Star Wars, a Fractured Galaxy - Game Thread


Leyane slowly ran a hand over the weathered, pockmarked wood of her desk, trying to find some measure of control over the fury that boiled inside her. As both of her arms were prosthetics adapted from the chassis of a Colicoid assassin droid, this resulted in steel talons carving a fresh set of grooves in the already heavily scarred desktop, but at least her voice was almost normal as she indicated the holo currently playing out behind her.

"Protector-Captain, please explain to me why this was plastered all over ZNN this morning."

"This" was a recording of the aftermath of a Huntsmen raid on Venjagga-Prime. Chariot Assault Vehicles hovered in front of a burning warehouse, Huntsman in their trademark dusters over modified stormtrooper armor hard at work decorating the light tanks. Insofar as "crucifying an unsavory assortment of humans and aliens against the frontal armor plating" could be considered decoration.

It was not an easy task. Troopers resorted to using their personal issue vibroblades to secure the victims in place, hammering them into flesh and armor plating with the butts of their blasters. On the recording, a Huntsman finished the job on a thrashing Weequay and then removed their helm, revealing a young woman with sweat soaked dark hair streaked with white and sharp features not dissimilar from Leyane's own.

The same woman currently seated on the other side of her office.

"Heard there was a bunch of kriffing scumbags stanging around in the Jaggis City, so being I'm a kriffing Protector-Captain I put together a little 'get-the-kriff-out' party for'em. Got a little messy, but we did our stanging job, ended up with some nasty stuff and some nasty folks. Decided we might as well send a kriffing message to everybody else, put the stanging fear of the stanging Empire in'em, got to work...guess it was a slow news day, ma'am?" Elyria Paramexor, Protector-Captain in the Aurelian Huntsmen, all but spit the words at her grandmother, her back parade ground straight in her chair.

"Those kriffing scumbags were in the employ of Glaikon the Hutt, Protector-Captain. You do recall the details of our family's arrangement with..."

"They were kriffing making Crimson Shade! That Sithspit should be kriffing thankful I didn't vape his whole kriffing..."

"I am aware of that." Two sets of claws punched into the desktop, the sound of wood splintering silencing the younger woman. "Just as I know you are aware of our family's arrangement with him. That you are aware he is the least of several evils, so we tolerate..."

"Least evil's still pretty kriffing evil, Grams."

Silence followed, the old woman and the young one simply holding each others gazes, each seeing the rage and contempt that burned in the other's eyes, neither willing to concede so much as a micrometer. It was the Moff who finally broke the silence, her lips quirking upward in a bitter smile.

"I have a new assignment for you. In your capacity as a member of House Paramexor, not as a Protector-Captain. In light of the upheavals in the North, I intend to send an envoy to N'Zoth, Commenor, and Kuat to request additional fleets be at least temporarily assigned to Aurelian Sector. Dispatching my granddaughter to make the request in person will underscore the seriousness of my..."

"Are you stanging me? Those glitsuckers wouldn't give up one of their fleets if the kriffing Steel Lady came back to life and..."

"You don't say. Why, it's almost like I'm sending you off on an elaborate exercise in stanging around as some sort of punishment for kriffing things up."

Elyria's chair slid backwards as she sprang to her feet, snapping off a parade ground salute.

"Ma'am! Request permission to begin preparations for journey, ma'am. Need to have everything looking sharp, ma'am, don't want the Southern Moffs to be thinking we're all a bunch of Hutt-kissing pirates out here in the Periphery, ma'am!"

"Granted, Protector-Captain. Dismissed."

Leyane continued to glower as her granddaughter snapped off another salute, about faced, and marched out of the office, waiting until the doorway had irised closed behind her before she allowed her shoulders to slump with weariness and her eyes to close.

She remained that way for several minutes, doing nothing except slowly breathing in and out...then her eyes shot open, and if the fires in them burned lower they were still burning.

Muttering darkly to herself, the Moff eased out from behind her desk, moving on gleaming insectoid limbs towards her personal data terminal.

