Springtime of Freedom: A Guns of Old John Brown Riot Quest

The 1881 Election Results
The dominance of the left-wing coalition that had dominated politics for so long was threatened, however minimally, this year. A strong base of support from their municipal governments was seized upon by the powerful Freedmen's Party machine, bolstered by a policy platform focused on peaceful internationalism and universal prosperity. With the newspapers full of reports of blood and death in the inter-monarch conflict, the majority of people wished to stay well away from such a conflagration, and their voting choices reflected it.

However, the powerful industrial base of the Socialist Party and their allies was enough to secure yet another victory for the coalition and the continuation of their efforts to transition to full socialism.

The Des Moines Alliance was tightened, with a full customs union established, simplifying trade. The slow approach had allowed for measures to be taken by various parties, including subsidies for vital industries in each nation, keeping a key core of the production of vital goods in each nation, including Haiti as much as feasible. And the timing was perhaps fortuitous, for the outbreak of war in Europe had seen many of the major trading partners of the Worker's Republic and Freedmen's Republic vanish, creating a noticeable dip in the economies of both nations.

Fortunately, strong welfare in both states insulated many from the worst of the impacts, and the many valuable goods produced in both such as high-quality steel tools and medicine were still eagerly sought after (the British were making a killing selling to both sides, attempting to maintain neutrality while taking advantage of the distraction of their imperial rivals).

Legislation to take advantage of this economic shift was passed, directing the Social Planning Committee to commit additional funding to a series of enterprises. The pharmaceutical complex of the Freedmen's Republic was expanded, becoming one of the most significant single industries in the nation, with thousands of workers employed in dozens of factories making every conceivable type of medicine. While antibiotics were the most common product, the chemical works also produced anesthesia, pain medication, and dietary supplements, and excitement for the prospect of vaccine expansion was growing among many. There was even speculation about the use of plants from distant Brazil to combat malaria.

The cutting edge engines of the Freedmen's Republic saw additional investment. After years of work, mass-produced diesel engines, powered by the black gold produced in Texas and Sequoyah, were created. The new trucks and tractors were far more potent than the previous generations, and there was even speculation about using them in trains. And several massive engines were ordered for the use of the Navy.

The same Navy that was significantly expanding its infrastructure. While much of the new construction, such as deeply dredged ports and the expansion of rail networks around them, was primarily intended for civilian use, ten massive slips built for ships larger than any on the ocean were created, much to the alarm of those Europeans paying attention. Another run of small ships was established, more for the purpose of increasing the amount of personnel who had experience aboard the ship in the hopes of establishing a tradition.

The next major legislation passed was an implementation of a package of laws designed to clamp down on corruption and reform the justice system. Legal protections for whistleblowers were strengthened, whether the alarm was coming from within the government, an enterprise, or the few private businesses that still existed. For the professional, official anti-corruption agents, standards were raised, training extended, and with the increased requirements came increased wages. Coming with it were new regulations designed to reduce the cruelty inherent in common punitive measures such as imprisonment, with the goal being to reduce the rates of recidivism and make a healthier society.

The justice system was divided into two sections - one for crimes of a political nature, mostly seen in Texas, and one for regular crimes. Political criminals were to be educated, to be exposed to the realities of life under transitional socialism and cultivated into willing converts. Regular criminals were to be rehabilitated, to be taught how to control the urges that led to harm and encouraged to offer recompense to their victims. Combined with an extension of the ongoing anti-poverty campaign, the hope was to make the streets and open fields of the Republic vastly safer.

Such a program was not without controversy, especially when the first cases of violence entered the new court systems.

The last and largest piece of legislation was a grand omnibus bill devoted to continued support for "valiant comrades and oppressed workers throughout the world." Taking the form of joint military exercises, with Haiti joining in for the first time, adding their tiny army to the well-equipped regiments of the army, the final kinks in coordination between the four armies were ironed out, while the grand affair that such a major exercise inevitably was also provided an excuse for transfer of personnel between various spy agencies and the International's organizations, which were heavily focused in Europe, propagandizing against the war and building on existing labor organizations. The Turtle Island Confederacy had strong connections to the south and west - Mexican revolutionaries were being sheltered within their borders, and pinprick raids along Pacifica were being used to gather intelligence and distribute equipment. The Worker's Republic had allies within the underground Canadian labor movement. And you contribute with knowledge of going-ons in Africa.

