STAR TREK: A Long Road (Voyager Fix It Quest)

The Dragon: Once per episode, at the beginning of combat place an Advantage on the field representing a cunning tactic or strategy devised by Danara Pel.

USS Voyager
Sovereign Class Heavy Exploration Vessel
Command Ship: When using Command tasks to create traits, may be assisted by the ship and can grant this trait to allied ships, away parties and landing teams the ship has a comlink with.
EMH: Can summon the EMH without needing to spend crew support.
High Resolution Sensors: +1 momentum when using sensors out of combat.
Improved Power Systems: Reduce the difficulty to Regain Power by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and can buy off complications for 1 momentum.
Improved Warp Drive: When going to warp, roll 1d20. If the roll is under the engine score, it does not cost Reserve Power:
Saucer Separation: Can separate into two ships with Scale-1, and 1/2 their systems (round up.) This cannot be reversed outside of dry dock.
Sovereign Class: Voyager is a Sovereign class, meaning it has everything that a Sovereign class has.
Maquis Crew: A large portion of the crew is a part of the Maquis - and thus, not exactly on the up and up with Starfleet styles!
Starfleet Ship: The ships is a highly advanced starfleet ship with a well trained crew, holodecks, replicators and so on.
Phaser Array
Range: Medium | Damage: 8 | Qualities: Area (can hit one target per momentum spent within the same zone), Spread (reduce the cost of Devastating Attack by -1 momentum, and make it Repeatable), Versatile 2 (add 2 momentum on a successful hit)

Photon Torpedo
Range: Long | Damage: 5 | Qualities: High Yield (when it inflicts a breach, add +1 breach - either improving the intensity or hitting a second system, attacker's choice.)

Quantum Torpedo
Range: Long | Damage: 6 | Qualities: Calibration (requires a prepare minor action before being fired), High Yield (See Above), Intense (-1 momentum cost to add to damage)

Tractor Beam (Strength 5)

CREW COMPLIMENT (Base Stat: 9 | Base Skill: 2)
CO: Captain Katheryn Janeway (Skilled: Command, Science | Weakness: Combat)
SPECIAL ABILITY: "We Can Be Better" - if you succeed on any diplomatic check with Janeway, Get +1 momentum​
XO: Commander D-91 (Skilled: Command | Weakness: Socialization)
HELM: Lt. Tom Paris (Skilled: Conn | Weakness: Not Being A Fucking Up)
TACTICAL: Ensign Harry Kimm (Skilled: Gunnery | Weakness: Harry Kim)
SECURITY: Lt. JG Amy Strong (Skilled: Personal Combat | Weakness: Lying)
MAQUIS HEADBREAKER: C'nola (Skilled: Combat, Sneaking and Scheming | Weakness: Emotional Wreck)​
SCIENCE: Tuvok (Skilled: Science | Weakness: Emotionless)
COMMS: Lt. Bian T'are (Skilled: Communications | Weakness: Combat)
MEDICAL: The EMH (Skilled: Doctor | Weakness: Kind of a Dick)
ENGINEER: B'lanna Torres (Skilled: Engineering | Weakness: Also a dick)

Ensign Steve (Useless Security Goon)
Ensign Becky (plural fighter jock)
Petty Officer Third Class Jessie (Hard working engineer)
Crewman Billingsly (Dude, Billingsly!)
Crewman Chandra (Concerned Crewman)
Bifurcate (bidimensional robot girlfriend of Harry Kim)
Princess Lyan Positron (runaway daughter of magician most foul and girlfriend of Harry Kim)
Soria Flyte (Pegasus girl and girlfriend of Harry Kim)
Mirror Universe Trevor (he's fine!)
MRSS Val Jean
Keldon Class Heavy Cruiser
Electronic Warfare Suite: Whenever making a Jamming or Intercept communications check, can spend 2 momentum to select +1 target (repeatable.)
Fast Targeting Systems: No +1 diff for called shots
Improved Hull Integrity: +1 Resistance
Cloaking Device: Spend 3 power, and make a Control+Engineering + Engines + Security check with a diff of 2. If successful, gain the Cloaked Trait (impossible to detect, cannot attack, shields are down.) It takes a minor action to decloak.
Cardassian Ship – Durable, uncomfortable, close, cramped and cheap. Thinks creature comforts are for other people and technical sophistication is for people who haven't spent decades starving to death. The fact that the starving could have been avoided if the government were know, monstrous doesn't seem to have occurred to that many of them.
Okampan Crew – the crew are bright, perky, cheerful, and incredibly psychically powerful. Individually, they're all better than Vulcans, and as a gestalt? Who knows!
Phaser Arrays
Power Cost: 1-3 | Range: Medium | Damage: 7-9cd (Spread: Hit +1 time at ½ damage per effect OR Area)
Versatile 2: Gain X bonus momentum with a successful hit
Disruptor Banks
Range: Medium | Damage: 8-10cd (Vicious 1: Each effect adds +1 damage)
Tractor Beam (Strength 3)