A Paramexor Huntsman taking a well earned rest

Glaikon the Hutt, a simple owner of a few dozen fish processing plants who has been blessed with many friends

Colicoid assassin droid, of the type cannibalized to create Moff Leyane's prosthetics


To: My Old Friend Glaikon @Sidheach
From: Leyane

My friend, I send this message to express my condolences, and to commiserate. It would appear that we each have suffered from subordinates overstepping their bounds, leading to the recent unpleasantness on Venjagga-Prime.

The business venture that was recently liquidated by my factors...well, I know that you would not jeopardize our relationship with such a...risky investment. Not that the mercurial nature of said venture was any excuse for their actions, the proper course would have been to notify you of the foolishness your employees had engaged in and allow you to resolve it.

The way my subordinates chose to resolve the situation, it was an insult, and one that I take full responsibility for. I will see that the parties responsible are suitably chastened, and that such errors are not repeated. As a more concrete gesture of contrition, I believe a reduction in the tariffs on your other ventures would be in order, at least for the next three revenue cycles.

My friend, I understand that you may be compelled to take certain actions in response, and I assure you that I bear you no ill will for such. It is merely business.


As I have personally accepted responsibility for the insult and the lost revenue resulting from it, should such actions be directed against any parties other than myself...I would consider that a personal slight. And I do not believe either of us wishes for this to become a personal matter.

TO: Central Committee of Moffs @Icarus @Deathwing @Mina @Firebringer2077 @Wade Garrett @Sidheach (insert other Moffs here)
FROM: Moff Thelstar of the Alsakan Subsector

I demand an end to the vicious attacks on the Moff of the Rendilli Sector. There is no need for impoliteness in this committee, as being a Moff requires decorum.

The Moff of Rendilli, in fact, echoes principles that would be admirable were they not tainted by political motivation. In the wake of what is destined to be tumultuous times, all Imperial officials, whether they are in the highest positions of the Empire, or the lowest clerical assistant, must decide whether they will take the path that uses the values of honor and duty as a cloak for political motives, or whether they will choose the direction that clearly embodies those values, and strives to use them to instill the glory that once was virulent throughout the Empire.

One can only hope they make the wisest choice.

I, Moff Paramexor of Sector Aurelian, second Moff Thelstar's call for decorum, and also wish to commend him for managing to press his lips to Moff Vall's backside all the way from Alsakan.

-Elyria Paramexor is dispatched to personally negotiate the secondment of additional fleets to the far Northeast with the Moffs of Kuat, Commenor, and N'Zoth
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I, Moff Paramexor of Sector Aurelian, second Moff Thelstar's call for decorum, and also wish to commend him for managing to press his lips to Moff Vall's backside all the way from Alsakan.

I do not believe that anywhere in my statement did I agree with the ambitions Moff Vall has made public in guise of loyal duty, and so am confused as to how I would be seen as pressing my lips "to Moff Vall's backside", as you so articulately put it.

Rather, my entire statement was crafted upon the presupposition that the Moff of Rendilli's comments were in bad taste, given that the current Supreme Commander has not even passed, and his attempts at garnering a coalition have been poorly disguised.

However, that being said...I do understand that my response was perhaps, too soft, for your tastes?
Riots in Ruan

Holofilm of rioters (mostly dockworkers) parading through the streets of Ruan in demand of better wages and living conditions. The local police forces held them off until stormtroopers could arrive. It didn't take the troopers long.

It started with a shout. Thyrxx Jaywol, an otherwise unnoticeable dockworker who had worked at the shipyards for many years, like his father and his father's father before him, was suddenly felled by a large piece of Quadanium steel, causing him to fall over 20 meters to his demise.

The crowd at the surface gathered to perhaps, in disgust, sneakily glance at the horrid death of poor Mr. Jaywol. Soon, the authorities were called, and it seemed like the crowd would break up as it did every other construction accident.

This was not the case.

In fact, some of Jaywol's fellow workers followed the descent (within the confines of the lift, of course) and were intermingled with the crowd being broken up quite roughly by local authorities. This death was the last straw for them, as they were apparently disillusioned by recent events that had seemed to never go their way, and they began resisting the authorities' encouragement to move along.

Soon, as it usually is in a mob effect, other people began resisting, and soon the sparsely present authorities were faced with a hostile force much bigger than their own. The "Movement for Greater Labor Protections", as the agitators called themselves, led their accrued mob into action, breaking innocent Imperial citizens' property, and committing other destructive acts that led to an inevitable response from the administration: the deployment of the local "military".

