Spiderman: Far From Home

I'd rather Sony produce a Spider-Man movie that doesn't have the shadow of the MCU threateningly looming over it. I'm pretty tired of all these movie somehow being connected to each other so much. The clear example of that is how much Endgame affected Far From Home.
That's the comic book experience. It can't really be a comic book movie until you need a flow chart to explain a decade of canon behind it.
Okay, hear me out, what if the MCU replaced Spiderman with a totally original character who just happens to be played by the same actor? We can give him a funky animal themed name. Say Nightmonkey.
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Honestly as much as I can sympathize with the idea of breaking apart the Disney monolith, I do firmly believe there's nothing wrong with having all the marvel characters being attached to the MCU, save maybe the X-men.
I've been wondering how that would work if we ever needed to bring out the antitrust laws to smash Disney. Would it be possible to leave Marvel and the MCU intact, in that case.

Anyway, I just find this all amusing that if Holland Spiderman never shows up again, the implication is going to be that the poor kid was successfully forced into hiding living under an assumed name. Since the last Amazing Spiderman film ended with the unintentional implication that he was killed by the Rhino, is this just going to be a thing now? Is Sony's next Spiderman series going to end on a literally cliff hangar that was intended to resolved in a movie that will never made.
I just don't fucking care about this nonsense, most superheroes should be public domain by now and comicbook artists deserve better pay.
I just don't fucking care about this nonsense, most superheroes should be public domain by now and comicbook artists deserve better pay.
Why would they be public domain? The people who own them are still creating things with the characters. And if you wanted better pay the last thing on Earth you'd want is for every company to use the various comic book characters, as they could and would basically use scabs and sweatshop level labor to crank out cheap cash-ins of the same characters.
Honestly, the thing I love about overgrown comic book universes is how terrible an idea they are. Nothing quite warms my heart like watching them twist themselves into knots dealing with years of conflicting facts and themes.
Spiderman would've entered Public Domain last January under pre-1976 copyright laws if not for the changes to copyright law caused by Disney.
Ok, but since that's not actually the law as it stands right now, and since Marvel is actively using the copyrighted material to create new works it makes no sense for them to be in public domain.
Spiderman would've entered Public Domain last January under pre-1976 copyright laws if not for the changes to copyright law caused by Disney.
I really wouldn't put the 1976 act down to Disney. That was the act which brought the US into line with the Universal Copyright Convention and Berne Convention (automatic copyright, life of the author plus extra, etc). The 1998 is the one that is often called the Mickey Mouse Protection Act.
This is some "my uncle works at Nintendo" bullshit, but a friend who has friends at Sony said that a) Sony 100% planned to walk at Disney's offer regardless of what they initially said and b) this is just the first round, and that Disney leaked this news to bring Sony back to the table, and they almost certainly will.

It's basically the same situation that brought Spider-Man back to Marvel in the first place: negotiations between Sony and Disney break down, the news leaks to the general public, and pushback from the fandom restarts negotiations. I'm not saying people should start #HoldTheLine or some shit, but I wouldn't be shocked if in a month or so Disney and Sony work out a deal.

That or Disney just straight up buys the rights back.

‘Spider-Man’ Standoff: Why Sony Thinks It Doesn’t Need “Kevin’s Playbook” Anymore

Sony Pictures’ Tom Rothman and Marvel’s Kevin Feige had plenty of smiles at the Hollywood premiere of ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ in late June, but the pearly whites belied an inn…

From the looks of it Disney was asking for a 30% cut as minimum not 50%. Also that Holland can probably walk out from a third film which would **** things up for Sony despite thinking Sony thinking they don't need Disney/Marvel Studios.
This is some "my uncle works at Nintendo" bullshit, but a friend who has friends at Sony said that a) Sony 100% planned to walk at Disney's offer regardless of what they initially said and b) this is just the first round, and that Disney leaked this news to bring Sony back to the table, and they almost certainly will.

It's basically the same situation that brought Spider-Man back to Marvel in the first place: negotiations between Sony and Disney break down, the news leaks to the general public, and pushback from the fandom restarts negotiations. I'm not saying people should start #HoldTheLine or some shit, but I wouldn't be shocked if in a month or so Disney and Sony work out a deal.

That or Disney just straight up buys the rights back.
Yeah, that pretty much what it sounds like.

Odds are this will be much ado about nothing.
I sure hope not. I want Disney to lose the rights at least long enough to fuck up their phase 4 plans. I also want the fourth spidey reboot to happen for the memes.
Eh, I wouldn't get your hopes up even if they do lose the rights, if you're hoping this will lead to the end of the MCU.

Disney's tends to be boringly competent enough that they'd probably be able to figure something out. (Again, with the way FFH ended, they can totally just say he went into hiding.) Worse, it might force them to get creative, which if it leads to higher quality films, then it could extend the MCU even longer.
They could even just ignore Far From Home's existence, reestablish the Skrull-Fury alliance in another movie and carry on with basically no effort.
What's wrong with the MCU continuing? I've been quite enjoying the franchise so far, and look forward to further films as they're produced.
People are "bored" of the MCU and think that Disney having all the things is ruining movies, making them flat and etc. It happens every time there's a sort of dynasty or similar thing, which reminds me of sports fans who start turning on a particular franchise if they win a lot of titles in a row.

They want competition, because competition implies excitement and new ideas, and one or two groups holding all the cards and being competent yet not amazing isn't good for creativity.
Personally I'm in kind of a weird spot, where I don't actively want to see it fail, but I won't be too broken up over it if/when that happens. Endgame really alienated me with how it treated Natasha, but Far From Home won me back over for the most part. Basically, I hope we get some more interesting stories out of this before it runs out of steam, but I'm not super passionate about it past that. Kinda looking forward to Black Widow and Thor 4, but the other titles aren't grabbing me.

And yeah, Disney losing their enormous monopoly on pop culture would definitely be great, but I also think the creative soul of the movie industry isn't necessarily the biggest priority in the world at large.

‘Spider-Man’ Standoff: Why Sony Thinks It Doesn’t Need “Kevin’s Playbook” Anymore

Sony Pictures’ Tom Rothman and Marvel’s Kevin Feige had plenty of smiles at the Hollywood premiere of ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ in late June, but the pearly whites belied an inn…

From the looks of it Disney was asking for a 30% cut as minimum not 50%. Also that Holland can probably walk out from a third film which would **** things up for Sony despite thinking Sony thinking they don't need Disney/Marvel Studios.
See the problem with that besides Sony demonstrably not knowing how WTF they're doing with Spider-man half the time is the Holland Spider-man movies are probably the most tied into the rest of the MCU. A Third holland movie where they're not there at all would stick out like a sour thumb, and the world's not ready for a fourth spider-man series.
See the problem with that besides Sony demonstrably not knowing how WTF they're doing with Spider-man half the time is the Holland Spider-man movies are probably the most tied into the rest of the MCU. A Third holland movie where they're not there at all would stick out like a sour thumb, and the world's not ready for a fourth spider-man series.

"Everyone died on the way back to their home planet."