CREW COMPLIMENT (Base Stat: 8 | Base Skill: 1)
CO: Lt. Commander Brian Wacoche (Skilled: Commando Tactics | Weakness: Independent)
TACTICAL: Seska (Skilled: Being Seska | Weakness: Everything Else)
CONN: R'lash skilled: Piloting | Weakness: Romulan Fuckup)
ESPIONAGE: Kes (Skilled: Commando Tactics | Weakness: Naive)

Crewman Stadi - Age 23, Betazoid, born Beta Colony-5 to Zani and Talwyn of the House of Riis, survived by her sisters Tari and Batri.
R'mor - age 182, Vulcan, burn on Romulus to R'tan and Leslali, survived by his twelve nieces and nephews across the Empire
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[X] Plan This is a Star Trek episode
-[X] Draw you phaser and shoot him
-[X] On Stun
-[X] Give a Kim-esque speech on how people are not property and Ultra-violet has no say how his daughter decides to live her life. For in doing so, he treats her worse than a pack animal.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Jul 3, 2022 at 11:41 PM, finished with 29 posts and 27 votes.

Indiana Jones Speech!

While I tip and tap this update up, might I interest all you find sci-fi nerds to check out my other currently running quest?

It's set in a setting of my own d'vising, using a bunch of house rules of my own creation (which is part of why I'm running it, to playtest them.) It uses 5th edition D&D so I can bilk D&D nerds out of their money run a successful kickstarter in the modern RPG market! The hook is "What if The Expanse and D&D made out with Children of a Dead Earth?"

DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS: Beneath an Endless Sky (5e quest!) Original - Mature - Fantasy

There was once a world - Laturr. It was just like Faerûn and Orth and Golarion and thousands of other worlds spread throughout the Prime Material like a glittering necklace, a gemstone of legend and mythic adventure. The Fall changed that. Billions died as mushroom clouds bloomed over their...

Oh, also, roll 2d20, diff 2, for the phaser shot.
I'm going to count "Gunnery" as included phasers, just for funsies!

You get 2s!

Who wants to roll your damage? It's 6d6 - Harry has used a minor action to calibrate his phaser to have Vicious 1. So that means every 5 and 6 you roll counts as +1 damage! Neato Beans!
Harry Kim sighed, then pulled out his phaser and shot the Adept in the chest. The phaser beam blew through his force field and sent him sprawling to the ground, his sword fuzzing into nothingness. The entire crowd gaped at him and Harry knew that this was his one chance. He stepped forward, holstering his phaser back into his transpoter buffer. "Adepts, people of Vhorni and Inrohv! You have to listen to me...your world is not merely in danger. It is dying. My world once faced the same catastrophe - the same pressures pushed us to it. We much wealth and pride invested in changing anything about ourselves, and so, we almost ended our planet. But you still have time to make different choices, to make different decisions, than what we did. By just transferring some of your mana to Vhorni, you can save both may be made less magical and less powerful, but you will have a future. Your children will have that future. And..." He looked down at the Adept of Ultraviolet. "And...if you care enough to kill for your children's honor, I hope you can care enough to live for your children's futures..."

He bit his lip, slightly, watching the lot of them.

Slowly, the Adept of Antimatter began to clap, nodding as he did so, and Infrared stood.

"Hear hear!" Infrared said.

Positron smiled, while Lyan ran to Harry's side, throwing her arms around him, pressing her lithe form against him, her muscular arms squeezing tightly. She buried her face against his shoulder as Harry smiled, then laughed. "Well...that is one way to get in my bed, Sir Harry."