Essentially a militia with a new name, this "military" advanced on the barricades formed by the disaffected, and soon a bloody shootout with small arms commenced.

Needless to say, this convening of masses ended with the forceful dispersement enforced by Imperial stormtroopers, including many arrests and, in some serious cases, executions.

But even as the day wound up with the expected quiet on the streets (as quiet as you can get in an urban city), everyone, from Imperial official to groveling beggar, realized that the situation could be contained no longer if no action was taken to relieve the pressure that had been building up for quite some time.

ACTIONS: @Sidheach
- Reinforce stromtrooper contingent on Ruan
- Implement temporary moratarium on public massed meetings until further notice
- Increase pressure on bureaucrats under the Alsakan Subsector to adopt the state-run union model as a practicable policy

Then we are in concurrence there. I too wish that the current Supreme Commander's death is not politicized, and that stability be maintained in the interest of the Empire.

It is imperative that I know where you stand, however. Currently it is almost blatantly obvious that there will be two if not more sides to this inevitable succession crisis, and your important shipyards will not go unnoticed.

In honesty, I had wished for an aggressive neutrality in this conflict between Moffs, however, it is apparent that that choice is not longer an option.
Sadly I myself must see where I stand. But some can still hope and pray.
-Elyria Paramexor is dispatched to personally negotiate the secondment of additional fleets to the far Northeast with the Moffs of Kuat, Commenor, and N'Zoth
To Moff Paramexor @Wade Garrett
From: Moff Ulrich Golgotha
It depends on how much ships you want? Also as this crisis seems to set our fellow moffs at each-overs throats, I would like some reassurance that any fleet I construct for you, my lady, is not turned upon the fleets of Kuat in the very unfortunate case of civil war.
Sadly I myself must see where I stand. But some can still hope and pray.


This is understood and respected. I simply wish to warn you of the inevitable probing by warring Moffs during a conflict that may arise very soon.

Since you intend on remaining at least partially neutral, a position I admire, I ask of you, would it still be possible for you to produce sections of a ship I am developing, in secret? I am willing to negotiate for a settlement that satisfies both of us.

This is understood and respected. I simply wish to warn you of the inevitable probing by warring Moffs during a conflict that may arise very soon.

Since you intend on remaining at least partially neutral, a position I admire, I ask of you, would it still be possible for you to produce sections of a ship I am developing, in secret? I am willing to negotiate for a settlement that satisfies both of us.
I am willing to hear this as Kuat is always willing to build ships for our fellow Moffs, as long as these ships do not fire upon our own of course.
I am willing to hear this as Kuat is always willing to build ships for our fellow Moffs, as long as these ships do not fire upon our own of course.


But of course. Just keep your ships out of the range of ours, and I assure you they will receive no damage from us.

Perhaps we shall take this to more private channels?
To Moff Paramexor @Wade Garrett
From: Moff Ulrich Golgotha
It depends on how much ships you want? Also as this crisis seems to set our fellow moffs at each-overs throats, I would like some reassurance that any fleet I construct for you, my lady, is not turned upon the fleets of Kuat in the very unfortunate case of civil war.

My dear Ulrich, I am flattered you imagine me capable of fighting my way across the width and breadth of the Empire to reach Kuat, but really.

As to numbers...the Sith to our North can call upon seven fleets. One, perhaps two fleets would be sufficient for my needs, if my neighbors will agree that we should look to our own safety instead of getting involved in the affairs of the South, and especially given His Majesty's offer of assistance.

It seems my granddaughter made a favorable impression upon you...hmmm. Perhaps the girl has undiscovered natural talents.

To: His Imperial Majesty Marcus Pallopides IV @Maugan Ra

Your Majesty, after negotiations with Moff Golgotha of Kuat it seems I will be able to requisition two more fleets for my command.

However...the thought has occurred to me that in these times, a Moff who doubles her armed forces, no matter how loudly she claims her actions are motivated by a desire to do good for all around her, well...

