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♦Topic: Titania, the Fairy Queen
In: Boards ► News ► Events ► America ► Brockton Bay ► New Cape
Song_of_life (Original Poster) (Veteran Member)
Posted on January 4, 2011:
Not to be mistaken for Glaistig Uaine, the Faerie Queen. For the uninitiated, Glaistig Uaine is an S-class villain who randomly wandered around the world, killing Parahumans and stealing their powers (souls?) as she went. More information can be found on her
wiki page. She currently resides in the Birdcage.
Some folks have claimed that powers will seriously mess you up. BB's newest cape, calling herself Titania, may be living evidence toward that theory. A timeline of events is listed below. A livestream watching her can be found
A friendly reminder that the last Endbringer attack was a month ago.
Stop saying this is going to be another Lausanne.
• Sometime Yesterday (unconfirmed, questionable source): Tattletale, a villain belonging to the small-time gang The Undersiders, looked in on Titania while she was sleeping. As soon as she looked at her and ever since, Tattletale has had The Song That Gets On Everybody's Nerves looping in her head. If Tattletale is to be believed, she's been forced to use sedatives for sleeping.
• 7:04 AM: Panacea was seen in the presence of Glory Girl, looking absolutely terrified. Comments overheard from the pair indicate that Panacea had met with Titania minutes before, only to have the previously mentioned cape call Panacea "Queen Shaper", refer to her powers as a fairy, and perfectly identify the limits of her power. Sound familiar, anyone? Oh, and Titania knocked Panacea out with a touch just prior to the conversation's end. Titania was not called such at the time, just referred to as "Creepy Girl".
Panacea confirmed that she is still able to use her powers and that Titania is a being of flesh and blood.
• 7:33 AM: Armsmaster was temporarily detained under suspicion of being Mastered after a meeting with Titania. Again, she was not yet called that. He went peacefully and did not need to be restrained, although he insisted that he "
needed to tinker before the inspiration fades".
• 7:36 AM: Armsmaster was released after he started to disassemble his own power armor, the internal lights in the PRT van, and several containment foam grenades which he had somehow been allowed to keep. Troopers claim that they drew the line at him eying their launchers.
Armsmaster was overheard saying that Titania had called him "Efficiency" and really did refer to powers as "fairies".
• 7:41 AM: Titania is seen exiting Brockton Bay Central Hospital.
Through the walls. Yes, they were still there at the time. A photo of her can be found
here. Or you can just search for "Titania" as she seems to have taken over the entire damn internet.
• 7:44 AM: Assault asked Titania for her name. Titania greeted Assault as "Transfer", wished him good luck, and called herself Titania before serenely moving on. She did not specify what she was wishing him good luck with.
When asked later, Assault called her voice "beautiful, but somehow completely ****ing terrifying." Unfortunately, nobody had started recording her yet. She has not spoken since.
• 7:45 AM -10:34 AM: She was seen wandering randomly through the city. Literally. She doesn't seem to have any discernible pattern or destination, but is happily walking through all private property, cars, walls, buildings, and anything else. People trying to touch her have observed their limbs ignoring her body and clothing to appear on the other side of her. A video of this phenomenon can be found
She also seems to be able to walk on air, so that's a thing.
Worth noting is that no cape has tried talking to Titania since Assault, nor did she stop moving until her arrival at the boat graveyard. Lung doesn't count.
• 8:32 AM: Speculation that she was a projection was mostly scrapped when she randomly dropped a 5-pound solid gold bar at a beggar's feet while walking past. This was in the worse part of BB, but luckily, there were several BBPD officers nearby who were able to keep people from stealing the lucky person's landfall. We don't yet know if the bar is artificial or natural, but evidence is pointing toward natural.
• 8:46 AM: the theory of her being a projection was scrapped the rest of the way when she walked into a hardware store, telekinetically grabbed everything inside, temporarily made it so the parts she took phased through matter, assembled some sort of large tinkertech sphere out of the parts within forty seconds, and dropped it behind her. It became solid upon hitting the ground. She paid using a 15-pound gold bar from somewhere within her dress, which promptly collapsed the table it was dropped on. Titania did not notice and/or care. The purpose of the five-foot-radius metal sphere remains unknown, although the PRT has removed it from the store.
