Terek Times: Turn 1
Team Plasma Grunt
Resplendant Air, RY 579
Terek Times
Available Capital: 10
Act Upon the World: Advocate for a specific course of action in Terek Affairs.
Difficulty Variable, Goal Number 1, Capital Required: Variable, Interval: Variable
Grow Size, Insufficient Wealth and Demand
Grow Wealth and Reach
Get more people to read your paper.
Difficulty 4, Goal Number 12, Capital Required: 4, Interval: One Month.
Grow Competence
Train your employees in the art of journalism.
Difficulty 3, Goal Number: 8, Capital Required: 3, Interval: One Month
Grow Influence
Make the Terek Times a name that carries weight, that people listen to.
Difficulty 5, Goal Number 9, Capital Required: 5, Interval: 1 Year (planing period 1 month).
Perspective Publishing:
Available capital: 10
Act Upon the World, Insufficient Influence
Grow Size, Insufficient Reach
Grow Wealth, Insufficient Reach
Grow Reach
Get more people to know who you are, and what you can do. Advertise.
Difficulty 3, Goal Number 3, Capital Required: 3, Interval: One Month
Grow Competence
Train your apprentices in the black art of printing.
Difficulty 5, Goal Number 7, Capital Required: 5, Interval: One Month
Hire a manager for the business: Free up your time, granting you an additional personal action, or the ability to personally manage a different business.
(Automatically Succeeds, a bureaucracy roll will determine how competent the manager is.)
Personal Actions: 1 Action Locked
[x] Study Calibration
+10xp for founding the first newspaper in Creation.
Terek Times
Available Capital: 10
Act Upon the World: Advocate for a specific course of action in Terek Affairs.
Difficulty Variable, Goal Number 1, Capital Required: Variable, Interval: Variable
Grow Wealth and Reach
Get more people to read your paper.
Difficulty 4, Goal Number 12, Capital Required: 4, Interval: One Month.
Grow Competence
Train your employees in the art of journalism.
Difficulty 3, Goal Number: 8, Capital Required: 3, Interval: One Month
Grow Influence
Make the Terek Times a name that carries weight, that people listen to.
Difficulty 5, Goal Number 9, Capital Required: 5, Interval: 1 Year (planing period 1 month).
Perspective Publishing:
Available capital: 10
Grow Reach
Get more people to know who you are, and what you can do. Advertise.
Difficulty 3, Goal Number 3, Capital Required: 3, Interval: One Month
Grow Competence
Train your apprentices in the black art of printing.
Difficulty 5, Goal Number 7, Capital Required: 5, Interval: One Month
Hire a manager for the business: Free up your time, granting you an additional personal action, or the ability to personally manage a different business.
(Automatically Succeeds, a bureaucracy roll will determine how competent the manager is.)
Personal Actions: 1 Action Locked
[x] Study Calibration
+10xp for founding the first newspaper in Creation.
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