All the organizations are being expanded, with investments in funding and a growing increase in institutional skill, including the establishment of front organizations pretending to be American emigres in Brazil that are being used to make contact with the indigenous resistance organizations, the nascent labor unions, and the increasingly restive slave populations.

And a propaganda campaign was begun, focusing on the plight of countless oppressed peoples and linking it to the struggles of the Freedmen's Republic, from the continuation of slavery in Brazil to the wholesale looting of Africa by the British Empire.

As part of this program, to emphasize the international character of the Republic and its allies, adult schools were funded and outreach to immigration was sponsored. It proved especially effective in Ireland, in the north German states, and in Russia, to the point where the latter two forbade immigration of military-aged men in order to maintain their supply of young men to feed into slaughter.

Both the Socialist Party and the Socialist Worker's Party took pride in helping organize those campaigns and schools, winning themselves many new members from the immigrants, some of whom began organizing campaigns to add Irish to the languages taught in schools and create a translation of the bible into Irish.

The International Revolutionary Party, meanwhile, sponsored programs introducing women to the Navy (they were required to be on separate ships from men, out of concern for discipline and pregnancy, but were officially equal in all respects otherwise) and sponsoring shooting clubs and training camps that proved popular, especially among the urban youth who enjoyed them as much as a chance to go out into nature as anything else.

While their rival parties focused on immigrants, the Freedmen's Party led the charge to finally eliminate illiteracy, using their extensive political machine and grassroots network to ensure everywhere was reached, from the most isolated hamlet to the heart of the biggest city. They even crossed borders to teach people to read in English, Spanish, and other languages, and crossed borders politically, successfully establishing sister parties in other members of the Alliance and even beyond.

And the Radical Republicans, increasingly irrelevant, built endless internal party structures in an attempt to pursue purity and printed propaganda no one read.

Foreign Affairs
The undeclared war in Brazil has escalated. Support from the DMA has seen the natives grow increasingly well-armed, and the government has been forced to send in several detachments that normally patrol for escaped slaves and help suppress plantation revolts into the Amazon to reinforce depleted formations. Elements of the government are agitating for conscription to help fill out numbers, while others are entertaining British offers of a loan.

The Argentinian government, meanwhile, has seen an opportunity and sent a proposal to you. They are interested in a joint war, using the violence in the Amazon as a justification.

Their proposal is:

They receive economic concessions and technology transfers from you. In exchange, they will allow you to position troops and use their ports as a naval base and invade Brazil alongside you with the aim of forcing them to abolish slavery, give up the Amazon, and offer territorial concessions to Argentina alongside the deals they want from you.

Mexico is similarly in an unstable position. The conflict in the Yucatan is now being called the Caste War, indigenous peoples in the northwest have risen in revolt, and there are riots in the cities over conscription and an economic downturn caused by the war.

Great Britain is actively seeking to secure strategic river mouths, ports, and other vital points all along the continent. They have also secured hegemony over the horn of Africa and Egypt through networks of local aristocrats and garrisons and are currently faced with ongoing fighting in the south, with the Zulu defeating two small British expeditions and unrest among the Boers reaching a breaking point. However, even with this conflict they are active elsewhere. Most notably, they have purchased Cuba from Spain and begun offering loans and investments to several Latin American nations.

Finally, the Franco-Prussian war has continued. Bavaria is occupied by Prussian troops, and Austria-Hungary has faced several stinging defeats. Russia has been sending vast numbers of poorly-equipped peasant conscripts into battle, effectively throwing them into the fight in order to allow well-drilled Prussian troops and artillery to maneuver about the fight and secure victory, but Prussia is fighting on two fronts and French troops have successfully entered the Rhineland, although they have since bogged down around Essen and Cologne.

Also, Haiti has sought formal entrance into the Des Moines Alliance. They will almost certainly be let in, unless the next government objects.

Popular Sentiment

We must support our allies to the south! Onwards to Mexico City! (Medium)

We must not ignite a war and shed our blood on foreign fields. (Low)

Women can probably sail a ship as well as men...but why do they need to? (Low)

It's amazing seeing a government that's taking such care to keep everyone healthy and happy. (High)

I think there are some crimes that are being forgiven too easily. (Medium)

All this new technology is wonderful! The sky is the limit! (Medium)

Each platform may have five legislative planks and two non-legislative planks. In addition, you may also list who you wish to have or not have as a coalition partner. Finally, each party has an Ideology. One legislative plank must match this ideology. Planks which go against an Ideology will damage Discipline, and possibly divide the party into two new ones.