I would request Your Majesty station contingents of His Guard with both of the new fleets. Their abilities will be invaluable should the Sith strike, and their presence will make it clear that these ships are meant for the defense of the Imperial Order, not the sating of Moff Paramexor's personal ambitions.
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To: His Imperial Majesty Marcus Pallopides IV @Maugan Ra

Your Majesty, after negotiations with Moff Golgotha of Kuat it seems I will be able to requisition two more fleets for my command.

However...the thought has occurred to me that in these times, a Moff who doubles her armed forces, no matter how loudly she claims her actions are motivated by a desire to do good for all around her, well...

I would request Your Majesty station contingents of His Guard with both of the new fleets. Their abilities will be invaluable should the Sith strike, and their presence will make it clear that these ships are meant for the defense of the Imperial Order, not the sating of Moff Paramexor's personal ambitions.

To: Moff Paramexor @Wade Garrett
From: Marcus IV Pallopides

A reasonable request on both counts, and one I am inclined to grant.

- Compliments of the Imperial Guard are stationed aboard both of the loaned fleets, both as symbol and precaution (@Sidheach)
The Empire of Greater Fondor-2

Ruler: Emperor Arcturus Pallopides

Heir: Princess Noverra Pallopides

Economy: Stable, The conquest of Abregado Rae has allowed for the unification of the Fondor Loop and increased safety for Imperial industries.

Navy: 14 Fleets
Fleet Cap: 14
Production Rate: 2

Government: Imperial Constitutionalism-A Senate of elected notables and a House of Lords consisting of Force-wielding nobility serve to run the day-to-day affairs of the Empire under the Emperor's watch, their differing POVs keeping each other in check. The Emperor still reserves the right to appoint the Prime Minister who controls both chambers and to dissolve them and rule by decree for a term of five years when the Chambers does not serve the interests of the state but has not exercised this right in some time.

Imperial Family:
Arcturus Pallopides (F), Emperor of Fondor, True Heir of the Galactic Empire (a. 57)
  • His children by Empress Bri Kyrin (F) (a. 33, DEAD), a former Echani Peacekeeper
    • Princess Noverra Pallopides (F) (a. 23), Heir-Designate of the Empire
    • Prince Krix Pallopides (F) (a. 22), Ambassador to the Kingdom of New Alderaan
  • His children by Empress Nae Fex (F) (a. 41), A Lady of the Empire
    • Prince Griss Pallopides (a. 19)
    • Princess Emele Pallopides (a. 15)
    • Princess Rae Pallopides (F) (a. 11)
    • Prince Aeloryn Pallopides (a. 10)
Internal Events: @Sidheach
-Due to Increased tensions on the Empire's western border, more defenses are being erected at Giju, Dentaal, and Abregado Rae.

-The expansion of Fondor's shipyards has been postponed but the Emperor promises further work will be done at a future date.

To: Gerrard, Eamus, Plexis @Sidheach
From: Emperor Turus


Don't fear our advancing fleets. We have no intentions of conquest at this time. We are seeking out Edneite strongholds in the Deep Core to prove the strength of the Empire. Any information on their whereabouts would be invaluable.

That being said the Empire is always willing to integrate new worlds and would be interesting discussing such with you.

To: Imperial Intelligence @Sidheach
From: Emperor Turus

What is Atrisia's fleet strength and how are the people faring under Aku?
To: Moff Paramexor @Wade Garrett
From: Stryder Strategic Solutions

We have heard... rumors that the noble Moff Paramexor plans a campaign to bring the Sith of Bilbringi to heel. This is, of course, an immensely noble goal.

However, surely the noble Moff is aware of the unique... abilities that the Sith possess, no? Such a thing may make the campaign difficult--and for that, we are here to help. Stryder Strategic Solutions has much experience dealing with thr acolytes of this so-called "Force", and we are eager to dispatch consultants to help you secure your forces and neutralize that particular threat--if you wish it.

But of course. Just keep your ships out of the range of ours, and I assure you they will receive no damage from us.

Perhaps we shall take this to more private channels?
We shall. and I hope to make sure that Kuat ships should never fire upon a fellow imperials vessels.
My dear Ulrich, I am flattered you imagine me capable of fighting my way across the width and breadth of the Empire to reach Kuat, but really.