Harry laughed.

"Y-You're joking, right?"

She is most emphatically not joking
Harry felt faintly guilty that he was not yet, at this moment, currently working with Positron and Antimatter to dig up the dilithium required. Faintly. Very faintly. At the moment, he was too busy burying his face between Lyan's thighs, her pale skin glistening with her arousal as he drove his tongue into her waiting, eager cunt. Her fingers were digging into the sheets of the guest room they had been given, rumpling the pink sheets as she threw her head back, moaning. "Harry! Ah! Yes! Harry!"

Harry was so tempted to ask to be called Sir Harry that he almost missed the shifting of wings behind him - and then the warm press of Soria's breasts as she cuddled against his back. Her hand cradled his cock, stroking him slowly, pumping him as she whispered in her ear. "She sounds awfully close, should maybe see about getting her over the edge."

"Heh..." Harry said, then grabbed onto Lyan's thighs and dragged her closer to the edge of the bed so he could bury his face between her legs. His nose bumped against the pert rosebud of her anus, teasing her as his tongue plunged into her sex, lapping once, twice, three times, and each time he licked, her moans got louder and more eager. Words stopped mattering so much as gasping, panting mewling sounds - wringing out of her as Harry ate faster and faster...until he was rewarded by a piercing scream and the warm froth of her orgasm, spurting over his tongue.

"Mmm!" Soria purred, leaning forward to lick his cheek clean as Lyan buried her face against the beds, her thighs trembling.


"She looks like she needs a mount as bad as I do," Soria nibbled on Harry's ear, her hand gripping the base of his cock.

Harry nodded, and stood, and wondered...would he wake up right about now? Or was this just the final flare of sputtering brainwave patterns before he completely mashed to pieces under the wheels of the heavy duty mining truck? Or...or...or, he had no more time for thinking, because the warmth of a princess' pussy was not easily ignored as he slid into her, groaning, guided in the entire way by Soria's eager pink hand.

"Now, fuck her good," Soria purred, her wings fluttering with excitement as Harry...did just that.

"All right," Positron said, standing before the shimmering portal and the vast sphere of mana that had been gathered and compacted there. "Lets see if this works. Now!" She nodded and the robots, guided by the Inrohv version of Bifurcate, started to push hard. Their synthetic muscles strained and the massive sphere of glowing, greenish crystal started to creak and grind forward, rolling inch by inch towards the buzzing portal. It met the edge of the portal and Harry tensed as he felt the earth under his feet shake.

"Push!" Positron shouted.

The robots tensed and-


Harry groaned.


Harry opened his eyes. A dirty Vhorni miner stood near him, looking horrified, while T'are and Brian Wacohe knelt beside him. Waoche had out a small tricorder and a medical scanner. T'are put her hand on his cheek, feeling him gently. "Harry, are you okay?" she asked.

"Wuh?" Harry asked, groaning as he sat up.

"You need to watch which way you're going!" the mining truck driver said, his voice tight and angry. "You're lucky I just clipped you!"

"You're lucky Harry's okay! Isn't there a speed limit on these roads? Who puts pedestrian traffic and industrial traffic in the same streets!?" T'are snapped as Harry sat up, slowly, his brow furrowing as he looked around himself at the...mostly normal streets around him. It was all familiar. where he'd started. He put his hand to his head, then pulled out his tricorder. Fishing around inside of his transporter buffer, he yanked out his tricorder, and started to scan himself.

"Hey, lady, it's our planet!"

"Your planet is STUPID!" T'are snapped. "You almost killed Harry!"

Harry scanned himself.

He breathed a slow, slow sigh of relief.

"You seem perfectly healthy, but we should get you up to the Doc," Waoche said, helping Harry to his feet. Harry's grin was rueful and dazed.

"No, it's not that," he said, laughing softly. "It's...the temporal difference." He held up the tricorder. "I've twenty four hours older than I was before I got hit by the car, see?" He pointed at the quantum readout.

Waoche blinked, then laughed. "It looks like you're going to have quite the interesting log to file when we get back into orbit."

Harry's face went beat red.

"...yeah." he said. "...interesting."

