get started on keeping our mouths shut now, I believe."

"Agreed. And maybe we keep our eyes open for a nice, cheap shuttle ride?"

"And if we happen to spot one, what's the harm? Hard working men like ourselves should get a break, every now and then."

"...And if we don't find one?"

"Well. Either way, we're all probably going to the same place in the end. We'll meet each other there."
The career of Admiral Zhu Koxinga was one of many ups and down. Born on Kitel Phard to the Koxinga family. His childhood years are relatively unknown but considering a missing father, can be inferred to have been unwelcoming despite the wealth of a noble household. Eventually he would be sent to the Imperial Navy Academy on Prefsbelt IV where he would graduate before being moved to Anaxes for further training. While there he got degrees in structural engineering and architecture on the side of his naval studies. Ironically his study of both led to him having high marks in naval base design and siege tactics in class.

His other marks not so well as Zhu was a cautious brawler, never willing to give the enemy an advantage but at the same time, this meant he missed opportunites go-getters and bold officers would have gotten. Thus when he graduated and was given assignments, it was that of a corvette. Still, Zhu did his job well and someone seemed to think so (that or family money greased the wheels) and by 3 ABY he was Captain of the aging Venator-Class Star Destroyer Coruscant Sky before incidents occured and he became Captain of the ISD II Uueg Tching. From there he patrolled the Arrowhead before Endor. Once Endor hit, Zhu found himself moving to stop problems in the region before aligning himself with Manko Gaul. This alignment, and a lack of other officers, saw a promotion to Commodore.

It was in this role that he served Grand Admiral Serenon during the Second Battle of Corellia where two giants died in combat. The losses of officers in the battle, and Zhu's cautious approach meant he lost far fewer ships or men than others, resulting in his promotion to Rear Admiral. From there, he was under Serenon's command with Battles over Gyndine, Against the Triumvirate, and many more following. And it brought two more promotions to him. Vice Admiral for against the Triumvirate, and Third Battle of Corellia saw him an Admiral for his aid in the defence of Corellia. Showing that his instructors notes on Zhu being very skilled at siege warfare due to his other educational degrees. Admiral Zhu Koxinga is to many just a minor cog in the galaxy, but they would be correct, but minor cogs are still important as Zhu's loyalty to Serenon made him her go-to man for orders when she needed something done. Thus while a minor cog who commanded forces and fought in the galaxy, his actions still helped in dictating the larger picture made by the bigger players in our galaxy.

- Dr. Ios Rhama, University of Kuat, 98 ABY. Extract from his book "Unknown Actors of the Second Half of the Galactic Civil War."
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Mid 7 ABY
Mid 7 ABY

The galaxy buckled under the unrelenting assault by the Infinite Empire, as Imperial Warlords and the New Republic attempted to thwart their advance towards galactic domination with devastating losses and heroic sacrifice. Even with this existential threat upon their doorstep, some Imperial Warlords looked towards one another with thoughts of ambition and betrayal…

The emergence of the Sith Order within the Byss Regency had brought fear of a return of an entity similar to the Jedi Order that the Empire thought eradicated after the Clone Wars, the citizenry still having the legacy of that era engrained in Imperial propaganda. The Inquisition had months prior rounded up those who spoke against it and sent them to what was assumed to be their expected deaths on one of the many Imperial prisons stowed away within the deep core, silencing any through fear and force. Imperial Regent Eletan Vaii sought an alternative method to ensure the Sith Order not only was maintained but become an integral piece of the Empire he led. Although COMPNOR within Oversector Twenty had been managed and strengthened by Supreme Commander Iaxis Solaris, within the core worlds the New Order organization had been effectively turned into a husk with the Select Committee forming, taking large amounts of COMPNOR manpower and bureaucracy only to then be destroyed by the Infinite Empire. Any remnants fortunate enough to either refuse the late Lord Vandron's authority or escaped the Rakatan onslaught were either purged by Inquisitors or Sith Acolytes for their alleged ties to the former Imperial government under Emperor Manko Gaul and refusal to acknowledge Vaii as the legitimate and legal Regent of the Empire. Vaii instead thought to repurpose COMPNOR, as the body within the core worlds was ordered to be rebuilt, but with an entirely new vision that Vaii had created, as a fusion of the well-known Palpatine-era New Order ideology was blended with ancient Sith beliefs and teachings. The humanocentrist foundation that COMPNOR held as absolute was abandoned, allowing the inclusion of non-human species into the organization while bringing the Sith Order onto the forefront as defenders of the people and Imperial legacy from all enemies that wish its end, ironically mimicking the old Jedi Order in its core beliefs and image to the citizenry within the Old Republic. Although Vaii had begun an ambitious path for the Sith and his clique of COMPNOR, it was unknown how the old guard under Supreme Commander Iaxis Solaris within Oversector Twenty would receive this information as his plans to revitalize COMPNOR in his vision within the core worlds was overruled. Solaris and his zealots were against its core tenets and doctrines implanted by the late Emperor Palpatine and his disciples, leading to a possible rift between the now two sects of COMPNOR within the Byss Regency.

Another of Vaii's projects was of a military nature, as the previous regime's efforts to modernize the TIE fleet with the inclusion of shielded TIE Interceptors was deemed inadequate in the ever-evolving arms race between the various Imperial Warlords, New Republic and Infinite Empire. Vaii ordered Imperial designers to create new, revolutionary models of fighters and bombers for the Imperial StarFleet, as these were designated the TIE/vc Vindicator and TIE/rt Retaliator bomber-fighter. The specific design specifications of each new type were kept classified, yet rumors spoke of them being hyperdrive-capable and equipped with a wide array of weaponry. The budget allocated for each project was projected to be massive, as Imperial coffers were already strained prior to Emperor Manko Gaul's fall, and now even more so as the Empire fragmented, and full-scale war touched almost every end of the galaxy. It was estimated it would take years of development and infrastructure to begin mass production, as efforts were still underway to fully adopt the upgraded TIE Interceptors and phase out the old TIE Fighter as the mainline Imperial starfighter. In more positive news, the Comitator-class and Victory III-class Star Destroyer programs had completed, with orders for construction of many of each vessel being ordered. Their expected impact in the war against the Rakata was hoped to be decisive, as their advanced systems and firepower were superior to older types, and potentially their fellow Imperial Warlords or the New Republic in the future.
[TIE/vc Vindicator, TIE/rt Retaliator Under Development]
[Comitator-class Star Destroyer, Victory III-class Star Destroyer (Byss) Development Complete]

The first complete prototype of the Comitator-class Star Destroyer undergoing trials, a new tool for the Byss Regency to deploy

As Imperial Regent Vaii's efforts within the core worlds were underway, a major shift of military assets was noticed as Shadow Squadron left Raithal and additional star destroyers from multiple Oversectors converged to join it in its westward's trajectory. After days of travel and gathering material and men, Vaii arrived over Batorine, joining newly promoted Fleet Admiral Tarsi Jakal who had been constantly combating Rakatan probing actions attempting to find any weak points to exploit along the front northwards towards Noquivzor. Vaii by this point had slightly expanded Shadow Squadron from fifty-four to fifty-six while Jakal's thirty-one star destroyers grew to thirty-six, giving the two the most powerful concentration of capital ships in the galaxy excluding the Infinite Empire's near limitless naval formations arrayed against them. The reasoning for this massive gathering of military might was Vaii's desire to eject the Rakata so close to the core worlds, as Operation Reciprocity was authorized, its primary target the vital shipyard system of Bilbringi and access along the Namadii Corridor to the origin point of the Infinite Empire's invasion in the region. Probe droids were deployed en masse by Fleet Admiral Jakal throughout systems controlled by the Infinite Empire within Oversector Seven, with reports that filtered back from surviving droids of gargantuan fleets and armies being assembled for what appeared to be offensive operations in all directions.

Even with this disturbing news, it was deemed an appropriate time to attack, as both the element of surprise and lack of their enemy preparing themselves for defensive action gave the window to press forward before the Rakata would discover their plans. Vaii and Jakal soon after final preparations were complete departed Batorine for Bilbringi, looking to turn the tide of momentum away from the Rakata after months of continuous progress across the galaxy. Exiting hyperspace, the Imperials were witness to a massive concentration of Rakatan vessels of all shapes and sizes, and even a small portion of star destroyers assumed to be built and completed from the systems' shipyards of the now defunct Select Committee, most notable was the presence of an Interdictor-class Star Destroyer. This revelation was slightly uncomfortable for many officers, knowing they were effectively now locked into this battle unless the Interdictor could be disabled or destroyed, although they themselves were in possession of two of the same class leaving the Rakata in the same predicament.

Both sides prepared themselves for battle, as Rakatan vessels quickly shifted from their passive stance to one of defense while Vaii ordered his fighters and bombers deployed while the Eclipse began to open its long-range batteries onto the forwardmost screens. While Shadow Squadron was an elite and battle hardened formation and Jakal himself a veteran of the Entralla Campaign, neither were truly prepared for the overwhelming and intense aggression of the Infinite Empire which was entirely foreign in comparison to other Imperials or the New Republic's more conservative and complex doctrines. Instead of the expected option of staying near the ground and orbital batteries in and around Bilbringi and allow the Imperials into their range, the Rakata instead charged forth with hordes of fighters, bombers and other small craft such as corvettes and frigates while their larger capital ships were held in reserve, most important their Interdictor. Only moments later a massive back and forth of fire and destruction ensued, as TIE variants clashed with ancient yet potent Rakatan designs with thousands lost as both sides continued to press the advantage. Star destroyers of both Shadow Squadron and Stalwart Squadron were relentless in their usage of firepower as there was no relief or silence of their guns except only when they were knocked out or entirely destroyed. Hundreds if not thousands of Rakatan ships were ripped and torn into pieces by highly accurate and trained guns as Fleet Admiral Jakal and Admiral Deviroc respectively guided their fleets through the massive maze of hellfire aiming to make it closer towards Bilbringi and its Interdictor. This intense and violent attrition began to take its toll, as even the highly coordinated and competent officers and personnel under Vaii had appeared to meet their absolute limits in combat as star destroyers began to buckle under the immense weight and one by one be destroyed.
[-5 ISD I, -5 ISD II, -1 Vic I, -9 Vic II to Empire (Byss)]

Many Rakatan vessels clashed with the Byss Regency over Bilbringi, hundreds lost attempting to hold the system for the Infinite Empire

It was at this moment reinforcement arrived to Bilbringi for the Infinite Empire, as large vessels in formation immediately entered the battle, throwing their weight against the Imperials. What was most alarming was the broadcast from the Rakatan command ship, larger than its peers showcasing a Rakatan commander, being one of the powerful Predors who had made himself known on the battlefield for the first time in the war. The Predor proclaimed himself as Da'Ruon and demanded the immediate surrender of all Imperial forces and the head of Regent Vaii or else face total destruction. These demands were quickly rejected, as the incensed Predor barked alien words and insults for this defiance as his flagship broke formation and charged headlong into Shadow Squadron's ranks as Rakatan escorts were frantically attempting to protect their commander. Numerous escorts were taken out as the Predor continued to attack regardless of the punishment he or his screens sustained, a dogmatic devotion to see the demise of Vaii no matter the cost. By this point the Eclipse had sustained a fair amount of damage across her hull as Admiral Deviroc did what he could to keep the Executor-class Star Dreadnought both online and in the fight but was shocked as the Predor appeared to be charging headlong towards the Eclipse with no regard for his own preservation. Star destroyers from Shadow Squadron frantically moved into position to shield their command ship but were pushed aside or destroyed, as it appeared the Predor would accomplish his goal of eliminating Vaii and his Executor. It was this moment when Fleet Admiral Jakal saw this development, detaching himself from Stalwart Squadron and positioning his Secutor-class Star Destroyer to intercept the Predor's vessel, as the latter ignored this maneuver and continued his direct route towards the Eclipse's bridge. Seeing no other option as turbolaser batteries and bombing runs only damaged the Rakatan command ship, Jakal ordered to put his flagship as a physical barrier to protect the Eclipse seeing it and Vaii's loss as catastrophic to the Imperial cause, willing to sacrifice himself to save the Empire. The Republic's Folly moved to be in the path of the Predor's ship, as it did appear orders were handed down to avoid Jakal but it was too late as both ships collided with a spectacular explosion within a short distance of the Eclipse. The loss of their leader created mass confusion and shock across the Rakatan ranks, as a general retreat was ordered from the system ceding the shipyard world to the Byss Regency, although at great cost. News of Jakal's sacrifice rang across the galaxy, as he was, although an Imperial, deemed a hero for being the first to defeat one of the feared Rakatan Predors and brought hope to other Imperial Warlords and the New Republic that this enemy which appeared endless and relentless could be beaten.
[-1 Secutor, -2 ISD I, -2 ISD II, -1 Vic I, -7 Vic II to Empire (Byss)]
[Fleet Admiral Tarsi Jakal
(@Ranger) Dead]
[Predor Da'Ruon (NPC) Dead]

Director Callix Verne looked to expand Operation Concordia as he was not satisfied with previous efforts, or their quotas not being met to sustain the state's needs. CompForce was given reinforcements and once again deployed to highly urbanized planets but instead of clearing derelict land for new farms and agriculture centers, entered high crime areas and began mass arrests of suspected criminals. These large groups of prisoners were then put under the custody of COMPNOR's Department of Agri-Crops, who soon after put them to work as effective slave labor to work these expanding installations and Imperialized farms. Riots soon erupted in these targeted regions, as CompForce and Imperial Army Troopers were deployed in force to break up these areas of major unrest as the quantity of arrests began to lower with many being whisked away.

