With much lore compiled in the TFW discord's many discussions, I have prepared each faction a text description that highlights their corrupt aspects:
The Europans cling to the lost ideals of democracy and freedom that their police-surveillance state no longer upholds. They are the catatonic, shell-shocked descendants of the long-gone Western world, shaped by a decades-long cycle of violence and depravity. Uniformed armies have become idol worshipers and trench-dwelling barbarians, holding no values or beliefs beyond their admiration for champions, human or inhuman, to rally them against the invaders of their land. Despairing infantry, clad in outdated gear, are sent out in human waves. They grind down and feast on the corpses of both allies and enemies, for MREs and ballooned cows are sparsely distributed by autocratic Al generals, disappointed by half-met objectives. The Europans worship war machines and violent killers, cultivating hatred and sadism in their elite augmented troops to unleash upon their invaders - often spilling over to innocent scavengers and their children. Defiling the bodies of their kills on tanks and gun emplacements, they are now as depraved as their invaders, having long since degenerated into everything their forefathers feared and despised.
The Euruskans are indoctrinated into a Neo-Tsardom society steeped in ultranationalism and the glorification of war. Their nationalized religion of Eastern Orthodoxy has been bastardized, turning faith and God into oil grease for the cogs of the war machine - the moral and social backbones justifying the slaughter of Euruska's enemies like animals. The Europans, in passing, call them 'heretics' and 'abominations', a fitting label as their top warriors eagerly sacrifice their humanity to become bestial, biomechanical monsters of war, praised and celebrated in their culture. Sacrilegious warmongers, zealous crusaders ready to die for glory, God, and country. They serve Euruska in the irony of their alliance with, and subservience to, Eurasia - a supernation of soulless gluttony, perverted culture, and a greedy upper class reaping the greatest riches from the war.
The Eurasians are both a tragedy and the ultimate evil. The initial nuclear barrage that began the war wiped out the top government and military officials of the three supernations. The human elements that filled Eurasia's power vacuum were its tycoons and magnates - the wealthy upper class creating a cyberpunk, plutocratic environment of nightmarish proportions. The poor, the downtrodden, and the migrants and refugees, lured by Eurasia's blinding lights of technology and economic promises, are conscripted into puppet cyborg armies, sent to war with weaponry, armor, and perverted war machines produced and branded by Eurasia's military-industrial complex mega-contractors. An army of slaves sent to war, commanded by unjust and unfeeling Al generals, to the profit and benefit of the rich and powerful.
(Sidenote: Mother Courages are produced by, or atleast in participation of, Zaikatsu Biomedical, one of Eurasia's megacorps. You can see their brand logo on Mother Courage apparently. They're a Japanese company in origin, so y'know, that explains a lot🧐)
(Sidenote 1.5: There are so far atleast these megacorp brands operating in Eurasia: XAVAX, HYPAX GROUP, and ZAIKATSU BIOMEDICAL. Their brand logos can be seen on pretty much all Eurasian units from infantry to ultrahinds)
(Sidenote 2: American Pyro (the spacesuit guy) is not rogue, but an ex elite infantry presumably of the US Army/Marines, now defunct. He's on Europa's side, but fluff-wise not formally of their ranks)