Current vote tally (voting still OPEN
As it is now, this would win:
[66] Yes. You've already greeted the hosts, as planned. Anything more than that would have been a bonus.
-[42] But first accept Dennis' offer of eternal servitude. It would be rude to ignore it and your host could always do with more friends!
In the meantime: would people rather have the Coil or Cauldron Interlude next?
Too much like Regent's outfitGive him a fool's outfit complete with a comedia mask. Have it follow him around. He can be our court jester.
Yellow and red with a jester's hat, complete with pointy shoes, stockings, jangles and bells?
Yes, Legend's interlude.Cauldron it is. I'll need a bit to try and track down any examples of Cauldron meetings from canon; as it is now, the partly-done Interlude may sound a bit like a checklist. (running down observed capabilities, theories, etc.) I don't remember if any meetings were actually like that, despite it seeming like the most effective way of saving time for everyone involved.
And yes, voting is still open.
Edit: Hell, did we see any Cauldron meetings in canon? Everything is fuzzy thanks to copious amounts of fanfiction.
Yes, Legend's interlude.
Interlude 14.5 (Bonus Interlude)
Kind of hilarious that something this earth-shattering was a Bonus Interlude.
We can even make the clothes for Clockblocker like our own. It would be the strongest armor in the world.
Ah but without our level of self-biomancy odds are anything that requires Endbringer tier clothes would just pulp the soft squishy human inside.
Titania is only brute 4. She might be able to throw cars around, but if durability of her clothes correlated with their weight in any way, they would have pulped her all the same, passive applications of reality warp-aside.Ah but without our level of self-biomancy odds are anything that requires Endbringer tier clothes would just pulp the soft squishy human inside.
Simple. We alter the physics of the clothes so that they are soft and have little weight. We are bullshit like that.
Titania is only brute 4. She might be able to throw cars around, but if durability of her clothes correlated with their weight in any way, they would have pulped her all the same, passive applications of reality warp-aside.
Yeah, I have been lazy. Not really a problem, anyway; should be able to make ability of those clothes to absorb kinetic energy absolutely ridiculous.
Why do we have to have the cloths fully cooperate with physics?Ah but without our level of self-biomancy odds are anything that requires Endbringer tier clothes would just pulp the soft squishy human inside.
There clearly seems to have been a misunderstanding. I wasn't talking about the clothes I was talking about any attack that would require them.
Anything damaging enough that you need Endbringer tier clothes to block is going to impart so much energy that the resulting acceleration would rip Dennis apart.
I suppose they'd be good for dealing with piercing attacks that deliver a small amount of energy to a small area but anything that hits with a serious impact is still going to hurt/kill.
Why do we have to have the cloths fully cooperate with physics?
Physics: So this blow will be blocked by the armor, but with its force it will still break his arm.
Clothing: Hmmm, how about no.
Physics: but..
Clothing: SILENCE!
That only works in our field where we would just rule him invulnerable clothes or no.