With the Corporate Sector Authority's effective collapse and cognizant of the economic ramifications for those tied to its once vast financial powers now suddenly gone, Director Verne quickly took action via the Gaulist-era Imperial Control Commissions to mitigate the crisis. The vast quantity of Control Commissions were reformed into an umbrella body known as the Planning Commission with approval of the Imperial Senate, which looked to effectively Imperialize and centralize all economic activity and planning under it. Six members would encompass this new entity, with Verne, Supreme Commander Lira Serenon and Grand Vizier Ars Dangor holding three seats, and the remaining half divvied out to heads of major conglomerates like Kuat Drive Yards. It was unknown with the chaotic and unpredictable situation that surrounded the Kuat Regency of how this new body would conduct itself, but it was clear economic power was even more focused within the system of Kuat than ever before and appeared to be a more permanent reality as events unfolded not far away.

Within Oversector Three a plan of revenge was being formulated by Admiral Zhu Koxinga against the Rim Emergency Authority for the events that occurred over Obroa-skai resulting in the loss of star destroyers and a resumption of hostilities between the two Imperial factions. Koxinga's three star destroyers traveled to Tirahnn, hoping to receive additional reinforcement from Oversector Four and Supreme Commander Serenon, but with her own offensive being planned taking what reserves were held, none came to assist the Admiral in his objectives. Although discouraging to hear this news, Koxinga continued onwards with his plans of limited conquest and a series of raids to stretch the Rim Emergency Authority's forces while they were devoured by the gargantuan battles against the Infinite Empire to the southeast. The small force of three star destroyers soon departed Tirahnn for the frontline system of Korda, where they surprised the small garrison which only consisted of a single Victory II-class Star Destroyer. Outmatched by the two Imperial-class and Victory II-class led by Koxinga, it was quickly dispatched and the orbit of the world secured as a ground invasion began against the somewhat primitive yet aggressive and equipped native Korda species on Korda Six. It was a surprise to see a lack of response from the Rim Emergency Authority during this time as probe droids indicated a fleet had arrived in orbit of Taanab but did not move afterwards, allowing Koxinga's forces to fully control Korda after less than a week of ground combat.
[-1 Vic II to Rim Emergency Authority]

The reasoning for this lack of movement from the Rim Emergency Authority was Fleet Admiral Jal Zeid's Dark Crown Command had made way from Obroa-skai to Taanab, where Zeid held a patient policy in regard to attacks within his region. This caution was to ensure the attack on Korda was not a diversion for a larger Imperial fleet arriving from Oversector Ten or Four aimed at Zeid or possibly systems further south like the capital Lantillies. Zeid's patience seemed to be rewarded as no fleets came or reports of an expansion of the force in orbit of Korda came, giving the Fleet Admiral the advantage of choosing when to strike back. It was then after Koxinga had fully secured Korda he moved his command on to Pengalan where he briefly engaged the garrison present, damaging orbital stations and disrupting trade and commerce as his star destroyers looted what goods they could before retreating from the expected overwhelming response. Zeid by this point now had an understanding of the Kuati strategy and force composition, departing Taanab to reinforce the damaged forces over Pengalan and prepare to respond to any further raids or attempts of invasion by his Imperial counterpart of Koxinga. Only days later were reports coming from Obroa-skai of an attack by a small contingent of star destroyers, with Zeid quickly moving to ensure the valuable system is kept with the Celebratus Archives intact. Unfortunately for Zeid the much smaller and agile force under Koxinga had entered and done their work before his arrival, once again seizing supplies and goods for his own use.

Although a powerful vessel backed by an impressive squadron in Dark Crown Command, the lumbering Colossus was still one step behind the much more agile Admiral Koxinga

This amount of success for Koxinga brought the idea of a bold strike onto the heart of the Rim Emergency Authority's greatest conquest during its existence, being the vital agriworld of Taanab where the demise of Supreme Commander Kath Artis and the Perlemian Dominion occurred. Knowing the Kuat Regency was desperate for a victory in light of the numerous setbacks since the death of Emperor Manko Gaul, Koxinga sought to find some positive momentum and send a clear message to Lantillies that war with their fellow Warlord State would be one of immense cost while the Infinite Empire continued its galactic campaign of absolute domination. Koxinga quickly repositioned himself over Korda and from there jumped to Taanab, where the garrison was without the presence of Dark Crown Command lacking, but still formidable as many static defenses had been created since the system's integration. A generally conservative strategy was enacted with this in mind, as Koxinga ordered to target any incoming traffic either for destruction or capture with numerous frigates full to the brim with foodstuffs boarded by Imperial Marines and soon after jumping out of system and returning to Kuati space to aid their state's shortfalls. While Koxinga was busy enjoying the fruits of his work at the expense of the Rim Emergency Authority, alarms rang out of a large fleet entering the system, as Dark Crown Command had finally caught up to the nimble Admiral and sought to end his antics once and for all. Orders to retreat were given, but dread settled in as officers reported the presence of an Interdictor-class Star Destroyer within Zeid's command which had activated its gravity well generators mere moments after exiting hyperspace leaving Koxinga and his small group at the mercy of the Colossus' guns. Instead of surrendering it was hoped the small agile task force could outrun the range of Zeid's entrapment, seeing a pivot away from the snare of Taanab's orbital defenses and Dark Crown Command towards open space at full speed. One of Koxinga's star destroyers was lost to the turbolaser batteries of the Colossus during this maneuver, shielding the Uueg Tching from being destroyed. Just as it seemed the impossible could be achieved, elements of Dark Crown Command's TIE Bomber squadrons made a crippling run on the Uueg Tching's engines disabling them, leaving the star destroyer inoperable as calls to abandon ship were given. Attempting to flee to the last surviving star destroyer, Dark Crown Command quickly caught up and converged on the battered force, destroying both ships in place as Koxinga and all hands onboard both star destroyers were lost, leading to the end of the celebrated Admiral Zhu Koxinga and a major blow to the Kuat Regency's military leadership losing one of its more talented officers.
[-1 ISD I, -1 ISD II, -1 Vic II to Empire (Kuat)]
[Admiral Zhu Koxinga
(@Aquadragon10) Dead]

Although the Imperial Loyalist Triumvirate was engaged in a full-scale war against the Infinite Empire on its southern and eastern borders, it was decreed by Grand Vizier Sate Pestage to conduct a census to determine the amount of population under the control of the Warlord State that would allow a better economic, political and social policy to be enacted into the future. Alongside this census was a mass distribution of propaganda against the Infinite Empire by COMPNOR, highlighting the mass atrocities the Rakata inflict upon both military and civilians alike which would not cease as the Infinite Empire now bordered Oversector Eight and pressed further from the east. This propaganda also showcased the heroic deeds of Triumvirate forces in battle and that their superior technology would in the end win this war of survival, even if the Rakata continued their offensives across the galaxy and the Triumvirate lost systems. Although the Triumvirate had already mobilized the Imperial Army and its recently created Patriotic Security Forces, this effort by the state and organic news filtering in from the east and south led to a surge in recruitment of paramilitary forces being formed, generally under the umbrella of the Patriotic Security Forces and CompForce where they were soon pressed into battles against the Rakata.

Similar to Imperial Regent Eletan Vaii's decision to instead of bunkering down and attempting to withstand the continuous Rakatan offensives, Grand Admiral Zzavian Slyce Baobab decided to enact one of his own against the Infinite Empire in the northeast, hoping to reclaim lost systems and press towards the Rakatan origin point at Korriban. To aid him Admiral Tessor Landon Maddox was transferred from Ord Biniir to Serenno, seeing the Celanon Diarchy holding to their agreement of a ceasefire as they were enveloped in battles with the Infinite Empire in the southwest and Kuat Regency in the east, as Grand Admiral Baobab reformed Maddox's fleet to be codenamed Black Poingard Command, while his own was redesignated as Green Bisector Command. These two fleets combined gave Baobab and Maddox twenty-six star destroyers, with additional capital ships held in reserve, although the bulk of the Triumvirate fleet was in the west as Bright Jewel Command and Scourge Squadron were stationed in Oversector Eight. As the combined fleet was preparing to depart south down the Hydian Way for Toprawa, intelligence indicated a highly disturbing development of Rakatan movement towards Serenno, as news from the east and south indicated a large-scale collapse of the Corporate Sector Authority and Oversector Ten freeing large quantities of the Infinite Empire's fleets to move on their primary threat being the Triumvirate.

With this revelation Baobab ordered a suspension of offensive operations, preparing defenses as quickly as possible as the Rakatan forward reconnaissance units were sighted and quickly destroyed, but confirmed the inevitable attack to come soon. Only hours later sensors across Serenno were alight as a massive Rakatan armada entered the system, outnumbering the Triumvirate fleet twenty-to-one by initial estimates. The Rakata wasted little time after their arrival, pressing forward with intense aggression much like what was reported at Bilbringi, as the Ideogram and Shieldbreaker's turbolaser batteries came online and began to pick apart the forwardmost screening vessels. The advanced technology and veterans of the Unknown Regions campaign against the Rakata were in full display, as extremely accurate and overwhelming firepower was unleashed with thousands of ships, fighters and bombers destroyed during their advance, highlighting the investment of alien upgrades was well worth the cost. Although mass destruction was being inflicted upon the multiple waves of ships sent forth, reinforcements arrived just as quickly to replace them, giving Triumvirate commanders the understanding this battle could become untenable as time passes. This became a sobering truth as attrition began with the forward picket line star destroyers sustaining severe damage attempting to withdraw but were destroyed trying to do so as the Ideogram and Shieldbreaker continued to throw their full weight into the engagement and reserves sent forward to fill gaps in the battleline.
[-1 ISD I, -1 ISD II, -6 Vic II to Triumvirate]

Although ancient designs dated thousands of years old, the cruisers and other craft the Infinite Empire deployed were still fearsome when in large numbers

Grand Admiral Baobab and Admiral Maddox were no fools to the deteriorating situation, having to reluctantly order a general retreat from Serenno with Maddox falling back to the shipyard world of Tangrene and Baobab northwards towards Telos. As Maddox licked his wounds and Black Poingard Command underwent urgent repairs, Green Bisector was temporarily sighted over Telos, evacuating vital assets, civilians and its garrison offworld then suddenly vanishing, shocking those who stayed behind as no indication they had entered hyperspace could be seen with their presence being reported only mere moments later westwards deep within Triumvirate territory at Dantooine. At Praadost a similar order of a general retreat was given, the garrisons and what civilian populations being evacuated in good order towards Edusa and Vandyne where rapid fortification of both systems was underway although no Rakatan attacks occurred towards either system. It was reported only days later of the Infinite Empire conquering both Praadost and Telos, but it did appear that the destruction the Triumvirate had placed upon the Rakata was not in vein with the loss of more systems and star destroyers, as a major downtick in raids and conventional engagements were noticed after the Battle of Serenno leading many officers to assume the endless resources the Infinite Empire had showcased did indeed have limits after a year of continuous high intensity warfare.

As the Triumvirate and Infinite Empire clashed in the north, Oversector Ten continued to embrace the siege enacted by the Rakata, with Grand Moff Wardok Juonii doing everything in his power to hold on by any means necessary to his territories. Frantic orders of fortification and defensive measures were enacted, alongside emergency protocols put in place years prior by the late Grand Moff Corvalo Septina and carried out by COMPNOR and its affiliates. Mass evacuations were ordered as well along all frontline systems and those deemed vulnerable to attacks but noted that humans were given preferential treatment over non-human species via decrees from Taris and General Secretary Ferlia Abrin. Aliens not "favored" by the Imperial government were instead of given refuge on systems in Oversector Three or further west in Oversector Ten, placed in COMPNOR-run prisons and labor camps to work until their deaths by aiding in armaments and fortification efforts. Alongside this movement of people was vital industry and resources that could be, as any small enough to be dismantled and reassembled elsewhere was underway where possible with a majority of these assets being placed within Oversector Three or even Four although extremely limited in scope.

General Secretary Abrin continued to enact similar measures to Grand Moff Juonii regarding rapid organization of defense in depth, but focused on the four systems of Taris, Quelli, Bandomeer and Breshig. Resources, manpower and allocation of defensive materials not already moving further south or west were concentrated on these four areas, seeing them as vital to hold back the Rakata or else the entirety of the Oversector would collapse. COMPNOR and its various branches effectively took over command and control operations from the Imperial military within these systems and elsewhere where they held enough cohesion and sway, preparing their forces and any raised for a war to the death and bring enough losses to the Rakata. Propaganda was broadcasted across the entirety of the Oversector highlighting, similar to Triumvirate efforts but in a more humanocentrist manner the atrocities the Infinite Empire has done to enhance COMPNOR's efforts of defense, pinning the blame on traitorous human elements and alien sympathizers that have allowed such events to occur, and that death is more preferable than servitude to the Rakata until the end of time.

These drastic decisions were put to the test almost immediately, as Rakatan forces resumed their offensives into and throughout Oversector Ten with reports from Ord Cestus of a massive fleet entering the system and soon after losing contact with survivors fleeing south speaking of the horrors the slaves and genetically altered beasts deployed showing no mercy in their conquest. It was obvious to local COMPNOR commanders that systems along the Celanon Spur were the newest target for the Infinite Empire due to their isolated and vulnerable position with a majority of military assets being centered along the Hydian Way's defense. As the weeks passed Vinsoth and Agamar also fell, with reports of a major repositioning of Rakatan forces being placed north of Bandomeer confirmed by probe droids and rear area reconnaissance units. Grand Moff Juonii made the decision to make a stand at Bandomeer, knowing if it fell the way to Taris would be open and Oversector Three and the core worlds by extension would be under threat of invasion. Juonii's ten star destroyers were bolstered by retreating garrisons and reserves further south, bringing his force to sixteen alongside the impressive fortifications in orbit which continued to be hastily bolstered.

