Star Wars: A Padawans Tale: Episode II: A New Galaxy (A CK2/Adventure Quest)

Well at least we can say that the Papa Palps Negaverse will be amazingly awesome.
Palpatine Negaverse Quest, Part 2: I AM the Senate Salt!!!, Turn 1 Rumor Mill
Palpatine Negaverse Quest, Part 2: I AM the Senate Salt!!!, Turn 1 Rumor Mill



So, um...bad News or REALLY bad News first?


Just hit us with the bad. To ease us into it.

Of course we would have problems again right at the start...

While that prospect sucks, how bad could it be, really? Even if Order 66 lasted only ten Minutes before getting shut down, it still did tons of damage. And besides, as long as we are finally rid of He-Who-Shall-Not-be-Named, it's all good.

For the love of the dark side of the force, don't jinx it!!!

Oh come ON. We rolled a 92 on the wounding Roll against him when we activated Order 66! The chances of him surving are so slim, it's not even funny.

No, I am certain we are finally rid of that pest once and for all.

Laron rolled a Nat100 on his survival Roll. And an 85 on his recovery Roll.

Aka, he is alive, has woken up from his coma and is on the way back to full health.




FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, DICE GODS!!! The ONE Jedi we absolutely, positively, totally NEEDED to die and you let him live?!?

Screw you and your Pro-Jedi-Bias!!!

...Well...hate to break it to you, @ManySpringBranches, but we clearly spoke too soon.

I told you Guys! I TOLD you not to jinx it!!!

...Seriously, why do the Dice Gods love this Kid so much?

Man, screw us having a rivalry with Yoda! This kid is clearly the biggest pain ever in our dark backside!

Can this get ANY worse?!

I guess this is a bad time to tell you about Anakin rolling a Triple-Crit and managing to wield both light and dark side in perfect harmony to destroy the Artifact you had placed under the Jedi-Temple to cloud the Force?

...You just HAD to jinx it as well, didn't you, @AverageEmpireAndSithEnjoyer?

A.N.: One load of Salt, freshly served. More to come in the Future. Enjoy!
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Oh and Larons updated sheet, and Kenobis sheet are finally finished and will be posted tonight.
Sooooooooo.... It might help people if you throw a link to the previous quest into the OP. lot of people might have no understanding of what's happening right now. Like me. We shouldn't depend on the Similar Threads down below always showing the previous thread to find the previous thread. It might stop doing so one day.
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Interesting, so a Null Fuels (a Republic corporation) is on the verge of hostile takeover by the Trade Federation, Czerka, and the Banking Clan, who are all Separtist-aligned. Is there any specific reason why those groups haven't had all assets in Republic space (including their stake in Null Fuels) seized by the government?

Funny thing, Czerka was allied with the Republic during the Clone Wars. You know, despite repeatedly allying with the Sith every single time they crop up over the course of 5000 years.

As I keep saying any chance I get, Czerka's capacity for mad science is matched only by the sheer power and competence of its PR and legal departments.
So Magoose, going to point this out, the Republic does actually have term limits for the Chancellorship. Palpatine was in fact already out of terms by the Clone Wars and only had the position still due to having convinced the senate to "temporally" extend his chancellorship until the separatist crisis was over. It should be noted that the only one with the authority to declare said emergency over was the Chancellor. If this sounds like a blatent excuse to let Palpatine stay as long as he needed to get the clone wars ready, congrats, heres a cookie. It has dark side.
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So Magoose, going to point this out, the Republic does actually have term limits for the Chancellorship. Palpatine was in fact already out of terms by the Clone Wars and only had the position still due to having convinced the senate to "temporally" extend his chancellorship until the separatist crisis was over. It should be noted that the only one with the authority to declare said emergency over was the Chancellor. If this sounds like a blatent excuse to let Palpatine stay as long as he needed to get the clone wars ready, congrats, heres a cookie. It has dark side.
IIRC that was stated in the previous thread
The Padawan. Also I screwed up and need to do some minor edits.

Name: Laron Null

Health: 5.0


Fertility: 100%


Diplomacy: 28+7+2=39

Martial: 22+2+2=26

Stewardship: 10+2+2=14

Intrigue: 11+7+2=20

Learning: 9+5+2=16

Personal Combat: 37+11+2=50

Force Power: 45+10=55


Jedi Sentinal (Padawan): You are a Jedi specializing in the combat and the force, while also studying mand of the more nonforce related fields, such as computers, or mechanical engineering. (+1 to intrigue, learning, and Diplomacy. +5 to Personal combat and Force power)

Jedi Raised: You were raised by the Jedi order, having spent a lifetime learning and training to be a peacekeeper of the Galaxy. (+2 all stats)

Diligent: You are a hard worker. When you set your mind to something, you will complete it. (+1 to all stats except personal combat. +5 to an action overlooked.)

Patient: You were always one to sit and wait... and see what happens (+1 to all stats, +5 to personal Combat rolls)

Gregarious: You know the right words to say to all the right people. (+4 to diplomacy. +10 to diplomacy rolls during adventures)

Erudite: If there was one thing you loved, it was knowledge, and teaching those who want to learn. (+2 to learning, +10 to learning rolls. Special actions available on adventures)

Cynical: There is nothing that will make you believe in any more than your own power. (+3 to intrigue, +10 to deceit rolls, +10 to detecting lies on adventures)

Deceitful: You always tell people the truth, from a certain point of view. (+1 to intrigue, +10 to detect lying, +10 to deceit rolls during adventures.)

