Be a Primaris Marine or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 50.0%

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Honestly at this point I believe stat growths should plateau. This is a level that regular Space Marines achieve in their fifties after hard combat experience, not one that a neophyte hits in a few months of training. At this rate he'll be Chapter Master fresh out of Scout.
Honestly at this point I believe stat growths should plateau. This is a level that regular Space Marines achieve in their fifties after hard combat experience, not one that a neophyte hits in a few months of training. At this rate he'll be Chapter Master fresh out of Scout.
This could be helped by making it that someone like a chapter master or even a captain would need dozens of skills a very high levels, like a high level in sword, bolt gun, bolter, jump pack Usage, parlor to help with movement, plus various types of tactics and strategies plus other stuff. Also a big increase in exp required at the higher levels would also help.
I think I'm just repeating what Deamon just said, but yeah maybe have it so stats are only half - maybe less? - of the equation and skills are what really make the marine?
I think I'm just repeating what Deamon just said, but yeah maybe have it so stats are only half - maybe less? - of the equation and skills are what really make the marine?
It's a bit late for that, plus, It would feel cheap just rip up all the progress we made just because of a few lucky dice rolls. That sounds like kneecapping someone because they won some scratch lottery tickets for a free hotdog and coffee.
Honestly at this point I believe stat growths should plateau. This is a level that regular Space Marines achieve in their fifties after hard combat experience, not one that a neophyte hits in a few months of training. At this rate he'll be Chapter Master fresh out of Scout.

Stats higher then six are locked behind combat but that is both kind of high for a stat lock and really short. Two battles of which the tournament counted as one is barely going to slow down grinding at all. I would say that it would be better to raise one stat by one at the end of each major plot arc; If only because reading about constant training can get boring.
Yeah I was actually hoping the neophyte phase would proceed not in six month blocs but by following significant milestones. This feels banal and by the numbers, like I'm paying time tax for the quest I actually want to follow.
Interlude: An Assessment of Competence
The chapter moved, like normal. The Serfs were doing their jobs, Neophytes training, the other Brothers honing their skills. Some quarters empty from Crusading, others because they are studying. However, this wasn't the main concern of the Master of Scouts Bethuel. He was on his way to a meeting that he had almost every year, and it was time to begin once again.
He made his way to a secluded room, where his other scout instructors resided. Rehael, Koratos, and Osmadiel were their names, and for 4 centuries they had served with Distinction for the Emperor. However, it was not time to ruminate. He had a meeting to get through. "So," he begins, "Who do you consider for this group?" A small silence, then "There is one I have my eye on," Rehael starts, "A boy by the name of Siegfried. He holds greater strength than the other Neophytes and is very accurate. A fine Devastator candidate if I've ever seen one." Koratos then adds "I have been training a boy personally, by the Name of Hollus. He is very mobile for a marine, and would make an excellent scout." A surprise to be perfectly honest, Koratos doesn't take much interest in the Neophytes unless they are something truly special. Perhaps something to pay more attention to? Then, Osmadiel speaks up. "Ohrzmud." At this, Bethuel grimaces.

Of course, he questions mentally, how could anyone forget about him? A natural Psyker, with extreme diligence to training and other learning. Winner of the early Competition, how could he lose? He's a monster! All he would need is time and experience, and he could easily rise up in the chapter! If it weren't for that disconcerting... Void construct guarding his soul, he would ner instantaneously detain him and most likely execute him for consorting with Chaos! However, since his soul was guarded, he could only hold his peace. "What could we possibly do? Put him in seclusion? That would alienate him from his peers. Send him out on missions? No, some things are far too difficult, even for a prodigy like him." "Perhaps we could make him a specialist?" At this, the other Scouts turn back to Rehael. "He displayed an interest in becoming an Apothecary. How about we let him?" Bethuel takes a moment to consider this. While he would love to get that boy out of his hair, he needed to consider the consequences. He was a Biomancer. That was a point towards it. However, he did display a tendency for Melee combat, something an Assault Marine would do. However, he also needed to consider his aptitude towards actually becoming an Apothecary, which was...

Rather Good, if he were honest. Bethuel blinked, a rare occurrence after his long vigil over the recruits. He could most certainly be an Apothecary. "Your idea has merit, Rehael. I will send the recommendation to the Chapter Master. Is that everyone?" After going through a couple of others, including a potential Chaplain, the meeting was adjourned, and the Scouts went on their way.

(Reward: You are now being considered for Apothecary training.)

(AN: Hopefully this does well. I haven't really done interludes at all, and I was mostly focused on making sure I didn't commit the 'HOLY WALL OF TEXT BATMAN' sin of prose. This should give a better idea of what some of the higher members that have been training us think. On another note, I did notice the opinions on the current playing style, and hopefully, want to stop any kind of argument. I mostly did this because the last time I tried to write a more narrative focused quest, it flopped horribly. I decided that this Hybrid style would be better. I didn't want to write gargantuan turns that could take days to write, which is why I kept it to 1/2 year instead of a whole year. However, this seems to have made the wrong impression and I don't really want that. I just wanted to write about this kind of setting, and make it a quest (I really don't favor my chances on User Fiction.) Therefore, I'll leave it up to a vote. Do you want me to stay writing 1/2 year increments, or switch to a more Drastic event focused update? (I'll probably still change it once you get to Scout, but I want to give you a choice.)

[] Stay with the 6-month Blocs
[] Change to more Large Event focus

[DISCLAIMER: This Interlude was brought to you by SHEER INCANDESCENT RAGE (Watch till the end).]
Good to know that our overpowered stats are raising eyebrows even in-universe. The fact that we have some sort of construct guarding our soul, is just adding yet more weight to the idea that we are a reincarnation.
[x] Stay with the 6-month Blocs
I am mostly ok with this set up as long as after we become scouts we have something like the competition semi often.
[X] Stay with the 6-month Blocs

What Noobody77 said. I do sympathize with the 'tax time' PoV, but I'm still enjoying the quest speaking for myself.