STAR TREK: A Long Road (Voyager Fix It Quest)

The Dragon: Once per episode, at the beginning of combat place an Advantage on the field representing a cunning tactic or strategy devised by Danara Pel.

USS Voyager
Sovereign Class Heavy Exploration Vessel
Command Ship: When using Command tasks to create traits, may be assisted by the ship and can grant this trait to allied ships, away parties and landing teams the ship has a comlink with.
EMH: Can summon the EMH without needing to spend crew support.
High Resolution Sensors: +1 momentum when using sensors out of combat.
Improved Power Systems: Reduce the difficulty to Regain Power by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and can buy off complications for 1 momentum.
Improved Warp Drive: When going to warp, roll 1d20. If the roll is under the engine score, it does not cost Reserve Power:
Saucer Separation: Can separate into two ships with Scale-1, and 1/2 their systems (round up.) This cannot be reversed outside of dry dock.
Sovereign Class: Voyager is a Sovereign class, meaning it has everything that a Sovereign class has.
Maquis Crew: A large portion of the crew is a part of the Maquis - and thus, not exactly on the up and up with Starfleet styles!
Starfleet Ship: The ships is a highly advanced starfleet ship with a well trained crew, holodecks, replicators and so on.
Phaser Array
Range: Medium | Damage: 8 | Qualities: Area (can hit one target per momentum spent within the same zone), Spread (reduce the cost of Devastating Attack by -1 momentum, and make it Repeatable), Versatile 2 (add 2 momentum on a successful hit)

Photon Torpedo
Range: Long | Damage: 5 | Qualities: High Yield (when it inflicts a breach, add +1 breach - either improving the intensity or hitting a second system, attacker's choice.)

Quantum Torpedo
Range: Long | Damage: 6 | Qualities: Calibration (requires a prepare minor action before being fired), High Yield (See Above), Intense (-1 momentum cost to add to damage)

Tractor Beam (Strength 5)

CREW COMPLIMENT (Base Stat: 9 | Base Skill: 2)
CO: Captain Katheryn Janeway (Skilled: Command, Science | Weakness: Combat)
SPECIAL ABILITY: "We Can Be Better" - if you succeed on any diplomatic check with Janeway, Get +1 momentum​
XO: Commander D-91 (Skilled: Command | Weakness: Socialization)
HELM: Lt. Tom Paris (Skilled: Conn | Weakness: Not Being A Fucking Up)
TACTICAL: Ensign Harry Kimm (Skilled: Gunnery | Weakness: Harry Kim)
SECURITY: Lt. JG Amy Strong (Skilled: Personal Combat | Weakness: Lying)
MAQUIS HEADBREAKER: C'nola (Skilled: Combat, Sneaking and Scheming | Weakness: Emotional Wreck)​
SCIENCE: Tuvok (Skilled: Science | Weakness: Emotionless)
COMMS: Lt. Bian T'are (Skilled: Communications | Weakness: Combat)
MEDICAL: The EMH (Skilled: Doctor | Weakness: Kind of a Dick)
ENGINEER: B'lanna Torres (Skilled: Engineering | Weakness: Also a dick)

Ensign Steve (Useless Security Goon)
Ensign Becky (plural fighter jock)
Petty Officer Third Class Jessie (Hard working engineer)
Crewman Billingsly (Dude, Billingsly!)
Crewman Chandra (Concerned Crewman)
Bifurcate (bidimensional robot girlfriend of Harry Kim)
Princess Lyan Positron (runaway daughter of magician most foul and girlfriend of Harry Kim)
Soria Flyte (Pegasus girl and girlfriend of Harry Kim)
Mirror Universe Trevor (he's fine!)
Gelli Vlee: Goo Girl Gonna Get Gloriously Gay!
MRSS Val Jean
Keldon Class Heavy Cruiser
Electronic Warfare Suite: Whenever making a Jamming or Intercept communications check, can spend 2 momentum to select +1 target (repeatable.)
Fast Targeting Systems: No +1 diff for called shots
Improved Hull Integrity: +1 Resistance
Cloaking Device: Spend 3 power, and make a Control+Engineering + Engines + Security check with a diff of 2. If successful, gain the Cloaked Trait (impossible to detect, cannot attack, shields are down.) It takes a minor action to decloak.
Cardassian Ship – Durable, uncomfortable, close, cramped and cheap. Thinks creature comforts are for other people and technical sophistication is for people who haven't spent decades starving to death. The fact that the starving could have been avoided if the government were know, monstrous doesn't seem to have occurred to that many of them.
Okampan Crew – the crew are bright, perky, cheerful, and incredibly psychically powerful. Individually, they're all better than Vulcans, and as a gestalt? Who knows!
Phaser Arrays
Power Cost: 1-3 | Range: Medium | Damage: 7-9cd (Spread: Hit +1 time at ½ damage per effect OR Area)
Versatile 2: Gain X bonus momentum with a successful hit
Disruptor Banks
Range: Medium | Damage: 8-10cd (Vicious 1: Each effect adds +1 damage)
Tractor Beam (Strength 3)