The ideologies are Centralized Worker's Democracy and Develop Productive Forces(Socialist Party), Justice for the Oppressed and Develop Productive Forces (Socialist Worker's Party), Carry the Struggle Onward and Develop Productive Forces(International Revolutionary Party), Peace and Prosperity (Freedmen's Party), and Preserve Our Privilege (Radical Republican Party).

Platforms should be voted for in this format:

[] [Party Name] Plan name
-[] Plank 1
-[] Plank 2
-[] Plank 3
-[] Plank 4
-[] Plank 5
-[] Non-legislative plank 1
-[] Non-legislative plank 2
-[] Coalitions

You may vote for multiple plans, but only for one party.
The Freedmen's Republic in 1882
Government Type: Parliamentary Republic (National Assembly), Municipal Councils
Governing Document: Freedmen's Charter (civil rights, guaranteed welfare, freedom of conscience)
Head of State: Walpurga Voight
Head of Government: Walpurga Voight
Legislative Coalition: SP, SWP, IRP
Election Types: National Proportional Representation with universal suffrage and recall. Municipal governments operate on the same principles.

Foreign Affairs
Diplomatic Status: Recognized by Britain, France, German Confederation, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Mexico, recognized by several African kingdoms including the Zulu and Merina
War and Peace: Peace treaty with Mexico
Alliances: Part of Des Moines Alliance with Turtle Island Confederation and Worker's Republic of America, alliance with Haiti
Trade Agreements: Turtle Island Confederation (Economic Aid), Worker's Republic of America (Economic Aid), Great Britain, France, Haiti (Economic Aid)
Border Disputes: Mexico, Dominion of Pacifica

Army Type: Volunteer Militia (Freedmen's Army)
Army Quality: High
Army Quantity: Adequate
Fort Quality: Critical
Fort Quantity: Critical

Navy Type: Coast Guard (Freedmen's Navy)
Navy Quality: Adequate
Navy Quantity: Adequate
Seaport Quality: Adequate
Seaport Quantity: Adequate

National Stability: Adequate
Regional Stability: N/A
Law Enforcement Quality: Low
Law Enforcement Quantity: Low
Bureaucracy Quality: Adequate
Bureaucracy Quantity: Adequate
Anti-Corruption Quality: Low
Anti-Corruption Quantity: Low

External Espionage Quality (Revolutionary Support Agency): Low
Internal Espionage Quality (Counterrevolutionary Defence Agency): Adequate

External Espionage Accountability: Adequate
Internal Espionage Accountability: Adequate

Treasury: Adequate
Debt Ratio: High
Tax Income: High
Tariff Income: Adequate
Fee Income: Low
Expenses: High
Principal Creditors: Britain (50%), Domestic (35%), France (15%)
Principal Debtors: The Des Moines Alliance (100%)

Welfare and Regulations
Pensions: Adequate
Social Safety Nets: Adequate
Healthcare: Adequate
Healthcare Access: High

Financial Regulations: Low
Environmental Regulations: Adequate
Worker's Regulations: High
Consumer Regulations: Adequate

Economic Output: High
Economic Growth: Adequate
Economic Activity: Agriculture (31%), trade (12%), light industry (33%), heavy industry (24%)
Commercial Output: Adequate
Commercial Growth: Adequate
Trade Partners: Britain [mixed] (15%), Des Moines Alliance [mixed] (85%)
Living Standards: High
Technology: Ideal
Immigration: High (Austria-Hungary, Africa, Ireland)

Public Works
Road Quality: Adequate
Road Presence: Adequate
Rail Quality: High
Rail Presence: High
Utility Quality: Adequate
Utility Presence: High
Housing Quality: High
Housing Presence: High
Port Quality: Adequate
Port Presence: Adequate
Waterway Quality: Adequate
Waterway Presence: Adequate

Literacy Rate: 88%
Literacy Growth: High
Education Quality: High
Education Presence: High

