Sound The Alarms (Worm x Godzilla)

But there was a deadly reason why other Capes didn't follow the group's lead to go maskless: a member of New Wave had been killed in her civilian-identity.

That was what masks and secret-identities offered, protection for yourself, friends, and family from your enemies. And now I didn't have that benefit. Just like New Wave my civilian-life and my cape-life would be one and the same -- forever intertwined. Even if I tried to keep those lives separate, the gangs wouldn't care if I was on the clock or off it, if they wanted to have at me then they would do it.

In fact, the Empire Eighty-Eight hadn't ever allowed New Wave to forget about Fleur's death and they never would.

It was an open-secret that if New Wave interfered with the Empire's activities too much, then the Neo-Nazis would send a reminder that their gang was only humoring them by playing nice. Usually it was small, simple things like egging their houses or sending threatening letters. But if they wanted to send a stronger message, the gang would cause larger public-disturbances near where the heroic-families lived or work. Likewise, the Azn Bad Boys and the Merchants (for as unsubtle as they were) adopted the same tactic to remove pressure off them.

It was a constant reminder that New Wave had exchanged their masks for nooses.

Ehh, not a fan of this interpretation at all. If the E88 were seriously doing shit like that Kaiser would have been tracked down and murdered in his home by Carol already.

There's a reason why in Canon Kaiser had the guy who killed Fluer killed as well, and why it was a big deal. No one wanted New Wave to start tracking down and killing Villains in revenge.
Not to mention that New Wave doesn't even do much since Fluer died, just Amy and Victoria mostly.

Its hard to tell what's even AU anymore since there isn't a divergence point or anything. The story just randomly has things which are different in the setting, like Taylor and Emma living right across from each other.
There's a reason why in Canon Kaiser had the guy who killed Fluer killed as well, and why it was a big deal. No one wanted New Wave to start tracking down and killing Villains in revenge.
BZZT! WRONG! This is extremely pervasive fanon, but is not in fact even remotely close to canon.

In canon, the person who killed Fleur was under 18, he was sent to juvie for a few years and promptly joined the E88 after getting out, who were happy to have him because duh. (This detail doesn't get mentioned until Ward IIRC, which is why the fanon exists.)

In short; dude not only got away with murder, but he also got exactly what he wanted from the whole thing.

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BZZT! WRONG! This is extremely pervasive fanon, but is not in fact even remotely close to canon.

In canon, the person who killed Fleur was under 18, he was sent to juvie for a few years and promptly joined the E88 after getting out, who were happy to have him because duh. (This detail doesn't get mentioned until Ward IIRC, which is why the fanon exists.)

In short; dude not only got away with murder, but he also got exactly what he wanted from the whole thing.

Bullshit like this is why people ignore Ward.
Bullshit like this is why people ignore Ward.
Even without Ward, in canon no mention is made of the guy who killed Fleur; we only even know it was some dude who wanted to join the E88 because of a wiki edit Wildbow made.

Kaiser killing him to show he respects the unwritten rules? Total fanon with no foundation in canon whatsoever.
Even without Ward, in canon no mention is made of the guy who killed Fleur; we only even know it was some dude who wanted to join the E88 because of a wiki edit Wildbow made.

Kaiser killing him to show he respects the unwritten rules? Total fanon with no foundation in canon whatsoever.
I don't care, Canon is a trash heap regarding Worm anyway.
In canon, the person who killed Fleur was under 18, he was sent to juvie for a few years and promptly joined the E88 after getting out, who were happy to have him because duh. (This detail doesn't get mentioned until Ward IIRC, which is why the fanon exists.)

In short; dude not only got away with murder, but he also got exactly what he wanted from the whole thing.

And here I thought canon Worm could not stoop any lower. Turns out, digging is an option. But in all seriousness, canon Worm is worse than some fanon parodies.
This feels strange. Like seriously, is there EVER a time when they aren't trying to recruit the 'new cape'? There isn't is there?
The PRT and Protectorate is always trying to recruit new Capes but this tends be on the passive scale of things with recruitment-advertisements. Or if they find and meet a new Independent that's out on business, then they'll throw out a recruitment-pitch but only lightly push for it (et al Skitter's First Night Out).

