Sound The Alarms (Worm x Godzilla)

She is known to us to be a Conflict Engine with added influence of Godzilla which could explain a lot of the things she does.
Small correction, the Endbringers *believe* her to be a conflict engine. I'm pretty sure she's just a Godzilla who happens to be connected to the shard network. The Endbringers just... don't have context for that happening. Maybe the shard that Godzilla devoured was originally a Conflict Engine shard, but I'd think that would make her replace whichever one it destroyed rather than add a new one.
Small correction, the Endbringers *believe* her to be a conflict engine. I'm pretty sure she's just a Godzilla who happens to be connected to the shard network. The Endbringers just... don't have context for that happening. Maybe the shard that Godzilla devoured was originally a Conflict Engine shard, but I'd think that would make her replace whichever one it destroyed rather than add a new one.
Regardless of the fact, Godzilla would be opposed to them because they're jackasses and need to get blasted with Nuclear Radiation to the face or what passes for it
Tactile Telekinesis is a required secondary superpower for Super Strength.
There's actually a number of ways besides tactile telekinesis to pull something like that off. For example, extending some kind of "structural integrity field" that strengthens the material so it doesn't fall apart. Or an ability to manipulate things like gravity, mass or inertia to make it weigh less or resist motion less. Or "I'm not actually lifting it, I'm moving and supporting it by constant teleportation microjumps too small to perceive".

Once superpowers are brought into the mix, the explanation for how something works can get pretty far removed from real life physics.
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Madison's first day at Arcadia.
(Yes I am aware of how long it has been but the Muse wouldn't let me go until I got this much out.)

It took her some doing but Madison 'Maddy' Clements had made it into Arcadia as a winter transfer. One of likely many to be honest but she made it. Now she just had to find Taylor during lunch and stake her claim and hope no one had beaten her to it. To be honest she very much missed having those scaled limbs wrapped around her since the day that Taylor Triggered. Triggered to Protect her. The tiny, adorable Madison from a bunch of Nazi retards. Her Tay-tay even took a bullet for her. Then hunted her down when the Wards and PRT took her in a misguided attempt to protect her. Which caused a lot of damage in the City before she was handed off to her Knight-in-Scales.

She couldn't and wouldn't tell her parents that part of her troubles sleeping was because she missed the gentle warmth of scaled limbs protecting her. Although she was certain that they had noticed her pining for what it was.They had also likely noticed her best nights after that day was when she got to spend time with Taylor. But she did her best to apply herself and improve her grades to be above the Arcadian Standard for everything. That was not easy with how Winslow only seemed to function as a gang recruitment building.

Making sure she was early was easy, pointing out that she would need time to get to know where her classes were before the halls filled with students helped. Especially with how twitchy she had been for the two months after That Day. As she began to walk towards the front entrance she noticed that the same green car that tended to follow her around was parked nearby with the same Black and Hispanic Military Types outside having a coffee from the looks of it. Taylor was at least nice enough to note for her that they were not from the PROT or PRT. She did pretend not to notice in turn when they would drag a skinhead or druggie into the alleys before they could accost her. In fact she was fairly certain that the ambulances were called to make pick ups at those alleys but she never was around for that.

Four more hours now to hopefully surprise Tay with her adorable self. What better way after all than to sit on her new favourite seat. A nice scaled lap of warmth and protection. And there goes her mind and its hopes along with some very warm cheeks. May she have better self control than what the rumours made of Victoria Dallon and Dean Stansfield during any period that they were near to each other. There are things that one should never do in public with multiple onlookers. Like seriously getting caught like that in the school parking lot when they both were supposed to be in class.

Anyways her guide had just shown up a little late but not a lot. She still had plenty of time until homeroom at least. The best part is that she is free now to mention that she came to the school to spend more time with her Girlfriend. Not that Taylor has figured out that bit with her going to visit or drag the scaly nerd around. Even now she was just so much fun to dress up all the time. Just the way she blushed at showing skin. Things were always more fun with such deliciousness that Taylor could never see in herself.

First period was boring, so boring it was math of course but the teacher was speaking monotone. That at least was better than drinking whiskey in class that always happened in Winslow, and she might have been a bit loud in declaring that when some of the people in class complained about the teacher. Her second period seemed to be better at least. An actual sewing and design class. Sh has so many ideas for try on Taylor now.
The other possibility is he forgot his password and changed email. Ect. People do/have done that. 3 years is enough time. Computer could have gone the way of the dodo. Life being a douchebiscuit. Ect. Many possibilities.