Stats: [None/Critical] / [Low/High] / [Adequate/Medium] / [High/Low] / [Ideal/Booming]
Stats in bold are improving, stats in italics are declining.
As a member of the Khornate International Revolution Party I feel we have no choice but to assist our brothers and sisters in the Yucatan.
The Revolutionary Reconstructionist Working Group
Consider the Following
  • Spool up construction in the new 15 kt shipyards by laying down a set of cargo ships to allow us to trade more easily with other nations [1]
  • Design a battleship and blue water destroyer using the latest technologies, and perform component testing and ancillary industry spin-up [2]
  • Mechanize the army with standard trucks for transporting troops, cargo, and crew served weapons, and install diesel engines on our reconnaissance dirigibles
  • Expand Army recruitment in reaction to escalating international tensions
  • Construct a dedicated Naval Arsenal for producing naval artillery
  • Design and begin producing a hydroxyamonium nitrate fuelled torpedo [3]

  • Expand the RSA with more funding and personnel in order to continue supporting liberatory struggles abroad while maintaining oversight
  • Fund an underground railroad for draft dodgers in Europe, using this infrastructure to smuggle our agents into Europe so they can organize and agitate among the working classes
  • Send more supplies to support the Natives in the Amazon, including trainers to teach asymmetrical warfare
  • Send military supplies to the Zulu in Africa to blunt British imperialism
  • Send supplies, arms, and equipment to the Yucatan to support the indigenous uprising, while our agents agitate in the cities' working class against the draft
  • Tell Argentina to pound sand

  • Expand pharmaceutical production into hormonal contraceptives
  • Begin construction of a series of coal powered steam turbine power plants and expand the electrical grid widen access to electricity
  • Establish dedicated research facilities for the development of electronics manufacturing, focusing on germanium transistors for portable applications, and vacuum tubes for stationary ones
  • Jointly develop a Germanium mine in Utah
  • Lay down the foundations of an aluminum production industry with bauxite mines and aluminum refineries using the electricity generated by coal power plants
  • Provide Haiti with industrial aid to bring them up to DMA standards of living
  • Transfer Concentrated Solar Power technology to the TCI, where the environment is more amenable to its use

  • Create a PR campaign to champion women's liberation and educate people about the benefits of equality between the sexes
  • Continue to manufacture consent for the unification of Turtle Island and the eviction of imperialist power in order to ensure our future prosperity and security
  • Strengthen financial regulations by mandating financial disclosures of budgets
  • Create internal auditing agencies to combat corruption
  • Improve financial regulations
  • Increase funding for law enforcement in order continue recruitment and training efforts, as well as

[1] Triple expansion coal boilers, bulbous bows, pneumatic conveyors for bulk shipments of things like grain, and standard sizes of crates for cargo version based on DMA military logistics standards
[2] Oil fired boilers, steam turbine turbo-electric propulsion, 300mm guns in three triple turrets in a 2-A-1 configuration for the battleship, bilge keels for greater stability, bulbous bow for better top speed, a citadel based armour scheme, torpedo belts, and provisions for the installations of vacuum tube computer fire control, radar rangefinders, and search radar in a later refit.
[3] HAN is non-toxic, storable, and provides pretty good performance as a torpedo propellant
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[X] [International Revolutionary Party] Stonewall Was A Mutiny
-[X] Design a battleship and blue water destroyer using the latest technologies, and perform component testing and ancillary industry spin-up!
-[X] Coordinate with the DMA to prepare for war with Mexico! We must support our allies to the south!
-[X] Mechanize the army with standard trucks for transporting troops, cargo, and crew served weapons, and install diesel engines on our reconnaissance dirigibles!
-[X] Send more supplies to support the Natives in the Amazon, including trainers to teach asymmetrical warfare!
-[X] Send supplies, arms, and equipment to the Yucatan to support the indigenous uprising, while our agents agitate in the cities' working class against the draft!
-[X] Non-legislative plank 1: Do political education among the party base and establish a bit more discipline! It's important to know why our fight is the good fight!
-[X] Non-legislative plank 2: It's come to our attention that there's quite a few homosexuals in the military! We'll punch anyone who disrespects our troops on these grounds!
-[X] Coalitions: SP, SWP

Naval strategy is build strategy, and as our yards are spinning up with some civilian cargo ships to gather experience and work out kinks on construction of this size, we need to actually put in the effort to design our next generation navy.
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Whats with the Dock Expansions, are we going to attempt and make the Dreadnought earlier in this timeline what with our hastened technological base and all?
Whats with the Dock Expansions, are we going to attempt and make the Dreadnought earlier in this timeline what with our hastened technological base and all?


[2] Oil fired boilers, steam turbine turbo-electric propulsion, 300mm guns in three triple turrets in a 2-A-1 configuration for the battleship, bilge keels for greater stability, bulbous bow for better top speed, a citadel based armour scheme, torpedo belts, and provisions for the installations of vacuum tube computer fire control, radar rangefinders, and search radar in a later refit.