The time finally came with a large Rakatan fleet entering Bandomeer as the Imperials braced themselves for a fight of survival knowing the weight of their efforts would affect billions in the days, weeks and months to come. Much akin to other regions of the galaxy that experienced highly aggressive tactics by the Rakata, Juonii's forces suffered the same fate as hordes of small craft flooded the void of space charging hard towards their positions. But a surprise was in store as the equally if not more dogmatic COMPNOR forces countered them, as massive dogfights filled any gaps between the two fleets with thousands of starfighters wiping one another out. Even with this valiant effort by the New Order zealots, the Rakata continued to draw closer to Jounii's star destroyers and the orbital defenses as more and more batteries both on the surface and in space began to open fire to assist the capital ships which were beginning to see their positions compromised. The damaged star destroyers did what they could to both sustain and inflict damage upon incoming enemies, but as more time passed they fell one by one with Juonii realizing the situation was critical and prepared to order a general retreat to Taris before it was too late.
[-2 ISD I, -1 Vic I, -4 Vic II to Empire (Kuat)]

Imperial forces over Bandomeer fought tooth and nail to hold back the Rakatan tide, highlighting their bravery under such circumstances

As the Grand Moff was opening comms to give the order, bridge officers alerted Juonii that the Rakata had small interdictor cruisers entering the system and activating their gravity well generators, entrapping the Imperials over Bandomeer as the last civilian transports entered hyperspace. The men and women onboard the Sword of Xenvaer and other star destroyers now knew their fate, as the only way to survive was to press through the multiple layers of frigates, cruisers and other ships although the odds of doing so were slim but their only option as surrendering would be certain death. Juonii, augmented with heavy cybernetics approached the end of the bridge, turning to his navigator with a nod as the star destroyer and her escorts broke their defensive formations for the interdictors. The Imperials broke a massive wedge into the Rakatan fleet, surprising them with the turn to the attack as turbolaser batteries fired in all directions alongside TIE Fighters, Interceptors and Bombers screening the onward march. With such a cumbersome force the Rakata were slow to respond as the Sub-Predors were panicking with their orders trying to counter this bold decision. Extensive damage to the nine remaining star destroyers was apparent with multiple system failures and shields dangerously faltering with the relentless incoming bombardment. This punishment though seemed to be worth the price, as the Imperials had reached the backlines where the interdictors were present, and being fragile vessels were quickly destroyed allowing Juonii to give immediate orders to retreat. Unfortunately for the Grand Moff, the Sword of Xenvaer had sustained too much damage to her hyperdrive and engines alongside others within the fleet, with no plausible way to abandon ship to one still intact. Seeing an honorable death better than one of cowardice, Juonii bought as much time as possible for his fellow comrades, absorbing fire until his star destroyer buckled and then exploded which opened a window for the survivors to enter hyperspace for Taris. Those who lived spoke of tall tales of the heroic sacrifice the Grand Moff made to save them, with Juonii and those who fell beside him made a martyr that would be avenged and the Infinite Empire ejected from the known galaxy.
[-1 ISD I, -1 ISD II, -3 Vic II to Empire (Kuat)]
[Grand Moff Wardok Juonii
(@Hyvelic) Dead]

The Corporate Sector Authority had undergone great change and reform under the leadership of the mysterious Mr. X, and then its war against the Infinite Empire where it was on the backfoot against the endless hordes the Rakata brought forth. Unknown and hidden within the shadows was the bloodthirsty and ruthless Witch-Queen, thought either dead or driven into irrelevance after the fall of the Shadow Empire but now made herself known once again and placed her gaze of death upon the beleaguered Corporate Sector. Hidden cells implanted by the Slaves to Darkness across Corporate Sector space sprung alive, as mass insurgencies and assassinations occurred that effectively decapitated the military and civilian leadership of the state. The loss of so many leading figures lead to chaos as the populace was now wedged between the nihilistic cultists and Sith-like horrors of the Witch-Queen and the slave armies of the Rakata. Some elements of the Corporate Sector leadership became turncoats alongside their units and vessels, swearing allegiance to the Witch-Queen while others were long-time agents or assets that were activated and further weakened the ability of the government to respond to the rapidly degrading situation.
[+3 ISD II, +15 Vic I to Slaves to Darkness]

At the northern ends of the Corporate Sector did Headman Malakut Thule make himself and the Passion Band known, with a large-scale assault upon former Trianii Space and its capital of Trian. The native Trianii, already driven to a large-scale insurgency which they were losing were now being eradicated in grueling combat against the Slaves to Darkness, personally led by the Witch-Queen and Headman Thule who took no prisoners on the fiercely independent populace which would not surrender. Massive, altered beasts of Sith alchemy were sighted alongside the grotesque yet highly effective Hellion starfighter squadrons that cut down both Trian and Corporate Sector forces piecemeal in battle both on the surface and in orbit. Large-scale sacrificial rituals of Sith design were reported on Trian by elements of the Passion Band, implementing the will of the Witch-Queen to pay homage and tribute to her apparent religious beliefs that sent shockwaves across the portions of the galaxy that received such news.

Further south along the frontlines with the Infinite Empire the remnants of the Corporate Sector were in total disarray as its command and control collapsed with the encroaching advancement of the Slaves to Darkness from Trian and elsewhere within its territories. This major breakdown of the government and military led to a resumption of Rakatan offensives which sought to take advantage of the situation, as a desperate defense now on two fronts began. The Infinite Empire soon after overwhelmed Corporate Sector forces at the capital of Etti where a majority of the remaining loyalists to Mr. X's government had gathered, destroying a large portion of them in the process alongside the reports of Mr. X missing or even being found and eliminated during the battle. The survivors of the Battle of Etti either reluctantly proclaimed allegiance to the Witch-Queen or fled for unknown destinations on their own, choosing not to attempt to join one of the Imperial Warlords through heavily patrolled hostile territory. This bolstering of forces, the loss of the capital and lack of leadership led to a true disintegration of the Corporate Sector as the Slaves to Darkness absorbed large quantities of its remains for its own, with the Infinite Empire continuing to press as the Sagma and Sikurd systems fell.
[+2 ISD II, +5 Vic I, +3 Vic II, +1 Triumph to Slaves to Darkness]
[Corporate Sector Authority Faction Destroyed]

Seeing no need to stop their attacks while the belief of mass instability was in full effect the Infinite Empire looked to take the vital shipyard world of Bonadan at the end of the Shaltin Tunnels hyperroute where the Slaves to Darkness held a firm grip. Before they could reach Bonadan, the systems of Tervissis and Zygerria were the only major obstacles, expecting their defenses to be paltry if not non-existent with recent events. As the Rakatan fleet entered Tervissis they were shocked to see an impressive formation prepared to meet them, as the Witch-Queen personally led a force of nineteen star destroyers to meet this threat to her newfound territories. Not only were former Corporate Sector star destroyers present, but an Allegiance-class Battlecruiser and three Imperial I-class Star Destroyers identified as former vessels of Death Squadron, the Allegiance being the Ilthmar's Fist which went rogue after the Battle of Endor almost four years prior. Although the Rakata had experienced the determination of Imperial forces in Oversector Ten under COMPNOR and the technologically superior Triumvirate fleets, the extremely dogmatic and fanatical devotion of the Slaves to Darkness was above any before them, as for the first time their enemy fought fire with fire. Highly aggressive tactics by both sides were used, as the Witch-Queen's advanced yet horrific Hellion Fighters clashed with their ancient Rakatan counterparts with hundreds on both sides falling in quick succession. Destruction was untold on smaller vessels caught in the crossfire between the two sides as turbolaser fire had no pause with the Witch-Queen ordering an advance to drive out the Rakata from the system. This aggression and potency of force was for the first time in the war against the Infinite Empire highly effective, as the augmented forces of the Slaves to Darkness via Sith alchemy had shown to be superior in both combat and ruthlessness. Although sustaining losses the Slaves to Darkness had forced the Rakata to retreat with heavy degradation to their fleet, and with major battles elsewhere further chipping away at their capabilities offensive operations within former Corporate Sector space ceased outside of infrequent raids and probing actions, leaving the Witch-Queen to focus inwards as her cultists began a reign of terror upon the populace to convert them by any means necessary to their cause.
[-2 ISD II, -2 Vic I, -1 Vic II to Slaves to Darkness]

The New Republic was under continued assault by the Rakata as the Senate enacted new emergency measures, calling for new mobilization of resources and manpower across New Republic space. Great effort was placed in defending the shipyards at Lianna as Admiral Hiram Drayson's mighty Second Fleet poured new Nebula and Republic Star Destroyers into the mix, along with several new MC90s and MC80s whose shields proved superior to the Rakata ships. The defenders would also include General Horton Salm's Defender Wing, using a mix of older Y-Wings and B-Wings to conduct bombing attacks on Rakata starships as Lightspeed Panthers armed with newer model X-Wings. While the attacks on Lianna would be held at bay, the Rakata would continue to make some inroads within the Tion sector, pushing on the systems that flanked Lianna, taking the shipyard world of Desevro and Rhen Var. However, New Republic resistance stiffened with heavy losses as the Rakata diverted resources to other avenues and offensives.

On many worlds and systems New Republic soldiers fought by any means necessary against the Rakata who showed no mercy, an untold amount giving their lives in the process

Another attempt was also launched at Yavin, but combined efforts from the New Jedi Order, Mandalorians, and Hera Syndula's Sixth Fleet were able to keep the system in Republic hands and even keep a corridor open to their south. Syndula returned the favor in supporting the Mandalorians in their efforts to defend their homeworld when the Infinite Empire determined to take the system. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker would send out his Jedi in support, quickly becoming veterans in fighting and using the Force as recruits flocked to the Jedi ranks as Rakata assassins and commandos were sent to find any Force-Sensitives within their reach. The Jedi Master would soon leave Mandalore, taking some of his trainees and knights, using small craft and strike craft slipping into hyperspace as they headed for points south.

Grand General Kravic Vonsol's long-term project to transform the state apparatus from one dominated by the military towards a more civil administration continued unabated, although a change was noticed as the Grand General began to have a more hands-on approach to the process. Vonsol alongside Grand Moff Bolar Krue who had been leading the initiative of screening and accepting candidates continued to find acceptable personnel which slowly began to take lower-ranking and non-vital positions within the government, although it was noted unwavering loyalty to Vonsol became a mandatory requirement as more qualified individuals were rejected for questionable allegiances as perhaps the trust of Krue was lacking. Vonsol was not solely focused on his government reformation as the Denon Security Corps saw an increase in funding and activity with war against the Kuat Regency now a reality alongside the fear of a Rakatan strike amongst the Warlord State's leadership or vital infrastructure. Rumors from Denon itself spoke of the Denon Security Corps forming specialist units, siphoning elements of the Stormtrooper Corps and other branches for its use although its purpose to this point was unknown. In the field of research and development Project KHAN had concluded, with the new class of star destroyer finishing testing trials and orders handed down to begin mass production, giving Denon another unique and potent tool in their arsenal.
[Project KHAN Development Complete]

Admiral Jonus Nil Vaan had through extensive planning and timing taken the vital agriworld and shipyards of Gyndine from the Kuat Regency, although at great cost as many of Denon's star destroyers were lost over Exodeen to allow such a momentous event to occur. Vaan was no fool though, having made assumptions the Kuati state would quickly regroup and counterattack as soon as possible to reclaim the system as similar issues plagued the Imperial government on Kuat in regard to food shortages and losing a shipyard was deemed unacceptable as the Imperial StarFleet needed urgent replenishment. With this reality in place Vaan frantically organized new defenses to replace what was destroyed or heavily damaged knowing there was no time to replace them, as wreckage of star destroyers and Golan Defense Platforms were placed in the primary hyperlane entry points and minefields erected not far behind them in the hopes any who dared enter would face devastating losses as a result. While this was underway, Vaan personally oversaw the transport of large quantities of freighters full of produce as warehouses on Gyndine were being quickly emptied and en route to Denon to alleviate shortages in anticipation the world could be lost and returned to the possession of the Kuat Regency.

Director-General Enzo Eastsky, an ardent and highly militaristic individual, sought to transform the average citizen of the Warlord State into the basic form of a soldier through all age groups. Youth were put into a program similar to the Empire's Sub-Adult Group, focused on survival, first aid, basic combat skills and training instead of propaganda indoctrination its Imperial peer emphasized. A large quantity of investment by COMPMOR was noted, including expansion of alternative methods of foodstuffs as taking notes from the Kuat Regency began to construct hydroponic farms both in orbit of planets and underground in fortified bunker systems to ensure some forms of perishables were available on top of the shipments from Gyndine. Fortifications were also further expanded, adding on top of the already extremely extensive infrastructure built under Grand General Vonsol's project to make any system, most importantly the capital Denon an impregnable fortress to any who dared attempt to take it. To allow such defenses to be made, COMPMOR began to invest heavily into resource extraction with mining operations expanding at rapid rates with existing installations growing and new surveys being exploited within weeks of their discovery to feed the ever-growing demands of the armaments and construction sectors.

The expected counter-offensive by the Kuat Regency against the Denon Military Zone had been prepared by Supreme Commander Lira Serenon, as salvage crews continued to collect the smoldering ruins of Grand General Vonsol's fleet over Exodeen. An attack by Serenon's command on Gyndine would be conducted, hoping to return the vital agriworld and its shipyards to the Imperial government while also inflicting a heavy blow upon Denon's limited ability to replenish its capital ships and experienced crews. This plan was codenamed Operation High Hammer, as reserves were filtered into the region, but the entirety of all combat would be done by Serenon's fleet. Probe droids were deployed in advance as Serenon made final preparations, indicating a robust defense led by Admiral Jonus Nil Vaan, but most importantly was the absence of the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Annihilator, reportedly still in orbit of Denon. The presence of mines and other obstacles within the path of major hyperlane entrances was discovered by the probes sent, giving Serenon and her officers key information that could cripple any effort to retake the system the moment they'd enter it. From Exodeen Serenon, learning from the schemes of the late Kahlyn Novara Kuat during the Second Battle of Corellia would not fall into such a trap again, as she began to prepare a counter to Vaan's strategy.

