Spirit of an Age (Exalted)

Perspective Publishing Turn 2
Descending Water, RY 758

Perspective Publishing:

Available capital: 5


Act Upon the World, Insufficient Influence

Grow Wealth
Seek new customers to increase your revenue stream and profits.
Difficulty 3, Goal Number: 6, Capital Required 3, Interval: One Month

Grow Competence
Train your apprentices in the black art of printing.
Difficulty 3, Goal Number 7, Capital Required: 3, Interval: One Month

Start up Newspaper
Invest your profits and salary into starting that newspaper. Starting a newspaper from scratch will be much harder than the Printing Business.
Difficulty 4, Goal Number: 20, Capital Required: 4, Interval: One Month

Personal Action:

What does Liberalism do in his spare time? Pick 1.

[] Write a book on how to run a business and be a merchant
[] Write a book on the social contract
[] Construct a mechanical stopwatch
[] Learn a language (costs xp)
[] Write in
[X] Grow Wealth (3 Capital)
Seek new customers to increase your revenue stream and profits.
Difficulty 3, Goal Number: 6, Capital Required 3, Interval: One Month

[X] Construct a mechanical stopwatch

The goal is to produce 6 Capital every turn, allowing a continuous expansion of wealth while doing other things as well.
The stopwatch is because maybe it'll make Growing Competence easier.
[X] Grow Wealth 3

[X] Get to know the kingdom

Still want this. Growing wealth opens up options and spreads our writing further encouraging more literacy. And get to know the kingdom because we want to get an idea of who our allies and enemies are going to be. It might give us an idea for who to sell more printing to too. We are new here and ignorant, we should fix that.
[X] Grow Wealth 3
-[x] Stunt:"Yes for a small fee I can make enough copies of the tax code for you to spread around the whole kingdom."
[X] Get to know the kingdom
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@Aranfan I noticed the Owned Organizations and Allies post is threadmarked with the story threadmarks, not the informational ones. IMO opinion it would fit there better. Also IIRC correctly our competence was 1 before we raised it too. And it still lists our capital as 4.
What can we Excellency on?

You only have a bureaucracy excellency, although Fiery Rhetoric is a psuedo excellency for all social actions, so long as you are being earnest.

@Aranfan I noticed the Owned Organizations and Allies post is threadmarked with the story threadmarks, not the informational ones. IMO opinion it would fit there better. Also IIRC correctly our competence was 1 before we raised it too. And it still lists our capital as 4.

Fixing, thank you for the heads up.
[X] Grow Wealth (4 Capital)
-[x] Stunt:"Yes for a small fee I can make enough copies of the tax code for you to spread around the whole kingdom."

[X] Construct a mechanical stopwatch
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[X] Grow Wealth (4 Capital)
-[x] Stunt:"Yes for a small fee I can make enough copies of the tax code for you to spread around the whole kingdom."

[X] Construct a mechanical stopwatch
-[x]Stunt:"Of course this pocket time keeping device isn't just useful for keeping on schedule here. It can also be used to allow mortal sea captains to solve the longitude problem. I will have to get around to that sometime."

If anyone can write a good stunt for writing a book on the social contract then I will switch my vote to that.
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[X] Grow Wealth (4 Capital)
-[x] Stunt:"Yes for a small fee I can make enough copies of the tax code for you to spread around the whole kingdom."

[X] Construct a mechanical stopwatch
-[x]Stunt:"There 30 seconds faster than the record. If you can manage to bring the time down to 5 minutes then we can move on to the next thing."
[X] Grow Wealth (4 Capital)
-[x] Stunt:"Yes for a small fee I can make enough copies of the tax code for you to spread around the whole kingdom."
[X] Get to know the kingdom
[X] Grow Wealth (4 Capital)
-[x] Stunt:"Yes for a small fee I can make enough copies of the tax code for you to spread around the whole kingdom."

[X] Construct a mechanical stopwatch
I don't understand why people want to use 4 Capital for the action instead of 3. What's the benefit supposed to be?