Springtime of Freedom: A Guns of Old John Brown Riot Quest

I like your thinking, but im not sure about the heavy focus on our navy instead of the army.

the desire against american tyrants(high) and improving soldier QoL(medium) both requrire a focus on the army, while only a low desire wants a better navy. Building a new navy is good, but there are still tyrants on our border that need to be defeated.

Im not sure about the Poltglot campaigns(do you mean polygot?). Learning multiple languages is nice, but as pretty much a single issue party it wont really resonate with our core voter base and i dont think anyone is going to vote for us just for better language support

Renaming to The International Revolutionary Party is great!

If we are excluding the RRP from coalition, wont that hurt our reputation as respected bipartisans :o
I can pull one from the Navy and another towards the army, but the purpose of the polyglot campaign is so that we can more easily communicate with international revolutionary groups. While it is not an immediate concern it is to serve the long term goal of war against all the imperialist powers.

Also good point about the RRP, we should be willing to form a coalition with any party that will let us drink the blood of tyrants.
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Reform the voting system to remove FPTP in favour of proportional voting now or leftist infighting will leave the nation open to the Republicans!
[] [Socialist Worker's Party] Fight Corruption, Advance Democracy!
-[] Plank 1: Introduce a watchdog system of random audits on all governmental organs.
-[] Plank 2: Transparency laws will be legislated so that citizens are properly informed on how the government works.
-[] Plank 3: Abolish electoral districts and move to a fully proportional system of representation.
-[] Plank 4: Slowly restructure state owned industries to be runned as collectives and offer grants to help expand non-state owned collectives.
-[] Plank 5: Expand and improve educational institutions nationwide.
-[] Non-legislative plank 1: Found a volunteer group to help the poorest communities of the country.
-[] Non-legislative plank 2: Make contact with individuals and groups of similar ideological alingment in the continent (including Pacifica if possible) to better expand the revolution and the party's influence.
-[] Coalitions: Worker's Party and Socialist Party
[] [The National Union Party] War Today, Revolution Tomorrow! Better Treatment Edition
-[] Plank 1: End of Old Tyrants - Begin a Campaign against the American Warlord States
-[] Plank 2:Heal the wounds of Yesterday - Reach out to Veterans to address issues of injury, addiction, and trauma
-[] Plank 3: Prevent the Wounds of Tomorrow - Allow and encourage the formation of military unions to ensure problems and grievances of soldiers, sailors, ouvriers are addressed quickly
-[] Plank 4: Polyglot campaign - Encourage learning additional languages with an emphasis on Spanish, French, German, and Portuguese
-[] Plank 5:Bureau of Revolutionary Affairs - Establishment an organization to reach out to and assist resistance, revolution, anti-colonial, and anti-imperialist groups around the world
-[] Non-legislative Plank 1: Encourage our voters to enlist in the the military
-[] Non-legislative Plank 2: Rename to The International Revolutionary Party
-[] Coalition Any
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So, I've got absolutely no clue how I would construct a platform for the socialist party, EXCEPT, we really should see about constructing a spy agency to fuck with the Colonial powers considering it's one of the SP's main planks

especially considering that one of our uptimers happens to be a former JIA spook, if he's still alive that'd be a HUGE leg up on practically everyone else in terms of institutional knowledge which is currently going to waste
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[] [Socialist Party] The Socialist Party Program for the 16th Freedmen's Republic Congress
-[] Plank 1: Establish a Congressional Social Planning Committee to coordinate the actions of the national enterprises and such worker cooperatives as accept its recommendations.
-[] Plank 2: Nationalize and centralize private banks, under a Board appointed by and accountable to the Social Planning Committee, for the purpose of providing credit to the national enterprises and worker cooperatives; condition credit to worker cooperatives on compliance with Social Planning Committee recommendations.
-[] Plank 3: Nationalize and centralize import and export enterprises for the purpose of negotiating more favorable rates with foreign traders.
-[] Plank 4: Reform the electoral system to national proportional representation with recalls.
-[] Plank 5: Move the Congress to declare war on each and all of the Northern Warlord States, in concert with the rest of the DeMoines alliance.
-[] Non-legislative plank 1: Move the International Workers' Association in New York to establish an American Socialist Bureau in New Orleans to coordinate between socialists of different parties in the revolutionized American states, and between socialists across American states, revolutionized and not.
-[] Non-legislative plank 2: Establish a party Propaganda Bureau to coordinate the political positions of party newspapers, and the positions taken at rallies and debates by party candidates according to the party program; and to purchase and distribute phonographs and loudspeakers to party branches.
-[] Coalitions: Socialist Worker's Party, Worker's Party. If coalition partners attempt to reform the military to relegate women to supporting or subaltern roles only, withdraw confidence & supply and shift to maximum obstructionism.