Serenon's counter was clever to say the least, as spare frigates from Corellia were moved to Exodeen, loaded with high explosives and seismic charges. These mobile bombs were then sent into Gyndine, where they collided with pre-placed mines or roving asteroids destroying large swaths of them in the process but also alerted Admiral Vaan and the garrison of imminent attack. Vaan's scouts reported back that large gaps in the minefields were created due to these one-way frigates, putting his forces on full alert and preparing contingency plans on the surface in the event they are needed. As Vaan made what he could with the limited time offered to him, sensors indicated the arrival of Serenon's thirteen star destroyers led by the Reaper entering the far end of the system where one of the gaps were created. What brought a sense of dread to Vaan was the identification of an Interdictor-class Star Destroyer within Serenon's formation, meaning any idea or desire to freely leave the system were now extremely difficult or impossible as strategies had to drastically be redone with this revelation.

The Reaper had arrived to Gyndine, revenge aimed towards the defenders of the planet

Seeing an impressive array of defenses and Vaan's seventeen star destroyers in a staggered defensive position awaiting Serenon's first move as the Supreme Commander ordered a slow and cautious approach towards Vaan and the planet with expectation of more traps to come. The Reaper's guns were the first to begin opening fire, as her turbolaser batteries began to hit their mark upon Vaan's smaller star destroyers in the first line with some damage being inflicted. Although Serenon inched closer as more firepower came online as the distance was closing between the two sides, Vaan's fleet held the line beginning to return fire as the range of their Tectors and Despots was now in play. This back and forth was ongoing as both sides deployed their fighter and bomber wings, going forward and attempting to disrupt the others' strategy as TIEs of many types clashed as Serenon continued her approach with losses mounting for smaller ships.
[-2 Vic II to Empire (Kuat)]
[-3 Vic II, 1 Venator to Denon Military Zone]

Vaan's strategy of a staggered defense then came into action, as star destroyers in the rear were brought forward and the heavily damaged ones on the front began to find their way back towards the orbital shipyards, as the dead and wounded were transported off and repair droids frantically patching what they could to get them back into the fight. This tactic initially was effective, as Vaan's forces absorbed damage overall instead of the frontline units being totally wiped out one by one, but the presence of the Reaper, her immense firepower and Serenon's elite formation was the catalyst of the ability to overcome her opponent's plans as she continued to crawl forward. Even though Serenon was making progress as Vaan was resisting as much as he could, losses did come as star destroyers on both sides fell to turbolaser fire or TIE bomber runs as attrition began to take its toll.
[-1 ISD I, -1 Vic II to Empire (Kuat)]
[-1 Tector, -1 ISD I, -1 Despot to Denon Military Zone]

As time passed Serenon had finally pressed Vaan to the orbital batteries surrounding Gyndine, most of them by this point either destroyed or heavily disabled and all of his star destroyers sustaining major damage across all systems. Seeing the writing on the wall, the Admiral enacted emergency protocols to surface units, as COMPMOR forces were activated and large-scale movement of men and material on the ground began. Serenon by this point had pinned the Impetuous almost to low orbit, with the remaining smaller star destroyers shielding the Admiral's flagship as long as possible while the others further above were taken out in close range combat. By this point Vaan was completely out of options, as his fleet was on the brink of total annihilation and Serenon only moments away from completing her revenge for Denon's betrayal, with his final order handed down to COMPMOR commanders on the surface; "Operation authorized, long live the Military Order". Mere seconds later, Admiral Jonus Nil Vaan and the Impetuous were destroyed, the Tector splitting in half as its bow exploded including the bridge where Vaan resided, its stern still intact but crashed onto the surface taking all crew onboard.
[-1 ISD II, -1 Vic II to Empire (Kuat)]
[-1 Tector, -3 ISD I, -1 Despot, -3 Vic II, -1 Procursator, -2 Venator to Denon Military Zone]
[Admiral Jonus Nil Vaan
(@Fancy Face) Dead]

The defeat of Admiral Vaan and his fleet over Gyndine brought a sigh of relief to Serenon, as what she believed to be the only obstacle to reclaiming the vital agricultural and shipyard world fully intact had been eliminated. Unknown to the Supreme Commander as a ground invasion was being prepared was what orders Vaan had given to the surface garrison, as COMPMOR began to deploy an insurmountable amount of highly destructive chemical stockpiles hidden across the planet. As the first landing shuttles from Serenon's fleet above made landfall were these weapons of mass destruction unleashed, devastating massive swathes of the countryside as farms and infrastructure to support were no more. Imperial Stormtroopers were by now fighting a chaotic scene against COMPMOR paramilitary units and the regular garrison as specialty equipment was deployed to operate in such dangerous conditions, but the support of limited orbital bombardment from the Reaper was key in rooting out fortified strongpoints as Serenon's initial desire to see the planet intact was now no longer possible. After weeks of grueling combat Gyndine's resistance had been silenced, its cities and economy shattered and shipyards inoperable for the near future. Although Serenon had gotten her revenge and the husk of what was once a strategic asset to Imperial survival, the news from the west would shatter any silver linings made at Gyndine, reshaping the trajectory of the Kuat Regency forever.
[Gyndine Shipyard Production Delayed One Turn]

Commodore Keon Liknar, a hero within the Rim Emergency Authority for his high-risk battlefield exploits, began to explore new models of fighter craft for the Warlord State to counter the Infinite Empire's massive quantity advantage. Given funding by Supreme Protector Turent Pho, Liknar tasked designers on Lantillies to develop an anti-fighter craft which would support the standard TIE models in combat. Blueprints indicated a large amount of laser cannons, missile bays and even the ability to deploy seismic charges while also being equipped with shielding and a hyperdrive. This vessel was designated as the TIE/EX Exterminator, although expectations of development and overall cost were very high, enough so that it would strain the overall tight budget the Rim Emergency Authority had difficulty maintaining. It was expected to take years to finalize a proper craft and be deployed in small numbers due to its expense. Liknar also looked to continuously replenish his Long Range Strike Wing as new volunteers signed up with the Rakatan advances and Liknar's reputation as the best of the best regarding Imperial pilots.
[TIE/EX Exterminator Under Development]

On Lantillies Supreme Protector Pho oversaw the war effort against the Infinite Empire, as they had advanced deep into Rim Emergency Authority territory and were not far from the capital or the vital Perlemian Trade Route where a majority of the Warlord State's systems and shipyards lie. Pho identified and anticipated avenues of approach within his Warlord State, moving his fleet with additional reinforcements from reserves kept in the northeast to the Togoria system. Commodore Liknar also joined him, bolstered with additional star destroyers as well to bring both fleets' total to thirty-eight. From Togoria Pho took direct command of theatre operations as forward reconnaissance units were expanded and probing attacks via minor raids was conducted. Information from these scouts and small mobile forces indicated large Rakatan fleets being arrayed against them and further east and south against the New Republic, highlighting the Infinite Empire's capabilities in this area of the galaxy were still highly potent. Pho ordered a focused defense along the frontlines, but in particular the systems of Roche, Metalorn and Togoria were given highest priority due to the first two being shipyard worlds and the third the last system before the capital Lantillies could be open to attack.

As Pho was closely monitoring the region, the Rakata sprung forth from Diado towards Sarka, where the garrison frantically called for reinforcements, as the lone Imperial I-class Star Destroyer in orbit was annihilated after a brief resistance against an extremely overwhelming fleet. The local Sarkan species, hidden away in cave networks where their cities were protected from orbital bombardment, were subject to a brutal campaign of eradication or forced into slavery as Rakatan armies flooded the planet. The Rakata were as reported elsewhere in the galaxy to eat the remains of their newly conquered subjects and even allies although the reasoning was still unclear it spread fear to nearby systems that heard of such gruesome fates to the defeated. At Maltoria a similar fate was set upon the garrison of the Maltorian Mining Belt, a set of asteroids the Rim Emergency Authority used to fuel its industrial needs that was guarded by an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer which like its peer at Sarka was pushed aside and destroyed in short order. This left the Infinite Empire in a position of superiority in terms of what direction they wished to press upon, as Pho had finally finished preparations of defenses of the already impressively fortified Togoria system as it and Metalorn, being two of Pho's primary targets for defense were now in the crosshairs of the Rakata.
[-1 ISD I, -1 ISD II to Rim Emergency Authority]

The Sarkan, like many other species across the galaxy under the rule of the Infinite Empire suffered fates some would call worse than death although their resistance continued like others elsewhere

Reports came in days later of a major assault on Metalorn with the garrison requesting immediate reinforcement, as Pho and Liknar were almost ready to make the jump to hyperspace, a massive Rakatan armada arrived on the outer edges of Togoria as they appeared to split their fleets for a two-pronged attack. Pho quickly scrapped his planned departure for Metalorn, positioning his and Liknar's fleets into a defensive formation alongside the orbital platforms which were now trained on the rapidly closing Rakatan forces with ground batteries preparing to add their firepower as well. Liknar and his Long Range Strike Group deployed from their star destroyers alongside hundreds of wings of TIEs that awaited the expected onslaught to come, as Rakatan starfighters began to engage the Commodore and those following him. A titanic dogfight was underway as Liknar cut down dozens of craft, his elite piloting skills on display as he and his veteran comrades carved a path of destruction into the enemy ranks. Although they inflicted major casualties, reinforcements continued to pour in and the lumbering arrival of the main fleet had made it towards Liknar's position, forcing him to withdraw to the safety of Pho's formation. The batteries of the combined fleets and planetary defenses of the Warlord State were then unleashed, with many capital ships of the Rakata taken out in quick succession as the fire from Pho's forces was unending. Even this, much akin to Liknar's efforts, did not halt the tide as more ships held in reserve were pressed to the front, drawing closer to the planet as star destroyers began to sustain damage trying to hold the line. Although given orders to fall back, some were caught in the rotation attempting to withdraw and lost, as fresh star destroyers attempted to fill the gaps with their loss. The situation for Pho and Liknar was beginning to deteriorate as starfighter wings weakened and their numbers lowered, the capital ships bearing more and more of the weight of the Rakatan tactic of brute force. Orbital Golan platforms also began to falter attempting to compensate for the increasingly compromised fleet, and more and more hypervelocity guns on the surface opened fire as a response.
[-3 ISD I, -4 Vic I, -3 Vic II, -1 Procursator, -1 Venator to Rim Emergency Authority]

Seeing no need to waste what precious resources and manpower were still available trying to hold the planet, orders were given to evacuate what could be on the surface although the native Togorians refused to leave with expectation of a fierce resistance against the Rakata. Taking immense damage in the process Pho ensured all things and personnel of value were taken further west, finally giving the orders to retreat to Lantillies to receive urgent repairs and replenishment of his forces. Although defeated, the beating Pho and Liknar inflicted upon the Rakata was severe enough that no new reports of offensives towards Lantillies or elsewhere came in, only the confirmation of the loss of Togoria and Metalorn where its garrison was able to retreat in good order. With news from places like Bilbringi, Bandomeer and Tervissis it appeared the Rim Emergency Authority was not alone in its resilience and efforts to actively stop the Infinite Empire's campaign to this point, perhaps indicating a shift in fortunes for future operations.

High Moff Randell Kursk looked to reform the administrative foundation of the Tolonda Union entirely though the introduction of new sectors in light of old Imperial borders no longer viable. Fourteen new sectors were created as a result, Moffs being appointed to administer them accordingly alongside the creation of a Moff Council, housing multiple advisors and military officials subservient to their respective Moffs that help manage and enact policies although the powers this body holds are for the time being weak in comparison to the authority of the Office of Moff. One of the first measures these newly appointed Moffs enacted was a major crackdown on Hutt enterprises and criminal organizations with Tolondan Stormtroopers and anti-Hutt paramilitary units under Rear Admiral Zelta Kul conducting mass arrests and engaging in major battles and insurgencies in the southernmost systems still affected by the Hutts as their influence waned with the Infinite Empire's invasion of Hutt Space. The isolated desert world of Molavar saw limited Hutt activity due to its sparse and distant population centers and was quickly stamped out as Tolondan star destroyers and their detachments were deployed to the surface to eliminate both the Hutts and those who collaborated with them. On the rich trade world of Manda where the Tolonda Union had established a special autonomous zone local authorities were assisted by forces sent under the orders of High Moff Kursk as corrupt officials on Hutt payrolls were apprehended and local Hutt leaders executed alongside their associates. Finally on Tatooine the remnants of Jabba the Hutt's organization made a final stand as Kursk's forces held no remorse for their rules of engagement as limited orbital bombardment was enacted and a large contingent of ground troops deployed which effectively suffocated what resistance lingered as the months dragged on, although Tatooine still held deep roots of crime and an aura of evil, the legacy of dominant Hutt rule had finally seen its conclusion.
[Hutt Influence Removed from Molavar, Manda, Tatooine]

As internal removal of Hutt influence was being done under the watchful eye of High Moff Kursk, the Imperial Warlord also sought to expand his borders further north at the expense of the Hutts while the Infinite Empire continued its offensive into Hutt Space. Operation Lucid Spear was authorized to see this new revision of borders, as Kursk left the safety of Rothana for the frontline system of Nar Kanji aiding in both its integration into the Tolonda Union and fortification from potential Hutt counter offensives or possible Rakatan attacks. While Kursk consolidated over Nar Kanji, Rear Admiral Zelta Kul and Commodore Sienna Mersu over Far Pando and Gamorr respectively prepared their commands to move further into Hutt Space as reserves of Triumph-class Star Destroyers and the lone Interdictor-class were assigned to the two officers with the latter sent for Kul's use. As probe droids indicated small or moderate Hutt garrisons in their intended path of advance, Kursk gave the final order for Lucid Spear to be enacted, with the Tolonda Union's military forces beginning their offensive actions hours later.