CREW COMPLIMENT (Base Stat: 8 | Base Skill: 1)
CO: Lt. Commander Brian Wacoche (Skilled: Commando Tactics | Weakness: Independent)
TACTICAL: Seska (Skilled: Being Seska | Weakness: Everything Else)
CONN: R'lash skilled: Piloting | Weakness: Romulan Fuckup)
ESPIONAGE: Kes (Skilled: Commando Tactics | Weakness: Naive)

Crewman Stadi - Age 23, Betazoid, born Beta Colony-5 to Zani and Talwyn of the House of Riis, survived by her sisters Tari and Batri.
R'mor - age 182, Vulcan, burn on Romulus to R'tan and Leslali, survived by his twelve nieces and nephews across the Empire
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[X] Write-In:
-[X] Ask Catra to be careful -- she told *you* to be careful, and she was right. Take her hand, ask her to take her own advice... and the transporter. You don't want to lose her either.

we all know Catra...and Adora

...gonna admit: I have never seen their show, or the prequel, and am going entirely on cultural osmosis. :oops:
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[X] Write-In:
-[X] Ask Catra to be careful -- she told *you* to be careful, and she was right. Take her hand, ask her to take her own advice... and the transporter. You don't want to lose her either.

Can't turn down a plan with handholding in it
BethofDeath said:
...gonna admit: I have never seen their show, or the prequel, and am going entirely on cultural osmosis.
Same (and I don't think I even knew there was a prequel), except I think I may have seen/read too much more detailed coverage and analysis and such for it to just count as cultural osmosis? I did sort of want to watch it at some point back when I had Netflix but never ended up finding the time required.

Sigil said:
Can't turn down a plan with handholding in it
Hah, point. :D

[X] Write-In:
-[X] Ask Catra to be careful -- she told *you* to be careful, and she was right. Take her hand, ask her to take her own advice... and the transporter. You don't want to lose her either.

Though I was wondering if maybe that attack craft was equipment we could strategically transfer to an alternate location...
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Mar 24, 2025 at 12:24 PM, finished with 5 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Write-In:
    -[X] Ask Catra to be careful -- she told *you* to be careful, and she was right. Take her hand, ask her to take her own advice... and the transporter. You don't want to lose her either.

SEe, this is actually using one of Adora's GOOD values, rather than taking a complication from a bad one - since we're in the latter stage of the episode, where Catra has cooled off and is less defensive. So, no extra determination (but also, no complication!)


Transporting is a Diff 0 action, but since you're transporting from a pad to a non-pad location, that diff is +1, to a total of diff 1! You are assisted by your ship's Sensor+Science roll, how nice! That's 3d20!

You can also succeed at cost if the dice gods are really, really against you.
Catra smirked. "I think I can get into that base, you know," she said, cracking her knuckles as she stood.

"Catra, wait!" Adora said, standing and walking past Gelli, who watched with wide, wide eyes. She took Catra's hands and Gelli, who remained on her knees and, thus, was at the exact eye-line of Catra and Adora's hands, watched their fingers interlock with fascination that was nearly unbecoming. Catra blushed, her ears flicking down as Adora looked at her. "I..." She hesitated. "You told me to be careful. And you were right." She smiled. "We're going to use the transporter. And we're going to handle this together."