• 8:55 AM: Titania waltzed right through a crowded intersection, causing a minor car accident. No major injuries were reported and Titania, after staring for several seconds, separated and reassembled both vehicles. She has walked in midair over busy streets since.
• 9:01 AM: Titania walked past a teenager sweeping trash and dirt off the front steps of what is assumed to be his home. Ever since, people have noticed refuse and filth vanishing from her path and a large radius around it. One moment it's there,
the next it isn't, leaving areas she's been in probably the cleanest they've been in years.
• 9:13 AM: Titania is seen looking up at the sky and briefly sticking her tongue out before retracting it and moving on. Several people with far too much free time have since confirmed that she was looking in the direction of the Simurgh.
Ziz did not react to this taunt in any visible manner. Everybody else did.
• 9:31 AM: Titania's meandering led her into an ice cream store. She immediately made off with their entire stock, leaving a five-pound bar of gold in its place. After tasting every flavor, she dropped all of the bins except for the ones containing the flavor 'chocolate chip cookie dough', happily spent several minutes eating that, and continued on as if nothing had happened.
• 9:36 AM: Glory Girl and Laserdream flew over to watch her, stopping several hundred feet away. Titania turned around and demonstrated what the internet is cheerfully calling her "Slasher Smile." As usual, she never stopped moving, promptly causing the two members of New Wave to NOPE the hell outta there before she could get too close. Titania turned around again once they left. (weren't they supposed to be in school right now, anyway?)
• 9:54 AM: Lung attempted to challenge Titania. Titania glanced at him, frowned, materialized portals just above & below him, and kept walking.
• 9:59 AM: Exactly five minutes after the manifestation of the portals, the portals vanished.
Eight barbed metal blades rose up to take their place, impaling Lung's legs, feet, hands, and arms. Several hundred yards away, Titania's expression goes back to being impassive. The internet has a collective "Oh, shit!" moment.
• 10:07 AM: Lung is taken into PRT custody.
• 10:18 AM: Titania gives her slasher-smile to a jogger, who promptly sprints away. She walks after him. Play to the tune of
Yakety Sax for maximum amusement.
• 10:34 AM-present: Titania passes by the boat graveyard, veers off course to head inside, and starts building some massive tinkertech device out of the remains of old ships. After lifting all of them at once.
All of them. I don't even want to try and calculate how much that would weigh, especially since somebody else probably is doing so right now.
• 10:41 AM: The PRT sends a team into the graveyard to try and speak with her.
Her observed abilities are as follows:
Phasing: Any person which nearly touches her or her clothing skips some space to appear on the opposite side of her body. Any object which touches her phases right through. She is able to extend this field to other objects. A phased object passes through a non-phased object, but a phased object touching a person (besides Titania, who it just phases through) distorts to appear on the other side. The longer you watch it, the weirder it gets.
Telekinesis: She was able to grab
everything, including most furniture, from the inside of a hardware store, move it all independently of the other parts, and assemble a complex tinkertech device out of it. Within forty seconds. ****ing tinkers. She likely uses this or phasing to walk in midair.
She later telekinetically grabbed every single piece of debris from a car-crash and reassembled the affected vehicles. Every part. Even the tiny shards of glass that had spread over a large area.
And then she turned it up to twelve by lifting every single boat in BB's boat graveyard. GG BB.
Unknown Tinkertech: Nobody knows what she's made yet, but a photo of the 5-foot-radius sphere can be found
She later reassembled two cars after a vehicle accident, which could be a hint as to her specialty.
Striker: She was able to knock out Panacea with a touch.
Fusing: Titania was able to create a perfectly smooth sphere out of several separate sheets of metal. She later demonstrated the ability to reassemble two broken cars despite many of the pieces having been broken.
Unconfirmed abilities/Citation needed
Anti-stalker measures: The villain Tattletale claims that she's had the Song That Gets On Everybody's Nerves looping in her head since yesterday, originating as soon as she looked in on Titania while she was sleeping.
As nobody else has complained about this being a persistent problem, comparisons to Ziz's scream are not appreciated.
Speculated abilities: Buckle up and get out your tinfoil hats, kids, 'cause we're going for a ride!
