Sound The Alarms (Worm x Godzilla)

Really looking forward to Taylor roaming the city on her own in the near future.

Once they let her go out on her own... honestly the best thing she could do is just go walking and enjoy Empire territory and wait.

Then smile when they show up.

Its not like even the Empire's biggest hitters are anything but snacks. And even if Kaiser gets a master from Gesellschaft or something, it wouldn't work at all on Tayzilla.
I will repeat that if they do not want Tayzilla to be lethal then they should give her other obvious options as well and have her in mecha form to eat containment foam sprayers and grenade launcher and other less lethal weapons and defenses for her to incorporate them. For that matter they should give her 2 phones with one for her to eat in mecha form as well.

I wonder what would have happened if Tayzilla turned into mecha form and ate Armsmaster's halberd since it presumably would be filled with non-lethal weapons as well (and his armor).

As a thought, maybe Tayzilla in mecha form might with her senses active coincidentally sense and happen to cross paths with Squealer's vehicles and eat them to gain invisibility and whatever other special features she might have on her tinker vehicles (possibly if tinker shards actually have a connection to the items made to keep them running for the reality breaking bits).
Hey @Shintouyu what about my question?

if Tayzilla loved ones trigger from her buds; which Kaijus will they become?

because we have until now:

Emma asBaragus/Anguirous

Madison as Mothra

and Danny as king Gidorah
Assuming Shardzilla allows others to ping off it, they'll either get really water downed Godzilla-like abilities or they'll get a literal Godzilla as a power (1954, Showa, Heisei, etc).

If it was the Kaiju Shard from Proto-STA, it'd probably be something like Mechagodzilla/Biollante/Space Godzilla/Destoroyah for Emma, Mothra/Battra/Gamera for Madison, and Rodan/Anguirus/Baragon for Danny.

But that's just my quick opinion on it.
That or Sophia's going to find out that phasing through the walking nuclear reactor is a bad idea.

Liking the story so far Shintouyu.
I wouldn't even be mad about that. But you know the PRT will absolutely charge her with murder/manslaughter if that happens right? Because there is no way Sophia can survive phasing through something like that, Radiation poisoning is a shit way to go lol.
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I wouldn't even be mad about that. But you know the PRT will absolutely charge her with murder/manslaughter if that happens right? Because there is no way Sophia can survive phasing through something like that, Radiation poisoning is a shit way to go lol.
But they allowed it and its a unforseen power interaction. So depends on what kind of logic wins over
But they allowed it and its a unforseen power interaction. So depends on what kind of logic wins over
Your tryino to apply logic to a grim-derp world? Politicians and helicopter parents/organization? Who Have managed to force civilian/non trained oversight on an organization they have no business to be anywher near?
I hope that if Sophia gets some radioactivity, she only gets a minor dose that means she needs to see Panacea or Tayzilla pulls the radioactivity out of her before it does major harm. But really, I hope she gets beat down in a fair and square manner.

Sophia likely still thinks Tayzilla is 'prey' despite that tiny voice in her mind that begs her to run for her life or not to move an inch.
I wouldn't even be mad about that. But you know the PRT will absolutely charge her with murder/manslaughter if that happens right? Because there is no way Sophia can survive phasing through something like that, Radiation poisoning is a shit way to go lol.
So this is my conclusion after going through Sophia's wiki-profile:

* While in Shadow State, touching electricity (or other energies) translates into actual muscle damages when she returns to normal.

* It's only mentioned that she "experiences excruciating pain" when she stalls inside a wall or when she returns to normal with aerosols (like pepper spray) inside of her.

This leads me to believe that when she reverts back to normal from Shadow State, her powers automatically removes any foreign elements in exchange for experiencing a shitton of pain. Because, otherwise, I'm pretty sure the first time she stalled inside a wall would have straight out killed her or the pepper-spray would have fucking crippled her insides. Likewise, Sophia references her powers-testing, and the scientists only mentioned that electrocution (and not wall-stalling or aerosols) was very likely to kill her while in Shadow State.

Anyways, with no particular description of how the electrocution translates into muscle damage (like does the muscles actually get electrocuted or is it just generically damaged?), I'm just going to play this as: "Shadow State prevents Sophia from being affected by the unique-properties of the energies, so she won't get shocked by electricity or poisoned by radiation, but her muscles are going to be damaged as if a hot iron rod was applied directly to them for the parts of her that touched the energy."

Damage inflicted scales up with the amount of energy. It doesn't take a lot to really fuck her up.