Catra blushed.

"I..." She hesitated. "I want to..." She bit her lip, then stammered. "I want to be a mom. With you. Just." She blushed. "J-Just i don't want to be...her."

"Ah..." Adora said.

Gelli, her eyes wide, gasped. She put her hands over her mouth, clearly in awe. Catra noticed her and scowled. "C-Come on! Lets get this planet free to have all the babies it wants!" she said, firmly, turning and walking away. Adora bit back the urge to hastily explain to Gelli the complicated maternal lineage of both Catra and Adora, who both had had remarkably terrible parents. Genuinely, Adora wasn't sure which had been worse - and her father had managed to become a multiple time genocidal dictator over his lifetime.

Instead, she hurried to the small transporter pad, then said to Gelli. "We'll be right back."

"I'll be here! To, uh, to fly the ship if need-"

The transporter beam whirred and fuzzed and vision turned shimmering and translucent. Then everything snapped together as they appeared in a narrow corridor, adjoining a communication room. Adora had picked it quite deliberately, and she drew her phaser one handed - peeking around and saw that there were two Kazon sitting in the communication center, bringing the count up to five. She frowned, as she saw that the communications were running a double link. One of them was to a harried Kazon woman sitting on an empty bridge. The other showed a waiting signal.

"We've got all the ships back, but we're missing a fighter - the goos don't have photonic weaponry, what the fuck is going on down there, Brax!?"

"Nothing we can't handle!" The guy at the coms said. "We just need to make this one payment and we'll be swimming in it!" He grinned. "Viidian ionics, railguns, maybe some of their fancy automation-"

"They don't sell their automation!"

"They'll sell it for this shit!" The guy at the coms said.

The woman on the bridge pinched the bridge of her nose.

"...they're fucking crooks!" Catra whispered, quietly.

The comlink to the bridge shut off, as the waiting signal resolved into a smiling Talaxian wearing the uniform of a Viidian Pod-Liutenant uniform. She smiled brightly at the view. "Thank you for calling Podmaster Irdan's customer support and service byline. I'm Thexia, what medical support and automation services do you require today?"

"I would like to talk to sales, please!" the guy on the coms said, grinning. "We have a viable, highly advanced biological product to sell that no one's ever heard of."

"Hmm, and may I ask who is calling?"

"Captain Brax of Sept...Brax..." He grinned, fiercely.

"Crooks with delusions of grandure," Adora whispered. Then she heard the soft thump thump thump of angry footsteps. Echoing from around the corner, she heard a harried, female voice snarling.

"Stupid bastard, I'm going to wring his neck!"

The pilot of the attack fighter, it seemed, had arrived.

You've entered a "threatening circumstances", which adds +2 threat. So, I've added two more Kazon, you're welcome!

[ ] Hide (opposed stealth check) and keep listening)
[ ] Fuck it! Start Blasting! Stun them all and let Sept Luran sort it out!
[ ] Write In


TRAITS: Irrawaddy's Slagged Phaser Banks (+1 Diff to Shooting Phasers), Phased Micropulse Transmission Window 1 (Possible To Communicate With Voyager)
[X] Fuck it! Start Blasting! Stun them all and let Sept Luran sort it out!

Probably best if news doesn't spread. What if the borg have tapped the com lines?
[X] Fuck it! Start Blasting! Stun them all and let Sept Luran sort it out!

We've heard all we need and the Kazon need a window to build up so they can actually deal with the Septs on fairish terms. Time to blow this popsicle stand.
[X] Fuck it! Start Blasting! Stun them all and let Sept Luran sort it out!

I really don't want the Vidians to learn about a biologically interesting species without the ability to fight back.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Mar 24, 2025 at 9:11 PM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.

I wanna write the pew pew (and maybe the end end?)

But since you're all wonderful people, I will allow you to rollllll...Adora's opening shot!

You get 2d20, but she has taken a minor action to aim, so she can re-roll one d20 if it's a bad d20!
Same (and I don't think I even knew there was a prequel),

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power had a prequel called She-Ra: Princess of Power (1985-1987), which was itself a literal sister series to He-Man: Master of the Universe (1983-1985).

By the power of Not Born Yet, I do NOT have the having-seen-them.