The first target of conquest was the Syvris system, hidden away along the Triellus Trade Route where a Hutt-controlled shadowport controlled the flow of goods up and down the hyperlane. Making contact with Free Rim Militia cells that found their way into the system via smuggling operations that relayed its position, Commodore Mersu soon after arriving to it where the local cartels negotiated a settlement of neutrality and rejection of Hutt influence and control allowing the criminal underground on the moon to continue existing, but under the authority of the Tolonda Union. Continuing down the Triellus Trade Route Mersu arrived into the Barab system where a small Hutt fleet was in orbit of Barab I, home to the feared and resilient Barabels and its extremely deadly and chaotic environment. Mersu quickly engaged the Hutt fleet, destroying many of their ships and starfighters before their retreat as the Commodore ordered a pacification of the system but not before attempting diplomatic overtures knowing that using force on such a potent people and world would be extremely costly. Luckily for Mersu the Barabels had endured many hardships under Hutt rule, as poaching and slavery was rampant alongside large quantities of wealth and resources taken as tribute for the clans' use. This resentment and the ejection of the Hutts led to a settlement of integration of Barab into the Tolonda Union with an enclave being established within the Alater-ka spaceport. Although plans to further advance were made, news from the immediate north scrapped what was to this point a smooth operation as Mersu was quickly diverted to assist Rear Admiral Kul against a large Hutt fleet.

Rear Admiral Zelta Kul from Far Pando made way to the small trade system of Unagin, where the Hutts were quickly ejected as they did not wish to be destroyed entirely with the presence of the Interdictor within her fleet. Control of Unagin gave the Tolonda Union access to numerous smaller hyperlanes going either towards the Warlord State's territories or further into Hutt Space meaning it would be a vital asset for future operations and a highly probable target for the Hutts to recapture. The Free Rim Militia was a key asset on the surface as rebellions rose up in the name of freedom from Hutt tyranny, with Kul's Stormtrooper Legions and Tolondan Army units joining the fight flown in from their star destroyers providing orbital bombardment support as a full-scale ground war was underway between the two sides. Weeks of combat ensued, highlighting that the Hutts, even though battered dealing with a two-front war would not be easily subdued and blood would be shed as the stubborn defenders held out until finally being pacified inflicting high casualties to the Tolondan and militia forces. As Kul was completing her liquidation of Hutt forces on Unagin, reports came in of Hutt forces being diverted southwards away from the Rakatan front to deal with the Tolondan incursion so close to Nal Hutta and the heart of Hutt Space, as she was already behind timetables and expected to be beyond Ylesia by this point and quickly prepared to move on the system before any bolstering of its garrison could be done.

Kul soon arrived over the major spice production world of Ylesia, once known as perhaps the largest in the galaxy with its industrial scale scheme using hordes of slaves and unsuspecting travelers tricked by the propaganda of a paradise world which made the Hutts billions worth of credits. With the destruction of Kessel and loss of Ryloth to the New Republic the planet had undergone great upheaval as its imports dried up completely and the economy collapsed in on itself, leaving ample opportunity for the Free Rim Militia to establish cells and await the opportune moment to strike. That time had come with Kul's fleet entering the system with militia units rising up against the garrison as a major insurgency was formed, the Hutts using any means necessary to root out the slave uprisings and organized paramilitary units sponsored by the Tolondans. In orbit the Hutt fleet was much larger than usual, taking into account the infrastructure of the planet for spice production still had use for what limited quantities could be found and processed and would be guarded furiously. Kul's nineteen star destroyers were more than enough to combat their counterparts which were smaller and of numerous types, with expectation they would be removed in short order. The Rear Admiral ordered her fleet forward as the batteries of star destroyers opened and TIEs sent out, many small corvettes and frigates battered into submission and the still somewhat diverse starfighter wings the Hutts deployed were ground down without the support of the larger craft.

The Hutt garrison looked to be completely defeated, until alerts came of a massive Hutt fleet entering Ylesia, hundreds of ships of various sizes and capability now arrayed against Kul's suddenly outnumbered force. Wasting no time Kul sent to Commodore Mersu an immediate demand to make way from Barab to Ylesia, hoping her forces would be enough to either find victory or allow a viable retreat. To bide time until then, Kul pivoted her star destroyers to the defense, as the remnants of the garrison behind her scattered or were destroyed leaving her full attention on the armada barreling down upon her. Unlike any previous interaction with the Hutts, these forces were battle-hardened veterans against the Rakata, surviving the horrors over worlds such as Rettria and Chalacta, turning their trauma and experiences on the Tolonda Union which sought their demise as well. The two sides were mere moments later embroiled in battle as Kul did what she could to keep cohesion and the chain of command intact, with widespread reports across her command of extensive damage and systems failures as Hutt guns were accurate and unrelenting. Multiple star destroyers were lost not long after as they could not withstand such punishment, as the Hutts had learned from the Rakata the basic yet highly effective strategy of maximum aggression to achieve victory.
[-2 ISD I, -1 Vic I, -1 Vic II, -1 Venator to Tolonda Union]

The Hutts did indeed have a proper navy, and used it not only against the Infinite Empire but now the Tolonda Union over Ylesia

As Kul contemplated abandoning the system, Commodore Mersu and her eleven star destroyers exited hyperspace adjacent to the Hutt fleet, immediately opening fire and deploying TIE wings with the intent to disrupt cohesion within their ranks. It was a shock to see this additional fleet arrive on a vulnerable flank, as the Hutts attempted to turn their focus on Mersu's fresh forces before they could cause any more damage. The talented Commodore sliced her way through enough to give Kul's battered fleet the chance to escape, as both commands merged into one and made way to open space and leave the system. This was without loss, as both Kul and Mersu lost star destroyers enacting such a maneuver, but one that was necessary to survive and ensure the Tolonda Union would have a majority of its combat capability into the future. The two officers gave final orders to depart for Unagin as soon as navigational computers would allow, arriving over the system a very bloodied and beaten force. From there both fleets made way to Rothana for long-term repairs which would require weeks of work as news from the northern ends of Hutt Space started to be received, speaking of the titanic struggle between two ancient species vying for dominance of this end of the galaxy.
[-1 ISD I, -1 Vic I, -3 Vic II, -1 Venator to Tolonda Union]

The Hutts had not seen this kind of threat to their rule in many centuries as planet after planet came under assault. Millions upon millions of slaves, mercenaries, bounty hunters, and even the Hutts were mobilized to stem the tide against them, not just the Rakata but Tolonda. Old but still effective warships were pulled out of reserves and sent to critical systems to hold against the Rakata, with Toydaria and Keldooine foremost on that list. Slaves fought slaves in vast numbers, both sides uncaring of the growing list of losses. Neither planet would fall to the Infinite Empire; they diverted their forces south and north, striking at new systems to try and spread out the defenders.

Several fleet-sized elements, over fifty ships each, would head towards Alee and Nimban, taking the systems, another shipyard world falling as the Hutts scrambled reserves to try and halt them. Ancient defenses at Mulatan and Sleheyron would be reinforced as they came under assault with a surprise appearance from several New Republic fighter squadrons assisting them, having been on a secret mission within the region. They would withdraw quickly as the Rakata continued to push north and east. Admiral Kalback, a cousin of Admiral Ackbar, had taken command of New Republic defenses north of Hutt Space.

Kalback would do what he could, but systems continued falling as the Rakata pushed the Republic and Hutts. In the north, the Rakata would finally, after heavy battles at Boonta, Arleen, and the old Clone Wars siege world of Saleucami, be brought to a standstill at Jabiim and Gand as more reinforcements were sent from Lianna and Dac south. The Hutts would lose the systems of Formos and Cyborrea as heavy fighting came across the strategic world of Kaltooine. However, it was noted that even as heavy fighting continued, the Rakata were fielding smaller and smaller forces, especially in ships the Republic looked to have stalled the offensive completely in the assault on their northern sector.

The New Republic had previously shifted resources and elements of both the Fourth and Fifth Fleets to combat the Rakatan invasion coming out of the lost world of Ruusan. Hoping to build off their successes against the Hutts and the northern portions of the Republic, the Rakata shifted reserve forces to bolster their advances, hoping to simply overwhelm Republic defenses and strike deep into their territory. The Republic, however, had been building up defenses in this area for years, even before the fall of Emperor Palpatine as more ships, strikefighters, and ground forces were funneled to reinforce the sector.

At the northern end of now separated Republic space, the planet of Kashyyyk continued to play great importance as Rakatan efforts were directed to take the world, a world told by Luke Skywalker the Republic could ill afford to lose. Han Solo and his best friend Chewbacca had redirected Solo Command to its defense and a brutal contest for the planet's survival broke out. In a rare show of mutual defense, Trandoshans, locked in the struggle for the region as their homeworld was in the same system as Kashyyyk, joined forces with their long-standing enemies and fought to defend both worlds, though a few did join the Infinite Empire, giving free reign on slaves and hunts.

The New Republic, Trandoshans and native Wookiee forces battled within the dense forests on Kashyyyk against the Rakata, Han Solo and his companion Chewbacca amongst those present

General Solo combined these forces with New Republic ground troops, including those of Page's Commandos, specifically deployed by General Crix Madine in fighting against the Rakatan slave armies. While Solo's fleet was whittled down, just enough reinforcements arrived to keep the fleet functional, as unexpected reinforcements arrived in the form of Luke Skywalker and a number of his Jedi Order, causing great damage to Rakatan efforts as these force users used their combined powers to repel the invaders.

As the battles for Kashyyyk raged, further south they continued their push against the combined elements of Admirals Massa and Nammo's Fourth and Fifth Fleets, more and more elements pulled off the front line as reserves took their place to combat the threat. A series of delaying actions were fought at Reytha, Ulda Frav, Daalong, and Bresina as populations were evacuated and defenses built up in efforts to slow down the advance. While these planets and others would fall, and losses were heavy for the Republic, the men and women of the New Republic Defense Forces (NRDF) were hardened veterans after years of fighting the Empire with it showing as a series of engagements were fought to finally stop the advance south.

At Bothawui, the combined Bothan clans, reinforced by Lando Calrissian's Rapid Response Force achieved victory, a big part being the use of the Bulwark-Mk I-class Battlecruiser Republic Fury pouring heavy broadsides into Rakatan ships. She was reinforced by newly deployed Bothan Assault Cruisers, many crewed by the late Borsk Fey'lya, vowing revenge for his assassination. Many Bothans would die in the battle, including Admiral Laryn Kre'fey, commander of the Bothan task force in orbit, as a cousin of Borsk, Traest Kre'fey rallied the Bothans and several reinforcement wings arrived to finally bring about victory.

Massa, joined by fighter ace Keyan Farlander, would go on to stop the Rakata at Charra and Masterra, while Nammo's fleet would hold the Rakata at Belasco and Artesia, keeping the lane to Kashyyyk open. Losses were extremely high, older ships of the Rebellion era and before taking a pounding, with reports of up to over sixty ships lost between the two fleets. Many within the NRDF began calling for newer ship designs and better defenses to help combat the Rakata and in turn the Empire once hostilities re-commenced. For now, they would fight with what they had, however, it did seem that even as the Rakata continued their attacks they were rapidly losing steam as less and less forces were encountered on vital fronts.

From the relative peace of Oversector Twenty Supreme Commander Iaxis Solaris was preparing in secret a massive campaign of conquest against an unsuspecting opponent. Codenamed Operation Commendatore, the majority of the Imperial StarFleet stationed within the isolated Oversector was mobilized for this plan, as Solaris bolstered his command with seven newly built Imperial III-class Star Destroyers, giving the Supreme Commander twenty-one for use. High Admiral Druno Vaine the Younger was also given additional support as ten star destroyers brought the total to sixteen, including a Bellator-class Star Destroyer assigned to his command as Vaine temporarily moved his flag to the Lighthound for this operation. A reserve force was also assembled consisting of seven star destroyers and heavily staffed with COMPNOR personnel, highlighting the organization's grip on military hierarchy within the Oversector. While this massive reorganization of assets was underway, the Menhit Unit, Death Troopers, Noghri Commandos and members of the Inquisition were secretly deployed ahead of conventional forces, their target now known. The uneasy peace between the two rival Imperial Regencies of Kuat and Byss had ended via betrayal as the sense of weakness and opportunity to take vital assets needed to both continue the galactic war effort and establish a lone successor to the Imperial throne, with the Byss Regency inflicting the first blow upon the Kuatis.

