Springtime of Freedom: A Guns of Old John Brown Riot Quest

[x] The Socialist Worker's Party

I'm assuming there's an International. Which parties are affiliates of it?
[X] The Freedman's Party

Gentlemen! We must have peace in our time! We cannot allow the new generation to suffer the horrors of war as we have!

You are wrong.

You are a villain and a scoundrel and I will not allow you to corrupt our children with your talk of peace while there are still enslaved people on American soil!

Only WAR can secure the freedom of the people!
You are wrong.

You are a villain and a scoundrel and I will not allow you to corrupt our children with your talk of peace while there are still enslaved people on American soil!

Only WAR can secure the freedom of the people!

And you mislead the people with your talk of war abroad!

Indeed, there is a war to be fought, a war inside this nation! A war against poverty! Against homelessness! A war for the very soul of this nation! Yet you suggest that we waste precious resources we can ill afford on some foreign venture when there are people that need saving inside this very nation itself!

A vote for the Freedmen's Party is a vote for prosperity at home and for all!
[X] The Socialist Worker's Party

And you mislead the people with your talk of war abroad!

Indeed, there is a war to be fought, a war inside this nation! A war against poverty! Against homelessness! A war for the very soul of this nation! Yet you suggest that we waste precious resources we can ill afford on some foreign venture when there are people that need saving inside this very nation itself!

A vote for the Freedmen's Party is a vote for prosperity at home and for all!

Right at this moment people are SUFFERERING under the yoke if IMPERIAL European powers!

You talk like I am saying that I want WAR abroad when I am demanding that we free our BROTHERS and SISTERS living and SUFFERING right across the border!
[x] The Socialist Worker's Party

bro, just once more let me have Girl Marcobins, please bro, just once more, comeon bro, once more, just let me kill more imperialists bro, just one more insane internationalist war bro, just let me kill again bro

[><] Socialist Workers Party (Murderous Insane Lesbian Faction)

GIRLS SHOULD KISS (each other)
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I am a PROUD member of the Time-Travelers-Kicking-Imperialist-Ass-Movement

[x] The Socialist Worker's Party
I feel it is apt to point out to the war hawks in our midst that our economy is one wrong step from just completely collapsing, and the fact that more than half of our debt being British means that our hands are even more tied until we manage to stabilize and grow the domestic industrial base further (we don't control the industrial north directly, that's part of the Socialists and their unions in New York)
I feel it is apt to point out to the war hawks in our midst that our economy is one wrong step from just completely collapsing, and the fact that more than half of our debt being British means that our hands are even more tied until we manage to stabilize and grow the domestic industrial base further (we don't control the industrial north directly, that's part of the Socialists and their unions in New York)
You can vote in jingoists without committing to instant war. a democratically planned economy will help immensely in developing our economy regardless.
I feel it is apt to point out to the war hawks in our midst that our economy is one wrong step from just completely collapsing, and the fact that more than half of our debt being British means that our hands are even more tied until we manage to stabilize and grow the domestic industrial base further (we don't control the industrial north directly, that's part of the Socialists and their unions in New York)

Come on bro please, just one more war bro. Just let me see the fear in a slaver's eyes just once more bro, please bro, just one more war bro
I feel it is apt to point out to the war hawks in our midst that our economy is one wrong step from just completely collapsing, and the fact that more than half of our debt being British means that our hands are even more tied until we manage to stabilize and grow the domestic industrial base further (we don't control the industrial north directly, that's part of the Socialists and their unions in New York)
smh just turn the economy into a planned war economy, the economy must become an engine of war, just issue MEFO bills, this definitely won't backfire my dude
You can vote in jingoists without committing to instant war. a democratically planned economy will help immensely in developing our economy regardless.
Yeah, that's where I'm at.

Economic reforms to improve the economy to support a sustained war effort, then we go full "Explode the Enemy."

In the meantime, we can, I dunno, throw guns at rebel groups.