There was also some reboot of He-Man, according to Wikipedia, but there aren't any lesbian memes about it so who cares, lmao. /j

I did sort of want to watch it at some point back when I had Netflix but never ended up finding the time required.

I never had Netflix, never fell for the pay-to-have-your-entertainment-access-stolen-out-from-under-you streaming-service scam thing... and never got around to buying the physical release. (Can't afford much of that stuff, and had other priorities... like Puella Magi Madoka Magicka, Bubblegum Crisis, Ghost in the Shell (still haven't watched that), Xena, etc etc)
BethofDeath threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Ready, AIM, *then* fire! Total: 24
10 10 14 14
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The pilot came around the corner and Adora, thinking of the many possible ways to resolve this situation, realized something.

Sometimes, Catra was just plain right.

She aimed her phaser at the Kazon's chest and the orange skinned, green haired (well, technically, they were thick clumps of semi-symbiotic fungal growths, according to the Doctor) woman blinked at her for a half a second before Adora pulled back the trigger and her phaser put a glimmering yellow beam directly into the Kazon's chest, stopping her mid step and sending her tumbling to the ground.

"What was that!?"

The Kazon that wasn't Captain Barik emerged from the command room, saw Adora and Catra, went for his disruptor pistol, and then yelped as Catra leaped onto him. She forewent her claws for an elbow strike to the side of his head, and rode him down, rolling off his groaning, prone body, to come up into a kneeling firing position, her phaser gripped in both hands and aimed at Captain Barik, who was scrambling for his disruptor. Catra fired and her beam slammed directly into his head. The Kazon convulsed, his disruptor stuttering a few pulsed beams into the floor and wall as he collapsed, each green impact point gouting up streamers of hissing, molten metal.

Catra smirked, lowering her hand weapon.

Then a voice came over the console.

It was Kazon.

And it was furious.

"Whatever Xelonian is fucking around in there..."

Gelli Vlee was sitting at the cockpit of the Irrawaddy when she saw the two Kazon on the roof jerk, their head snapping around. Her eyes widened and she felt her body shimmer and lose cohesion - one Kazon was heading for the door, but the other Kazon, his finger on his ear, blinked, then turned and sprinted for the side of the roof. Her focus bounded around against the interior of her suit as she saw him jump off the side of the roof, catch himself with one arm, then drop and land with a grunt beside the...the...

The attack fighter!

Gelli sucked in air through every exposed bit of her body, dozens of tiny holes opening up as she forgot to use the lips that she had worked so hard on in her moment of panic. Before she could do anything, the attack fighter was in the air, its mini-nacelles glowing a dull green as it swung around and the communications crackled.

"Whatever Xelonian is fucking around in there, come out with your hands up! Now!" His furious voice boomed over the console. Gelli blinked, then gaped as she saw the sensor readouts flicking up.

The Kazon was arming the photonic cannons and...aiming them at the bio containment. There were whole schools of Xelonians in there - minds merged and peaceful, waiting to be let out and become singular again. And he was just going blow them up to stop those two amazing heroic beautiful compelling solids!? Gelli wished, not for the first time, that she...she was something more than she was. Her whole life, she wanted to go around. To see things. To touch things. And the Kazon had been a chance to do that, even meant everyone hated her. BUt she was still powerless, wasn't she?

"...wait a second!" she whispered. Her eyes swept over the systems on the ship. She had been watching Adora this whole time. She had been watching her fingers, and her hands, and her arms, and she had been watching what buttons she pushed. She quivered, then forced herself to breathe in through her lips. "I can do something! I can." She pressed a button, then pressed another button, then swiped her finger, grinning brightly.

Adora and Catra walked out of the building, nervously, their hands raised, as they looked up at the hovering attack fighter. The other Kazon guard on the roof came down the ladder, grunting as he landed, then started to walk towards them. "Thought you could...wait, you're not from Sept Luran," he said, blinking. "Who the hell are you two? Some...Haakonian animal rights activists or something?"

"Do I fucking look Haakonian!?" Catra snapped.