With confirmed reports of Admiral Koxinga in Oversector Three battling the Rim Emergency Authority and Supreme Commander Serenon engaging the Denon Military Zone at Gyndine, the order was given to begin Operation Commendatore. The bloc of special forces and force users offered by Imperial Regent Vaii, assisted by the Menhit Unit reigned chaos via assassination, sabotage and disabling of vital military infrastructure as a chaotic scene developed between the systems of Condular to Corellia. Green Mantle Command, formed by Admiral Koxinga in Mid Six ABY and aided by Imperial Naval Intelligence struggled to contain the situation, as many of its officers were eliminated in elaborate schemes and traps laid out to thin their ranks but were cohesive enough to maintain command and control over Corellia and Nubia as the task force looked to regroup quickly. When reports came to Supreme Commander Solaris of these events, he ordered his and High Admiral Vaine's fleet to depart immediately for the frontline system of Condular where a small garrison was present, but dealing with the loss of many commanders and officers weakening its leadership. The large Imperial fleet under Solaris quickly eliminated the disorganized force of three star destroyers and a highly aggressive ground campaign followed leading to its fall. From here Solaris turned his attention to the primary targets of Commendatore being Duro and Corellia, knowing their seizure would be key to crippling the Kuat Regency's grip in Oversector Two.
[-2 Vic II, -1 Procursator to Empire (Kuat)]

Solaris' forces soon after arrived at Duro, heavily fortified since the days of the Sal Empire and given further attention under the guidance of Admiral Koxinga for the past year and a half. In orbit the Kuati fleet consisted of five star destroyers led by an Allegiance-class Battlecruiser, giving the defenders a small chance of if not holding the system could give the Supreme Commander headaches and loss of capital ships. Solaris had simple orders handed down; aggression and speed to win the field. The Shadowsun and Lighthound's guns reigned extreme punishment on the beleaguered defenders, the veteran crews of many battles against both New Republic and Imperial forces showing years of both experience and extensive training as the super capitals were more than enough to give a decisive edge. The small number of Kuati star destroyers were suddenly put into a close-quarters brawl, with orbital defenses doing everything possible to screen their retreat closer to the planet as the Allegiance, acting as the command vessel of the fleet was lost but not before taking a few of the smaller ships that drew too close in the attempt to disable it. Soon after the remaining ships quickly lost cohesion and were destroyed piecemeal and orbital platforms eliminated hours later, the orbiting cities not far away in high orbit being invaded by Solaris' Stormtroopers and heavy fighting began against the native Duros and Kuati forces. Solaris meanwhile enacted a relentless and merciless ground invasion of the barren surface, returning the horrors of the Clone Wars which devastated the planet to its current state with liberal use of orbital bombardment as his Stormtroopers showed no mercy to those who refused to surrender in the isolated pockets of habitable zones. The sheer amount of firepower and troops led to Duro falling to the Supreme Commander with only token resistance remaining, leaving Corellia now open to Solaris' wrath.
[-1 Allegiance, -1 ISD I, -1 Vic I, -2 Vic II to Empire (Kuat)]
[-2 Vic II to Empire (Byss)]
[Duro Shipyard Production Delayed One Turn]

The desolate wastelands of Duro were alight with battle as Imperial fought Imperial for control of the shipyard world ensuring devastation not seen since the Clone Wars returned to the planet

On Corellia communications were cut and Green Mantle Command effectively left in the dark, as alert levels were raised to maximum and the fleet in orbit, consisting of a large majority of Oversector Two's star destroyers prepared for possible attack. Soon after Solaris and Vaine arrived in system and the former's strategy of simple forward advance continued, although their task would be much more difficult than what they encountered over Duro. Against them was eleven star destroyers, three Allegiance-class Battlecruisers and a Secutor-class present supplemented with a wide array of orbital defenses both old and new as the lessons from the three battles for the system were implemented to ensure a fortress was erected for the major shipyard world. Solaris' forces quickly deployed their fighter and bomber wings as star destroyers were moving at a brisk pace to close the gap with their Kuati counterparts, hoping that such proximity would negate the use of the massive amount of orbital platforms, including the powerful Golan III which would easily match the firepower of Imperial-class Star Destroyers. This somewhat reckless approach did lead to the outermost screening vessels being targeted and eliminated before the main fleet was able to finally negate the use of the majority of orbital defenses, giving Solaris and Vaine the ability to go gun to gun against the Kuati ships mere meters at times from one another.
[-3 Vic II to Empire (Kuat]
[-1 ISD I, -1 Vic II to Empire (Byss)]

Now in an effective knife fight, both sides attempted to gain superior positioning with Solaris and Vaine trying to give as many favorable angles as possible for their star destroyers while the Kuatis looked to open avenues for their orbital defenses to have clear lines of fire. This back and forth did lead to losses on both sides but the presence of the Shadowsun and Lighthound was decisive as their array of turbolaser batteries began to ensure momentum was with Solaris' forces. One by one Kuati ships fell but not without taking some of their foes with them, exposing the orbital batteries which also faltered but not before heavily damaging both the Shadowsun and Lighthound leaving Solaris in sole possession of the space above Corellia as the last remnants were eliminated. Communications off-world were still not available, as Menhit Unit specialists sliced into the system via orbital shipyard consoles used by Kuati military and COMPNOR officials, relaying standard messaging protocols ensuring the chaos and destruction made between Condular to Corellia within the fog of war could be held until Solaris could secure the world. Knowing he had general security and no fear of a sudden arrival of Supreme Commander Serenon from Gyndine or Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon and Death Squadron further north, a similar strategy of extensive orbital bombardment and attritional warfare on the surface was authorized. Reminders of the horrific combat seen during the last moments of the Sal Empire were frequent, with hundreds of thousands of Kuati Imperial Army units and Stormtrooper Legions clashing with their former brethren, highlighting the intense devastation of the Imperial Civil War had not ceased even with the Infinite Empire's galactic invasion. After weeks of gruesome battles which wiped out years of rebuilding of the planet thanks to the guns of star destroyers above, Solaris had finally taken full control of the system with reports of millions of casualties and infrastructure and economic loss worth billions of credits gone in short order. By this point news had finally begun to filter out of what had truly transpired in Oversector Two with massive portions of the Imperial StarFleet being mobilized from Kuat and its surrounding systems aimed towards Corellia, the wise Solaris shelving any further advances with his flagship and fleet requiring extensive repairs.
[-3 Allegiance, -1 Secutor, -1 ISD II, -2 Vic II to Empire (Kuat)]
[-1 Allegiance, -2 Tector, -1 ISD I, -1 ISD II, -1 ISD III, -1 Vic II to Empire (Byss)]
[Corellia Shipyard Production Delayed One Turn]

Within the Seswenna Stellar Authority, transitioning from a long defensive war against the New Republic was now one of urgent survival against the Infinite Empire. Supreme Moff Niles Motti continued to do whatever was deemed necessary to ensure the continuation of his Warlord State as the intelligence apparatus known as the Commissary was working to the extreme limits of their capability to counter the overwhelming Rakatan threat to their south. Numerous reports of arrests by Commissary anti-terror units were propping up across Seswenna. Space agents of the Rakata attempted to gather intelligence and enact sabotage operations but were thwarted before they could do any severe damage. It was also reported that a massive complex was erected on the surface of Eriadu; its purpose was unknown but was heavily guarded, and large amounts of resources and credits were assigned to its completion and maintenance as Supreme Moff Motti personally oversaw the project.

As the Supreme Moff protected his Warlord State from within, the Rakata once more sent numbers that on worlds of old would say "blotted out the sky" against the defenders of Elrood. Motti had sent reinforcements regarding ships, material, and manpower, but resources seemed to be pouring in from other sources to reinforce the Rakatan efforts to break through his defenses. Swarns of starfighters, encompassing hundreds of wings, were dedicated to clearing a path to the World Devastator to land troops and destroy it from within. However, even with success of penetrating the initial defenses surrounding the Silence-One the massive vessel was full to the brim with the Warlord State's most elite formations of Stormtroopers and other specialist formations to ensure its protection. This included the small numbered but deadly Dark Trooper units, mowing down hundreds to thousands of Rakatan slaves and warriors attempting to overwhelm the mechanic juggernauts. The technological and superior training of the Imperials led to the Rakata's boarding parties being annihilated as the World Devastator churned out more automated TIE fighters which pressed back the frigates and other craft nearby.

The Dark Trooper contingent onboard the Silence-One were quickly known and feared by any in their path as even Rakatan Sub-Predors paused if they were present on the battlefield

Onwards, the hordes came, each wave as big as the last as Motti's valiant defenders were whittled down, inflicting incredible losses. Yet Motti knew he could not hold forever, as news came of the fall of the planet of Dagobah, the Supreme Moff's reinforcements unable to turn the tide on the swampy world. As Motti continued to fight, alerts came in of Rakatan forces assaulting the planet of Atravis. Fighting would erupt worldwide, turning into a fight involving three sides as New Republic resistance fighters and commandos joined Motti's forces trying to stop the planet's taking. A light squadron of New Republic ships would arrive to support the defenses, bringing news that Polis Massa and Tosste had fallen. While Atravis wouldn't fall, Motti could see the writing on the wall and ordered a withdrawal from Elrood, saving as many of his forces as possible. A delaying action would be fought at Denab, the Silence-One being heavily damaged in the withdrawal but allowing Motti's forces to rally at the shipyard world of Sluis Van.
[-4 ISD I, -2 ISD II, -3 Vic I, -6 Vic II, -2 Venator to Seswenna Stellar Authority]

The Rakata would follow up with a vengeance as they sought to break through and strike into the heart of the New Republic. Instead, they would find that Motti had fortified the system and brought another World Devastator, Silence-Two, online and joined the defense led by the highly capble and respected Admiral Natasi Daala. In a triumph against overwhelming odds, Daala continued to hold back the southern prong of the Infinite Empire's southern offensive with the powerful World Devastators and resilient Seswenna StarFleet, but signs were showing that more resources were being brought to bare against the Warlord State; many commanders worried about their flanks with the collapse of New Republic control south of Atravis and loss of Dagobah which now exposed the potential of a two-pronged offensive in the near future on Sluis Van or even possibly Eriadu. Also worrying was a report about resources starting to dry up as planets were lost, with some projects having to be put on hold to keep the war machine going as rationing and other emergency initiatives were put into place to try and sustain the more vital sectors of production.
[-1 ISD I, -1 ISD II, -1 Vic I, -1 Vic II to Seswenna Stellar Authority]

The New Republic braced itself as the assault from the southwest continued unabated, even as Admirals Ackbar and Nantz worked to hold back the juggernaut. Both Admirals realized they needed to prepare to respond in another significant engagement until reserves and reinforcements could arrive, thus choosing to fight a series of delaying actions as they fell back. Koba, Porchello and Keshin would be desperate fights as the First and Third Fleets continued their fight, task forces hanging back as strikecraft lashed out, General Wedge Antilles at the forefront coordinating these forces. Hundreds of thousands, reportedly millions, were evacuated as the New Republic fought desperately to save those they were charged to protect. Admiral Ackbar's flagship, the Liberty, a MC100-class Battlecruiser would be used time and again to jump in and smash Rakatan spearheads before withdrawing covering the retreat.

Losses would not be light, as ships and crews were lost, but resistance began to harden as more reserves and newly raised forces began to arrive. Cerea, Iast and Lorta became battlegrounds as the retreat and delaying continued. Even as they pulled back though, New Republic forces soon saw that the Rakatan juggernaut were concentrating on a central advance, with two systems the clear targets: Gerrenthum and Kriselist, deciding these regions would be the place to make their stand. Both planets were heavily reinforced both in space and on their surface as SpecForce units along with Regular Army formations were deployed, with elements of the First, Third, the Sullust Defense Force, and even the Home Fleet were deployed. Admiral Nantz would take command of the forces around Kriselist while Admiral Chel Dorat was placed directly under Ackbar's command at Gerrenthum.

The twin battles of Gerrenthum and Kriselist would enter the annals of history much like Yavin and Endor as battles against overwhelming odds, chances of victory slim to almost none. Yet at both were veterans of these legendary engagements and many others, the hardened core of the New Republic united once more in a fight to rid the galaxy of an evil that wished nothing more than to see their subjugation or destruction. Heavy ships of the defense force would be shielded by hundreds, if not thousands of strikecraft and heavily modified freighters as turbolasers and lasers lashed out, ground defense ion and turbolasers overheating as they fired for hours, SpecForces fighting against landed Rakatan slaves to destroy them.

Five times the Rakatan launched attack waves, Republic forces shrinking as losses mounted, yet their courage and determination never wavered. Ships were lost, starfighter squadrons decimated and merged to stay in the fight, formations on the ground a shadow of their former selves. For a whole month the fighting would continue, each side feeding what forces they could into the fight, as New Republic forces began to do what they did best, launching raids and strikes against the flanks and rear using highly mobile strikefighters and commandos. Five times the Rakata came, five times they were turned back. As the New Republic waited for the sixth wave, defenses were reinforced, ships patched together in the battered Gerrenthum shipyards, and starfighters unpainted brought in, the New Republic waited… and waited.

While raiders would come every day, sometimes in decent numbers, a massive wave of Rakatan ships and starfighters did not materialize as reports from behind the lines began to arrive. They spoke of broken Rakatan formations, ships barely able to be repaired as stretched supply lines were ravaged by resistance fighters, commando raids, and starfighter strikes. Armed with this news, ships were withdrawn from the front, squadrons pulled back to rebuild, as Admiral Ackbar gathered his commanders and began to plan a new operation, one they hoped would see the Rakata threat brought to its knees and ejected from the known galaxy.