Tayzilla's situation is drastically different from the norm. Because her membership into the Wards is temporary and by circumstances rather than choice. Assault is an insightful individual, which is why he picks up that Piggot isn't just helping Tayzilla out of duty, but because the woman wants to actively recruit the girl.

Ehh, not a fan of this interpretation at all. If the E88 were seriously doing shit like that Kaiser would have been tracked down and murdered in his home by Carol already.

There's a reason why in Canon Kaiser had the guy who killed Fluer killed as well, and why it was a big deal. No one wanted New Wave to start tracking down and killing Villains in revenge.
Not to mention that New Wave doesn't even do much since Fluer died, just Amy and Victoria mostly.

Its hard to tell what's even AU anymore since there isn't a divergence point or anything. The story just randomly has things which are different in the setting, like Taylor and Emma living right across from each other.
Except it's not just the E88 but also the ABB and the Merchants, and all three have the advantage of knowing where Carol lives as oppose to the opposite. This is a whole play by skirting the concept of the "Unwritten Rules", where the gangs don't directly go after the actual members of New Wave but they remind that they absolutely fucking can.

In fact, Glory Girl remembers a time when Carol told her that Laserdream was almost attacked in canon because "sketchy people recognized her", which even resulted in Carol telling "Amy and me to be extra careful, and had insisted she or dad drive us if we went anywhere." And considering how scared Laserdream is from the incident, this was likely before she had powers to defend herself.

So I would argue the opposite. New Wave is functionally powerless and has to deal with a lot of shit for being maskless.
That is, as far as I know, not canon. The fate of the Fleur's killer is unknown.

And, really, after seeing four years of neo-nazi shit in real-life America, unless Kaiser's name is "God-King Trump" (and even fucking then), Kaiser publically announcing or having a rumor mill of "I killed the dude who killed Fleur, so we cool with the heroes (and they won't kick our ass)" is such a display of weakness that the E88 would have turned on him faster than you could say 'Proud Boys' and then split smaller into factions.
In my opinion, leading a non-secretive double-life is taxing for the older members of New Waves. Which means the younger members with more free time are more often out and about (Glory Girl, Panacea, Laserdream, and Shielder) and that's half of the team anyways.

And even if they don't, Glory Girl carries most of the aggro anyways. The idea that Glory Girl is excessively violent (but hides this by having Panacea heal the people she cripples in anger) and she's basically never caught is because the thugs and gangsters never say anything is about it... is a stretch.

Does Tayzilla possess any multi-dimensional form of attacks? And does her Psychic Powers work on Shards?
(Looks at A Space Godzilla) Sure.

Yes. I mentioned it elsewhere that Shardzilla psychically bonked Coil's Shard, which is how it simulates Shin Tayzilla.
According to Ward canon, if you're willing to accept that, Kaiser welcomed Fleur's killer into the E88 after he served out his jail sentence.

Of course, the flaw there is that the system would actually let someone who murdered a hero in their own home in cold blood out of prison in less than twenty years. The fact that he went straight to the Empire right after being initiated means that he shouldn't have been up for parole.
I am curious what would happen if Tayzilla meets Jack Slash, would her Psychic powers allow her to mind-twist him in an ironic reversal? Oh, and would she be the first person in Earth Bet to ever punch-kill the Siberian in melee?
I am curious what would happen if Tayzilla meets Jack Slash, would her Psychic powers allow her to mind-twist him in an ironic reversal? Oh, and would she be the first person in Earth Bet to ever punch-kill the Siberian in melee?
In situations like this I always imagine that Jack gets subjected to the most annoying sound in the world for as long as he is a problem lol.
As far as the Siberian goes I think Taylor could punch her but she is after all just a projection so it would be a waste of time and effort.
I am curious what would happen if Tayzilla meets Jack Slash, would her Psychic powers allow her to mind-twist him in an ironic reversal? Oh, and would she be the first person in Earth Bet to ever punch-kill the Siberian in melee?
Jack wouldn't go after her too dangerous; if her heart ever gets exposed then its immediate, like 1 minute, death for everyone except maybe Crawler if its slow enough.
Broadcast; Psst, what's your host up to?
Shardzilla; ROOOAAARR!!
Broadcast; Oookaay, I'll come back later, maybe, possibly, bye!