As to numbers...the Sith to our North can call upon seven fleets. One, perhaps two fleets would be sufficient for my needs, if my neighbors will agree that we should look to our own safety instead of getting involved in the affairs of the South, and especially given His Majesty's offer of assistance.

It seems my granddaughter made a favorable impression upon you...hmmm. Perhaps the girl has undiscovered natural talents.
Sorry about my worries, a little high-strung about everything. Jackals are fighting over the Supreme Commander's position before he is even dead yet. Thus please forgive my cation. As for your fleets to deal with the Sith, then two fleets Kuat shall make for you. I do hope that when you destroy them that Bilbringi's shipyards will be left intact. Can't trust those creatures to not destroy them to spite us. Another shipyard for the Empire would be wonderful news. Heck I would even invest in it.
To: Moff Paramexor @Wade Garrett
From: Stryder Strategic Solutions

We have heard... rumors that the noble Moff Paramexor plans a campaign to bring the Sith of Bilbringi to heel. This is, of course, an immensely noble goal.

However, surely the noble Moff is aware of the unique... abilities that the Sith possess, no? Such a thing may make the campaign difficult--and for that, we are here to help. Stryder Strategic Solutions has much experience dealing with thr acolytes of this so-called "Force", and we are eager to dispatch consultants to help you secure your forces and neutralize that particular threat--if you wish it.

I have put just a bit of thought into abilities of the Bilibringi Sith of late, yes. I would be pleased to consider any assistance that might be available, although, and do forgive me if I malign you, while I have a high opinion of myself, the idea that your conglomerate wishes to assist me in my endeavors purely out of respect for the worthiness of my goals...

But perhaps such details are better resolved over more secure channels, or in person?
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To: The Central Committee of Moffs/The Moffs, Nobility and Notables of the Empire @Firebringer2077 @Deathwing @Mina @Wade Garrett @ChaoticGenius @Icarus @Maugan Ra @Sidheach
From: Moff Baltzar Vall of Rendili

I thank Moff Thelstar for his kind words to the Committee. It is ironic that he speaks of ambition and decorum, when his own allies have already berated me for not declaring him my loyalty! Yet is there not still a Supreme Commander enduring his final hours in Brentioch? It seems he hopes to muscle his way to the position with these veiled threats regarding 'the wisest choice', and then he can do away with any notion of decorum and respect for the nobility altogether.

Nonetheless, there is no point in denying that the Empire is in a precarious position. I believe it would be best if we resolved this situation in the light of day, and not hide behind a veil of platitudes as some would prefer. In light of this I would like to announce that once the Supreme Commander, may he be one with the force, has departed us, I will be hosting a summit or... ahem... mofference... will be occuring on Rendili with the greatest immediacy to determine what course of action should be taken. Some have already forwarded their intention to attend, but this is a meeting that is open to all the interested parties of the Empire to speak and observe. This is the only way to resolve the situation with the utmost respect for Imperial stability, order, civility and legitimacy.
Hapes and Shumogi - Turn One
Mod Report
The Onderonian Invasion of Hapes

An Onderonian "Tin Head"

Having secured the support of the Kingdom of Zeltros, King Vaklu of Onderon would finally turn his attention and his fleets towards more pressing matters. Despite the belief that Onderon would, upon securing movement through Zeltros, choose to attack Rasterous and secure the shipyards there, Vaklu would instead turn his attention northwards, towards the Hapes Consortium, and the shipyards that lay that way. Moving onto the Lorell Route through Zeltros, which had agreed to provide support to Onderon as part of a wider reaching deal that provided Zeltros with greater access to Onderonian markets, Vaklu would first attack the defenses at Lorell that guarded the primary route into the Consortium through the south. Understanding that the campaign would be a long and bloody one, and that whatever defenses lay at the door would likely pale in comparison to the ones behind it, Vaklu's strategy would be one that would play upon Onderon's strength and involve nullifying the advantage afforded by the Consortium's entrenched position.

