There's something hilarious to me about Nicolas Cage, the man who almost became Superman, becomes Spiderman instead.
I'm a bit disappointed they've chibi-fied Peni, but I'm so, so, SO glad Kingpin is the villain. That means no fucking Inheritors.

Like, that alone is a big selling point.
The fucking artistry in how all the different art styles interplay with eachother is so much that it starts to worry me that they ran out of budget halfway through and everything we've seen is all they got in terms of great animation.

Also Spider-Gwen (like the actual title) is cool we should get a whole hog adaptation of it.
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I like how they've sort of set up Gwen as having a bit more of a punk look. It was sort of off putting that despite being her own character she was still made to look like how Gwen looked in the early Spider-Man appearances.
I like how they've sort of set up Gwen as having a bit more of a punk look. It was sort of off putting that despite being her own character she was still made to look like how Gwen looked in the early Spider-Man appearances.

The undercut is her best look so far.

One thing that annoyed me with how she's been depicted before this is that variant covers and when she shows up in other books she seems to be depicted with longish well groomed hair, perfect makeup, and generally well put together, where her actual design in her actual book is a short haired person who constantly just woke up hair wise, did crappy eye liner and literally nothing else because her life is a mess of responsibilities everywhere, ridiculous amounts of stress, and also actual PTSD.

Towards the end of the book she runs into a basically 616 Gwen and they look super different. It's nice.
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Considering her and MJ that's pretty fitting.


Though that was only a panel in an alt thingy or something right?

In the actual Spider Gwen story she ain't got time for romance so we don't know her preferences(probably bi, though maybe gay if she we take it that she interpreted going to prom with Harry as purely as friends and actually has no interest in guys) and Mary Jane dates Gloria Grant.

Anyways, speaking of lighting kinda sorta, I love how that trailer seems to show that her universe actually looks like her comic backgrounds/covers.

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...why is Peni a tiny chibi with a squeaky voice? I liked the whole melancholic teenger angle in her first oneshot!
Because this Peni is more generic anime girl than the explicit Evangelion reference her oneshot was.
I think I kinda get why they changed her up (maybe in order to make her more ... distinctly 2000s anime for the audience?), but I too dug OG Peni. Maybe they'll keep her music schtick, because her like, relating to Daredevil with how they both perceived sounds was my favourite part of the oneshot.

I guess the real question is when we'll get Peni of every anime genre. Mecha Peni. Magical girl Peni. Sports Peni. Romance Peni.

The mech design also looks a little different.

She'll probably be assigned a different universe number then the first comics Peni Parker.

I wonder if the original comics version from that short one shot will ever show up again.
I dig the style, though I wish they added some thick black shadows to it.