- Pronouns
- She/Her
[] [Socialist Party] The Socialist Party Program for the 16th Freedmen's Republic Congress
-[] Plank 1: Establish a Congressional Social Planning Committee to coordinate the actions of the national enterprises and such worker cooperatives as accept its recommendations.
-[] Plank 2: Nationalize and centralize private banks, under a Board appointed by and accountable to the Social Planning Committee, for the purpose of providing credit to the national enterprises and worker cooperatives; condition credit to worker cooperatives on compliance with Social Planning Committee recommendations.
-[] Plank 3: Nationalize and centralize import and export enterprises for the purpose of negotiating more favorable rates with foreign traders.
-[] Plank 4: Reform the electoral system to national proportional representation with recalls.
-[] Plank 5: Move the Congress to declare war on each and all of the Northern Warlord States, in concert with the rest of the DeMoines alliance.
-[] Non-legislative plank 1: Move the International Workers' Association in New York to establish an American Socialist Bureau in New Orleans to coordinate between socialists of different parties in the revolutionized American states, and between socialists across American states, revolutionized and not.
-[] Non-legislative plank 2: Establish a party Propaganda Bureau to coordinate the political positions of party newspapers and radio broadcasts, and the positions taken at rallies and debates by party candidates according to the party program; and to purchase and distribute radios and loudspeakers to party branches.
-[] Coalitions: Socialist Worker's Party, Worker's Party.
After Walpurga Voight was locked out of her own party's legislative agenda setting (OOC translation: lol, our entire circle was waylaid by IRL bullshit for several days), she has emerged at the forefront of the new Socialist Party.
Radios require electronics, do we actually have the necessary industry?
And more importantly: radios are absolutely a TOP SECRET BURN AFTER READING sort of deal and we do NOT want to hand them out willy nilly because they represent a HUGE force multiplier for us. Please don't do this.
[] [Socialist Worker's Party]
-[] Form a unionized state corporation (The Republican Pharmaceuticals Collective) and expand it at breakneck speed via economic planning by material balances, focusing on the mass production of the so-called Wonder Drugs: aspirin, penicillin, and streptomycin. The key steps in the synthesis of their active ingredients are to be considered Trade Secrets and all immediate profits from the enterprise are to be funnelled back into more expansion, until such as time as we can create enough product to trade overseas in bulk.
-[] Form the Fifth Column: a foreign intelligence service dedicated to establishing and equipping networks of spies and saboteurs in enemy territories and agitating for revolutionary action. Their first targets are to be the Warlord States and Pacifica.
-[] Reform the electoral system to national proportional representation with recalls, and establish secure long range radio communication stations in order to make recalls faster as well as allow faster communications between local and national bodies for the purpose of economic planning.
-[] Spin up mass production of internal combustion engines running on diesel fuel, as well as factories for the production of tractors (to help our farmers grow more with less labour) and trucks (to make our army highly mobile). Upgrade existing oil refineries to generate the necessary diesel fuel.
-[] Advocate for the reform of military standards and champion the formation of several volunteer mixed gender and womens' only units.
-[] Non-legislative: Crash the Radical Republican Party's business association meetings with hecklers, deface their posters, loudly decry the petty bourgeoisie that the RRP had made its bed with.
-[] Non-legislative Run an informational campaign, explaining that our focus on developing our industries is not due to lack of desire to strangle imperialists and reactionaries, but due to a desire to strangle many more imperialists and reactionaries and to keep strangling them at a steady and sustainable rate.
-[] Socialist Party, Worker's Party
@The Laurent, can I convince you to swap out building fortifications for establishing a bauxite mining and strategic aluminum refining operation in Arkansas? Aluminum is the big thing we're lacking right now for making good aircraft, and it's so damn valuable we can also artificially restrict how much we release on the open market to make a killing. I'm imagining that the Aluminum refinery in particular is guarded to hell and back and the workers are screened carefully to prevent the secret of its manufacture getting out.
Likewise, instead of jumping into making a 20th century navy, can I suggest working up to it by first developing marine diesel power-plants? This synergies well with the tractor and truck diesel engine in my plan, and unlike steam plants, diesel has lower maintenance requirements as a source of naval motive power which is cheaper for us.
@Physici, can I convince you to drop:
-[] Change election type to STV or other proportional system, with larger districts that each have multiple candidates. Allow for recalls of representatives.
In favour of:
-[] Spin up a steam turbine manufacturing plant, which can provide turbines for the coal power plants need for aluminum manufacture, running electric trains, and begin electrifying the nation.
Turbines are one of the keystone techs for electrification, and since we want to jump to electrified rail, we need to build the supporting industries.
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