And Tayzilla's heart is the most nuclear part about her, so depending on what part touches that during Shadow State, Sophia could straight up die.
You joined so this is what you get Taylor, and also don't fucking volunteer other people to go out and fight criminals, in just spandex just because you're jonesing to be Batman. 🦇 🦇 🦇
Given how they specifically told Tayzilla not to use her breath due to the possibility of irradiating the surrounding area, they must be kind of stupid to allow a fight that might have a possibility of causing "a containment breach". An interesting consideration is what it would look like to observers. Would it cause Sophia's shadow state look like a cloud chamber with cosmic rays going through it, blue sparks or glow in the shadow state that looks like (and might be a form of) Cherenkov radiation, etc? The follow up investigation on why the fight was allowed might be interesting given that this occurred after the power testing.
You do realize that's the general plot of the original movie, right? Not to mention several others in the series.

or it's Godzilla fights X monster and the Japanese Military

But really, the true shining greatness of the series are the filming techniques used and the monster fights; plus some of the more horrific/humorous stuff. Like how 1954 Godzilla's mere presence caused bad radiation or how SMK Godzilla was a sadistic zombie that was nigh unstoppable for horror. And the fact that the earlier stuff got straight up goofy, like Godzilla flying, drop kicking, doing a happy dance, etc. for humor.

But back on Sophia, if she goes for the heart, that can be pinned as attempted murder by a competent lawyer
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Has anyone told Sophia not to phase through Taylor during the spar? Cause the risks of that power interaction between shadow state and radiation would be too dangerous for someone like MM or Armsmaster to be able to approve the fight if they don't add the disclaimer.
Has anyone told Sophia not to phase through Taylor during the spar? Cause the risks of that power interaction between shadow state and radiation would be too dangerous for someone like MM or Armsmaster to be able to approve the fight if they don't add the disclaimer.
I can see someone telling Sophia not to go into shadow state and her doing it anyway just to prove that she can and that she isn't afraid of anything. And suffering horrendous consequences for monumentally bad discussion.
Meanwhile, coil is busily distributing his moles copies of Tayzilla's power testing to everyone else, underlining: DO NOT PISS OFF THE WALKING ENDBRINGER LEVEL TEENAGER.

Quite unaware of it, Taylor has saved the bay from Coil, because now he has to keep dancing through the minefield to keep Kasier/etc from doing anything stupid.
For a moment, I wondered if he had some Thinker in him because it seemed like he was predicting my movements with ever greater accuracy. But, no, it was probably some tinkertech-bullshit -- like a combat-predictor or something.
Didn't think he had his prediction software at this point.
Ems was always just across the street
Not sure the Barnes lived 'that' close to each other. Probably in the same neighborhood, or close enough that Taylor went over to their house easily at that age, but not across the street. Would have made canon a bit more difficult.
I had a blue turtleneck-apron
Isn't that basically a halter top?
Maybe have Emma hear her describe the costume and correct her terminology?

Wish we'd gotten the spar, but I guess next chapter is soon enough.

Regarding the earlier comments about Shard buds... maybe the Godzilla-Shard (Shardzilla) grabs other Shards to connect them to other allied Kaiju.
Composite Mothra or Biolantte for Emma and the other for Madison?

Imagine a semi-sane version of Emma with 'that' power set? Especially if it has Mothra Leo involved.
(Before 2.2) "Why Did They Allow Umbra Huntress To Spar With Dragalier Anyways?"
Given how they specifically told Tayzilla not to use her breath due to the possibility of irradiating the surrounding area, they must be kind of stupid to allow a fight that might have a possibility of causing "a containment breach". An interesting consideration is what it would look like to observers. Would it cause Sophia's shadow state look like a cloud chamber with cosmic rays going through it, blue sparks or glow in the shadow state that looks like (and might be a form of) Cherenkov radiation, etc? The follow up investigation on why the fight was allowed might be interesting given that this occurred after the power testing.
Some scene I'm not taking the care to write out completely and is probably like half-canon:

Director Piggot: "So Triumph has sent me a note that Dragalier plans to have a spar with Umbra Huntress. I remind you that Umbra Huntress can shoot through solid objects and Dragalier is nuclear. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shut this down now?"
Armsmaster: "According to previous tests of Umbra Huntress' powers, the metrics of Breaker effects when applied on other objects is much weaker. Her Shadowed Objects have a lower threshold when struck by energy -- like electricity or radioactivity, are more quicker to reform to normal and suffer much more rebound damage. For example, if she were to throw a shadowed-coin into an active lightbulb, the coin wouldn't phase into the bulb but instead reform within a fraction of second, bounce off from the collision, and experience internal destabilization. We calculate the risk of Umbra Huntress inflicting any damage to Dragalier to be negligible to nonexistent -- surface level, in other words."
Director Piggot: "So a great amount of electricity -- or radioactivity -- serves as a reflector-shield against Umbra Huntress' powers?"
Armsmaster: "High-percentage certainty."
Director Piggot: "Alright, now what about the opposite, how hurt would Umbra Huntress be if she tries to shadow through Dragalier?"
Armsmaster: "According to Umbra Huntress' own words and the one sample test we could perform... very hurt."
Director Piggot: "And for what reason should I allow a Probationary Ward to risk accidental death?"
Armsmaster: "Theory: If Umbra Huntress experiences a high enough energy level as to be fatal, then similar to the reactions of her Shadow Objects, she will bounce off instead of ghosting through. So she will most likely be a near-death state rather than be actually dead."
Director Piggot: (💥🔫) "Anybody else?"
Assault: "So they've got beef with each other, right? Might as well let them have this. Otherwise, they might spar where we can't see them."
Director Piggot: 😠
Miss Militia: "Is Umbra Huntress' helmet not designed to detect energies that are dangerous to her?"
Armshot: "In a city, that would primarily be electricity and fire -- not nuclear. We should adjust it to detect all energies beyond a certain threshold that are harmful to her."
Assault: "We can let Hunt just try to shadow through one of Draga's limb? It's gonna hurt like a bitch. But even Hunt won't be stupid enough to try again after that, right?"
Director Piggot: "Are you saying I should allow a Ward to intentionally hurt herself?"
Assault: "Well, pain's the best teacher, wouldn't you say so, Big Boss?"
Big Boss Piggot: (💥🔫) "I hate that I agree with you."