"You could be from one of their col-"

A blazing beam of raw energy lashed out from just above the craggy edge of the plateau that the Kazon criminal hideout had been built on. It swept up, hit the shielded attack fighter, blew through the shields with a crackling buzz, and then neatly sliced off a nacelle and wing surface. The ship wobbled, tumbled, spun, and crashed, drawing a skidding furrow along the grayish earth and leaving its pilot stumbling away from the impact site, looking completely dazed. The Kazon guard gaped in shock - while Adora grabbed onto his disruptor, yanked it from his hands, and Catra pulled her second phaser from her belt, aiming it at him.

" had a second phaser?" Adora whispered as she yanked the power core from the disruptor's backside and tossed the now useless rifle to the ground.

"I always have a second phaser, don't be stupid," Catra said, then smirked fiercely. "Now..." She said, then glanced back at the dive, then back at the Kazon. "I'm guessing that Sept Luran is not going to be real happy with you sending out to the whole galaxy that the Xelonians are here."

"And last time I checked, the Kazon don't like the Podmasters any more than we do," Adora said, her grin slow and shy.

The Kazon sighed, lifting his hands above his head.


Maje Kelkor and Captain Janeway walked together towards the transporter room. In the entire time that the conference had been going on, Kelkor had not smiled once. She seemed as severe and taciturn as anyone that Janeway had met - and that included literal Vulcans. But despite that, a sense of confident pride radiated from her as she walked with her hands clasped behind her back. "I, once again, must give you my Sept's undying gratitude, Captain Janeway," she said, seriously. "We take our ancestral duties to safeguard the genomic security of this region of space quite seriously - even if...our...current troubles have made some of our number...lax."

"I once again say that it is better to seek reform than carceral punishment," Janeway said, her voice firm and as non-judgmental as she could. "We in the Federation long ago learned that punishment does little to deter future crimes - and in cases like this, you want to ensure that repetition is avoided, not merely retribution."

"Hmm," Maje Kelkor said, firmly. "Now, as it is, we will be allowing the Xelonians to return to their world. Most of them are not interested in anything beyond their puddles. Which we are grateful for." She frowned. "But there are some that wish to be solids. To engage in the technology that they have witnessed. a threat. To all of us."

"That, I hope, we can assuage you on," Janeway said. It had taken a solid six hour plunge through every piece of Voyager's databanks to finally pull out the one example. She pursed her lips ever so slightly as she said: "While I am not pleased to say it, a Starfleet ship carrying several Mellanoids, a similar biomorphic species in the Alpha Quadrant, have been assimilated by the Borg. While the Xelonians are unique, they are not as fascinating to the Borg as you may fear."

Maje Kelkor pursed her lips. "As you say," she said, sounding...entirely unconvincined.

Janeway shook her head, then gestured her onto the transporter pad. Standing there, Kelkor said: "I must inform you, Captain Janeway, the only reason we leave without drawing blades is this: You are soon to be leaving Sept Luran space. If we find your vessel here again, my fellow Maje will be less lenient than I. Do you understand?"

"I do," Janeway said.

The transporter shimmered and the Maje was whisked away.

Janeway sighed, softly, then tapped her badge. "Neelix," she said, quietly. "By your she serious?"

"Oh, without a doubt," Neelix said. Then, chuckling. "I'm looking at the reasons why right now."

Janeway pursed her lips - weighted her options, then smiled. She tapped her combadge again. "Janeway to bridge - get us the hell out of here, Tom."

"Aye captain."

Adora and Catra walked out of Neelix's bar, hand in hand, Catra's tail looping around Adora's back as if she wanted to never let her go. The two had eyes only for one another as they walked out of the bar, and to their quarters. Neelix kept polishing his glass, then smiled and walked around the counter, heading to the table where Gelli Vlee, in her brand new Starfleet uniform, was watching the two girls, her entire head starting to drip and run with a lack of attention.

HIs voice was playful. "You know," he said. "The Federation is a very interesting place."

"H-Huh?" Gelli asked. "What? I wasn't staring! A-Also, hi, I'm Gelli!"

Neelix chuckled, then sat down. "I know! You introduced yourself when you walked in," he said, his eyes sparkling. "This ship, this Voyager, can be pretty overwhelming. But you're not the first stray that they've picked up, and you're not going to be the last. So, I hope, when you see another new oddball sitting in this bar and not talking to anyone, you'll do for them what I'm going to do for you."