Hero of the Republic: You are a hero of the Republic and one that has been recognized as the one who saved it from it's greatest enemy. (Unknown effect, Actions Available)

Sithsbane: You have a penchant for making a certain siths plan go awry… every time. (Unknown Effect, but you do gain roll bonuses against Palpatine… Somehow?)

Lightsaber Forms Known:

Soresu (Form 3) (Knight): The pure defense form, good for blast deflection and other wielders of. (+10 to Personal Combat. +30 to defensive rolls when fighting blaster-wielding opponents, +20 to defensive rolls fighting lightsaber-wielding opponents.)

Niiman (Learner): The balanced form of both blade and the force, it has no strengths, but it has no weaknesses either. (+1 to Personal Combat. +3 to defense and offense, +3 when using force chained attacks)

Force Powers:

Force Powers Known:

Force Valor (Master): You have the ability to make yourself faster, and stronger by tapping into the force. (When used, you gain a +30 to personal combat rolls)

Force Healing (Knight): You can use the Force to Heal yourself and those around you. (If you get wounded, healing rolls get a +15)

Mind Trick (Knight): You can use the force to manipulate the weak-minded. (When Using mind trick, you get a +50 to your deceit roll if the enemy fails a weakness check. If they do not fail the check, they might be confused or angered, and may attack you.)

Force Repulse (Knight): Unleash a blast of force to throw people back. (If used, you gain a +50 to your combat rolls against all enemies.)

Force Speed (Knight): You can use the force to increase your movement and reaction speed. (+15 to offense and defense rolls in combat)
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The Padawan’s Problems, as Described by Laron Null:
The Padawan's Problems, as Described by Laron Null:

You looked at the council and realized that it was a whole lot different than the last time you were here. For one Anakin was sitting there, and Even Peil was missing, his chair uncomfortably empty, his presence was clearly felt, even in his absence, so you suspected that he was still alive, else it would have been filled.

But Master Yoda himself was missing… that filled you with a sense of dread that you didn't believe you could ever feel since you got Stabbed by Palpatine

Depa Billaba was in the chamber as well, as you noticed that her Padawan, Caleb was also present, in her shadow, looking out the window, board.

In fact, many of the Jedi masters that had padawans were there… though that was only you, Ahsoka, Caleb, and...Ordo.

In fact, Ordo was smiling when you arrived. "Ah, the conquering hero has returned." With no sense of decorum in his entire life. He was far more alive on the battlefield than in a place like a temple. Same with you… and others you supposed, with your teenage years being defined by this war.

The masters shot him a glare, but Master Windu took command. "Yes, Padawan Null, thank you for coming at such short notice."

Master Kenobi took his place, and you were glad he was here. He was a presence that, despite all the power, was like a sea of calm.

And power there was. Without a doubt, you had never really felt how powerful this group is… but even with Master Skywalker turning the entire place into a sun… the rest of them were beacons in their own right.

And even now… the entire place felt… brighter. Happier.


"As you can probably guess, Padawan." Master Windu started. "This council has made many of the decisions it has made for the good of the Jedi. Though it has been met with skepticism from the rest of the republic."

You nodded. "We stopped fighting the war." You stated.

"Indeed." Master Windu replied. "But as you can see, we are here to discuss the growing… concerns about the young Padawans who have wished to return to the fighting. Those calling for an army of Light."

"The last time that was called, it was led by Revan during the Mandalorian Wars." Master Kenobi stated. "And led to a Schism within the Jedi Order."

"Yes, because the last time the council decided to make a decision without hearing them out, it nearly caused a Schism, and now you're doing the same thing as before." You replied. "So unless you have a plan to actually listen to us, pound sand."

The Masters were stunned by your lack of tack, but you had long since stopped caring for the Council's Opinions. Master Kenobi's and Anakin's were the only ones you cared about.

"We are trying to change, and we will answer to future of our order." Master Depa replied, stopping Windu's protest and calling out of your words.

You raised an eyebrow. Yes? "Is this going anywhere?" You asked.

"The Padawans have asked that you raise their case for them." Master Windu replied. "And we will make a choice whether to return to this war."

Wait… "That's all?" You asked.

"Yes." The Master replied. "Padawans. Leave." Master Windu ordered, clearly angered by your annoying... truths.

Soon you all left before you realized something. "Wait, are they really making me do all the work they should be doing themselves?"

Caleb laughed. "And you just noticed now?"

"But why me?" You asked.

Ahsoka laughed. "Considering that everything that happened is because of you, they must think you are like Master Qui gon and are doing everything in their power to make things easier for them to say now."

"Wow." You said as Ordo quietly smiled at you. "What do you think?"

"Personally, I think Windu wants you to fail so he can hold it over Master Kenobi. Can you imagine if you actually succeed and force them to concede? Their heads will explode."

"Well, can you help me, guys?" You asked.

"Of course, just ask." Caleb asked.

Reward: In Three Turns, there will be a Great Council that will ask if the Jedi, and in particular those clamoring for an Army of Light, should be listened to.

There are other things, like the massive taxes the Jedi Pay, and many many other things.

The Padawan Pack of Ahsoka, Ordo, and Caleb have joined you and will be helping.

New Actions Available.
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