Power Copier: In a manner similar to Glaistig Uaine, Titania could easily have obtained the observed abilities from the capes of BB. Unlike her, however, Titania would not kill them in the process of acquisition, nor does she have to summon ghosts. But instead of how Glaistig Uaine kills parahumans with a touch and steals their powers, Titania only knocks them out and copies them.
Wings: Observers have noticed Titania's wings occasionally twitching in a manner that cannot be explained away by the wind. This was most noticeable
while she was eating ice cream and is surprisingly adorable. Became significantly less cute when the motion was repeated as Lung was impaled.
Clairvoyance/enhanced senses: She was able to locate and look directly at the Simurgh, despite Ziz being in orbit at the time.
She later skewered Lung from several hundred yards away. Possibly super-hearing? I mean, her ears are
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► Sane_Al (Veteran Member)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
...There's two of them? You have got to be fucking kidding me.
► Foryouandme
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Whelp. Looks like Glaistig Uaine's daughter is finally old enough to follow in her mother's footsteps. Either that or Titania just so happened to go insane in the exact same manner as one of the most dangerous parahumans in history.
*laughs* Yeah, not likely. GG BB.
► Greenpalz
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Guys, she's probably just faking it for attention. Stop giving it to her and move on to more important stuff.
► Sane_Al (Veteran Member)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Have you seen the photos of her? She'd have to be hyped up on a monstrous amount of drugs to be able to duplicate that unfocused gaze for a long period of time. She doesn't have a mask, either, which implies she doesn't have any living/free relatives to risk.
► Disjunction (Verified Cape)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Never have I been so glad I live on the other side of the country. Good luck, BB!
► RabbitKing (Veteran Member)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
@ Everyone above me:
Calm the hell down. Titania hasn't done nothing yet except use some weird names and ignore everything going on around her. If she is nuts and not just faking it for laughs, it looks like she's the harmless kind of crazy; unfocused eyes, expressionless, ignoring even the people trying to poke her. Glaistig Uaine, on the other hand? She's fucking scary. People used to think she stole the souls of dead capes, it was that bad. Some people still do.
► Winged_One (Veteran Member) (Verified Cape)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
While I do agree that they're overreacting a bit, a little caution never hurt anybody. Better to keep their distance and be safe until we know whether she's weird-dangerous-crazy or just weird-crazy.
► Tattletale (Verified Cape)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Titania only just gained her powers. As far as I know, she is in no way biologically related to Glaistig Uaine. She suffered a severe shift in personality from the process and isn't faking it.
Yesterday, I took one look at her and my power has been on the fritz since. It just keeps repeating "I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, etc." Titania wasn't even awake at the time.
I've had to resort to sedatives to be able to sleep. Please, Titania, make it stop. I'm sorry I spied on you.
► Pearal
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Wait, she lives with Tattletale? Does that mean she's a villain? ...Fuuuuuuuu-
► Antigone
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Pay attention. It sounds more like Tattletale went after Titania in her civilian identity and paid the price. It's a rather roundabout way to prove that crime doesn't pay, but I'm not complaining.
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► TerranSeal
Replied on January 4, 2011:
*sits back and munches on popcorn while everybody flips their shit*
► Nspacestaff
Replied on January 4, 2011:
This user has been temporarily banned for this post. No. Just... no. -Tin_Mother
► Frickinlaserbeams
Replied on January 4, 2011:
@ TerranSeal
Easy for you to say; I doubt you live in BB. Knowing that there's an unstable cape who could just walk through your office wall at any time? Kinda freaky.
@ Nspacestaff
Oh dear god I need brain-bleach. Why would you even draw that?
► Fallstill
Replied on January 4, 2011:
So far, Titania hasn't really done anything villainous or heroic. I'm going to reserve judgment until she actually indicates a leaning toward one side of the fence.
Really, if you'd told me yesterday that the word "fairies" would cause so many people to panic, I'd have laughed at them.
► Silver_Crown
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Hsn't anybody noticed that there aren't really any capes on here complaining about randomly falling unconscious? To me, that indicates one of two things: Either Titania has a Stranger power that can make them forget, or she can copy powers at range.
I'm not sure which is more terrifying.