T'are sniffed. Then sniffed again.

Then her eyes widened.

"...what smells like a threesome?"

"I wish I was Tuvok right now," Brian Wacoche said, slapping his tricorder shut. "...I can't do the eyebrow thing."


7 damage! That's 5+ damage on the Ultraviolet even with his 2 resistance, causing an injury. He COULD avoid the wound...but...wait, let me check a rule quick. Okay, yeah, it actually costs threat to avoid injuries - I could give you momentum, but...I don't wanna! He's down!

Harry Kim rolls to speechify: 2 and 16! 2s vs a diff of...*rolls* 1s! Harry Kim carries the day!
At least he died doing what he loved. Or at least doing who he was somewhat positive towards
I feel like we could be doing more to add the biological and technological distinctiveness of people and civilizations we come across to Voyager. I mean, Mister Kim has done a fine job of reaching out to a whole magical world, but we didn't even recruit anyone! Not even one of the Adept of Positron's robots!
You know, if canon holds true then next episode Voyager will be able to go back to every world that it has visited thus far. In canon the next episode was the one featuring the spatial trajector which could transport people upwards to 40,000 light years away from the home world of the alien of the week. Everywhere Voyager's been within the Delta Quadrant is well within that range.

The big dilemma in the canon episode was the tech not being something that the aliens weren't willing to part with because of the local Prime Directive equivalent but Voyager wasn't restricted from using it when they were the aliens' guests. We could use this as an opportunity to go back and collect those one-off characters that escaped us the first time around or even do a second round of recruiting of Okampans.

If the aliens are genuinely friendly, as they are in the canon episode, then this could also be an opportunity for us to pull Voyager and the Val Jean into dry docks and do refit work, maybe build the Delta Escort, or work on an iteration of the Delta Flyer to replace our Type-9s with.
that's actually a thing I'm far, I've been doing it episode by episode rewrites, but a lot of episodes are predicated on voyager deciding to go places, and you are the people nominally in charge of voyager's decisions...
I can't speak for everyone else but thus far I've enjoyed your re-imagined episodes. Not only are they interesting in their own right but it has been fun to compare them to canon and see when and where they diverge. When it comes to providing us with additional choices I personally would appreciate being able to partake in something like post-credit scenes for some episodes after the main plot is done and over with.

Like for this episode a post-credit scene could let us explore the options of bringing along Harry's new found love interests or advancing the Federation's understanding of android brains by talking shop with Positron. Playing out post-credit scenes for "Ex Post Facto" would have allowed us to explore what the Baneans know about Caretakers and Okampa and given us an opportunity to offer Lindel a chance to explore the stars in her husband's memory.

Pretty much all those little things that we questers like to do and explore that don't fit within the confines of a narratively driven episode. Then there's the big things like refits – *cough* mission pod *cough* – and researching new gear to make standard throughout the fleet. Ultimately I am more interested in being afforded the ability to make decisions regarding the fleet more so than choosing our course.


Maybe we could start projects that require a certain number of episodes to pass by to complete after which they trigger new episodes that involve the project in question like "Extreme Risk" or, dare I say it, "Threshold."
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"A mission pod?"

Seska nodded. "It is a design I created myself without inspiration," she said, standing up straight before Rak. The tall, currently hermaphroditic, Gorn twitched zir tail and then sighed slowly, looking over the PADD again with a more measured eye. Upon seeing the second glance, Seska added: "...with mild inspiration from technical manuals."

"Seska," Rak said, turning to face her as a few Okampan crew hurried past, carrying with them a huge spool of double-strength corbomite cabling, their faces covered with welding masks and their feet hammering. "You know I'm not actually a member of the crew, right? You can just give this to, say, Catra. Or Adora. Or Tom..." Zi paused as Seksa's throat pouches swelled up. "...are you okay?"

"Nothing," Seska said. "Y-You have the best lead in, socially speaking, to the Captain."

"You do know that Bri won't take your proposal more seriously because you're bringing it up to him through his girlish friend," Rak said.

"It's an excellent proposal!" Seska huffed.