  • The Hero of Imperial Center, Captain Dax Harton, returns to patrolling Oversector Shadow Hand with the purpose of discovering any potential hidden Hypergates or other nefarious methods of infiltration by the Infinite Empire yet does not result in any new threats rising under his watch as none are found.
  • Environmental terrorists more akin to nihilists are discovered across Byss Regency space by the Inquisition, who looked to poison or destroy agriculture infrastructure and destabilize the Imperial Warlord State. It is suspected and authorities publicly indicate these terrorists are linked to the Rakata as agents or assets used in their favor.
  • A large influx of smuggled goods is reported throughout Kuat Regency space, with observers coming to the conclusion that the Imperial Warlord state is enacting as many measures as possible to avoid shortages of goods for the military and citizenry.
  • Operation Concordia's Propaganda wing was in full swing regarding a massive wave of anti-Denon rhetoric after the First and Second Battle of Gyndine, as COMPNOR left no stone unturned to ensure their message was heard across the entirety of Kuat Regency space as the public, already soured on the former Imperial Client State grew even more angered over their recent actions and betrayal of the Empire.
  • Operation Godhand is enacted by Director Callix Verne, its purpose unknown but rumors circulate of many within the Imperial Senate being investigated for corruption or treason after the events on and around Corellia, with COMPNOR being heavily involved in the process.
  • Rumors from Oversector Ten spoke of high-ranking Imperial officials fleeing southwards before the Rakata could apprehend them, although COMPNOR quickly suppressed any information on the matter, giving brief statements of deserters and Rakatan agents being apprehended and executed for their crimes and cowardice.
  • The Kuat Regency systems of Sheris and Vanquo fall to the Infinite Empire, but not before extensive casualties and the enactment of a scorched earth policy enacted by the late Grand Moff Juonii which heavily delayed any further movement southwards.
  • To meet the harsh demands of war as attrition continued among the ranks, Grand General Kravic Vonsol ordered heavy investment into the Denon Military Academy, hoping its expansion would bring a greater influx of talented officers to its StarFleet and ground forces into the future.
  • Similar to efforts by the Byss Regency to locate and either deactivate or destroy any hidden Hypergates like the one found on Coruscant, Director-General Enzo Eastsky orders extensive surveys of systems within the Denon Military Zone yet no discoveries are found.
  • COMPMOR enacts a new large-scale recycling program, hoping to repurpose unused material for the war effort which included food waste being made into compost for future crops.
  • The Rim Emergency Authority begins to distribute new propaganda focused on the heroics of their Starfighter Corps in battle against the Infinite Empire, as Supreme Protector Pho orders a new elite unit based on Commodore Keon Liknar's Long Range Strike Group.
  • Emergency reconstruction efforts were enacted by High Moff Randell Kursk within newly conquered systems, hoping to alleviate any hardships locals had experienced with battles between Hutt and Tolondan forces as billions of credits were earmarked for numerous projects.
  • The Tolonda Union enacts a large-scale effort to expand education centers for its population who are deemed backwards. State-sponsored institutions are erected across the Warlord State, with pro-Tolondan propaganda infused and hoped future generations will be able to have better social and economic opportunities in comparison to current times.
  • High Admiral Druno Vaine the Younger and a majority of those under his command join COMPNOR, removing the last major military element within Oversector Twenty not officially members of the New Order organization.
  • The Seswenna Stellar Authority creates a new, specialized unit codenamed "Reaver Squadron" led by Captain Shea Hublin, also known as the "Rebel Destroyer". The purpose and doctrinal use of Reaver Squadron is unknown, but is noted to only be equipped with small craft and hyperdrive-capable TIE variants.
  • The Infinite Empire enacts a major offensive against the Imperial Triumvirate and Celanon Diarchy, taking all systems along the Entralla Route between Ord Mantell to JanFathal before suspending operations after the Battle of Bilbringi. [-1 ISD I, -1 ISD II, -2 Vic I, -5 Vic II to Triumvirate]
  • With the loss of a majority of Oversector Ten, the Celanon Diarchy conducts a minor offensive to reclaim the Cademimu system before the Infinite Empire could organize an attempt to assault it, returning the major arms manufacturing world to the Warlord State.
  • Reports from the worlds of Manaan and Tatooine indicate a major raid had been enacted by the Infinite Empire. Small groups of special forces had infiltrated deep under the seas of Manaan and nearby the spaceport of Mos Eisley on Tatooine with explosions reported and loss of security forces of the New Republic and Tolonda Union responding to each event respectively. The reasoning was unknown but public announcements indicate the attackers were eliminated soon after after attempting terror strikes deep behind the frontlines.

The Galaxy in Early 8 ABY

Galactic Empire (Kuat)
Supreme Commander Lira Serenon (@Carol) / Grand Vizier Ars Dangor / Grand Moff Dromus Karr
Government Type: Imperial Regency (Senate Restored)
Capital: Kuat
Systems: 56
Internal Stability: 2
Executor SSDs: 1
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 1
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 1
Allegiances: 3
Interdictor SDs: 3
Tectors: 2
Imperial Is: 26
Imperial IIs: 17
Imperial IIIs: 8
Procursators: 4
Victory Is: 3
Victory IIs: 86 [+34 in 1 turn (2 at Gyndine Suspended 1 Turn)]
Venators: 2

@CobaltCloyster as Vice Admiral Ferlia Abrin

@Waith as Director Callix Verne

Galactic Empire (Byss)
Imperial Regent Eletan Vaii (@Etranger) / Grand Vizier Ronntal Valrin
Government Type: Imperial Regency (Senate Indefinitely Suspended)
Capital: Byss
Systems: 106
Internal Stability: 5
Executor SSDs: 2
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 1 [+1 in 1 turn]
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 1
Allegiances: 1
Interdictor SDs: 4
Tectors: 3
Imperial Is: 33
Imperial IIs: 28
Imperial IIIs: 12 [+17 in 1 turn]
Procursators: 2
Comitators: 0 [+4 in 1 turn]
Victory Is: 5
Victory IIs: 96 [+15 in 1 turn (12 at Corellia Suspended 1 Turn, 3 at Duro Suspended 1 Turn)]
Victory IIIs (Byss): 0 [+8 in 1 turn]
Venators: 0

@RobespierreLives as Supreme Commander Iaxis Solaris
@DerechteNikolaus as High Admiral Druno Vaine the Younger
@Korona as Captain Dax Harton

Imperial Loyalist Triumvirate
Grand Admiral Zzavian Slyce Baobab (@ORE) / Grand Moff Sett Varian / Warlord of the Empire Valentinian Venis
Government Type: Imperial Triumvirate
Capital: Sartinaynian (Bastion)
Systems: 63
Internal Stability: 5
Executor SSDs: 1
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 1 [+1 in 2 turns]
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 0
Allegiances: 2
Interdictor SDs: 2
Tectors: 0
Imperial Is: 10
Imperial IIs: 17
Imperial IIIs (ILT): 10 [+12 in 2 turns]
Procursators: 0
Victory Is: 6
Victory IIs: 36
Victory IIIs (ILT): 24 (16 CC) [+6 in 1 turn]
Venators: 3

@Aedan777 as Admiral Tesser Landon Maddox
@Another Amoeba as Commander Balthazar Thyle

Seswenna Stellar Authority
Supreme Moff Niles Motti (@Orange Boy)
Government Type: Autocratic Fiefdom
Capital: Eriadu
Systems: 7
Internal Stability: 4
Executor SSDs: 0
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 1
Praetor IIs: 1
Secutors: 0
Allegiances: 0
Interdictor SDs: 0
Tectors: 0
Imperial Is: 9 [+4 in 1 turn]
Imperial IIs: 4
Procursators: 0
Victory Is: 2
Victory IIs: 9
Venators: 2
Subordinates: N / A

Rim Emergency Authority
Supreme Protector Turent Pho (@Bandeirante)
Government Type: Autocratic Fiefdom
Capital: Lantillies
Systems: 20
Internal Stability: 3
Executor SSDs: 0
Assertor SSDs: 1
Bellators: 0
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 2
Allegiances: 0
Interdictor SDs: 2
Tectors: 1
Imperial Is: 4
Imperial IIs: 6
Imperial IIIs: 0 [+1 in 1 turn]
Procursators: 6 [+1 in 1 turn]
Victory Is: 8 [+2 in 1 turn]
Victory IIs: 18
Venators: 1

@triumph8w as High Admiral Jal Zeid
@tankdrop24 as Commodore Keon Liknar

Denon Military Zone
Grand General Kravic Vonsol (@Frostbyght)
Government Type: Autocratic Fiefdom
Capital: Denon
Systems: 14
Internal Stability: 3
Executor SSDs: 1
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 0
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 1
Allegiances: 0
Interdictor SDs: 1
Tectors: 1
Imperial Is: 4
Imperial IIs: 2
Imperial IIIs: 3 [+3 in 1 turn, +1 in 2 turns]
Procursators: 0
Victory Is: 8
Despots: 6 [+2 in 1 turn]
Victory IIs: 2
Khans: 0 [+1 in 1 turn]
Venators: 3

@Fission Battery as Director-General Enzo Eastsky

Slaves to Darkness
Witch-Queen Ala'el (@Fingon888)
Government Type: Theocratic Dictatorship
Capital: Thule
Systems: 20
Internal Stability: 5
Executor SSDs: 0
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 0
Praetor IIs: 0
Secutors: 0
Allegiances: 1
Interdictor SDs: 0
Tectors: 0
Imperial Is: 4
Imperial IIs: 3 [+1 in 1 turn]
Procursators: 0
Victory Is: 18
Victory IIs: 1
Triumphs: 1 [+4 in 1 turn]
Venators: 1

@Noco as Headman Malakut Thule

Tolonda Union
High Moff Randell Kursk (@MajorKO)
Government Type: Autocratic Fiefdom
Capital: Rothana
Systems: 26
Internal Stability: 4
Executor SSDs: 0
Assertor SSDs: 0
Bellators: 0
Praetor IIs: 2
Secutors: 0
Allegiances: 0
Interdictor SDs: 1
Tectors: 1
Imperial Is: 10
Imperial IIs: 3
Imperial IIIs: 1 [+2 in 2 turns]
Procursators: 0
Victory Is: 5
Victory IIs: 7
Triumphs: 10 [+3 in 1 turn]
Venators: 6

@Lazer Raptor as Rear Admiral Zelta Kul
@Nerdorama as Commander Sienna Mersu

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➤Initializing: Complete
➤Connecting: Complete
➤Decryption: High
To the Moffs of the following systems: LETTOW, KARVOSS, HEMEI, SHUMOGI, DANTEEL


As you are no doubt aware, the fake rule over Corellia by those that wish to usurp the throne of Palpatine has ended. The legitimate rule from the Imperial Center has resumed. The indivisibility of the Empire will no longer be questioned.

Therefore I offer you a simple proposition. Renounce the false rule of the traitor Lira Serenon, the rat Ars Dangor, and the schismatic Dromus Karr, and pledge your allegiance to the indivisible Empire led by our Regent Vaii and the Imperial Center. Only the undivided New Order will destroy the Rakatans and quench the Rebellion.
If you accede to this demand, your lifes will be spared as our Regent is patient, however his patience is not of infinite nature.

My offer is simple.

Acquiesce or be destroyed.
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The Death of Admiral Zhu Koxinga at Taanab in 7 ABY at the hands of Dark Crown Command are to many a footnote in history, as many would consign the man to a place in history similar to that of Fleet Admiral Piett or the various other Imperial officers who rose through the ranks and perished long before Koxinga was even a name. In some regards, he does fit in those similar places as he was but in the end a mere admiral given a few ships to do his task.

Yet he is still remembered. Neo-Imperialists sometimes discuss him as a symbol of loyalty, both to Gaul and Serenon. Others more respect his determiantion and logic even as the far more rated by historians Zeid reduced him to space dust. Some feel his courage in doing his duty was admirable, as no final plea was uttered as escape became impossible, although rumors that a final transmission was sent to Zeid simply saying "Well Played." is unknown as historical records were not kept. If anything, Admiral Koxinga is remembered for three reasons above all. His masterful defence of Corellia alongside Serenon, his fortification skills that saw plans that lacked resources to be made and still gave Supreme Commander Solaris a bloody nose in taking Corellia, and his architectural designs that he had left behind before he went to his death. Discovered years later, they were used in the rebuilding of Corellia, Kuat and a dozen other worlds. Ironically the final legacy of Zhu Koxinga wasn't one of war, but one of peace.

- Dr. Ios Rhama, University of Kuat, 98 ABY. Extract from his book "Unknown Actors of the Second Half of the Galactic Civil War."
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The symphony from the millions of batteries arrayed at the Corellian surface had ended, it was a joyous show from the orbit of the battle-scarred planet. Solaris mused how long you would be able to see the scars from space - if it was up to him, forever. The symphony of Duro was also excellent although he couldn't stop the operation to admire it. Whilst the symphony was indeed very enjoyable, it was more of an offering to the warlord deity he had seen that morning, "and there will soon come more, my lord", Solaris thought. He was waiting for Lieutenant Boras for he was carrying something precious, a holodrama - an opera for Solaris to enjoy. One from Corellia - five acts long - and one from Duro - two acts shorter. He had specifically requested the invasions filmed by select regiments and Menhit units, officially so he could improve tactics and strategies for invasions to come. Just then, he arrived. "My lord. I have the holotapes you requested."

"Thank you, lieutenant" Solaris didn't bother to turn, "did you inspect them yourself?"

"No, my lord."

"No? They don't interest you perhaps?" Solaris asked inquisitively, having finally turned around. "Would you like to review them with me?"

"My lord, I do not think that that is appropriate. Besides I do have other duties to fulfill, as you have ordered me to."

"Very well, see to those duties then." Solaris said as he motioned for Boras to leave.

He couldn't wait to see and hear the screams, the collapsing of buildings, the small arms fire, and the rumble of war machines. He was almost giddy when he plugged in the tapes to the projector. The things the Shadowsun deprived him of seeing, he would see. However as he started watching something strange occurred. The pleasure of the opera on the ground was lacking. Instead he simply felt nothing. While it was spectacular, it was nothing special and Solaris speculated as to why. He was acutely aware that it was much more enjoyable to see it in person than on holotape, but he always felt something. He turned it off, no point in watching.

"Why? Why isn't this working?" Solaris contemplated this new-found sensation whilst looking out on Corellia. He sighed, if this wasn't doing it, then what would? He could always rely on the good old prisoner enrichment activities - of that he was sure - but he feared that there was no time for that. He could also not linger for too long - he had instructed Carlsam, his chief of operations, to gather relevant command staff to review Operation Commendatore, and he was willing, no, he was obliged to attend. He did not however, at this very moment feel like doing much at all. But he had to steel himself as the meeting was within the hour, and while he was allowed to arrive late as they could not question their Supreme Commander without severe consequences, he had no wish to do so. Their iron lord should be sharp, always alert, and always ahead.

He kept looking out at Corellia, the vision he saw, the fiery warlord that ignited the flame in Solaris had not shown itself again. He wondered if it would ever happen again. He clenched his fist: "Even if you don't show yourself, my offerings will continue." At that moment, Solaris remembered something. A creation of his subconsciousness deep within his sick mind. Palpatine had chosen him as one of the Grand Admirals because of his devotion to COMPNOR and his rumoured brutality, but what the late Emperor hadn't considered, was the possibility of a deity showing Iaxis Solaris, and perhaps even the boy Luccal - who had been suppressed for a lifetime - to the gates of oblivion. Yes, it had shown him, shown him what was necessary.

He was the arbiter. He was the executioner. All was unclean, none would be spared.