► UnderReactionGuy
Replied on January 4, 2011:
So is nobody going to talk about how Armsmaster was released within five minutes? Because seriously, that's pretty damn scary. You don't just release somebody that quickly if things have been bad enough that you suspect them of being mastered. Could Armsmaster have spread it somehow?
► Winged_One (Verified Cape) (Veteran Member)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
You know, she seems all cutesy and harmless now, but she's actually demonstrated a lot of abilities that could be incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands. What happens if a Master shows up before she gets stronger? Actually, what happens if a Master shows up at all? Given as she's ignoring everything everyone says, they wouldn't be able to warn her or even tell her she had been Master'd.
Worse, she seems to be trying to do things she spots other people doing. For now, it's trash clean-up. What happens if she watches a murder?
This is someone who willingly chose a name with the title of "The Fairy Queen" and uses the same terminology as Glaistig Uaine. If she's the crazy-weird-dangerous kind of parahuman, we're screwed.
► Mortal_Musician (Unverified Cape) (Banned)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
This user has been banned for this post. Winged_One's worries were not an invitation. -Tin_Mother
► ForwardScout (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
@ UnderReactionGuy
For the last time, there was not some viral Master chain-reaction that resulted in Armsmaster's release. He's been working on an incredibly important project lately and Titania happened to say just the right thing to get him over a major hurdle. The rest can be summarized with "Goddamn Tinkers."
► Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Speaking as someone Titania hasn't taken the powers of yet: I, for one, welcome our adorable fairy overlord.
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► RubyCthulu
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the world champion of not-giving-a-single-fuck.
Replied on January 4, 2011:
So I know everybody is focused on Titania right now, but I think now would be a great time to point out that she just took out the leader of the ABB and their only heavy-hitter. Oni Lee is scary, sure, but I doubt he can keep the gang dangerous all by himself.
Between Titania and the other gangs, I will be very impressed if BB is still standing next month.
...Somehow, I only just noticed that the two abbreviations are rather similar. Why the hell are they called something stupid like "azn bad boyz" when they could have been "Asians of Brockton Bay" or something?
Replied on January 4, 2011:
*screams internally*
► Winged_One (Verified Cape) (Veteran Member)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
That was terrifying. Let's see: phasing, walking on air, tinkertech, mass fine-control telekinesis, portals, metal blades almost identical to Kaiser's, extrasensory capabilities, smiling after impaling Lung... Weird-dangerous-crazy it is.
Given as she didn't take the opportunity to "copy" Lung, I think it's safe to say she can do it from a distance. Or she simply doesn't think she's worth copying, given how easily she took him out. Guess we'll know for sure if we see her turn into a giant dragon.
It doesn't help that my power has been screaming at me to move to a different country ever since it saw Titania frown at Lung.
► Whysoserious
Replied on January 4, 2011:
A Queen walks through walls
Ignores all who would fight her
The Internet burns
► EmptyVoid
Replied on January 4, 2011:
@ Winged_One
Well, that isn't at all ominous! Does anyone know what Winged_One's powers are? I see her a lot on these boards, but she's never really mentioned them before.
► QuantumLamb
Replied on January 4, 2011:
@ EmptyVoid
IIRC, she's a Precog-Thinker. Given as every time she's warned people to vacate an area, something bad happens there a few days or weeks later, I'm inclined to listen to her.
Fortunately, I already live in Canada.
► OrderHoarder
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Now that I've taken care of that: Titania has yet to demonstrate any villainous tendencies. Slightly sadistic ones, true, but Lung kinda had it coming.
@ Winged_One, @ QuantumLamb
Oh, stop panic-mongering, you two. Winged_One, you're the only Thinker I've seen on here worrying about her. The PRT has access to how many thinkers and precogs? If she were really that dangerous, we would have heard something from them already aside from merely "calm down".
User has been Simurgh'd for this post.
► thefallingcookie
Replied on January 4, 2011:
@ OrderHoarder
Yeah. Key words: we've heard nothing. Do I need to remind you of what other beings in the world are immune to thinkers/precog?
► MinorKKJ
Replied on January 4, 2011:
@ thefallingcookie
God dammit, cookie. We're still two months too early for an Endbringer attack. Check your dates before you make a comment like that.
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