Gelli smiled, shyly. "R-Right! ...what are you going to do for me?" she asked.

Neelix leaned in, whispering. "The Federation is, generally speaking, open to polyamory. If you're brave enough to ask. The worst thing that happens is they'll say no, very politely."

Gelli blinked at him. "W-What's polyamory?" she asked, hesitantly.

Neelix rummaged around in his pockets, found a padd, then brought up a guide that he had written on Federation mores and social norms, with help from T'are and Tuvok - Tuvok had mostly handled a rather exhaustive description of certain 'booby traps' of conversation that often cropped up, with help cribbed form Tellerite and Andorian faux passes. He handed the padd to her, and then skimmed it with his finger, then tapped at the frank paragraph written by T'are (edited by him.) Gelli read it, then her eyes widened. "Oh!" she said.

"Yes, you can keep the padd, too, they replicate them by the dozens," Neelix said. "Something about preferring tactile data transfers - I once asked and Tom went on this tear about the 'artificial inanity plague' of the early 21st century...humans are just...fascinating." He shook his head. "And terrifying. But that's what makes flying on this ship fun, eh?"

Gelli nodded. Then she stood. "I-I'm...going to ask them! Right now!"

"Well-" Neelix started, but Gelli was already on her feet and running towards the door. Neelix ran after her - but she was down the corridor before he could reach it.

The door to Catra and Adora's rooms opened - and Catra, looking quite annoyed and dressed in a slinky piece of red lingerie that stopped about half an inch below her thighs and was sheer enough to see and count every single one of her faint tiger-stripes, stepped up to it. "Yes, what!?" She asked, looking around. And saw nothing. No one. She scowled, then shook her head. "Adora, the door chime is on the firtz, we have to bother Belanna."

"Later, right?"

"Of course! After dinner, breakfast and lun-" The door shut.

And Gelli Vlee, whose puddled form covered a good portion of the carpeted hall, whimpered and sighed.

I'm so... her eye rolled over, checking the padd for the right term. That's it. I'm so gay.


Hmm...can't think of a vote for the next episode opener.

Oh, I know!

[ ] NC-17 XXX NSFW
[ ] TV PG

Adora starts by stunning the pilot: 2s means a hit with 0 momentum, doing a 5 severity damage. As the NPC is nothing special, she cannot avoid an injury and is instead KO'd!

The turn passes to the Kazon. One of the Kazon in the security room takes a minor action to jog over to see what's what. This puts him in the same zone as Catra, so using his Disruptor pistol would be diff 3. He chooses, instead, to take a swing, making an opposed melee check - Catra will spend 1 momentum for +1 dice and gets 3s, seeing the diff at 3, eat shit. The bad guy rolls, gets 2s, and this means (since it is opposed) Catra "succeeds" in hand to hand combat with 1 momentum! With 2 momentum banked, she counter attacks and he goes down with a Severity 3 stun attack.

Then things go back to Catra and she zaps at Captain Barik! She gets 2s and pays off the complication by giving me, the GM, 2 threat!

Back to the NPCs! One of the two guards on the roof takes a major action to sprint to the attack fighter! He gets 1s, which he spends to negate the fact it's a quick drop down - he lands on the fighter and then spends 2 threat to maintain initiative! He takes a minor action to take off, then a major action to try and intimidate everyone by threatening the tanks! He gets 2s on his intimidation, which, next round, will be what Catra and Adora will have to roll against to best!

...but there's one more PC left, to act before the final NPC.

Gelli! Gelli VLEE! Yes! She's a PC now! She's going to spend a determination to get +2s and fire the phasers on the Irrawaddy! +1 diff for the slagged banks, but she rolls 3 successes on the dice, +2 successes for her determination, for 5 successes against a diff 3 check! 2 momentum +2 for the phaser allows her to add +1 damage and do a "devastating attack", doing a total of 5/3 damage, which drops the shields to 0, shakes the target, and that's TWO breaches, both to the Engines, giving it "Shot Off Wing" 2, which conslusively puts paid to that.

The final NPC surrenders.
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