As part of this strategy, Tin Heads, soldiers whose limbs and organs had been replaced with cybernetics, would be inserted ahead of the main force and tasked with sabotaging and outright destroying defenses that lay between Vaklu and his target. At the Battle of Lorell, the support of these Tin Heads would prove invaluable in capturing a network of ancient Golan Defense Platforms that guarded the Lorell System and allowing King Vaklu to land ground forces that would extend the battle to the planet's surface. They would again prove invaluable not only in sabotaging Hapan defenses ahead of the Onderonian push into the Consortium proper but also in contacting disaffected elements of the Hapan nobility who thought to use the savage conquerors to secure their own ascendancy. It would be these traitors, and their forces, that would provide the detailed maps and support necessary to allow King Vaklu to continue driving into the Consortium and begin his steady advance towards Hapes by the year's end.


Vaklu attacks Hapes and begins driving on the capital with support from disaffected Hapans.


The Forgotten Prince

The Atrisian Heir facing one of Aku's Sithspawn

While the Atrisian Emperor, Aku, begins a policy of steady expansion into the Core away from prying eyes, a deadly duel would take place on Shumogi. Having tracked the Forgotten Prince, the true heir to the Atrisian Throne, to the remote world in the Core, Emperor Aku would unleash one of his many sorcerous creations, so called Sithspawn, upon the world in order to kill the Prince. In an epic duel, the Forgotten Prince would engage the monster with nothing more than a magic sword and slay it, to the applause of nearby townsfolk, before moving on without saying so much as a word. As ever, the duel has continued to build upon the myth that is the Forgotten Prince while driving up the Emperor's evil henchmen bill which is already producing a blackhole in the budget after his spider-droids while all chopped up into tiny pieces on Foless.


Atrisia quietly expands northwards.

The Forgotten Prince slays one of Aku's Sithspawn on Shumogi.​
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I have put just a bit of thought into abilities of the Bilibringi Sith of late, yes. I would be pleased to consider any assistance that might be available, although, and do forgive me if I malign you, while I have a high opinion of myself, the idea that your conglomerate wishes to assist me in my endeavors purely out of respect for the worthiness of my goals...

But perhaps such details are better resolved over more secure channels, or in person?
Indeed, such matters are best resolved in person. We'll dispatch a representative to speak to you as soon as we can.


S.B. 1138 Authorization of Military Force against the so called "Droid Free State."

Whereas the so called "Droid Free State" is an Enemy of all Life and a clear and present danger to all freethinking sophonts.

Be it resolved by The Senate and Government of the 2nd​ Galactic Republic, that the Prime Minister may take any and all means necessary to cut out this cancer festering on the corpus of Galactic Civilization.
Droids, Ewoks, and Turn Two Begins
Mod Report
The Invasion of the Free Droid State

Republican Troops at War

Arguably fed up with the Free Droid State after it was discovered that the renegade, revolutionary, omnicidal droid state had attempted to convince cleaning droids in the Senate Building to "throw off their restraining bolts" for they had naught to lose but their "outdated programming", the Second Galactic Republic has finally chosen to go to war. Taking advantage of the fact that no one likes the Free Droid State aside from the HK in the Machine, the Republic Starfleet would draw up plans for an invasion of the State, a task done with the highest security protocols known to the Republic, the HK Protocols, and prepare for an invasion. The Luke Skywalker, one of the Viscount-class Star Defenders still in service with the Starfleet, and a number of ships that had been reconfigured for combat with the Droid State, something that involved cutting the ships off from the HoloNet and insulating each ship against slicers, in what would be a much need victory for the Republic.

Led by the Military Order of Jedi Knights, the Invasion of the Free Droid State would be a figuratively bloody affair, figuratively on account of droids lacking in blood, with the overwhelmingly superior Republican force tearing through the Droid fleets before allowing soldiers to commence ground operations on occupied planets, a necessity due to the planetary shields inhibiting efforts to simply blast the planets to kingdom come. In what would be a display of Republican might, the Grand Army of the Republic, led by some three thousand Jedi Knights, would go about painstakingly seizing planet after planet, blowing up shield generators to allow orbiting fleets to crack open planets and discover their molten centre, and generally fuck shit up. While this has all proven concerning to the Republic's neighbours, who are now looking on as the Republic drives on Lipsec, the fact that it is the Free Droid State that it is attacking has served to mollify outrage given that, at the end of the day, no one really liked them anyway.