"Seska, you have a seriously overstated idea on how much the replicators on the Voyager can manage - this kind of massive refit and additional outlay in resources is beyond our capacities right now. We're two independent ships, creeping closer and closer to the Big Bad Borg." Zir made little wiggling motions with zir fingers. "We-"

"Resources? I tabulated for that!" Seska said, hurriedly.

"You calculated for the material resources, Gral Seska," Rak said, seriously. "Not for the knowledge resources. It's an old lesson that Starfleet has needed to learn many times - and I've heard Bri grouse about it enough to keep it in my own egg." Zi tapped zir temple. "Between our ships, we have about a thousand people. Each of them is a...highly...trained..."

The three okampans were jogging back the other way, carrying a hissing, half molten corbomite cable under their arms, leaving behind dripping splatters of bright coppery metal on the deck.

"...crew..." Rak said, then turned back to Seska. "But none of them have any training in the kind of advanced metallurgic fields you'd need to create this kind of stuff. You're looking at modular starship components - starships are already the most preposterously complicated thing every put into this universe by rocks that think, and that's when they're not holding the complexities it takes to be rebuilt on the fly by technicians. That's the lesson: You cannot recreate a mature planetary knowledge ecosystem without the population and time of at least a major starbase or similarly sessile civilization." Zir held up zir hands, making connections with zir clawtips. "You need the technicians and the engineers and the scientists and their families and their automation and their communication and computer networks and their databases and their support staff: Artists to keep them from going crazy, churches to keep their spirits pure and focused, bartenders to pour them drinks, dancers to dance with! All this stuff! Stuff we cannot fit onto a flying battlewagon!"

"But we have the files," Seska said.

"You can't just take a Miranda pod and stick it onto a Sovereign class ship, they're-"


"-they're entirely different technical beasts!" Rak started to tick off zir fingers. "They use different power conduit formats - we'd need to either strip out the entire EPS structure or build an entire secondary reactor, do you want a secondary reactor built by Torres' off duty workers remembering what they picked up in Antimatter Engineering 102?"


"And there's the- the-" Rak frowned as zir tail actually got yanked on. Zir and Seska turned at the same time. "What!?"

They both blinked, then.

For standing in the corridor were two aliens. One of them was dressed in a brightly colored shirt, splotchy with eye searing patterns. He wore a kind of broad billed hat around his head, and his face had been slathered with a kind of milky liquid that looked like a kind of primitive protective coloration against ultraviolet radiation. His partner was female, and she had a kind of sarong around her hips, a sleek sports bra around her breasts, and was holding in her hand a suitcase, which was tall enough to rest on the floor despite her hand being near her hip. The man was scowling and, also, was the one tugging on Rak's tail.

"Finally," the man said. "Where is the front desk?"

"Is this really Sikaris? You people have really run down hill..." the woman said, sniffing and shaking her head. "And what are those supposed to be, the bell hop uniforms? Bring back the little ring numbers. I liked those."

"Hush," the man said. When Rak and Seska didn't respond to him immediately, he sighed, then spoke, very slowly and very loudly. "I. Said. Where. Is. The. Front. Desk."

Seska drew her phaser and shot them both.

"Seska!" Rak hissed, zir frills exploding out around her head.

"They were boarding us!" Seska said. "Regulations-"

"Tell me that was on stun!"

Seska slowly, without trying to look like she was doing it, looked at her phaser.

"Other than some mild untreated skin cancer, yes, they're fine," the Doctor said, his face filling a picture in picture window on the upper right corner of the main viewscreen - which itself was set to show their current position in space and the slow sweep of Voyager's tachyon scanners. "Oh, and the fact they were both stunned so heavily they won't be conscious again for twenty four hours."

Janeway, who's finger was making a slow, steady circuit around her temple, said: "Can you wake them up?"

"Found it!" T'are said, pumping her fist. "Sikaris, it's on the subspace beacon networks, it's only a few lightyears away."

"Well, at least they were close to the right spot," Tom said, cheerfully, as he tapped away at his console. "Shall I set a course?"

"Can I wake them up?" The Doctor paused, rubbing his chin. "Hmmm, I could begin injecting the unknown alien species with random stimulants. Which should I start with - Romulan sa or should we go straight to the methamphetamines?"

Janeway shot him her most withering glare.

"I will inform you when the wake up," The Doctor said, and his picture in picture screen blipped off.