After Walpurga Voight was locked out of her own party's legislative agenda setting (OOC translation: lol, our entire circle was waylaid by IRL bullshit for several days), she has emerged at the forefront of the new Socialist Party.
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So, I've got absolutely no clue how I would construct a platform for the socialist party, EXCEPT, we really should see about constructing a spy agency to fuck with the Colonial powers considering it's one of the SP's main planks

especially considering that one of our uptimers happens to be a former JIA spook, if he's still alive that'd be a HUGE leg up on practically everyone else in terms of institutional knowledge which is currently going to waste
That particular thing is in the background, since that's an obvious course of action for the players to have taken if the previous quest had continued. Presumably the Des Moines Alliance as a whole has access to intelligence agency institutional knowledge imported through him.
That particular thing is in the background, since that's an obvious course of action for the players to have taken if the previous quest had continued. Presumably the Des Moines Alliance as a whole has access to intelligence agency institutional knowledge imported through him.
Really? where does it say that in quest? are we gonna get intelligence reports on what's going on abroad or do we have to pass something for it?
Really? where does it say that in quest? are we gonna get intelligence reports on what's going on abroad or do we have to pass something for it?
It doesn't say it anywhere explicitly, I'm simply assuming that Notbirdofprey isn't going to rule that no, we don't actually have any sort of intelligence organization despite getting someone to set it up being one of the last decisions we made in the previous quest.
To be fair, there's state foreign intelligence agencies (which I'm sure all the DMA powers have to some extent, to the extent they're even separate from the diplomatic services), and then there's the International. At some point we should get the International to ramp up anti-militarist agitation in Europe so as to help the revolutionary war effort against the imperial armies, but we're not quite at the point where we need it yet.
[X] [Socialist Party] The Socialist Party Program for the 16th Freedmen's Republic Congress
[X] [Socialist Party] The Socialist Party Program for the 16th Freedmen's Republic Congress
[X][The Worker's Party] Reform and Preparations
-[X] Dredge the rivers to allow barges to travel them.
-[X] Begin government-owned construction of utilities and ports/seaports throughout the Republic, particularly where they are most needed.
-[X] Change the electoral system to a more proportional system such as STV and add the ability to recall.
-[X] Establish a government program for veterans to provide free medical care as well as assistance finding a job, including prioritized hiring at government industries.
-[X] Encourage small farms to collectivize in the agricultural industry by providing grants for coops to buy agricultural machinery.
-[X] Non-legislative: Focus on tying cooperatives and government unions to the party, showing the WP as their champion.
-[X] Non-legislative: Advocate for private businesses to re-organize as cooperatives, both as a "smart business sense" that cooperatives are naturally better and tend to receive more government benefits and in a moral sense, that democratically run industries are simply the freedmen way of doing things.
-[X] Coalition: Socialist Worker's Party, Freedman's Party, Socialist Party
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[] [The Worker's Party] Utopia is within reach.
-[] The government working with civil society is to find as many volunteers as possible who want to build the ideal socialist cities and farming communities.
-[] Prioritize the poor, minorities, civil war veterans and groups of people looking for something bold and new in the new socialist cities and communities.
-[] Build said cities and communities
-[] Coordinate and pool together recruits and resources with the utopians in the Worker's Republic to build cities and communities in our neighbors.
-[] Assemble and send out our best speakers to tour the imperialist nations of Europe and the countries in our continent and speak with people high and low about the new socialist era and why they should support it. With a focus on the warlord states up north.
-[] Non-legislative Form the anti-war bloc with like minded people.
-[] Non-legislative Agitate for the government to enact universal healthcare.
-[] Coalitions
As Utopians we believe that everyone should work arm in arm and as such we will coalition with anyone.
[X] [The National Union Party] War Today, Revolution Tomorrow! Better Treatment Edition
-[X] Plank 1: End of Old Tyrants - Begin a Campaign against the American Warlord States
-[X] Plank 2:Heal the wounds of Yesterday - Reach out to Veterans to address issues of injury, addiction, and trauma
-[X] Plank 3: Prevent the Wounds of Tomorrow - Allow and encourage the formation of military unions to ensure problems and grievances of soldiers, sailors, ouvriers are addressed quickly
-[X] Plank 4: Polyglot campaign - Encourage learning additional languages with an emphasis on Spanish, French, German, and Portuguese
-[X] Plank 5:Bureau of Revolutionary Affairs - Establishment an organization to reach out to and assist resistance, revolution, anti-colonial, and anti-imperialist groups around the world
-[X] Non-legislative Plank 1: Encourage our voters to enlist in the the military
-[X] Non-legislative Plank 2: Rename to The International Revolutionary Party
-[X] Coalition Any
[X] [The National Union Party] War Today, Revolution Tomorrow! Better Treatment Edition
-[X] Plank 1: End of Old Tyrants - Begin a Campaign against the American Warlord States
-[X] Plank 2:Heal the wounds of Yesterday - Reach out to Veterans to address issues of injury, addiction, and trauma
-[X] Plank 3: Prevent the Wounds of Tomorrow - Allow and encourage the formation of military unions to ensure problems and grievances of soldiers, sailors, ouvriers are addressed quickly
-[X] Plank 4: Polyglot campaign - Encourage learning additional languages with an emphasis on Spanish, French, German, and Portuguese
-[X] Plank 5:Bureau of Revolutionary Affairs - Establishment an organization to reach out to and assist resistance, revolution, anti-colonial, and anti-imperialist groups around the world
-[X] Non-legislative Plank 1: Encourage our voters to enlist in the the military
-[X] Non-legislative Plank 2: Rename to The International Revolutionary Party
-[X] Coalition Any
The party of the venerable Holden Bloodfeast continues to be the most party of all time.