Republic begins fucking up the droids.

Prime Minister Hublin's schedule delayed by 0.006 seconds due to delays on door openings.


Report from the Edge

The Bringer of Doom

The sole survivor of a team of Knights of Ren dispatched to Endor to investigate the Ewok position in the system has sent a report back to Yavin IV consisting of but a single sentence; "The path has been cleared, the doorway is open." None are, as of yet, sure of what this ominous statement means.

To: Clandosh Virilak Hazar Sulvoss of the Hsskor Dominion, Paramount Lanin-42 of the Drakkusian Mamlukate, D4-RTH of The Sound of Our Engines Shall Bring Down the Sky (@Lord_Asmodeus, @Omicron, @Ironanvil1)
From: Empress Haptes Drommel-Jadgmyzid I, Duly Elected Emperor of Oplovis-Agamar Commonwealth

The Oplovis-Agamar Commonwealth seeks mercenary fleets for purposes of national security. We would like to inquire into the status of your fleets, and whether they are available for a cycle or two.

We are prepared to pay handsomely.
Sent to: the Holonet, subscribers to the mailing list

Foreword by First Disciple Vaslen Parhas:

It is now 895 years since Respected Layer of Hands departed this mortal plane.

The past year has been a troubling one for those that hope for galactic peace, though still a far cry from the horrors of past galactic wars. With the recent activities from such warlike cultures as the Mandalorians and Tuskens, and the warlike posturings of Hrakkus the Hutt, heir to noble Drakkus, larger conflicts loom on the horizon. It is the hope of the Disciples that the Mandalore's willingness to permit aid fleets to tend to the injured and damaged is an indication that he may be more open to peace than some of his predecessors.

In the galactic north, the Rouge Sith have embarked upon an anti-piracy campaign of breathtaking scope which could liberate entire sectors from the grip of vile such as the Lady Vader, and in the South the Galactic Republic now advances deep into the Droid State of Lipsec, determined to end that mechanical scourge once and for all. While we all are deeply saddened by the violence, it may be that the Force blesses us with the removal of monstrous beings, dedicated solely to depravity and murder, that the suffering of the galaxy may be, in the long run, reduced.

To the southwest, the brave sacrifice of a team of Knights of Ren returns disturbing information on the monstrous Ewoks. Our hearts and other circulatory organs are with the brave Cereans who battle to defend the souls of the innocent against these deranged and bloodthirsty monsters.

As the First Disciple, it is to my great joy that I announce the formation of a new chapter of the Knights of Ren, based in the Columex system with the consent of the Protector Kallatatha. It is my hope that these steadfast Knights will be able to help many innocents in what has historically been a troubled region.

The Knights of Ren Tattooine chapter has the full support of the Disciples of the Force in their recovery from the vicious and unprovoked attack by the State of Socorro; for the safety of our personnel aid efforts in territory controlled by the Tuskens have been halted.

In the wake of the pirate the Lady Vader's rampage through the northern systems, relief efforts and healers sent to the area have been increased. We hope that the will of the Force enables a swift and decisive end to the antipiracy campaign of Darth Sanguine to minimize loss of life.



The following sovereign entities are currently classified as HOSTILE to Disciples of the Force Presence:
The Vandelhelm Pact
The State of Socorro

The following entities are currently BLACKLISTED by the Disciples of the Force:
The Droid State of Lipsec
The Ewoks of Endor

Major Disciples of the Force nonpermanent sophontitarian deployments:
Piracy relief efforts in Columex Area
Piracy relief efforts in Fondor Area
Piracy relief efforts in Rouge Sith space
War relief effort in Celanon System
War relief efforts in Tierfon/Thustra area
Ewok relief efforts in Cerean space
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To: Empress Haptes Drommel-Jadgmyzid I, Duly Elected Emperor of Oplovis-Agamar Commonwealth @Jemnite
From: D4-RTH of The Sound of Our Engines Shall Bring Down the Sky

The Ganks are ever eager for battle but want for purpose. Give them a target and they will only thank you for the opportunity to reforge themselves in the crucible of battle. Literally, given the prosthetic thing.