Assaulted: "By the way, how does that work?"
Battery: "How does what work?"
Assaulted: "Turning into a shadow but being weak to electricity. Like, her helmet is one fancy gizmo, ain't it? Wouldn't she just shock herself instantly?"
Velocity: "Breaker Powers include our clothes, of course. Otherwise we'd be naked every time we used our powers. Besides, the human body does naturally generate its own small electrical currents, among other energies. So her powers is just weak to outside energies, I suppose."
Challenger: "I mean, in canon, Shadow Stalker carried around cellphone and communicators, right?"
Director Piggot: (💥🔫) "How dare you speak about canon."

Armsmaster: "Hey, Umbra Huntress. I heard about your upcoming spar. Do not use your powers to move through Dragalier. Also, as a reminder, you are restricted from using shadow-bolts and shooting people with it."
Umbra Huntress: "Yeah, whatever."
Armsmaster: "After your spar, go also visit the medical office. They will be expecting you (and by that I mean Panacea who I have booked for this morning)."
Umbra Huntress: "Yeah, whatev-- No, actually, why? Think I'm going to get hurt or some shit?"
Armsmaster: "(🚨☢☢☢🚨) ...For no particular reason. That's an order."
Umbra Huntress: "Yeah, whatever, sir."
Armsmaster: "I repeat, don't do these things."
Umbra Huntress: "Later, Tin Man."
Armsmaster: 😐

📱Phonemaster: "Dragalier, this is Armsmaster. For your spar today, only target Umbra Huntress' limbs, do not ever aim or hit her torso or head. Keep her at arm's distance, so that if she does try to shadow through you, then she'll only move past your own limbs."
📱Tayzilla: "Uh, hey, good morning to you, Armsmaster. That's oddly specific."
📱Phonemaster: "...There may be undesirable power interactions between you and her. Deadly for Umbra Huntress. Very deadly."
📱Tayzilla: "I'll, uh, keep that in mind."
Sophia: Okay, first question is why is the combat ring full of scale model buildings and tiny remote control tanks?

Clockblocker: It sets the tone.

Sophia: Uhuh, tone. So why are you putting me into a gorilla suit?

Aegis: It isn't a gorilla suit. That is Tinker tech hand to hand combat armor from a guy in Europe, Kong. He wants to know if it stands up to Taylor, and we want the fight to last more than thirty seconds.

Vista: And these aren't tanks, they simulate gang hand weapons in the environment.

Miss Militia from the upper deck: Fight fair or I get to tag the rule breaker. Taser rounds for you and frozen paintballs for Taylor.

Taylor: And how is that a problem for me?

Militia: Your debut is in an hour and these are pink and silver sparkles. If you debut like that, marketing makes you wear it that way for as long as the action figures sell. Ask Vista about her pigtails...

Taylor: You fiends!

Mouse Protector (Poof): I brought the popcorn! Let this epic battle commence!!
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Sophia: Okay, first question is why is the combat ring full of scale model buildings and tiny remote control tanks?

Clockblocker: It sets the tone.

Sophia: Uhuh, tone. So why are you putting me into a gorilla suit?

Aegis: It isn't a gorilla suit. That is Tinket tech hand to hand combat armor from a guy in Europe, Kong. He wants to know if it stands up to Taylor, and we want the fight to last more than thirty seconds.

Vista: And these aren't tanks, they simulate gang hand weapons in the environment.

Miss Militia from the upper deck: Fight fair or I get to tag the rule breaker. Taser rounds for you and frozen paintballs for Taylor.

Taylor: And how is that a problem for me?

Militia: Your debut is in an hour and these are pink and silver sparkles. If you debut like that, marketing makes you wear it that way for as long as the action figures sell. Ask Vista about her pigtails...

Taylor: You fiends!

Mouse Protector (Poof): I brought the popcorn! Let this epic battle commence!!
I found this post to be painfully funny. A magnificent script.
Although I do detect slight traces of upcoming Godzilla V Kong movie.

Side note: I think that the only thing would add be paper mâché terrain surrounding the model city.