I. Must. Burn.

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We do not recognize the illegitimate authority being declared by the so-called Imperial Regent Eletan Vaii over the ruins of Imperial Center that he perpetrated, nor your false position as Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces given by traitors to the New Order that you follow willingly. We will reject your so-called simple proposition, for Supreme Commander Lira Serenon and Grand Vizier Ars Dangor were appointed by the late Emperor Gaul, known as the successor to the late Emperor Palpatine to hold the throne and distribute such titles and offices with full legal authority to do so.

You speak of uniting, when you only weaken the Imperial cause with your lies and destruction of loyal Imperial worlds and citizens. It is clear to us and the galaxy you and the usurpers to the throne are as if not more dangerous than the vile Rakata and have allowed the Rebellion to reach the state it currently has achieved. We say if you truly desire to end any measure of military, political and economic ability to eject the Infinite Empire from the galaxy and show all your true nature, then we shall await your arrival with blaster and pike and remind you of our resolve.

Long Live the New Order.
SIDESTORY: Reckoning


The sands were restless. The dead resisted. The slaves perished to both.

This was the reality upon the surface of Korriban, now a stronghold of the Infinite Empire for over a year as the dead tomb world of the ancient Sith felt life once again, although it was one of suffering, agony and arrogance. Millions of slaves, transported from the Unknown Regions or nearby conquered systems funneled like cattle into the many resting places of the long dead Sith Lords searching for what scraps remained, taking trinkets, holocrons and valuables back to their Rakatan masters who as time progressed grew impatient with the results. The price for such little reward was immense as corpses were littered in almost any corner one gazed upon. What local wildlife that exists, the echoes of Sith experimentation and generations of exposure to the Dark Side of the Force fed on their flesh and even when disturbed the living if they drew too close. If not ancient beasts that roamed the lands and tombs that fed, it was the Rakata warriors that oversaw their work, not out of a desire for sustenance but the belief they absorbed the very essence buried within to become stronger making one's fate on Korriban short and violent.

Standing before the tomb of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Marka Ragnos, one of the most powerful Sith to have ever lived and ruled was a Rakata flanked by numerous bodyguards as a large contingent of new slaves were sent forward to test their chances of survival and reach the deepest corridors and lairs within the structure. Even from the entrance all could hear the mocking laughter of the dead Sith reverberate outwards, taunting all who entered that their fates were sealed and only death would welcome them if they dared continue to disturb his resting place. The Rakata had no care for those sent in, giving a cold and expressionless stare as he raised his hand and the group were forced by pike and blaster inside, not long after screams could be heard then silence filled the Valley of the Dark Lords once again. A droid was sent in and returned to the Rakata patiently standing before the ancient doors in the valley, confirming the slaves inside were deceased, none reaching the sarcophagus or even the room where it lie. A mild sigh came, with only one word said; "Again", repeating the process as the number of slaves was never a concern as more and more across the galaxy were chained under the boot of the Infinite Empire.

As this was ongoing, a masked humanoid figure approached and kneeled before the Rakata, showing he was one of many servants. "Ah, my Hound. What news do you bring me today?" The Force Hound rose to his feet yet head, even covered was lowered showing respect was to be kept at all times or else face retribution. "My travels have discovered a world rich in the Force where a Nexus is present, and many attuned to it reside there. It is not within New Republic or Imperial databases, hidden from the galaxy. I was not detected during my investigation and returned as soon as possible once it was confirmed Predor Kal'Desh." The Predor turned with curiosity to this information. "And where is this Nexus located Hound?" A small hologram is taken out highlighting systems nearby Korriban. "Here. Not far away and has little in terms of orbital defense." The Predor examines this location, a smile emerges as his razor sharp teeth are exposed with delight over this development. "You have done well Hound, this world and its people will be a great collection to the Infinite Empire and the Over-Predor's satisfaction." He turns to one of the Rakata beside him. "Sub-Predor, prepare the fleet for departure immediately. I will lead this effort myself."

Before leaving, in a sick and demented way to express his joy of this news, the Predor unleashes a volley of Force Lightning upon an unsuspecting slave about to enter Ragnos' tomb, killing him almost instantly as his screams of agony were more a soothing symphony to the Predor and showcased his species' penchant for extreme violence.

"The fate of all who defy the Infinite Empire. Now go forth and bring me his soul!" Another wave sent in; their lives sealed either way…
Rear Admiral Evelyne Harro stared down at Denon. The city world had been transformed by Grand General Vonsol into one giant fortification. She wondered if Zhu would have- She stopped herself. She had shed only a single tear for her mentor and she refused to shed a tear for him. Knowing he would have fallen upon Denon had Serenon ordered him to.

Still, being in command of one of the only three Imperial III-Class Star Destroyers in DMZ's service meant Harro was trusted by Vonsol. At least she hoped so. She had left everything for him and Nil Vaan. Everything. Her sister called her a traitor, something she found funny since her and her husband Hublin served Motti and his state. Both the DMZ and Seswenna were warlord states to some degree, even if by this point, all were warlord states since the Emperor had left no real succession plan behind him. Everyone took power for some reason. Now though, Harro commanded an ISD-III and was determined to stand for Vonsol and the DMZ. It was all she had left now.
Composition of Task Force Usk, Portion of the Denon Military Zone Naval Force. Commander: Rear Admiral Evelyne Harro


Imperial III-Class Star Destoyer Thunderous Applause, Flagship of Rear Admiral Harro

Imperial I-Class Star Destroyer Hope's Oblivion, Previous Flagship of Harro

Victory I-Class Star Destroyer Siward Cass

Victory I-Class Star Destroyer Trench Molock

Despot-Class Star Destroyer Nobilissima

Numerous smaller support vessels
Cognitive Dissonance

Abrin feels like she was born in this damned bunker. She knows she wasn't of course. She remembers the home she grew up in, which likely still stands within one of the spires so many hundreds of meters above her. She remembers her father, who had loved her, and who had died a traitor's death to fuel her own ambitions. She remembers every petty little betrayal as she played the ridiculous games and danced the ridiculous dances that were Imperial bureaucratic politics. She remembers it all, and why wouldn't she? She lived it. She is reasonably sure that she was not born in this bunker, despite how it may feel sometimes.

What she does know is that she will almost certainly die in it. The Rakata have yet to assault Taris, and its defenses are strong, but Bandomeer was almost as well defended, and it fell weeks ago. Between the muted chemical scent of treated and recycled air and the dark moods of the remaining command staff, the atmosphere within the bunker is stifling.

Few soldiers there speak to Abrin outside of providing dispatches on the looming siege and requesting orders. The personnel she knows that she had once considered to be her most loyal all seem to be gone. Whether they chose to flee in the face of certain death or whether they had run afoul of either their own or her own rivals, she cannot say. Frankly, she cannot bring herself to care. Her most loyal were all monsters. Perhaps the galaxy is better off if they are all dead.

Abrin isn't certain where this odd stint of self-reflection is coming from. She has never been one to second-guess or naval gaze, yet here she is doing just that. Perhaps it's the onrushing Rakatan fleet. Yes, that's probably it.

"General Secretary," one of the soldiers says.

Abrin ignores him.

"General Secretary," he repeats. She realizes that he is speaking to her. 'General Secretary,' is, in fact, her title.

"Yes-" she glances at his rank insignia, "-Major?"

"The prisoners in camp Esk-Shen-Seventy-Eight have gotten it into their heads that we plan to liquidate their unit. They have imprisoned their guards and seized the camp." If Abrin recalls correctly, Esk-Trill through Esk-Thesh are low-risk units.

"They are a low-risk penal unit, correct? Petty criminals, not dissidents or non-humans?"

"Yes, General Secretary."

Abrin wants to tell him to let them be. They aren't armed and are on the surface besides. If they want to spend their last weeks before the Rakata kill everyone on this rock, then let them. She plans to tell him this. She opens her mouth to give him this order-

"Deploy gas via bombers, Major. Then send in ground forces to mop up any survivors. Insurrection cannot be permitted if Taris is to withstand the enemy assault," she says instead.

"And the guards?"

"If they were incompetent enough to be captured by their own prisoners, then their fate is their own."

Abin doesn't understand her own cruelty most of the time. This order, for example. If the situation is so dire that prisoners must be purged en-masse to ensure loyalty, then why would she order that loyal soldiers, who she knows would have been outnumbered over a hundred-to-one based on other similar units, to be killed for not winning an impossible battle? It seems counterproductive, but that is the order she gave, and so she must stand by it.

Abrin is afraid that she is a monster. She doesn't know why this is something that scares her. It's something that she neither thought nor cared about before.

What is wrong with her?
Such an End

The bridge of the Sword of Sorcery was decked in tapestries depicting ancient Sith and Nightsisters, Dark Jedi and Witches, and wars and orgies. The austere environment of an Imperial warship was long gone as religious and mystical symbols of many colors were all about. Incense burned in the censors of several servants, chanting soft words of power.

"My Queen! My Queen!" One of her communication officers appeared before her, kneeling down and kissing the hem of her robe. "The priests of Thule report that the foe are massing to strike against the planet. A great darkness rises up to seize the planet."

The Witch-Queen looked out into the dark expanse of space, still littered by the remains of the great battle she had fought against the Rakatans here at Tervissis. She did not think that this moment would have come so soon, rather thinking that the enemy would seek greater advantage elsewhere against a less capable foe.

Tulak Hord, the Herald of Darkness, stood by her side. "My Queen, we must regroup and prepare to concentrate at Gigor. From there we can strike against the heartlands of the former CSA and liberate their yards for your use. Let Thule be evacuated and the assets of the planet meet us at Gigor."

She shook her head and sat on her spiked throne. "The enemy come for the power of the Force which is seeped through the very rocks and stones of that place. They come for the faithful and the adept, to break them upon an impersonal wheel for mere power." She shook her head. "And furthermore, I do not intend to be driven from a second capital-world."

"But my Queen, while our numbers have greatly expanded we are still too weak without outside aid. We would require all our might to assemble and drive into the fires of hell to gain victory. And that road is most like to see us all die, and our noble cause ended."

He was right of course, but Hord was a trooper. His belief in the Dark Power was strong, but his ultimate faith was in durasteel and strategy, in logistics and science. But she had been born in the forests of Dathomir amid sorcery and raised among the ghosts of the Lords of the Sith. She had seen the greatest deeds of this or any age. She was not born into this galaxy to cower and to hide, or to lick the boots of Sidious or that Lord of Ghosts Vaii.

No, she had come to bring knowledge where there was ignorance, to bring war where there was peace, to bring judgement where there was stagnation.

"If we are to die then it has been fated by a Power which lies beyond the uttermost star. I have not collected my slaves and faithful warriors so that they might destroy their own souls by becoming cowards, by turning from the fight and hiding in the hills." She stood up. "If we must meet our end, then I shall it be such an end as to be worthy of remembrance."

She turned on the recorder and she spoke.

"Faithful Ones, all forces and beings which swear their fealty to the Witch-Queen of Korriban, Ala'el the Bloody-Handed, are commanded to unite at Thule. The coordinates shall be given. The foe are massing to strike against a sacred world, the capital of the Slaves to Darkness, which has been inhabited by the faithful Dark Siders for long millennia. Today the Rakatan vermin squat on Korriban, the great throne world, and make mockery of the tombs of our fathers. We shall not allow Thule to suffer such an ignoble fate."

"We go now, mayhaps, to our death. Let this knowledge wash over and consume you for but a moment. And then let the certainty of our cause, of our might, of our courage, fill your bones and mind and heart. We are Death's men and we know no fear. Let us fall upon the alien with such a ferocity and bloodlust that they shall tell the little aliens beyond the galactic rim stories of your charge and dagger and turbolaser to frighten them to sleep at night."

"Those of who you come to Thule and spill your blood shall be my brother and sister. Though I am your Mistress and we all be slaves to a greater power, let us make such a quake that our names be written in blood across the stars. I am coming in might and sorcery. Come with me and if we all burn in the void, my soul will carry you beyond the galaxy to a greater resting place myself. We are the Slaves to Darkness and we have come for you!"

With the message sent she sat down, listening as the preparations to depart were made. "If we both fall, let it be known that Thule should rule. The man is a mad dog and I do not want any of this cult to live after defeat. Instruct Thule that if he lives and we are dead that they must all throw themselves at the foe or upon their own daggers."
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Partial Transmission Log 29151
DMZ Special Broadcast: State Funeral for Comander Secundus Jonus Nil Vaan
Broadcast on all Nets, all Channels.

Excerpt: Funeral Speech by Commander Primus Kravic Vonsol, 1824 Local time

"-not only a brilliant commander, but a close friend. From the beginning, Vaan stood as a steadfast champion of the Military Order. His contributions to the founding of the Denon Military Zone cannot be understated. Without his influence, we would long ago have fallen to the deprivations of our enemies. His loss is a tragedy.

It was Vaan who led our fleets in the defense of our systems. It was Vaan who struck forth at the forces of chaos and destruction. It was Vaan who spearheaded the development of our grand projects: the Despot and the Khan. These ships shall bear his mark for as long as humankind travels the stars. They shall be the sword and shield of the DMZ against the darkness of the coming night.

Heroism is not a word I use often. In the past, I have said that the Galaxy does not need dead heroes, but living soldiers. To make the ultimate sacrifice for the cause of Order and Stability is not a small thing. And so I say with all the conviction of my heart and soul: Jonus Nil Vaan was a hero. His example, defending our cause against all threats, shall be remembered for all years to come. His name shall be borne across the Galaxy by our soldiers and citizens.

Here and now, I declare that the first ship of the Khan-Class shall bear his name. So long as the DMZ persists, so too shall the memory of so fine a warrior, so valuable a compatriot, so close an ally. We shall mourn, we shall remember, and with fire in our hears and steel in our souls, we shall continue our righteous mission.

Long Live the DMZ! Long Live the Military Order! Long Live the Memory and Heroism of Jonus Nil Vaan!"