"Why did this have to happen before I got my coffee?" Janeway groaned, laying her head back against the chair and closing her eyes slowly.

"Huh," T'are said. "I've got a brochure."

"A what?" Harry asked, his brow furrowing.

"A...a short video clip that, according to the metadata, explains what Sikaris is," T'are said, shrugging.

"Every other civilization out here is playing dark forest gambits to avoid being grabbed by the Borg...and they have a commercial saying come here, say hi?" Tom asked, turning back in his seat to look at them. "Does this strike anyone else as fishy as hell?"

"No, it sounds about right," Catra said, leaning back in her seat, her feet resting on her console. "If they're the kind of assholes who would have a brochure, then they'd be the kinds of assholes who'd send it out while next to Borg space. I once met this guy who tried to sell real estate while in the Citadel of Skulls."

"Play it," Janeway said before Tom, who was mouthing the words 'Citadel of Skulls' to himself, could derail the conversation any further.

The mainscreen darkened. The sounds of sea birds played and it was replaced by a broad, beautiful white beach. Water crashed against it and, standing on the beach, his back turned to them, was an artfully dressed alien male of the same species as two in the sickbay. He turned, as if he had just noticed. "Hi!" he said, beaming brightly. "I'm Gathorel Labin! And welcome! Welcome, to Sikaris!" He spread his arms wide and the screen wiped, showing luminous halls of white marble, full of aliens of various types being served and treated to by others in smart uniforms. "Our region of space is known for being volitile. Dangerous. But here, we Sikarians pride ourselves in offering the finest and best resort in the unknown universe, thanks to our proprietary transporter technology."

The screen wiped again, showing Gathorel stepping forward. He stepped onto a platform and vanished and the camera swept with him, and he was suddenly standing on a hill overlooking a dusty plain. Two armies in gleaming brass and bronze stood arrayed across from one another as Gathorel gestured out to himself. "This world is more than sixty eight billion light years away, in a galaxy so far you can't see it with a telescope!" He grinned at the camera, and winked. "So, there's no chance of littering laws catching up!"

The two armies rushed at one another roaring and the camera panned away as Gathorel made a 'pained' face. "Oooh, they're not getting up from that! But if watching the locals bores you, you can just return to Sikaris with the tap of a button and then travel on." He tapped his wrist and suddenly, was back in an office. "Here at Sikaris, we don't just give you the finest resort in the galaxy. We give you the finest all possible galaxies."

A melodious tune played as a woman sang quietly: "Sikaris - touch the stars!"

And a logo filled the screen.

Then the screen went black.

"...did he say...sixty eight billion light years away?" Tom whispered.

"That would be easily detectable by modern telescopes," Tuvok said, frowning. "But I find the claims of this planet...dubious."

"As do I," Janeway said, quietly. "But I think it behoves us to at least check it out..." She smirked. "If only to make sure the...did we find an identification on them?"

"The Addans," T'are said.

"The Addans don't waste their ticket," Janeway finished.


So! We're going to visit this place and see what's up! What's your away team? Pick...four!
[ ] Write In Away Team

Also, how does Brian handle the fact Seska shot two vacationers
[ ] Light talking too - after all, they might have been dangerous
[ ] Stern talking too - they were obviously not dangerous, but you still get it
[ ] Some kind of actual punishment detail
[ ] What kind of punishment? Write in!​
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Honestly, stunning two unknows who boarded the ship without authorization is probably on the regulations somewhere. Good job.
I'd rather give them a talking to about needing to check that it was on stun.
Sixty-Eight Billion Lightyears!? That's outside the universe!

[X]Team Limelight
-[] B'lanna Torres
-[]Bian T'are
-[]Tom Paris

[X] Stern talking too - they were obviously not dangerous, but you still get it

My team composition is based pretty much entirely on who hasn't had a focus episode yet.
You know what this episode could use? More Harry. I want to see T'are (and maybe Paris) asking him about his whole...isekai bit.

And maybe a Romulan who really, really needs a vacation and is (still) wondering what the hell she got herself into.

[X]Team When in Risa
-[X] Harry Kim
-[X] Tom Paris
-[X] Bian T'are
-[X] R'lash

[X] Stern talking too - they were obviously not dangerous, but you still get it
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