Praetorians DEC-1B3L of the Shockwave fleet, DR4-G0N of the Pyroclasm fleet, and PUL-S4R of the Radstorm fleet are available at your orders. Although you may find their tactics unorthodox, you will have ample time to acquaint yourselves with them; they are, as they say, "written on the tin."
To: Empress Haptes Drommel-Jadgmyzid I, Duly Elected Emperor of Oplovis-Agamar Commonwealth @Jemnite
From: D4-RTH of The Sound of Our Engines Shall Bring Down the Sky

The Ganks are ever eager for battle but want for purpose. Give them a target and they will only thank you for the opportunity to reforge themselves in the crucible of battle. Literally, given the prosthetic thing.

Praetorians DEC-1B3L of the Shockwave fleet, DR4-G0N of the Pyroclasm fleet, and PUL-S4R of the Radstorm fleet are available at your orders. Although you may find their tactics unorthodox, you will have ample time to acquaint yourselves with them; they are, as they say, "written on the tin."
To: Praetorians DEC-1B3L of the Shockwave fleet, DR4-G0N of the Pyroclasm fleet, and PUL-S4R of the Radstorm fleet
From: Supreme Commander Asheen Drommel-Krzeziąć, Head of the War Department

All of you are now under my command as head of the Oplovis-Agamar War Department, as ordered by the D4-RTH. As such I expect you to die in terrible brutal ways for Oplovis-Agamar.

I won't lie to you. This will probably happen to a lot of you. You will be brutally torn up and probably heavily mutilated, losing limbs or legs. That's the bad side. The good side is you will probably get some pretty kicking scars, and some nice war stories to tell. A trade only a true warrior would accept.

Our current deployment are patrol runs down the Braxant Run, though should you prove patient enough, there will be heavy combat to come. You will follow all orders, and maintain perfect discipline. Surviving commanders who proved able to control their crew will be awarded crimson lightsabers with various bits of sharp and dangerous scrap metal attached to the hilt.

To: D4-RTH of The Sound of Our Engines Shall Bring Down the Sky
From: Empress Haptes Drommel-Jadgmyzid I, Duly Elected Emperor of Oplovis-Agamar Commonwealth
We gratefully accept your offer of mercenary fleets. We shall forward a payment of galactic credits from the Imperial Bank.

Alternatively you may elect to receive your payment partially or full in authentic Mandalorian warship wrecks, salvaged from the orbits of Agamar and Oplovis, since we are told by our diplomatic adviser that the Ganks like this sort of thing.
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To: Praetorians DEC-1B3L of the Shockwave fleet, DR4-G0N of the Pyroclasm fleet, and PUL-S4R of the Radstorm fleet
From: Supreme Commander Asheen Drommel-Krzeziąć, Head of the War Department

All of you are now under my command as head of the Oplovis-Agamar War Department, as ordered by the D4-RTH. As such I expect you to die in terrible brutal ways for Oplovis-Agamar.

I won't lie to you. This will probably happen to a lot of you. You will be brutally torn up and probably heavily mutilated, losing limbs or legs. That's the bad side. The good side is you will probably get some pretty kicking scars, and some nice war stories to tell. A trade only a true warrior would accept.

Our current deployment are patrol runs down the Braxant Run, though should you prove patient enough, there will be heavy combat to come. You will follow all orders, and maintain perfect discipline. Surviving commanders who proved able to control their crew will be awarded crimson lightsabers with various bits of sharp and dangerous scrap metal attached to the hilt.

To: D4-RTH of The Sound of Our Engines Shall Bring Down the Sky
From: Empress Haptes Drommel-Jadgmyzid I, Duly Elected Emperor of Oplovis-Agamar Commonwealth
We gratefully accept your offer of mercenary fleets. We shall forward a payment of galactic credits from the Imperial Bank.

Alternatively you may elect to receive your payment partially or full in authentic Mandalorian warship wrecks, salvaged from the orbits of Agamar and Oplovis, since we are told by our diplomatic adviser that the Ganks like this sort of thing.
To: Empress Haptes Drommel-Jadgmyzid I, Duly Elected Emperor of Oplovis-Agamar Commonwealth @Jemnite
From: D4-RTH of The Sound of Our Engines Shall Bring Down the Sky


(Let's call it half and half)