Resplendent Fire, RY 758
Grow Wealth
Seek new customers to increase your revenue stream and profits.
Difficulty 3, Goal Number: 8, Capital Required 3, Interval: One Month
Two months it has taken, to get more business. But you have. You went to the moon cult, to see if they wanted any of their religious documents printed, and they did. Then, you sought to begin publishing proper books. Your first successful sale was a technical manual for swordfighting, and when that sold better than they expected, but as well as you expected, others started desiring to have you publish their books as well.
Your profits have passed a threshold, and your salary has increased accordingly.
Start up Newspaper
Invest your profits and salary into starting that newspaper. Starting a newspaper from scratch will be much harder than the Printing Business.
Difficulty 4, Goal Number: 20, Capital Required: 4, Interval: One Month
Progress has been slow, building contacts and seeking gossipmongers to eventually staff the newspaper.
(six sux banked towards goal)
[x] Research the Lesser Chamber of the Terek Deliberative
There appear to be four major factions in the Lesser Chamber of the Terek Deliberative:
First is the pro Immaculates. They seek to remake the kingdom in the image that the Immaculate Faith preaches is the ideal societal formation. They are softly patronized by the king, and are riding high on a recent imposition of the Immaculate prayer calendar in Terek.
Second is the Moon Cult. These mostly represent the interest of the nobility, but also the various gods of Terek. It appears the native polytheism of Terek has major pull among the nobility at the moment.
Third is the Pro Guild section. This is the party of free trade and business, and you approve most of their proposed legislation. Unfortunately one of the trades they want to free is the slave trade.
The fourth is the Abolitionists. These are the people responsible for the banning of slavery, and have agitated ever since to keep it out of Terek. Its too bad they are very suspicious of business interests, and they propose a lot of onerous business regulation, as well as tariffs, in a misguided attempt to keep the guild from having too much power in Terek.