We are, indeed, about to throw down the gauntlet to the Royal Navy.
[X] [Socialist Workers Party] Internationalism: Its What's For Dinner
-[X] Send military supplies to the Zulu in Africa to blunt British imperialism.
-[X] Fund an underground railroad for draft dodgers in Europe, using this infrastructure to smuggle our agents into Europe so they can organize and agitate among the working classes.
-[X] Mechanize the army with standard trucks for transporting troops, cargo, and crew served weapons, and install diesel engines on our reconnaissance dirigibles.
-[X] Send more supplies to support the Natives in the Amazon, including trainers to teach asymmetrical warfare!
-[X] Tell Argentina to pound sand.
-[X] Non-legislative plank 1: Create a PR campaign to champion women's liberation and educate people about the benefits of equality between the sexes
-[X] Non-legislative plank 2: It's come to our attention that there's quite a few homosexuals in the military! We'll punch anyone who disrespects our troops on these grounds!
-[X] Coalitions: SP, IRP, WP

We can support the fight against Sasannach imperialism without aiding the Afrikaner settler colonists.
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[] [Freedmen's Party] Reheating Justice ,Trade ,Bread
-[] Plank 1: Absolutely NO to War. Any war.
-[] Plank 2: Run on a platform of anti-corruption using our previous success at defeating our own corrupt machine politics as an example.
-[] Plank 3: Gain diplomatic recognition from all countries in the world to better access their markets for our goods. Take advantage of French distraction and seek to renegotiate the deal between France and Haiti.
-[] Plank 4: Amass a fleet for our merchant marine to better ship our trade goods once we have gained diplomatic recognition. A blanket ban on trading weapons and resources used to make weapons to all participants of the war in Europe. Informally apply the same to Britain and places like Mexico and Brazil where their governments are weakening.
-[] Plank 5: Invest in labor saving devices with a focus on agriculture to allow for more free time for workers and to further lower the price of food in the republic as well as other members of the DMA and Haiti.
-[] Non-legislative plank 1: In this time of economic uncertainty the party is to conduct mutual aid with a priority to the less well-off members of the country and the most progressive members of the party are to form local self defense clubs to protect the most vulnerable members of society during this time where they are particularly vulnerable being attacked as a form of scapegoating. Urge all sister parties to adopt similar measures to ride out this period of hardship.
-[] Non-legislative plank 2: Aid in the consolidation of all peace movements in the Franco-Prussian War including those found in Britain opposing its war profiteering with an eye to put worker parties in charge of the peace movement and to work to begin coordinated mass strikes to hinder the states at war and work to end it.
-[] Coalitions: Any party to get our planks passed except for cases where it would lead to another war.
[X] [International Revolutionary Party] Stonewall Was A Mutiny

I don't think we can form a coalition with the Worker's party because they totally collapsed.
Fuck, I keep forgetting that and putting them in out of habit.

Same tbh.

We can support the fight against Sasannach imperialism without aiding the Afrikaner settler colonists.

We could, but it would entail leaving an opportunity to hurt the British on the table. I'm not sure thatn for the best from a realpolitik standpoint.
Prolonging the war does weaken both the British and the settler colonists.

I'm open to hearing arguments against tho - I'm not very familiar with the history here.
We could, but it would entail leaving an opportunity to hurt the British on the table. I'm not sure thatn for the best from a realpolitik standpoint.
Prolonging the war does weaken both the British and the settler colonists.

I'm open to hearing arguments against tho - I'm not very familiar with the history here.
Well, if you're willing to realpolitik in Africa, why not in South America? What about Argentina pisses you off more?
Well, if you're willing to realpolitik in Africa, why not in South America? What about Argentina pisses you off more?

Argentina wants economic concessions and tech transfers, I don't want to strengthen a capitalist state that way. Especially when we... don't need them? We're already cultivating rinks with the native resistance in Brazil.
Argentina wants economic concessions and tech transfers, I don't want to strengthen a capitalist state that way. Especially when we... don't need them? We're already cultivating rinks with the native resistance in Brazil.
One of the sources of Boer resentment of the British was that the Brits *forced them to abolish slavery.* They're also settler-colonialists and are actively expanding their colonies at the the expense of their African neighbors. They are not people we should be supporting.